Q-Post #4164
previous Post share: next Post #4164 at 2020-05-09 06:22:53 (UTC+1)
What Farm born assets elected to Congress?
What Farm born assets are attempting to get elected to Congress?
What is the primary party to which they serve?
How do you control your own budget?
How do you control agency regs?
How do you control your own destiny?
Loss of control?
Define 'Shadow Government'.
Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet What Farm born assets elected to Congress? What Farm born assets are attempting to get elected to Congress? What is the primary party to which they serve? [D] How do you control your own budget? How do you control agency regs? How do you control your own destiny? https://www.cia.gov/news-information/featured-story-archive/2018-featured-story-archive/george-h-w-bush2014the-11th-director-of-central-intelligence.html📠Loss of control? Define 'Shadow Government'. CIA: George H.W. Bush—the 11th Director of Central Intelligence https://archive.fo/ry35b
SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/w3SQqsRM