
  • Q-Post #434

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    #434 at 2017-12-22 16:26:05 (UTC+1)

    Patriot, your country needs you.
    You are not alone.
    God is LOVE.
    2018 will be GLORIOUS!
    God bless,
    Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet
    RESPONDING TO: >>148751 https://8ch.net/cbts/res/148453.html#q148751 https://archive.fo/QsS49#selection-20387.0-20393.0

    12/22/17 (Fri) 11:13:31 40e61e
    https://twitter.com/EricHolder/status/1060263157262893056 Imagine if the new acting AG now releases all previously 'blocked' doc requests by the House (including the [RR] secondary CLAS scope doc). Stealth Bombers fly undetected. The 'Red Line' months old 4am narrative should be updated. Pain coming. ARCHIVE ERIC HOLDER TWEET: http://archive.fo/tkGci TEXT - Anyone who attempts to interfere with or obstruct the Mueller inquiry must be held accountable. This is a red line. We are a nation of laws and norms not subject to the self interested actions of one man