
  • Q-Post #3900

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    #3900 at 2020-03-26 17:07:19 (UTC+1)

    2382.Misprision of treason.
    2383.Rebellion or insurrection.
    2384.Seditious conspiracy.
    2385.Advocating overthrow of Government.
    2386.Registration of certain organizations.
    2387.Activities affecting armed forces generally.
    2388.Activities affecting armed forces during war.
    2389.Recruiting for service against United States.
    2390.Enlistment to serve against United States.
    Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet
    https://www.nytimes.com/1863/09/16/archives/presidents-proclamation-the-habeas-corpus-suspended-throughout-the.html 2381.Treason. 2382.Misprision of treason. 2383.Rebellion or insurrection. 2384.Seditious conspiracy. 2385.Advocating overthrow of Government. 2386.Registration of certain organizations. 2387.Activities affecting armed forces generally. 2388.Activities affecting armed forces during war. 2389.Recruiting for service against United States. 2390.Enlistment to serve against United States. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter115&edition=prelim [DEPT OF JUSTICE SEAL ON WOOD BACKGROUND] filename: 90.jpg NY TIMES: PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION.; The Habeas Corpus Suspended Throughout the United States in Certain Specified Cases. By the President of the United States,A Proclamation. Sept. 16, 1863 https://archive.fo/bMPbb US CODE: 18 USC Ch. 115: TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES From Title 18—CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDUREPART I—CRIMES CHAPTER 115—TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES https://archive.fo/pGBXm

    original image: https://media.8kun.top/file_store/1ffd0a96aaaf1a24cebbf0be49d6fae53fd8581d20d9b335616a8ec0f9ad55bf.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/vcT7Vrtc SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/21B4HCJY