
  • Q-Post #140

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    #140 at 2017-11-12 04:33:51 (UTC+1)

    Wealth (over generations) buys power.
    Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.
    More wealth/control buys countries and its people.
    Families combined (TRI) = NWO.
    Inner TRI families will collapse.
    What is the keystone?
    What Nation dominates all others?
    What Nation has influence over most others?
    What is the keystone?
    Return to SA.
    Strings cut (+++).
    Puppets (+++) in shadows.
    Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers.
    Power brokers are also labeled as the puppets/servants.
    What is the New World Order?
    Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA?
    What does this mean culturally?
    Why is this relevant?
    What occurred in SA?
    How did POTUS remove one side of the pyramid?
    What did POTUS receive while visiting China?
    Where did POTUS dine?
    What is the significance?
    What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?
    Who controls NK?
    Who really controls NK?
    Who controls several agencies within the US, EU, and abroad?
    Why is No Such Agency so vital?
    Enormous scale of events currently ongoing.
    Why is Russia helping to kill ISIS?
    This is not easy to accept nor believe.
    Crumbs make bread.
    Operations active.
    Joint missions underway.
    The world is fighting back.
    Refer back to graphic.
    The Great Awakening.
    Snow White.
    Iron Eagle.
    Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).
    Answers & Decodings - source: spreadheet
    Wealth (over generations) buys power. Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control. More wealth/control buys countries and its people. Families combined (TRI) = NWO. Inner TRI families will collapse Saudi Arabia Rothchild Soros SA - provides a way of undisclosed influence over individuals, the source of all financial persuasion. When the clean up of SA occurred the majority of the TRIs slush funds went with it. SA’s job is to bribe, fund and stay relatively behind the scenes. SA = Controls people in governments Rothchild - provides a way of influence over matters of national finance (all the central banks). They are able to control and manipulate national finances to their favour via “legitimised avenues” such as stocks, property investments etc. While these avenues generate massive wealth they are also fairly well documented hence the need for a “cash flow” partner in SA. Rothchilds have also worked their way into some extremely influential positions to be able to manipulate things to their benefit. They own the newswires Associated Press (AP), Thomson-Reuters as well as publications like The Economist. This is the way they can set and control the narrative. Rothchild = Influence + manipulation (information/narrative) Soros - influences mainstream media. It’s no good having the power to control and manipulate national finances unless you have a way of voicing your agendas. Soros is reported to have connections to over 30 MSM outlets. Soros = Control of information Soros - also influences people through organizations (Open Society) which is a clearinghouse for subversive organizations that works with others like National Endowment for Democracy and other CIA fronts. Through these, infiltration into academia and other areas of society can exert and enormous influence over the public and social trends. The "color revolutions" where the same flyers were passed out in different countries are an example of this influence. Overthrow governments for the central families (TRI - the cabal) via CIA and using social media to guide the public. Soros = Control of mass movements of people/social trends

    SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/cKx29JrK
    What is the keystone? The "Keystone" holds everything together. Clarified later by Q: Key = NSA/MI information Stone = POTUS/MIL + patriots Keystone = information + authority & authority to use military force + Patriotic people

    Q clarifies later (12/05/17) >>38467 q# 2096 Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info) Key = Adm Rogers / No Such Agency (Wizards & Warlocks) q# 2097 Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info US Military and POTUS = force q# 2098 Key+Stone= "Information + force Or one has all the info NSA and Potus/Military protect it."
    What is the keystone? Q clarifies (12/05/17) >>38467 q# 2096 Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info) Key = Adm Rogers / No Such Agency (Wizards & Warlocks) q# 2097 Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info US Military and POTUS = force q# 2098 Key+Stone= "Information + force Or one has all the info NSA and Potus/Military protect it."

    ALSO SEE: 12/05/17 >>38507 q# 2099-2100
    What is the New World Order? The post WW2 hierarchy in international politics: one government, one currency, one religion.
    Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA? Bonding between world leader and national leader.
    What does this mean culturally? Two warriors did a ceremonial dance, traditionally done before a war or battle

    The term 'ardah' is thought to derive from the Arabic verb ard meaning 'to show' or 'to parade'. It was so named because its purpose was to publicly display the fighting strength of a tribe and boost morale before an armed engagement. Although there are regional variations of the particular rendition of ardah, the purpose it serves is nearly identical throughout the Arabian Peninsula.
    Why is this relevant? KSA and the US are on the same side of this war against bad actors on an international scale.
    What occurred in SA? Removed the strings connecting the puppets.

    Corrupt persons, government officials, royal family members and media have been arrested.
    How did POTUS remove one side of the pyramid? Removed their access to their money

    By siding with the least evil Royal group, offering them support and power (alliance) and playing them against other family groups.
    Where did POTUS dine? The Forbidden City, the Emperor's palace

    What is the significance? It has never before happened in modern Chinese history. It is an honor unparalleled.
    What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO? Force multiplier, joint forces, multiple simultaneous operations = more effective
    Why is No Such Agency so vital? The NSA is a military intelligence agency, it does not fall under the other intelligence branches

    NSA part of MI via INSCOM, bigger than CIA, and sees everything, making them an important POTUS tool. NSA = More tilted towards nationalism CIA = More tilted towards globalism See No Such Agency card from the Illuminati card game:
    Enormous scale of events currently ongoing. The foreign heads of state who care for Trump were tired of living in a house without a foundation, so to say. They didn’t want to live under the thumb of omnipotent tyranny from plutocratic oligarchs. Think “Revolution,” globally. Except, instead of fighting for independence from the British Empire, it’s about sovereignty, preservation of boarders, reestablishing the sovereign currency, away from ME petrodollar, restoring integrity in the US political process. Above all, China might be financially secure presently, but even they knew and know it was predicated on receiving something with value, and sustained inflation of the dollar would render collection null and void.
    Why is Russia helping to kill ISIS? Because the border with the Middle East affects them. Prince Bandar (aka Bandar Bush due to close affiliation with George W) directed Islamic jihadi terrorism towards Russia and there were multiple terrorist attacks resulting. It is in Russia's national interest to ensure a level of stability in the Middle East both sociologically and with regard to oil.

    Securing Russian presence in Middle East: - Tartous warm-water port gives direct access to the Mediterranean. - Port is Sryian territory, Russia must ensure stability in Syria to keep this access.
    This is not easy to accept nor believe. Crumbs make bread. Operations active. Joint missions underway. The world is fighting back. Refer back to graphic. The Great Awakening. Snow White. Iron Eagle. Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA). Jason Bourne (Dream/CIA) - Movie. Jason Bourne is a CIA sleeper agent/assassin. CIA wants to use social media giant Deep Dream (FB/Twitter?) for real-time mass surveillance alongside the latest incarnation of the CIA's targeted assassination program. -Funding terror groups as a way maintain and justify your agenda if you’re in a position that requires ever more invasive powers

    "Spy Vs. Spy CIA Directorate of Operations code-named Snow White. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2000-01-13/features/0001130129_1_central-intelligence-agency-headquarters-cia-super-secret https://archive.fo/yCwf9"
    SUMMARY Wealth over generations buys power. Power over generations buys more wealth/control. More wealth/control buys countries and its people. These three families combined = NWO. Teh families will collapse. Look at the keystone. One Nation dominates all others. One Nation has influence over most others. Look at the keystone. Return to Saudi Arabia. Strings are cut (+++) and the puppets (+++) are in shadows. Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers. Power brokers are also puppets/servants. Look at the New World Order. POTUS received a sword dance when visiting Saudi Arabia. This means something culturally - war. What occurred in Saudi Arabia? POTUS removed one side of the pyramid. What did POTUS receive while visiting China. Where did POTUS dine? China, Russia, and others are coordinating with POTUS to eliminate the NWO. Someone really controls North Korea. Someone controls several agencies within the US, EU, and abroad. The NSA is so vital. An enormous scale of events are currently ongoing. Russia is helping to kill ISIS. Joint missions are underway. The world is fighting back. The Great Awakening. Snow White. Iron Eagle. Jason Bourne (2016)(Dream/CIA).
    https://twitter.com/billmaher/status/1028147514719924225 Do you remember their names? We do. Do you really believe you are still safe? Protected? The World is WATCHING. BILL MAHER TWEET ARCHIVE: https://archive.fo/MILBk text: I, Q, need your help to "Make America Great Again!" Keep posting your memes. Keep believing everything Trump tells you. And, above all, on Tuesday, November 6, stay at home. #WeAreQ #IAmQ #MAGA #QAnon