8chan/8kun QResearch Posts (18,304)
#15440036 at 2022-01-23 02:34:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19530: Jim Was Here Last Bread Edition
>>15438099 US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at wuhan Institute of Virology
>>15438057 The woke left actually believes George Floyd was Satan.
>>15438030 You are watching a movie
>>15437937 Is @Snowden getting nervous?
>>15437931, >>15438079 BO/BVs How about unbanning the IPs that did nothing wrong? → They are working on it
>>15437928 Candace Owens needs no introduction. Here's her piece on the CIA protecting pedophiles.
>>15437910 In the middle of a supply chain crisis, Biden is banning unvacinated Mexican and Canadian truckers
>>15437886 Joe Manchin Just Defused Build Back Bankrupt's Catastrophic Inflation Bomb
>>15437866 17-year-old Sean Hartman dead after vax - father wants answers
>>15437840 More Than 300 Twitter Accounts Suspended for Promoting Philippines' Presidential Front Runner
>>15437830 Secret CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children
>>15437820 Israel Prison Services (IPS) does not allow anyone - to visit Nasser Abu Hamid
>>15437819, >>15438265 'Patriot Front' Members Yelling "Seig Heil" Real Or Staged? + Symbolism
>>15437812 CDC Finally Admits Cloth Masks Were Always Political Theater
>>15437793 71 Percent Of Americans Want More Restrictions On Abortion, Not Fewer
>>15437803 U.S. embassy personnel in Ukraine to begin evacuating the country
>>15437792 US Embassy In Ukraine Shows Off First Biden 'Lethal Aid' Shipments To Arrive
>>15437779 Large protest against vaccine passports in central Stockholm
>>15437756 In 2017, Officer Miosotis Familia was ambushed by a gunman as she wrote in a notebook
>>15438665 #19527
#15440030 at 2022-01-23 02:33:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19530: Jim Was Here Last Bread Edition
>>15424058 Message from new BO
>>15379066 Invisible bumplocks removed
>>15423221 Catalog expanded from 15 to 25 pages
>>15418247, >>15418341 Globals added for board announcement
>>15366265, >>15366956, >>15376736, >>15419980 Catalog cleanup underway
>>15423443 BAKERS: Triple CHECK #'s after baking (no editing possible)
>>15423551 Some bans removed, more to come
>>15423725 OSS is banned from baking; treat his notes like suggestions
>>15437590 Commercial spam is currently being deleted by Yoga Pig (Jim Watkins)
>>15439348 Papi - Australia knows it's Freedom Fiesta Weekend!
>>15439392 Papi - Even the left is done with the fake pandemic narrative
>>15439422 Papi needs his 3rd ring
>>15439443 18th Airborne - January 21 1954 - the first atomic submarine, the USS Nautilus, was launched into the Thames River in Groton, Connecticut.
>>15439449 Ivermectin's potential to treat COVID gets a serious look in Duke University study
>>15439455 Every Covid policy was wrong in the past couple of years
>>15439468, >>15439749 Stephen Miller - Unless and until big media is decapitated there will be no progress our country or the world
>>15439473 Over 29 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in Ukraine since it launched the vaccination program
>>15439476 White House Press Secretary Slips and Says Who She's Really Reporting To and It's Not Biden
>>15439496 Truck convoys enroute to Ottawa mandate protest
>>15439498 The #ColoradoFire burns above the Bixby Bridge as dawn breaks in Big Sur
>>15439501 Heels Up Harris Says One of Her "Expectations" This Year is Mass Amnesty For Millions of Illegal Aliens
>>15439504 The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) with support from USAID delivered 14 ultra-low temperature freezers for storage of Pfizer vaccines to Ukraine?
>>15439515 Ukraine Govt says it will have enough COVID-19 vaccines for full vaccination course and booster doses
>>15439523, >>15439533 Stafford County, VA to suspend Students beginning Monday who do not wear masks.
>>15439532 FDNY Commissioner Daniel Nigro to step down after 53 years with department
>>15439544 DC Prison Warden Throws J-6ers into Lockdown and Isolation Without Warning
>>15439550, >>15439587 The number of new coronavirus infections in Ukraine has more than doubled over the past three days
>>15439551 'Russia Secretly Plotting Regime Change In Ukraine': UK Govt Issues Astounding Charge
>>15439573 Wife Stands Off With Hospital to Keep Her Husband Alive, and Wins
>>15439592 Potato approves $200 mn aid for Ukraine under Emergency Powers: Report
>>15439619 Jacinda Ardern DELAYS her wedding as she puts New Zealand on Covid RED ALERT and brings back harsh restrictions
>>15439660 'Smart' Gun Mocked After Demonstration Fail
>>15439663 Russian Foreign Ministry Blasts 'Nonsense' UK Claims That Moscow Sought Puppet Gov in Ukraine
>>15439666 German navy chief resigns over Crimea & Putin comments
>>15439685 The Hundredth Monkey Effect is the spontaneous transference of knowledge throughout a species
>>15439797 Investigators Reveal Cult, Murder, and Spies Around Photos of 'Chinese Troops' in Canada
>>15439801 Dr Vernon Coleman: The Wake up Video - Uncensored Premiere
>>15439877 Orange Book Bad! - The Orange Book is a compendium of significant unimplemented, nonmonetary recommendations for improving departmental operations.
>>15439919 Steve Bannon, has accused Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) of being one of five "scumbag" GOP "traitors" to the MAGA movement who secretly support President Biden
>>15439963 wuhan Collaborators 'EcoHealth' Just Received One Their Largest EVER Grants, From Joe Biden's Government
>>15439990 James O'Keefe on Being RAIDED by the FBI; A Complete Violation! | Part 1 | Huckabee
>>15440010 #19529
#15440010 at 2022-01-23 02:31:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19529: He Who Dares Not Offend Cannot Be Honest Edition
>>15439252 Dough
#19529 FINAL
>>15439348 Papi - Australia knows it's Freedom Fiesta Weekend!
>>15439392 Papi - Even the left is done with the fake pandemic narrative
>>15439422 Papi needs his 3rd ring
>>15439443 18th Airborne - January 21 1954 - the first atomic submarine, the USS Nautilus, was launched into the Thames River in Groton, Connecticut.
>>15439449 Ivermectin's potential to treat COVID gets a serious look in Duke University study
>>15439455 Every Covid policy was wrong in the past couple of years
>>15439468, >>15439749 Stephen Miller - Unless and until big media is decapitated there will be no progress our country or the world
>>15439473 Over 29 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in Ukraine since it launched the vaccination program
>>15439476 White House Press Secretary Slips and Says Who She's Really Reporting To and It's Not Biden
>>15439496 Truck convoys enroute to Ottawa mandate protest
>>15439498 The #ColoradoFire burns above the Bixby Bridge as dawn breaks in Big Sur
>>15439501 Heels Up Harris Says One of Her "Expectations" This Year is Mass Amnesty For Millions of Illegal Aliens
>>15439504 The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) with support from USAID delivered 14 ultra-low temperature freezers for storage of Pfizer vaccines to Ukraine?
>>15439515 Ukraine Govt says it will have enough COVID-19 vaccines for full vaccination course and booster doses
>>15439523, >>15439533 Stafford County, VA to suspend Students beginning Monday who do not wear masks.
>>15439532 FDNY Commissioner Daniel Nigro to step down after 53 years with department
>>15439544 DC Prison Warden Throws J-6ers into Lockdown and Isolation Without Warning
>>15439550, >>15439587 The number of new coronavirus infections in Ukraine has more than doubled over the past three days
>>15439551 'Russia Secretly Plotting Regime Change In Ukraine': UK Govt Issues Astounding Charge
>>15439573 Wife Stands Off With Hospital to Keep Her Husband Alive, and Wins
>>15439592 Potato approves $200 mn aid for Ukraine under Emergency Powers: Report
>>15439619 Jacinda Ardern DELAYS her wedding as she puts New Zealand on Covid RED ALERT and brings back harsh restrictions
>>15439660 'Smart' Gun Mocked After Demonstration Fail
>>15439663 Russian Foreign Ministry Blasts 'Nonsense' UK Claims That Moscow Sought Puppet Gov in Ukraine
>>15439666 German navy chief resigns over Crimea & Putin comments
>>15439685 The Hundredth Monkey Effect is the spontaneous transference of knowledge throughout a species
>>15439797 Investigators Reveal Cult, Murder, and Spies Around Photos of 'Chinese Troops' in Canada
>>15439801 Dr Vernon Coleman: The Wake up Video - Uncensored Premiere
>>15439877 Orange Book Bad! - The Orange Book is a compendium of significant unimplemented, nonmonetary recommendations for improving departmental operations.
>>15439919 Steve Bannon, has accused Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) of being one of five "scumbag" GOP "traitors" to the MAGA movement who secretly support President Biden
>>15439963 wuhan Collaborators 'EcoHealth' Just Received One Their Largest EVER Grants, From Joe Biden's Government
>>15439990 James O'Keefe on Being RAIDED by the FBI; A Complete Violation! | Part 1 | Huckabee
#15439963 at 2022-01-23 02:25:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19529: He Who Dares Not Offend Cannot Be Honest Edition
wuhan Collaborators 'EcoHealth' Just Received One Their Largest EVER Grants, From Joe Biden's Government.
Instead of scrutiny, wuhan collaborators close to Anthony Fauci are getting a pay off. Why, and why now?
EcoHealth Alliance - an American nonprofit that collaborated with the wuhan Institute of Virology on manipulating bat coronaviruses resembling COVID-19 - has received one of its largest ever grants from Joe Biden's White House.
Led by the disgraced Peter Daszak - a long-time Anthony Fauci ally - EcoHealth's new Biden-era grant began on October 26th, 2021. It came less than one week after the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) admitted the group engaged in gain-of-function research alongside the wuhan lab, failing to report its findings "as was required by the terms of the grant."
Gain-of-function research entails increasing the lethality, virulence, and transmissibility of a pathogen, which deleted webpages from the wuhan Institute of Virology's website reveal the lab was engaged in alongside EcoHealth Alliance.
As Dr. Richard Ebright, Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University, explained the October 20th letter:
NIH corrects untruthful assertions by NIH Director Collins and NIAID Director Fauci that NIH had not funded gain-of-function research in wuhan.
The Biden grant will furnish Daszak with a new $4.7m of U.S. taxpayer cash until 2026.
"USAID CWA is to conserve threatened and endangered species by strengthening protected areas and helping communities be less reliant on protected resources for their livelihoods," notes the grant's description.
The cash represents the largest sum EcoHealth Alliance has ever received from USAID, with the next largest totaling less than $2 million. The Biden-backed $4.7 million grant is also the third-largest grant the group has ever received from a federal agency.
In addition to EcoHealth Alliance's lies about its involvement in gain-of-function research with the wuhan Institute of Virology, the group's president Peter Daszak has spearheaded efforts to quash the narrative that COVID-19 had lab origins, in lock-step with the Chinese Communist Party and its propaganda mouthpieces.
Following National Pulse expos?s revealing Daszak's extensive conflicts of interests, he was recused from the Lancet medical journal's COVID-19 origins commission.
#15439470 at 2022-01-23 01:15:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19529: He Who Dares Not Offend Cannot Be Honest Edition
We the people are tired of the congressional political theater and nothing being done.
Resignations!!! Wait until after the Midterm elections!!!
Forget it, we want them arrested, charged and prosecuted for TREASON, PREMEDITATED MASS MURDER, CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING/PEDOPHILES, ELECTION FRAUD, etc. NOW!!!
Republican /Rino congress have had access to and been sitting on the evidence to convict Tony Fauci, Barack Obama giving the necessary basics and funding to Communist China's Military Bioweapons Lab in wuhan, to produce bioweapons. (1500 viruses & pathogens still remain at that lab). Along with Former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Peter Daszak president of EcoHealth Alliance.
Same goes for sexual predator….Bill Clinton 26 timer on Epstein's "Lolita Pedo Express" is just as guilty as Epstein and Maxwell…when is Bill Clinton's Arrest, Charges brought, Prosecution/Trial???
Has any major US Politician, head of an Fed. Agency, Director or CEO of any Organization like the CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma gone to prison yet? Arrested, charged and prosecuted?
NO, only the same status quo!
Has there been any significant changes in voting legislation such as voter ID, major audits or in the courts dealing with the across the country mass election fraud of 2020?
Nothing has changed regarding the abundant, rampant voter fraud of 2020 to restore any faith what so ever in our elections for the up coming midterms in 2022.
NO, only the same status quo!
Spine-less, brain-less & ball-less US House & Senate Republican/Rino cowards!
No wonder the corruption at the federal level has continued, this long.
#15439429 at 2022-01-23 01:08:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19529: He Who Dares Not Offend Cannot Be Honest Edition
Arrest, charge and prosecute these bastards for Treason, Election Fraud and Premeditated Mass Murder for profit....
Anthony Fauci
Bill Gates
George Soros
Moderna/CEO-St?phane Bancel
Pfizer/CEO-Albert Bourla
Johnson & Johnson/CEO-Alex Gorsky
EcoHealth Alliance Pres.- Peter Daszak
Former NIH Director-Francis Collins
St?phane Bancel is a French billionaire businessman. He is the chief executive officer of the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company Moderna, known for its COVID-19 vaccine. Before joining Moderna,
Albert Bourla
Albert Bourla is a Greek-American veterinarian and the chairman and chief executive officer of Pfizer, an American pharmaceutical company. He joined the company in 1993 and has held several executive roles across Pfizer's divisions
Johnson & Johnson/CEO
Alex Gorsky
Alex Gorsky is chairman and CEO of Johnson & Johnson, and chairman of the executive committee, the company's senior leadership team. He is the seventh person to serve as chair and CEO of Johnson & Johnson since it became a publicly traded company in 1944
President Peter Daszak EcoHealth Alliance Boasts About Manipulation Of Killer SARs Like Virus In wuhan
Former NIH Director Francis Collins
#15439352 at 2022-01-23 00:53:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19529: He Who Dares Not Offend Cannot Be Honest Edition
Arrest, charge and prosecute these bastards for Treason, Election Fraud and Premeditated Mass Murder for profit….
Anthony Fauci
Bill Gates
George Soros
St?phane Bancel
St?phane Bancel is a French billionaire businessman. He is the chief executive officer of the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company Moderna, known for its COVID-19 vaccine. Before joining Moderna,
Albert Bourla
Albert Bourla is a Greek-American veterinarian and the chairman and chief executive officer of Pfizer, an American pharmaceutical company. He joined the company in 1993 and has held several executive roles across Pfizer's divisions
Johnson & Johnson/CEO
Alex Gorsky
Alex Gorsky is chairman and CEO of Johnson & Johnson, and chairman of the executive committee, the company's senior leadership team. He is the seventh person to serve as chair and CEO of Johnson & Johnson since it became a publicly traded company in 1944
President Peter Daszak EcoHealth Alliance Boasts About Manipulation Of Killer SARs Like Virus In wuhan
Former NIH Director Francis Collins
#15439322 at 2022-01-23 00:46:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19528: Saturday Morning Ebake 2nd Edition
Arrest, charge and prosecute this bastard for Treason, Election Fraud and Premeditated Mass Murder for profit
Peter Daszak President of Eco Health Alliance Boasts About Manipulation Of Killer SARs Like Virus In wuhan
Peter 'Show Me the Money' Daszak Pulls in Big Bucks, through EcoHealth Alliance
#15439242 at 2022-01-23 00:29:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19529: He Who Dares Not Offend Cannot Be Honest Edition
>>15438099 US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at wuhan Institute of Virology
>>15438057 The woke left actually believes George Floyd was Satan.
>>15438030 You are watching a movie
>>15437937 Is @Snowden getting nervous?
>>15437931, >>15438079 BO/BVs How about unbanning the IPs that did nothing wrong? → They are working on it
>>15437928 Candace Owens needs no introduction. Here's her piece on the CIA protecting pedophiles.
>>15437910 In the middle of a supply chain crisis, Biden is banning unvacinated Mexican and Canadian truckers
>>15437886 Joe Manchin Just Defused Build Back Bankrupt's Catastrophic Inflation Bomb
>>15437866 17-year-old Sean Hartman dead after vax - father wants answers
>>15437840 More Than 300 Twitter Accounts Suspended for Promoting Philippines' Presidential Front Runner
>>15437830 Secret CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children
>>15437820 Israel Prison Services (IPS) does not allow anyone - to visit Nasser Abu Hamid
>>15437819, >>15438265 'Patriot Front' Members Yelling "Seig Heil" Real Or Staged? + Symbolism
>>15437812 CDC Finally Admits Cloth Masks Were Always Political Theater
>>15437793 71 Percent Of Americans Want More Restrictions On Abortion, Not Fewer
>>15437803 U.S. embassy personnel in Ukraine to begin evacuating the country
>>15437792 US Embassy In Ukraine Shows Off First Biden 'Lethal Aid' Shipments To Arrive
>>15437779 Large protest against vaccine passports in central Stockholm
>>15437756 In 2017, Officer Miosotis Familia was ambushed by a gunman as she wrote in a notebook
>>15438665 #19527
#15438665 at 2022-01-22 22:44:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19528: Saturday Morning Ebake 2nd Edition
Posted in #19528
>>15438099 US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at wuhan Institute of Virology
>>15438057 The woke left actually believes George Floyd was Satan.
>>15438030 You are watching a movie
>>15437937 Is @Snowden getting nervous?
>>15437931, >>15438079 BO/BVs How about unbanning the IPs that did nothing wrong? → They are working on it
>>15437928 Candace Owens needs no introduction. Here's her piece on the CIA protecting pedophiles.
>>15437910 In the middle of a supply chain crisis, Biden is banning unvacinated Mexican and Canadian truckers
>>15437886 Joe Manchin Just Defused Build Back Bankrupt's Catastrophic Inflation Bomb
>>15437866 17-year-old Sean Hartman dead after vax - father wants answers
>>15437840 More Than 300 Twitter Accounts Suspended for Promoting Philippines' Presidential Front Runner
>>15437830 Secret CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children
>>15437820 Israel Prison Services (IPS) does not allow anyone - to visit Nasser Abu Hamid
>>15437819, >>15438265 'Patriot Front' Members Yelling "Seig Heil" Real Or Staged? + Symbolism
>>15437812 CDC Finally Admits Cloth Masks Were Always Political Theater
>>15437793 71 Percent Of Americans Want More Restrictions On Abortion, Not Fewer
>>15437803 U.S. embassy personnel in Ukraine to begin evacuating the country
>>15437792 US Embassy In Ukraine Shows Off First Biden 'Lethal Aid' Shipments To Arrive
>>15437779 Large protest against vaccine passports in central Stockholm
>>15437756 In 2017, Officer Miosotis Familia was ambushed by a gunman as she wrote in a notebook
#15438099 at 2022-01-22 21:04:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19527: Jesus Saves Jesus Saves Edition
UPDATE: US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at wuhan Institute of Virology
#15437233 at 2022-01-22 18:36:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research #19526: Kekrandir, the Green Pilgrim Edition
wuhan Collaborators 'EcoHealth' Just Received One Their Largest EVER Grants, From Joe Biden's Government.
Instead of scrutiny, wuhan collaborators close to Anthony Fauci are getting a pay off. Why, and why now?
EcoHealth Alliance - an American nonprofit that collaborated with the wuhan Institute of Virology on manipulating bat coronaviruses resembling COVID-19 - has received one of its largest ever grants from Joe Biden's White House.
Led by the disgraced Peter Daszak - a long-time Anthony Fauci ally - EcoHealth's new Biden-era grant began on October 26th, 2021. It came less than one week after the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) admitted the group engaged in gain-of-function research alongside the wuhan lab, failing to report its findings "as was required by the terms of the grant."
Gain-of-function research entails increasing the lethality, virulence, and transmissibility of a pathogen, which deleted webpages from the wuhan Institute of Virology's website reveal the lab was engaged in alongside EcoHealth Alliance.
As Dr. Richard Ebright, Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University, explained the October 20th letter:
NIH corrects untruthful assertions by NIH Director Collins and NIAID Director Fauci that NIH had not funded gain-of-function research in wuhan.
The Biden grant will furnish Daszak with a new $4.7m of U.S. taxpayer cash until 2026.
"USAID CWA is to conserve threatened and endangered species by strengthening protected areas and helping communities be less reliant on protected resources for their livelihoods," notes the grant's description.
The cash represents the largest sum EcoHealth Alliance has ever received from USAID, with the next largest totaling less than $2 million. The Biden-backed $4.7 million grant is also the third-largest grant the group has ever received from a federal agency.
In addition to EcoHealth Alliance's lies about its involvement in gain-of-function research with the wuhan Institute of Virology, the group's president Peter Daszak has spearheaded efforts to quash the narrative that COVID-19 had lab origins, in lock-step with the Chinese Communist Party and its propaganda mouthpieces.
Following National Pulse expos?s revealing Daszak's extensive conflicts of interests, he was recused from the Lancet medical journal's COVID-19 origins commission.
#15436885 at 2022-01-22 17:36:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19525: Saturday Morning Ebaked Edition
Important reading, and also relevant to Bari Weiss Bill Maher performance
Ultimately what matters is the Regime designated sources of information monopolize legitimacy
Jon Stewart consolidated narrative shift on wuhan
Bari Weiss did same for covid
As America Enters Year Three of COVID, The Biden Regime Struggles to Reprogram Its Pandemic-Crazed…
Mass Covid hypnosis: The ruling class left seems to have finally memed its true believers into a pattern that it can't talk them out of.
12:13 PM ? Jan 22, 2022?
#15436729 at 2022-01-22 17:04:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19525: Saturday Morning Ebaked Edition
A variant of the common cold was the PERFECT lead in to awakening the world to the fact that 'they' not only try to kill people with manufactured viruses in a lab like wuhan, but also try to kill people WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS.
There may be more 'interim' stages like 'conventional' weaponry and mass abortions, but if the world can be awakened to the fact that they are being hunted by a globalist network that launches virus attacks, it will be a MUCH EASIER pill to swallow that they are also being hunted with nuclear weapons.
Enter Uranium 1.
That's why Q mentioned it years ago.
#15435253 at 2022-01-22 10:43:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19523: Night Shift Ebaked Edition
Part 3 Fauci Helped Loosen Weak Rules For Risky Virus Research
Too Many Exemptions for Such Research?
Does Fauci support the other exemptions for committee review, such as for research that involves "naturally occurring pathogens that are circulating in or have been recovered from nature, regardless of their pandemic potential"? Would this have also exempted the EcoHealth grant from review?
Does Fauci agree that "Activities associated with developing and producing vaccines, such as generation of high growth strains" should be exempt from the review as gain of function?
As Rutgers University professor of chemical biology Richard H. Ebright told the Daily Caller News Foundation, referring to the exemptions in the review framework, NIAID and the NIH have "systematically thwarted - indeed systematically nullified - the HHS P3CO Framework by declining to flag and forward proposals for review."
When Did Fauci Know About Lax Lab Security?
Also, when and how did Fauci learn of security concerns at the wuhan Institute of Virology? Fauci's agency had its own official in Beijing who had visited the wuhan lab in 2017.
Dr. Ping Chen, the director of the NIAID office in China located in the U.S. embassy in Beijing, "visited the WIV [wuhan Institute of Virology] in 2017 and co-wrote one of the 2018 State Department cables from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing on the WIV that highlighted concerns there" about lab security, according to House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans.
Whom at NIAID was notified of Chen's warning and how did such persons follow up? How does Fauci believe the research grant approval process needs to be improved so U.S. taxpayer money does not go to a lab with known security lapses?
Action and Legislation Addressing Gain of Function
Several bills are working their way through Congress, having passed in the House or Senate, restricting future U.S. funding toward the wuhan Institute of Virology or gain-of-function research in China or other adversarial nations. The National Defense Authorization Act, which became law in December, bans EcoHealth from receiving any Department of Defense funding for research "in China on research supported by the government of China."
Collins said in an interview in December, before he retired, that he expects current NIH policy on gain-of-function research will be revisited "in the coming months" by the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity.
NIAID and EcoHealth Alliance could not be reached for comment by publication time.
#15435248 at 2022-01-22 10:42:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19523: Night Shift Ebaked Edition
Part 2 Fauci Helped Loosen Weak Rules For Risky Virus Research
Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin has described Fauci's role in gain-of-function research thus: "The head of the entire field really is Anthony Fauci - he's the godfather of gain-of-function research as we know it," Rogin told "The Megyn Kelly Show" in April 2021. The National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Fauci currently leads had a $6 billion budget in 2021.
A good question for Fauci would be: Is "three or four" grants being forwarded to the review committee from 2017 to 2020 accurate, and is it enough? Were all approved and funded? In an exchange with Fauci, Paul stated "the committee has granted every exemption." An NIH spokesperson has said the agency doesn't discuss unfunded grant applications, which avoids providing information on rejection rates.
U.S. Grant to wuhan Slipped Through Review Process
An example of a grant the committee did not review is one that sent U.S. taxpayer money to the wuhan Institute of Virology, which is considered a possible origin of Covid-19. The NIH has said its grant to the EcoHealth Alliance for bat-based coronavirus research did not meet the definition of gain of function and thus was not submitted to the committee.
The EcoHealth grant was originally approved during the 2014-2017 "pause," before the review committee process was created. The head of EcoHealth referred in 2016 to the research as "gain of function" and the NIAID program official who oversaw the grant flagged it as possibly meeting that definition.
EcoHealth convinced NIAID its research was not gain of function in part because the virus being studied "has never been demonstrated to infect humans or cause human disease." Yet months earlier, the virus had been shown in other research to do just that. The purpose of the grant was also to study which bat viruses might easily spread to humans.
More questions for Fauci: How did NIAID determine that the EcoHealth research was not meeting their definition of gain of function? How could the possible evolution of those viruses be studied without making them more transmissible among humans, which would make them gain of function research? How well did NIH oversee the total of ten gain-of-function grants it exempted during the pause, and are any ongoing?
Fauci, Should the Government's Definition Change?
Yet more questions for Fauci: Is the government's definition of "gain of function" research too narrow? Did he and does he still support the changes made to it back in 2017?
The 2014 government definition referred to pathogens "transmissible among mammals" that might accidentally cause human infections. It was narrowed in December 2017 to cover viruses "likely capable of wide and uncontrollable spread in human populations."
If the definition had remained as the original, would the EcoHealth project have been reviewed by the committee?
#15433214 at 2022-01-22 02:34:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19521: Friday Night No Ebake Edition
"Are They Censoring Terrorists or Pedophiles?" - Aaron Rodgers Drops The Mic on Covid Censorship; Takes Shot At Biden's Legitimacy As President - "I Guess He Got 81 Million Votes"
On Thursday, Just two days before his Green Bay Packers take on the San Francisco 49ers in the NFC divisional round playoff matchup, superstar quarterback Aaron Rodgers sat down for an exclusive interview with ESPN to discuss his stellar season, but the conversation predictably shifted to become mostly about the numerous Covid controversies he's been involved in that have sent the Branch Covidien Left into repeated unhinged meltdowns over the past year.
Rodgers has been an outspoken critic of the public health regime's covid response and the arbitrary mandates throughout the pandemic. He, unlike many others, is one of the only major athletes that has spoken out against the approved narrative, pushing back more and more as the Covid hysteria continues to stick around.
On New Year's Day, Rodgers even recommended the infamous and highly-censored interview Rogan did with Dr. Robert Malone to his massive fanbase on Instagram.
"3 hours you won't regret," Rodgers wrote, sharing a link to "The Joe Rogan Experience."
With the chance to speak candidly about all of the insanity that has plagued the US since Covid was unleashed out of the wuhan lab, Rodgers did not hold back one bit during his interview with ESPN. He skewered the CDC and the Biden Administration over their handling of the virus and for repeatedly referring to the Covid outbreak as the 'pandemic of the vaccinated.'
He even took some direct shots at Biden and his legitimacy as commander in chief by mocking his trainwreck public speaking 'attempts' - hilarious.
From Rodgers' comments to ESPN:
"When the president of the United States says, 'This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,' it's because him and his constituents, which, I don't know how there are any if you watch any of his attempts at public speaking, but I guess he got 81 million votes.
But when you say stuff like that, and then you have the CDC, which, how do you even trust them, but then they come out and talk about 75% of the COVID deaths have at least four comorbidities. And you still have this fake White House set saying that this is the pandemic of the unvaccinated, that's not helping the conversation."
Rodgers also completely eviscerated the mass censorship movement that has been ramping up even more of late with a simple reminder about how - throughout the course of human history - the side that's doing the censoring and forcing people to show papers are not usually looked at as 'the correct side.'
"When in the course of human history has the side that's doing the censoring and trying to shut people up and make them show papers and marginalize a part of the community ever been [the correct side]?
We're censoring dissenting opinions? What are we trying to do? Save people from being able to determine the validity on their own or to listen and to think about things and come to their own conclusion? Freedom of speech is dangerous now if it doesn't align with the mainstream narrative? That's, I think first and foremost, what I wanted people to understand, and what people should understand is that there's censorship in this country going on right now."
#15432989 at 2022-01-22 01:59:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19520: Declass... Declass? Is There A DECLASS in Motion Edition
Scientists Who Were Instrumental to COVID-19 'Natural Origins' Narrative Received Over $50 Million in NIAID Funding in 2020-2021
Four prominent scientists who played key roles in shaping the public narrative around the origin of COVID-19 received substantial increases in grant money from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, in the subsequent two years, a review of funding data by The Epoch Times has found.
Three of these scientists-Kristian Andersen, Robert Garry, and Michael Farzan-were advisers to a teleconference organized by Fauci held on Feb. 1, 2020, in response to increasing public questions about the origin of the virus.
The scientists were also instrumental in the publication of Proximal Origin, a highly influential paper that promoted a natural origins theory for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and has been frequently cited by the government and media.
Emails released under Freedom of Information Act requests, showed that the scientists had told the senior members of Fauci's teleconference that they were 60 to 80 percent sure that COVID-19 had come out of a lab.
Notably, despite their private concerns about the origin of the virus, the first draft of Proximal Origin was completed on the same day as the teleconference. Andersen and Garry were co-authors of Proximal Origin and Farzan was acknowledged in the Nature version of Proximal Origin for his participatory discussions in the article's creation.
Additionally, Fauci's NIAID provided a substantial increase in funding to EcoHealth's Peter Daszak, through whom NIAID had funded controversial gain-of-function coronavirus research at the wuhan Institute of Virology in China.
Some of these funding amounts have continued through 2021-and one of the newest grants will continue through at least 2025.
A significant portion of the funding increase for Daszak, as well as for Andersen and Garry, was provided through NIAID's creation of the Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases (CREID).
The program, which was originally referred to as Emerging Infectious Diseases Research Centers (EIDRCs) during the early planning stages in 2019, was formally announced under a new name on Aug. 27, 2020. It is not known why the program was initially delayed or why it was renamed.
The new initiative, described as a global network that involves "multidisciplinary investigations into how and where viruses and other pathogens emerge from wildlife and spillover to cause disease in people," provided eleven new grants totaling $17 million of new funding in the first year and $82 million in total funding across five years.
#15432855 at 2022-01-22 01:30:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19520: Declass... Declass? Is There A DECLASS in Motion Edition
>>15431807 General Flynn: PB
>Family letter to URi
From this morning.
This was a swamp move
Monash whitepaper notable stems from University of Rhode Island cancelling General Flynn notable.
Turns out new president recommending the cancelling comes from Monash University. At Monash expanded connection to China and took grant money from NIH USG. Swamp is deep.
lb below
recommended replacing:
>>15428127 , >>15428105 Monash white paper on Gain of Function Research from 2013
with these, or just adding:
>>15427364 pb Gen Flynn Massive Corruption will be exposed in the next 24 Hours
>>15427995 University of Rhode Island looking to cancel Gen Flynn, doesn't cancel Fake News
>>15428087 New URI president Marc Parlange expanded CCP connections at Monash University
>>15428105 Monash - wuhan Institute of Virology collaboration
>>15428127 Monash report funded by US Government on Gain of Function research
>>15428396 NIH Grants to Monash. Professor Jian Li
#15432747 at 2022-01-22 01:10:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19520: Declass... Declass? Is There A DECLASS in Motion Edition
Ebola (manufactured in wuhan through gain of function)
The dying embers of a failed attempt to control mankind.
#15432493 at 2022-01-22 00:39:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19520: Declass... Declass? Is There A DECLASS in Motion Edition
Normally difficult to transmit, other prion diseases can spread like wildfire through entire populations.
Maybe they have it a little tweak at wuhan or somewhere else amd released it.
#15432087 at 2022-01-21 23:41:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19519: Chuck Schumer Attempt To Federalize The Elections Edition
Poor wuhan John only enough brain power to bring 1 pizza and too dumb to see they need 3 pies
#15430857 at 2022-01-21 20:26:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19518: We Have Liftoff Edition
Why are George Soros, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Francis Collins, Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Big Pharma's fake Experimental immune system destroying mRNA Vax CEO's still free?
We the people are tired of the congressional political theater and nothing being done.
Resignations!!! Wait until after the Midterm elections!!!
Forget it, we want them arrested, charged and prosecuted for TREASON, PREMEDITATED MASS MURDER, CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING/PEDOPHILES, ELECTION FRAUD, etc. NOW!!!
Republican /Rino congress have had access to and been sitting on the evidence to convict Tony Fauci, Barack Obama giving the necessary basics and funding to Communist China's Military Bioweapons Lab in wuhan, to produce bioweapons. (1500 viruses & pathogens still remain at that lab). Along with Former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Peter Daszak president of EcoHealth Alliance.
Same goes for sexual predator….Bill Clinton 26 timer on Epstein's "Lolita Pedo Express" is just as guilty as Epstein and Maxwell…when is Bill Clinton's Arrest, Charges brought, Prosecution/Trial???
Has any major US Politician, head of an Fed. Agency, Director or CEO of any Organization like the CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma gone to prison yet? Arrested, charged and prosecuted?
NO, only the same status quo!
Has there been any significant changes in voting legislation such as voter ID, major audits or in the courts dealing with the across the country mass election fraud of 2020?
Nothing has changed regarding the abundant, rampant voter fraud of 2020 to restore any faith what so ever in our elections for the up coming midterms in 2022.
NO, only the same status quo!
Spine-less, brain-less & ball-less US House & Senate Republican/Rino cowards!
No wonder the corruption at the federal level has continued, this long.
Premeditated Mass Murder for profit and no arrests!….Who authorized these Hospital Covid $$$ incentives?
We knew there were bonuses to incentivize hospitals and doctors to (1) tp use PCR test and diagnose Covid in the hospital, (2) use the death knell drug Remdezivir* instead of the often life-saving (if taken early) HCQ* or Ivermectin,* (3) put on ventilator (which damages lungs sometimes irreversibly, it has been reported),* and (4) assign Covid as cause of death in hospital.
But did you know those 4 bonuses add up to an average of $100,000 PER DEAD HOSPITALIZED patient?
"On average, she said, it has been calculated that hospitals receive a bonus of $100,000 minimum for every COVID patient who has the elements of COVID diagnosis with remdesivir and ventilator treatment before a COVID cause of death."
#15430298 at 2022-01-21 18:57:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19517: Ebake for America Edition
Just In: Criminal Complaint Filed In The Office Of The Texas Attorney General Alleges Murder and Crimes Against Humanity
A complaint has been filed in the United States of America on the 17th January 2022, at the Office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. the chief legal officer of the U.S. state of Texas against individuals who are accused of being complicit in murder and crimes against humanity.
The complainant is a resident of Harris County Texas, Jack Boteler who is representing all interested parties who received the Emergency Use Authorization "investigational injection of genetic biologic material (mRNA or adenoviral DNA) coding for the wuhan spike protein"
The complaint has extensive, detailed evidence to show that the accused jointly planned and executed the development and release of a biowarfare toxin with the dual objectives of global depopulation, and population control.
Their aim according to the complaint, is to ultimately lead to a one-world government by inducing panic, economic hardship, terror, death, and injury to global populations.
#15428372 at 2022-01-21 13:47:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19515: Papi's Fiesta Friday Edition
stealin it
Monash whitepaper notable stems from University of Rhode Island cancelling General Flynn notable.
Turns out new president recommending the cancelling comes from Monash University. At Monash expanded connection to China and took grant money from NIH USG. Swamp is deep.
lb below
recommended replacing:
>>15428127, >>15428105 Monash white paper on Gain of Function Research from 2013
with these, or just adding:
>>15427364 pb Gen Flynn Massive Corruption will be exposed in the next 24 Hours
>>15427995 University of Rhode Island looking to cancel Gen Flynn, doesn't cancel Fake News
>>15428087 New URI president Marc Parlange expanded CCP connections at Monash University
>>15428105 Monash - wuhan Institute of Virology collaboration
>>15428127 Monash report funded by US Government on Gain of Function research
#15428235 at 2022-01-21 13:08:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19515: Papi's Fiesta Friday Edition
>>15425150, >>15425154 Veteran MSNBC Anchor Leaves Network - Exposes Major Secret on Way Out
>>15425162, >>15425416, >>15425440, >>15425782, >>15425831, >>15425756, >>15425805, >>15425858, >>15425876 Clockfag Reports
>>15425172 Czech Prime Minister Ends Vaccine Mandates: 'We Do Not Want to Deepen the Rifts in Society'
>>15425173 Biden Authorizes Rush Deliveries Of US Weapons To Ukraine Via Baltic Allies
>>15425180 500 NYC Convictions Dismissed After Detective's Alleged Perjury
>>15425296, >>15425326, >>15425293, >>15425329, >>15425317, >>15425345, >>15425337, >>15425503, >>15425318, >>15425508, >>15425372, >>15425491 twatts down
>>15425218, >>15425328, >>15425455 Call for a digg on CareValidate
>>15425482, >>15425492, >>15425619 Elon Musk's Neuralink could soon implant its brain chip in HUMANS
>>15425500, >>15425671, >>15425728, >>15425836 Yemen is in the midst of a nation-scale Internet blackout following airstrike on telecom building in #Hudaydah
>>15425522 Sunnyvale CA residents complain that the city's 1,000 crows are a nuisance
>>15425523 OANN's Christina Bobb: "211,000+ In The Middle Of The Night 80.2% Were For Biden" - Wisconsin Holds Election Integrity Hearing
>>15425544, >>15425547, >>15425552, >>15425559, >>15425563, >>15425567, >>15425577, >>15425580, >>15425600, >>15425648 THE FBI SOUGHT NIH grant docs covering bat coronavirus research in wuhan in spring 2020, according to emails obtained by The Intercept
>>15425660 CA's Covid Gun Store Shutdowns Ruled Illegal
>>15425638 Top Schumer Aide Deletes Account After Old Twats Resurface
>>15425599, >>15425821 Barrier going up around Parliament House in Canada, same as White House
>>15425692 Senior FBI Official Caught Abusing Authority, Lies to Inspector General - Corrupt DOJ Declines to Criminally Prosecute
>>15425788 Taking Action to Expose and Disrupt Russia's Destabilization Campaign in Ukraine Press Statement Antony J. Blinken, Sec of State
>>15425824, >>15425507 this stuff is taking a huge hit. almost like they're getting their money out for some reason. art space
>>15427151 #19511
Previously Collected
>>15424282 #19509, >>15426926 #19510, >>15427151 #19511
>>15421850 #19506, >>15422657 #19507, >>15423366 #19508
>>15419518 #19503, >>15420304 #19504, >>15421120 #19505
>>15417145 #19500, >>15418018 #19501, >>15418780 #19502
>>15415612 #19498, >>15415607 #19498, >>15416419 #19499
>>15412358 #19495, >>15413946 #19496, >>15414802 #19497
>>15413239 #19492, >>15412398 #19493, >>15413110 #19494
>>15408233 #19489, >>15409070 #19490, >>15409833 #19491
>>15405884 #19486, >>15406972 #19487, >>15407484 #19488
>>15404463 #19484, >>15405054 #19485, >>15405884 #19486
>>15402019 #19481\2, >>15406951 #19482, >>15406951 #19483
>>15400279 #19479, >>15401083 #19480, >>15402010 #19841\1
>>15397958 #19476, >>15398809 #19477, >>15399528 #19478
>>15395673 #19743, >>15396499 #19474, >>15397235 #19475
>>15393352 #19470, >>15394081 #19471 , >>15396578 #19472
>>15392113 #19467, >>15392122 #19468, >>15392415 #19469
>>15388263 #19464, >>15389365 #19465, >>15389903 #19466
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!
#15428087 at 2022-01-21 12:29:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19514: Late Night On The Kun 2nd Edition
URI President from top research univeristy in Australia Monash,Marc B. Parlange
>As provost and senior vice president at Monash, Parlangeexpanded the institution's global relationshipswith china He intends to extend and amplify URI's presence on a global scale through collaboration both on the University's campuses and with other institutions in China
> https://www.monash.edu/international/global-partnerships/international-articulation-agreements
Articulation agreements
Current Monash University articulation agreements with international partners.
Beijing Foreign Studies University
Beijing Institute of Technology
Beijing Jiaotong University
Beijing Normal University
Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Central South University
Central University of Finance and Economics
China Pharmaceutical University
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
Fudan University
Guangdong University of Finance
Harbin Institute of Technology
Henan University
Hunan University
Jiangnan University
Lanzhou University
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST)
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Shandong University
Shanghai International Studies University
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Shanghai University
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Sichuan Conservatory of Music (SCCM)
Sichuan University
Soochow University
South China Agricultural University (SCAU)
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Tianjin University
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)
University of Science and Technology, Beijing
wuhan University of Technology
Xiamen University
Zhengzhou University
#15428043 at 2022-01-21 12:17:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19514: Late Night On The Kun 2nd Edition
On Thursday, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings posted online revealed seemingly indirect connections to potential business in China. MeidasTouch News found Digital World chief executive Patrick Orlando was also listed as the CEO of China Yunhong Holdings Ltd.
The company, founded in 2019, is incorporated in the Cayman Islands-an offshore tax haven-and has its headquarters in the Chinese city of wuhan in the country's central Hubei province.
According to Chinese-language financial and investment website MoneyDJ, Yunhong is a "blank check company" created with no specific business intent other than to engage in mergers as well as securities transactions, asset acquisitions and stock purchases.
There were several separate reports. MSN is a crap source, but it's the first one which came up in a quick search. It's NOT a secret.
#15427475 at 2022-01-21 08:09:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19514: Late Night On The Kun 2nd Edition
>>15425150, >>15425154 Veteran MSNBC Anchor Leaves Network - Exposes Major Secret on Way Out
>>15425162, >>15425416, >>15425440, >>15425782, >>15425831, >>15425756, >>15425805, >>15425858, >>15425876 Clockfag Reports
>>15425172 Czech Prime Minister Ends Vaccine Mandates: 'We Do Not Want to Deepen the Rifts in Society'
>>15425173 Biden Authorizes Rush Deliveries Of US Weapons To Ukraine Via Baltic Allies
>>15425180 500 NYC Convictions Dismissed After Detective's Alleged Perjury
>>15425296, >>15425326, >>15425293, >>15425329, >>15425317, >>15425345, >>15425337, >>15425503, >>15425318, >>15425508, >>15425372, >>15425491 twatts down
>>15425218, >>15425328, >>15425455 Call for a digg on CareValidate
>>15425482, >>15425492, >>15425619 Elon Musk's Neuralink could soon implant its brain chip in HUMANS
>>15425500, >>15425671, >>15425728, >>15425836 Yemen is in the midst of a nation-scale Internet blackout following airstrike on telecom building in #Hudaydah
>>15425522 Sunnyvale CA residents complain that the city's 1,000 crows are a nuisance
>>15425523 OANN's Christina Bobb: "211,000+ In The Middle Of The Night 80.2% Were For Biden" - Wisconsin Holds Election Integrity Hearing
>>15425544, >>15425547, >>15425552, >>15425559, >>15425563, >>15425567, >>15425577, >>15425580, >>15425600, >>15425648 THE FBI SOUGHT NIH grant docs covering bat coronavirus research in wuhan in spring 2020, according to emails obtained by The Intercept
>>15425660 CA's Covid Gun Store Shutdowns Ruled Illegal
>>15425638 Top Schumer Aide Deletes Account After Old Twats Resurface
>>15425599, >>15425821 Barrier going up around Parliament House in Canada, same as White House
>>15425692 Senior FBI Official Caught Abusing Authority, Lies to Inspector General - Corrupt DOJ Declines to Criminally Prosecute
>>15425788 Taking Action to Expose and Disrupt Russia's Destabilization Campaign in Ukraine Press Statement Antony J. Blinken, Sec of State
>>15425824, >>15425507 this stuff is taking a huge hit. almost like they're getting their money out for some reason. art space
>>15427151 #19511
Previously Collected
>>15424282 #19509, >>15426926 #19510
>>15421850 #19506, >>15422657 #19507, >>15423366 #19508
>>15419518 #19503, >>15420304 #19504, >>15421120 #19505
>>15417145 #19500, >>15418018 #19501, >>15418780 #19502
>>15415612 #19498, >>15415607 #19498, >>15416419 #19499
>>15412358 #19495, >>15413946 #19496, >>15414802 #19497
>>15413239 #19492, >>15412398 #19493, >>15413110 #19494
>>15408233 #19489, >>15409070 #19490, >>15409833 #19491
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!
#15427173 at 2022-01-21 06:29:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19513: Late Night On The Kun Edition
>>15424058 Message from new BO
>>15379066 Invisible bumplocks removed
>>15423221 Catalog expanded from 15 to 25 pages
>>15418247, >>15418341 Globals added for board announcement
>>15366265, >>15366956, >>15376736, >>15419980 Catalog cleanup underway
>>15423443 BAKERS: Triple CHECK #'s after baking (no editing possible)
>>15423551 Some bans removed, more to come
>>15423725 OSS is banned from baking; treat his notes like suggestions
>>15425946 Covid test challenge. No sauce. Order your free tests and test anything not human or animal. Get creative. Record your results and post to social media.
>>15425953 Appeals court says accusers' case against Church of Scientology can proceed
>>15426005 How should schools handle covid 19 protocols -internet poll
>>15426012 anon account people are awaking
>>15426022 The Biden regime wants to talk about Ukraine because it hopes a new war will distract you from the collapse of your own country.
>>15426050 M&M candy goes woke?
>>15426051, >>15426393, >>15426436, >>15426473, >>15426570, >>15426610, >>15426628 Planefag report Unusual activity, 1,016 knots
>>15426096 US appeals court: 2 California counties violated Constitution by down gun shops during early days of pandemic
>>15426099 >>15426301 Garrison Biden at the wheel, catch and release.
>>15426187 Media targeting political enemies
>>15426234 U.S. drops criminal case against MIT professor over China ties
>>15426311 What could go wrong? New NIH animal disease experiment center in Texas
>>15426518 fear mongering NY Post new-jersey-mom-of-4-dies-of-covid-without-holding-newborn-son
>>15426544 "Bizarro World": Researcher Calls Out Censorship After Journal Pulls COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Analysis
>>15426593 Weak sauce BREAKING: US Navy cuts all communication with Families.
>>15426598 Tonga aid
>>15426650 Coms? Rare baby elephant twins born in Kenya.
>>15426666 Danger digits with an interesting message
>>15427012 anon bun
>>15427054 #19512
>>15425150, >>15425154 Veteran MSNBC Anchor Leaves Network - Exposes Major Secret on Way Out
>>15425162, >>15425416, >>15425440, >>15425782, >>15425831, >>15425756, >>15425805, >>15425858, >>15425876 Clockfag Reports
>>15425172 Czech Prime Minister Ends Vaccine Mandates: 'We Do Not Want to Deepen the Rifts in Society'
>>15425173 Biden Authorizes Rush Deliveries Of US Weapons To Ukraine Via Baltic Allies
>>15425180 500 NYC Convictions Dismissed After Detective's Alleged Perjury
>>15425296, >>15425326, >>15425293, >>15425329, >>15425317, >>15425345, >>15425337, >>15425503, >>15425318, >>15425508, >>15425372, >>15425491 twatts down
>>15425218, >>15425328, >>15425455 Call for a digg on CareValidate
>>15425482, >>15425492, >>15425619 Elon Musk's Neuralink could soon implant its brain chip in HUMANS
>>15425500, >>15425671, >>15425728, >>15425836 Yemen is in the midst of a nation-scale Internet blackout following airstrike on telecom building in #Hudaydah
>>15425522 Sunnyvale CA residents complain that the city's 1,000 crows are a nuisance
>>15425523 OANN's Christina Bobb: "211,000+ In The Middle Of The Night 80.2% Were For Biden" - Wisconsin Holds Election Integrity Hearing
>>15425544, >>15425547, >>15425552, >>15425559, >>15425563, >>15425567, >>15425577, >>15425580, >>15425600, >>15425648 THE FBI SOUGHT NIH grant docs covering bat coronavirus research in wuhan in spring 2020, according to emails obtained by The Intercept
>>15425660 CA's Covid Gun Store Shutdowns Ruled Illegal
>>15425638 Top Schumer Aide Deletes Account After Old Twats Resurface
>>15425599, >>15425821 Barrier going up around Parliament House in Canada, same as White House
>>15425692 Senior FBI Official Caught Abusing Authority, Lies to Inspector General - Corrupt DOJ Declines to Criminally Prosecute
>>15425788 Taking Action to Expose and Disrupt Russia's Destabilization Campaign in Ukraine Press Statement Antony J. Blinken, Sec of State
>>15425824, >>15425507 this stuff is taking a huge hit. almost like they're getting their money out for some reason. art space
>>15427151 #19511
>>15424378 Biden Ukr summary on telegram
>>15424407, >>15424434 Palestine murderer confesses
>>15424415 Judge Boasberg ruled against a Trump ally?
>>15424421 Dr. Domenico Biscardi Found Dead in His Home After Announcement About Covid Vaccines
>>15424424 The Jerusalem Post the current state of #antisemitism in #America.
>>15424464 Biden Admin Obstructing Dozens of Congressional Investigations Into Iran Nuclear Talks, Sanctions Relief
>>15424471 President Trump: "President Biden Admitted Yesterday - That the 2020 Election May Very Well Have Been a Fraud"
>>15424547 Year One of the Biden-Harris Administration
>>15424552 Seven Texas Doctors and a Hospital CEO Agree to Pay over $1.1 Million to Settle Kickback Allegations
>>15424568 Baltimore Non-Profit Owner Pleads Guilty to Federal Charges Related to the Gambling of Federal Funds Intended for His Youth Focused Non-Profit and for Filing False Tax Returns
>>15424575 Rep. Jamaal Bowman arrested in election reform protest at Capitol
>>15424648 Poroshenko-appointed judge presiding over Poroshenko trial for treason in Kyiv, takes leave, without any notice, after day one of a 3-5 day trial
>>15424685 Rep. Jamaal Bowman arrested in election reform protest at Capitol
>>15424659 Pentagon Releases First Footage Of Botched Kabul Airstrike
>>15424701 Spain sends warships to deter Russian aggression
>>15424706 'F***ing Jews...I'm coming home in a body bag': British synagogue terrorist rants in last call
>>15424724 "We have to break through this idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families".WTF
>>15424742 Pelosi on the sauce - House Democrats represent "the greatest collection of intellect, integrity, and imagination" anywhere
>>15424751 The Chinese Communist Party is Still Buying Up American Land.
>>15424763 The CIA has concluded that no foreign government is likely behind hundreds of "Havana Syndrome" afflictions
>>15424798 Speaker Pelosi sent out N-95 masks to every House office. Unfortunately, I can't read the instructions......in Chinese!!!
>>15424818 A rush-hour fire that shut down a busy section of the Garden State Parkway for hours Wednesday appears to have been deliberately set, possibly by a group of juveniles, state police said Thursday.
>>15424829 On floor of House, Democratic member calls Senators Manchin and Sinema 'white nationalists.'
>>15424836 Welcome 2 1yr of Pres Biden's America: 40 yr high inflation + crisis at S border + botched Afghanistan w/drawal+ COVID +supply chain issues + labor shortages + high gas prices + crime is UP +FBI monitoring school board mtgs etc
>>15424852 space force twat
>>15424879 David Chipman, who President Joe Biden unsuccessfully nominated to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), tried to score $44,000 from the federal government for relocation expenses connected to a home he wasn't living at,
>>15424892 This DA Isidro Alanizis probably dirty as a pigsty, and FBI Cuellar's influence
>>15424913 The Federal Reserve might talk about a digital currency, but Trump's EO on the Treasury to create a Digital Dollar is the end of Rothschild. With this decentralization, all that paper is isn't even good enough to wipe with.
>>15424928 NYC hospitals overrun with bodies during COVID death surge, staffing shortages
>>15424948 WATCH: Biden Fed nominee Lisa Cook's thoughts on uneducated "NASCAR folks."
>>15424979 Reporter Who Joe Biden Yelled at Does Not Go Quietly Into the Night
>>15424989 Who's "Cleaning" Our Voter Rolls? Soros Founded and Funded ERIC Is Now Used In 31 States
>>15425009 Ghislaine Maxwell used me as bait to lure girls, says UK socialite Victoria Herveymisdirecting cunt
>>15425027 JUST IN - Up to 60 PER CENT of all Covid "patients" in #London's hospitals are not primarily being treated for the virus.
>>15425051 Red Cross data on half million of world's most vulnerable hacked
>>15425069 DeSantis administration puts Florida health director on leave for encouraging vaccinations for his staff
>>15425073 President Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a Motion to Intervene in President Donald J. Trump's class action lawsuit against Facebook, supporting the Constitutionality of Section 230.
>>15425105 Has the Federal Reserve decided to create a CBDC? The Federal Reserve issued discussion paper as first step in fostering broad, transparent public dialogue on CBDCs, potential benefits/risks of U.S. CBDC.
>>15426926 #16510
>>15423432 Check out this Clinton scab saying Tucker Carlson should be charged with treason lol
>>15423455 #NORAD synchronized multi-region aircraft operations from four locations in Canada and the US today
>>15423498 U.S. Federal Reserve opens debate over possible "digital dollar," a central bank digital currency Rothschilds going mental
>>15423515 US Navy Cutting crew
>>15423527 , >>15423530 Clear your mind. Heal. Q
>>15423559 , >>15423582 US Navy tweet You're so vain. You probably think this post is about you. You're so vain.
>>15423568 , >>15423577 1930s Germany: "Health Pass"
>>15423569 Vanuatu bars Daily Post newspaper chief critical of Chinese influence
>>15423572 , >>15423581 Gunman storms San Francisco airport - police officers shot as security breached by false flag
>>15423576 Papi - BOOOM!!! Mi Garlan Favorito knows!!!!
>>15423588 Our Almighty God, our Heavenly Eternal Father, we pray that you would open our hearts to the light of truth
>>15423612 People at Mar-a-Lago experiencing 'Havana Syndrome' symptoms
>>15423613 DOJ drops wire fraud charges against chines MIT Professor
>>15423618 GMax husband dumps GMax.
>>15423648 SFO False Flag over
>>15423623 Tap Water tests positive for Covid
>>15423689 NPR Journalist Nina Totenberg gets barium meal, is outraged by being tricked.
>>15423695 Potato Meets with the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
>>15423698 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. James Ray Epps Sr.
>>15423722 Corrupt Fulton County DA Ignores Election Fraud, Instead Calls for Grand Jury to Investigate President Trump
>>15423723 More attacks on Q Research by Politico
>>15423724 Hunter Biden, former Biden aide invested in Chinese company tied to Communist Party, NBA China
>>15423726 Q+ on OANN
>>15423773 PF Report
>>15423802 Allegiance to the real POTUS (Q+) confirmed, enjoy your special place soros
>>15423816 Potato: Fox News Is OK, But Its Competitors 'Are Heading South' In 4-5 Years
>>15423817 Next week is the one-year anniversary of @AOC accusing Ted Cruz of "almost having me murdered" and "trying to get me killed."
>>15423819 Controversial Rocky Mount [North Carolina, USA] city manager on administrative leave, announces retirement
>>15423851 Ashli Babbitt was buried as sea. (wink wink)
>>15423856 , >>15423916 Cocaine Mitch says Black people vote just as much as 'Americans'
>>15423863 Did China pay Boston off in bribes?
>>15423877 Critics slam Biden for 'sucking the blood out of kids' comment after town hall
>>15423890 Potato live
>>15423894 , >>15424007 January 20,2021 + 365 days = Jan 20, 2022
>>15423898 In Georgia, a New District Attorney Starts Circling Trump and His Allies
>>15423901 On January 20, Russian President had a telephone conversation with President of Venezuela @NicolasMaduro
>>15423960 France's vaccine passport will come into force on Monday, announces Prime Minister Jean Castex
>>15423967 Austria's National Council passes mandatory vaccination law
>>15423984 Blue Cross CEO Andrew Dreyfus to step down (resignation anon has been keeping up with massive resignations)
>>15423993 The Supreme Court, over dissents from the three liberal justices, rejects a request from Texas abortion clinics to rehash abortion decision
>>15424042 Madeleine McCann mystery 'blown open as investigators find shocking' new evidence
>>15424066 Leftist stooges cry in UK over lifting of all mask and vaccine restrictions
>>15424071, >>15424193, >>15424188 , >>15424247 US Navy Comms about Soros?
>>15423926 Today (1.19) Orthodox Christians celebrate Baptism! This day commemorates the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the River Jordan
>>15424135 Congressman Paul Gosar - No immigration. No forced vaccinations. Mass deportations. America First
>>15424136 CMz - Dan Crenshaw was a navy seal who wanted to take your guns away. Do not be fooled by the RINOs.
>>15424140 Anti Defamation League (racist splinter left wing org) Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider "America First" in Foreign Policy Approach
>>15424154 Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Against Trump Spox Taylor Budowich After Jan. 6 Committee Obtains His Financial Records From JP Morgan
>>15424195 Pool report: leaving the auditorium, a reporter shouted to Potato: "Why are you waiting on Putin to make the first move, sir?"
>>15424250 Song Dedicated to Donald Trump - 'My Way'- by Sinatra
>>15424261 The new Australian 2 tier Society shaped by the Covid False Flag
>>15424271 DOD Law of War manual (link)
>>15424282 #19509
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>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!
#15427151 at 2022-01-21 06:24:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19513: Late Night On The Kun Edition
Here's the notes I collected. https://controlc.com/13f3c918
>>15425109 Q Research General #19511: Papi's Fiesta Night Shift Edition
>>15425129, >>15425141 Dough, Baker Ghosts
>>15425150, >>15425154 Veteran MSNBC Anchor Leaves Network - Exposes Major Secret on Way Out
>>15425162, >>15425416, >>15425440, >>15425782, >>15425831, >>15425756, >>15425805, >>15425858, >>15425876 Clockfag Reports
>>15425172 Czech Prime Minister Ends Vaccine Mandates: 'We Do Not Want to Deepen the Rifts in Society'
>>15425173 Biden Authorizes Rush Deliveries Of US Weapons To Ukraine Via Baltic Allies
>>15425180 500 NYC Convictions Dismissed After Detective's Alleged Perjury
>>15425296, >>15425326, >>15425293, >>15425329, >>15425317, >>15425345, >>15425337, >>15425503, >>15425318, >>15425508, >>15425372, >>15425491 twatts down
>>15425218, >>15425328, >>15425455 Call for a digg on CareValidate
>>15425482, >>15425492, >>15425619 Elon Musk's Neuralink could soon implant its brain chip in HUMANS
>>15425500, >>15425671, >>15425728, >>15425836 Yemen is in the midst of a nation-scale Internet blackout following airstrike on telecom building in #Hudaydah
>>15425522 Sunnyvale CA residents complain that the city's 1,000 crows are a nuisance
>>15425523 OANN's Christina Bobb: "211,000+ In The Middle Of The Night 80.2% Were For Biden" - Wisconsin Holds Election Integrity Hearing
>>15425544, >>15425547, >>15425552, >>15425559, >>15425563, >>15425567, >>15425577, >>15425580, >>15425600, >>15425648 THE FBI SOUGHT NIH grant docs covering bat coronavirus research in wuhan in spring 2020, according to emails obtained by The Intercept
>>15425660 CA's Covid Gun Store Shutdowns Ruled Illegal
>>15425638 Top Schumer Aide Deletes Account After Old Twats Resurface
>>15425599, >>15425821 Barrier going up around Parliament House in Canada, same as White House
>>15425692 Senior FBI Official Caught Abusing Authority, Lies to Inspector General - Corrupt DOJ Declines to Criminally Prosecute
>>15425788 Taking Action to Expose and Disrupt Russia's Destabilization Campaign in Ukraine Press Statement Antony J. Blinken, Sec of State
>>15425824, >>15425507 this stuff is taking a huge hit. almost like they're getting their money out for some reason. art space
#19511 Posted in #19513
#15425648 at 2022-01-21 02:14:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19511: Papi's Fiesta Night Shift Edition
>New records from the National Institutes of Health detail internal conversations involving the EcoHealth Alliance's research in wuhan.
#15425600 at 2022-01-21 02:08:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19511: Papi's Fiesta Night Shift Edition
The day after Torsiello sent his email, another NIH FOIA officer wrote an email to an undisclosed recipient rejecting the lawyer's arguments for withholding the records. The officer noted that "there are no pending investigations" into the wuhan Institute of Virology. Nine months later, the NIH FOIA office closed the public records request, pointing the requester to documents that the NIH had released online.
While EcoHealth Alliance's intervention in the FOIA request is not unusual, agencies are required by law to independently determine whether records should be disclosed, said Gunita Singh, an attorney for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. "Agencies subject to FOIA are obligated to serve the public's interest in learning about government functions," she wrote in an email. "They cannot operate at the behest of private parties."
#15425580 at 2022-01-21 02:06:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19511: Papi's Fiesta Night Shift Edition
"During the last 16 months, there has been a series of vitriolic attacks from the US Government accusing China of bioengineering and releasing SARS-CoV-2 or of otherwise allowing COVID to become pandemic," he wrote to Lauer. "Given these attacks, and WIV's status as a government entity, it seems to us incredulous that any request, particularly without scientific rationale, from a US non-profit to a Chinese Government laboratory for an active sample of a pathogenic human virus would likely be successful."
Daszak also cited strained international relations when explaining why he couldn't produce copies of the WIV biosafety reports, which might have provided insight into what precautions the lab had taken in its work on bat coronaviruses and whether any breaches of protocol had occurred.
"Some of [NIH's] demands were a little impractical," said Alina Chan, co-author of the book "Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19." "How would EcoHealth Alliance be able to obtain information about the missing staffer?" But Daszak should have been able to provide lab safety records, which are "much more significant," she said.
To Lauer, Daszak noted that the media attention and resultant public curiosity about the work EcoHealth Alliance conducted in wuhan had cost him personally. "This type of harassment has accelerated to the point that personal security guards are now stationed at my home address, where I have also had to install invasive equipment and set up procedures to protect my family against expected violent attacks," Daszak wrote. "Additionally, I now meet regularly with FBI agents and others at my home to monitor these threats." As he did in communications The Intercept published in December, Daszak referred to a letter containing white powder that he had received at his home. Local news media reported the incident at the time.
Denying Document Requests
Meanwhile, EcoHealth Alliance was also pushing on another front. In January 2021, Matthew Torsiello, one of its lawyers, emailed Lauren Bartok, an information specialist in the NIH's Freedom of Information Act Office, to request that a FOIA request for EcoHealth Alliance's grant documents be denied. Torsiello asked that the request, which was made by a member of the public through the transparency organization MuckRock, be denied because the grant termination was under appeal and because "a law enforcement investigation concerning WIV remains ongoing." Torsiello explained that his law firm had previously asked for the the NIH to deny a request for EcoHealth Alliance grant documents made in 2020, also by a member of the public.
The lawyer's email went on to make a tenuous argument. "As demonstrated by the recent attack on the US Capital [sic] fueled by disinformation and conspiracy theories, the need to protect the privacy of EcoHealth Alliance's employees and affiliates is more important than ever." The email did not offer further explanation, but Daszak had previously argued to the press and in the pages of the medical journal The Lancet that the notion that the pandemic could have a lab origin was a conspiracy theory.
#15425577 at 2022-01-21 02:05:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19511: Papi's Fiesta Night Shift Edition
As NIH-funded research in wuhan was thrust into the spotlight in 2020, agency communications added to the sense that staffers had a flimsy grasp of the biosafety of both that project and others. In August 2020, a ProPublica article about a biosecurity lapse at a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill lab sparked a flurry of emails at NIAID. Two days after the article was published, the communications show, staff scrambled to find information about the incident, in which a researcher was bitten by a mouse infected with a coronavirus and did not isolate afterward.
The NIAID employees appear to have had no record of it. "Was this February 2016 incident reported to NIAID and, if so, for which grant was this incident report filed?" a staffer in the NIH's Office of Extramural Research and Policy Operations wrote to Stemmy, the NIH program officer, on August 19. She said said her office had been asked to determine whether researchers at UNC followed proper biosafety procedures but "was unable to locate incident report memos in the grants folders" for five grants. The office had checked folders for two grants for research on coronaviruses at UNC, as well as the folder for the grant funding EcoHealth Alliance's bat coronavirus research in wuhan, possibly because the nonprofit worked closely with UNC. (UNC was a partner on the bat coronavirus grant, as well as on a new grant that NIH awarded to EcoHealth Alliance in August 2020.)
Daszak also had a different read on State Department cables from January 2018 that Lauer had asked about in his letter. The cables detailed a shortage of trained technicians for the wuhan Institute of Virology's BSL-4 laboratory, the first lab in China certified to deal with the most dangerous pathogens.
While in April 2020, Washington Post opinion columnist Josh Rogin had interpreted excerpts of the cables as evidence of safety and management weaknesses in the lab, Daszak disagreed. Indeed the full cables, which were released in July 2020, give a more complex picture, favorably describing research at the lab to which Daszak had contributed. "These do not in fact provide evidence of safety concerns at the laboratory," he wrote to Lauer. "Neither do they convincingly imply safety issues."
Lauer had also asked EcoHealth Alliance to arrange for an outside inspection of the wuhan Institute of Virology. Daszak argued that cutting off the grant had made it virtually unthinkable that the wuhan lab would assist with such requests. "This termination of a funded relationship with the institute makes it extraordinarily difficult and more likely impossible to provide the information requested," Daszak wrote to Lauer. International politics made the situation worse, as he noted in an explanation of why EcoHealth Alliance was unable to procure a sample of the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus that the wuhan Institute of Virology had used to determine its viral sequence.
#15425567 at 2022-01-21 02:05:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19511: Papi's Fiesta Night Shift Edition
Six months later, in April 2021, Daszak wrote a lengthy letter to Lauer - this time signed by him and not his lawyers - addressing the 10 conditions. He offered to meet with Lauer "without legal counsel in a scientist-to-scientist conversation," adding, "I look forward to your reply and hope that these will allow NIH to lift the suspension on funding so that we can continue our work to help protect our nation, indeed the global population, against future coronavirus pandemics."
Yet, in a confiding email he sent to NIH officials and program officers later in April, he struck a less conciliatory tone. "I believe he's fishing for material to support his earlier insinuation that EHA has done a poor job of monitoring biosafety," Daszak wrote about Lauer in the email. Daszak interpreted the NIH official's oversight efforts as a possible attempt to "provide cover so that he can say that we weren't in compliance" and asked the NIH staffers to intervene.
As NIH-funded research in wuhan was thrust into the spotlight in 2020, agency communications added to the sense that staffers had a flimsy grasp of the biosafety of both that project and others. In August 2020, a ProPublica article about a biosecurity lapse at a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill lab sparked a flurry of emails at NIAID. Two days after the article was published, the communications show, staff scrambled to find information about the incident, in which a researcher was bitten by a mouse infected with a coronavirus and did not isolate afterward.
The NIAID employees appear to have had no record of it. "Was this February 2016 incident reported to NIAID and, if so, for which grant was this incident report filed?" a staffer in the NIH's Office of Extramural Research and Policy Operations wrote to Stemmy, the NIH program officer, on August 19. She said said her office had been asked to determine whether researchers at UNC followed proper biosafety procedures but "was unable to locate incident report memos in the grants folders" for five grants. The office had checked folders for two grants for research on coronaviruses at UNC, as well as the folder for the grant funding EcoHealth Alliance's bat coronavirus research in wuhan, possibly because the nonprofit worked closely with UNC. (UNC was a partner on the bat coronavirus grant, as well as on a new grant that NIH awarded to EcoHealth Alliance in August 2020.)
#15425563 at 2022-01-21 02:04:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19511: Papi's Fiesta Night Shift Edition
In a July 2020 letter previously published by Vanity Fair, Lauer informed Daszak that the grant could be reinstated, but only if EcoHealth Alliance could meet seven conditions. Those included providing a sample of "the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus that WIV used to determine the viral sequence" and explaining apparently unusual activities at the wuhan Institute of Virology, including roadblocks and diminished cellphone traffic, as well as the deletion of the online profile of a staffer at the lab named Huang Yanling.
The next month, the newly released emails reveal, the Tarter Krinsky & Drogin lawyers sent Lauer a detailed, seven-page rebuttal, demanding that the NIH reinstate the grant and immediately release the grant funds. The rebuttal suggested that EcoHealth Alliance and the wuhan Institute of Virology were being unfairly scrutinized. Daszak echoed that idea in an interview with Nature that same month in which he called the NIH's conditions "heinous."
In October 2020, Lauer responded, arguing that the agency was within its rights to cut off the grant. "EcoHealth's responses have not satisfied the NIH's concerns that EcoHealth had failed to adequately monitor the compliance of its subrecipient, and that the subrecipient, WIV, had failed to comply with safety requirements," Lauer wrote. Still, he offered the nonprofit one last chance to respond to its seven conditions - and added three more requests about the research in wuhan. Among the new requests, which have not been previously reported, were descriptions of EcoHealth Alliance's efforts to monitor risk at the wuhan Institute of Virology and copies of all WIV biosafety reports from June 2014 through May 2019.
Six months later, in April 2021, Daszak wrote a lengthy letter to Lauer - this time signed by him and not his lawyers - addressing the 10 conditions. He offered to meet with Lauer "without legal counsel in a scientist-to-scientist conversation," adding, "I look forward to your reply and hope that these will allow NIH to lift the suspension on funding so that we can continue our work to help protect our nation, indeed the global population, against future coronavirus pandemics."
Yet, in a confiding email he sent to NIH officials and program officers later in April, he struck a less conciliatory tone. "I believe he's fishing for material to support his earlier insinuation that EHA has done a poor job of monitoring biosafety," Daszak wrote about Lauer in the email. Daszak interpreted the NIH official's oversight efforts as a possible attempt to "provide cover so that he can say that we weren't in compliance" and asked the NIH staffers to intervene.
#15425559 at 2022-01-21 02:04:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19511: Papi's Fiesta Night Shift Edition
Separately, in December 2020, the NIH cited a law enforcement exemption when denying a public records request from The Intercept for the EcoHealth Alliance grant documents. In a July 2021 hearing, a federal litigator explained the agency's rationale: "At the time that they asserted the exemption, they were told and were under the impression there were ongoing investigations, law enforcement investigations, into what plaintiffs are alleging is a lab-leak hypothesis, what caused COVID," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Alexander J. Hogan, referring to the NIH's 2020 denial of The Intercept's FOIA request. "And because of the implication of those investigations, they withheld these documents in full."
The NIH released the bat coronavirus grant proposal to The Intercept in September 2021.
In a previously unpublished email sent in April 2021, Daszak told an NIH administrator that following a trip to China as part of the World Health Organization investigation, he had briefed the FBI and other intelligence agencies, as well as the National Security Council.
"Fishing for Material"
The newly released emails detail how EcoHealth Alliance fought back against the NIH's termination of its grant. On May 22, 2020, lawyer Andrew Krinsky of the New York firm Tarter Krinsky & Drogin wrote to Lauer on behalf of EcoHealth Alliance. The lawyer said that NIAID had ranked the grant as "extremely high priority" when it was considered for renewal in mid-2019 and that EcoHealth Alliance had already agreed not to pass any more funding on to the wuhan Institute of Virology.
While the NIH had said that "the decision not to award a grant, or to award a grant at a particular funding level, is at the discretion of the agency" and cited a clause that allowed it to terminate grants at will, Krinsky argued that the NIH didn't have the legal right to cut off the funding and that according to the NIH's own rules, there was "no rational basis to terminate" the grant.
The NIH, EcoHealth Alliance, and Tarter Krinsky & Drogin did not immediately respond to requests to comment.
#15425552 at 2022-01-21 02:03:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19511: Papi's Fiesta Night Shift Edition
Trump officials had reportedly instructed U.S. intelligence agencies to search for evidence linking the wuhan lab to the pandemic. Trump's interest appeared to be scapegoating China, and officials in his administration homed in on sketchy evidence from wuhan. But the emails obtained by The Intercept indicate that the FBI looked where biosafety experts had suggested they should: at EcoHealth Alliance's NIH grant, though it's unclear what prompted the FBI's request for information. On May 22, 2020, Ashley Sanders, an officer with the NIH's Office of Management Assessment, emailed FBI agent David Miller under the subject line "FW: Grant Questions - FBI Inquiry - 1-R01AI110964-01 - 2-R01AI110964-06": the numbers the NIH had assigned to the grant and its renewal.
The correspondence suggests that NIH administrators provided Miller with detailed information about the grant. "In preparation for our call on Tuesday, Erik (cc'd) has provided responses to your initial questions below," Sanders wrote, referring to Erik Stemmy, a program officer for the grant. The several pages of text that follow are redacted, except for the title of an attachment that includes the grant number and "SF424." The SF 424 is a detailed NIH form that grant applicants must submit.
Last October, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a report assessing the possible origins of the pandemic. In the document, which followed a 90-day review by the spy agencies ordered by President Joe Biden, one agency assessed with moderate confidence that the pandemic had a lab origin, "probably involving experimentation, animal handling, or sampling by the wuhan Institute of Virology." While the DNI report did not name the agency, the New York Times reported at the time that it was the FBI. (Four other intelligence agencies and the National Intelligence Council concluded with low confidence that the pandemic had a natural origin.)
Experts have puzzled over whether the spy agencies gained access to EcoHealth Alliance's grant documents. The DNI's detailed report did not list grant documents or communications as a source of information, but the email about the inquiry now suggests that the FBI had previously obtained at least some internal information about the EcoHealth Alliance grant. The FBI declined to confirm the existence of the inquiry or otherwise comment.
#15425547 at 2022-01-21 02:02:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19511: Papi's Fiesta Night Shift Edition
The correspondence contains letters going back to April 2020, when Trump administration officials were blaming the wuhan Institute of Virology, without sufficient evidence, for causing the pandemic. On April 17, President Donald Trump was asked in a press conference about the NIH grant to EcoHealth Alliance, under which the Chinese lab was a partner. He responded, "We will end that grant very quickly." Two days later, Michael Lauer, NIH deputy director for extramural research, informed Daszak that the agency was suspending grant funds to the wuhan Institute of Virology and instructed his group to cease providing grant money to the institute. On April 24, according to a letter included in the new communications, Lauer followed up with the news that the NIH was terminating the entire grant because it did not "align with the program goals and agency priorities." He told EcoHealth Alliance officials that nearly $370,000 needed to be remitted back to the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, with their access to the remaining grant funds restricted "effective immediately." (Politico reported the existence of the letter that same month, and Science later published an excerpt of it.)
The confrontation earned Daszak sympathy in the press and from other scientists. NIH officials, meanwhile, refuted the possibility of a lab origin, at least in public. It would later be revealed, however, that in February 2020 NIAID Director Anthony Fauci and then-NIH Director Francis Collins had privately consulted with prominent scientists who had seriously considered the possibility of a lab origin for the pandemic, and that two months later some leading researchers still believed a lab accident was possible. "Wondering if there is something the NIH can do to help put down this very destructive conspiracy," Collins wrote in an email to Fauci in late April, in reference to a Fox News segment mentioning the lab-origin hypothesis. While a handful of biosafety experts had openly called for scrutinizing the NIH's funding of EcoHealth Alliance, their entreaties were largely drowned out by political wrangling.
#15425544 at 2022-01-21 02:02:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19511: Papi's Fiesta Night Shift Edition
New records from the National Institutes of Health detail internal conversations involving the EcoHealth Alliance's research in wuhan.
THE FBI SOUGHT National Institutes of Health grant documents covering bat coronavirus research in wuhan in spring 2020, according to emails obtained by The Intercept. The emails, released through ongoing litigation between The Intercept and the NIH, detail internal NIH conversations involving the New York-based nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, which collaborated with the wuhan Institute of Virology on research. The emails also contain previously unreported requests the agency made of EcoHealth Alliance as a condition for restoring a grant funding its research. While unable to provide some of the information requested by the agency, Peter Daszak, EcoHealth's besieged president, fought fiercely to save the grant.
The new information gives an unprecedented window into the high-profile tussle between EcoHealth Alliance and the NIH, and underscores the agency's tenuous grasp of the biosafety protocols in place in its research projects, even with a project that has since come under scrutiny for a possible link to the Covid-19 pandemic.
"There doesn't seem to be transparent and accessible record-keeping of incident reporting," said Filippa Lentzos, co-director of the Centre for Science and Security Studies at King's College London, after viewing some of the emails. "That is very worrying and underscores the need for an overhaul of biosafety oversight in the United States."
#15424754 at 2022-01-20 23:54:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19510: Papi's Fiesta Thursday Celebration Edition
By Andrew White
January 20, 2022 at 1:50pm
EcoHealth Alliance Associate Vice President Dr. Andrew Huff recently claimed that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, who conducted gain of function research at the wuhan Institute of Virology in China, told him he was working for the Central Intelligence Agency.
Dr. Andrew Huff, PhD, MS, publicly stated on January 12 that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak confessed to him that he was working for the Central Intelligence Agency, and further stated his belief that EcoHealth Alliance was a "CIA front organization."
Huff received his Ph.D. in Environmental Health specializing in emerging diseases before becoming an Associate Vice President at EcoHealth Alliance, according to report by independent journalist Kanekoa, who detailed the ordeal on his Substack newsletter.
While working with the global scientific nonprofit, he was tasked with developing "novel methods of bio-surveillance, data analytics, and visualization for disease detection."
EcoHealth Alliance, headed by Daszak, and financed by several US government agencies, partnered with Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina and Dr. Shi Zhengli of the wuhan Institute of Virology to conduct gain-of-function research on bat-borne coronaviruses in Communist China prior to the initial outbreak of COVID-19.
Daszak reportedly oversaw the screening of "thousands of bat samples for novel coronaviruses." The controversial research also involved "screening people who work with live animals."
The revelations added fuel to concerns that coronavirus pandemic originated from that very lab, which Daszak aggressively maintains is not true.
Through a series of tweets posted on January 12, Huff wrote:
For the Record: In 2015, Dr. Peter Daszak stopped me as we were leaving work late at night, and asked me if he should work with the CIA. I was shocked given my experience in security. Over the next 2 months he gave me updates on 3 separate occasions about his work with the CIA.
When he asked me the question I stated "Peter, it never hurts to talk with them and there could potentially be money in it." Meanwhile, I was cringing that he told me this, in a non classified setting (a SCIF), to a person that was not "read-in," and to a uncleared person (me).
Then, over the next two months at the break area while getting coffee, or between meetings, he stated that they were interested in the places that we were working, the people involved, the data that we were collecting, and that the work with them was proceeding.
Then, Huff detailed his belief that Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance was a "CIA front organization." The statement continued:
Looking back, I now believe that EcoHealth Alliance was a CIA front organization to collect viral samples and to collect intelligence on foreign laboratory capacity. There was no way that the data collected or the models being developed, could predict transmission or pandemics.
Contextually, EcoHealth was barely solvent and it was common place to lay off employees with the ebb and flow of federal and private funding. Peter would do anything or say anything to obtain funding. Intelligence organizations often target people in financial distress.
#15424557 at 2022-01-20 23:21:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19510: Papi's Fiesta Thursday Celebration Edition
Given the workarounds, exceptions and plausible deniability for the consequences, built into the original moratorium guidance in 2014, the defense department was operationally permitted to keep funding the biological weapons research in wuhan, China. The 2014 ban was a funding moratorium in name only; however, it appears the funding for U.S. research in North Carolina was stopped.
What was reauthorized in 2017, just before President Trump took office, was the need to use "national security" as an excuse to continue the research. It also appears funding of SARS as a biological weapon inside the U.S. (North Carolina) was now permitted again.
REFERENCES SO FAR: - 2017 - Policy Guidelines from Obama Administration - 2014 - pdf link of Research Funding Pause - National Science Advisory Board (Wiki) - Pentagon Funding for SARS research 2013 through 2020.
If you accept that the Pentagon would never spend to develop a biological weapon in China (wuhan Lab) unless they already had developed that weapon on their own (North Carolina Lab), then the question about the release of that weapon starts to take shape.
Remember, the State Department was looking into the origin until Joe Biden shut them down and redirected the goal to the Intelligence Community. In essence, Biden handed the mission to the Fourth Branch of Government. Not surprisingly, after a few months the IC said their results were "inconclusive."
? [Excerpt] - […] In one State Department meeting, officials seeking to demand transparency from the Chinese government say they were explicitly told by colleagues not to explore the wuhan Institute of Virology's gain-of-function research, because it would bring unwelcome attention to U.S. government funding of it.
In an internal memo obtained by Vanity Fair, Thomas DiNanno, former acting assistant secretary of the State Department's Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, wrote that staff from two bureaus, his own and the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, "warned" leaders within his bureau "not to pursue an investigation into the origin of COVID-19" because it would "'open a can of worms' if it continued."
[…] In late March, former Centers for Disease Control director Robert Redfield received death threats from fellow scientists after telling CNN that he believed COVID-19 had originated in a lab. "I was threatened and ostracized because I proposed another hypothesis," Redfield told Vanity Fair. "I expected it from politicians. I didn't expect it from science." (read more)
? Washington (CNN) - "President Joe Biden's team shut down a closely-held State Department effort launched late in the Trump administration to prove the coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab over concerns about the quality of its work, according to three sources familiar with the decision.
#15424545 at 2022-01-20 23:19:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19510: Papi's Fiesta Thursday Celebration Edition
yeah they planned it from way back
Its a big clique of psycho crooks.
"If we assume the scale of unconstitutional conduct has become systemic, that likely answers the questions. Personally, I believe this is the most likely scenario.
"Likely" meaning the entire apparatus, DOJ, FBI, Legislative Oversight and the Intelligence Community (IC), is now so enmeshed within this corrupt out-of-control state that no-one, even the good guys, is willing to expose it because the institutional collapse would be devastating.
This is what I would call the Biggest of the Big Ugly."
from:#15352907 at 2022-01-11 21:48:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
? October 17, 2014 - U.S. funding of SARS to create a biological weapon was paused due to the extreme risk of a pandemic. However, the pause allowed agencies within the U.S. government to continue funding if they determined "the research is urgently necessary to protect the public health or national security." [LINK]
? 2014 through 2020 the Pentagon continued funding research in wuhan, China. Fear of discovery would explain why many top officials in the U.S. Defense Department were against the Trump administration [with increased severity after the COVID pandemic began]. [LINK]
? May 2016 - [An Election Year] - "after thorough deliberation and extensive input from domestic and international stakeholders, the NSABB [National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity] issued its recommendations. NSABB's central finding was that studies that are expected to enhance Potential Pandemic Pathogen (PPP) have potential benefits to public health but also entail significant risks. NSABB recommended that such studies warranted additional scrutiny prior to being funded." Anthony Fauci is on the NSABB.
? January 9, 2017 - [Four Days after the Susan Rice Oval Office meeting with Obama, Biden, Comey, et al] - The Obama Administration re-authorizes funding for the creation of SARS biological weapons. "Adoption of these recommendations will satisfy the requirements for lifting the current moratorium on certain life sciences research that could enhance a pathogen's virulence and/or transmissibility to produce a potential pandemic pathogen (an enhanced PPP)." [LINK]
#15424413 at 2022-01-20 22:51:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19510: Papi's Fiesta Thursday Celebration Edition
Why are George Soros, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Francis Collins, Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Big Pharma's fake Experimental immune system destroying mRNA Vax CEO's still free?
We the people are tired of the congressional political theater and nothing being done.
Resignations!!! Wait until after the Midterm elections!!!
Forget it, we want them arrested, charged and prosecuted for TREASON, PREMEDITATED MASS MURDER, CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING/PEDOPHILES, ELECTION FRAUD, etc. NOW!!!
Republican /Rino congress have had access to and been sitting on the evidence to convict Tony Fauci, Barack Obama giving the necessary basics and funding to Communist China's Military Bioweapons Lab in wuhan, to produce bioweapons. (1500 viruses & pathogens still remain at that lab). Along with Former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Peter Daszak president of EcoHealth Alliance.
Same goes for sexual predator….Bill Clinton 26 timer on Epstein's "Lolita Pedo Express" is just as guilty as Epstein and Maxwell…when is Bill Clinton's Arrest, Charges brought, Prosecution/Trial???
Has any major US Politician, head of an Fed. Agency, Director or CEO of any Organization like the CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma gone to prison yet? Arrested, charged and prosecuted?
NO, only the same status quo!
Has there been any significant changes in voting legislation such as voter ID, major audits or in the courts dealing with the across the country mass election fraud of 2020?
Nothing has changed regarding the abundant, rampant voter fraud of 2020 to restore any faith what so ever in our elections for the up coming midterms in 2022.
NO, only the same status quo!
Spine-less, brain-less & ball-less US House & Senate Republican/Rino cowards!
No wonder the corruption at the federal level has continued, this long.
If the Republicans/Rinos want to win in the midterms, they better get off their asses, grow a pair, use their brains , get a freaking backbone and DO IT!
#15422549 at 2022-01-20 17:45:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19507: The Dough must Roll Edition
A Fauci Funded Study Turned Monkeys Transgender... Seriously.
At the height of the pandemic, Fauci was still playing God.
America's chief COVID-19 architect Anthony Fauci awarded over $200,000 at the height of the pandemic to research injecting hormones into male monkeys to transition them into females.
The scientists receiving the taxpayer-funded grants from Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the same agency used to fund the wuhan Institute of Virology, injected male monkeys with female hormones in an effort to understand why transgender women reportedly experience higher rates of HIV.
Scientists planned to evaluate how the injected hormones altered the males' immune systems to determine if feminizing hormones had an adverse effect on the strength of immune systems. If so, researchers believed this weakening of the immune system could be responsible for their increased likelihood of becoming HIV positive.
The monkeys used in the experiment are bred specifically for US government research at an annual cost of millions of dollars to taxpayers, according to government documents published by transparency group White Coat Waste Project.
The National Institutes of Health grant database, which has been taken offline at the height of the controversy over Fauci's relationship with the wuhan lab, reveals the project began in December 2020 and is set to conclude in November 2022.
The project has already received $205,562 in funding in 2022, following $272,626 distributed in 2021 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
A study published under the grant - "A nonhuman primate model to study the immunological effects of feminizing hormone therapy in transgender women" - dedicates in opening summary to explaining the "social injustices" faced by "transgender persons":
"HIV/AIDS thrives in the margins of society, where low education, unstable housing, and poverty heighten people's vulnerability to HIV. No population is more affected by these social injustices than transgender persons."
The study follows the National Institutes of Health agency leader funneling millions of taxpayers dollars to the Chinese Communist Party-controlled wuhan Institute of Virology, which recently announced they would only hire researchers committed to serving "socialist" goals.
#15421294 at 2022-01-20 14:04:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19506: Filibuster Follies Fail Edition
Why are George Soros, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Francis Collins, Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Big Pharma's fake Experimental immune system destroying mRNA Vax CEO's still free?
We the people are tired of the congressional political theater and nothing being done.
Forget it, we want them arrested, charged and prosecuted for TREASON, PREMEDITATED MASS MURDER, CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING/PEDOPHILES, ELECTION FRAUD, etc.
Republican /Rino congress have had access to and been sitting on the evidence to convict Tony Fauci, Barack Obama giving the necessary basics and funding to Communist China's Military Bioweapons Lab in wuhan, to produce bioweapons. (1500 viruses & pathogens still remain at that lab). Along with Former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Peter Daszak president of EcoHealth Alliance.
Same goes for sexual predator….Bill Clinton 26 timer on Epstein's "Lolita Pedo Express" is just as guilty as Epstein and Maxwell…when is Bill Clinton's Arrest, Charges brought, Prosecution/Trial???
Has any major US Politician, head of an Fed. Agency, Director or CEO of any Organization like the CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma gone to prison yet? Arrested, charged and prosecuted?
NO, only the same status quo!
Has there been any significant changes in voting legislation such as voter ID, major audits or in the courts dealing with the across the country mass election fraud of 2020?
Nothing has changed regarding the abundant, rampant voter fraud of 2020 to restore any faith what so ever in our elections for the up coming midterms in 2022.
NO, only the same status quo!
Spine-less, brain-less & ball-less US House & Senate Republican/Rino cowards!
No wonder the corruption at the federal level has continued, this long.
If the Republicans/Rinos want to win in the midterms, they better get off their asses, grow a pair, use their brains , get a freaking backbone and DO IT!
#15421127 at 2022-01-20 13:25:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19506: Filibuster Follies Fail Edition
#19503: Democrat Ballot Fraud 49-51: Popcorn day is fun Edition
>>15418830 Directv 351 More votes in the US Senate coming. It's FAR from over anons. Don't be fooled
>>15418901, >>15418918, >>15418906, >>15419052, >>15419066 Mr Schumer:....NO! HOLY SHIT 4 year delta
>>15419087 Schumer is now trying to change the Senate rules
>>15418894 Directv 351 Twitter / GETTR / Gab friends. We need EYES ON the US Senate.
>>15418849, >>15418874, >>15418882 Democrats Fail to Advance their Ballot Harvesting, Midnight Drop-Box, Election Fraud Legislation in 49-51 Vote (Cap 0:36) SCHUMER VOTED NAY
>>15418859 Eyes on the US Senate anons. When we keep an eye on them they know they can't do it
>>15418875 U.S. Army major gets 30 Years for production of child pornography
>>15418883 Nice look Lindsey Graham
>>15418893 Grassley tweet timestamp = 9:11 Numbers 242 = Be here tomorrow. The story unfolds.
>>15418912 Prince Andrew's disappearing act: Duke deletes his Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as he lowers profile after being stripped of royal patronages and use of HRH title
>>15418933 Catherine Herridge Post About Durham - Panic In D.c, The Documents Below The Poster And Qpost 4425 October Surprise!!
>>15418989, >>15419112 Dan Scavino (Cap 2:20) Just When You've Seen It All Scavino Releases This
>>15419263 Beautiful Live Feed from Dan Scavino
>>15418995 FBI agents descended on Democratic U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar's house, but won't say what they're investigating
>>15418955, >>15419037, >>15419059, >>15419097, >>15419287, >>15419485 Do Mexican Cartels Qualify as Terrorist Organizations? U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo
>>15419411 Cuellar Dig FBI Raid Bun
>>15419003 Cathrine Herridge
>>15419160 Opinion Haver @AsInMarx Henry Cuellar's campaign manager just deactivated
>>15419176 The US Senate JUST SHUT DOWN THEIR OP FOR TONIGHT.See how it works anons? Only when they have no eyes on do they proceed. This board has more power than you can imagine.
>>15419211 Illegals Can Now Use Arrest Warrants As Identification To Fly: TSA
>>15419163, >>15419249 Nomura, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs Received a Cumulative $8 Trillion from the Fed's Emergency Repo Loans in Fourth Quarter of 2019
>>15419243 Adam Schiff The Supreme Court's decision , How do you legally introduce evidence? FISA is about to bring down the house
>>15419251 Judge Gableman Issues Subpoenas to Voting Machine Companies Including Dominion Voting Machines in Wisconsin 2020 Election
>>15419252 Bush is connected to Soros and Ukraine via ROMAN POPADIUK
>>15419255 France calls for new 'European order' because the New World Order doesn't speak their language
>>15419290, >>15419465, >>15419478 Mark Brzezinski becomes US ambassador to Poland
>>15419304 PF Reports some fighters up down by the southern Arizona border
>>15419308 Rep. Jim Jordan Says Dr. Fauci Is 'Covering Information Up' On Covid-19 Coming From The wuhan Lab
>>15419325 PLAYING FILTHY DIRTY: Wisconsin Robin Vos has punished Rep. Timothy Ramthun for his decertification push by firing his staff members, The same occurred to Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania
>>15419436 Contact Robin Vos and make your voices heard: Local: (608) 266-3387 Toll Free: (888) 534-0063 Email: Rep.Vos@legis.wisconsin.gov
>>15419463 Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? James Comey
>>15419518 #19503
Previously Collected
>>15417145 #19500, >>15418018 #19501, >>15418780 #19502
>>15415612 #19498, >>15415607 #19498, >>15416419 #19499
>>15412358 #19495, >>15413946 #19496, >>15414802 #19497
>>15413239 #19492, >>15412398 #19493, >>15413110 #19494
>>15408233 #19489, >>15409070 #19490, >>15409833 #19491
>>15405884 #19486, >>15406972 #19487, >>15407484 #19488
>>15404463 #19484, >>15405054 #19485, >>15405884 #19486
General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq
TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!
#15420344 at 2022-01-20 07:19:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19505: Day after Popcorn Day Edition
#19503: Democrat Ballot Fraud 49-51: Popcorn day is fun Edition
>>15418830 Directv 351 More votes in the US Senate coming. It's FAR from over anons. Don't be fooled
>>15418901, >>15418918, >>15418906, >>15419052, >>15419066 Mr Schumer:....NO! HOLY SHIT 4 year delta
>>15419087 Schumer is now trying to change the Senate rules
>>15418894 Directv 351 Twitter / GETTR / Gab friends. We need EYES ON the US Senate.
>>15418849, >>15418874, >>15418882 Democrats Fail to Advance their Ballot Harvesting, Midnight Drop-Box, Election Fraud Legislation in 49-51 Vote (Cap 0:36) SCHUMER VOTED NAY
>>15418859 Eyes on the US Senate anons. When we keep an eye on them they know they can't do it
>>15418875 U.S. Army major gets 30 Years for production of child pornography
>>15418883 Nice look Lindsey Graham
>>15418893 Grassley tweet timestamp = 9:11 Numbers 242 = Be here tomorrow. The story unfolds.
>>15418912 Prince Andrew's disappearing act: Duke deletes his Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as he lowers profile after being stripped of royal patronages and use of HRH title
>>15418933 Catherine Herridge Post About Durham - Panic In D.c, The Documents Below The Poster And Qpost 4425 October Surprise!!
>>15418989, >>15419112 Dan Scavino (Cap 2:20) Just When You've Seen It All Scavino Releases This
>>15419263 Beautiful Live Feed from Dan Scavino
>>15418995 FBI agents descended on Democratic U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar's house, but won't say what they're investigating
>>15418955, >>15419037, >>15419059, >>15419097, >>15419287, >>15419485 Do Mexican Cartels Qualify as Terrorist Organizations? U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo
>>15419411 Cuellar Dig FBI Raid Bun
>>15419003 Cathrine Herridge
>>15419160 Opinion Haver @AsInMarx Henry Cuellar's campaign manager just deactivated
>>15419176 The US Senate JUST SHUT DOWN THEIR OP FOR TONIGHT.See how it works anons? Only when they have no eyes on do they proceed. This board has more power than you can imagine.
>>15419211 Illegals Can Now Use Arrest Warrants As Identification To Fly: TSA
>>15419163, >>15419249 Nomura, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs Received a Cumulative $8 Trillion from the Fed's Emergency Repo Loans in Fourth Quarter of 2019
>>15419243 Adam Schiff The Supreme Court's decision , How do you legally introduce evidence? FISA is about to bring down the house
>>15419251 Judge Gableman Issues Subpoenas to Voting Machine Companies Including Dominion Voting Machines in Wisconsin 2020 Election
>>15419252 Bush is connected to Soros and Ukraine via ROMAN POPADIUK
>>15419255 France calls for new 'European order' because the New World Order doesn't speak their language
>>15419290, >>15419465, >>15419478 Mark Brzezinski becomes US ambassador to Poland
>>15419304 PF Reports some fighters up down by the southern Arizona border
>>15419308 Rep. Jim Jordan Says Dr. Fauci Is 'Covering Information Up' On Covid-19 Coming From The wuhan Lab
>>15419325 PLAYING FILTHY DIRTY: Wisconsin Robin Vos has punished Rep. Timothy Ramthun for his decertification push by firing his staff members, The same occurred to Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania
>>15419436 Contact Robin Vos and make your voices heard: Local: (608) 266-3387 Toll Free: (888) 534-0063 Email: Rep.Vos@legis.wisconsin.gov
>>15419463 Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? James Comey
>>15419518 #19503
Previously Collected
>>15417145 #19500, >>15418018 #19501, >>15418780 #19502
>>15415612 #19498, >>15415607 #19498, >>15416419 #19499
>>15412358 #19495, >>15413946 #19496, >>15414802 #19497
>>15413239 #19492, >>15412398 #19493, >>15413110 #19494
>>15408233 #19489, >>15409070 #19490, >>15409833 #19491
>>15405884 #19486, >>15406972 #19487, >>15407484 #19488
>>15404463 #19484, >>15405054 #19485, >>15405884 #19486
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!
#15419536 at 2022-01-20 04:21:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19504: James Comey was the FBI director during the Haiti Crisis Edition
#19503: Democrat Ballot Fraud 49-51: Popcorn day is fun Edition
>>15418830 Directv 351 More votes in the US Senate coming. It's FAR from over anons. Don't be fooled
>>15418901, >>15418918, >>15418906, >>15419052, >>15419066 Mr Schumer:....NO! HOLY SHIT 4 year delta
>>15419087 Schumer is now trying to change the Senate rules
>>15418894 Directv 351 Twitter / GETTR / Gab friends. We need EYES ON the US Senate.
>>15418849, >>15418874, >>15418882 Democrats Fail to Advance their Ballot Harvesting, Midnight Drop-Box, Election Fraud Legislation in 49-51 Vote (Cap 0:36) SCHUMER VOTED NAY
>>15418859 Eyes on the US Senate anons. When we keep an eye on them they know they can't do it
>>15418875 U.S. Army major gets 30 Years for production of child pornography
>>15418883 Nice look Lindsey Graham
>>15418893 Grassley tweet timestamp = 9:11 Numbers 242 = Be here tomorrow. The story unfolds.
>>15418912 Prince Andrew's disappearing act: Duke deletes his Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as he lowers profile after being stripped of royal patronages and use of HRH title
>>15418933 Catherine Herridge Post About Durham - Panic In D.c, The Documents Below The Poster And Qpost 4425 October Surprise!!
>>15418989, >>15419112 Dan Scavino (Cap 2:20) Just When You've Seen It All Scavino Releases This
>>15419263 Beautiful Live Feed from Dan Scavino
>>15418995 FBI agents descended on Democratic U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar's house, but won't say what they're investigating
>>15418955, >>15419037, >>15419059, >>15419097, >>15419287, >>15419485 Do Mexican Cartels Qualify as Terrorist Organizations? U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo
>>15419411 Cuellar Dig FBI Raid Bun
>>15419003 Cathrine Herridge
>>15419160 Opinion Haver @AsInMarx Henry Cuellar's campaign manager just deactivated
>>15419176 The US Senate JUST SHUT DOWN THEIR OP FOR TONIGHT.See how it works anons? Only when they have no eyes on do they proceed. This board has more power than you can imagine.
>>15419211 Illegals Can Now Use Arrest Warrants As Identification To Fly: TSA
>>15419163, >>15419249 Nomura, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs Received a Cumulative $8 Trillion from the Fed's Emergency Repo Loans in Fourth Quarter of 2019
>>15419243 Adam Schiff The Supreme Court's decision , How do you legally introduce evidence? FISA is about to bring down the house
>>15419251 Judge Gableman Issues Subpoenas to Voting Machine Companies Including Dominion Voting Machines in Wisconsin 2020 Election
>>15419252 Bush is connected to Soros and Ukraine via ROMAN POPADIUK
>>15419255 France calls for new 'European order' because the New World Order doesn't speak their language
>>15419290, >>15419465, >>15419478 Mark Brzezinski becomes US ambassador to Poland
>>15419304 PF Reports some fighters up down by the southern Arizona border
>>15419308 Rep. Jim Jordan Says Dr. Fauci Is 'Covering Information Up' On Covid-19 Coming From The wuhan Lab
>>15419325 PLAYING FILTHY DIRTY: Wisconsin Robin Vos has punished Rep. Timothy Ramthun for his decertification push by firing his staff members, The same occurred to Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania
>>15419436 Contact Robin Vos and make your voices heard: Local: (608) 266-3387 Toll Free: (888) 534-0063 Email: Rep.Vos@legis.wisconsin.gov
>>15419463 Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? James Comey
>>15419518 #19503
#15419532 at 2022-01-20 04:20:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19502: Democrat Ballot Fraud 49-51: Popcorn day is fun Edition
"The eyes of darkness"
It mentions bats too
"Then one day it was gone as quickly as it arrived" OWTTE
But The Invisible Man & BoJo's father's book are even spookier
#15419518 at 2022-01-20 04:18:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19502: Democrat Ballot Fraud 49-51: Popcorn day is fun Edition
#19503: Democrat Ballot Fraud 49-51: Popcorn day is fun Edition
>>15418830 Directv 351 More votes in the US Senate coming. It's FAR from over anons. Don't be fooled
>>15418901, >>15418918, >>15418906, >>15419052, >>15419066 Mr Schumer:....NO! HOLY SHIT 4 year delta
>>15419087 Schumer is now trying to change the Senate rules
>>15418894 Directv 351 Twitter / GETTR / Gab friends. We need EYES ON the US Senate.
>>15418849, >>15418874, >>15418882 Democrats Fail to Advance their Ballot Harvesting, Midnight Drop-Box, Election Fraud Legislation in 49-51 Vote (Cap 0:36) SCHUMER VOTED NAY
>>15418859 Eyes on the US Senate anons. When we keep an eye on them they know they can't do it
>>15418875 U.S. Army major gets 30 Years for production of child pornography
>>15418883 Nice look Lindsey Graham
>>15418893 Grassley tweet timestamp = 9:11 Numbers 242 = Be here tomorrow. The story unfolds.
>>15418912 Prince Andrew's disappearing act: Duke deletes his Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as he lowers profile after being stripped of royal patronages and use of HRH title
>>15418933 Catherine Herridge Post About Durham - Panic In D.c, The Documents Below The Poster And Qpost 4425 October Surprise!!
>>15418989, >>15419112 Dan Scavino (Cap 2:20) Just When You've Seen It All Scavino Releases This
>>15419263 Beautiful Live Feed from Dan Scavino
>>15418995 FBI agents descended on Democratic U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar's house, but won't say what they're investigating
>>15418955, >>15419037, >>15419059, >>15419097, >>15419287, >>15419485 Do Mexican Cartels Qualify as Terrorist Organizations? U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo
>>15419411 Cuellar Dig FBI Raid Bun
>>15419003 Cathrine Herridge
>>15419160 Opinion Haver @AsInMarx Henry Cuellar's campaign manager just deactivated
>>15419176 The US Senate JUST SHUT DOWN THEIR OP FOR TONIGHT.See how it works anons? Only when they have no eyes on do they proceed. This board has more power than you can imagine.
>>15419211 Illegals Can Now Use Arrest Warrants As Identification To Fly: TSA
>>15419163, >>15419249 Nomura, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs Received a Cumulative $8 Trillion from the Fed's Emergency Repo Loans in Fourth Quarter of 2019
>>15419243 Adam Schiff The Supreme Court's decision , How do you legally introduce evidence? FISA is about to bring down the house
>>15419251 Judge Gableman Issues Subpoenas to Voting Machine Companies Including Dominion Voting Machines in Wisconsin 2020 Election
>>15419252 Bush is connected to Soros and Ukraine via ROMAN POPADIUK
>>15419255 France calls for new 'European order' because the New World Order doesn't speak their language
>>15419290, >>15419465, >>15419478 Mark Brzezinski becomes US ambassador to Poland
>>15419304 PF Reports some fighters up down by the southern Arizona border
>>15419308 Rep. Jim Jordan Says Dr. Fauci Is 'Covering Information Up' On Covid-19 Coming From The wuhan Lab
>>15419325 PLAYING FILTHY DIRTY: Wisconsin Robin Vos has punished Rep. Timothy Ramthun for his decertification push by firing his staff members, The same occurred to Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania
>>15419436 Contact Robin Vos and make your voices heard: Local: (608) 266-3387 Toll Free: (888) 534-0063 Email: Rep.Vos@legis.wisconsin.gov
>>15419463 Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? James Comey
#15419508 at 2022-01-20 04:16:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19502: Democrat Ballot Fraud 49-51: Popcorn day is fun Edition
The Internet is Alive with the Sound of Reeeeeing.
#15419459 at 2022-01-20 04:09:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19502: Democrat Ballot Fraud 49-51: Popcorn day is fun Edition
#19502: Democrat Ballot Fraud 49-51: Popcorn day is fun Edition
>>15418830 Directv 351 More votes in the US Senate coming. It's FAR from over anons. Don't be fooled
>>15418901, >>15418918, >>15418906, >>15419052, >>15419066 Mr Schumer:....NO! HOLY SHIT 4 year delta
>>15419087 Schumer is now trying to change the Senate rules
>>15418894 Directv 351 Twitter / GETTR / Gab friends. We need EYES ON the US Senate.
>>15418849, >>15418874, >>15418882 Democrats Fail to Advance their Ballot Harvesting, Midnight Drop-Box, Election Fraud Legislation in 49-51 Vote (Cap 0:36) SCHUMER VOTED NAY
>>15418859 Eyes on the US Senate anons. When we keep an eye on them they know they can't do it
>>15418875 U.S. Army major gets 30 Years for production of child pornography
>>15418883 Nice look Lindsey Graham
>>15418893 Grassley tweet timestamp = 9:11 Numbers 242 = Be here tomorrow. The story unfolds.
>>15418912 Prince Andrew's disappearing act: Duke deletes his Twitter, Instagram and Facebook as he lowers profile after being stripped of royal patronages and use of HRH title
>>15418933 Catherine Herridge Post About Durham - Panic In D.c, The Documents Below The Poster And Qpost 4425 October Surprise!!
>>15418989, >>15419112 Dan Scavino (Cap 2:20) Just When You've Seen It All Scavino Releases This
>>15419263 Beautiful Live Feed from Dan Scavino
>>15418995 FBI agents descended on Democratic U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar's house, but won't say what they're investigating
>>15418955, >>15419037, >>15419059, >>15419097, >>15419287 Do Mexican Cartels Qualify as Terrorist Organizations?U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo>>15419003 Cathrine Herridge
>>15419411 Cuellar Dig FBI Raid Bun
>>15419160 Opinion Haver @AsInMarx Henry Cuellar's campaign manager just deactivated
>>15419176 The US Senate JUST SHUT DOWN THEIR OP FOR TONIGHT.See how it works anons? Only when they have no eyes on do they proceed. This board has more power than you can imagine.
>>15419211 Illegals Can Now Use Arrest Warrants As Identification To Fly: TSA
>>15419163, >>15419249 Nomura, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs Received a Cumulative $8 Trillion from the Fed's Emergency Repo Loans in Fourth Quarter of 2019
>>15419243 Adam Schiff The Supreme Court's decision , How do you legally introduce evidence? FISA is about to bring down the house
>>15419251 Judge Gableman Issues Subpoenas to Voting Machine Companies Including Dominion Voting Machines in Wisconsin 2020 Election
>>15419252 Bush is connected to Soros and Ukraine via ROMAN POPADIUK
>>15419255 France calls for new 'European order' because the New World Order doesn't speak their language
>>15419290 Mark Brzezinski becomes US ambassador to Poland
>>15419304 PF Reports some fighters up down by the southern Arizona border
>>15419308 Rep. Jim Jordan Says Dr. Fauci Is 'Covering Information Up' On Covid-19 Coming From The wuhan Lab
>>15419325 PLAYING FILTHY DIRTY: Wisconsin Robin Vos has punished Rep. Timothy Ramthun for his decertification push by firing his staff members, The same occurred to Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania
#15419308 at 2022-01-20 03:52:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19502: Democrat Ballot Fraud 49-51: Popcorn day is fun Edition
[ Video ]
Rep. Jim Jordan Says Dr. Fauci Is 'Covering Information Up' On Covid-19 Coming From The wuhan Lab
"They go from this thing looks engineered. This thing is not consistent with evolutionary theory. This thing could not have happened in nature. This thing would have been easy to do in a lab. To completely changing their position.
And here is the kicker, the two guys who said those thingsDr. Anderson and Dr. Garrythree months later get rewarded with a $8.9 million grant from Dr. Anthony Fauci."
#15418432 at 2022-01-20 02:05:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19502: Red Cross Hacked Edition
not sure about that
COVID was developed by Fauci and China at wuhan as a bioweapon
this has been proven by documents from DARPA
the vax was developed here and pushed by Trump
it seems to not work very well if at all
still, nothing like a bioweapon because that is a causus belli, aint it
#15418154 at 2022-01-20 01:28:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19502: Red Cross Hacked Edition
Sen. Marshall Proves Fauci Lied by Obtaining Previously Unpublished Financial Records
"Australia Baby Girl" Dies From Brain Hemorrhage 5 Days After Pfizer Vaccine Shot - GreatGameIndia
Dr. Robert Malone Posts Irrefutable Proof on Ivermectin and the Uttar Pradesh India Success Story
WHO Joins EU and Changes Direction - Suddenly Warns Against Taking Continued COVID Booster Shots
Pfizer CEOBourla: "Two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection, if any. 3 doses with a booster offer reasonable protection"
Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective in Treating COVID - BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC
Former 4 Star Admiral: The DNA From All Those Carcinogen-Laced COVID Tests The People Have Been Taking Are Being Sent To China
286% More Deaths of Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated Says UK Government Data
Hundreds of thousands of Americans are reporting strange and troubling side effects after getting injected with COVID-19 vaccines. One America's Pearson Sharp has more.
Australia has recorded 12 times more Deaths in 10 months due to the Covid-19 Vaccines than Deaths due to all other Vaccines combined in 51 years
Is Pfizer Doing Illegal Experiments on Orphan Babies in Poland, Spain, Finland and the US? Questions to the Polish senate, the world needs answers.
Pfizer/FDA Corruption, Lethal Batches, and Autopsies Reveal Covid-19 Jab Genocide
Totalitarian politicians are making those who reject COVID jabs 'enemies of the state'
NIH unearths more grant violations by wuhan lab collaborator EcoHealth Alliance
Bill Gates says COVID-19 vaccines 'still allow infections' and their 'duration appears to be limited'
Professor Ehud Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and one of the leading Israeli immunologists, has written an open letter sharply criticizing the Israeli - and indeed global - management of the coronavirus pandemic.
Biden Demands Big Tech Censor Those Who Question Regime's COVID Narrative
441 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 259 Dead, After COVID Shot
Smoking Gun: Moderna Patented 'Man Made' SARS-CoV2 Gene Sequence in 2018
#15418027 at 2022-01-20 01:10:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19502: Red Cross Hacked Edition
#19498 /1
>>15414853 NATO Signs Deal With Ukraine To Deepen Cyber Cooperation
>>15414852 Expect Fauci to retire this year
>>15414869 Huge Explosion Hits Key Iraq-Turkey Oil Pipeline, Sending Oil Prices to 7-Year-High
>>15414891 Starbucks reverses Vaccine Mandate for employees...
>>15414897 'We like abortion': Women's 'health' group tweets that killing the unborn is 'good'
>>15414905 U of Michigan agrees to $490M settlement in sports doctor sex abuse scandal
>>15414906 Lithuania says Russian troops in Belarus pose "direct threat"
>>15414908, >>15414930 DOD shout out to QR - 'Ship Shape'
>>15414915 Israeli government reacts to claims police snooped on own citizens
>>15414920 'Hate This Fag': Chuck Schumer's Media Director Has a History of Gay-Bashing Tweets.
>>15414921 Doctor who quit her job after being suspended for promoting ivermectin, criticizing mandates sues Houston Methodist Hospital for COVID data, financial reports
>>15414944 'Out of the Shadows' documentary (video link)
>>15414956 Q504 - 'Learn our COMMS'
>>15414970 Potato holds press conference
>>15414974 Mexican governor and his wife are accused of 'violating the rights' of five-month-old sick boy they 'adopted' for a weekend
>>15414976 PF - Eighth C-17 out of RAF Brize Norton heading to Ukraine
>>15415012 "Orders to Kill" Dr. Martin Luther King: The Government that Honors MLK with a National Holiday Killed Him
>>15415013 Q2633 You have the KEYstone
>>15415029, >>15415030 Australia BRAGS That They Will Keep Their Draconian Covid Restrictions In Place For An Entire GENERATION
>>15415049 Potato signs memorandum to secure sensitive national security systems
>>15415050 Pentagon secretly studying how to let nonbinary troops serve openly, report says
>>15415073 US Navy - Braving Mother Nature
>>15415079 Senators Johnson and Grassley ask Secret Service for Hunter Biden's unredacted travel communications
>>15415081 US Navy - Running a tight ship - prediction?
>>15415085 Gretchen Whitmer's Dark Money Hypocrisy
>>15415098 PFizer CEO attempts to shield Pfizer from criticism by inventing award
>>15415111 Zimbabwe's climate migration is a sign of what's to come blah blah blah muh climate change
>>15415125 UK Government Data proves the Covid-19 Vaccines DOUBLE your chances of catching Covid-19
>>15415159 Live: House Energy Subcommittee holds hearing on securing US energy infrastructure
>>15415166 WATCH LIVE: Senate resumes debate on voting rights bills, setting up a potential filibuster showdown
>>15415169, >>15415237 Pfizer has a lab on the wuhan Institute campus
>>15415607 #19498
#15417571 at 2022-01-20 00:17:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19501: Biden's Sun-Downer Angry Outbursts Displayed on the World Stage Edition
EXCLUSIVE: Liberals prepped talking points to defend joining 2019 Military World Games in wuhan
Jan 19, 2022
Rebel News
1.52M subscribers
If the Canadian government had withdrawn the 170 person delegation from the games, it could have prevented the early introduction of coronavirus to Canada.
FULL REPORT from Sheila Gunn Reid ? https://rebelne.ws/3KsQBMY
#15417170 at 2022-01-19 23:23:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19501: Biden's Sun-Downer Angry Outbursts Displayed on the World Stage Edition
#19498 /1
>>15414853 NATO Signs Deal With Ukraine To Deepen Cyber Cooperation
>>15414852 Expect Fauci to retire this year
>>15414869 Huge Explosion Hits Key Iraq-Turkey Oil Pipeline, Sending Oil Prices to 7-Year-High
>>15414891 Starbucks reverses Vaccine Mandate for employees...
>>15414897 'We like abortion': Women's 'health' group tweets that killing the unborn is 'good'
>>15414905 U of Michigan agrees to $490M settlement in sports doctor sex abuse scandal
>>15414906 Lithuania says Russian troops in Belarus pose "direct threat"
>>15414908, >>15414930 DOD shout out to QR - 'Ship Shape'
>>15414915 Israeli government reacts to claims police snooped on own citizens
>>15414920 'Hate This Fag': Chuck Schumer's Media Director Has a History of Gay-Bashing Tweets.
>>15414921 Doctor who quit her job after being suspended for promoting ivermectin, criticizing mandates sues Houston Methodist Hospital for COVID data, financial reports
>>15414944 'Out of the Shadows' documentary (video link)
>>15414956 Q504 - 'Learn our COMMS'
>>15414970 Potato holds press conference
>>15414974 Mexican governor and his wife are accused of 'violating the rights' of five-month-old sick boy they 'adopted' for a weekend
>>15414976 PF - Eighth C-17 out of RAF Brize Norton heading to Ukraine
>>15415012 "Orders to Kill" Dr. Martin Luther King: The Government that Honors MLK with a National Holiday Killed Him
>>15415013 Q2633 You have the KEYstone
>>15415029, >>15415030 Australia BRAGS That They Will Keep Their Draconian Covid Restrictions In Place For An Entire GENERATION
>>15415049 Potato signs memorandum to secure sensitive national security systems
>>15415050 Pentagon secretly studying how to let nonbinary troops serve openly, report says
>>15415073 US Navy - Braving Mother Nature
>>15415079 Senators Johnson and Grassley ask Secret Service for Hunter Biden's unredacted travel communications
>>15415081 US Navy - Running a tight ship - prediction?
>>15415085 Gretchen Whitmer's Dark Money Hypocrisy
>>15415098 PFizer CEO attempts to shield Pfizer from criticism by inventing award
>>15415111 Zimbabwe's climate migration is a sign of what's to come blah blah blah muh climate change
>>15415125 UK Government Data proves the Covid-19 Vaccines DOUBLE your chances of catching Covid-19
>>15415159 Live: House Energy Subcommittee holds hearing on securing US energy infrastructure
>>15415166 WATCH LIVE: Senate resumes debate on voting rights bills, setting up a potential filibuster showdown
>>15415169, >>15415237 Pfizer has a lab on the wuhan Institute campus
>>15415607 #19498
#15416448 at 2022-01-19 21:55:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19500: Remember This Day Edition
#19498 /1
>>15414853 NATO Signs Deal With Ukraine To Deepen Cyber Cooperation
>>15414852 Expect Fauci to retire this year
>>15414869 Huge Explosion Hits Key Iraq-Turkey Oil Pipeline, Sending Oil Prices to 7-Year-High
>>15414891 Starbucks reverses Vaccine Mandate for employees...
>>15414897 'We like abortion': Women's 'health' group tweets that killing the unborn is 'good'
>>15414905 U of Michigan agrees to $490M settlement in sports doctor sex abuse scandal
>>15414906 Lithuania says Russian troops in Belarus pose "direct threat"
>>15414908, >>15414930 DOD shout out to QR - 'Ship Shape'
>>15414915 Israeli government reacts to claims police snooped on own citizens
>>15414920 'Hate This Fag': Chuck Schumer's Media Director Has a History of Gay-Bashing Tweets.
>>15414921 Doctor who quit her job after being suspended for promoting ivermectin, criticizing mandates sues Houston Methodist Hospital for COVID data, financial reports
>>15414944 'Out of the Shadows' documentary (video link)
>>15414956 Q504 - 'Learn our COMMS'
>>15414970 Potato holds press conference
>>15414974 Mexican governor and his wife are accused of 'violating the rights' of five-month-old sick boy they 'adopted' for a weekend
>>15414976 PF - Eighth C-17 out of RAF Brize Norton heading to Ukraine
>>15415012 "Orders to Kill" Dr. Martin Luther King: The Government that Honors MLK with a National Holiday Killed Him
>>15415013 Q2633 You have the KEYstone
>>15415029, >>15415030 Australia BRAGS That They Will Keep Their Draconian Covid Restrictions In Place For An Entire GENERATION
>>15415049 Potato signs memorandum to secure sensitive national security systems
>>15415050 Pentagon secretly studying how to let nonbinary troops serve openly, report says
>>15415073 US Navy - Braving Mother Nature
>>15415079 Senators Johnson and Grassley ask Secret Service for Hunter Biden's unredacted travel communications
>>15415081 US Navy - Running a tight ship - prediction?
>>15415085 Gretchen Whitmer's Dark Money Hypocrisy
>>15415098 PFizer CEO attempts to shield Pfizer from criticism by inventing award
>>15415111 Zimbabwe's climate migration is a sign of what's to come blah blah blah muh climate change
>>15415125 UK Government Data proves the Covid-19 Vaccines DOUBLE your chances of catching Covid-19
>>15415159 Live: House Energy Subcommittee holds hearing on securing US energy infrastructure
>>15415166 WATCH LIVE: Senate resumes debate on voting rights bills, setting up a potential filibuster showdown
>>15415169, >>15415237 Pfizer has a lab on the wuhan Institute campus
>>15415607 #19498
#15415662 at 2022-01-19 20:13:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19498: Standby for Dough Test 1 Edition
A Fauci Funded Study Turned Monkeys Transgender... Seriously.
America's chief COVID-19 architect Anthony Fauci awarded over $200,000 at the height of the pandemic to research injecting hormones into male monkeys to transition them into females.
The scientists receiving the taxpayer-funded grants from Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the same agency used to fund the wuhan Institute of Virology, injected male monkeys with female hormones in an effort to understand why transgender women reportedly experience higher rates of HIV.
Scientists planned to evaluate how the injected hormones altered the males' immune systems to determine if feminizing hormones had an adverse effect on the strength of immune systems. If so, researchers believed this weakening of the immune system could be responsible for their increased likelihood of becoming HIV positive.
The monkeys used in the experiment are bred specifically for US government research at an annual cost of millions of dollars to taxpayers, according to government documents published by transparency group White Coat Waste Project.
The National Institutes of Health grant database, which has been taken offline at the height of the controversy over Fauci's relationship with the wuhan lab, reveals the project began in December 2020 and is set to conclude in November 2022.
The project has already received $205,562 in funding in 2022, following $272,626 distributed in 2021 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
A study published under the grant - "A nonhuman primate model to study the immunological effects of feminizing hormone therapy in transgender women" - dedicates in opening summary to explaining the "social injustices" faced by "transgender persons":
More at: https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/01/19/fauci-funded-transgender-monkey-experiments/
#15415632 at 2022-01-19 20:08:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19499: Orange Crush Edition
>>13699736 Anons Bakers BV's and BO's are in Meta talking about how to make the bread and dough more informative and usable. All anons welcome
>>15404465 OSS is banned for 50 days and his spam will be deleted. OSS MUST NOT BAKE. (banned from baking for bread problems caused)
>>15404489 OSS baked the breads that went missing
>>15404510 Big spike in CP w/linkbot
>>15404537 It is entirely reasonable to remove spam It has been removed many times from QR before
>>15404627 Why delete whole bread? It was in no way intentional, not planned.
#19498 /1
>>15414853 NATO Signs Deal With Ukraine To Deepen Cyber Cooperation
>>15414852 Expect Fauci to retire this year
>>15414869 Huge Explosion Hits Key Iraq-Turkey Oil Pipeline, Sending Oil Prices to 7-Year-High
>>15414891 Starbucks reverses Vaccine Mandate for employees...
>>15414897 'We like abortion': Women's 'health' group tweets that killing the unborn is 'good'
>>15414905 U of Michigan agrees to $490M settlement in sports doctor sex abuse scandal
>>15414906 Lithuania says Russian troops in Belarus pose "direct threat"
>>15414908, >>15414930 DOD shout out to QR - 'Ship Shape'
>>15414915 Israeli government reacts to claims police snooped on own citizens
>>15414920 'Hate This Fag': Chuck Schumer's Media Director Has a History of Gay-Bashing Tweets.
>>15414921 Doctor who quit her job after being suspended for promoting ivermectin, criticizing mandates sues Houston Methodist Hospital for COVID data, financial reports
>>15414944 'Out of the Shadows' documentary (video link)
>>15414956 Q504 - 'Learn our COMMS'
>>15414970 Potato holds press conference
>>15414974 Mexican governor and his wife are accused of 'violating the rights' of five-month-old sick boy they 'adopted' for a weekend
>>15414976 PF - Eighth C-17 out of RAF Brize Norton heading to Ukraine
>>15415012 "Orders to Kill" Dr. Martin Luther King: The Government that Honors MLK with a National Holiday Killed Him
>>15415013 Q2633 You have the KEYstone
>>15415029, >>15415030 Australia BRAGS That They Will Keep Their Draconian Covid Restrictions In Place For An Entire GENERATION
>>15415049 Potato signs memorandum to secure sensitive national security systems
>>15415050 Pentagon secretly studying how to let nonbinary troops serve openly, report says
>>15415073 US Navy - Braving Mother Nature
>>15415079 Senators Johnson and Grassley ask Secret Service for Hunter Biden's unredacted travel communications
>>15415081 US Navy - Running a tight ship - prediction?
>>15415085 Gretchen Whitmer's Dark Money Hypocrisy
>>15415098 PFizer CEO attempts to shield Pfizer from criticism by inventing award
>>15415111 Zimbabwe's climate migration is a sign of what's to come blah blah blah muh climate change
>>15415125 UK Government Data proves the Covid-19 Vaccines DOUBLE your chances of catching Covid-19
>>15415159 Live: House Energy Subcommittee holds hearing on securing US energy infrastructure
>>15415166 WATCH LIVE: Senate resumes debate on voting rights bills, setting up a potential filibuster showdown
>>15415169, >>15415237 Pfizer has a lab on the wuhan Institute campus
>>15415607 #19498
#15415607 at 2022-01-19 20:04:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19498: Standby for Dough Test 1 Edition
>>15414817 Dough
#19498@400 /1
>>15414853 NATO Signs Deal With Ukraine To Deepen Cyber Cooperation
>>15414852 Expect Fauci to retire this year
>>15414869 Huge Explosion Hits Key Iraq-Turkey Oil Pipeline, Sending Oil Prices to 7-Year-High
>>15414891 Starbucks reverses Vaccine Mandate for employees...
>>15414897 'We like abortion': Women's 'health' group tweets that killing the unborn is 'good'
>>15414905 U of Michigan agrees to $490M settlement in sports doctor sex abuse scandal
>>15414906 Lithuania says Russian troops in Belarus pose "direct threat"
>>15414908, >>15414930 DOD shout out to QR - 'Ship Shape'
>>15414915 Israeli government reacts to claims police snooped on own citizens
>>15414920 'Hate This Fag': Chuck Schumer's Media Director Has a History of Gay-Bashing Tweets.
>>15414921 Doctor who quit her job after being suspended for promoting ivermectin, criticizing mandates sues Houston Methodist Hospital for COVID data, financial reports
>>15414944 'Out of the Shadows' documentary (video link)
>>15414956 Q504 - 'Learn our COMMS'
>>15414970 Potato holds press conference
>>15414974 Mexican governor and his wife are accused of 'violating the rights' of five-month-old sick boy they 'adopted' for a weekend
>>15414976 PF - Eighth C-17 out of RAF Brize Norton heading to Ukraine
>>15415012 "Orders to Kill" Dr. Martin Luther King: The Government that Honors MLK with a National Holiday Killed Him
>>15415013 Q2633 You have the KEYstone
>>15415029, >>15415030 Australia BRAGS That They Will Keep Their Draconian Covid Restrictions In Place For An Entire GENERATION
>>15415049 Potato signs memorandum to secure sensitive national security systems
>>15415050 Pentagon secretly studying how to let nonbinary troops serve openly, report says
>>15415073 US Navy - Braving Mother Nature
>>15415079 Senators Johnson and Grassley ask Secret Service for Hunter Biden's unredacted travel communications
>>15415081 US Navy - Running a tight ship - prediction?
>>15415085 Gretchen Whitmer's Dark Money Hypocrisy
>>15415098 PFizer CEO attempts to shield Pfizer from criticism by inventing award
>>15415111 Zimbabwe's climate migration is a sign of what's to come blah blah blah muh climate change
>>15415125 UK Government Data proves the Covid-19 Vaccines DOUBLE your chances of catching Covid-19
>>15415159 Live: House Energy Subcommittee holds hearing on securing US energy infrastructure
>>15415166 WATCH LIVE: Senate resumes debate on voting rights bills, setting up a potential filibuster showdown
>>15415169, >>15415237 Pfizer has a lab on the wuhan Institute campus
#15415565 at 2022-01-19 19:56:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19498: Standby for Dough Test 1 Edition
>>15415246 Wait. So this means Pfizer safety data and clinical trial master files were all run exclusively thru wuhan which means data submitted to the FDA for the 'vaccine' came from China?
"Two functions run exclusively at wuhan and nowhere else in the world: 'No other but our wuhan teams manage the clinical trial registry information and clinical trial master files for all Pfizer's medicines. "
#15415289 at 2022-01-19 19:11:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19498: Standby for Dough Test 1 Edition
>>15414817 Dough
>>15414853 NATO Signs Deal With Ukraine To Deepen Cyber Cooperation
>>15414852 Expect Fauci to retire this year
>>15414869 Huge Explosion Hits Key Iraq-Turkey Oil Pipeline, Sending Oil Prices to 7-Year-High
>>15414891 Starbucks reverses Vaccine Mandate for employees...
>>15414897 'We like abortion': Women's 'health' group tweets that killing the unborn is 'good'
>>15414905 U of Michigan agrees to $490M settlement in sports doctor sex abuse scandal
>>15414906 Lithuania says Russian troops in Belarus pose "direct threat"
>>15414908 , >>15414930 DOD shout out to QR - 'Ship Shape'
>>15414915 Israeli government reacts to claims police snooped on own citizens
>>15414920 'Hate This Fag': Chuck Schumer's Media Director Has a History of Gay-Bashing Tweets.
>>15414921 Doctor who quit her job after being suspended for promoting ivermectin, criticizing mandates sues Houston Methodist Hospital for COVID data, financial reports
>>15414944 'Out of the Shadows' documentary (video link)
>>15414956 Q504 - 'Learn our COMMS'
>>15414970 Potato holds press conference
>>15414974 Mexican governor and his wife are accused of 'violating the rights' of five-month-old sick boy they 'adopted' for a weekend
>>15414976 PF - Eighth C-17 out of RAF Brize Norton heading to Ukraine
>>15415012 "Orders to Kill" Dr. Martin Luther King: The Government that Honors MLK with a National Holiday Killed Him
>>15415013 Q2633 You have the KEYstone
>>15415029 , >>15415030 Australia BRAGS That They Will Keep Their Draconian Covid Restrictions In Place For An Entire GENERATION
>>15415049 Potato signs memorandum to secure sensitive national security systems
>>15415050 Pentagon secretly studying how to let nonbinary troops serve openly, report says
>>15415073 US Navy - Braving Mother Nature
>>15415079 Senators Johnson and Grassley ask Secret Service for Hunter Biden's unredacted travel communications
>>15415081 US Navy - Running a tight ship - prediction?
>>15415085 Gretchen Whitmer's Dark Money Hypocrisy
>>15415098 PFizer CEO attempts to shield Pfizer from criticism by inventing award
>>15415111 Zimbabwe's climate migration is a sign of what's to come blah blah blah muh climate change
>>15415125 UK Government Data proves the Covid-19 Vaccines DOUBLE your chances of catching Covid-19
>>15415159 Live: House Energy Subcommittee holds hearing on securing US energy infrastructure
>>15415166 WATCH LIVE: Senate resumes debate on voting rights bills, setting up a potential filibuster showdown
>>15415169 , >>15415237 Pfizer has a lab on the wuhan Institute campus
>>15415176 Arizona Correctional Industries - Florence, a Pyramid and a Greek Monastery
>>15415191 Chlorine Dioxide cures cancer.
>>15415221 NEW Docs Obtained by Judicial Watch CONFIRM Communication Between FBI & Pfizer about Project Veritas
>>15415225 Dig on Ivermecti (rollup of links)
>>15415231 Military Strength Comparisons for 2022
>>15415256 29 arrested in Albania, Greece and Italy for smuggling more than 1 100 migrants in yachts
>>15415264 Nigerian cybercrime fraud: 11 suspects arrested, syndicate busted
#15415269 at 2022-01-19 19:07:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19498: Standby for Dough Test 1 Edition
Two functions run exclusively at wuhan and nowhere else in the world: 'No other but our wuhan teams manage the clinical trial registry information and clinical trial master files for all Pfizer's medicines. These are of utmost importance - making any mistake or losing documents could mean the medicine would never go to market,' Lan said."
#15415254 at 2022-01-19 19:05:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19498: Standby for Dough Test 1 Edition
Pfizer charged with bribery in China and elsewhere (2012) https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2021/07/22/us-charged-pfizer-with-bribery-in-china-elsewhere-including-travel-to-australia-conference-in-exchange-for-doctors-promising-to-use-no-less-than-4200-injections-a-year/
In 2009, "Pfizer noted that its wuhan operation will liaise with local research institutes and universities "utilising the rich resources of local talent and existing industry capabilities to develop research collaborations". It stressed that Shanghai will remain "the operations hub of Pfizer's R&D effort in China". See: "Pfizer to build R&D facility in wuhan, China" 25th November 2009 by Kevin Grogan Pharma Times: https://archive.md/0M2Gx
Dan Changchun, deputy-director of wuhan East Lake High-Tech Development Zone explained: "The zone provides favorable policies and infrastructure to attract internationally leading companies to stay and one key reason is to learn from their culture from outside.... "For example, we built an office building for the use of giant pharmaceutical company Pfizer, who will probably not contribute any tax revenue during my tenure. But what Pfizer brought to us is its concept." See: "Valley grows culture to lead innovation" Updated: 2016-06-15 By Wang Huazhong and Zhou Lihua(chinadaily. com. cn) https://archive.md/P8weS
"The wuhan National Bio-industry Base, also known as the Biolake, is China's second largest state-level biotech industrial base in view of overall strength, located in wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone". "Pfizer building in the Biolake" photo included. It's located on the waterfront. See: "China Optics Valley, Biolake, wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone": https://archive.md/VYUZF
BioProcess International Spotlight by BPI Staff Wednesday, December 16, 2015 featured JHL Biotech's wuhan facility. Excerpts: "The world's largest biomanufacturing plant based on single-use technology has been constructed for JHL Biotech at the Biolake science park in wuhan, China.... The Biolake site is designed to accommodate increasing local demand for biosimilars and innovative biopharmaceuticals.... CEO Racho Jordanov says, 'Industry-wide, there is a clear focus on cost of goods and how this directly impacts final pricing." https://archive.md/IzAUE
In 2021 Racho Jordanov was indicted for theft of trade secrets and fraud: https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2021/07/22/former-ceo-and-coo-of-taiwan-headquartered-jhl-biotech-with-offices-in-wuhan-china-and-california-charged-with-conspiracy-to-steal-trade-secrets-and-commit-wire-fraud-exceeding-101-million/
Also featured in the same December 16, 2015 BPI article was "US Biodefense Study Emboldens Biotech": "In late October, the Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense in the United States released its final report (www.biodefensestudy.org) recommending new approaches to developing medical countermeasures more quickly for emerging infectious disease threats.... The report calls out the crucial role of drug and vaccine medical countermeasures and the need for significant government funding..." https://archive.md/IzAUE
#15415246 at 2022-01-19 19:05:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19498: Standby for Dough Test 1 Edition
On a separate Pfizer (China) site (last updated in 2011) one can find regarding Pfizer's China Research and Development Center (Shanghai and wuhan): "CRDC supports Pfizer's global biological and chemical pharmaceutical R&D programs across our clinical development pipeline, and serves as an important hub of Pfizer global and Asia-Pacific R&D activities. As such, CRDC is an integral part of Pfizer's global R&D site network, providing support across many R&D disciplines, including clinical drug development, medical, regulatory and safety." See this and more here: https://archive.md/IQBZy
Pfizer founded an R&D facility in wuhan (October 8, 2010) at China's National Bio-industry Base in wuhan (Biolake). It was the first Fortune 500 company to located at wuhan's Biolake facility. By 2015, Pfizer was moving its "medicine safety business" (whatever that means) from India to the wuhan Biolake facility.
Lan Zhanghua site head of Pfizer (wuhan) Research & Development Co Ltd. stated: "We developed beyond expectation. Now the wuhan team has comprehensive coverage in Pfizer's medicine development. Every one of Pfizer's new drugs has indispensable contributions from the wuhan team."
Whereas, Pfizer's wuhan team started "performing only one function to 12 functions in the R&D system. Two functions run exclusively at wuhan and nowhere else in the world: 'No other but our wuhan teams manage the clinical trial registry information and clinical trial master files for all Pfizer's medicines. These are of utmost importance - making any mistake or losing documents could mean the medicine would never go to market,' Lan said."
As of 2016, Pfizer employed almost 500 people at the wuhan site.
At least eight of thirteen Fortune 500 pharmaceutical companies were located there, as of 2016. These included France's Sanofi, which signed a cooperation agreement with China National Pharmaceutical Group and wuhan East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone (Nov 25, 2013). Sanofi's stated plan was "to co-create a production base in Biolake International Vaccine Park, with the aim of offering innovative technology and high-quality biological products worldwide." See: "Pfizer leads the way for pharma companies at Biolake" By Wang Huazhong and Zhou Lihua , China Daily USA, 2016-06-29 https://archive.is/puanr And, see: "Medicine safety business of Pfizer transferred to wuhan" Source: hubei. gov. cn 04/30/2015 https://archive.md/SKyM5
US Pfizer, Germany's Bayer, Fresenius Kabi, Thermo Fisher, Honeywell and DuPont Pioneer were all located at Biolake, wuhan, as of 2013: "8 world top 500 biopharmaceutical companies located in wuhan"
Source: hubei. gov. cn 11/18/2013 10:11:09 See: https://archive.md/w9QJd
#15415237 at 2022-01-19 19:03:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19498: Standby for Dough Test 1 Edition
Pfizer has Large R&D Facility in wuhan China; Pfizer Employed Members of the Chinese Communist Party According to a Data Leak; Pfizer 3 Month Revenue from the Covid Vaccine was $3.5 Billion
Pfizer December 2020 SEC filing: https://archive.md/SMPQa
In 2010, Pfizer founded an R&D facility at China's National Bio-industry Base in wuhan (Biolake). By 2015, Pfizer was moving its "medicine safety business" from India to the wuhan Biolake facility. Lan Zhanghua, the site head of Pfizer (wuhan) Research & Development Co Ltd. stated in 2016: "Every one of Pfizer's new drugs has indispensable contributions from the wuhan team." He states that two R&D "functions run exclusively at wuhan and nowhere else in the world... our wuhan teams manage the clinical trial registry information and clinical trial master files for all Pfizer's medicines". https://archive.md/puanr Pfizer should be under investigation by the FBI-Homeland Security, but they almost certainly are not.
According to a data leak, Pfizer has employed 69 known members of the Chinese Communist Party. This sounds like a low number, considering that around 500 people work at their wuhan site. Maybe this is members working for Pfizer outside China? See: "Huge Data Leak of 2 Million CCP Members Reveals 'Golden Age' of Chinese Espionage" By Daniel Y. Teng, December 14, 2020 https://archive.vn/5O49L
Pfizer is one of the major beneficiaries of SARS-CoV 2 (Covid-19), which started in wuhan, China: "Pfizer Reaps Hundreds of Millions in Profits From Covid Vaccine: The company said its vaccine generated $3.5 billion in revenue in the first three months of this year", New York Times, May 4, 2021: https://archive.md/l6Sy1. It accounted for almost a quarter of Pfizer's total revenue and they will make close to an estimated $1 billion in vaccine profits for the first three months alone. (NYT estimate is $900 million pretax.)
"The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine that may prevent COVID-19. There is no FDA-approved vaccine" for Covid-19. Notice that they don't put "death" as one of the risks. They merely note that "These may not be all the possible side effects of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Serious and unexpected side effects may occur. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is still being studied in clinical trials". This is not informed consent! https://www.fda.gov/media/144414/download
As of December 2020, Pfizer's SEC filing still listed the following subsidiaries in Communist China, which carries the false name of "People's Republic of China": Pfizer (China) Research and Development Co. Ltd, Pfizer (wuhan) Research and Development Co. Ltd., and Pfizer Biologics (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd., as well as Pfizer International Trading (Shanghai) Limited, Pfizer Investment Co. Ltd., Pfizer Pharmaceutical (Wuxi) Co., Ltd., Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Pfizer Finance Share Service (Dalian) Co., Ltd. https://archive.md/SMPQa Funny thing that the wuhan R&D isn't listed as one of their R&D locations on the Pfizer web site. Even prior to the Covid-19 outbreak, it wasn't listed: https://web.archive.org/web/20190321054103/https://www.pfizer.com/science/research-development/centers If you do a search for wuhan on their web site, you don't find it, as of this writing. If you type China in the search you find some relevant things.
#15415169 at 2022-01-19 18:52:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19498: Standby for Dough Test 1 Edition
Dept. of State FOIA reading room spitball - used Pfizer as search term.
Intrasting document from 2018. Pfizer has a lab on the wuhan Institute campus, coincidentally named Biolake Technology Park. How convenient for Pfizer…..j/s
Also interesting that flights from San Francisco to Guangzhou were (at least in 2018) subsidized by the city of wuhan.
"On other topics, he said '''the city would continue to subsidize the
city's only direct flight to the United States (China Southern 659, originating in Guangzhou and
connecting to San Francisco three times a week)''', even after the United States begins issuing
visas in wuhan. He welcomed the possibility of a U.S. carrier such as Hawaiian Airlines
offering a new direct flight. '''(Note: China Southern 659 is rarely full, but demand is expected to
increase once Chinese travelers can obtain their visa in wuhan. United Airlines officials have
expressed some interest in a direct wuhan-U.S. flight once U.S. visas are issued here. End
Note.)" '''
And in the category of things anon either never knew or forgot about. Cybersecurity and intelligence operations also in wuhan:
The base, under construction in wuhan's
Airport Economic Development Zone, will be a national-level cybersecurity industry base
including an Institute of State Cybersecurity (with a training center and research academy), a
residential area with more than 1,200 apartments for "international talent" in cybersecurity, a
supercomputer and cloud computing data center, and a cybersecurity science and technology
incubator with room for 200 companies. According to news reports, parts of the facility will
begin operation next year. Construction began in August 2017. wuhan is positioning itself as a
major national base for cybersecurity and recently hosted an international cybersecurity
standards meeting.
Then there's that whole Guangzhou airport connection:
Guangdong = Guangzhou = Shenzhen? Do you believe in coincidences?
No. 297 - where was this picture taken?
Hanging of flags traditional/occurs in this part of the country for what holiday?
"Western intelligence contacts that the device was made at a Supermicro subcontractor factory in Guangzhou, a port city in southeastern China. Guangzhou is 90 miles upstream from Shenzhen, dubbed the `Silicon Valley of Hardware,'"
What state does [Feinstein] represent?
Worth 43 minutes of your time.
#15405823 at 2022-01-18 16:25:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19486: Papi's Fiesta Taco Tuesday Edition
Guess what? The black plague started in the same province of China! "In the year 1331 The first recorded outbreak of the Black Death occurs in the Chinese province of Hubei" (wuhan is in Hubei province)
"Chinese province Hubei" = 1331 (Jewish)
"wuhan Hubei Province" = 214 (English Ordinal)
"black death Hubei Province" = 214 (English Ordinal)
688 years between the black death and coronavirus. They both started in Hubei Province….
"Blue Oyster Cult" = 688 (Satanic)
The 1331 number was the George HW Bush death number…
He died on 11/30/2018 at 10:10 PM the 1331st minute of the day counting the last minute.
#15402351 at 2022-01-18 03:16:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19482: What Really Matters Edition
Gen. Mark Milley Tests Positive for COVID-19
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley tested positive for the wuhan coronavirus on Sunday and is isolating.
#15399548 at 2022-01-17 20:58:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19478: Public Awakening = Game Over Edition
>>Your question is for the scientists at the wuhan lab who manufactured the virus.
>What I'm saying is show me proof.
>If you can't, it doesn't exist
That's the same fallacy restated.
Appealing to ignorance to prove a statement is a logical fallacy.
Absence of evidence is not equivalent to evidence of absence.
Your question is for wuhan, not me.
#15399497 at 2022-01-17 20:52:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19478: Public Awakening = Game Over Edition
>Your question is for the scientists at the wuhan lab who manufactured the virus.
Show me FACTS, not fake news nonsense lies.
>You can't argue for anything's non-existence
What I'm saying is show me proof.
If you can't, it doesn't exist.
"But but Santa exists"
"Show me proof then"
"So you think Santa doesn't exist? Are you a Santa denier??? Santa exists"
Same shit w/ covid.
They renamed the flu and called it covid.
And then based on the tests that don't work and the corrupt pharma system more and more got called "covid".
It's "how to create a new disease 101".
#15399474 at 2022-01-17 20:50:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19478: Public Awakening = Game Over Edition
>Show me a way to detect "covid" without saying "use the PCR test or another test based on the PCR test
Your question is for the scientists at the wuhan lab who manufactured the virus.
You can't argue for anything's non-existence by appealing to ignorance.
That's a fallacy of aegumentation.
#15394961 at 2022-01-17 03:39:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19473: Late Night No Fear! Edition
notables are not endorsements
Notables Aggregator: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
#19472 TBC
>>15393320 FBI is under fire for claiming terror attack at a synagogue was NOT targeting Jewish people - daily mail
>>15393336 Zuckerberg Directly Implicated in Huge Backroom Deal in 2018: Law Enforcement Bombshell - gwp
>>15393352 #19470:
>>15393397, >>15393399, Another 'large eruption' detected at Tonga volcano, according to monitor - various
>>15393400, >>15393433, Glenn Greenwald Exposes Deep State Effort To Stop Trump Pardoning Edward Snowden And Julian Assange -
>>15393414 'Vax dates': Victorian youth body urges teens to get Covid-19 jab without parents' permission - news.com
>>15393419 remarkable lengths taken to whitewash Bill Clinton's cosy links to pervert Jeffrey Epstein when Hillary ran for President - daily mail
>>15393436 Oliver Stone's documentary, ukraine president was a ruthless kill - vimeo video link
>>15393417 Junior Red Cross Magazine Covers - source linked
>>15393447, >>15393453, >>15393479, >>15393495, National Guard assistance to the nation's capital - moar trump proof, youtube
>>15393459 Police in Manchester arrest two teenagers over Texas synagogue siege - daily mail uk
>>15393486, >>15393588, BREAKING: North Korea launches suspected ballistic missile towards the Sea of Japan - bno news twat [thought he was quiet, here we go]
>>15393509 Glenn Greenwald Exposes Deep State Effort To Stop Trump Pardoning Edward Snowden And Julian Assange - zerohedge twat
>>15393523 meme war - elon musk twat with source
>>15393658 Sean Hannity Demands Nancy Pelosi's Texts Be Subpoenaed by Jan. 6 Committee
>>15393710 Ex-DoD official confirmed DC refused Trump's offer of National Guard on 1-6
>>15393659 Biden creating a blacklist of religious leaders?
>>15393748 Biden Will Push For Unconstitutional Police Reforms on Wed
>>15393761 Poso on forcing children to wear masks in defiance of gov's order
>>15393785 DOD Inspector General Report
>>15393796 Glenn Greenwald Exposes Deep State Effort To Stop Trump Pardoning Snowden/Assange
>>15393812 270 doctors trying to call out Rogan for covid misinformation
>>15393815 Seoul: N. Korea fires projectile in 4th launch this month
>>15393831 Employee Religious Exception Request Information System
>>15393844 Ex-Clinton adviser says there's 'good chance' of 2024 Hillary/Trump rematch
>>15393858 Capitol Police rejected offers of federal help to quell mob
>>15393873 'Red-Handed' Contains 1,093 Endnotes, No Unnamed Sources
>>15393895 Victoria Nuland blaming all the problems on Russia
>>15393944 Former Acting Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Pleads Guilty to Scheme to Defraud the U.S. Government
>>15393731 New Footage of Ashli Babbitt Shooting Raises More January 6 Questions
>>15394040 Great Anon Bun Thank you for collecting
>>15394081 #19471
>>15392587, >>15392605, Senate Democrats demand answers from Biden over critical COVID pandemic failure: 'Either knew or should have known' - the blaze
>>15392597 who is john barron - trump or larp
>>15392599 FBI: Suspect attacked officer "without provocation" at Pentagon bus platform
>>15392631 U of Michigan president fired after employee relationship, 'inappropriate' emails surface - nypost
>>15392645 letitia James dig [highlighted by trump at az rally]
>>15392651 (You) #19467 split breads aggregated notes
>>15392655 False Flags Suddenly No Longer A Crazy Conspiracy Theory - caityjohnstone
>>15392675 States Investigating Surge In Mortality Rate Among 18-49-Year-Olds, Majority Unrelated To COVID-19 - epoch times
>>15392719 Global Announcements - should they come back - board owner
>>15392750 Cher Freaks Out: 'If Democrats Lose House or Senate, We're F**ked' - newspunch
>>15392756, >>15392787, >>15392774, If you're unvaccinated and get COVID-19, you are 17 times more likely to be hospitalized. - biden twats today
>>15392760 donald trump junior twat [attacking clowns]
>>15392764 Why are my lymph nodes swollen and sore after a Pfizer or Moderna COVID booster vaccine? abc.net
>>15392784 half of Democrats want to jail, fine, intern in "facilities" those who don't wish to be vaccinated. - tom fitton twat and rasmussenreports
>>15392808 (You) global suggestion by note taker
>>15392820 2022/congressional-redistricting-maps-by-state-and-district/illinois/ - politico
>>15392823 rip Brigadier General Charles McGee - dod twat
>>15392841 It Was Quite an Efficient Mission' - CSTO Sec. General on Peacekeepers' Operation in Kazakhstan - youtube
>>15392854 Why did Pelosi and the Capitol Police reject the 10,000+ national guard troops or soldiers that I authorized to control the massive crowd? - trump clip az mp4 video
>>15392861 Abraham Lincoln is in US3rdFleet - navy twat
>>15392873 Update After Week of Intense Talks Between Russia and Ukraine - kyivpost.com
>>15392906 Netanyahu meets with family, lawyers on whether to accept plea deal - timesofisrael.com
>>15392909, >>15393169, Former Seahawks player Siavii found dead in Kansas federal prison - komonews.com
>>15392924 Ukraine Says Has 'Evidence' Russia Behind Cyberattack - themoscowtimes.com
>>15393008 Ukraine's former president, Petro Poroshenko, vows to return to his homeland to fight treason charges that he says are politically motivated. - ap twat
>>15393012 After 28 Days on Ventilator, Family Loses Legal Battle to Try Ivermectin, - epoch times
>>15393066, >>15393070, >>15393074, >>15393078, >>15393081, >>15393095, Junior Red Cross Magazine Covers - need source
>>15393071 Another Migrant Caravan Leaves Honduras En Route to US Border - gwp
>>15393085 elon musk twat - need source
>>15393103 Donald J. Trump's Rally in Florence, Arizona in Photos - liz harrington crowd pics twat
>>15393119 PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana & tells the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out a Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation and to destroy the Global Economy & WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF. - telegram and agmiw.org
>>15393067 jim watkins mp4 video - stay focused
>>15393137 Health departments in several states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they are looking into a steep surge in the mortality rate for people aged 18 to 49 in 2021-a majority of which are not linked to COVID-19. - telegram and epoch times link
>>15393176, >>15393192, >>15393228, >>15393242, Trump Offered to Deploy 10,000 National Guard Troops in DC Ahead of Jan. 6: Mark Meadows - archive.ph
>>15393177 A Harvard professor convicted of lying to federal officials about his business dealings with China's wuhan University of Technology lost his bid to force the school to pay his attorneys' fees and defense costs. bloomberg law
>>15393258 Doctor of 41 years has medical license suspended for interpreting data on Covid treatments and deciding for herself how to treat patients in her care. - washington pundit
takes a lot of time to collect notables properly, delay explained o7
>>15393352 #19470
Previously Collected
>>15392113 #19467, >>15392122 #19468, >>15392415 #19469
>>15388263 #19464, >>15389365 #19465, >>15389903 #19466
>>15386002 #19461, >>15386725 #19462, >>15387557 #19463
>>15383665 #19458\2, >>15384646 #19459, >>15385193 #19460
>>15382880 #19457\1 >>15382884 #19457\2, >>15383661 #19458\1
#15394101 at 2022-01-17 01:47:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19472: Full Speed Ahead Edition
notables are not endorsements
>>15393320 FBI is under fire for claiming terror attack at a synagogue was NOT targeting Jewish people - daily mail
>>15393336 Zuckerberg Directly Implicated in Huge Backroom Deal in 2018: Law Enforcement Bombshell - gwp
>>15393352 #19470:
>>15393397, >>15393399, Another 'large eruption' detected at Tonga volcano, according to monitor - various
>>15393400, >>15393433, Glenn Greenwald Exposes Deep State Effort To Stop Trump Pardoning Edward Snowden And Julian Assange -
>>15393414 'Vax dates': Victorian youth body urges teens to get Covid-19 jab without parents' permission - news.com
>>15393419 remarkable lengths taken to whitewash Bill Clinton's cosy links to pervert Jeffrey Epstein when Hillary ran for President - daily mail
>>15393436 Oliver Stone's documentary, ukraine president was a ruthless kill - vimeo video link
>>15393417 Junior Red Cross Magazine Covers - source linked
>>15393447, >>15393453, >>15393479, >>15393495, National Guard assistance to the nation's capital - moar trump proof, youtube
>>15393459 Police in Manchester arrest two teenagers over Texas synagogue siege - daily mail uk
>>15393486, >>15393588, BREAKING: North Korea launches suspected ballistic missile towards the Sea of Japan - bno news twat [thought he was quiet, here we go]
>>15393509 Glenn Greenwald Exposes Deep State Effort To Stop Trump Pardoning Edward Snowden And Julian Assange - zerohedge twat
>>15393523 meme war - elon musk twat with source
>>15393658 Sean Hannity Demands Nancy Pelosi's Texts Be Subpoenaed by Jan. 6 Committee
>>15393710 Ex-DoD official confirmed DC refused Trump's offer of National Guard on 1-6
>>15393659 Biden creating a blacklist of religious leaders?
>>15393748 Biden Will Push For Unconstitutional Police Reforms on Wed
>>15393761 Poso on forcing children to wear masks in defiance of gov's order
>>15393785 DOD Inspector General Report
>>15393796 Glenn Greenwald Exposes Deep State Effort To Stop Trump Pardoning Snowden/Assange
>>15393812 270 doctors trying to call out Rogan for covid misinformation
>>15393815 Seoul: N. Korea fires projectile in 4th launch this month
>>15393831 Employee Religious Exception Request Information System
>>15393844 Ex-Clinton adviser says there's 'good chance' of 2024 Hillary/Trump rematch
>>15393858 Capitol Police rejected offers of federal help to quell mob
>>15393873 'Red-Handed' Contains 1,093 Endnotes, No Unnamed Sources
>>15393895 Victoria Nuland blaming all the problems on Russia
>>15393944 Former Acting Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Pleads Guilty to Scheme to Defraud the U.S. Government
>>15393731 New Footage of Ashli Babbitt Shooting Raises More January 6 Questions
>>15394040 Great Anon Bun Thank you for collecting
>>15394081 #19471
>>15392587, >>15392605, Senate Democrats demand answers from Biden over critical COVID pandemic failure: 'Either knew or should have known' - the blaze
>>15392597 who is john barron - trump or larp
>>15392599 FBI: Suspect attacked officer "without provocation" at Pentagon bus platform
>>15392631 U of Michigan president fired after employee relationship, 'inappropriate' emails surface - nypost
>>15392645 letitia James dig [highlighted by trump at az rally]
>>15392651 (You) #19467 split breads aggregated notes
>>15392655 False Flags Suddenly No Longer A Crazy Conspiracy Theory - caityjohnstone
>>15392675 States Investigating Surge In Mortality Rate Among 18-49-Year-Olds, Majority Unrelated To COVID-19 - epoch times
>>15392719 Global Announcements - should they come back - board owner
>>15392750 Cher Freaks Out: 'If Democrats Lose House or Senate, We're F**ked' - newspunch
>>15392756, >>15392787, >>15392774, If you're unvaccinated and get COVID-19, you are 17 times more likely to be hospitalized. - biden twats today
>>15392760 donald trump junior twat [attacking clowns]
>>15392764 Why are my lymph nodes swollen and sore after a Pfizer or Moderna COVID booster vaccine? abc.net
>>15392784 half of Democrats want to jail, fine, intern in "facilities" those who don't wish to be vaccinated. - tom fitton twat and rasmussenreports
>>15392808 (You) global suggestion by note taker
>>15392820 2022/congressional-redistricting-maps-by-state-and-district/illinois/ - politico
>>15392823 rip Brigadier General Charles McGee - dod twat
>>15392841 It Was Quite an Efficient Mission' - CSTO Sec. General on Peacekeepers' Operation in Kazakhstan - youtube
>>15392854 Why did Pelosi and the Capitol Police reject the 10,000+ national guard troops or soldiers that I authorized to control the massive crowd? - trump clip az mp4 video
>>15392861 Abraham Lincoln is in US3rdFleet - navy twat
>>15392873 Update After Week of Intense Talks Between Russia and Ukraine - kyivpost.com
>>15392906 Netanyahu meets with family, lawyers on whether to accept plea deal - timesofisrael.com
>>15392909, >>15393169, Former Seahawks player Siavii found dead in Kansas federal prison - komonews.com
>>15392924 Ukraine Says Has 'Evidence' Russia Behind Cyberattack - themoscowtimes.com
>>15393008 Ukraine's former president, Petro Poroshenko, vows to return to his homeland to fight treason charges that he says are politically motivated. - ap twat
>>15393012 After 28 Days on Ventilator, Family Loses Legal Battle to Try Ivermectin, - epoch times
>>15393066, >>15393070, >>15393074, >>15393078, >>15393081, >>15393095, Junior Red Cross Magazine Covers - need source
>>15393071 Another Migrant Caravan Leaves Honduras En Route to US Border - gwp
>>15393085 elon musk twat - need source
>>15393103 Donald J. Trump's Rally in Florence, Arizona in Photos - liz harrington crowd pics twat
>>15393119 PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana & tells the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out a Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation and to destroy the Global Economy & WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF. - telegram and agmiw.org
>>15393067 jim watkins mp4 video - stay focused
>>15393137 Health departments in several states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they are looking into a steep surge in the mortality rate for people aged 18 to 49 in 2021-a majority of which are not linked to COVID-19. - telegram and epoch times link
>>15393176, >>15393192, >>15393228, >>15393242, Trump Offered to Deploy 10,000 National Guard Troops in DC Ahead of Jan. 6: Mark Meadows - archive.ph
>>15393177 A Harvard professor convicted of lying to federal officials about his business dealings with China's wuhan University of Technology lost his bid to force the school to pay his attorneys' fees and defense costs. bloomberg law
>>15393258 Doctor of 41 years has medical license suspended for interpreting data on Covid treatments and deciding for herself how to treat patients in her care. - washington pundit
takes a lot of time to collect notables properly, delay explained o7
>>15393352 #19470
>>15391761 Twitter Bans Ayatollah-Linked Account Over Animated Video Threatening Trump
>>15391754 Damn @FoxNews, you didn't have to go this hard.
>>15391782 Is this is what PANIC looks like?
>>15391784 "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." 1 Peter 5:10
>>15391790 @US Navy
>>15391739 Free Speech for all. Even to the ones who are annoying AF.
>>15391809 'Will Never Choose Bezos'
>>15391816 Former Malaysian Professional Football Player Dies of Heart Attack 5 Days After Receiving COVID-19 Booster Shot
>>15391821 So, that unvaxxed player who was deported -his wife praising Marina Abramovic in 2016
>>15391823 Ukraine changes its mind on culprit behind cyberattack
>>15391875 Welcome to the next feature anons, the great awakening... you might not see it yet, but you will
>>15391884 James O'keefe new book comes out one day after Truth Social.
>>15391886 Which side in this new season of "Board Wars- Because we're bored" is the eBonics Baker crew on?
>>15391916, >>15391919 Could this photoshop be anymore obvious?
>>15391922 Atlanta Transit CEO Jeffrey Parker dead after stepping in front of train
>>15391958, >>15392011 "Why are tripcodes allowed?" They really think anons are dumb
>>15392030 Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
>>15392037 There are over 56000 trump tweets, Trump twitter archive v2: Searched for "At some point in the near future" no hits at all!
>>15392063 Trump says Fauci is the king.
>>15392021 Another thing is that it is blatantly obvious at this point that who ever was spamming porn/gore/66million has suddenly stopped now that the new crew has taken over. So obvious, it is completely ridiculous.
>>15392157 @LindseyGrahamSC
>>15392126 Biden calls Texas synagogue hostage situation an act of terror
>>15392182 Try asking the current crew about Q - they have nearly zero knowledge of Q drops.
>>15392187 14-year-old Burien boy accused in 2 separate murder cases could be tried as an adult
>>15392222 The "We are Qanon" in your graphic invalidates the whole thing.
>>15392237 POTATO
>>15392263 FBI identifies hostage-taker in Colleyville standoff as 44-year-old British citizen
>>15392287, >>15392379, >>15392259, >>15392316, >>15392329 M OSS AD/JonDoodle
>>15392327 Vice President Kamala Harris issues statement on Texas Synagogue hostage-taking: "What happened yesterday at Congregation Beth Israel is a reminder that we must speak up and combat antisemitism and hate wherever it exists."
>>15392206 PANIC!
>>15392395 MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / Babfist team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board
>>15392401 Retired BBC Producer Caught With Over 800 Child Abuse Images Spared Jail Time Due to 'Poor Health'
>>15391783 LAST is a scientific research resource that catalogues the genetic codes of every life form known to man
>>15391777, >>15391810, >>15391802, >>15391813, >>15391819, >>15391825, >>15391839, >>15391842, >>15391849, >>15391859, >>15391868, >>15391886, >>15391887, >>15391893, >>15391895, >>15391898, >>15391901, >>15391905, >>15391910, >>15391907, >>15391915, >>15391933, >>15391941, >>15391950, >>15391969, >>15391982, >>15391997, >>15392005, >>15392013, >>15392033, >>15392038, >>15392052, >>15392075, >>15392096, >>15392096, >>15392098, >>15392108, >>15392109, >>15392144, >>15392152, >>15392045, >>15392182, >>15392195, >>15392202, >>15392204, >>15392272, >>15392277, >>15392278, >>15392280, >>15392291, >>15392297, >>15392339, >>15392362 Anons discuss current state of board, OSS and CMZ congress run - Important read
>>15392415 #19469
Previously Collected
>>15392113 #19467, >>15392122 #19468
>>15388263 #19464, >>15389365 #19465, >>15389903 #19466
>>15386002 #19461, >>15386725 #19462, >>15387557 #19463
>>15383665 #19458\2, >>15384646 #19459, >>15385193 #19460
>>15382880 #19457\1 >>15382884 #19457\2, >>15383661 #19458\1
>>15380508 #19454, >>15381269 #19455, >>15382100 #19456
Notables Aggregator: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
#15393881 at 2022-01-17 01:16:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19471: One Bread At A Time Edition
COVID is turning, it is not won yet.
You also have to ask, what else have they got tucked away in their wuhan refrigerators?
#15393352 at 2022-01-16 23:58:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19471: One Bread At A Time Edition
as promised, notes
>>15393303 #19470:
>>15392587, >>15392605, Senate Democrats demand answers from Biden over critical COVID pandemic failure: 'Either knew or should have known' - the blaze
>>15392597 who is john barron - trump or larp
>>15392599 FBI: Suspect attacked officer "without provocation" at Pentagon bus platform
>>15392631 U of Michigan president fired after employee relationship, 'inappropriate' emails surface - nypost
>>15392645 letitia James dig [highlighted by trump at az rally]
>>15392651 (You) #19467 split breads aggregated notes
>>15392655 False Flags Suddenly No Longer A Crazy Conspiracy Theory - caityjohnstone
>>15392675 States Investigating Surge In Mortality Rate Among 18-49-Year-Olds, Majority Unrelated To COVID-19 - epoch times
>>15392719 Global Announcements - should they come back - board owner
>>15392750 Cher Freaks Out: 'If Democrats Lose House or Senate, We're F**ked' - newspunch
>>15392756, >>15392787, >>15392774, If you're unvaccinated and get COVID-19, you are 17 times more likely to be hospitalized. - biden twats today
>>15392760 donald trump junior twat [attacking clowns]
>>15392764 Why are my lymph nodes swollen and sore after a Pfizer or Moderna COVID booster vaccine? abc.net
>>15392784 half of Democrats want to jail, fine, intern in "facilities" those who don't wish to be vaccinated. - tom fitton twat and rasmussenreports
>>15392808 (You) global suggestion by note taker
>>15392820 2022/congressional-redistricting-maps-by-state-and-district/illinois/ - politico
>>15392823 rip Brigadier General Charles McGee - dod twat
>>15392841 It Was Quite an Efficient Mission' - CSTO Sec. General on Peacekeepers' Operation in Kazakhstan - youtube
>>15392854 Why did Pelosi and the Capitol Police reject the 10,000+ national guard troops or soldiers that I authorized to control the massive crowd? - trump clip az mp4 video
>>15392861 Abraham Lincoln is in US3rdFleet - navy twat
>>15392873 Update After Week of Intense Talks Between Russia and Ukraine - kyivpost.com
>>15392906 Netanyahu meets with family, lawyers on whether to accept plea deal - timesofisrael.com
>>15392909, >>15393169, Former Seahawks player Siavii found dead in Kansas federal prison - komonews.com
>>15392924 Ukraine Says Has 'Evidence' Russia Behind Cyberattack - themoscowtimes.com
>>15393008 Ukraine's former president, Petro Poroshenko, vows to return to his homeland to fight treason charges that he says are politically motivated. - ap twat
>>15393012 After 28 Days on Ventilator, Family Loses Legal Battle to Try Ivermectin, - epoch times
>>15393066, >>15393070, >>15393074, >>15393078, >>15393081, >>15393095, Junior Red Cross Magazine Covers - need source
>>15393071 Another Migrant Caravan Leaves Honduras En Route to US Border - gwp
>>15393085 elon musk twat - need source
>>15393103 Donald J. Trump's Rally in Florence, Arizona in Photos - liz harrington crowd pics twat
>>15393119 PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana & tells the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out a Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation and to destroy the Global Economy & WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF. - telegram and agmiw.org
>>15393067 jim watkins mp4 video - stay focused
>>15393137 Health departments in several states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they are looking into a steep surge in the mortality rate for people aged 18 to 49 in 2021-a majority of which are not linked to COVID-19. - telegram and epoch times link
>>15393176, >>15393192, >>15393228, >>15393242, Trump Offered to Deploy 10,000 National Guard Troops in DC Ahead of Jan. 6: Mark Meadows - archive.ph
>>15393177 A Harvard professor convicted of lying to federal officials about his business dealings with China's wuhan University of Technology lost his bid to force the school to pay his attorneys' fees and defense costs. bloomberg law
>>15393258 Doctor of 41 years has medical license suspended for interpreting data on Covid treatments and deciding for herself how to treat patients in her care. - washington pundit
takes a lot of time to collect notables properly, delay explained o7
#15393303 at 2022-01-16 23:49:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19470: Everyone watched.. why are you trying to gaslight us?
>>15392587, >>15392605, Senate Democrats demand answers from Biden over critical COVID pandemic failure: 'Either knew or should have known' - the blaze
>>15392597 who is john barron - trump or larp
>>15392599 FBI: Suspect attacked officer "without provocation" at Pentagon bus platform
>>15392631 U of Michigan president fired after employee relationship, 'inappropriate' emails surface - nypost
>>15392645 letitia James dig [highlighted by trump at az rally]
>>15392651 #19467 split breads aggregated notes
>>15392655 False Flags Suddenly No Longer A Crazy Conspiracy Theory - caityjohnstone
>>15392675 States Investigating Surge In Mortality Rate Among 18-49-Year-Olds, Majority Unrelated To COVID-19 - epoch times
>>15392719 Global Announcements - should they come back - board owner
>>15392750 Cher Freaks Out: 'If Democrats Lose House or Senate, We're F**ked' - newspunch
>>15392756, >>15392787, >>15392774, If you're unvaccinated and get COVID-19, you are 17 times more likely to be hospitalized. - biden twats today
>>15392760 donald trump junior twat [attacking clowns]
>>15392764 Why are my lymph nodes swollen and sore after a Pfizer or Moderna COVID booster vaccine? abc.net
>>15392784 half of Democrats want to jail, fine, intern in "facilities" those who don't wish to be vaccinated. - tom fitton twat and rasmussenreports
>>15392808 global suggestion by note taker
>>15392820 2022/congressional-redistricting-maps-by-state-and-district/illinois/ - politico
>>15392823 rip Brigadier General Charles McGee - dod twat
>>15392841 It Was Quite an Efficient Mission' - CSTO Sec. General on Peacekeepers' Operation in Kazakhstan - youtube
>>15392854 Why did Pelosi and the Capitol Police reject the 10,000+ national guard troops or soldiers that I authorized to control the massive crowd? - trump clip az mp4 video
>>15392861 Abraham Lincoln is in US3rdFleet - navy twat
>>15392873 Update After Week of Intense Talks Between Russia and Ukraine - kyivpost.com
>>15392906 Netanyahu meets with family, lawyers on whether to accept plea deal - timesofisrael.com
>>15392909, >>15393169, Former Seahawks player Siavii found dead in Kansas federal prison - komonews.com
>>15392924 Ukraine Says Has 'Evidence' Russia Behind Cyberattack - themoscowtimes.com
>>15393008 Ukraine's former president, Petro Poroshenko, vows to return to his homeland to fight treason charges that he says are politically motivated. - ap twat
>>15393012 After 28 Days on Ventilator, Family Loses Legal Battle to Try Ivermectin, - epoch times
>>15393066, >>15393070, >>15393074, >>15393078, >>15393081, >>15393095, Junior Red Cross Magazine Covers - need source
>>15393071 Another Migrant Caravan Leaves Honduras En Route to US Border - gwp
>>15393085 elon musk twat - need source
>>15393103 Donald J. Trump's Rally in Florence, Arizona in Photos - liz harrington crowd pics twat
>>15393119 PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana & tells the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out a Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation and to destroy the Global Economy & WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF. - telegram and agmiw.org
>>15393067 jim watkins mp4 video - stay focused
>>15393137 Health departments in several states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they are looking into a steep surge in the mortality rate for people aged 18 to 49 in 2021-a majority of which are not linked to COVID-19. - telegram and epoch times link
>>15393176, >>15393192, >>15393228, >>15393242, Trump Offered to Deploy 10,000 National Guard Troops in DC Ahead of Jan. 6: Mark Meadows - archive.ph
>>15393177 A Harvard professor convicted of lying to federal officials about his business dealings with China's wuhan University of Technology lost his bid to force the school to pay his attorneys' fees and defense costs. bloomberg law
>>15393258 Doctor of 41 years has medical license suspended for interpreting data on Covid treatments and deciding for herself how to treat patients in her care. - washington pundit
#15393247 at 2022-01-16 23:41:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19471: One Bread At A Time Edition
Notables Aggregator: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15392587, >>15392605, Senate Democrats demand answers from Biden over critical COVID pandemic failure: 'Either knew or should have known' - the blaze
>>15392597 who is john barron - trump or larp
>>15392599 FBI: Suspect attacked officer "without provocation" at Pentagon bus platform
>>15392631 U of Michigan president fired after employee relationship, 'inappropriate' emails surface - nypost
>>15392645 letitia James dig [highlighted by trump at az rally]
>>15392651 (You) #19467 split breads aggregated notes
>>15392655 False Flags Suddenly No Longer A Crazy Conspiracy Theory - caityjohnstone
>>15392675 States Investigating Surge In Mortality Rate Among 18-49-Year-Olds, Majority Unrelated To COVID-19 - epoch times
>>15392719 Global Announcements - should they come back - board owner
>>15392750 Cher Freaks Out: 'If Democrats Lose House or Senate, We're F**ked' - newspunch
>>15392756, >>15392787, >>15392774, If you're unvaccinated and get COVID-19, you are 17 times more likely to be hospitalized. - biden twats today
>>15392760 donald trump junior twat [attacking clowns]
>>15392764 Why are my lymph nodes swollen and sore after a Pfizer or Moderna COVID booster vaccine? abc.net
>>15392784 half of Democrats want to jail, fine, intern in "facilities" those who don't wish to be vaccinated. - tom fitton twat and rasmussenreports
>>15392808 (You) global suggestion by note taker
>>15392820 2022/congressional-redistricting-maps-by-state-and-district/illinois/ - politico
>>15392823 rip Brigadier General Charles McGee - dod twat
>>15392841 It Was Quite an Efficient Mission' - CSTO Sec. General on Peacekeepers' Operation in Kazakhstan - youtube
>>15392854 Why did Pelosi and the Capitol Police reject the 10,000+ national guard troops or soldiers that I authorized to control the massive crowd? - trump clip az mp4 video
>>15392861 Abraham Lincoln is in US3rdFleet - navy twat
>>15392873 Update After Week of Intense Talks Between Russia and Ukraine - kyivpost.com
>>15392906 Netanyahu meets with family, lawyers on whether to accept plea deal - timesofisrael.com
>>15392909, >>15393169, Former Seahawks player Siavii found dead in Kansas federal prison - komonews.com
>>15392924 Ukraine Says Has 'Evidence' Russia Behind Cyberattack - themoscowtimes.com
>>15393008 Ukraine's former president, Petro Poroshenko, vows to return to his homeland to fight treason charges that he says are politically motivated. - ap twat
>>15393012 After 28 Days on Ventilator, Family Loses Legal Battle to Try Ivermectin, - epoch times
>>15393066, >>15393070, >>15393074, >>15393078, >>15393081, >>15393095, Junior Red Cross Magazine Covers - need source
>>15393071 Another Migrant Caravan Leaves Honduras En Route to US Border - gwp
>>15393085 elon musk twat - need source
>>15393103 Donald J. Trump's Rally in Florence, Arizona in Photos - liz harrington crowd pics twat
>>15393119 PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana & tells the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out a Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation and to destroy the Global Economy & WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF. - telegram and agmiw.org
>>15393067 jim watkins mp4 video - stay focused
>>15393137 Health departments in several states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they are looking into a steep surge in the mortality rate for people aged 18 to 49 in 2021-a majority of which are not linked to COVID-19. - telegram and epoch times link
>>15393176, >>15393192, >>15393228, >>15393242, Trump Offered to Deploy 10,000 National Guard Troops in DC Ahead of Jan. 6: Mark Meadows - archive.ph
>>15393177 A Harvard professor convicted of lying to federal officials about his business dealings with China's wuhan University of Technology lost his bid to force the school to pay his attorneys' fees and defense costs. bloomberg law
>>15393258 Doctor of 41 years has medical license suspended for interpreting data on Covid treatments and deciding for herself how to treat patients in her care. - washington pundit
takes a lot of time to collect notables properly, delay explained o7
>>15393352 #19470
>>15391761 Twitter Bans Ayatollah-Linked Account Over Animated Video Threatening Trump
>>15391754 Damn @FoxNews, you didn't have to go this hard.
>>15391782 Is this is what PANIC looks like?
>>15391784 "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." 1 Peter 5:10
>>15391790 @US Navy
>>15391739 Free Speech for all. Even to the ones who are annoying AF.
>>15391809 'Will Never Choose Bezos'
>>15391816 Former Malaysian Professional Football Player Dies of Heart Attack 5 Days After Receiving COVID-19 Booster Shot
>>15391821 So, that unvaxxed player who was deported -his wife praising Marina Abramovic in 2016
>>15391823 Ukraine changes its mind on culprit behind cyberattack
>>15391875 Welcome to the next feature anons, the great awakening... you might not see it yet, but you will
>>15391884 James O'keefe new book comes out one day after Truth Social.
>>15391886 Which side in this new season of "Board Wars- Because we're bored" is the eBonics Baker crew on?
>>15391916, >>15391919 Could this photoshop be anymore obvious?
>>15391922 Atlanta Transit CEO Jeffrey Parker dead after stepping in front of train
>>15391958, >>15392011 "Why are tripcodes allowed?" They really think anons are dumb
>>15392030 Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
>>15392037 There are over 56000 trump tweets, Trump twitter archive v2: Searched for "At some point in the near future" no hits at all!
>>15392063 Trump says Fauci is the king.
>>15392021 Another thing is that it is blatantly obvious at this point that who ever was spamming porn/gore/66million has suddenly stopped now that the new crew has taken over. So obvious, it is completely ridiculous.
>>15392157 @LindseyGrahamSC
>>15392126 Biden calls Texas synagogue hostage situation an act of terror
>>15392182 Try asking the current crew about Q - they have nearly zero knowledge of Q drops.
>>15392187 14-year-old Burien boy accused in 2 separate murder cases could be tried as an adult
>>15392222 The "We are Qanon" in your graphic invalidates the whole thing.
>>15392237 POTATO
>>15392263 FBI identifies hostage-taker in Colleyville standoff as 44-year-old British citizen
>>15392287, >>15392379, >>15392259, >>15392316, >>15392329 M OSS AD/JonDoodle
>>15392327 Vice President Kamala Harris issues statement on Texas Synagogue hostage-taking: "What happened yesterday at Congregation Beth Israel is a reminder that we must speak up and combat antisemitism and hate wherever it exists."
>>15392206 PANIC!
>>15392395 MJ12 / B / Ingersoll Lockwood / Babfist team is a Larping Conjob trying to take the board
>>15392401 Retired BBC Producer Caught With Over 800 Child Abuse Images Spared Jail Time Due to 'Poor Health'
>>15391783 LAST is a scientific research resource that catalogues the genetic codes of every life form known to man
>>15391777, >>15391810, >>15391802, >>15391813, >>15391819, >>15391825, >>15391839, >>15391842, >>15391849, >>15391859, >>15391868, >>15391886, >>15391887, >>15391893, >>15391895, >>15391898, >>15391901, >>15391905, >>15391910, >>15391907, >>15391915, >>15391933, >>15391941, >>15391950, >>15391969, >>15391982, >>15391997, >>15392005, >>15392013, >>15392033, >>15392038, >>15392052, >>15392075, >>15392096, >>15392096, >>15392098, >>15392108, >>15392109, >>15392144, >>15392152, >>15392045, >>15392182, >>15392195, >>15392202, >>15392204, >>15392272, >>15392277, >>15392278, >>15392280, >>15392291, >>15392297, >>15392339, >>15392362 Anons discuss current state of board, OSS and CMZ congress run - Important read
>>15392415 #19469
>>15390904 Anti-Biden art shows up in DC
>>15390908 Sounds like a current Biden speech..Bible post most likely heavily edited or perhaps just stuck in there by others
>>15390915 More pics of Russian troop movements
>>15390918 NatGEO is owned by the Mouse
>>15390921 Elon Musk says Starlink is go
>>15390943 Unusual animal behavior
>>15390946 Fed informants at Jan 6 rally
>>15390984 Celine Dion cancels another tour
>>15391098 Another EQ on the ring of fire
>>15391122 Wray doesn't want to say it's terrorism
>>15391147 Atlanta Transit Leader CEO is dead
>>15391155 Hostage taker identified
>>15391173 Editorial Board of Salt Lake Tribune calls for the military to be used to oppress the unvaxxed...exact words
>>15391188 China is moving their money around to finance the US Fentanyl Crisis
>>15391204 The Feds inserted themselves into hostage situation
>>15391240 The Met has a Chinese spy running their Asian crime division
>>15391250 Prince Andrew throws the "False Memory" crap at the wall to see if it sticks
>>15391297 Nanny McFee actor dies
>>15392122 #19468
>>15390066 Retired BBC producer caught with over 800 child abuse images spared jail time due to 'poor health'
>>15390104 Payback: Joe Biden learns the hard way about the wisdom of declaring his fellow Democrats racists
>>15390270 Clueless: Woke FBI Downplays Anti-Semitic Aspect of Hostage-Taking at Texas Synagogue
>>15390307 Loug Dobbs Asks about Biden's Covid response
>>15390369 Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants
>>15390409 MARTA CEO Jeffrey Parker dies late Friday night
>>15390483 Disturbing photos show the misery wrought by a massive surge in illegal migration in western Arizona.
>>15390542 Dan Scavino Jr. Tweet 45 ARRIVES IN ARIZONA...
>>15390561 PapiTrumpo Tweets side by side day before Rally Day
>>15390574 Former Obama Adviser Pleads Guilty to Stealing Hundreds of Thousands from Americans
>>15390626, >>15390648 Trump Pseudonyms
>>15390683 Michael Moskowitz, a Broward powerbroker known as a go-to lawyer, dies at 68
>>15392113 #19467
Previously Collected
>>15388263 #19464, >>15389365 #19465, >>15389903 #19466
>>15386002 #19461, >>15386725 #19462, >>15387557 #19463
>>15383665 #19458\2, >>15384646 #19459, >>15385193 #19460
>>15382880 #19457\1 >>15382884 #19457\2, >>15383661 #19458\1
>>15380508 #19454, >>15381269 #19455, >>15382100 #19456
>>15378057 #19451, >>15378835 #19452, >>15379883 #19453
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10
#15393177 at 2022-01-16 23:29:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19470: Everyone watched.. why are you trying to gaslight us?
A Harvard professor convicted of lying to federal officials about his business dealings with China's wuhan University of Technology lost his bid to force the school to pay his attorneys' fees and defense costs.
Finally a sane judgement
#15392651 at 2022-01-16 22:08:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19470: Everyone watched.. why are you trying to gaslight us?
#19467 locked bread at 122 posts
>>15390035, >>15389940 #19466:
>>15390051, >>15390058, UK Home Office Says Texas Hostage Taker Was ACTUALLY A British National - twat and i.t.v [needs to be fact checked]
>>15390080 University of Michigan President, fired. nyp
>>15390168 VAERS DATA ANALYSIS - Variation in Toxicity of Vaccine Batches Across Different States of the USA - howbad.info
>>15390265 January 2020 and January 12, 2022, of the 834,954 deaths caused by COVID-19 in the United States - statista.com
>>15390277 Dr Malone on warroom and project veritus data dump on wuhan and covid.- youtube
#19467 full bread
>>15390066 Retired BBC producer caught with over 800 child abuse images spared jail time due to 'poor health'
>>15390104 Payback: Joe Biden learns the hard way about the wisdom of declaring his fellow Democrats racists
>>15390270 Clueless: Woke FBI Downplays Anti-Semitic Aspect of Hostage-Taking at Texas Synagogue
>>15390307 Loug Dobbs Asks about Biden's Covid response
>>15390369 Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants
>>15390409 MARTA CEO Jeffrey Parker dies late Friday night
>>15390483 Disturbing photos show the misery wrought by a massive surge in illegal migration in western Arizona.
>>15390542 Dan Scavino Jr. Tweet 45 ARRIVES IN ARIZONA...
>>15390561 PapiTrumpo Tweets side by side day before Rally Day
>>15390574 Former Obama Adviser Pleads Guilty to Stealing Hundreds of Thousands from Americans
>>15390626, >>15390648 Trump Pseudonyms
>>15390683 Michael Moskowitz, a Broward powerbroker known as a go-to lawyer, dies at 68
>>15392113 #19467
#15391565 at 2022-01-16 18:49:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19468: Ebake Storm Upon Us Edition
wuhan lab….
#15391240 at 2022-01-16 18:01:56 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19468: Ebake Storm Upon Us Edition
London Metropolitan Police's Asian Hate Crime Group Connected to Alleged Chinese Spy: Report
An Asian hate crime forum for London's Metropolitan Police has been tied in a report from a British newspaper to the alleged Chinese spy operating in Westminster.
This week, the UK's domestic security service, MI5, claimed that the founder of the British Chinese Project, Christine Lee had been attempting to gain influence within the House of Commons on behalf of the communist government in Beijing. Lee was also revealed to have contributed around ?700,000 in political donations, the vast majority of which was funnelled to left-wing politicians in the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties.
On Sunday, a report from The Telegraph claimed that one of Lee's former associates in the British Chinese Project, Pek-san Tan, currently has a chair on the board of the Metropolitan Police force's Anti-Hate Crime ESEA (East and Southeast Asian) Forum.
The Met established the group in the wake of the Chinese coronavirus in order to safeguard members of the Chinese diaspora in Britain from hate crimes.
Two sources from within the forum told the paper that Ms Tam had taken advantage of her position in order to conflate criticism of the Chinese Communist Party on issues such as the reported genocide in Xinjiang with "actual" racism against Chinese people.
The CCP has frequently attempted to weaponise the so-called #StopAsianHate movement that sprung up in the wake of the wuhan virus, even going so far as to accuse Uyghur activists in America as anti-Asian for speaking out against the authoritarian regime's genocidal treatment of their compatriots.
A Stop Asian Hate rally in London late last year devolved into violence as pro-Beijing people squared off in a street brawl against activists decrying the treatment of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang.
#15390175 at 2022-01-16 14:54:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19467: Day After Rally Sunshine Edition
Why are George Soros, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Francis Collins, Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Big Pharma's fake Experimental immune system destroying mRNA Vax CEO's still free?
We the people are tired of the congressional political theater and nothing being done.
Forget it, we want them arrested, charged and prosecuted for TREASON, PREMEDITATED MASS MURDER, CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING/PEDOPHILES, ELECTION FRAUD, etc.
Republican /Rino congress have had access to and been sitting on the evidence to convict Tony Fauci, Barack Obama giving the necessary basics and funding to Communist China's Military Bioweapons Lab in wuhan, to produce bioweapons. (1500 viruses & pathogens still remain at that lab). Along with Former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Peter Daszak president of EcoHealth Alliance.
Same goes for sexual predator….Bill Clinton 26 timer on Epstein's "Lolita Pedo Express" is just as guilty as Epstein and Maxwell…when is Bill Clinton's Arrest, Charges brought, Prosecution/Trial???
Has any major US Politician, head of an Fed. Agency, Director or CEO of any Organization like the CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma gone to prison yet? Arrested, charged and prosecuted?
NO, only the same status quo!
Has there been any significant changes in voting legislation such as voter ID, major audits or in the courts dealing with the across the country mass election fraud of 2020?
Nothing has changed regarding the abundant, rampant voter fraud of 2020 to restore any faith what so ever in our elections for the up coming midterms in 2022.
NO, only the same status quo!
Spine-less, brain-less & ball-less US House & Senate Republican/Rino cowards!
No wonder the corruption at the federal level has continued, this long.
If the Republicans/Rinos want to win in the midterms, they better get off their asses, grow a pair, use their brains , get a freaking backbone and DO IT!
#15384381 at 2022-01-15 23:26:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19459: All Orange Everything Edition
We Want Some BUTTS!
Why are George Soros, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Francis Collins, Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Big Pharma's fake Experimental immune system destroying mRNA Vax CEO's still free?
If the Republicans want to win in the midterms, they need to get off
their asses, grow a pair, use their brains and get a freaking backbone
and do it!
Fauci picked a fight with the wrong senator! 'Moron' publishes DC doc's unredacted financial disclosures
U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) has published Dr. Fauci's unredacted financial records and is accusing him of being misleading when he claimed his financial disclosure forms were publicly available in Senate testimony.
Fauci's financial disclosure documents were evidently not in the searchable database as other federal officials' documents are. They can be requested from the National Institutes of Health which can refuse to provide them or delay handing them over. The disclosures are supposed to be available for review by the public and Fauci had insinuated that they were easily obtainable.
"Dr. Fauci lied to the American people. He is more concerned with being a media star and posing for the cover of magazines than he is being honest with the American people and holding China accountable for the COVID pandemic that has taken the lives of almost 850 thousand Americans," Marshall remarked to Fox News Digital in a statement.
"Just like he has misled the American people about sending taxpayers dollars to wuhan, China, to fund gain-of-function research, about masks, testing, and more, Dr. Fauci was completely dishonest about his financial disclosures being open to the public - it's no wonder he is the least trusted bureaucrat in America," the senator asserted.
"At the end of the day, Dr. Fauci must be held accountable to all Americans who have been suing and requesting for this information but don't have the power of a Senate office to ask for it," Marshall proclaimed.
Marshall's office only received Fauci's financial information after filing an Office of Government Ethics request with the National Institutes of Health (NIH). At that point, it was either release the documents or be guilty of an ethics violation and get exposed for blatant non-disclosure. To say that Fauci was being knowingly deceptive appears to be an understatement. Obtaining Fauci's records from the NIH can take months.
For instance, the Center for Public Integrity submitted a request for Fauci's financial disclosures to the NIH in May of 2020 but they did not receive the information until August. When the organization did receive the documents under the Freedom of Information Act, they were partially redacted. Again, transparency is an issue it would seem with Fauci.
OpenTheBooks.org is suing the NIH for the full disclosure of Fauci's financial records.
When Marshall pointed out during a Senate hearing on Tuesday that Fauci's financial disclosures were not publicly available online after the White House chief medical advisor claimed otherwise, Fauci lost his temper. A hot mic caught him calling the senator a "moron" and taking the Lord's name in vain. He also called Marshall "so misinformed, it's extraordinary."
#15382703 at 2022-01-15 19:17:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19457: Orange Magnum Edition
>war against chyna
The enemy is authoritarianism, both foreign and domestic, and our collective complicity in propping it up, not the Chinese people
Based on the recent drops that DARPA rejected the secret 2018 proposal by EcoHealth to aerosolize a mRNA vaccine against SARS1 bat born corona viruses, its becoming clear that Gates/Fauci/EcoHealth were behind the creation of SARS COV-2, but moved the "gain of function" mutant to wuhan in early 2017 so it could conveniently "escape" from China at just the right moment to pit Trump against Xi, destroy Trump's MAGA economy, use mail-in voting to steal the 2020 election, and install Biden as POTUS. I have faith that the Truth will be revealed, but "only when good people [collectively] come together will positive change occur."
#15379993 at 2022-01-15 07:47:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19454: Friday Night Shift Ebake Edition
States With Highest Covid "Vaccination" Rates Also Seeing Highest Surge in Omi-Con Cases
Getting "vaccinated" for the wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) stops the spread, right? Wrong. The latest data shows that the more vaccinated a state, the higher the rate of omicron (moronic) and other "variants."
Data scientist and Ph.D. dropout Emily Burns compiled a slew of evidence that she posted to Twitter showing that the top ten most vaccinated states now have about 400 percent more cases now compared to last year.
While case rates last year right around the time when the shots were first introduced under Operation Warp Speed were roughly equal between vaccinated and unvaccinated states, things have since changed.
Now that all that Fauci Flu juice has had a chance to do its damage inside "fully vaccinated" people's bodies, the negative impact of the jabs has never been clearer.
"Looking at 10 MOST-VAXED states, and 10 LEAST-VAXED states, we see that comparing Year-of-Year % change, there is virtually NO DIFFERENCE ...," Burns tweeted. "Except that NOW, the 10 most-vaxed have nearly 400% HIGHER cases than last year, where 10 LEAST-vaxed, 'only' up 112%."
In other words, Fauci Flu cases have increased dramatically ever since Donald "father of the vaccine" Trump's injections got into the arms of tens of millions of Americans.
"The large difference (nearly 4x) b/n % increase in YoY cases b/n 10 most-vaxed & 10 least-vaxed may be explained by vaxes negative efficacy (increased likelihood of infection) for omicron," Burns added.
"Neg efficacy means more vax = more cases - which we see."
Most vaccinated states also seeing divergent surge in deaths while deaths in least vaccinated states decrease
In Ontario, Can., for instance, negative vaccine effectiveness is now being reported after the first two doses. This means that people are losing immunity after taking them.
"Receipt of 2 doses of COVID-19 vax not protective against Omicron infection at any point," a study further found.
Another serious concern is the recent divergence in death rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated states. It turns out that the most highly vaccinated states are seeing a sudden surge in deaths while deaths in the least vaccinated states are now on the decline.
Burns further explains that jab rates in most states are 90 percent or higher in the 65+ age group. Between 95-99 percent of this age group on average has received at least one dose.
"The diff between single vax and double vax in 65+ is not likely due to some kind of late-budding anti-vax sentiments," Burns says. "It's likely due to bad rxns. [Increased] spread means [increased] risk for these fragile people."
"Given repeated studies showing negative vax efficacy - immediately in the case of Omicron, the current push to vax everyone, even kids who are not at-risk, and previously infected, may well be putting elderly who are two [sic] fragile to get two doses at risk."
The situation is a mess, to say the least - especially with jab mandates pressing in on every side. It is undeniably clear that the injections are decreasing health and increasing illness and death. The question is: Will the masses ever finally object to this mass genocide?
"Omicron is an excuse to cover up vaccine damage," one commenter wrote about the situation.
"The Fraudci narrative is crumbling big time," wrote another.
"We are talking about a head cold," chimed in someone else, presumably in reference to omicron. "This is insane!"
"So the only thing the jab does is give you side effects for the rest of your life ... snake oil!" wrote another. "This is why Pfizer and Moderna canceled the control groups."
"What can you expect when the immune system is compromised?" asked another, referring to the fully vaccinated. "Of course colds will get you!"
#15379730 at 2022-01-15 06:36:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19454: Friday Night Shift Ebake Edition
"Dr. Fauci lied to the American people. He is more concerned with being a media star and posing for the cover of magazines than he is being honest with the American people and holding China accountable for the COVID pandemic that has taken the lives of almost 850 thousand Americans," said Senator Marshall. "Just like he has misled the American people about sending taxpayers dollars to wuhan, China to fund gain-of-function research, about masks, testing, and more, Dr. Fauci was completely dishonest about his financial disclosures being open to the public - it's no wonder he is the least trusted bureaucrat in America. At the end of the day, Dr. Fauci must be held accountable to all Americans who have been suing and requesting for this information but don't have the power of a Senate office to ask for it. For these reasons, I will be introducing the FAUCI Act so financial disclosures like these are made public and are easily accessible online to every American."
#15378493 at 2022-01-15 03:30:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19452: Kiss My Ass, Filter Hard Filter Fast Comfy Bread Edition
>>15378373 (me)
Ok. JAN 6 means something to them.I just poasted something else re this bioweapon dated JAN 6, 2004.
Roll the tape, Pinochio…
But perhaps more remarkable is that Moderna designed its vaccine in just two days in January, before some people had even heard of the coronavirus.
#15378085 at 2022-01-15 02:47:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19452: Kiss My Ass, Filter Hard Filter Fast Comfy Bread Edition
>>15373286 Jake Sullivan's Yale Law Classmate Arrested for Sedition
>>15373311 @I_Corps Soldiers assigned to @7thID conduct day [SHIFT] and night [SHIFT] land navigation training at Joint Base
>>15373312 Enmity Grows Between Trump, Military Over Vaccine Advocacy
>>15373314 There is a war on our children
>>15373332 Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and BW
>>15373379 @JackPosobiec There's one OathKeeper the FBI doesn't seem very interested in
>>15373421 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
>>15373445, >>15373523 Whitaker soon. ( 2 weeks protocol active KEK)
>>15373470, >>15373789 @DanScavino Livestream | 1/15/22 | 9:00pmE PDJT Florence Arizona (Use Rumble Link)
>>15373481 Remember that audit in AZ?
>>15373509 Push for WW3? (Russia Russia Ukraine)
>>15373530 RealDonaldoTrumpo - Not liking the Vaccine Mandate (CHQ aaass…)
>>15373661 Republican Rep. John Katko (NY), who backed President Trump's impeachment a year ago, will not seek re-election.
>>15373664 General Flynn refers to COVID as "alleged virus"
>>15373669, >>15373685 Jeffrey Epstein was sent three 12-year-old French girls as 'birthday gift'
>>15373749 Thank you to all the brave military men and women that have and continue today to fight for our freedoms.
>>15373777 Lots of questions from viewers on recent construction activity on the White House North Lawn.
>>15373791 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell
>>15373923 Massive Hack Of Ukrainian Government Sites Believed Part Of Russian "Sabotage Operations" white house
>>15373945 German Government Considering Shutting Down Telegram
>>15373956 @PapiTrumpo Cuing the FF
>>15373968 Dan Ball W/ Dr. Robert Malone On The Shifting Narrative
>>15373969 Gov. Ron DeSantis On The Insanity of Hospitals Letting The Covid-Positive Work After Firing The Unvaccinated
>>15373971 Jewish author calls Trudeau "unethical, immoral" and "evil" over comments on unvaccinated
>>15373972 ANOTHER Kamala unforced error
>>15373973 Nancy Pelosi's son Paul was involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds as shocking paper trail connects him to a slew of fraudsters and convicted criminals
>>15373977 Large British Study Finds Risk of Myocarditis Doubles After Each mRNA Jab
>>15373979 Ebola and Nipah viruses were "shipped to the wuhan Institute of Virology from Canada by two rogue scientists with links to the Chinese military"
>>15373980 Unique is the duration of treatment: instead of treating the patient for 2 or 3 days using antiparasitics, he prescribes a cocktail of 4 - 6 parasite drugs
>>15373982 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada Fight for freedom!
>>15373990 Son of House Speaker Pelosi made money in Ukraine (YT)
>>15374017 #19446
#15377294 at 2022-01-15 01:17:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19451: Micromanaging Psycho Bitch At Large Edition
>>15373286 Jake Sullivan's Yale Law Classmate Arrested for Sedition
>>15373311 @I_Corps Soldiers assigned to @7thID conduct day [SHIFT] and night [SHIFT] land navigation training at Joint Base
>>15373312 Enmity Grows Between Trump, Military Over Vaccine Advocacy
>>15373314 There is a war on our children
>>15373332 Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and BW
>>15373379 @JackPosobiec There's one OathKeeper the FBI doesn't seem very interested in
>>15373421 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
>>15373445, >>15373523 Whitaker soon. ( 2 weeks protocol active KEK)
>>15373470, >>15373789 @DanScavino Livestream | 1/15/22 | 9:00pmE PDJT Florence Arizona (Use Rumble Link)
>>15373481 Remember that audit in AZ?
>>15373509 Push for WW3? (Russia Russia Ukraine)
>>15373530 RealDonaldoTrumpo - Not liking the Vaccine Mandate (CHQ aaass…)
>>15373661 Republican Rep. John Katko (NY), who backed President Trump's impeachment a year ago, will not seek re-election.
>>15373664 General Flynn refers to COVID as "alleged virus"
>>15373669, >>15373685 Jeffrey Epstein was sent three 12-year-old French girls as 'birthday gift'
>>15373749 Thank you to all the brave military men and women that have and continue today to fight for our freedoms.
>>15373777 Lots of questions from viewers on recent construction activity on the White House North Lawn.
>>15373791 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell
>>15373923 Massive Hack Of Ukrainian Government Sites Believed Part Of Russian "Sabotage Operations" white house
>>15373945 German Government Considering Shutting Down Telegram
>>15373956 @PapiTrumpo Cuing the FF
>>15373968 Dan Ball W/ Dr. Robert Malone On The Shifting Narrative
>>15373969 Gov. Ron DeSantis On The Insanity of Hospitals Letting The Covid-Positive Work After Firing The Unvaccinated
>>15373971 Jewish author calls Trudeau "unethical, immoral" and "evil" over comments on unvaccinated
>>15373972 ANOTHER Kamala unforced error
>>15373973 Nancy Pelosi's son Paul was involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds as shocking paper trail connects him to a slew of fraudsters and convicted criminals
>>15373977 Large British Study Finds Risk of Myocarditis Doubles After Each mRNA Jab
>>15373979 Ebola and Nipah viruses were "shipped to the wuhan Institute of Virology from Canada by two rogue scientists with links to the Chinese military"
>>15373980 Unique is the duration of treatment: instead of treating the patient for 2 or 3 days using antiparasitics, he prescribes a cocktail of 4 - 6 parasite drugs
>>15373982 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada Fight for freedom!
>>15373990 Son of House Speaker Pelosi made money in Ukraine (YT)
>>15374017 #19446
#15377178 at 2022-01-15 01:08:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19450: Reclaim The Line Edition
Waiting for people to start comparing these photos to 2019 wuhan lockdowns. Let's see how good the Chicoms are at leaking 'new' content.
#15376948 at 2022-01-15 00:45:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19450: Reclaim The Line Edition
Do these videos show people collapsing in the streets of wuhan? Footage emerges of men and women 'unable to stand in Chinese city at the centre of the coronavirus outbreak'
#15376458 at 2022-01-14 23:56:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19450: Reclaim The Line Edition
>>15373286 Jake Sullivan's Yale Law Classmate Arrested for Sedition
>>15373311 @I_Corps Soldiers assigned to @7thID conduct day [SHIFT] and night [SHIFT] land navigation training at Joint Base
>>15373312 Enmity Grows Between Trump, Military Over Vaccine Advocacy
>>15373314 There is a war on our children
>>15373332 Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and BW
>>15373379 @JackPosobiec There's one OathKeeper the FBI doesn't seem very interested in
>>15373421 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
>>15373445, >>15373523 Whitaker soon. ( 2 weeks protocol active KEK)
>>15373470, >>15373789 @DanScavino Livestream | 1/15/22 | 9:00pmE PDJT Florence Arizona (Use Rumble Link)
>>15373481 Remember that audit in AZ?
>>15373509 Push for WW3? (Russia Russia Ukraine)
>>15373530 RealDonaldoTrumpo - Not liking the Vaccine Mandate (CHQ aaass…)
>>15373661 Republican Rep. John Katko (NY), who backed President Trump's impeachment a year ago, will not seek re-election.
>>15373664 General Flynn refers to COVID as "alleged virus"
>>15373669, >>15373685 Jeffrey Epstein was sent three 12-year-old French girls as 'birthday gift'
>>15373749 Thank you to all the brave military men and women that have and continue today to fight for our freedoms.
>>15373777 Lots of questions from viewers on recent construction activity on the White House North Lawn.
>>15373791 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell
>>15373923 Massive Hack Of Ukrainian Government Sites Believed Part Of Russian "Sabotage Operations" white house
>>15373945 German Government Considering Shutting Down Telegram
>>15373956 @PapiTrumpo Cuing the FF
>>15373968 Dan Ball W/ Dr. Robert Malone On The Shifting Narrative
>>15373969 Gov. Ron DeSantis On The Insanity of Hospitals Letting The Covid-Positive Work After Firing The Unvaccinated
>>15373971 Jewish author calls Trudeau "unethical, immoral" and "evil" over comments on unvaccinated
>>15373972 ANOTHER Kamala unforced error
>>15373973 Nancy Pelosi's son Paul was involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds as shocking paper trail connects him to a slew of fraudsters and convicted criminals
>>15373977 Large British Study Finds Risk of Myocarditis Doubles After Each mRNA Jab
>>15373979 Ebola and Nipah viruses were "shipped to the wuhan Institute of Virology from Canada by two rogue scientists with links to the Chinese military"
>>15373980 Unique is the duration of treatment: instead of treating the patient for 2 or 3 days using antiparasitics, he prescribes a cocktail of 4 - 6 parasite drugs
>>15373982 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada Fight for freedom!
>>15373990 Son of House Speaker Pelosi made money in Ukraine (YT)
>>15374017 #19446
#15375686 at 2022-01-14 21:51:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19449: Emergency on planet earth bake.
#19448 tbc
#19447 tbc
>>15373286 Jake Sullivan's Yale Law Classmate Arrested for Sedition
>>15373311 @I_Corps Soldiers assigned to @7thID conduct day [SHIFT] and night [SHIFT] land navigation training at Joint Base
>>15373312 Enmity Grows Between Trump, Military Over Vaccine Advocacy
>>15373314 There is a war on our children
>>15373332 Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and BW
>>15373379 @JackPosobiec There's one OathKeeper the FBI doesn't seem very interested in
>>15373421 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
>>15373445, >>15373523 Whitaker soon. ( 2 weeks protocol active KEK)
>>15373470, >>15373789 @DanScavino Livestream | 1/15/22 | 9:00pmE PDJT Florence Arizona (Use Rumble Link)
>>15373481 Remember that audit in AZ?
>>15373509 Push for WW3? (Russia Russia Ukraine)
>>15373530 RealDonaldoTrumpo - Not liking the Vaccine Mandate (CHQ aaass...)
>>15373661 Republican Rep. John Katko (NY), who backed President Trump's impeachment a year ago, will not seek re-election.
>>15373664 General Flynn refers to COVID as "alleged virus"
>>15373669, >>15373685 Jeffrey Epstein was sent three 12-year-old French girls as 'birthday gift'
>>15373749 Thank you to all the brave military men and women that have and continue today to fight for our freedoms.
>>15373777 Lots of questions from viewers on recent construction activity on the White House North Lawn.
>>15373791 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell
>>15373923 Massive Hack Of Ukrainian Government Sites Believed Part Of Russian "Sabotage Operations" white house
>>15373945 German Government Considering Shutting Down Telegram
>>15373956 @PapiTrumpo Cuing the FF
>>15373968 Dan Ball W/ Dr. Robert Malone On The Shifting Narrative
>>15373969 Gov. Ron DeSantis On The Insanity of Hospitals Letting The Covid-Positive Work After Firing The Unvaccinated
>>15373971 Jewish author calls Trudeau "unethical, immoral" and "evil" over comments on unvaccinated
>>15373972 ANOTHER Kamala unforced error
>>15373973 Nancy Pelosi's son Paul was involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds as shocking paper trail connects him to a slew of fraudsters and convicted criminals
>>15373977 Large British Study Finds Risk of Myocarditis Doubles After Each mRNA Jab
>>15373979 Ebola and Nipah viruses were "shipped to the wuhan Institute of Virology from Canada by two rogue scientists with links to the Chinese military"
>>15373980 Unique is the duration of treatment: instead of treating the patient for 2 or 3 days using antiparasitics, he prescribes a cocktail of 4 - 6 parasite drugs
>>15373982 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada Fight for freedom!
>>15373990 Son of House Speaker Pelosi made money in Ukraine (YT)
>>15374017 #19446
#15374892 at 2022-01-14 19:57:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19448: Are You Tired Of Winning? Edition
GOP Senator Demands DoD Investigate Leaked DARPA Bombshell Over Covid-19 Origins
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) has requested any findings from a Department of Defense investigation into the origins of Covid-19, following the recent publication of a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) report obtained by Project Veritas.
According to the leaked report written by a Marine, EcoHealth Alliance sought a contract to use controversial gain-of-function genetic manipulation techniques to study bat coronaviruses. While the proposal was rejected by DARPA, it was subsequently picked up by Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, which funneled money to EcoHealth via a sub-grant.
Fauci has repeatedly claimed NIAID did not fund gain-of-function research into bat coronaviruses.
"It is apparent that Dr. Fauci has not been forthright with the American people regarding his involvement in funding dangerous research," Sen. Johnson told the Daily Caller.
"According to the Major's disclosure, EcoHealth Alliance (EcoHealth), in conjunction with the wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), submitted a proposal in March 2018 to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) regarding SARS-CoVs. The proposal included a program, called DEFUSE, that sought to use a novel chimeric SARS-CoV spike protein to inoculate bats against SARS-CoVs," reads Johnson's letter.
"Although DARPA rejected the proposal, the disclosure alleges that EcoHealth ultimately carried out the DEFUSE proposal until April 2020 through the National Institutes of Health and National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The disclosure highlights several potential treatments, such as ivermectin, and specifically alleges that the EcoHealth DEFUSE proposal identified chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloriquine) and interferon as SARS-CoV inhibitors."
The leaked documents also suggest that Covid-19 was created at the wuhan Institute of Virology.
Johnson asks the DoD to interview the Marine who reportedly authored the report, and undertake an investigation into its claims.
#15374811 at 2022-01-14 19:45:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19448: Are You Tired Of Winning? Edition
#19447 tbc
>>15373286 Jake Sullivan's Yale Law Classmate Arrested for Sedition
>>15373311 @I_Corps Soldiers assigned to @7thID conduct day [SHIFT] and night [SHIFT] land navigation training at Joint Base
>>15373312 Enmity Grows Between Trump, Military Over Vaccine Advocacy
>>15373314 There is a war on our children
>>15373332 Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and BW
>>15373379 @JackPosobiec There's one OathKeeper the FBI doesn't seem very interested in
>>15373421 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
>>15373445, >>15373523 Whitaker soon. ( 2 weeks protocol active KEK)
>>15373470, >>15373789 @DanScavino Livestream | 1/15/22 | 9:00pmE PDJT Florence Arizona (Use Rumble Link)
>>15373481 Remember that audit in AZ?
>>15373509 Push for WW3? (Russia Russia Ukraine)
>>15373530 RealDonaldoTrumpo - Not liking the Vaccine Mandate (CHQ aaass…)
>>15373661 Republican Rep. John Katko (NY), who backed President Trump's impeachment a year ago, will not seek re-election.
>>15373664 General Flynn refers to COVID as "alleged virus"
>>15373669, >>15373685 Jeffrey Epstein was sent three 12-year-old French girls as 'birthday gift'
>>15373749 Thank you to all the brave military men and women that have and continue today to fight for our freedoms.
>>15373777 Lots of questions from viewers on recent construction activity on the White House North Lawn.
>>15373791 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell
>>15373923 Massive Hack Of Ukrainian Government Sites Believed Part Of Russian "Sabotage Operations" white house
>>15373945 German Government Considering Shutting Down Telegram
>>15373956 @PapiTrumpo Cuing the FF
>>15373968 Dan Ball W/ Dr. Robert Malone On The Shifting Narrative
>>15373969 Gov. Ron DeSantis On The Insanity of Hospitals Letting The Covid-Positive Work After Firing The Unvaccinated
>>15373971 Jewish author calls Trudeau "unethical, immoral" and "evil" over comments on unvaccinated
>>15373972 ANOTHER Kamala unforced error
>>15373973 Nancy Pelosi's son Paul was involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds as shocking paper trail connects him to a slew of fraudsters and convicted criminals
>>15373977 Large British Study Finds Risk of Myocarditis Doubles After Each mRNA Jab
>>15373979 Ebola and Nipah viruses were "shipped to the wuhan Institute of Virology from Canada by two rogue scientists with links to the Chinese military"
>>15373980 Unique is the duration of treatment: instead of treating the patient for 2 or 3 days using antiparasitics, he prescribes a cocktail of 4 - 6 parasite drugs
>>15373982 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada Fight for freedom!
>>15373990 Son of House Speaker Pelosi made money in Ukraine (YT)
>>15374017 #19446
#15374060 at 2022-01-14 17:50:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19446: Paul Pelsoi involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds Edition
>>15373286 Jake Sullivan's Yale Law Classmate Arrested for Sedition
>>15373311 @I_Corps Soldiers assigned to @7thID conduct day [SHIFT] and night [SHIFT] land navigation training at Joint Base
>>15373312 Enmity Grows Between Trump, Military Over Vaccine Advocacy
>>15373314 There is a war on our children
>>15373332 Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and BW
>>15373379 @JackPosobiec There's one OathKeeper the FBI doesn't seem very interested in
>>15373421 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
>>15373445, >>15373523 Whitaker soon. ( 2 weeks protocol active KEK)
>>15373470, >>15373789 @DanScavino Livestream | 1/15/22 | 9:00pmE PDJT Florence Arizona (Use Rumble Link)
>>15373481 Remember that audit in AZ?
>>15373509 Push for WW3? (Russia Russia Ukraine)
>>15373530 RealDonaldoTrumpo - Not liking the Vaccine Mandate (CHQ aaass…)
>>15373661 Republican Rep. John Katko (NY), who backed President Trump's impeachment a year ago, will not seek re-election.
>>15373664 General Flynn refers to COVID as "alleged virus"
>>15373669, >>15373685 Jeffrey Epstein was sent three 12-year-old French girls as 'birthday gift'
>>15373749 Thank you to all the brave military men and women that have and continue today to fight for our freedoms.
>>15373777 Lots of questions from viewers on recent construction activity on the White House North Lawn.
>>15373791 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell
>>15373923 Massive Hack Of Ukrainian Government Sites Believed Part Of Russian "Sabotage Operations" white house
>>15373945 German Government Considering Shutting Down Telegram
>>15373956 @PapiTrumpo Cuing the FF
>>15373968 Dan Ball W/ Dr. Robert Malone On The Shifting Narrative
>>15373969 Gov. Ron DeSantis On The Insanity of Hospitals Letting The Covid-Positive Work After Firing The Unvaccinated
>>15373971 Jewish author calls Trudeau "unethical, immoral" and "evil" over comments on unvaccinated
>>15373972 ANOTHER Kamala unforced error
>>15373973 Nancy Pelosi's son Paul was involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds as shocking paper trail connects him to a slew of fraudsters and convicted criminals
>>15373977 Large British Study Finds Risk of Myocarditis Doubles After Each mRNA Jab
>>15373979 Ebola and Nipah viruses were "shipped to the wuhan Institute of Virology from Canada by two rogue scientists with links to the Chinese military"
>>15373980 Unique is the duration of treatment: instead of treating the patient for 2 or 3 days using antiparasitics, he prescribes a cocktail of 4 - 6 parasite drugs
>>15373982 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada Fight for freedom!
>>15373990 Son of House Speaker Pelosi made money in Ukraine (YT)
#15374017 at 2022-01-14 17:46:26 (UTC+1)
>>15373286 Jake Sullivan's Yale Law Classmate Arrested for Sedition
>>15373311 @I_Corps Soldiers assigned to @7thID conduct day [SHIFT] and night [SHIFT] land navigation training at Joint Base
>>15373312 Enmity Grows Between Trump, Military Over Vaccine Advocacy
>>15373314 There is a war on our children
>>15373332 Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and BW
>>15373379 @JackPosobiec There's one OathKeeper the FBI doesn't seem very interested in
>>15373421 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
>>15373445, >>15373523 Whitaker soon. ( 2 weeks protocol active KEK)
>>15373470, >>15373789 @DanScavino Livestream | 1/15/22 | 9:00pmE PDJT Florence Arizona (Use Rumble Link)
>>15373481 Remember that audit in AZ?
>>15373509 Push for WW3? (Russia Russia Ukraine)
>>15373530 RealDonaldoTrumpo - Not liking the Vaccine Mandate (CHQ aaass…)
>>15373661 Republican Rep. John Katko (NY), who backed President Trump's impeachment a year ago, will not seek re-election.
>>15373664 General Flynn refers to COVID as "alleged virus"
>>15373669, >>15373685 Jeffrey Epstein was sent three 12-year-old French girls as 'birthday gift'
>>15373749 Thank you to all the brave military men and women that have and continue today to fight for our freedoms.
>>15373777 Lots of questions from viewers on recent construction activity on the White House North Lawn.
>>15373791 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell
>>15373923 Massive Hack Of Ukrainian Government Sites Believed Part Of Russian "Sabotage Operations" white house
>>15373945 German Government Considering Shutting Down Telegram
>>15373956 @PapiTrumpo Cuing the FF
>>15373968 Dan Ball W/ Dr. Robert Malone On The Shifting Narrative
>>15373969 Gov. Ron DeSantis On The Insanity of Hospitals Letting The Covid-Positive Work After Firing The Unvaccinated
>>15373971 Jewish author calls Trudeau "unethical, immoral" and "evil" over comments on unvaccinated
>>15373972 ANOTHER Kamala unforced error
>>15373973 Nancy Pelosi's son Paul was involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds as shocking paper trail connects him to a slew of fraudsters and convicted criminals
>>15373977 Large British Study Finds Risk of Myocarditis Doubles After Each mRNA Jab
>>15373979 Ebola and Nipah viruses were "shipped to the wuhan Institute of Virology from Canada by two rogue scientists with links to the Chinese military"
>>15373980 Unique is the duration of treatment: instead of treating the patient for 2 or 3 days using antiparasitics, he prescribes a cocktail of 4 - 6 parasite drugs
>>15373982 Big protests in Montreal, Quebec, Canada Fight for freedom!
>>15373990 Son of House Speaker Pelosi made money in Ukraine (YT)
#15373979 at 2022-01-14 17:42:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19446: Paul Pelsoi involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds Edition
Ebola and Nipah viruses were "shipped to the wuhan Institute of Virology from Canada by two rogue scientists with links to the Chinese military"
Ebola virus is part of the Filoviridae family, which also
Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and BW
#15373332 at 2022-01-14 16:04:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19446: Paul Pelsoi involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds Edition
>>15372733 (pb)
>Ebola and Nipah viruses were "shipped to the wuhan Institute of Virology from Canada by two rogue scientists with links to the Chinese military"
>Ebola virus is part of the Filoviridae family, which also
Next Generation Bioweapons: Genetic Engineering and BW
#15373003 at 2022-01-14 14:47:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19445: A New Beginning Frens Edition
>There are stories claiming Marburg in China
Ebola virus is part of the Filoviridae family, which also includes Marburg virus. Ebola and Nipah viruses were "shipped to the wuhan Institute of Virology from Canada by two rogue scientists with links to the Chinese military"
>The Soviet Union had an extensive offensive and defensive biological weapons program that included MARV.[63] At least three Soviet research institutes had MARV research programs during the Cold War: the Virology Center of the Scientific-Research Institute for Microbiology in Zagorsk (today Sergiev Posad), the Scientific-Production Association "Vektor" (today the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology "Vektor") in Koltsovo, and the Irkutsk Scientific-Research Anti-Plague Institute of Siberia and the Far East in Irkutsk. As most performed research was highly classified, it remains unclear how successful the MARV program was. However, Soviet defector Ken Alibek claimed that a weapon filled with MARV was tested at the Stepnogorsk Scientific Experimental and Production Base in Stepnogorsk, Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (today Kazakhstan)
>A mass die-off of wild antelopes in Kazakhstan was triggered by environmental factors, scientists believe.
>More than 200,000 saiga antelopes collapsed and died suddenly in 2015, wiping out most of the global population.
> Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (today Kazakhstan)
"US-funded facility near Almaty was compromised, resulting in a possible leak of dangerous pathogens."
>The US is built a bioweapons lab in Kazakhstan
Callahan is a CIA spook scientist who uses Harvard as his cover.
He was tasked with gain-of-function and "reconfiguration of former biological weapons production facilities" in the former Soviet Union.
He was also in wuhan during the outbreak.
#15372885 at 2022-01-14 14:20:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19445: A New Beginning Frens Edition
Callahan is a CIA spook scientist who uses Harvard as his cover.
He was tasked with gain-of-function and "reconfiguration of former biological weapons production facilities" in the former Soviet Union.
He was also in wuhan during the outbreak.
#15372733 at 2022-01-14 13:52:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19445: A New Beginning Frens Edition
Ebola and Nipah viruses were "shipped to the wuhan Institute of Virology from Canada by two rogue scientists with links to the Chinese military"
Ebola virus is part of the Filoviridae family, which also includes Marburg virus.
#15372341 at 2022-01-14 10:55:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19444: Educate your Children about Child Sex Trafficking Edition
Digg from yesterday - wuhan document in the DoS FOIA reading room from 2018. wuhan had permission to study three big bad viruses: Ebola virus, Nipah Virus and XinJiang Hemorrhagic Fever. When wuhan opened, it was with staff support from U of TX at Galveston which is supported in part by Fauci.
Re-reading the document, it seems that SARS was considered a huge threat having infected 8098 people, caused 747 deaths in 37 countries…. Wut? A brand new BSL-4 lab facility that took 11 years to build is 'studying' a pathogen that killed less than 750 people worldwide? Hmmm
>>15364388 (PB)
#15369558 at 2022-01-14 01:20:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19441: Grand Jury for The Transfer of Presidential Power 2022 Edition
Federal judge blocks Pentagon from punishing unvaccinated Navy SEALs, other special forces members
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Judge Reed O'Conner recently ruled that the wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic provides the government with "no license to abrogate the freedom" that any American has. The January 3 ruling barred the Department of Defense (DOD) from punishing a group of Navy SEALs and other special forces members who refused COVID-19 vaccines on religious grounds.
The judge said the "loss of religious liberties outweighs any forthcoming harm to the Navy" and that even the direst circumstances cannot "justify the loss of constitutional rights."
First Liberty Institute (FLI) General Counsel Mike Berry hailed the ruling as a victory, but noted that Navy service members continue to face "intimidating tactics" in the guise of military discipline actions for refusing the vaccine.
In several Fox Business Live interviews, Berry said these Navy service members are fighting for their careers, their futures and their families.
"What the Navy is doing to them is outrageous. They're punishing them - forcing them to choose between their faith and serving their country. They're going after their families. Their dependents [spouses and children who are not subject to DOD authority] have been told that they can't travel even for unofficial reasons," Berry said.
moar: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-01-13-judge-blocks-pentagon-from-punishing-unvaccinated-seals.html
#15368238 at 2022-01-13 22:09:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19439: Welcome New BO Flint Edition
How crazy would it be if it becomes public knowledge that COVID was made in a wuhan lab during the Olympics?
The entire world is watching China, has all their winter athletes in China, etc. and then BOOM - Covid from a lab in China. I can't even imagine how CCP would try to spin it.
#15367963 at 2022-01-13 21:38:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19439: Welcome New BO Flint Edition
did the 'conspiracy theory' that Fauci and NIH funded GOF with Chinese at wuhan finally getting recognition as truth?
are we any closer today?
it sure seems like it to me.
also, CNN thinks because oath keepers was charged with sedition conspiracy, then conservatives like DeSantis cannot criticize DOJ about nobody being charged for 'insurrection'.
#15367410 at 2022-01-13 20:42:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19438: SCOTUS RULES ON OSHA MANDATE Edition
Exposed the wuhan Cover Up
The Woolfe Report Short
627 views Jan 13, 2022
#15366852 at 2022-01-13 19:37:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19437: Meet the New BO 'Flint' Edition
The Vaccine Accelerates Gain-of-Function!
Snippet from article:
Stunningly, Murphy also seems to confirm that the "mass vaccination campaign" will make matters worse,<b> simulating its own "accelerated gain-of-function," making the virus deattenuated-or stronger</b>. He states that the vaccination "campaign" was "done with the world's population" as a result of the virus' escape from the lab in wuhan.
#15366323 at 2022-01-13 18:41:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19437: Meet the New BO 'Flint' Edition
re: notable >>15365132 (pb), >>15365353 (pb), >>15365189 (pb) Anon on the Proof - Fauci, Daszak, Gain of Function: Ecohealth is CIA Front
>>15365316 pb summary
>>15365356 pb nom notable
>>15365393 pbDr. Thomas Malone vid excerpt re: Callahan[Callahan was in wuhan 4th quarter of 2019 - premier biowarfare expert, advisor to Obama, Trump, prior Presidents]
DARPA's Man in wuhan
July 31, 2020
Michael Callahan's career began inUSAID[CIA] and in the bioweapons labs of the former Soviet Union, advancing the agenda of the global bioweapons and pharmaceutical cartels. He would take what he learned there to execute a massive expansion ofDARPA's biodefense portfolioand today finds himself squarely in thecenter of the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.
NOTE: Callahan & Daszak/EcoHealth connect via USAID[CIA]
#15366195 at 2022-01-13 18:27:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19437: Meet the New BO 'Flint' Edition
>>15363849 Reminder 👀 : THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>15363925 @USMC with Marines @1stMEF participate in a martial arts instructor course in the surf on (keks in gerbil Jeet kune do)
>>15363866 4channer Proposing new CEO compensation law
>>15364015 4am talking points engaged.
>>15364019 How Bush and Blair plotted war in Iraq
>>15364036, >>15364057 MINI BUN - WHAT THE F* AM I LOOKING AT????!!
>>15364050 Boris Johnson hit by huge blow as Jonathan Van-Tam quits as deputy chief medical officer
>>15364077 Faux Doctors Calling for Rogan to STFU about the Truth
>>15363108 OB Mother charged with murdering and torturing her eight-year-old daughter is an anti-vaxxer who claimed GOD 'promised 100 per cent healing' of illnesses - Daily Mail
>>15364172 wuhan Ins of Virology: TRAVEL BREAKDOWN
>>15364187 What a strange Thursday all of a sudden, no?
>>15364191 Impeach Recall Rinos
>>15364196 DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Orders Vaccine Mandate to Disrupt March for Life
>>15364207 Vaccinated People are Flooding ICU (Jab is Working… to kill you)
>>15364216, >>15364228 CALL FOR MEMES
>>15364217 Comped AF Democratic Governor of Washington is launching a full-frontal assault on the First Amendment
>>15364219 Muriel Bowser will seek a third term as D.C. mayor
>>15364231, >>15364233 Anon Pins
>>15364251 So it looks like Kazakhstan was a coup attempt, and Russia stopped it
>>15364252 Armourer in charge of weapons used during filming of Rust sues prop supplier, alleging company distributed "mix of dummy and live ammunition" on set
>>15364267 Judge Tosses Teen Rape Conviction, Says 148 Days in Jail Is 'Plenty of Punishment'
>>15364279, >>15364509 MEMES AND CAPS FOR SHARING
>>15364287 Report: 22 journalists at Salvadoran news site hit with Pegasus hack
>>15364294 Dasting delta coming up 1/19 Seems to be the Datefag
>>15364316 President Trump's Former CIA Director Gina Haspel Joins Attorneys Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates at International Law Firm
>>15364319 Q proof Financial Times is controlled by the NWO
>>15364330, >>15364400 What other zinc ionophores are there? (black cumin seed oil)
>>15364332 White House Journalists Begin Asking Biden Administration To Take Federal Control Over Food Supply and Pricing
>>15364344 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
>>15364359 Close the schools and send kids home - to drink themselves to death. Great work, public health
>>15364365 Argentinean president talking about NWO
>>15364378 GOP's Old Guard Out Of Touch With Their Voters On Election Integrity
>>15364388 DoS FOIA reading room. Fauci's NIAID supports U of TX at Galveston's BSL-4 lab. WIV opens w/a lack of talent.
>>15364408 Rep. Kinzinger looks to put the Ray Epps conspiracy theory to bed once and for all
>>15364415 PF - Training/exercise?
>>15364440 PapiTrumpo/status (ROFLMFAO)
>>15364441 JUST IN - U.S. producer price inflation jumps 9.7% in December from a year ago, the highest y/y increase on record.
>>15364453 Anon Opines - once we get these swamp creatures out putin will think twice?
>>15364461 Benefits for human health (Quercetin)
>>15364467 Moar on the WH walls be constructed.
>>15364470 If the average person actually read the democrats proposed voting rights bill they would never again doubt that dems cheated in the presidential election.
>>15364485 Schumer aims to nuke filibuster so he can federalize elections (#SaveTheFilibuster)
>>15364494 The Jan. 6 Investigation We Need Is Into The Unlawful Military Occupation Of D.C.
>>15364503 Kamala has a complete aneurism when asked if the White House needs to shift away from their covid strategy of mandates and tyranny
>>15364518 Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei has released a CGI video on his official website depicting the assassination of former president Trump
>>15364546 Assassin Troop Locked and Loaded
>>15364568 Joe Biden is the same craven liar today as he's been for the last 50 years.
>>15364632 #19434
#15365930 at 2022-01-13 17:57:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19436: Welcome to 8kun 2.0 Edition
DARPA Thinks Its Gain of Function
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, on its Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System (TAGGS) website, documents NIAID funding of "UNDERSTANDING THE RISK OF BAT CORONAVIRUS EMERGENCE" - Award Number:R01AI110964. Notice that the letter after the "A" in the award number appears to be an "I" but the letters after the "A" in the grant #s and FAIN #s in 1/1 above appear to be an "l". Spelling matters.
Are we looking for any of these letters?Does this "l" have anything to do with the misspelling of files mentioned in 1/1 above? If it does, what does it mean?
Below are two NY Post articles about admissions of gain of function research.
Fauci admits 'modest' NIH funding of wuhan lab but denies 'gain of function'
By Samuel Chamberlain
May 25, 2021
NIH admits US funded gain-of-function in wuhan - despite Fauci's denials
By Emily Crane
October 21, 2021
#15365703 at 2022-01-13 17:30:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19436: Welcome to 8kun 2.0 Edition
Five Eyes Dossier Leaks On China's Alleged Coronavirus Cover-Up, Contains Damning Revelations
"The 15-page intelligence dossier reportedly focuses on a team of research scientists from the wuhan Institute of Virology that was led by scientist Shi Zhengli."
#15365647 at 2022-01-13 17:23:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19436: Welcome to 8kun 2.0 Edition
Communist China's Viral War On America:
Why Do New Disease Outbreaks Always Seem to Start in China? The Asian Flu in 1956 killed between one and four million people worldwide. SARS in 2002 infected 8,098 and killed 774 in seventeen counties. H7N9 emerged ten years later to strike at least 1,223 people and kill four out of every ten of them. Now, the milder, yet more infectious COVID-19 has sickened more than 70,000 across the globe, resulting in 1,771 deaths....and no coincidence, close ties with Bill Gates, Mr. Vaccine...and 3 Level 4 Safety Bioweapons labs in communist China...wuhan's funded by Obama's Administration/connections with WHO & Dr. Fraudci!
China has, as of June 2020, "more than 20" BSL-3 laboratories. Maximum-security biolab is part of plan to build network/plan to build between five and seven biosafety level-4 (BSL-4) labs across the Chinese mainland by 2025. Two or more already exist in China. wuhan houses over 1500 deadly pathogens/viruses.
Obama & Democrats let Communist China to manufacture most of USA's Drugs, Key Ingredients for our RX's, Vaccines & Med. Supplies)
Which Corporations, countries and political party, etc. has or will benefit the most by both wars...
Big Pharma -Remdesivir, Vaccines, other treatments
-Overdose treatment drugs just as or more addictive than opioids, Treatment centers, Organ donations off the chart, similar to like Haiti's cholera.
Both conditions do not harm organs.
China-Mexico-Dem Party (Trade given to China, Foreign aid, Open Borders, Kick backs)
Dem Party received more contributions from Big Pharma & treatment centers...Federal Aid?
U.S. officials worried about Chinese control of American drug supply
https://www.shadac.org/sites/default/files/publications/2019%20NATIONAL%20opioid%20brief%20FINAL%20VERSION.pdf page 6
Transcript of Attorney General Barr's Remarks on China Policy at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum
Grand Rapids, MI
~ Friday, July 17, 2020
#15365606 at 2022-01-13 17:19:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19436: Welcome to 8kun 2.0 Edition
How many vials of Covid-19 are here in the USA? Or have been sneaked into the USA and released to help Communist China, Dems political agenda, keep voters from the polls for the Nov. election, destroy America, destroy our economy and remove President Trump?
Was a Covid-19 vial released or exposed to someone within Pres. Trump's inner circle) as an assassination attempt on Pres. Trump?
*Remember: Border Patrol Stopped a Chinese Biologist (from CCP) Carrying Viable SARS, MERS Viruses into the United States, at the Detroit Airport in 2018!
*Bill Gates visited China Nov. 2019 and ironically the first case and death due to Covid-19, was just miles from his home in Washington state, and in a nursing home!
*Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases, one sneaking 21 vials of "Biological research" out of the United States to communist China!
*U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at Detroit Metro Airport stopped a Chinese scientist carrying vials believed to contain the MERS and SARS viruses in November 2018 - just over a year before the first reported wuhan coronavirus case, according to an FBI tactical intelligence report
"Inspection of the writing on the vials and the stated recipient led inspection personnel to believe the materials contained within the vials may be viable Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) materials," the report reads. The vials were labeled "Antibodies", and the unnamed scientist said he was asked to deliver them to a researcher at a U.S. institute.
The report also lays out a pattern of Chinese interference, detailing two other cases from May 2018 and September 2019, in which…
*different Chinese nationals tried to enter the U.S. with undeclared flu strains and suspected E. coli, respectively.**
"The Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate assesses foreign scientific researchers who transport undeclared and undocumented biological materials into the United States in their personal carry-on and/or checked luggage almost certainly present a US biosecurity risk," the report states. "The WMDD makes this assessment with high confidence based on liaison reporting with direct access."
Or sneaked into the USA through Canada?
Or sneaked into the USA through Canada?
And is Communist China and or working with Big Pharma producing yearly flu strains and releasing them to make billions in flu vaccines?
#15365526 at 2022-01-13 17:10:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19436: Welcome to 8kun 2.0 Edition
Part 3
Dr. Fauci Likely Broke US Regulations and US Law When He Funded wuhan Lab to Continue Coronavirus Projects That Were Banned in US in 2014
By Joe Hoft Published May 5, 2020 at 8:09am
A month ago we reported that Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team working on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors in 2014 before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky. After the US research project was shut down, Dr. Shi continued her coronavirus research in wuhan, China.
Now we can report that the leader of the US task force overseeing the country's response to the China coronavirus, Dr. Tony Fauci, was the one who funded the wuhan bat virus work and kept it going.
If these research projects were banned in the US was it legal and appropriate for Dr. Fauci and NIAID to use taxpayer dollars to continue to fund the research in wuhan, China? Was Dr. Fauci ever going to explain his conflict of interest? Did Dr. Fauci skirt US law to fund these dangerous projects in China?
Should the man in charge of the flawed US policy to treat and contain the China virus be trusted when he has not been upfront with his connections to the wuhan research projects?
The Times of Israel reported:
Back in October 2014, the US government had placed a federal moratorium on gain-of-function (GOF) research-altering natural pathogens to make them more deadly and infectious-as a result of rising fears about a possible pandemic caused by accidental or deliberate release of these genetically engineered monster germs.
This was in part due to lab accidents at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in July 2014 that raised questions about biosafety at US high-containment labs...
...A CDC internal report described how scientists failed to follow proper procedures to ensure samples were inactivated before they left the lab, and also found "multiple other problems" with operating procedures in the anthrax lab.
As such in October 2014, due to public health concerns the US government banned all federal funding on efforts to weaponize three viruses-influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
In the face of a moratorium in the US, Dr. Anthony Fauci-director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) and currently the leading doctor in the US Coronavirus Task Force-outsourced in 2015 the GOF research to China's wuhan lab and licensed the lab to continue receiving federal funding.
The wuhan lab is now at the center of scrutiny for possibly releasing theSARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and causing the global Covid-19 pandemic.
#15365496 at 2022-01-13 17:07:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19436: Welcome to 8kun 2.0 Edition
Why are George Soros, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Francis Collins, Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Big Pharma's fake Vax CEO's still free?
We the people are tired of the congressional political theater and nothing being done.
Forget it, we want them arrested, charged and prosecuted for TREASON, PREMEDITATED MASS MURDER, CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING/PEDOPHILES, ELECTION FRAUD, etc.
Republican /Rino congress have had access to and been sitting on the evidence to convict Tony Fauci, Barack Obama giving the necessary basics and funding to Communist China's Military Bioweapons Lab in wuhan, to produce bioweapons. (1500 viruses & pathogens still remain at that lab). Along with Former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Peter Daszak president of EcoHealth Alliance.
Same goes for sexual predator….Bill Clinton 26 timer on Epstein's "Lolita Pedo Express" is just as guilty as Epstein and Maxwell…when is Bill Clinton's Arrest, Charges brought, Prosecution/Trial???
Has any major US Politician, head of an Fed. Agency, Director or CEO of any Organization like the CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma gone to prison yet? Arrested, charged and prosecuted?
NO, only the same status quo!
Has there been any significant changes in voting legislation such as voter ID, major audits or in the courts dealing with the across the country mass election fraud of 2020?
Nothing has changed regarding the abundant, rampant voter fraud of 2020 to restore any faith what so ever in our elections for the up coming midterms in 2022.
NO, only the same status quo!
Spine-less, brain-less & ball-less US House & Senate Republican/Rino cowards!
No wonder the corruption at the federal level has continued, this long.
If the Republicans/Rinos want to win in the midterms, they better get off their asses, grow a pair, use their brains , get a freaking backbone and DO IT!
Dr. Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 – nobody needed to die
Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose "expert" advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world historyhas known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses.
How did he know this? Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. In connection with the SARS outbreak - caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS- CoV - the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks. The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. They both use the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim.
The Virology Journal - the official publication of Dr. Fauci's National Institutes of Health - published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading - get ready for this - "Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread." (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers, "We report…that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage."
This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it's even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus ("therapeutic") but prevent future cases ("prophylactic"). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it's a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci's NIH in 2005, "concentrations of 10 ?M completely abolished SARS-CoV infection." Fauci's researchers add, "chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV."
"The highly-publicized VA study….HCQ was administered without azithromycin and zinc, which form the cocktail that makes it supremely effective.
….At-risk individuals need to receive the HCQ cocktail at the first sign of symptoms."
On March 23, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko reported that he had treated around 500 coronavirus patients with HCQ and had seen an astonishing 100% success rate. That's not the "anecdotal" evidence Dr. Fauci sneers at, but actual results with real patients in clinical settings.
#15365421 at 2022-01-13 16:57:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19436: Welcome to 8kun 2.0 Edition
>>15363849 Reminder 👀 : THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>15363925 @USMC with Marines @1stMEF participate in a martial arts instructor course in the surf on (keks in gerbil Jeet kune do)
>>15363866 4channer Proposing new CEO compensation law
>>15364015 4am talking points engaged.
>>15364019 How Bush and Blair plotted war in Iraq
>>15364036, >>15364057 MINI BUN - WHAT THE F* AM I LOOKING AT????!!
>>15364050 Boris Johnson hit by huge blow as Jonathan Van-Tam quits as deputy chief medical officer
>>15364077 Faux Doctors Calling for Rogan to STFU about the Truth
>>15363108 OB Mother charged with murdering and torturing her eight-year-old daughter is an anti-vaxxer who claimed GOD 'promised 100 per cent healing' of illnesses - Daily Mail
>>15364172 wuhan Ins of Virology: TRAVEL BREAKDOWN
>>15364187 What a strange Thursday all of a sudden, no?
>>15364191 Impeach Recall Rinos
>>15364196 DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Orders Vaccine Mandate to Disrupt March for Life
>>15364207 Vaccinated People are Flooding ICU (Jab is Working… to kill you)
>>15364216, >>15364228 CALL FOR MEMES
>>15364217 Comped AF Democratic Governor of Washington is launching a full-frontal assault on the First Amendment
>>15364219 Muriel Bowser will seek a third term as D.C. mayor
>>15364231, >>15364233 Anon Pins
>>15364251 So it looks like Kazakhstan was a coup attempt, and Russia stopped it
>>15364252 Armourer in charge of weapons used during filming of Rust sues prop supplier, alleging company distributed "mix of dummy and live ammunition" on set
>>15364267 Judge Tosses Teen Rape Conviction, Says 148 Days in Jail Is 'Plenty of Punishment'
>>15364279, >>15364509 MEMES AND CAPS FOR SHARING
>>15364287 Report: 22 journalists at Salvadoran news site hit with Pegasus hack
>>15364294 Dasting delta coming up 1/19 Seems to be the Datefag
>>15364316 President Trump's Former CIA Director Gina Haspel Joins Attorneys Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates at International Law Firm
>>15364319 Q proof Financial Times is controlled by the NWO
>>15364330, >>15364400 What other zinc ionophores are there? (black cumin seed oil)
>>15364332 White House Journalists Begin Asking Biden Administration To Take Federal Control Over Food Supply and Pricing
>>15364344 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
>>15364359 Close the schools and send kids home - to drink themselves to death. Great work, public health
>>15364365 Argentinean president talking about NWO
>>15364378 GOP's Old Guard Out Of Touch With Their Voters On Election Integrity
>>15364388 DoS FOIA reading room. Fauci's NIAID supports U of TX at Galveston's BSL-4 lab. WIV opens w/a lack of talent.
>>15364408 Rep. Kinzinger looks to put the Ray Epps conspiracy theory to bed once and for all
>>15364415 PF - Training/exercise?
>>15364440 PapiTrumpo/status (ROFLMFAO)
>>15364441 JUST IN - U.S. producer price inflation jumps 9.7% in December from a year ago, the highest y/y increase on record.
>>15364453 Anon Opines - once we get these swamp creatures out putin will think twice?
>>15364461 Benefits for human health (Quercetin)
>>15364467 Moar on the WH walls be constructed.
>>15364470 If the average person actually read the democrats proposed voting rights bill they would never again doubt that dems cheated in the presidential election.
>>15364485 Schumer aims to nuke filibuster so he can federalize elections (#SaveTheFilibuster)
>>15364494 The Jan. 6 Investigation We Need Is Into The Unlawful Military Occupation Of D.C.
>>15364503 Kamala has a complete aneurism when asked if the White House needs to shift away from their covid strategy of mandates and tyranny
>>15364518 Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei has released a CGI video on his official website depicting the assassination of former president Trump
>>15364546 Assassin Troop Locked and Loaded
>>15364568 Joe Biden is the same craven liar today as he's been for the last 50 years.
>>15364632 #19434
#15365316 at 2022-01-13 16:43:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19435: Back to basics and let the Hive heal Edition
>Michael Callahan
Dennis Carroll, a former USAID directorof emerging threats division who had led the U.S.' response to Avian influenza (H5N1) in 2005, would go on to create PREDICT, which partnered with a non-profit called EcoHealth Alliance to carry out its 9-year effort to catalog hundreds of thousands of biological samples, "including over 10,000 bats". The aforementioned PREDICT-funded 2015 study on "diversity of coronavirus in bats" by Wacharapluesadee and Callahan also included Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, among its participants.
Daszak,a regular advisor to WHO on pathogen prioritization for R&D, Carroll and Joana Mazet - former global director forUSAID'sPREDICT - all joined together in 2016 to form the Global Virome Project; a "10-year collaborative scientific initiative to discover unknown zoonotic viral threats and stop future pandemics". Mazet was also co-director ofUC Davis'One Health program, which recruited Dr. Wacharapluesadee and her team in Thailand to conduct a multi-year research project on bats. They are joined by Edward Rubin of Metabiota Inc, a recipient of Callahan's PROPHECY funds atDARPAand, notably, an $18.4 millionDTRAcontract award for scientific research and consulting work in Ukraine and the Lugar Center in the Republic of Georgia. Metabiota was accused by the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium in 2014 of violating their contract and engaging in dangerous blood culturing work at a lab in Africa, as well as misdiagnosing patients.
EcoHealth's Executive Vice President, William Karesh, links directly back to the very top of the U.S. biodefense establishment,as a member of ASPR Robert Kadlec's original Blue Ribbon Panel on Biodefense along with Hudson Institute senior fellows Tevi Troy, Jonah Alexander and Scooter Libby, whose pivotal roles has been detailed in the Engineering Contagion series. EcoHealth Alliance is listed as a partner of the wuhan Institute of Virology on archived pages of its website and was mentioned as a one of the institute's "strategic partners" by the WIV's Deputy Director General, Prof Yanyi Wang, in remarks during the visit of an official U.S. delegation to the institute in 2018.
it's a clown world. great article, thx
#15365189 at 2022-01-13 16:28:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19435: Back to basics and let the Hive heal Edition
Michael Callahan is a spook scientist that was at wuhan b4 the outbreak. He's got a lot of Chinese and Russian ties. Wonder if Callahan was at a certain Kazakhstan bio-weapons lab recently? somethin that should be dug on. Callahan is the connection between NIAID, DARPA and CIA.
#15364660 at 2022-01-13 14:59:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19434: A New Vision Edition
>>15363849 Reminder 👀 : THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>15363925 @USMC with Marines @1stMEF participate in a martial arts instructor course in the surf on (keks in gerbil Jeet kune do)
>>15363866 4channer Proposing new CEO compensation law
>>15364015 4am talking points engaged.
>>15364019 How Bush and Blair plotted war in Iraq
>>15364036, >>15364057 MINI BUN - WHAT THE F* AM I LOOKING AT????!!
>>15364050 Boris Johnson hit by huge blow as Jonathan Van-Tam quits as deputy chief medical officer
>>15364077 Faux Doctors Calling for Rogan to STFU about the Truth
>>15363108 OB Mother charged with murdering and torturing her eight-year-old daughter is an anti-vaxxer who claimed GOD 'promised 100 per cent healing' of illnesses - Daily Mail
>>15364172 wuhan Ins of Virology: TRAVEL BREAKDOWN
>>15364187 What a strange Thursday all of a sudden, no?
>>15364191 Impeach Recall Rinos
>>15364196 DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Orders Vaccine Mandate to Disrupt March for Life
>>15364207 Vaccinated People are Flooding ICU (Jab is Working… to kill you)
>>15364216, >>15364228 CALL FOR MEMES
>>15364217 Comped AF Democratic Governor of Washington is launching a full-frontal assault on the First Amendment
>>15364219 Muriel Bowser will seek a third term as D.C. mayor
>>15364231, >>15364233 Anon Pins
>>15364251 So it looks like Kazakhstan was a coup attempt, and Russia stopped it
>>15364252 Armourer in charge of weapons used during filming of Rust sues prop supplier, alleging company distributed "mix of dummy and live ammunition" on set
>>15364267 Judge Tosses Teen Rape Conviction, Says 148 Days in Jail Is 'Plenty of Punishment'
>>15364279, >>15364509 MEMES AND CAPS FOR SHARING
>>15364287 Report: 22 journalists at Salvadoran news site hit with Pegasus hack
>>15364294 Dasting delta coming up 1/19 Seems to be the Datefag
>>15364316 President Trump's Former CIA Director Gina Haspel Joins Attorneys Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates at International Law Firm
>>15364319 Q proof Financial Times is controlled by the NWO
>>15364330, >>15364400 What other zinc ionophores are there? (black cumin seed oil)
>>15364332 White House Journalists Begin Asking Biden Administration To Take Federal Control Over Food Supply and Pricing
>>15364344 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
>>15364359 Close the schools and send kids home - to drink themselves to death. Great work, public health
>>15364365 Argentinean president talking about NWO
>>15364378 GOP's Old Guard Out Of Touch With Their Voters On Election Integrity
>>15364388 DoS FOIA reading room. Fauci's NIAID supports U of TX at Galveston's BSL-4 lab. WIV opens w/a lack of talent.
>>15364408 Rep. Kinzinger looks to put the Ray Epps conspiracy theory to bed once and for all
>>15364415 PF - Training/exercise?
>>15364440 PapiTrumpo/status (ROFLMFAO)
>>15364441 JUST IN - U.S. producer price inflation jumps 9.7% in December from a year ago, the highest y/y increase on record.
>>15364453 Anon Opines - once we get these swamp creatures out putin will think twice?
>>15364461 Benefits for human health (Quercetin)
>>15364467 Moar on the WH walls be constructed.
>>15364470 If the average person actually read the democrats proposed voting rights bill they would never again doubt that dems cheated in the presidential election.
>>15364485 Schumer aims to nuke filibuster so he can federalize elections (#SaveTheFilibuster)
>>15364494 The Jan. 6 Investigation We Need Is Into The Unlawful Military Occupation Of D.C.
>>15364503 Kamala has a complete aneurism when asked if the White House needs to shift away from their covid strategy of mandates and tyranny
>>15364518 Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei has released a CGI video on his official website depicting the assassination of former president Trump
>>15364546 Assassin Troop Locked and Loaded
>>15364568 Joe Biden is the same craven liar today as he's been for the last 50 years.
Q Research General: #19435: Back to basics and let the Hive heal Edition
#15364632 at 2022-01-13 14:56:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19435: Back to basics and let the Hive heal Edition
>>15363849 Reminder 👀 : THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>15363925 @USMC with Marines @1stMEF participate in a martial arts instructor course in the surf on (keks in gerbil Jeet kune do)
>>15363866 4channer Proposing new CEO compensation law
>>15364015 4am talking points engaged.
>>15364019 How Bush and Blair plotted war in Iraq
>>15364036, >>15364057 MINI BUN - WHAT THE F* AM I LOOKING AT????!!
>>15364050 Boris Johnson hit by huge blow as Jonathan Van-Tam quits as deputy chief medical officer
>>15364077 Faux Doctors Calling for Rogan to STFU about the Truth
>>15363108 OB Mother charged with murdering and torturing her eight-year-old daughter is an anti-vaxxer who claimed GOD 'promised 100 per cent healing' of illnesses - Daily Mail
>>15364172 wuhan Ins of Virology: TRAVEL BREAKDOWN
>>15364187 What a strange Thursday all of a sudden, no?
>>15364191 Impeach Recall Rinos
>>15364196 DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Orders Vaccine Mandate to Disrupt March for Life
>>15364207 Vaccinated People are Flooding ICU (Jab is Working… to kill you)
>>15364216, >>15364228 CALL FOR MEMES
>>15364217 Comped AF Democratic Governor of Washington is launching a full-frontal assault on the First Amendment
>>15364219 Muriel Bowser will seek a third term as D.C. mayor
>>15364231, >>15364233 Anon Pins
>>15364251 So it looks like Kazakhstan was a coup attempt, and Russia stopped it
>>15364252 Armourer in charge of weapons used during filming of Rust sues prop supplier, alleging company distributed "mix of dummy and live ammunition" on set
>>15364267 Judge Tosses Teen Rape Conviction, Says 148 Days in Jail Is 'Plenty of Punishment'
>>15364279, >>15364509 MEMES AND CAPS FOR SHARING
>>15364287 Report: 22 journalists at Salvadoran news site hit with Pegasus hack
>>15364294 Dasting delta coming up 1/19 Seems to be the Datefag
>>15364316 President Trump's Former CIA Director Gina Haspel Joins Attorneys Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates at International Law Firm
>>15364319 Q proof Financial Times is controlled by the NWO
>>15364330, >>15364400 What other zinc ionophores are there? (black cumin seed oil)
>>15364332 White House Journalists Begin Asking Biden Administration To Take Federal Control Over Food Supply and Pricing
>>15364344 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
>>15364359 Close the schools and send kids home - to drink themselves to death. Great work, public health
>>15364365 Argentinean president talking about NWO
>>15364378 GOP's Old Guard Out Of Touch With Their Voters On Election Integrity
>>15364388 DoS FOIA reading room. Fauci's NIAID supports U of TX at Galveston's BSL-4 lab. WIV opens w/a lack of talent.
>>15364408 Rep. Kinzinger looks to put the Ray Epps conspiracy theory to bed once and for all
>>15364415 PF - Training/exercise?
>>15364440 PapiTrumpo/status (ROFLMFAO)
>>15364441 JUST IN - U.S. producer price inflation jumps 9.7% in December from a year ago, the highest y/y increase on record.
>>15364453 Anon Opines - once we get these swamp creatures out putin will think twice?
>>15364461 Benefits for human health (Quercetin)
>>15364467 Moar on the WH walls be constructed.
>>15364470 If the average person actually read the democrats proposed voting rights bill they would never again doubt that dems cheated in the presidential election.
>>15364485 Schumer aims to nuke filibuster so he can federalize elections (#SaveTheFilibuster)
>>15364494 The Jan. 6 Investigation We Need Is Into The Unlawful Military Occupation Of D.C.
>>15364503 Kamala has a complete aneurism when asked if the White House needs to shift away from their covid strategy of mandates and tyranny
>>15364518 Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei has released a CGI video on his official website depicting the assassination of former president Trump
>>15364546 Assassin Troop Locked and Loaded
>>15364568 Joe Biden is the same craven liar today as he's been for the last 50 years.
#15364387 at 2022-01-13 13:56:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19434: A New Vision Edition
>>15363849 Reminder 👀 : THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot
>>15363925 @USMC with Marines @1stMEF participate in a martial arts instructor course in the surf on (keks in gerbil Jeet kune do)
>>15363866 4channer Proposing new CEO compensation law
>>15364015 4am talking points engaged.
>>15364019 How Bush and Blair plotted war in Iraq
>>15364036, >>15364057 MINI BUN - WHAT THE F* AM I LOOKING AT????!!
>>15364050 Boris Johnson hit by huge blow as Jonathan Van-Tam quits as deputy chief medical officer
>>15364077 Faux Doctors Calling for Rogan to STFU about the Truth
>>15363108 OB Mother charged with murdering and torturing her eight-year-old daughter is an anti-vaxxer who claimed GOD 'promised 100 per cent healing' of illnesses - Daily Mail
>>15364172 wuhan Ins of Virology: TRAVEL BREAKDOWN
>>15364187 What a strange Thursday all of a sudden, no?
>>15364191 Impeach Recall Rinos
>>15364196 DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Orders Vaccine Mandate to Disrupt March for Life
>>15364207 Vaccinated People are Flooding ICU (Jab is Working… to kill you)
>>15364216, >>15364228 CALL FOR MEMES
>>15364217 Comped AF Democratic Governor of Washington is launching a full-frontal assault on the First Amendment
>>15364219 Muriel Bowser will seek a third term as D.C. mayor
>>15364231, >>15364233 Anon Pins
>>15364251 So it looks like Kazakhstan was a coup attempt, and Russia stopped it
>>15364252 Armourer in charge of weapons used during filming of Rust sues prop supplier, alleging company distributed "mix of dummy and live ammunition" on set
>>15364267 Judge Tosses Teen Rape Conviction, Says 148 Days in Jail Is 'Plenty of Punishment'
>>15364287 Report: 22 journalists at Salvadoran news site hit with Pegasus hack
>>15364294 Dasting delta coming up 1/19 Seems to be the Datefag
>>15364316 President Trump's Former CIA Director Gina Haspel Joins Attorneys Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates at International Law Firm
>>15364319 Q proof Financial Times is controlled by the NWO
>>15364330 What other zinc ionophores are there? (black cumin seed oil)
>>15364332 White House Journalists Begin Asking Biden Administration To Take Federal Control Over Food Supply and Pricing
>>15364344 God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
>>15364359 Close the schools and send kids home - to drink themselves to death. Great work, public health
>>15364365 Argentinean president talking about NWO
>>15364378 GOP's Old Guard Out Of Touch With Their Voters On Election Integrity
#15364172 at 2022-01-13 12:45:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19434: A New Vision Edition
wuhan Ins of Virology: TRAVEL BREAKDOWN
>notice anything on the document?
#15363752 at 2022-01-13 09:43:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19433: RINO's Have Been Scientifically Proven To Have Poor Sight Edition
Why are George Soros, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Francis Collins, Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Big Pharma's fake Vax CEO's still free?
We the people are tired of the congressional political theater and nothing being done.
Resignations!!! Forget it!!!
Republican /Rino congress have had access to and been sitting on the evidence to convict Tony Fauci, Barack Obama giving the necessary basics and funding to Communist China's Military Bioweapons Lab in wuhan, to produce bioweapons. (1500 viruses & pathogens still remain at that lab). Along with Former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins and Dr. Peter Daszak president of EcoHealth Alliance.
Same goes for sexual predator….Bill Clinton, 26 timer on Epstein's "Lolita Pedo Express" is just as guilty as Epstein and Maxwell…when is Bill Clinton's Arrest and Trial???
Has any major US Politician, head of an Federal level Agency, Director or CEO of any Organization like the CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma gone to prison yet? Arrested, charged and prosecuted?
NO, only the same status quo!
Has there been any significant changes in voting legislation such as voter ID, major audits or court cases won dealing with the across the US mass election fraud of 2020?
Nothing has changed regarding the abundant, rampant voter fraud of 2020 to restore any faith what-so-ever in voter integrity, fraud free elections for the up coming midterms in 2022.
NO, only the same status quo!
Spine-less, brain-less & ball-less US House & Senate Republican/Rino cowards!
No wonder the corruption in DC, has lasted this long.
If the Republicans/Rinos want to win in the midterms, they better get off their asses, grow a pair, use their brains, grow a spine and
#15363695 at 2022-01-13 09:09:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19434: A New Vision Edition
#19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition (scrape)
>>15356974, >>15356980 DARPA's Man in wuhan
>>15357039 Exclusive: GOP Bill Would Allow President to Ban Foreign Land Purchases in U.S. for 5 Years
>>15357084, >>15357128 Ah yes, THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!
>>15357124 One of the most lawyered statements ever seen in Washington DC
>>15357133, >>15357170 Cass Sunstein - WHO - Olympics
>>15357196 DoS FOIA reading room.
>>15357285, >>15357288 Researchers turn to wastewater to find new ways to track COVID-19
>>15357308 Liz Cheney Is Using The Jan. 6 Committee To Persecute An Activist Running A Super PAC To Unseat Her
>>15357323 Kazakhstan Blames Violent Protests on Criminals; 'It Was Hell'
>>15357332 They make it too easy...😂😂😂 (no one standing on their side either)
>>15357384 McCabe wants FBI to monitor 'mass radicalization on the Right' after Capitol riot
>>15357437, >>15357460 CM re: DARPA / DARPA awards Moderna $25M
>>15357576 Officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt never interviewed by D.C. police before cleared, report
>>15357638 Running a tight ship ?
>>15357718, >>15357697, >>15357701, >>15357706 A civil war rehearsal?
>>15358178 #19425
#19424: Pissing Them Off With Truth Edition
>>15356151, >>15356774 Dr. Malone "Bring your popcorn" Project Veritas Video
>>15356154 Adam Schifty Gitmo panic
>>15356191 Becoming a Night Stalker: It's not what you know, but what you are willing to learn.
>>15356199, >>15356206 Deepdigs is ran by an FBI agent
>>15356257 Man Who Posed With Beer Can in Hand During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Pleads Guilty to Picketing / McConnell Jan 6. Attempt to Break the Electoral College
>>15356356, >>15356695 Anons take on FAUCI LIED ABOUT THE GUNMAN GOING TO KILL HIM
>>15356362 Red Cross declares national blood crisis amid Omicron surge
>>15356570 GHWB, Fauci, AIDS (pb) bundle
>>15356592 Follow the Wives? Did NIH's ethics officer have to sign off on Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan?
>>15356659 UK-based investigative reporter wants to "unmask" Disclose.tv
>>15356686 Save America Announces Program Speakers for Florence, Arizona Rally
>>15356754 Covid came from a wuhan lab... but scientists were too scared to say! Leaked emails exposed
>>15356763 EU Warns Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System
>>15356769 WaPo, Slate: The grocery shortage isn't just real, it's expanding; Update: How will Klain spin it?
>>15356771 Death row inmates seeking firing squad as alternative to lethal injection
>>15356785 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reinstates COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
>>15356787, >>15356835 Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD Warns Of 'Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever' Super Virus In China Caused By Mutations Due To Mass Vaccination
>>15356841, >>15356865 Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in Britain, US>>15357690
>>15357900 #19424
#15363692 at 2022-01-13 09:08:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19434: A New Vision Edition
Q Research General: #19427: The Unstoppable Force of Truth
>>15358513 A civil war rehearsal? US Army will conduct a two-week 'guerilla war' training exercise in North Carolina to teach Special Forces how to overthrow an 'illegitimate government' just weeks after DoJ announced new 'domestic terrorism' unit - dailymail.com
>>15358526 Former Kamala Harris Aide Symone Sanders Gets Hired By MSNBC - yourdestinationnow.com
>>15358552 Court rules Pennsylvania Senate's investigation of 2020 election results will CONTINUE - gwp
>>15358569 COVID vaccine for Israeli babies, toddlers expected by April, says health official - timesofisrael
>>15358584 Shin Bet arrests 5 Jewish Israelis suspected of spying for Iran - timeofisrael
>>15358594 110 Republican Lawmakers Call on Biden To Abandon Iran Nuclear Talks - freebeacon
>>15358602 Biden Admin Delays Trial of Alleged Iranian Spy for Third Time - freebeacon
>>15358615 TABC principal steps down after sexual assault allegations - jpost.com
>>15358633 Rumble Breaks Company's Record for Video Consumption & Dan Bongino Reaches 2,000,000 Subscribers - newswire
>>15358658 Operation Flycatcher: disrupting Sri Lanka's terrorist networks - interpol
>>15358679 Former Chief Executive Officer Pleads Guilty To Embezzling More Than $15 Million From Her Employer - justice.gov
>>15358693 U.S. Attorney Announces The Arrest Of 13 Individuals For $100 Million Healthcare Fraud, Money Laundering, And Bribery Scheme - justice.gov
>>15358695 Latest Filing: Giuffre v. Prince Andrew (1:21-cv-06702) - courtlistener.com
>>15358696, Former Morgan City Bookkeeper Sentenced to Federal Prison and Ordered to Pay Over $3 Million in Restitution - justice.gov
>>15358765, >>15358711, >>15358735 The alarming AIDS situation in China came under the spotlight on Dec. 1, World AIDS Day. Currently, more than one million Chinese are living with HIV.- visiontimes.com
>>15358771 Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective in Treating COVID - BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC - gwp
>>15358793 The Water Institute at the University of Waterloo and BlackBerry Announce Partnership to Address Global Water-Related Challenges - eresearch.
>>15358800 Why half of the people in intensive care in NSW are vaccinated - news.com
>>15358804 Stephanie Whitmore: pregnant Australia woman's baby suffers in utero brain bleed, stillborn 12 days after mother's second Pfizer mRNA injection - covidblog.com
>>15358822 DARPA's Man in wuhan - op dig
>>15358838 A person who has had a documented COVID-19 infection in the past 90 days is considered the equivalent of "fully vaccinated." - ncaa.com
>>15358836, >>15358869, Iranian intel cyber suite of malware uses open source tools - cyber.com
>>15358926, >>15358918, pedo bun
>>15358959 HarperCollins Readying Release of Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Investigation - corrupt biden nancy and co book with china
>>15358977 How Education International is Pushing Teachers' Unions into the 4th Industrial Revolution - unlimitedhangout.com
>>15358982 Biden Admin Compiling Database Of Religious Objectors To Vaccine Within Obscure Agency - zerohedge
>>15358990 kazakhstan - the usual satanist orcs behind it, c_a, mi6, - thecradle.com
>>15359010 Could Ukraine become Russia's new Afghanistan? - rt.com
>>15359060 Video: Fauci Yearned For A Pandemic Before COVID Hit jimmy dore youtube
>>15359084 joe rogan blast gettr for fuckery.- business insider
>>15359076, >>15359092, >>15359008 More on the Project Veritas data dump. robert malone substack and youtube
>>15359096 James Comey and Our Poisoned Politics - wsj.com
>>15359118 adam schiff twat on shutting gitmo
>>15359172 Steve Coogan films his first scenes of the year as sexual predator Jimmy Savile for new BBC drama - dailymail
>>15359144 Biden Administration Approves 5 More Guant?namo Releases - nyt
>>15358735 U.S. Attorney Announces The Arrest Of 13 Individuals For $100 Million Healthcare Fraud, Money Laundering, And Bribery Scheme
>>15362056 #19427
#15363541 at 2022-01-13 08:07:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19433: RINO's Have Been Scientifically Proven To Have Poor Sight Edition
Crazy Conspiracy Theory To Be Confirmed As Fact Six Weeks From Now
WORLD-A recent trend has emerged in recent weeks where wacky conspiracy theories are being confirmed as fact within a six-week window. Recent examples include the CDC admitting that masks do nothing, investigators discovering the COVID virus began in a wuhan lab, and Alex Jones proving that the frogs really are turning gay. Now, with the world descending further into uncertainty, the world has begun questioning what other conspiracy theories could become a reality.
"I've dismissed conspiracy all my life," claimed John Smith, an average man from Albuquerque, NM. "But now I'm not so sure."
Smith isn't alone. Sources confirm that citizens in China were alarmed last week when they found out the Tiananmen Square Massacre actually happened. Meanwhile, in France, people are learning for the first time that their country surrendered to Germany during World War II. These conspiracy theories have become fact virtually overnight and the consequences are potentially disastrous.
"I'm looking over my shoulder everywhere I go. Gotta' keep an eye out for Bigfoot," said John Smith. "If everything the news tells me is wrong then everything could be true!"
At publishing time, Tawain discovered they are an independent country, causing their relationship with China to take a significant hit.
#15363081 at 2022-01-13 06:02:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19433: RINO's Have Been Scientifically Proven To Have Poor Sight Edition
#19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition (scrape)
>>15356974, >>15356980 DARPA's Man in wuhan
>>15357039 Exclusive: GOP Bill Would Allow President to Ban Foreign Land Purchases in U.S. for 5 Years
>>15357084, >>15357128 Ah yes, THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!
>>15357124 One of the most lawyered statements ever seen in Washington DC
>>15357133, >>15357170 Cass Sunstein - WHO - Olympics
>>15357196 DoS FOIA reading room.
>>15357285, >>15357288 Researchers turn to wastewater to find new ways to track COVID-19
>>15357308 Liz Cheney Is Using The Jan. 6 Committee To Persecute An Activist Running A Super PAC To Unseat Her
>>15357323 Kazakhstan Blames Violent Protests on Criminals; 'It Was Hell'
>>15357332 They make it too easy...😂😂😂 (no one standing on their side either)
>>15357384 McCabe wants FBI to monitor 'mass radicalization on the Right' after Capitol riot
>>15357437, >>15357460 CM re: DARPA / DARPA awards Moderna $25M
>>15357576 Officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt never interviewed by D.C. police before cleared, report
>>15357638 Running a tight ship ?
>>15357718, >>15357697, >>15357701, >>15357706 A civil war rehearsal?
>>15358178 #19425
#19424: Pissing Them Off With Truth Edition
>>15356151, >>15356774 Dr. Malone "Bring your popcorn" Project Veritas Video
>>15356154 Adam Schifty Gitmo panic
>>15356191 Becoming a Night Stalker: It's not what you know, but what you are willing to learn.
>>15356199, >>15356206 Deepdigs is ran by an FBI agent
>>15356257 Man Who Posed With Beer Can in Hand During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Pleads Guilty to Picketing / McConnell Jan 6. Attempt to Break the Electoral College
>>15356356, >>15356695 Anons take on FAUCI LIED ABOUT THE GUNMAN GOING TO KILL HIM
>>15356362 Red Cross declares national blood crisis amid Omicron surge
>>15356570 GHWB, Fauci, AIDS (pb) bundle
>>15356592 Follow the Wives? Did NIH's ethics officer have to sign off on Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan?
>>15356659 UK-based investigative reporter wants to "unmask" Disclose.tv
>>15356686 Save America Announces Program Speakers for Florence, Arizona Rally
>>15356754 Covid came from a wuhan lab... but scientists were too scared to say! Leaked emails exposed
>>15356763 EU Warns Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System
>>15356769 WaPo, Slate: The grocery shortage isn't just real, it's expanding; Update: How will Klain spin it?
>>15356771 Death row inmates seeking firing squad as alternative to lethal injection
>>15356785 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reinstates COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
>>15356787, >>15356835 Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD Warns Of 'Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever' Super Virus In China Caused By Mutations Due To Mass Vaccination
>>15356841, >>15356865 Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in Britain, US>>15357690
>>15357900 #19424
#15363074 at 2022-01-13 06:02:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19433: RINO's Have Been Scientifically Proven To Have Poor Sight Edition
Q Research General: #19427: The Unstoppable Force of Truth
>>15358513 A civil war rehearsal? US Army will conduct a two-week 'guerilla war' training exercise in North Carolina to teach Special Forces how to overthrow an 'illegitimate government' just weeks after DoJ announced new 'domestic terrorism' unit - dailymail.com
>>15358526 Former Kamala Harris Aide Symone Sanders Gets Hired By MSNBC - yourdestinationnow.com
>>15358552 Court rules Pennsylvania Senate's investigation of 2020 election results will CONTINUE - gwp
>>15358569 COVID vaccine for Israeli babies, toddlers expected by April, says health official - timesofisrael
>>15358584 Shin Bet arrests 5 Jewish Israelis suspected of spying for Iran - timeofisrael
>>15358594 110 Republican Lawmakers Call on Biden To Abandon Iran Nuclear Talks - freebeacon
>>15358602 Biden Admin Delays Trial of Alleged Iranian Spy for Third Time - freebeacon
>>15358615 TABC principal steps down after sexual assault allegations - jpost.com
>>15358633 Rumble Breaks Company's Record for Video Consumption & Dan Bongino Reaches 2,000,000 Subscribers - newswire
>>15358658 Operation Flycatcher: disrupting Sri Lanka's terrorist networks - interpol
>>15358679 Former Chief Executive Officer Pleads Guilty To Embezzling More Than $15 Million From Her Employer - justice.gov
>>15358693 U.S. Attorney Announces The Arrest Of 13 Individuals For $100 Million Healthcare Fraud, Money Laundering, And Bribery Scheme - justice.gov
>>15358695 Latest Filing: Giuffre v. Prince Andrew (1:21-cv-06702) - courtlistener.com
>>15358696, Former Morgan City Bookkeeper Sentenced to Federal Prison and Ordered to Pay Over $3 Million in Restitution - justice.gov
>>15358765, >>15358711, >>15358735 The alarming AIDS situation in China came under the spotlight on Dec. 1, World AIDS Day. Currently, more than one million Chinese are living with HIV.- visiontimes.com
>>15358771 Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective in Treating COVID - BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC - gwp
>>15358793 The Water Institute at the University of Waterloo and BlackBerry Announce Partnership to Address Global Water-Related Challenges - eresearch.
>>15358800 Why half of the people in intensive care in NSW are vaccinated - news.com
>>15358804 Stephanie Whitmore: pregnant Australia woman's baby suffers in utero brain bleed, stillborn 12 days after mother's second Pfizer mRNA injection - covidblog.com
>>15358822 DARPA's Man in wuhan - op dig
>>15358838 A person who has had a documented COVID-19 infection in the past 90 days is considered the equivalent of "fully vaccinated." - ncaa.com
>>15358836, >>15358869, Iranian intel cyber suite of malware uses open source tools - cyber.com
>>15358926, >>15358918, pedo bun
>>15358959 HarperCollins Readying Release of Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Investigation - corrupt biden nancy and co book with china
>>15358977 How Education International is Pushing Teachers' Unions into the 4th Industrial Revolution - unlimitedhangout.com
>>15358982 Biden Admin Compiling Database Of Religious Objectors To Vaccine Within Obscure Agency - zerohedge
>>15358990 kazakhstan - the usual satanist orcs behind it, c_a, mi6, - thecradle.com
>>15359010 Could Ukraine become Russia's new Afghanistan? - rt.com
>>15359060 Video: Fauci Yearned For A Pandemic Before COVID Hit jimmy dore youtube
>>15359084 joe rogan blast gettr for fuckery.- business insider
>>15359076, >>15359092, >>15359008 More on the Project Veritas data dump. robert malone substack and youtube
>>15359096 James Comey and Our Poisoned Politics - wsj.com
>>15359118 adam schiff twat on shutting gitmo
>>15359172 Steve Coogan films his first scenes of the year as sexual predator Jimmy Savile for new BBC drama - dailymail
>>15359144 Biden Administration Approves 5 More Guant?namo Releases - nyt
>>15358735 U.S. Attorney Announces The Arrest Of 13 Individuals For $100 Million Healthcare Fraud, Money Laundering, And Bribery Scheme
>>15362056 #19427
#15362341 at 2022-01-13 04:18:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19432: Divine Intervention? Or? Edition
>>15353747, >>15353753 #January6th More on Ray Epps line of questioning from Senate Judiciary this morning
>>15353765 Anon asks "If PCR tests don't work for Covid does that mean they don't work for HIV?"
>>15353780 Don Jr. calls out USA Today for trying to normalize pedophiles.
>>15353788 #UPDATE North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un personally oversaw the successful test of a hypersonic missile
>>15353792 Ted Cruz Asks Sanborn about FBI participation Jan. 6th
>>15353808, >>15353909 Project Veritas' James O'Keefe on Telegram/Twitter "I'm not suicidal, I love my life!"
>>15353813, >>15353815 From Small Town Montana to FBI : "Along the Way"
>>15353894 Hulk Hogan pushes conspiracy theory that vaccine shots killed Betty White and Bob Saget
>>15353941, >>15353966 The Likely Cause of the Media Blackout on Imploding Whitmer Kidnapping Plot
>>15353984 POTUS interview with Dan Ball on OANN airing in about 20 minutes (8 P.M. ET) from Mar a Lago
>>15353991 "The implications here exceed those of the Pentagon Papers." -Dr. Malone on #ExposeFauci by Veritas
>>15353992 Dr. Scott Atlas: The Reality Is The Lockdowns Killed People
>>15353995 Ivermectin 'Works Throughout All Phases' Of COVID According To Leaked Military Documents
>>15354078, >>15354096 Anon's DANK MEME/CAP ARCHIVE / MP4 ARCHIVE
>>15354164 COVID updates, Jan. 11: Anti-vax tax? Quebec to impose 'significant' financial penalty on the unvaccinated
>>15354253, >>15354276, >>15354306 1917
>>15354372 Breyer, Sotomayor participate in Supreme Court hearing remotely
>>15354387 German police use Covid-tracking data to hunt down witnesses to man's death by tracking restaurant customers' movements through vaccine passports
>>15355146 #19421
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15353613 #19420
#15362337 at 2022-01-13 04:18:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19432: Divine Intervention? Or? Edition
#19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition (scrape)
>>15356974, >>15356980 DARPA's Man in wuhan
>>15357039 Exclusive: GOP Bill Would Allow President to Ban Foreign Land Purchases in U.S. for 5 Years
>>15357084, >>15357128 Ah yes, THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!
>>15357124 One of the most lawyered statements ever seen in Washington DC
>>15357133, >>15357170 Cass Sunstein - WHO - Olympics
>>15357196 DoS FOIA reading room.
>>15357285, >>15357288 Researchers turn to wastewater to find new ways to track COVID-19
>>15357308 Liz Cheney Is Using The Jan. 6 Committee To Persecute An Activist Running A Super PAC To Unseat Her
>>15357323 Kazakhstan Blames Violent Protests on Criminals; 'It Was Hell'
>>15357332 They make it too easy...😂😂😂 (no one standing on their side either)
>>15357384 McCabe wants FBI to monitor 'mass radicalization on the Right' after Capitol riot
>>15357437, >>15357460 CM re: DARPA / DARPA awards Moderna $25M
>>15357576 Officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt never interviewed by D.C. police before cleared, report
>>15357638 Running a tight ship ?
>>15357718, >>15357697, >>15357701, >>15357706 A civil war rehearsal?
>>15358178 #19425 Partial
#19424: Pissing Them Off With Truth Edition (scrape)
>>15356151, >>15356774 Dr. Malone "Bring your popcorn" Project Veritas Video
>>15356154 Adam Schifty Gitmo panic
>>15356191 Becoming a Night Stalker: It's not what you know, but what you are willing to learn.
>>15356199, >>15356206 Deepdigs is ran by an FBI agent
>>15356257 Man Who Posed With Beer Can in Hand During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Pleads Guilty to Picketing / McConnell Jan 6. Attempt to Break the Electoral College
>>15356356, >>15356695 Anons take on FAUCI LIED ABOUT THE GUNMAN GOING TO KILL HIM
>>15356362 Red Cross declares national blood crisis amid Omicron surge
>>15356570 GHWB, Fauci, AIDS (pb) bundle
>>15356592 Follow the Wives? Did NIH's ethics officer have to sign off on Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan?
>>15356659 UK-based investigative reporter wants to "unmask" Disclose.tv
>>15356686 Save America Announces Program Speakers for Florence, Arizona Rally
>>15356754 Covid came from a wuhan lab... but scientists were too scared to say! Leaked emails exposed
>>15356763 EU Warns Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System
>>15356769 WaPo, Slate: The grocery shortage isn't just real, it's expanding; Update: How will Klain spin it?
>>15356771 Death row inmates seeking firing squad as alternative to lethal injection
>>15356785 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reinstates COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
>>15356787, >>15356835 Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD Warns Of 'Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever' Super Virus In China Caused By Mutations Due To Mass Vaccination
>>15356841, >>15356865 Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in Britain, US>>15357690
>>15357900 #19424 Partial
#15362322 at 2022-01-13 04:17:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19432: Divine Intervention? Or? Edition
Q Research General: #19427: The Unstoppable Force of Truth
>>15358513 A civil war rehearsal? US Army will conduct a two-week 'guerilla war' training exercise in North Carolina to teach Special Forces how to overthrow an 'illegitimate government' just weeks after DoJ announced new 'domestic terrorism' unit - dailymail.com
>>15358526 Former Kamala Harris Aide Symone Sanders Gets Hired By MSNBC - yourdestinationnow.com
>>15358552 Court rules Pennsylvania Senate's investigation of 2020 election results will CONTINUE - gwp
>>15358569 COVID vaccine for Israeli babies, toddlers expected by April, says health official - timesofisrael
>>15358584 Shin Bet arrests 5 Jewish Israelis suspected of spying for Iran - timeofisrael
>>15358594 110 Republican Lawmakers Call on Biden To Abandon Iran Nuclear Talks - freebeacon
>>15358602 Biden Admin Delays Trial of Alleged Iranian Spy for Third Time - freebeacon
>>15358615 TABC principal steps down after sexual assault allegations - jpost.com
>>15358633 Rumble Breaks Company's Record for Video Consumption & Dan Bongino Reaches 2,000,000 Subscribers - newswire
>>15358658 Operation Flycatcher: disrupting Sri Lanka's terrorist networks - interpol
>>15358679 Former Chief Executive Officer Pleads Guilty To Embezzling More Than $15 Million From Her Employer - justice.gov
>>15358693 U.S. Attorney Announces The Arrest Of 13 Individuals For $100 Million Healthcare Fraud, Money Laundering, And Bribery Scheme - justice.gov
>>15358695 Latest Filing: Giuffre v. Prince Andrew (1:21-cv-06702) - courtlistener.com
>>15358696, Former Morgan City Bookkeeper Sentenced to Federal Prison and Ordered to Pay Over $3 Million in Restitution - justice.gov
5358765, >>15358711, >>15358735 The alarming AIDS situation in China came under the spotlight on Dec. 1, World AIDS Day. Currently, more than one million Chinese are living with HIV.- visiontimes.com
>>15358771 Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective in Treating COVID - BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC - gwp
>>15358793 The Water Institute at the University of Waterloo and BlackBerry Announce Partnership to Address Global Water-Related Challenges - eresearch.
>>15358800 Why half of the people in intensive care in NSW are vaccinated - news.com
>>15358804 Stephanie Whitmore: pregnant Australia woman's baby suffers in utero brain bleed, stillborn 12 days after mother's second Pfizer mRNA injection - covidblog.com
>>15358822 DARPA's Man in wuhan - op dig
>>15358838 A person who has had a documented COVID-19 infection in the past 90 days is considered the equivalent of "fully vaccinated." - ncaa.com
15358836, >>15358869, Iranian intel cyber suite of malware uses open source tools - cyber.com
>>15358926, >>15358918, pedo bun
>>15358959 HarperCollins Readying Release of Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Investigation - corrupt biden nancy and co book with china
>>15358977 How Education International is Pushing Teachers' Unions into the 4th Industrial Revolution - unlimitedhangout.com
>>15358982 Biden Admin Compiling Database Of Religious Objectors To Vaccine Within Obscure Agency - zerohedge
>>15358990 kazakhstan - the usual satanist orcs behind it, c_a, mi6, - thecradle.com
>>15359010 Could Ukraine become Russia's new Afghanistan? - rt.com
>>15359060 Video: Fauci Yearned For A Pandemic Before COVID Hit jimmy dore youtube
>>15359084 joe rogan blast gettr for fuckery.- business insider
>>15359076, >>15359092, >>15359008 More on the Project Veritas data dump. robert malone substack and youtube
>>15359096 James Comey and Our Poisoned Politics - wsj.com
>>15359118 adam schiff twat on shutting gitmo
>>15359172 Steve Coogan films his first scenes of the year as sexual predator Jimmy Savile for new BBC drama - dailymail
>>15359144 Biden Administration Approves 5 More Guant?namo Releases - nyt
>>15358735 U.S. Attorney Announces The Arrest Of 13 Individuals For $100 Million Healthcare Fraud, Money Laundering, And Bribery Scheme
>>15362056 #19427
#15362146 at 2022-01-13 03:53:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19431: Oh; So, You Wanted to Commit 18 USC Ch. 115 Eh? Edition
>>15361386 (OP)
>>15361435 Dough
Q Research General: #19427: The Unstoppable Force of Truth
>>15358513 A civil war rehearsal? US Army will conduct a two-week 'guerilla war' training exercise in North Carolina to teach Special Forces how to overthrow an 'illegitimate government' just weeks after DoJ announced new 'domestic terrorism' unit - dailymail.com
>>15358526 Former Kamala Harris Aide Symone Sanders Gets Hired By MSNBC - yourdestinationnow.com
>>15358552 Court rules Pennsylvania Senate's investigation of 2020 election results will CONTINUE - gwp
>>15358569 COVID vaccine for Israeli babies, toddlers expected by April, says health official - timesofisrael
>>15358584 Shin Bet arrests 5 Jewish Israelis suspected of spying for Iran - timeofisrael
>>15358594 110 Republican Lawmakers Call on Biden To Abandon Iran Nuclear Talks - freebeacon
>>15358602 Biden Admin Delays Trial of Alleged Iranian Spy for Third Time - freebeacon
>>15358615 TABC principal steps down after sexual assault allegations - jpost.com
>>15358633 Rumble Breaks Company's Record for Video Consumption & Dan Bongino Reaches 2,000,000 Subscribers - newswire
>>15358658 Operation Flycatcher: disrupting Sri Lanka's terrorist networks - interpol
>>15358679 Former Chief Executive Officer Pleads Guilty To Embezzling More Than $15 Million From Her Employer - justice.gov
>>15358693 U.S. Attorney Announces The Arrest Of 13 Individuals For $100 Million Healthcare Fraud, Money Laundering, And Bribery Scheme - justice.gov
>>15358695 Latest Filing: Giuffre v. Prince Andrew (1:21-cv-06702) - courtlistener.com
>>15358696, Former Morgan City Bookkeeper Sentenced to Federal Prison and Ordered to Pay Over $3 Million in Restitution - justice.gov
5358765, >>15358711, >>15358735 The alarming AIDS situation in China came under the spotlight on Dec. 1, World AIDS Day. Currently, more than one million Chinese are living with HIV.- visiontimes.com
>>15358771 Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective in Treating COVID - BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC - gwp
>>15358793 The Water Institute at the University of Waterloo and BlackBerry Announce Partnership to Address Global Water-Related Challenges - eresearch.
>>15358800 Why half of the people in intensive care in NSW are vaccinated - news.com
>>15358804 Stephanie Whitmore: pregnant Australia woman's baby suffers in utero brain bleed, stillborn 12 days after mother's second Pfizer mRNA injection - covidblog.com
>>15358822 DARPA's Man in wuhan - op dig
>>15358838 A person who has had a documented COVID-19 infection in the past 90 days is considered the equivalent of "fully vaccinated." - ncaa.com
15358836, >>15358869, Iranian intel cyber suite of malware uses open source tools - cyber.com
>>15358926, >>15358918, pedo bun
>>15358959 HarperCollins Readying Release of Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Investigation - corrupt biden nancy and co book with china
>>15358977 How Education International is Pushing Teachers' Unions into the 4th Industrial Revolution - unlimitedhangout.com
>>15358982 Biden Admin Compiling Database Of Religious Objectors To Vaccine Within Obscure Agency - zerohedge
>>15358990 kazakhstan - the usual satanist orcs behind it, c_a, mi6, - thecradle.com
>>15359010 Could Ukraine become Russia's new Afghanistan? - rt.com
>>15359060 Video: Fauci Yearned For A Pandemic Before COVID Hit jimmy dore youtube
>>15359084 joe rogan blast gettr for fuckery.- business insider
>>15359076, >>15359092, >>15359008 More on the Project Veritas data dump. robert malone substack and youtube
>>15359096 James Comey and Our Poisoned Politics - wsj.com
>>15359118 adam schiff twat on shutting gitmo
>>15359172 Steve Coogan films his first scenes of the year as sexual predator Jimmy Savile for new BBC drama - dailymail
>>15359144 Biden Administration Approves 5 More Guant?namo Releases - nyt
>>15358735 U.S. Attorney Announces The Arrest Of 13 Individuals For $100 Million Healthcare Fraud, Money Laundering, And Bribery Scheme
>>15362056 #19427
#15362119 at 2022-01-13 03:49:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19431: Oh; So, You Wanted to Commit 18 USC Ch. 115 Eh? Edition
Saved PDF but it is over 17MB and wont upload due to 16MB cap.
#15362056 at 2022-01-13 03:42:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19431: Oh; So, You Wanted to Commit 18 USC Ch. 115 Eh? Edition
Q Research General: #19427: The Unstoppable Force of Truth
>>15358513 A civil war rehearsal? US Army will conduct a two-week 'guerilla war' training exercise in North Carolina to teach Special Forces how to overthrow an 'illegitimate government' just weeks after DoJ announced new 'domestic terrorism' unit - dailymail.com
>>15358526 Former Kamala Harris Aide Symone Sanders Gets Hired By MSNBC - yourdestinationnow.com
>>15358552 Court rules Pennsylvania Senate's investigation of 2020 election results will CONTINUE - gwp
>>15358569 COVID vaccine for Israeli babies, toddlers expected by April, says health official - timesofisrael
>>15358584 Shin Bet arrests 5 Jewish Israelis suspected of spying for Iran - timeofisrael
>>15358594 110 Republican Lawmakers Call on Biden To Abandon Iran Nuclear Talks - freebeacon
>>15358602 Biden Admin Delays Trial of Alleged Iranian Spy for Third Time - freebeacon
>>15358615 TABC principal steps down after sexual assault allegations - jpost.com
>>15358633 Rumble Breaks Company's Record for Video Consumption & Dan Bongino Reaches 2,000,000 Subscribers - newswire
>>15358658 Operation Flycatcher: disrupting Sri Lanka's terrorist networks - interpol
>>15358679 Former Chief Executive Officer Pleads Guilty To Embezzling More Than $15 Million From Her Employer - justice.gov
>>15358693 U.S. Attorney Announces The Arrest Of 13 Individuals For $100 Million Healthcare Fraud, Money Laundering, And Bribery Scheme - justice.gov
>>15358695 Latest Filing: Giuffre v. Prince Andrew (1:21-cv-06702) - courtlistener.com
>>15358696, Former Morgan City Bookkeeper Sentenced to Federal Prison and Ordered to Pay Over $3 Million in Restitution - justice.gov
5358765, >>15358711, >>15358735,
The alarming AIDS situation in China came under the spotlight on Dec. 1, World AIDS Day. Currently, more than one million Chinese are living with HIV.- visiontimes.com
>>15358771 Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective in Treating COVID - BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC - gwp
>>15358793 The Water Institute at the University of Waterloo and BlackBerry Announce Partnership to Address Global Water-Related Challenges - eresearch.
>>15358800 Why half of the people in intensive care in NSW are vaccinated - news.com
>>15358804 Stephanie Whitmore: pregnant Australia woman's baby suffers in utero brain bleed, stillborn 12 days after mother's second Pfizer mRNA injection - covidblog.com
>>15358822 DARPA's Man in wuhan - op dig
>>15358838 A person who has had a documented COVID-19 infection in the past 90 days is considered the equivalent of "fully vaccinated." - ncaa.com
15358836, >>15358869, Iranian intel cyber suite of malware uses open source tools - cyber.com
>>15358926, >>15358918, pedo bun
>>15358959 HarperCollins Readying Release of Peter Schweizer Blockbuster Investigation - corrupt biden nancy and co book with china
>>15358977 How Education International is Pushing Teachers' Unions into the 4th Industrial Revolution - unlimitedhangout.com
>>15358982 Biden Admin Compiling Database Of Religious Objectors To Vaccine Within Obscure Agency - zerohedge
>>15358990 kazakhstan - the usual satanist orcs behind it, c_a, mi6, - thecradle.com
>>15359010 Could Ukraine become Russia's new Afghanistan? - rt.com
>>15359060 Video: Fauci Yearned For A Pandemic Before COVID Hit jimmy dore youtube
>>15359084 joe rogan blast gettr for fuckery.- business insider
>>15359076, >>15359092, >>15359008
More on the Project Veritas data dump. robert malone substack and youtube
>>15359096 James Comey and Our Poisoned Politics - wsj.com
>>15359118 adam schiff twat on shutting gitmo
>>15359172 Steve Coogan films his first scenes of the year as sexual predator Jimmy Savile for new BBC drama - dailymail
>>15359144 Biden Administration Approves 5 More Guant?namo Releases - nyt
>>15358735 U.S. Attorney Announces The Arrest Of 13 Individuals For $100 Million Healthcare Fraud, Money Laundering, And Bribery Scheme
fuck me, trust me to pick the one with newsbot posting
#15361423 at 2022-01-13 02:32:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19431: Oh; So, You Wanted to Commit 18 USC Ch. 115 Eh? Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15353613 #19420
#15361417 at 2022-01-13 02:31:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19431: Oh; So, You Wanted to Commit 18 USC Ch. 115 Eh? Edition
#19424: Pissing Them Off With Truth Edition (scrape)
>>15356151, >>15356774 Dr. Malone "Bring your popcorn" Project Veritas Video
>>15356154 Adam Schifty Gitmo panic
>>15356191 Becoming a Night Stalker: It's not what you know, but what you are willing to learn.
>>15356199, >>15356206 Deepdigs is ran by an FBI agent
>>15356257 Man Who Posed With Beer Can in Hand During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Pleads Guilty to Picketing / McConnell Jan 6. Attempt to Break the Electoral College
>>15356356, >>15356695 Anons take on FAUCI LIED ABOUT THE GUNMAN GOING TO KILL HIM
>>15356362 Red Cross declares national blood crisis amid Omicron surge
>>15356570 GHWB, Fauci, AIDS (pb) bundle
>>15356592 Follow the Wives? Did NIH's ethics officer have to sign off on Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan?
>>15356659 UK-based investigative reporter wants to "unmask" Disclose.tv
>>15356686 Save America Announces Program Speakers for Florence, Arizona Rally
>>15356754 Covid came from a wuhan lab... but scientists were too scared to say! Leaked emails exposed
>>15356763 EU Warns Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System
>>15356769 WaPo, Slate: The grocery shortage isn't just real, it's expanding; Update: How will Klain spin it?
>>15356771 Death row inmates seeking firing squad as alternative to lethal injection
>>15356785 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reinstates COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
>>15356787, >>15356835 Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD Warns Of 'Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever' Super Virus In China Caused By Mutations Due To Mass Vaccination
>>15356841, >>15356865 Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in Britain, US>>15357690
>>15357900 #19424 Partial
>>15356052 notably poor photoshop
>>15355844 try deleting threads now
>>15355845 Dr. Orange at the Fauci hearing
>>15355831 @Trump45Group Saturday, January 15, 2022, at 7:00 PM MST President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks.
>>15355827, >>15355860, >>15356017, >>15355993 16 years ago, Back in 2005 Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Department of Defense (DOD) for records related to Able Danger
>>15355806 CDC Whistleblower: "Vaccines Never Meant to Stop Covid-19"
>>15355792 Joe Biden Suggests to Black Students He Was Arrested During Civil Rights Struggle
>>15355754 Ronald McDonald House evicting 4 year old boy with leukemia and his family for not being vaccinated.
>>15355719 @PapiTrumpo Buenas Noches, My Most Beautiful Patriotos!!!
>>15355685 anon opines: The Khazakstan sitch is probably way bigger than we know
>>15355639 He quoted her verbatim and they won't let people RT it.
>>15355628 @elonmusk Bizarre anti-environment move by govt of California
>>15355594 Omicron revelation surfaces in Canadian wastewater
>>15355588 Pennsylvania Senate Bill 996
>>15355555 cinco
>>15355500 Kazakhstan protests: Russian-led troops 'will leave within two weeks'
>>15355481 @USNavy Running a tight ship ?
>>15355464 @usairforce All cyber enlisted #Airmen transition from the 3DXXX Air Force Specialty Code to the 1D7XX Cyber Defense Operations AFSC.
>>15355432 "We are seeingthe highest death rates in the history of this business, ... the data is consistent across every player in the (life Insurance) business."
>>15356109 #19423
#15361416 at 2022-01-13 02:31:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19431: Oh; So, You Wanted to Commit 18 USC Ch. 115 Eh? Edition
>>15357914, >>15357996, >>15358053, >>15358058 Obama-Kenya COMMS? - MSN
>>15357916, >>15358021 Read NPR's full interview with former President Donald Trump and Response from media - NPR, Daily Mail
>>15357998, >>15358038, >>15358073, >>15358104 Wen DWAC Launch? - Various
>>15358047, >>15358054 PapiTrumpo: Biden Cheney 2024? xD and Moar! - PapiTrumpo Twitter
>>15358076, >>15358203 Pope moves to reorganize Vatican doctrine office
>>15358093 USA Today had with a "Born This Way" perspective. WRONG! Get's called on it. - Prison Planet
>>15358106, >>15358118, >>15358123 Ray Epps? Organizer? Properly ?
>>15358115 Dallas City Council meeting: a rap during open mic about getting vaccinated. Here's part of it. - Video, Twitter
>>15358129 More fentanyl seized at the border - Newsmax
>>15358178 #19425 07
>>15358195 927th OSS begins wearing new 'Kraken' squadron patch - Macdill
>>15358199 Ronald Watkins: COVID-19 for dummies - R..Watkins, Telegram
>>15358201 COVID-19: Trudeau, ministers provide update on country's response amid Omicron surge
>>15358204 PF Reports
>>15358232 Trump says he doesn't understand why people who have had COVID-19 would get vaccinated unless they're old or immunocompromised - D.Trump, Yahoo
>>15358234 Amid Spate of Muslim-American Attacks on Jews, Man in IDF Sweatshirt Beaten in NYC - Breitbart
>>15358247,WAR ROOM:O'Keefe joins Bannon to discuss Veritas #ExposeFauci Bombshell - You Tube
>>15358258 Dough Update!
>>15358264, >>15358317, >>15358326 ANI-COMMS? Help a 32 Y/o Horse out the mud? - TribLive
>>15358314 1981 Murdered Harris County John & Jane Doe Identified After 40 Years Leads to Discovery Their Baby, Now Age 41, is Missing - PR Newswire
>>15358315 (PB) Notable: >>15357285, >>15357288, PB ~ Researchers turn to wastewater to find new ways to track COVID-19 - Reuters
>>15358353 US Federal Agencies Warn Critical Infrastructure Organizations of Cyber Threats From Russian Hackers - NTD
>>15358368 BoJo Apologizes For Attending "Partygate" Garden Party But Refuses To Resign As Public Pressure Builds - Zerohedge
>>15358379 School Cop Busted by Fellow Officers in Child Sex Sting, Attempting to Lure Underage Girl for Sex - The Free Thought Project
>>15358387, >>15358401 Liberal media deafeningly silent on report indicating Biden admin was behind letter describing parents as domestic terrorists - The Blaze
>>15358391, >>15358397 Villarejo says that the CNI did not want to provoke an attack in Barcelona, ??but "it got out of hand" - Europapress, Huffington Post
>>15358406, >>15358434 Biden Rehires Obama's 'Gain Of Function' Risk Analyst. - The National Pulse, NIH
>>15358426 The story about child COVID-19 hospitalizations is more complicated than the scary headlines suggest ~Lots of people want to terrify you into believing that COVID is sending huge numbers of children "too young to get vaccinated" into the hospital. - Washington Examiner
>>15358448, >>15358494, >>15358501 US Army to conduct 'overthrow of illegitimate government' training exercise - Daily Mail Professional Soldiers
>>15360380 #19426\2
#19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition (scrape)
>>15356974, >>15356980 DARPA's Man in wuhan
>>15357039 Exclusive: GOP Bill Would Allow President to Ban Foreign Land Purchases in U.S. for 5 Years
>>15357084, >>15357128 Ah yes, THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!
>>15357124 One of the most lawyered statements ever seen in Washington DC
>>15357133, >>15357170 Cass Sunstein - WHO - Olympics
>>15357196 DoS FOIA reading room.
>>15357285, >>15357288 Researchers turn to wastewater to find new ways to track COVID-19
>>15357308 Liz Cheney Is Using The Jan. 6 Committee To Persecute An Activist Running A Super PAC To Unseat Her
>>15357323 Kazakhstan Blames Violent Protests on Criminals; 'It Was Hell'
>>15357332 They make it too easy...😂😂😂 (no one standing on their side either)
>>15357384 McCabe wants FBI to monitor 'mass radicalization on the Right' after Capitol riot
>>15357437, >>15357460 CM re: DARPA / DARPA awards Moderna $25M
>>15357576 Officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt never interviewed by D.C. police before cleared, report
>>15357638 Running a tight ship ?
>>15357718, >>15357697, >>15357701, >>15357706 A civil war rehearsal?
>>15358178 #19425 Partial
#15360952 at 2022-01-13 01:29:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19430: What Do You Believe In? Edition
has anyone found fauci's income records?
Roger Marshall Responds to Fauci Calling Him a 'Moron'
Darragh Roche - 15h ago
Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) has responded to Dr. Anthony Fauci calling him a "moron" during a hot mic moment at a hearing of the Senate Health Committee on Tuesday.
The Republican issued a statement following the incident as well as tweets critical of Fauci, who is director of the the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
Fauci was heard saying "What a moron" and "Jesus Christ" during a tense exchange with Marshall during which the senator brought up Fauci's annual salary and financial records.
Marshall, who is a medical doctor, took to Twitter in response to Fauci's hot mic comment.
"Calling me a moron during a Senate hearing may have alleviated the stress of the least trusted bureaucrat in America, but it didn't take away from the facts. We need the truth Dr. Fauci!" Marshall tweeted.
In a statement shared on his website, the senator said for Fauci "being called out about his personal financial disclosure during the COVID pandemic NOT being publicly available must be very frustrating."
That statement also referenced gain-of-function research at the wuhan Institute of Virology in China. Republicans have repeatedly clashed with Fauci about whether the National Institutes of Health (NIH) provided funding for such research
Marshall also send a tweet to highlight a Rasmussen Reports poll showing Fauci with a high disapproval rating. He had mentioned this during the Senate hearing on Tuesday and in his subsequent statement.
"59 percent of Americans do not have a favorable opinion of Fauci," the senator tweeted, along with a graphic depicting the infectious diseases and the figure in question.
#15360813 at 2022-01-13 01:02:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19430: What Do You Believe In? Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15353613 #19420
#15360809 at 2022-01-13 01:01:37 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19430: What Do You Believe In? Edition
#19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition (scrape)
>>15356974, >>15356980 DARPA's Man in wuhan
>>15357039 Exclusive: GOP Bill Would Allow President to Ban Foreign Land Purchases in U.S. for 5 Years
>>15357084, >>15357128 Ah yes, THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!
>>15357124 One of the most lawyered statements ever seen in Washington DC
>>15357133, >>15357170 Cass Sunstein - WHO - Olympics
>>15357196 DoS FOIA reading room.
>>15357285, >>15357288 Researchers turn to wastewater to find new ways to track COVID-19
>>15357308 Liz Cheney Is Using The Jan. 6 Committee To Persecute An Activist Running A Super PAC To Unseat Her
>>15357323 Kazakhstan Blames Violent Protests on Criminals; 'It Was Hell'
>>15357332 They make it too easy...😂😂😂 (no one standing on their side either)
>>15357384 McCabe wants FBI to monitor 'mass radicalization on the Right' after Capitol riot
>>15357437, >>15357460 CM re: DARPA / DARPA awards Moderna $25M
>>15357576 Officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt never interviewed by D.C. police before cleared, report
>>15357638 Running a tight ship ?
>>15357718, >>15357697, >>15357701, >>15357706 A civil war rehearsal?
>>15358178 #19425 Partial
#19424: Pissing Them Off With Truth Edition (scrape)
>>15356151, >>15356774 Dr. Malone "Bring your popcorn" Project Veritas Video
>>15356154 Adam Schifty Gitmo panic
>>15356191 Becoming a Night Stalker: It's not what you know, but what you are willing to learn.
>>15356199, >>15356206 Deepdigs is ran by an FBI agent
>>15356257 Man Who Posed With Beer Can in Hand During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Pleads Guilty to Picketing / McConnell Jan 6. Attempt to Break the Electoral College
>>15356356, >>15356695 Anons take on FAUCI LIED ABOUT THE GUNMAN GOING TO KILL HIM
>>15356362 Red Cross declares national blood crisis amid Omicron surge
>>15356570 GHWB, Fauci, AIDS (pb) bundle
>>15356592 Follow the Wives? Did NIH's ethics officer have to sign off on Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan?
>>15356659 UK-based investigative reporter wants to "unmask" Disclose.tv
>>15356686 Save America Announces Program Speakers for Florence, Arizona Rally
>>15356754 Covid came from a wuhan lab... but scientists were too scared to say! Leaked emails exposed
>>15356763 EU Warns Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System
>>15356769 WaPo, Slate: The grocery shortage isn't just real, it's expanding; Update: How will Klain spin it?
>>15356771 Death row inmates seeking firing squad as alternative to lethal injection
>>15356785 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reinstates COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
>>15356787, >>15356835 Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD Warns Of 'Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever' Super Virus In China Caused By Mutations Due To Mass Vaccination
>>15356841, >>15356865 Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in Britain, US>>15357690
>>15357900 #19424 Partial?
#15360709 at 2022-01-13 00:48:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19429: RINOs - What Are They Good For? Been There 40 Years Unnhunh! Edition
Did we see this already? Not sure, including pdf link sauce.
LAWRENCE SELLIN: New Pentagon Papers Show COVID Is Bioweapon Made in China Paid for and Developed by US Scientists Who Then Covered It Up While Pushing Flawed Public Health Policies
By Joe Hoft
Published January 12, 2022 at 7:45am
New Pentagon Documents Point To COVID-19's Laboratory Origin as a Chinese Bioweapon and U.S. Government Complicity
As described in a Gateway Pundit article last year, for over 15 years China has conducted biowarfare research on genetically-engineered viruses coupled to a vaccine-production program to protect its own military from those China-made bioweapons.
Hold on to that thought for a moment.
The just-released memorandum written on August 21, 2021, by U.S. Marine Major Joseph Murphy to the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is highly revealing, both for what it says and for what it doesn't say.
Major Murphy's analysis is based on a $14.2 million research grant application "Project DEFUSE: Defusing the Threat of Bat-borne Coronaviruses" by now-disgraced scientist Peter Daszak, head of the EcoHealth Alliance, and submitted to the DoD's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), as well as other documents to which we do not yet have access.
Daszak's research team included the "Bat Woman" Zheng-Li Shi of the wuhan Institute of Virology, Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina, Linfa Wang of the Duke University-National University of Singapore Medical School, Tonie Rocke of the United States Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center in Wisconsin, and Jerome Unidad of the Palo Alto Research Center in California.
A summary of the memorandum:
1. "SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19] is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine, or its precursor virus."
The intent of Daszak's DARPA proposal was to immunize bats in Chinese caves by spraying them with a vaccine based on coronaviruses that would likely "jump" from bats to humans, thereby, preventing a pandemic.
Sound far-fetched? Stand by, the details get worse.
The DEFUSE team would collect a large number of bat coronaviruses from Chinese caves, test them for their ability to infect humans, select those most likely to make the "jump" from bats to humans, analyze their structures and map evolutionary pathways.
Of course, the concept of a vaccine based on an evolutionary model, given the highly unpredictable nature of bat coronavirus mutations is, on its face, scientifically preposterous.
Yet, if they had stopped at that point and created a bat vaccine based on a natural bat coronavirus, the project would have been a failure, but at least there would not have been a COVID-19 pandemic.
They planned to isolate the spike protein, the component of coronaviruses that regulates infectively, and genetically manipulate it to make it more infectious to humans and insert it back into a bat coronavirus backbone as a virus precursor for making a bat vaccine.
The DEFUSE team writes about introducing "human specific" structures, like furin polybasic cleavage sites, where they do not occur naturally, highly indicative of bioweapon development and consistent with the Chinese military's joint pathogen development/vaccine production program.
The DEFUSE proposal read like a recipe for COVID-19.
Ultimately, the Daszak DEFUSE proposal was rejected because it included such dangerous "gain of function" research, the product of which also having dual use capability as a bioweapon.
Nevertheless, the money kept flowing from Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, through Peter Daszak, to China.
2. Without providing the evidence upon which his conclusion is based, Major Murphy stated that an incomplete precursor virus was released, presumably through a laboratory accident, in August 2019 and thereafter, again presumably, circulating and mutating within the Chinese population until reaching an epidemic-producing state in November-December 2019.
3. Major Murphy also questioned the DoD's vaccine mandate, given the potential toxicity of mRNA vaccines based on the COVID-19 spike protein, as well as opposing the official suppression by the U.S. government of early intervention therapeutics, like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which his analysis found efficacious for treating coronavirus infections.
Based on a preponderance of evidence, COVID-19 was made in a laboratory in China as part of a biowarfare program, which was facilitated by U.S. government officials and U.S.-based scientists, who then tried to cover up their complicity and implemented flawed public health policies, all of which likely led to the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.
#15360624 at 2022-01-13 00:37:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19429: RINOs - What Are They Good For? Been There 40 Years Unnhunh! Edition
Here's why Newt Gingrich sees a GOP 'landslide of historic proportion' on the midterm horizon
Totally Disagree!
We the people are tired of the congressional political theater and nothing being done. Resignations!!! Forget it, we want them arrested, charged and prosecuted for TREASON, MASS MURDER, CHILD TRAFFICKING/PEDOPHILES.
You all have/had access and been sitting on the evidence to convict Tony Fauci, Barack Obama giving the necessary basics and funding to Communist China's Military Bioweapons Lab in wuhan, to produce bioweapons. (1500 viruses & pathogens still remain at that lab).
Same with sexual predator….Bill Clinton 26 timer on Epstein's "Lolita Pedo Express" is just as guilty as Epstein and Maxwell…when is Bill Clinton's Trial???
Dave Scott: Democrat party's pantry is empty
NO! Democrat Party Pantry is Completely Full…unless Mass Election Fraud across the USA is abolished.
Voter Fraud is abundant, rampant and will have a sensational midterms in 2022.
Nothing significant has changed in voting legislation, audits or in the courts!
Has any major US Politician or head of an Organization like the CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma gone to prison? Arrested, charged and prosecuted?
NO, only the same status quo!
Federal Reserve Vice Chair to resign earlier than expected over fraud allegations
Resign!!! NO….Have him arrested, charged and prosecuted for fraud at the Federal Reserve and blow the whole federal Reserve Corruption wide open!
Spine-less, brain-less & ball-less US House & Senate Republican/Rino cowards! No wonder the corruption has lasted this long.
Democrats: A conspiracy to seize power
Thank You for the Conservative Press...but start putting some real flames under the do nothing Republican Politicians in DC!!!
One of the best articles written in the last two years!
Except….If the Republicans want to win in the midterms, they need to get off of their arses, grow a pair, collect the few brain cells they have left, grow a spine and ARREST, CHARGE and PROSECUTE… Frauci, Obama & Gates for Treason and Mass Murder!
#15360338 at 2022-01-12 23:52:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19429: RINOs - What Are They Good For? Been There 40 Years Unnhunh! Edition
NEW: NIH unearthed yet another EcoHealth violation related to a since-paused grant connected to the wuhan lab. NIH also found numerous other violations related to millions in ongoing U.S. government funding EcoHealth is receiving to conduct viral research.
#15360204 at 2022-01-12 23:24:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19429: RINOs - What Are They Good For? Been There 40 Years Unnhunh! Edition
Oh Shit! The Shot Accelerates Gain-of-Function!
Snippet from article quoting Major Joseph Murphy:
Stunningly, Murphy also seems to confirm that the "mass vaccination campaign" will make matters worse, simulating its own "accelerated gain-of-function," making the virus deattenuated-or stronger. He states that the vaccination "campaign" was "done with the world's population" as a result of the virus' escape from the lab in wuhan.
They fooked…
#15360040 at 2022-01-12 22:51:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19429: RINOs - What Are They Good For? Been There 40 Years Unnhunh! Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15353613 #19420
#15360033 at 2022-01-12 22:51:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19429: RINOs - What Are They Good For? Been There 40 Years Unnhunh! Edition
#19426- Current Working
#19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition (scrape)
>>15356974, >>15356980 DARPA's Man in wuhan
>>15357039 Exclusive: GOP Bill Would Allow President to Ban Foreign Land Purchases in U.S. for 5 Years
>>15357084, >>15357128 Ah yes, THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!
>>15357124 One of the most lawyered statements ever seen in Washington DC
>>15357133, >>15357170 Cass Sunstein - WHO - Olympics
>>15357196 DoS FOIA reading room.
>>15357285, >>15357288 Researchers turn to wastewater to find new ways to track COVID-19
>>15357308 Liz Cheney Is Using The Jan. 6 Committee To Persecute An Activist Running A Super PAC To Unseat Her
>>15357323 Kazakhstan Blames Violent Protests on Criminals; 'It Was Hell'
>>15357332 They make it too easy...😂😂😂 (no one standing on their side either)
>>15357384 McCabe wants FBI to monitor 'mass radicalization on the Right' after Capitol riot
>>15357437, >>15357460 CM re: DARPA / DARPA awards Moderna $25M
>>15357576 Officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt never interviewed by D.C. police before cleared, report
>>15357638 Running a tight ship ?
>>15357718, >>15357697, >>15357701, >>15357706 A civil war rehearsal?
>>15358178 #19425 Partial
#19424: Pissing Them Off With Truth Edition (scrape)
>>15356151, >>15356774 Dr. Malone "Bring your popcorn" Project Veritas Video
>>15356154 Adam Schifty Gitmo panic
>>15356191 Becoming a Night Stalker: It's not what you know, but what you are willing to learn.
>>15356199, >>15356206 Deepdigs is ran by an FBI agent
>>15356257 Man Who Posed With Beer Can in Hand During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Pleads Guilty to Picketing / McConnell Jan 6. Attempt to Break the Electoral College
>>15356356, >>15356695 Anons take on FAUCI LIED ABOUT THE GUNMAN GOING TO KILL HIM
>>15356362 Red Cross declares national blood crisis amid Omicron surge
>>15356570 GHWB, Fauci, AIDS (pb) bundle
>>15356592 Follow the Wives? Did NIH's ethics officer have to sign off on Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan?
>>15356659 UK-based investigative reporter wants to "unmask" Disclose.tv
>>15356686 Save America Announces Program Speakers for Florence, Arizona Rally
>>15356754 Covid came from a wuhan lab... but scientists were too scared to say! Leaked emails exposed
>>15356763 EU Warns Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System
>>15356769 WaPo, Slate: The grocery shortage isn't just real, it's expanding; Update: How will Klain spin it?
>>15356771 Death row inmates seeking firing squad as alternative to lethal injection
>>15356785 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reinstates COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
>>15356787, >>15356835 Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD Warns Of 'Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever' Super Virus In China Caused By Mutations Due To Mass Vaccination
>>15356841, >>15356865 Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in Britain, US>>15357690
>>15357900 #19424 Partial
#15359692 at 2022-01-12 21:56:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19428: What Is TRUTH to RINOs? Edition
#15359289 at 2022-01-12 20:37:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19428: What Is TRUTH to RINOs? Edition
Ashley Rinsberg: 1619 Project 'Literally Changes History' Through False Narratives | CLIP
American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times
351K subscribers
Ashley Rinsberg, author of 'The Grey Lady Winked: How The New York Times' Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History, says that Nikole Hannah-Jones' 1619 Project is literally based on unfounded and outright false claims. Rinsberg says that The New York Times is aiming to 'literally change history' through this project and through its reporting, but he also says that these mainstream media lies are not going unnoticed, which is giving a rise to alternative and independent media sources.
#AshleyRindsberg #wuhan #LabLeakTheory
#15359246 at 2022-01-12 20:28:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19428: What Is TRUTH to RINOs? Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15353613 #19420
#15359240 at 2022-01-12 20:28:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19428: What Is TRUTH to RINOs? Edition
#19426 & #19427 - Uncollected
#19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition (scrape)
>>15356974, >>15356980 DARPA's Man in wuhan
>>15357039 Exclusive: GOP Bill Would Allow President to Ban Foreign Land Purchases in U.S. for 5 Years
>>15357084, >>15357128 Ah yes, THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!
>>15357124 One of the most lawyered statements ever seen in Washington DC
>>15357133, >>15357170 Cass Sunstein - WHO - Olympics
>>15357196 DoS FOIA reading room.
>>15357285, >>15357288 Researchers turn to wastewater to find new ways to track COVID-19
>>15357308 Liz Cheney Is Using The Jan. 6 Committee To Persecute An Activist Running A Super PAC To Unseat Her
>>15357323 Kazakhstan Blames Violent Protests on Criminals; 'It Was Hell'
>>15357332 They make it too easy...😂😂😂 (no one standing on their side either)
>>15357384 McCabe wants FBI to monitor 'mass radicalization on the Right' after Capitol riot
>>15357437, >>15357460 CM re: DARPA / DARPA awards Moderna $25M
>>15357576 Officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt never interviewed by D.C. police before cleared, report
>>15357638 Running a tight ship ?
>>15357718, >>15357697, >>15357701, >>15357706 A civil war rehearsal?
>>15358178 #19425 Partial
#19424: Pissing Them Off With Truth Edition (scrape)
>>15356151, >>15356774 Dr. Malone "Bring your popcorn" Project Veritas Video
>>15356154 Adam Schifty Gitmo panic
>>15356191 Becoming a Night Stalker: It's not what you know, but what you are willing to learn.
>>15356199, >>15356206 Deepdigs is ran by an FBI agent
>>15356257 Man Who Posed With Beer Can in Hand During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Pleads Guilty to Picketing / McConnell Jan 6. Attempt to Break the Electoral College
>>15356356, >>15356695 Anons take on FAUCI LIED ABOUT THE GUNMAN GOING TO KILL HIM
>>15356362 Red Cross declares national blood crisis amid Omicron surge
>>15356570 GHWB, Fauci, AIDS (pb) bundle
>>15356592 Follow the Wives? Did NIH's ethics officer have to sign off on Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan?
>>15356659 UK-based investigative reporter wants to "unmask" Disclose.tv
>>15356686 Save America Announces Program Speakers for Florence, Arizona Rally
>>15356754 Covid came from a wuhan lab... but scientists were too scared to say! Leaked emails exposed
>>15356763 EU Warns Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System
>>15356769 WaPo, Slate: The grocery shortage isn't just real, it's expanding; Update: How will Klain spin it?
>>15356771 Death row inmates seeking firing squad as alternative to lethal injection
>>15356785 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reinstates COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
>>15356787, >>15356835 Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD Warns Of 'Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever' Super Virus In China Caused By Mutations Due To Mass Vaccination
>>15356841, >>15356865 Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in Britain, US>>15357690
>>15357900 #19424 Partial
#15358822 at 2022-01-12 19:05:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19427: The Unstoppable Force of Truth - RINOs "Can't" See Facts? Edition
>DARPA's Man in wuhan
Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith.
I was moved when I first heard Maj. Joseph Murphy's 'heart felt statement' to Project Veritas RE his letter to the Inspector General as a whistle blower while serving as a DARPA Fellow.
I am not suggesting that Maj. Murphy is "Q", but his message resonated with me the way many of Q's posts did, especially the part about "good people":
"There are good people striving for the truth, working together in and out of government, and they succeed."
What's interesting is that Q referenced "good people" three times on the first day that he posted.
Again, there are a lot more?good people?than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).
Again,?there are a lot more?good people?than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).
Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats.
Out of 4953 posts, Q mentioned "good people" 16 times in total.
=="A commitment to truth is in the heart of this nation." Maj. Joseph Murphy
It's TRUE…
There are more good people than bad.
Good people [are] in harms way.
Those good people who serve proudly for America.
Only when good people [collectively] come together will positive change occur.
There are good people standing behind you.
Semper Fi
#15358493 at 2022-01-12 18:04:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19427: The Unstoppable Force of Truth - RINOs "Can't" See Facts? Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15353613 #19420
#15358487 at 2022-01-12 18:04:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19427: The Unstoppable Force of Truth - RINOs "Can't" See Facts? Edition
Q Research General: #19426: The Unstoppable Force Of Truth - NO MORE LYIN' RINOS Edition
#19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition (scrape)
>>15356974, >>15356980 DARPA's Man in wuhan
>>15357039 Exclusive: GOP Bill Would Allow President to Ban Foreign Land Purchases in U.S. for 5 Years
>>15357084, >>15357128 Ah yes, THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!
>>15357124 One of the most lawyered statements ever seen in Washington DC
>>15357133, >>15357170 Cass Sunstein - WHO - Olympics
>>15357196 DoS FOIA reading room.
>>15357285, >>15357288 Researchers turn to wastewater to find new ways to track COVID-19
>>15357308 Liz Cheney Is Using The Jan. 6 Committee To Persecute An Activist Running A Super PAC To Unseat Her
>>15357323 Kazakhstan Blames Violent Protests on Criminals; 'It Was Hell'
>>15357332 They make it too easy...😂😂😂 (no one standing on their side either)
>>15357384 McCabe wants FBI to monitor 'mass radicalization on the Right' after Capitol riot
>>15357437, >>15357460 CM re: DARPA / DARPA awards Moderna $25M
>>15357576 Officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt never interviewed by D.C. police before cleared, report
>>15357638 Running a tight ship ?
>>15357718, >>15357697, >>15357701, >>15357706 A civil war rehearsal?
>>15358178 #19425 Partial
#19424: Pissing Them Off With Truth Edition (scrape)
>>15356151, >>15356774 Dr. Malone "Bring your popcorn" Project Veritas Video
>>15356154 Adam Schifty Gitmo panic
>>15356191 Becoming a Night Stalker: It's not what you know, but what you are willing to learn.
>>15356199, >>15356206 Deepdigs is ran by an FBI agent
>>15356257 Man Who Posed With Beer Can in Hand During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Pleads Guilty to Picketing / McConnell Jan 6. Attempt to Break the Electoral College
>>15356356, >>15356695 Anons take on FAUCI LIED ABOUT THE GUNMAN GOING TO KILL HIM
>>15356362 Red Cross declares national blood crisis amid Omicron surge
>>15356570 GHWB, Fauci, AIDS (pb) bundle
>>15356592 Follow the Wives? Did NIH's ethics officer have to sign off on Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan?
>>15356659 UK-based investigative reporter wants to "unmask" Disclose.tv
>>15356686 Save America Announces Program Speakers for Florence, Arizona Rally
>>15356754 Covid came from a wuhan lab... but scientists were too scared to say! Leaked emails exposed
>>15356763 EU Warns Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System
>>15356769 WaPo, Slate: The grocery shortage isn't just real, it's expanding; Update: How will Klain spin it?
>>15356771 Death row inmates seeking firing squad as alternative to lethal injection
>>15356785 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reinstates COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
>>15356787, >>15356835 Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD Warns Of 'Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever' Super Virus In China Caused By Mutations Due To Mass Vaccination
>>15356841, >>15356865 Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in Britain, US>>15357690
>>15357900 #19424 Partial
#15358406 at 2022-01-12 17:54:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19426: The Unstoppable Force Of Truth - NO MORE LYIN' RINOS Edition
Biden Rehires Obama's 'Gain Of Function' Risk Analyst.
Andrew Hebbeler, an Obama-era official tasked with overseeing the administration's review of funding "gain of function" research - a form of pathogen manipulation which many believe led to COVID-19 - was re-appointed under President Joe Biden, serving in the same agency: the Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Hebbeler's appointment comes amidst controversy over the risky form of research - which often entails increasing the lethality, virulence, and transmissibility of a pathogen - and its relevance to the origins of COVID-19. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) admitted, despite repeated denials from Anthony Fauci, that the taxpayer-funded non-profit EcoHealth Alliance conducted gain of function research on "killer" bat coronaviruses in collaboration with the wuhan Institute of Virology.
Many experts point to the Chinese Communist Party-run lab as the source of COVID-19.
During the Obama years, Hebbeler oversaw the review of gain of function research policy, following the administration's decision to halt federal funds from going to the risky research method in 2014. At the time, he served as the Assistant Director for Biological and Chemical Threats in the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).
He was the only White House official present at a National Academy of Sciences 2014 symposium - the "Potential Risks and Benefits of Gain-of-Function Research" - that served as the primary forum to discuss the scientific community's approach to gain of function research.
Speaking for nearly 15 minutes at a session titled "Current U.S. Government Policy on GoF Research Proposals and Charge to the Academies," Hebbeler communicated the federal government's approach to deciding how to regulate the risky research.
"We come together to discuss a very important issue: gain of function research and how we can work together in partnership with the life sciences community to establish a framework that will guide future federal investments in this area of research," he began. Hebbeler explains his role within the OSTP as "focusing on biological threats."
"It really is the spectrum of risk from natural outbreaks of infectious disease on one side of the spectrum through laboratory accidents to deliberate acts of bioterrorism," he clarified in reference to the issues falling under his purview.
"In the U.S. government's own deliberations that preceded the announcement, the highest concern in the gain of function area was really for respiratory pathogens that possessed pandemic potential. These included MERS, SARS, as well as influenza," Hebbeler added.
#15358295 at 2022-01-12 17:33:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19426: The Unstoppable Force Of Truth - NO MORE LYIN' RINOS Edition
LAWRENCE SELLIN: New Pentagon Papers Show COVID Is Bioweapon Made in China Paid for and Developed by US Scientists Who Then Covered It Up While Pushing Flawed Public Health Policies
New Pentagon Documents Point To COVID-19's Laboratory Origin as a Chinese Bioweapon and U.S. Government Complicity
As described in a Gateway Pundit article last year, for over 15 years China has conducted biowarfare research on genetically-engineered viruses coupled to a vaccine-production program to protect its own military from those China-made bioweapons.
Hold on to that thought for a moment.
The just-released memorandum written on August 21, 2021, by U.S. Marine Major Joseph Murphy to the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is highly revealing, both for what it says and for what it doesn't say.
Major Murphy's analysis is based on a $14.2 million research grant application "Project DEFUSE: Defusing the Threat of Bat-borne Coronaviruses" by now-disgraced scientist Peter Daszak, head of the EcoHealth Alliance, and submitted to the DoD's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), as well as other documents to which we do not yet have access.
Daszak's research team included the "Bat Woman" Zheng-Li Shi of the wuhan Institute of Virology, Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina, Linfa Wang of the Duke University-National University of Singapore Medical School, Tonie Rocke of the United States Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center in Wisconsin, and Jerome Unidad of the Palo Alto Research Center in California.
A summary of the memorandum:
1. "SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19] is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine, or its precursor virus."
The intent of Daszak's DARPA proposal was to immunize bats in Chinese caves by spraying them with a vaccine based on coronaviruses that would likely "jump" from bats to humans, thereby, preventing a pandemic.
Sound far-fetched? Stand by, the details get worse.
The DEFUSE team would collect a large number of bat coronaviruses from Chinese caves, test them for their ability to infect humans, select those most likely to make the "jump" from bats to humans, analyze their structures and map evolutionary pathways.
Of course, the concept of a vaccine based on an evolutionary model, given the highly unpredictable nature of bat coronavirus mutations is, on its face, scientifically preposterous.
Yet, if they had stopped at that point and created a bat vaccine based on a natural bat coronavirus, the project would have been a failure, but at least there would not have been a COVID-19 pandemic.
They planned to isolate the spike protein, the component of coronaviruses that regulates infectively, and genetically manipulate it to make it more infectious to humans and insert it back into a bat coronavirus backbone as a virus precursor for making a bat vaccine.
The DEFUSE team writes about introducing "human specific" structures, like furin polybasic cleavage sites, where they do not occur naturally, highly indicative of bioweapon development and consistent with the Chinese military's joint pathogen development/vaccine production program.
#15358258 at 2022-01-12 17:28:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19426: The Unstoppable Force Of Truth - NO MORE LYIN' RINOS Edition
>>15357679 (OP)
>>15357690 Dough
anything missed by the contributor?
#19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition (scrape)
>>15356974, >>15356980 DARPA's Man in wuhan
>>15357039 Exclusive: GOP Bill Would Allow President to Ban Foreign Land Purchases in U.S. for 5 Years
>>15357084, >>15357128 Ah yes, THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!
>>15357124 One of the most lawyered statements ever seen in Washington DC
>>15357133, >>15357170 Cass Sunstein - WHO - Olympics
>>15357196 DoS FOIA reading room.
>>15357285, >>15357288 Researchers turn to wastewater to find new ways to track COVID-19
>>15357308 Liz Cheney Is Using The Jan. 6 Committee To Persecute An Activist Running A Super PAC To Unseat Her
>>15357323 Kazakhstan Blames Violent Protests on Criminals; 'It Was Hell'
>>15357332 They make it too easy...😂😂😂 (no one standing on their side either)
>>15357384 McCabe wants FBI to monitor 'mass radicalization on the Right' after Capitol riot
>>15357437, >>15357460 CM re: DARPA / DARPA awards Moderna $25M
>>15357576 Officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt never interviewed by D.C. police before cleared, report
>>15357638 Running a tight ship ?
>>15357718, >>15357697, >>15357701, >>15357706 A civil war rehearsal?
>>15358178 #19425 Partial
#19424: Pissing Them Off With Truth Edition (scrape)
>>15356151, >>15356774 Dr. Malone "Bring your popcorn" Project Veritas Video
>>15356154 Adam Schifty Gitmo panic
>>15356191 Becoming a Night Stalker: It's not what you know, but what you are willing to learn.
>>15356199, >>15356206 Deepdigs is ran by an FBI agent
>>15356257 Man Who Posed With Beer Can in Hand During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Pleads Guilty to Picketing / McConnell Jan 6. Attempt to Break the Electoral College
>>15356356, >>15356695 Anons take on FAUCI LIED ABOUT THE GUNMAN GOING TO KILL HIM
>>15356362 Red Cross declares national blood crisis amid Omicron surge
>>15356570 GHWB, Fauci, AIDS (pb) bundle
>>15356592 Follow the Wives? Did NIH's ethics officer have to sign off on Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan?
>>15356659 UK-based investigative reporter wants to "unmask" Disclose.tv
>>15356686 Save America Announces Program Speakers for Florence, Arizona Rally
>>15356754 Covid came from a wuhan lab... but scientists were too scared to say! Leaked emails exposed
>>15356763 EU Warns Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System
>>15356769 WaPo, Slate: The grocery shortage isn't just real, it's expanding; Update: How will Klain spin it?
>>15356771 Death row inmates seeking firing squad as alternative to lethal injection
>>15356785 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reinstates COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
>>15356787, >>15356835 Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD Warns Of 'Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever' Super Virus In China Caused By Mutations Due To Mass Vaccination
>>15356841, >>15356865 Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in Britain, US>>15357690
>>15357900 #19424 Partial
#15358247 at 2022-01-12 17:25:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19426: The Unstoppable Force Of Truth - NO MORE LYIN' RINOS Edition
WAR ROOM: O'Keefe joins Bannon to discuss Veritas #ExposeFauci Bombshell
Jan 12, 2022
Project Veritas
1.44M subscribers
Military documents state that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the gain of function research moratorium.
The main report regarding the EcoHealth Alliance proposal leaked on the internet a couple of months ago, it has remained unverified until now. Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.
"The proposal does not mention or assess potential risks of Gain of Function (GoF) research," a direct quote from the DARPA rejection letter.
Project Veritas reached out to DARPA for comment regarding the hidden documents and spoke with the Chief of Communications, Jared Adams, who said, "It doesn't sound normal to me," when asked about the way the documents were buried.
[WASHINGTON, D.C. - Jan. 10, 2022] Project Veritas has obtained startling never-before-seen documents regarding the origins of COVID-19, gain of function research, vaccines, potential treatments which have been suppressed, and the government's effort to conceal all of this.
The documents in question stem from a report at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA, which were hidden in a top secret shared drive.
DARPA is an agency under the U.S. Department of Defense in charge of facilitating research in technology with potential military applications.
Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.
The report states that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the basis gain of function research moratorium.
According to the documents, NAIAD, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, went ahead with the research in wuhan, China and at several sites across the U.S.
Dr. Fauci has repeatedly maintained, under oath, that the NIH and NAIAD have not been involved in gain of function research with the EcoHealth Alliance program. But according to the documents obtained by Project Veritas which outline why EcoHealth Alliance's proposal was rejected, DARPA certainly classified the research as gain of function.
"The proposal does not mention or assess potential risks of Gain of Function (GoF) research," a direct quote from the DARPA rejection letter.
Major Murphy's report goes on to detail great concern over the COVID-19 gain of function program, the concealment of documents, the suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the mRNA vaccines.
Project Veritas reached out to DARPA for comment regarding the hidden documents and spoke with the Chief of Communications, Jared Adams, who said, "It doesn't sound normal to me," when asked about the way the documents were shrouded in secrecy. "If something resides in a classified setting, then it should be appropriately marked," Adams said. "I'm not at all familiar with unmarked documents that reside in a classified space, no."
In a video breaking this story published on Monday night, Project Veritas CEO, James O'Keefe, asked a foundational question to DARPA:
"Who at DARPA made the decision to bury the original report? They could have raised red flags to the Pentagon, the White House, or Congress, which may have prevented this entire pandemic that has led to the deaths of 5.4 million people worldwide and caused much pain and suffering to many millions more."
Dr. Anthony Fauci has not yet responded to a request for comment on this story.
#15358178 at 2022-01-12 17:14:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19426: The Unstoppable Force Of Truth - NO MORE LYIN' RINOS Edition
#19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition (scrape)
>>15356974, >>15356980 DARPA's Man in wuhan
>>15357039 Exclusive: GOP Bill Would Allow President to Ban Foreign Land Purchases in U.S. for 5 Years
>>15357084, >>15357128 Ah yes, THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!!
>>15357124 One of the most lawyered statements ever seen in Washington DC
>>15357133, >>15357170 Cass Sunstein - WHO - Olympics
>>15357196 DoS FOIA reading room.
>>15357285, >>15357288 Researchers turn to wastewater to find new ways to track COVID-19
>>15357308 Liz Cheney Is Using The Jan. 6 Committee To Persecute An Activist Running A Super PAC To Unseat Her
>>15357323 Kazakhstan Blames Violent Protests on Criminals; 'It Was Hell'
>>15357332 They make it too easy…😂😂😂 (no one standing on their side either)
>>15357384 McCabe wants FBI to monitor 'mass radicalization on the Right' after Capitol riot
>>15357437, >>15357460 CM re: DARPA / DARPA awards Moderna $25M
>>15357576 Officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt never interviewed by D.C. police before cleared, report
>>15357638 Running a tight ship ?
>>15357718 >>15357697, >>15357701, >>15357706 A civil war rehearsal?
#15357900 at 2022-01-12 16:24:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19426: The Unstoppable Force Of Truth - NO MORE LYIN' RINOS Edition
#19424: pissing them off with truth Edition (scrape)
>>15356151, >>15356774 Dr. Malone "Bring your popcorn" Project Veritas Video
>>15356154 Adam Schifty Gitmo panic
>>15356191 Becoming a Night Stalker: It's not what you know, but what you are willing to learn.
>>15356199, >>15356206 Deepdigs is ran by an FBI agent
>>15356257 Man Who Posed With Beer Can in Hand During Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Pleads Guilty to Picketing / McConnell Jan 6. Attempt to Break the Electoral College
>>15356356, >>15356695 Anons take on FAUCI LIED ABOUT THE GUNMAN GOING TO KILL HIM
>>15356362 Red Cross declares national blood crisis amid Omicron surge
>>15356570 GHWB, Fauci, AIDS (pb) bundle
>>15356592 Follow the Wives? Did NIH's ethics officer have to sign off on Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan?
>>15356659 UK-based investigative reporter wants to "unmask" Disclose.tv
>>15356686 Save America Announces Program Speakers for Florence, Arizona Rally
>>15356754 Covid came from a wuhan lab... but scientists were too scared to say! Leaked emails exposed
>>15356763 EU Warns Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System
>>15356769 WaPo, Slate: The grocery shortage isn't just real, it's expanding; Update: How will Klain spin it?
>>15356771 Death row inmates seeking firing squad as alternative to lethal injection
>>15356785 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Reinstates COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
>>15356787, >>15356835 Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD Warns Of 'Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever' Super Virus In China Caused By Mutations Due To Mass Vaccination
>>15356841, >>15356865 Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in Britain, US>>15357690
#15357685 at 2022-01-12 15:40:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19426: The Unstoppable Force Of Truth - NO MORE LYIN' RINOS Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15353613 #19420
#15357474 at 2022-01-12 14:57:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition
Oversight Committee Republicans @GOPoversight We've released never before seen emails showing Dr. Fauci may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory.
@RepJamesComer & @Jim_Jordan want Fauci under oath. Time for answers. 1/2
#15357469 at 2022-01-12 14:55:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition
Brian Cates - Political Columnist ??????
Forwarded from
JUST IN -GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory."
.. Our Summary
DARPA is soliciting innovative proposals for research to develop new tools and models to quantify the likelihood of a virus to jump from an animal host into humans, and to develop and validate new scalable technologies to target potential human-capable viral pathogens in wild reservoirs and/or mosquito vectors to prevent transmission to humans.
#15357464 at 2022-01-12 14:54:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition
Brian Cates - Political Columnist ??????
Forwarded from
JUST IN -GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory."
#15357327 at 2022-01-12 14:12:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition
Apparently international harmony is more important than facts…
Scientists feared debate over origin of COVID could hurt 'international harmony' - reports
Emails sent to Dr Anthony Fauci, the US government's top medical adviser, show how scientists believed it was "likely" that COVID accidentally leaked from a laboratory in wuhan.
However, experts were concerned that debate on the matter would harm science in China, the Telegraph reports.
The email, sent by Sir Jeremy Farrar of the Wellcome Trust on 2 February 2020, said it was a "likely explanation" that coronavirus had evolved from a SARS-like virus inside human issue inside a laboratory.
The note, also sent to Dr Francis Collins of the US National Institutes of Health, added that the virus may have been "accidentally created" and "primed for rapid transmission between humans".
wuhan Institute of Virology in China
wuhan Institute of Virology in ChinaReuters
However, Sir Jeremy was then told that "further debate would do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular".
Dr Collins said it could impact "international harmony" if discussed further, according to the newspaper.
COVID-19 first emerged in wuhan, China, in late 2019, with great debate since emerging about the origins of the virus.
In another email sent in April 2020, seen by the New York Post, Dr Fauci dismissed the theory that the virus emerged from a laboratory in China, calling it a "shiny object that will go away".
#15356980 at 2022-01-12 12:24:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition
Found the EcoHealth Alliance Proposal to DARPA PREEMPT - 75 page PDF
Project Defuse Proposal to DARPA PREEMPT
"Project DEFUSE: Defusing the Threat of Bat-borne Coronaviruses"
Points of interest from the proposal:
Peter Dazsak - EcoHealth Alliance
Identifying Number - HR001118S0017-PREEMPT-PA-001
Total Grant Request - $14,209,245
Proposal submitted to DARPA 3/27/18 (pg. 1 of proposal) - Page 2 of the PDF (pg. 1 of the proposal) is dated 24 March 2018
Places of Performance:
-Palo Alto, CA
-Kunming, China
-wuhan, China
-Chapel Hill, NC
-New York, NY
-Madison, WI
Period of Performance - 12/1/18 to 5/31/22
On pg. 3 of the proposal, it says that their project is exempt from dual-use and gain of function concerns. Anon would have copied and pasted but copy pasta produces a letter salad or wont copy at all. Talk about missing letters!
Alternate Sauce - cloud
The Intercept
The proposal, rejected by U.S. military research agency DARPA, describes the insertion of human-specific cleavage sites into SARS-related bat coronaviruses."
#15356974 at 2022-01-12 12:21:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition
DARPA's Man in wuhan
This is a great fuckin' read anons. From July 2020. Notable IMO. Found in the last bread. >>15356444 Thought it might get overlooked so bringing it forward for more eyes. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/07/investigative-reports/darpas-man-in-wuhan/
#15356955 at 2022-01-12 12:12:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General: #19425: Big Mad Patriot E-Bake Edition
>>15353747, >>15353753 #January6th More on Ray Epps line of questioning from Senate Judiciary this morning
>>15353765 Anon asks "If PCR tests don't work for Covid does that mean they don't work for HIV?"
>>15353780 Don Jr. calls out USA Today for trying to normalize pedophiles.
>>15353788 #UPDATE North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un personally oversaw the successful test of a hypersonic missile
>>15353792 Ted Cruz Asks Sanborn about FBI participation Jan. 6th
>>15353808, >>15353909 Project Veritas' James O'Keefe on Telegram/Twitter "I'm not suicidal, I love my life!"
>>15353813, >>15353815 From Small Town Montana to FBI : "Along the Way"
>>15353894 Hulk Hogan pushes conspiracy theory that vaccine shots killed Betty White and Bob Saget
>>15353941, >>15353966 The Likely Cause of the Media Blackout on Imploding Whitmer Kidnapping Plot
>>15353984 POTUS interview with Dan Ball on OANN airing in about 20 minutes (8 P.M. ET) from Mar a Lago
>>15353991 "The implications here exceed those of the Pentagon Papers." -Dr. Malone on #ExposeFauci by Veritas
>>15353992 Dr. Scott Atlas: The Reality Is The Lockdowns Killed People
>>15353995 Ivermectin 'Works Throughout All Phases' Of COVID According To Leaked Military Documents
>>15354078, >>15354096 Anon's DANK MEME/CAP ARCHIVE / MP4 ARCHIVE
>>15354164 COVID updates, Jan. 11: Anti-vax tax? Quebec to impose 'significant' financial penalty on the unvaccinated
>>15354253, >>15354276, >>15354306 1917
>>15354372 Breyer, Sotomayor participate in Supreme Court hearing remotely
>>15354387 German police use Covid-tracking data to hunt down witnesses to man's death by tracking restaurant customers' movements through vaccine passports
>>15355146 #19421
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15353613 #19420
#15356935 at 2022-01-12 12:03:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19424: pissing them off with truth Edition
And we knew this immediately March 2020.
C19 emerged in wuhan, where there was a bio weapons factory. and the US gave money to this bio weapons factory.
#15356908 at 2022-01-12 11:50:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19424: pissing them off with truth Edition
Found the EcoHealth Alliance Proposal to DARPA PREEMPT - PDF
Project Defuse Proposal to DARPA PREEMPT
"Project DEFUSE: Defusing the Threat of Bat-borne Coronaviruses"
Points of interest from the proposal:
Peter Dazsak - EcoHealth Alliance
Identifying Number - HR001118S0017-PREEMPT-PA-001
Total Grant Request - $14,209,245
Proposal submitted to DARPA 3/27/18 (pg. 1 of proposal) - Page 2 of the PDF (pg. 1 of the proposal) is dated 24 March 2018
Places of Performance:
-Palo Alto, CA
-Kunming, China
-wuhan, China
-Chapel Hill, NC
-New York, NY
-Madison, WI
Period of Performance - 12/1/18 to 5/31/22
On pg. 3 of the proposal, it says that their project is exempt from dual-use and gain of function concerns. Anon would have copied and pasted but copy pasta produces a letter salad or wont copy at all. Talk about missing letters!
Alternate Sauce - cloud
The Intercept
The proposal, rejected by U.S. military research agency DARPA, describes the insertion of human-specific cleavage sites into SARS-related bat coronaviruses."
#15356896 at 2022-01-12 11:39:25 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19424: pissing them off with truth Edition
China infected people and sent them over to the US. Seattle was ground zero for US infection from suspect 0 being a Chinese National visiting family in Seattle.
"Leaked" from wuhan.
#15356813 at 2022-01-12 10:41:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19424: pissing them off with truth Edition
X22Report with Dr. Zev going over patent dates, puzzle pieces on how wuhan and labs in the USA connected under NIH.
#15356780 at 2022-01-12 10:14:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19424: pissing them off with truth Edition
Covid19 is from wuhan Lap says UKs Daily Express
#15356754 at 2022-01-12 09:50:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19424: pissing them off with truth Edition
#15356731 at 2022-01-12 09:16:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19424: pissing them off with truth Edition
>Did NIH's ethics officer have to sign off on Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan?
>Maybe, but=the ethics officer is Fauci's wife.
#15356592 at 2022-01-12 08:03:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19424: pissing them off with truth Edition
Did NIH's ethics officer have to sign off on Fauci's dangerous gain-of-function research in wuhan?
Maybe, but=the ethics officer is Fauci's wife.
#15356444 at 2022-01-12 07:17:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19424: pissing them off with truth Edition
Someone said their family had covid.
This is for you.
#15356378 at 2022-01-12 06:50:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19424: pissing them off with truth Edition
Thank You for the Conservative Press…but start putting some flames under the do nothing Republican Politicians in DC!!!
One of the best articles written in the last two years! Except….If the Republicans want to win in the midterms, they need to get off of their arses, grow a pair, collect the few brain cells they have left, grow a spine and ARREST, CHARGE and PROSECUTE… Frauci, Obama & Gates for Treason and Mass Murder! There has been enough evidence out their since Nov. 2019 and before. Enough with the BS congressional Political Theater…get it done!
Disagree, we the people are tired of the congressional political theater and nothing being done. Resignations!!! Forget it, we want them arrested, charged and prosecuted for TREASON, MASS MURDER, CHILD TRAFFICKING/PEDOPHILES. You all have access and been sitting on the evidence to convict Tony Fauci, Barack Obama giving the necessary basics and funding to Communist China's Military Bioweapons Lab in wuhan, to produce bioweapons. (1500 viruses & pathogens still remain at that lab). Bill Clinton 26 timer on Epstein's "Lolita Pedo Express" is just as guilty as Epstein and Maxwell…when is Bill Clinton's Trial???
Resign!!! Have him arrested, charged and prosecuted for fraud at the Federal Reserve and blow the whole federal Reserve Corruption wide open! Spine-less, brain-less & ball-less US House & Senate Republican/Rino cowards! No wonder the corruption has lasted this long.
Democrat Party Pantry is Completely Full…unless Mass Election Fraud across the USA is abolished. Voter Fraud is abundant, rampant and will have a sensational midterms in 2022. Nothing significant has changed in voting legislation, audits or in the courts! Has any major US Politician or head of an Organization like the CDC, NIH, FDA, Big Pharma gone to prison? Arrested, charged and prosecuted? NO, same status quo!
#15356135 at 2022-01-12 05:34:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19424: pissing them off with truth Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15353613 #19420
#15355281 at 2022-01-12 03:30:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19423: Nineteen Thousand Four Hundred And Pain Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15353613 #19420
#15354725 at 2022-01-12 02:17:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19422: Anything From The Last Four Years Edition
George H. W. Bush & Fauci creators/origins of AIDS?
On January 30, 1976, George H.W. Bush was sworn in Director of Central Intelligence.
Fauci already a researcher at NIH, became it's youngest NIH's Director in 1984.
HIV 'Created by Scientist' for Biological Warfare, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Says
Kenyan ecologist Wangari Maathai who on Friday became the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize on Saturday repeated her previous claims that HIV was "created by a scientist for biological warfare," AFP/Yahoo! News reports. In August, Kenya's East African Standard quoted Maathai as saying that HIV/AIDS was created by scientists "for the purpose of mass extermination,"
It was there, in the P4 (high-security) laboratory at Fort Detrick,
according to Segal, where the AIDS virus was actually created, between
the fall of 1977 and spring of 1978. Six months is precisely the time it
would have taken, using the techniques available then, to create the
AIDS virus from Visna and HTLV-I.
"It's hard to say what the biggest coverup up will turn out to be (if
anyone ever finds out). AIDS can never be as 'clear-cut' as JFK, in
terms of evidence ignored, suppressed, and distorted, because there are
not enough microbiologists around who are capable or willing to do the
private research. In terms of lives lost and money spent, though, AIDS
will be near the top. In another sense, too, this is as big as JFK, because if Segal is right it means that 'science' is just as corrupt and manipulable as the press and the government. This will come as a great shock to many who believe that questions of 'pure science' are immune to political manipulation.
Who gave the communist China's Military the basics & funding for the Research...Fauci & Obama!
If the Republicans want to win in the midterms, they need to get off their asses, grow a pair, use their brains and get a freaking backbone and do it!
#15354457 at 2022-01-12 01:47:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19422: Anything From The Last Four Years Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15353613 #19420
#15354349 at 2022-01-12 01:29:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19421: Timing Is Everything Edition
New documents published by Project Veritas claim that White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci directly funded controversial research into bat coronaviruses in China. Fauci has previously denied this.
Fauci has testified under oath that the National Institutes of Health did not fund so-called "gain-of-function" research into bat-borne coronaviruses at the wuhan Institute of Virology in China. Fauci's testimony was called into question when it was revealed that the NIH did pay grants to a private research firm, EcoHealth Alliance, to conduct this research, and research papers revealed that scientists at the wuhan institute were indeed studying the potential for these viruses to infect humans.
These academic papers do not conclusively prove that Covid-19 originated in a lab, but documents published on Monday by Project Veritas, a conservative investigative outlet, apparently show that the US military was aware of this research, and passed over the opportunity to fund it due to its inherent danger.
According to the documents, EcoHealth Alliance approached the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 2018 seeking $14 million for a program it called 'Project Defuse'. The program sought to sample bat coronaviruses from caves in Yunnan, China, modify them to more easily infect humans,
HIV 'Created by Scientist' for Biological Warfare, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Says
Kenyan ecologist Wangari Maathai who on Friday became the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize on Saturday repeated her previous claims that HIV was "created by a scientist for biological warfare," AFP/Yahoo! News reports. In August, Kenya's East African Standard quoted Maathai as saying that HIV/AIDS was created by scientists "for the purpose of mass extermination,"
#15354126 at 2022-01-12 00:58:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19421: Timing Is Everything Edition
'molecular biologist 'up and down the chain' have confirmed that this person, who it is impossible is me, gave the grants for gain-of-function research in wuhan, China for the development of novel bat corona type viruses.'
#15354016 at 2022-01-12 00:44:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19421: Timing Is Everything Edition
Is the covid gain of function virus real and from wuhan? Was it planned? Was it released on purpose to kill people?
Or is all this (today) a DS play to make us believe it was really real when it's not?
Your mental gymnastics are astounding.
#15354011 at 2022-01-12 00:44:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19421: Timing Is Everything Edition
Oversight Committee Republicans @GOPoversight We've released never before seen emails showing Dr. Fauci may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory.
@RepJamesComer & @Jim_Jordan want Fauci under oath. Time for answers. 1/2
#15354007 at 2022-01-12 00:43:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19421: Timing Is Everything Edition
Brian Cates - Political Columnist ??????
Forwarded from
JUST IN -GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory."
#15353971 at 2022-01-12 00:38:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19421: Timing Is Everything Edition
The NIH research consisted of two parts. The first part began in 2014 and involved surveillance of bat coronaviruses, and had a budget of $3.7 million. The program funded Shi Zheng-Li, a virologist at the wuhan lab, and other researchers to investigate and catalogue bat coronaviruses in the wild. This part of the project was completed in 2019./
Trump ended the funding!
Obama only put a moratorium on 21 studies/which Obama's NIH under Fauci
December 19, 2017
NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-of-Function Research
Today, the National Institutes of Health announced that it is lifting a funding pause dating back to October 2014 on gain-of-function (GOF) experiments involving influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses.
*Mentions only SARS/MERS virus*was the Obama 21 studies ban for the in the USA only? Who gave the communist China Military the basics for the Research…Fauci & Obama!
A second phase of the project, beginning that year, included additional surveillance work but also gain-of-function research for the purpose of understanding how bat coronaviruses could mutate to attack humans. The project was run by EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit research group, under the direction of President Peter Daszak, an expert on disease ecology. NIH canceled the project just this past Friday, April 24th, Politico reported. Daszak did not immediately respond to Newsweek requests for comment.
U.S. government gave $3.7million grant to wuhan lab that …
[Search domain dailymail.co.uk] https://www.dailymail.co.uk > news > article-8211291 > U-S-government-gave-3-7million-grant-wuhan-lab-experimented-coronavirus-source-bats.html
The wuhan Institute of Virology undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan which were funded by a $3.7 million grant from the US government.
The Pentagon funneled $39million to a charity that funded …
[Search domain dailymail.co.uk] https://www.dailymail.co.uk > news > article-9652287 > The-Pentagon-funneled-39million-charity-funded-wuhan-lab.html
The wuhan Institute of Virology is accused of being the source of Covid-19…EHA also received $64.7 million from the US Agency for International Development (USAID)…In 2014 the Obama…
#15353791 at 2022-01-12 00:13:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19421: Timing Is Everything Edition
Rep. Guy Reschenthaler on Twitter: "https://t.co/Bfq3C6CkQz" / Twitter
https://twitter.com > greschenthaler > status
BREAKING NEWS: I recently uncovered $1.1M in Obama-era taxpayer funding funneled to the wuhan Institute of Virology through EcoHealth Alliance.
Rep. Guy Reschenthaler questions U.S. research funding to …
https://www.post-gazette.com > 2021/05/14 > stories
May 14, 2021 - At the wuhan Institute of Virology, Ms. Jadallah-Redding wrote, USAID funded activities "for the purpose of advancing research on critical …
#15353784 at 2022-01-12 00:11:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19421: Timing Is Everything Edition
Dr. Christina Lin is a California-based foreign policy analyst. She has extensive US government experience working on national security policy planning, including at DoD, State, and NSC, and was a research consultant at Jane's Information Group's Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Assessments Intelligence Centre.
Dr. Christina Lin is a former visiting fellow at The Washington Institute. … worked in the private sector at Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs in London.
Christina Lin | The Washington Institute
https://www.washingtoninstitute.org > experts > christin…
Dr. Christina Lin is a former visiting fellow at The Washington Institute. … worked in the private sector at Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs in London.
Christina Lin - Global Taiwan Institute
https://globaltaiwan.org > team > christina-lin
Christina Lin is an adjunct fellow at GTI and research consultant for Janes … worked in the private sector at Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs in London.
Christina Lin - Center for Transatlantic Relations
https://archive.transatlanticrelations.org > Fellows
Christina Lin is a Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations at SAIS-Johns Hopkins University, focusing on China-Mediterranean and NATO relations.
Last year, Ernst helped expose $600,000 of U.S. taxpayer money was funneled to Communist China's wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) by way of a non-profit.
In April 2020, Ernst called on Congressional leadership to ensure no COVID stimulus funds went to WIV after it was exposed that the lab was funded by NIH.
In May 2020, Ernst called to defund the wuhan Institute and China's dangerous wet markets.
In March 2021, Ernst called on the Health and Human Services' Office of Inspector General to find out why the agency is refusing to comply with a law and disclose how many taxpayer dollars are spent on specific research projects, like those being conducted with the WIV. She also introduced the Cost Openness and Spending Transparency (COST) Act which requires every project - from all federal agencies - supported with federal funds to include a price tag with the cost.
Also in March of this year, Ernst shed "sunlight" on the dangerous wuhan Institute where she noted, "In the months just prior to the first case of the new pathogen being publicly identified, researchers at this state-run lab reportedly became sick with COVID-like symptoms."
In April 2021, Ernst penned an op-ed writing in part, "The NIH needs to answer questions about why it allowed funds to go to this lab and what it knew about the reported problems there. It also needs to explain why it broke federal spending transparency law that would have given Congress, and most importantly the American people, a heads up that tax dollars were shipped to a virus lab run by the CCP."
#15353621 at 2022-01-11 23:45:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19421: Timing Is Everything Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15353613 #19420
>>15352388, >>15352484, >>15352492 Hive mind -BICES - Jim Jordan
>>15352122 I present: BV-OSS-IS-A-NI**ER.mp4
>>15352123 Fauci runs his mouth at the end - Hot Mic moment after his "financials" questioning:
>>15352151 Gerbil tries his best to convince everyone he isn't him
>>15352170 :)
>>15352211 Gerbil self-owns, as always
>>15352163 Fast executions
>>15352222 Q-clock quads
>>15352240 Sen. Roger Marshall Demands Dr. Fauci Release All Gain of Function Records After Veritas Bombshell
>>15352256 We are in the avalanche. It will roll downhill all the way to Hawaii
>>15352250 Gerbil thinks posting an equation makes him smart.
>>15352290 Gerbil admits he worships Saturn
>>15352371 In Germany, the double vaccinated have been banned from restaurants as of today.
>>15352420 Can the top national security official at @theJusticeDept really not answer basic questions about the number of people facing charges after January 6th
>>15352443 Ted Cruz with the boom's on Ray Epps at Senate Hearing
>>15352446 "Was Ray Epps A Fed?" - 'I Cant Answer That': FBI Asst. Director Refuses To Answer Any of Ted Cruz's Questions About Jan 6 in Fiery Exchange on Capitol Hill
>>15352473 Ivermectin 'Works Throughout All Phases' Of COVID According To Leaked Military Documents
>>15352493 Biden Admin pays off Taliban
>>15352503 'Fugazi': Joe Rogan Says 'A Lot Of F**kery' Is Going On At GETTR, He 'Wants To Get Off' The Platform
>>15352594 Johnny Gosch or Jeffrey Gannon: The CIA's Plame Scandal
>>15352238 inmate number is the beginning of the PHI sequence
>>15352623 @CBS_Herridge
>>15352637 If PCR tests don't work for Covid does that mean they don't work for HIV?
>>15352653 Psy-Ops are a crucial weapon in the war against disinformation
>>15352670 Program Speakers for Florence, Arizona Rally
>>15352678 General Admission tickets HERE Save America Rally in Florence, AZ
>>15352707 Statement by Donald J. Trump Matt DePerno, running for Attorney General in the Great State of Michigan
>>15352659 Second, interview with POTUS airing at 8P.M. ET tonight on OANN which was filmed yesterday at Mar a Lago
>>15352758 #19419
Previously Collected
>>15351501 #19417, >>15351889 #19418
>>15349841 #19415, >>15349839 #19415, >>15350339 #19416
>>15348025 #19413, >>15348025 #19413, >>15349021 #19414
>>15346160 #19410, >>15346488 #19411, >>15347293 #19412
>>15343225 #19407\1, >>15343983 #19408, >>15344749 #19409
>>15342704 #19405, >>15342779 #19406,>>15343229 #19407\2
>>15339332 #19402, >>15340293 #19403, >>15340901 #19404
>>15338867 #19399, >>15338833 #19400, >>15339026 #19401
>>15333773 #19396, >>15335736 #19397, >>15336086 #19398
>>15332811 #19393, >>15332942 #19394, >>15334775 #19395
>>15330984 #19390, >>15331106 #19391, >>15331374 #19392
>>15327510 #19387, >>15328819 #19388, >>15330500 #19389
>>15325169 #19384, >>15325988 #19385, >>15326748 #19386
>>15322914 #19381, >>15323676 #19382, >>15325019 #19383
>>15321312 #19379, >>15322904 #19380, >>15322914 #19381
>>15319006 #19376, >>15319821 #19377, >>15320533 #19378
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10
#15353619 at 2022-01-11 23:45:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
Science Magazine, October 17, 2014, https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/10/us-halts-funding-new-risky-virus-studies-calls-voluntary-moratorium3 Jocelyn Kaiser, "Lab incidents lead to safety crackdown at CDC", Science Magazine, July 11, 2014, https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2014/07/lab-incidents-lead-safety-crackdown-cdc; Christina Lin, "Biosecurity in question at U.S. germ labs", Asia Times, April 6, 2020, https://asiatimes.com/2020/04/biosecurity-in-question-at-us-germ-labs/4 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "CDC Director Releases After-Action Report on Recent Anthrax Incident; Highlights Steps to Improve Laboratory Quality and Safety", CDC Press Release, July 11, 2014, https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2014/p0711-lab-safety.html5 U.S. Public Health Emergency, "U.S. Government Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process and Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS, and SARS Viruses" October 17, 2014, http://www.phe.gov/s3/dualuse/Documents/gain-of-function.pdf6 Patrick Howley, "Fauci's NIAID Funded wuhan Lab Scientists To Research Bat Coronavirus", National File, April 13, 2020, https://nationalfile.com/faucis-niaid-funded-wuhan-lab-scientists-to-research-bat-coronavirus/; C-SPAN, "U.S. 2015 Grant to wuhan Lab question", April 18, 2020, https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4869590/user-clip-us-2015-grant-wuhan-lab-question; Charles Crietz, "Gaetz calls for end to NIH grant to wuhan virology lab, says it can be done with 'stroke of a pen'", Fox News,April 14, 2020, https://www.foxnews.com/media/gaetz-end-nih-grant-wuhan-virology-lab
Understandably, China's lab would likely struggle with safety issues given the fact US labs also share similar problems, and indeed in January 2018 the US embassy in Beijing sent cables warning about safety of the wuhan lab and asked for help.7Additionally, the cable warned the researchers "showed that various SARS-like coronaviruses can interact with ACE2, the human receptor identified for SARS-coronavirus," meaning bat coronaviruses can be transmitted to humans to cause SARS-like diseases. Now, the US is up in arms to hold China accountable for the global coronavirus pandemic, filing class action lawsuits domestically, as well as building a coalition with allies internationally.8Lawsuits have been filed within the US and the International Criminal Court that China used the virus as a bio-weapon, and other suits are underway at the International Court of Justice. GOP lawmakers such as Sen. Tom Cotton and Rep. Dan Crenshaw have also introduced legislation that would allow Americans to sue China in federal court over the death and economic damage wrought by the virus.9US spy agencies are also investigating whether the virus originated in the wuhan lab, and seeking evidence that is needed to support the bio WMD theory promoted by GOP lawmakers. If evidence is found that Covid-19 is a biological weapon, some pundits such as Fox News host Lou Dobbs have called for the US to declare war on China.10Nonetheless, it is unclear what the legal ramifications would be if the virus is indeed leaked from a Chinese lab, but from a research project that was outsourced and funded by the US government. Also, if there is a government ban in 2014 on federal funding being used for GOF research, what are the federal compliance and ethical issues surrounding the fact that NIH still gave federal funding instead of private funding to the wuhan lab to continue the experiments? Moreover, could some strains of the coronavirus originate in US labs, given the fact the US government lifted the ban in December 2017 on GOF research without resolving lab safety issues?11
#15353613 at 2022-01-11 23:45:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
#15353603 at 2022-01-11 23:43:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
A U.S. NIH-funded $3.7 million project was approved by Trump's Covid-19 advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci in 2015, after the Obama White House imposed a ban on 'monster-germ' research. In October 2014, the federal govern-ment declared a moratorium on gain-of-function research to weaponize viruses related to influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). As a result, the research was outsourced to China's wuhan Institute of Virology, which is currently at the center of scrutiny for the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dr. Christina Lin is a California-based foreign policy analyst. She has extensive US government experience working on national security policy planning, including at DoD, State, and NSC, and was a research consultant at Jane's Information Group's Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Assessments Intelligence Centre.
The US National Institute of Health (NIH) funded bat coronavirus research in the wuhan Institute of Virology to the tune of $3.7 million, a recent article in the British newspaper Daily Mail revealed.1Back in October 2014, the US government had placed a federal moratorium on gain-of-function (GOF) research-altering natural pathogens to make them more deadly and infectious-as a result of rising fears about a possible pandemic caused by accidental or deliberate release of these genetically engineered monster germs.2This was in part due to lab accidents at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in July 2014 that raised questions about biosafety at US high-containment labs.3At that time, the CDC had closed two labs and halted some biological shipments in the wake of several incidents in which highly pathogenic microbes were mishandled by federal laboratories: an accidental shipment of live anthrax, the discovery of forgotten, live smallpox samples, and a newly revealed incident in which a dangerous influenza strain was accidentally shipped from CDC to another lab. A CDC internal report described how scientists failed to follow proper procedures to ensure samples were inactivated before they left the lab, and also found "multiple other problems" with operating procedures in the anthrax lab.4As such in October 2014, due to public health concerns the US government banned all federal funding on efforts to weaponize three viruses-influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).5In the face of a moratorium in the US, Dr. Anthony Fauci-director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infec-tious Disease (NIAID) and currently the leading doctor in the US Coronavirus Task Force-outsourced in 2015 the GOF research to China's wuhan lab and licensed the lab to continue receiving federal funding.6The wuhan lab is now at the center of scrutiny for possibly releasing the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and causing the global Covid-19 pandemic. 1 Glen Own, "wuhan lab was performing coronavirus experiments on bats from the caves where the disease is believed to have originated - with a ?3m grant from the US", Daily Mail, April 11, 2020, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8211257/wuhan-lab-performing-experiments-bats-coronavirus-caves.html2 Jocelyn Kaiser, David Malakoff, "U.S. halts funding for new risky virus studies, calls for voluntary moratorium",
#15353571 at 2022-01-11 23:38:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
#15353536 at 2022-01-11 23:31:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15353486 Unredacted February 2020 emails between Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci
>>15353488 Nets Ignore Hunter Biden's 'Close Friend' Being Charged With Treason
>>15353493 "Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels"
>>15353534 Red Carpet
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
#15353494 at 2022-01-11 23:22:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
Reschenthaler Uncovers $1.1 Million in Taxpayer Funding Sent to the wuhan Institute of Virology
May 14, 2021
Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14) recently uncovered $1.1 million in Obama-era taxpayer funding funneled to the wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) through the EcoHealth Alliance. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded this funding. The WIV is a Chinese Communist Party lab with ties to Chinese military research and a suspected origin site of COVID-19 pandemic. In March 2021, Reschenthaler sent a letter to former Acting USAID Administrator Gloria Steele requesting information on grant funding awarded to the EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit based in New York City.
"I find it deeply disturbing that American taxpayers footed the bill for over $1 million to support dangerous and potentially deadly research at the wuhan Institute of Virology, a laboratory with ties to the Chinese Communist Party and military biological research," said Reschenthaler. "The American people deserve to know why their hard-earned tax dollars went to a foreign lab that has a history of safety concerns, engages in risky experiments, and had a possible role in the origins of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. I call on Congress to pass my Defund EcoHealth Alliance Act to cut the flow of federal dollars to risky experiments."
According to published research and a House Foreign Affairs Committee Minority report, the researchers used this funding for a study that utilized gain-of-function (GOF) research to create a hybrid, man-made virus by inserting a spiked protein from a wild coronavirus into a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone, which could infect human airways by binding to the ACE2.
Additionally, the WIV received nearly $600,000 of funding from EcoHealth Alliance through grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. Unfortunately, it's possible U.S. taxpayers funded the WIV on other occasions. According to a New York Magazine article, U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency grants awarded to EcoHealth Alliance funded some of the WIV research.
In February 2021, Congressman Reschenthaler introduced H.R. 591, the Defund EcoHealth Alliance Act, which prohibits federal funding to the EcoHealth Alliance.
Background on USAID funding to the WIV Funding:
Between October 2009 and May 2019, USAID provided a total of $1.1 million to the EcoHealth Alliance for a sub-agreement with the WIV.
The funding went toward advancing research on viruses that could pose harm to human and animal health.
According to USAID, they never authorized this funding for GOF research at WIV.
In October of 2014, the Obama Administration paused GOF research activities and funding, and this research team received a letter requesting a voluntary pause of its research.
In 2019, the Trump Administration stopped USAID's work on this project.
Background on EcoHealth Alliance:
According to federal government data, EcoHealth received tens of millions in federal research dollars.
EcoHealth has partnered with the WIV since 2004.
In February 2020, EcoHealth President Peter Daszak led an unsubstantiated letter denying the possibility of COVID-19 originating in a lab.
Daszak went so far as to condemn any alternative explanation to his natural origins narrative, such as a lab accident at nearby WIV, as "conspiracy theory."
Background on WIV:
The Chinese Communist Party directly runs the WIV and manages the Biosafety Level IV (BSL-4) laboratory.
After the outbreak of COVID-19, the CCP replaced the party official in charge of the WIV with a top biowarfare expert, Major General Chen Wei.
In 2018, two State Department cables raised concerns regarding safety and management weaknesses at the WIV.
Scientists at the WIV noted "a serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians and investigators needed to safely operate this high-containment laboratory."
According to a January 15, 2021 State Department press release, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced several researchers inside the WIV became sick with COVID-19 like symptoms in the fall of 2019.
Since at least 2017, the WIV engaged in classified research, including laboratory animal experiments with the Chinese military.
#15353442 at 2022-01-11 23:13:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15353102 What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
>>15353330 "A very important read." - President Donald J. Trump
>>15353333 There's a storm coming.
>>15353360 QClocks January 11, 2022
>>15353432 State offering $200 gift cards in effort to get more children vaccinated against COVID-19
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
#15353417 at 2022-01-11 23:08:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
Obama & Fauci funded bioweapons production with the communist china military's bioweapons lab in wuhan china
#15353293 at 2022-01-11 22:53:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15353257 Oh shit, exposing GETTR
>>15353261 95-0107 USAF United States Air Force McDonnell Douglas C-17A Globemaster III
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
#15353242 at 2022-01-11 22:43:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 The Lord Fauci cries out in pain as he jabs you
>>15353108 Nicaragua, China Sign Treaties, Including BRI Memorandum, After Managua Drops Taiwan Relations
>>15353113 Former teacher sentenced to federal prison after admitting to child sexual exploitation
>>15353126 Severe rulings of the Egyptian judiciary in the case of human trafficking and the sale of human organs
>>15353139 Plymouth Man Sentenced to 19 Years in Prison for Advertising, Producing, and Distributing Child Pornography
>>15353190 Guerrilla war exercise to be fought across rural North Carolina counties, Army warns
>>15353193 Dems' filibuster conundrum: It's not just Manchin and Sinema
>>15353222 FTC gets second chance to sue 'monopoly' Facebook
>>15353224 Don't know about "executed" for treason, but charged with treason, yes.
>>15353233 Nunes departure prompts GOP reshuffling on Armed Services
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
#15353101 at 2022-01-11 22:20:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
>>15352947 Big Government & Big Pharma link between catastrophic mercury/aluminum in child vaccines causing autism since 2005 and they covered it up, Jenny McCarthy Was Always Right
>>15353076 Remember Lord Fauci is always the victim folks, no one else!
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904, >>15352907, >>15352914 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15353028, >>15353032, >>15353033, >>15353034, >>15353037, >>15353038 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
#15353050 at 2022-01-11 22:12:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
>>15352854, >>15352859 Timing is everything.
>>15352954, >>15352961 @USNavy
>>15352904 Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
>>15352953 President Donald J. Trump:
>>15352962 I love it when they invoke known personas
>>15352971 Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis
>>15352990 Stock Market Comms
>>15352993 GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
>>15352994 USA Today comes out for PEDOS
>>15353005 Twitter Allows Iranian Threats To Assassinate Former President Trump
>>15353028 Voting Laws Roundup: December 2021
#15352993 at 2022-01-11 22:02:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
Brian Cates - Political Columnist ??????
Forwarded from
JUST IN -GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory."
Oversight Committee Republicans @GOPoversight We've released never before seen emails showing Dr. Fauci may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory.
@RepJamesComer & @Jim_Jordan want Fauci under oath. Time for answers. 1/2
#15352914 at 2022-01-11 21:49:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
The existence of the State Department inquiry and its termination this spring by the Biden administration - neither of which has been previously reported - comes to light amid renewed interest in whether the virus could have leaked out of a wuhan lab with links to the Chinese military. The Biden administration is also facing scrutiny of its own efforts to determine if the Chinese government was responsible for the virus.
? "On Wednesday, Biden issued a statement that he has directed the US intelligence community to redouble its efforts in investigating the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic and report back to him in 90 days." (LINK)
? [WASHINGTON DC] - The intelligence community failed to conclusively identify the origin of the coronavirus following a 90-day investigation ordered by President Biden, but experts are divided on why.
A report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) found that officials were unable to rule whether the virus escaped from a lab or spread to humans through an infected animal. But the ultimate conclusion reached by the $85 billion-a-year community was that it would be unable to pinpoint the origin of the virus if China didn't fully cooperate. (LINK)
If you have followed how the U.S. Intelligence Community operates, you can see a pretty clear picture emerge of a strong likelihood surrounding what took place.
The U.S. Defense Dept developed SARS-CoV-2 in North Carolina. The 4th Branch (Intelligence Community) wanted to use it. The Pentagon restarts funding for development of SARS-CoV-2 in partnership with wuhan, China - setting up the cover story. The 4th Branch (Intelligence Community) then uses the virus by releasing it in/around wuhan. Everything after that is simply part of the 4th Branch covering their tracks. wuhan, China becomes the patsy.
The IC release of COVID-19 would have two transparent motives for the 4th Branch: (1) Get rid of Trump via mail-in ballots, and intelligence assistance toward the 2020 election result; and (2) Expand their influence and control operations as the most powerful force in U.S. government.
One of the central players, who likely knows the details behind who exactly executed the release, is former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who has been blaming the Chinese almost exclusively. [Methinks he doth protest too much.] Pompeo is the ultimate weapon of the deep swamp.
Former DNI John Ratcliffe is also a staunch figure pointing at wuhan, China. Keep in mind DNI Ratcliffe was the recipient of the 4th Branch Intelligence Community products that pointed to wuhan, China, though Ratcliffe had no involvement.
If it sounds like this thesis is too far 'out there', then you may not fully understand how the Fourth Branch of Government operates.....
...... Also, there were trillions at stake. He could not be allowed to win.
#15352907 at 2022-01-11 21:48:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
? October 17, 2014 - U.S. funding of SARS to create a biological weapon was paused due to the extreme risk of a pandemic. However, the pause allowed agencies within the U.S. government to continue funding if they determined "the research is urgently necessary to protect the public health or national security." [LINK]
? 2014 through 2020 the Pentagon continued funding research in wuhan, China. Fear of discovery would explain why many top officials in the U.S. Defense Department were against the Trump administration [with increased severity after the COVID pandemic began]. [LINK]
? May 2016 - [An Election Year] - "after thorough deliberation and extensive input from domestic and international stakeholders, the NSABB [National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity] issued its recommendations. NSABB's central finding was that studies that are expected to enhance Potential Pandemic Pathogen (PPP) have potential benefits to public health but also entail significant risks. NSABB recommended that such studies warranted additional scrutiny prior to being funded." Anthony Fauci is on the NSABB.
? January 9, 2017 - [Four Days after the Susan Rice Oval Office meeting with Obama, Biden, Comey, et al] - The Obama Administration re-authorizes funding for the creation of SARS biological weapons. "Adoption of these recommendations will satisfy the requirements for lifting the current moratorium on certain life sciences research that could enhance a pathogen's virulence and/or transmissibility to produce a potential pandemic pathogen (an enhanced PPP)." [LINK]
Given the workarounds, exceptions and plausible deniability for the consequences, built into the original moratorium guidance in 2014, the defense department was operationally permitted to keep funding the biological weapons research in wuhan, China. The 2014 ban was a funding moratorium in name only; however, it appears the funding for U.S. research in North Carolina was stopped.
What was reauthorized in 2017, just before President Trump took office, was the need to use "national security" as an excuse to continue the research. It also appears funding of SARS as a biological weapon inside the U.S. (North Carolina) was now permitted again.
REFERENCES SO FAR: - 2017 - Policy Guidelines from Obama Administration - 2014 - pdf link of Research Funding Pause - National Science Advisory Board (Wiki) - Pentagon Funding for SARS research 2013 through 2020.
If you accept that the Pentagon would never spend to develop a biological weapon in China (wuhan Lab) unless they already had developed that weapon on their own (North Carolina Lab), then the question about the release of that weapon starts to take shape.
Remember, the State Department was looking into the origin until Joe Biden shut them down and redirected the goal to the Intelligence Community. In essence, Biden handed the mission to the Fourth Branch of Government. Not surprisingly, after a few months the IC said their results were "inconclusive."
? [Excerpt] - [...] In one State Department meeting, officials seeking to demand transparency from the Chinese government say they were explicitly told by colleagues not to explore the wuhan Institute of Virology's gain-of-function research, because it would bring unwelcome attention to U.S. government funding of it.
In an internal memo obtained by Vanity Fair, Thomas DiNanno, former acting assistant secretary of the State Department's Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, wrote that staff from two bureaus, his own and the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, "warned" leaders within his bureau "not to pursue an investigation into the origin of COVID-19" because it would "'open a can of worms' if it continued."
[...] In late March, former Centers for Disease Control director Robert Redfield received death threats from fellow scientists after telling CNN that he believed COVID-19 had originated in a lab. "I was threatened and ostracized because I proposed another hypothesis," Redfield told Vanity Fair. "I expected it from politicians. I didn't expect it from science." (read more)
? Washington (CNN) - "President Joe Biden's team shut down a closely-held State Department effort launched late in the Trump administration to prove the coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab over concerns about the quality of its work, according to three sources familiar with the decision.
#15352904 at 2022-01-11 21:48:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19420: BakerG shitting all over the bread Edition
Project Veritas Obtains Hidden Military Documents Showing NIH Intent to Create SARS-CoV-2, Using Gain of Function Research
January 10, 2022 | Sundance | 529 Comments
Project Veritas has obtained military documents hidden on a classified system [HERE - and HERE - and HERE] showing how EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses.
The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violated the gain of function research moratorium. However, according to the documents, NIAID, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, went ahead with the research in wuhan, China and at several sites across the U.S.
[WASHINGTON, D.C. - Jan. 10, 2022] Project Veritas has obtained startling never-before-seen documents regarding the origins of COVID-19, gain of function research, vaccines, potential treatments which have been suppressed, and the government's effort to conceal all of this.
The documents in question stem from a report at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA, which were hidden in a top-secret shared drive.
DARPA is an agency under the U.S. Department of Defense in charge of facilitating research in technology with potential military applications.
Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.
The report states that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the basis gain of function research moratorium.
According to the documents, NIAID, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, went ahead with the research in wuhan, China and at several sites across the U.S. (read more)
Here's my answer to the question posed by James O'Keefe.
In the original pdf guidance for the 2014 research pause of into weaponization of SARS viruses there was an important footnote [LINK]:
[FN? SOURCE - U.S. Government Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process and Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS, and SARS Viruses - pdf, page 2 - October 17, 2014]
#15351978 at 2022-01-11 19:38:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19419: Release All The Gain of Fauci Filed Edition
#19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition Part One
>>15348855, >>15348858, >>15348883, >>15348911, >>15348943, >>15348956, >>15348985, >>15349002 Checkmate! Ghislaine & Prince Andrew - GCHQ, The Sun, Twitter, Images
>>15348869 Court won't block entire election 'investigation' subpoena, Wisconsin Judge Rejects Blocking Subpoena in GOP-Led Investigation of 2020 Election - TRIB Live, MSN
>>15348885, >>15348887, >>15348895, >>15348908, >>15348920, >>15348933, >>15348936, >>15349015, >>15349223, >>15349229, >>15349464 COVID Related Spread? CURES? - E Online, The Gateway Pundit, CBS, RT, Various
>>15348894 Turkish international footballer Ahmet Calik, 27, dies in a horror car crash after losing control and tumbling off-road while driving to arrange his wedding on a day off from Konyaspor training - Daily Mail
>>15348912 @DeptofDefense An aerial display. An @usairforce F-16 Fighting Falcon displays the American flag while preparing to be refueled. - USAF, DOD, Twitter, Image
>>15348920, >>15348928, >>15349007, >>15349025, >>15349030, >>15349065, >>15349071, >>15349076, >>15349077, >>15349078, >>15349080, >>15349082, >>15349083, >>15349103, >>15349120, >>15349238, >>15349360, >>15349244, >>15349254, >>15349317, >>15349326, >>15349331, >>15349346, >>15349363, >>15349371, >>15349382, >>15349390, >>15349415 , >>15349451, >>15349478, >>15349621, NEW:US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at wuhan Institute of Virology & Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci- Redstate, Project Veritas, You Tube
>>15348970 General Flynn: @RealGenFlynn Why Lie? - M.Flynn, Getter
>>15348977 The REAL Insurrection - RUMBLE
>>15348978 UK government is getting ripped apart by the UK media and public this morning after 'Partygate'. Watching Sky News, they're not holding back which is good to see. It certainly has a 'systematic destruction of the old guard' feeling to it.. - Daily Mail
>>15348979, >>15349006, >>15349019, >>15349032 Oh my Look what's trending #1 on google search.. 'grocery stores empty shelves' number one search on Google right now -, FOX5DC, Images
>>15348986, >>15349017 Texas Scientists Roll Out Patent-Free COVID-19 Vaccine, Protein-Based Corbevax Has No MRNA ~ Texas scientists rolled out a new COVID-19 vaccine, saying it's patent-free and can be produced by any manufacturer in any country. The vaccine, called Corbevax, was developed by the Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine. - OANN
>>15349008 From Flynns Telegram... Any Huntsville diggers about? - Dig Request
>>15349011 Kenya Power Says Nationwide Outage Caused By Collapse of One Its Towers - All Africa
>>15349021, >>15349022 #19414\1 & #19414\2
>>15349839 #19415
#15351970 at 2022-01-11 19:38:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19419: Release All The Gain of Fauci Filed Edition
#19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
>>15349642 COMMS CHECK From LB DELTAS - USNavy, USFF, USNG, USMHQ, USArmy, Twitter
>>15349652, >>15349657 "Partnerships" - Biologicale, Wikipedia, Images
>>15349653 Bidan, COMMS - J.Biden, Twitter
>>15349655, >>15349662, >>15349959 1 Blank Page on the back? 16 page document produced today, right on schedule, almost like there is a plan! - Republicans Oversight
>>15349658, >>15349662, >>15349693, >>15349713, >>15349720, >>15349745, >>15349756, >>15349833, >>15349846, >>15349870, >>15349873, >>15349932, >>15350132, >>15350268, ,DECLASS COVID Dump and Discussion- Project Veritas, Washington Post, You Tube, Various
>>15349667 Senate Bill Would Force States To Pair Voter ID With Vaccine Passports - Zerohedge,
>>15349674, >>15349678, >>15349764, >>15349776, >>15349784, >>15349832, >>15349851, >>15349876, >>15349902, >>15349924, >>15349919, >>15349911, >>15349916, >>15350044, >>15350071, >>15350088,WATCH LIVE | Fauci, Walensky testify at Senate hearing on omicron variant
>>15349689, >>15349704, >>15349800, >>15350010, >>15350018 Old News Digz - Diplomat Magazine, Video
>>15349703, >>15349834, >>15349864 Qlock Talk - Images
>>15349706 Pompeo: We cannot allow citizens of foreign countries, who are not American citizens, to vote in American elections. - M.Pompeo, Fox News, Video
>>15349754 Kevin McCarthy: Chamber of Commerce 'Left' Republican Party 'A Long Time Ago,' Not Welcome Back ~ Kevin McCarthy WILL NOT be Speaker of the House no matter HOW MUCH free press the Mercers give him - Breitbart
>>15349763 Grassley: @ChuckGrassley Do u believe bipartisanship belongs in the US Senate where senators from all 50 states hv a voice on behalf of the ppl who elected them?? Democrats are hoping to blow bipartisanship up this wk Dems want to violate the Senate rules 2 change the rules - C.Grassley, Twitter
>>15349839, >>15349841 #19415\1 and #19415\2
>>15349867, >>15349948, >>15350061, >>15350064 PF Reports
>>15349877, >>15350308, >>15350318 "The Justice Department is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism, the department's top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday as he described an "elevated" threat from violent extremists in the United States." - US News
>>15349879 USArmy Retweeted: Defense Suicide Prevention Office @DSPO_BeThere: Your mission to protect this country is clear. What about protecting your mental well-being? - USArmy, DSPO, Twitter
>>15349884 DJTJr: "Lock him up! - DJTjr, Twitter
>>15349958, >>15349969 Arrested DEA Informant Who Financed Haiti Assassination Plot Says US APPROVED - You Tube
>>15349959 New Docs show Dr. Fauci may have concealed #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab - Republicans Oversight, GOPOversight, Twitter
>>15350290 Bidan: @POTUS United States government official Congratulations @GeorgiaFootball on your national championship! Your skill, grit, and determination show us what is possible - and how to win your school's first title in 41 years. I'm proud of you, Bulldogs.
>>15350301 LIVE: FL Gov DeSantis State of the State Address 1/11/22 - R.Desantis, RSBN, You Tube
>>15350339 #19416
#15351846 at 2022-01-11 19:21:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19418: Ebake Fauci You need to Resign Edition
Did Fauci Interfere In The Election? Special Counsel Says It's A 'Close Call'
The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) exonerated National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci earlier this month in a "close call" case of a Hatch Act violation.
In June, the government transparency non-profit Protect the Public's Trust filed a complaint against Fauci over an October 2020 interview with the Washington Post. Published days before the election, the White House medical adviser branded then-candidate Joe Biden as taking the novel wuhan coronavirus more seriously.
In the article, headlined "A whole lot of hurt: Fauci warns of COVID-19 surge, offers blunt assessment of Trump's response," Fauci told the Post, "you could not possibly be positioned more poorly" to confront the pandemic and emphasized the United States needed an "abrupt change."
When asked about the differences between the two major presidential candidates on their pandemic plans, Fauci said Biden "is taking it seriously from a public health perspective," but that incumbent President Donald Trump was "looking at it from a different perspective."
"Right now, the public health aspect of the task force has diminished greatly," Fauci told the Post with Trump still in office.
The Hatch Act, passed in 1939, explicitly bars a federal employee from "us[ing] his official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result of an election." Fauci, the complaint said, "exceeded the mere exchange of opinions and in fact, participated in impermissible political activity."
"Despite personally categorizing similar statements as 'political' just days before," the group filing the complaint wrote, "Dr. Fauci nevertheless offered his evaluation of the Biden campaign's approach to the COVID-19 pandemic relative to the approach taken by President Trump and connected differences in the nation's likely health outcomes to the different approaches."
In a letter dated Jan. 3, the Office of Special Counsel issued its ruling on the group's complaint.
"OSC generally advises employees that it is best not to discuss candidates for partisan political office when speaking in their official capacity," Deputy Chief of the Hatch Act Unit Erica Hamrick wrote. But, she added, public testimony "must still show that the employee engaged in political activity to establish a Hatch Act violation."
"Here, while a close call, Dr. Fauci's comments, without more, do not appear to be directed at the electoral success or failure of either candidate," Hamrick ruled. "The timing of the interview coincided with the upcoming winter season and Dr. Fauci's assessment of the virus's impact leading into that season."
The Washington Post, Hamrick concluded, "may have written it from a particular perspective and tried to use Dr. Fauci's words to make a political point," but wrote "OSC cannot impute the author's intent."
Michael Chamberlain, the director of Protect the Public's Trust, said the group "respect[s] OSC's determination."
"Unfortunately, as the Office of Special Counsel noted, Dr. Fauci disregarded its best practices around the Hatch Act and enabled his official position to be used 'to make a political point' even if his motives were unclear," Chamberlain said in a press release.
Since the pandemic's inception, Fauci, the highest-paid employee across the federal government, has leveraged his White House role as a "political animal" to undercut the Trump administration and forge a media-manufactured consensus to prolong lockdowns.
In December, new emails surfaced that exposed Fauci colluding with National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins to discredit alternate approaches to approach the pandemic to lockdowns.
#15351582 at 2022-01-11 18:53:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19418: Ebake Fauci You need to Resign Edition
China did release covid INTENTIONALLY.
#15351533 at 2022-01-11 18:46:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19418: Ebake Fauci You need to Resign Edition
Twitter Suspends Project Veritas Social Media/Comms Director Eric Spracklen Less Than 24 Hours After Releasing DARPA Info Proving Dr. Fauci LIED Under Oath to Congress
Twitter has suspended the social media account of Project Veritas Social Media and Comms Director Eric Spracklen less than 24 hours after the group released military documents from DARPA showing that Dr. Anthony Fauci LIED under oath about Gain of Function research in wuhan.
Spracklen was the last leg on the platform for the Veritas group who's seen their CEO and founder James O'Keefe suspended, as well as others with the organization, including the Project Veritas Twitter account that had almost 1 million followers when the tech giant censored and silenced that account.
There is no denying or hiding that big tech and big Pharma, along with the United States government are doing everything in their power to cover up facts and truths about the coronavirus, the vaccines, and the facts.
Project Veritas released military documents from DARPA that proves conclusively that Dr. Fauci lied to Congress about gain of function in the wuhan labs.
Journalism and the truth at Twitter will not be tolerated, and the narrative must be met, Twitter has now suspended Matt Couch, Melissa Tate, Dr. Robert Malone, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and now Eric Spracklen in the last month.
#15351351 at 2022-01-11 18:25:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19418: Ebake Fauci You need to Resign Edition
BREAKING: GOP House Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails showing Dr. Fauci may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory.
#15351226 at 2022-01-11 18:09:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19418: Ebake Fauci You need to Resign Edition
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition Part One
>>15348855, >>15348858, >>15348883, >>15348911, >>15348943, >>15348956, >>15348985, >>15349002 Checkmate! Ghislaine & Prince Andrew - GCHQ, The Sun, Twitter, Images
>>15348869 Court won't block entire election 'investigation' subpoena, Wisconsin Judge Rejects Blocking Subpoena in GOP-Led Investigation of 2020 Election - TRIB Live, MSN
>>15348885, >>15348887, >>15348895, >>15348908, >>15348920, >>15348933, >>15348936, >>15349015, >>15349223, >>15349229, >>15349464 COVID Related Spread? CURES? - E Online, The Gateway Pundit, CBS, RT, Various
>>15348894 Turkish international footballer Ahmet Calik, 27, dies in a horror car crash after losing control and tumbling off-road while driving to arrange his wedding on a day off from Konyaspor training - Daily Mail
>>15348912 @DeptofDefense An aerial display. An @usairforce F-16 Fighting Falcon displays the American flag while preparing to be refueled. - USAF, DOD, Twitter, Image
>>15348920, >>15348928, >>15349007, >>15349025, >>15349030, >>15349065, >>15349071, >>15349076, >>15349077, >>15349078, >>15349080, >>15349082, >>15349083, >>15349103, >>15349120, >>15349238, >>15349360, >>15349244, >>15349254, >>15349317, >>15349326, >>15349331, >>15349346, >>15349363, >>15349371, >>15349382, >>15349390, >>15349415 , >>15349451, >>15349478, >>15349621, NEW:US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at wuhan Institute of Virology & Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci- Redstate, Project Veritas, You Tube
>>15348970 General Flynn: @RealGenFlynn Why Lie? - M.Flynn, Getter
>>15348977 The REAL Insurrection - RUMBLE
>>15348978 UK government is getting ripped apart by the UK media and public this morning after 'Partygate'. Watching Sky News, they're not holding back which is good to see. It certainly has a 'systematic destruction of the old guard' feeling to it.. - Daily Mail
>>15348979, >>15349006, >>15349019, >>15349032 Oh my Look what's trending #1 on google search.. 'grocery stores empty shelves' number one search on Google right now -, FOX5DC, Images
>>15348986, >>15349017 Texas Scientists Roll Out Patent-Free COVID-19 Vaccine, Protein-Based Corbevax Has No MRNA ~ Texas scientists rolled out a new COVID-19 vaccine, saying it's patent-free and can be produced by any manufacturer in any country. The vaccine, called Corbevax, was developed by the Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine. - OANN
>>15349008 From Flynns Telegram... Any Huntsville diggers about? - Dig Request
>>15349011 Kenya Power Says Nationwide Outage Caused By Collapse of One Its Towers - All Africa
>>15349021, >>15349022 #19414\1 & #19414\2
>>15349839 #19415
#15351225 at 2022-01-11 18:08:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19418: Ebake Fauci You need to Resign Edition
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
>>15349642 COMMS CHECK From LB DELTAS - USNavy, USFF, USNG, USMHQ, USArmy, Twitter
>>15349652, >>15349657 "Partnerships" - Biologicale, Wikipedia, Images
>>15349653 Bidan, COMMS - J.Biden, Twitter
>>15349655, >>15349662, >>15349959 1 Blank Page on the back? 16 page document produced today, right on schedule, almost like there is a plan! - Republicans Oversight
>>15349658, >>15349662, >>15349693, >>15349713, >>15349720, >>15349745, >>15349756, >>15349833, >>15349846, >>15349870, >>15349873, >>15349932, >>15350132, >>15350268, ,DECLASS COVID Dump and Discussion- Project Veritas, Washington Post, You Tube, Various
>>15349667 Senate Bill Would Force States To Pair Voter ID With Vaccine Passports - Zerohedge,
>>15349674, >>15349678, >>15349764, >>15349776, >>15349784, >>15349832, >>15349851, >>15349876, >>15349902, >>15349924, >>15349919, >>15349911, >>15349916, >>15350044, >>15350071, >>15350088,WATCH LIVE | Fauci, Walensky testify at Senate hearing on omicron variant
>>15349689, >>15349704, >>15349800, >>15350010, >>15350018 Old News Digz - Diplomat Magazine, Video
>>15349703, >>15349834, >>15349864 Qlock Talk - Images
>>15349706 Pompeo: We cannot allow citizens of foreign countries, who are not American citizens, to vote in American elections. - M.Pompeo, Fox News, Video
>>15349754 Kevin McCarthy: Chamber of Commerce 'Left' Republican Party 'A Long Time Ago,' Not Welcome Back ~ Kevin McCarthy WILL NOT be Speaker of the House no matter HOW MUCH free press the Mercers give him - Breitbart
>>15349763 Grassley: @ChuckGrassley Do u believe bipartisanship belongs in the US Senate where senators from all 50 states hv a voice on behalf of the ppl who elected them?? Democrats are hoping to blow bipartisanship up this wk Dems want to violate the Senate rules 2 change the rules - C.Grassley, Twitter
>>15349839, >>15349841 #19415\1 and #19415\2
>>15349867, >>15349948, >>15350061, >>15350064 PF Reports
>>15349877, >>15350308, >>15350318 "The Justice Department is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism, the department's top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday as he described an "elevated" threat from violent extremists in the United States." - US News
>>15349879 USArmy Retweeted: Defense Suicide Prevention Office @DSPO_BeThere: Your mission to protect this country is clear. What about protecting your mental well-being? - USArmy, DSPO, Twitter
>>15349884 DJTJr: "Lock him up! - DJTjr, Twitter
>>15349958, >>15349969 Arrested DEA Informant Who Financed Haiti Assassination Plot Says US APPROVED - You Tube
>>15349959 New Docs show Dr. Fauci may have concealed #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab - Republicans Oversight, GOPOversight, Twitter
>>15350290 Bidan: @POTUS United States government official Congratulations @GeorgiaFootball on your national championship! Your skill, grit, and determination show us what is possible - and how to win your school's first title in 41 years. I'm proud of you, Bulldogs.
>>15350301 LIVE: FL Gov DeSantis State of the State Address 1/11/22 - R.Desantis, RSBN, You Tube
>>15350339 #19416
#15351133 at 2022-01-11 17:55:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19417: Continued Lies from the Stand. Perjury. Among Others.... Edition
>>15351116 Oversight Members Release Emails of Fauci and NIH Officials Concealing Information on wuhan Lab Leak Theory from the American Public
#15351116 at 2022-01-11 17:53:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19417: Continued Lies from the Stand. Perjury. Among Others.... Edition
House GOP Oversight Members Release Emails of Fauci and NIH Officials Concealing Information on wuhan Lab Leak Theory from the American Public
The House Republican Oversight Committee members released never before seen emails showing Dr. Fauci "may have" concealed information about COVID-19 originating from the wuhan lab and then intentionally downplaying the lab leak theory publicly.
This is on top of the evidence we already have on Fauci and the lab leak.
3 pages
16 pages
#15350385 at 2022-01-11 16:41:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19417: Continued Lies from the Stand. Perjury. Among Others.... Edition
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition Part One
>>15348855, >>15348858, >>15348883, >>15348911, >>15348943, >>15348956, >>15348985, >>15349002 Checkmate! Ghislaine & Prince Andrew - GCHQ, The Sun, Twitter, Images
>>15348869 Court won't block entire election 'investigation' subpoena, Wisconsin Judge Rejects Blocking Subpoena in GOP-Led Investigation of 2020 Election - TRIB Live, MSN
>>15348885, >>15348887, >>15348895, >>15348908, >>15348920, >>15348933, >>15348936, >>15349015, >>15349223, >>15349229, >>15349464 COVID Related Spread? CURES? - E Online, The Gateway Pundit, CBS, RT, Various
>>15348894 Turkish international footballer Ahmet Calik, 27, dies in a horror car crash after losing control and tumbling off-road while driving to arrange his wedding on a day off from Konyaspor training - Daily Mail
>>15348912 @DeptofDefense An aerial display. An @usairforce F-16 Fighting Falcon displays the American flag while preparing to be refueled. - USAF, DOD, Twitter, Image
>>15348920, >>15348928, >>15349007, >>15349025, >>15349030, >>15349065, >>15349071, >>15349076, >>15349077, >>15349078, >>15349080, >>15349082, >>15349083, >>15349103, >>15349120, >>15349238, >>15349360, >>15349244, >>15349254, >>15349317, >>15349326, >>15349331, >>15349346, >>15349363, >>15349371, >>15349382, >>15349390, >>15349415 , >>15349451, >>15349478, >>15349621, NEW:US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at wuhan Institute of Virology & Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci- Redstate, Project Veritas, You Tube
>>15348970 General Flynn: @RealGenFlynn Why Lie? - M.Flynn, Getter
>>15348977 The REAL Insurrection - RUMBLE
>>15348978 UK government is getting ripped apart by the UK media and public this morning after 'Partygate'. Watching Sky News, they're not holding back which is good to see. It certainly has a 'systematic destruction of the old guard' feeling to it.. - Daily Mail
>>15348979, >>15349006, >>15349019, >>15349032 Oh my Look what's trending #1 on google search.. 'grocery stores empty shelves' number one search on Google right now -, FOX5DC, Images
>>15348986, >>15349017 Texas Scientists Roll Out Patent-Free COVID-19 Vaccine, Protein-Based Corbevax Has No MRNA ~ Texas scientists rolled out a new COVID-19 vaccine, saying it's patent-free and can be produced by any manufacturer in any country. The vaccine, called Corbevax, was developed by the Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine. - OANN
>>15349008 From Flynns Telegram... Any Huntsville diggers about? - Dig Request
>>15349011 Kenya Power Says Nationwide Outage Caused By Collapse of One Its Towers - All Africa
>>15349021, >>15349022 #19414\1 & #19414\2
>>15349839 #19415
#15350381 at 2022-01-11 16:41:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19417: Continued Lies from the Stand. Perjury. Among Others.... Edition
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
>>15349642 COMMS CHECK From LB DELTAS - USNavy, USFF, USNG, USMHQ, USArmy, Twitter
>>15349652, >>15349657 "Partnerships" - Biologicale, Wikipedia, Images
>>15349653 Bidan, COMMS - J.Biden, Twitter
>>15349655, >>15349662, >>15349959 1 Blank Page on the back? 16 page document produced today, right on schedule, almost like there is a plan! - Republicans Oversight
>>15349658, >>15349662, >>15349693, >>15349713, >>15349720, >>15349745, >>15349756, >>15349833, >>15349846, >>15349870, >>15349873, >>15349932, >>15350132, >>15350268, ,DECLASS COVID Dump and Discussion- Project Veritas, Washington Post, You Tube, Various
>>15349667 Senate Bill Would Force States To Pair Voter ID With Vaccine Passports - Zerohedge,
>>15349674, >>15349678, >>15349764, >>15349776, >>15349784, >>15349832, >>15349851, >>15349876, >>15349902, >>15349924, >>15349919, >>15349911, >>15349916, >>15350044, >>15350071, >>15350088,WATCH LIVE | Fauci, Walensky testify at Senate hearing on omicron variant
>>15349689, >>15349704, >>15349800, >>15350010, >>15350018 Old News Digz - Diplomat Magazine, Video
>>15349703, >>15349834, >>15349864 Qlock Talk - Images
>>15349706 Pompeo: We cannot allow citizens of foreign countries, who are not American citizens, to vote in American elections. - M.Pompeo, Fox News, Video
>>15349754 Kevin McCarthy: Chamber of Commerce 'Left' Republican Party 'A Long Time Ago,' Not Welcome Back ~ Kevin McCarthy WILL NOT be Speaker of the House no matter HOW MUCH free press the Mercers give him - Breitbart
>>15349763 Grassley: @ChuckGrassley Do u believe bipartisanship belongs in the US Senate where senators from all 50 states hv a voice on behalf of the ppl who elected them?? Democrats are hoping to blow bipartisanship up this wk Dems want to violate the Senate rules 2 change the rules - C.Grassley, Twitter
>>15349839, >>15349841 #19415\1 and #19415\2
>>15349867, >>15349948, >>15350061, >>15350064 PF Reports
>>15349877, >>15350308, >>15350318 "The Justice Department is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism, the department's top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday as he described an "elevated" threat from violent extremists in the United States." - US News
>>15349879 USArmy Retweeted: Defense Suicide Prevention Office @DSPO_BeThere: Your mission to protect this country is clear. What about protecting your mental well-being? - USArmy, DSPO, Twitter
>>15349884 DJTJr: "Lock him up! - DJTjr, Twitter
>>15349958, >>15349969 Arrested DEA Informant Who Financed Haiti Assassination Plot Says US APPROVED - You Tube
>>15349959 New Docs show Dr. Fauci may have concealed #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab - Republicans Oversight, GOPOversight, Twitter
>>15350290 Bidan: @POTUS United States government official Congratulations @GeorgiaFootball on your national championship! Your skill, grit, and determination show us what is possible - and how to win your school's first title in 41 years. I'm proud of you, Bulldogs.
>>15350301 LIVE: FL Gov DeSantis State of the State Address 1/11/22 - R.Desantis, RSBN, You Tube
>>15350339 #19416
#15350339 at 2022-01-11 16:38:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
>>15349629 (OP)
>>15349640, >>1535 Dough, Update
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
>>15349642 COMMS CHECK From LB DELTAS - USNavy, USFF, USNG, USMHQ, USArmy, Twitter
>>15349652, >>15349657 "Partnerships" - Biologicale, Wikipedia, Images
>>15349653 Bidan, COMMS - J.Biden, Twitter
>>15349655, >>15349662, >>15349959 1 Blank Page on the back? 16 page document produced today, right on schedule, almost like there is a plan! - Republicans Oversight
>>15349658, >>15349662, >>15349693, >>15349713, >>15349720, >>15349745, >>15349756, >>15349833, >>15349846, >>15349870, >>15349873, >>15349932, >>15350132, >>15350268, ,DECLASS COVID Dump and Discussion- Project Veritas, Washington Post, You Tube, Various
>>15349667 Senate Bill Would Force States To Pair Voter ID With Vaccine Passports - Zerohedge,
>>15349674, >>15349678, >>15349764, >>15349776, >>15349784, >>15349832, >>15349851, >>15349876, >>15349902, >>15349924, >>15349919, >>15349911, >>15349916, >>15350044, >>15350071, >>15350088,WATCH LIVE | Fauci, Walensky testify at Senate hearing on omicron variant
>>15349689, >>15349704, >>15349800, >>15350010, >>15350018 Old News Digz - Diplomat Magazine, Video
>>15349703, >>15349834, >>15349864 Qlock Talk - Images
>>15349706 Pompeo: We cannot allow citizens of foreign countries, who are not American citizens, to vote in American elections. - M.Pompeo, Fox News, Video
>>15349754 Kevin McCarthy: Chamber of Commerce 'Left' Republican Party 'A Long Time Ago,' Not Welcome Back ~ Kevin McCarthy WILL NOT be Speaker of the House no matter HOW MUCH free press the Mercers give him - Breitbart
>>15349763 Grassley: @ChuckGrassley Do u believe bipartisanship belongs in the US Senate where senators from all 50 states hv a voice on behalf of the ppl who elected them?? Democrats are hoping to blow bipartisanship up this wk Dems want to violate the Senate rules 2 change the rules - C.Grassley, Twitter
>>15349839, >>15349841 #19415\1 and #19415\2
>>15349867, >>15349948, >>15350061, >>15350064 PF Reports
>>15349877, >>15350308, >>15350318 "The Justice Department is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism, the department's top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday as he described an "elevated" threat from violent extremists in the United States." - US News
>>15349879 USArmy Retweeted: Defense Suicide Prevention Office @DSPO_BeThere: Your mission to protect this country is clear. What about protecting your mental well-being? - USArmy, DSPO, Twitter
>>15349884 DJTJr: "Lock him up! - DJTjr, Twitter
>>15349958, >>15349969 Arrested DEA Informant Who Financed Haiti Assassination Plot Says US APPROVED - You Tube
>>15349959 New Docs show Dr. Fauci may have concealed #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab - Republicans Oversight, GOPOversight, Twitter
>>15350290 Bidan: @POTUS United States government official Congratulations @GeorgiaFootball on your national championship! Your skill, grit, and determination show us what is possible - and how to win your school's first title in 41 years. I'm proud of you, Bulldogs.
>>15350301 LIVE: FL Gov DeSantis State of the State Address 1/11/22 - R.Desantis, RSBN, You Tube
#15350192 at 2022-01-11 16:18:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
>>15349629 (OP)
>>15349640, >>1535 Dough, Update
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
>>15349642 COMMS CHECK From LB DELTAS - USNavy, USFF, USNG, USMHQ, USArmy, Twitter
>>15349652, >>15349657 "Partnerships" - Biologicale, Wikipedia, Images
>>15349653 Bidan, COMMS - J.Biden, Twitter
>>15349655, >>15349662, >>15349959 1 Blank Page on the back? 16 page document produced today, right on schedule, almost like there is a plan! - Republicans Oversight
>>15349658, >>15349662, >>15349693, >>15349713, >>15349720, >>15349745, >>15349756, >>15349833, >>15349846, >>15349870, >>15349873, >>15349932, >>15350132,DECLASS COVID Dump and Discussion- Project Veritas, Washington Post, You Tube, Various
>>15349667 Senate Bill Would Force States To Pair Voter ID With Vaccine Passports - Zerohedge,
>>15349674, >>15349678, >>15349764, >>15349776, >>15349784, >>15349832, >>15349851, >>15349876, >>15349902, >>15349924, >>15349919, >>15349911, >>15349916, >>15350044, >>15350071, >>15350088,WATCH LIVE | Fauci, Walensky testify at Senate hearing on omicron variant
>>15349689, >>15349704, >>15349800, >>15350010, >>15350018 Old News Digz - Diplomat Magazine, Video
>>15349703, >>15349834, >>15349864 Qlock Talk - Images
>>15349706 Pompeo: We cannot allow citizens of foreign countries, who are not American citizens, to vote in American elections. - M.Pompeo, Fox News, Video
>>15349754 Kevin McCarthy: Chamber of Commerce 'Left' Republican Party 'A Long Time Ago,' Not Welcome Back ~ Kevin McCarthy WILL NOT be Speaker of the House no matter HOW MUCH free press the Mercers give him - Breitbart
>>15349763 Grassley: @ChuckGrassley Do u believe bipartisanship belongs in the US Senate where senators from all 50 states hv a voice on behalf of the ppl who elected them?? Democrats are hoping to blow bipartisanship up this wk Dems want to violate the Senate rules 2 change the rules - C.Grassley, Twitter
>>15349839, >>15349841 #19415\1 and #19415\2
>>15349867, >>15349948, >>15350061, >>15350064 PF Reports
>>15349877 "The Justice Department is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism, the department's top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday as he described an "elevated" threat from violent extremists in the United States." - US News
>>15349879 USArmy Retweeted: Defense Suicide Prevention Office @DSPO_BeThere: Your mission to protect this country is clear. What about protecting your mental well-being? - USArmy, DSPO, Twitter
>>15349884 DJTJr: "Lock him up! - DJTjr, Twitter
>>15349958, >>15349969 Arrested DEA Informant Who Financed Haiti Assassination Plot Says US APPROVED - You Tube
>>15349959 New Docs show Dr. Fauci may have concealed #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab - Republicans Oversight, GOPOversight, Twitter
>>15350184 I refuse to be a federal write-off patsy. Semper Supra!
#15350109 at 2022-01-11 16:09:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
>>15349629 (OP)
>>15349640, >>1535 Dough, Update
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
>>15349642 COMMS CHECK From LB DELTAS - USNavy, USFF, USNG, USMHQ, USArmy, Twitter
>>15349652, >>15349657 "Partnerships" - Biologicale, Wikipedia, Images
>>15349653 Bidan, COMMS - J.Biden, Twitter
>>15349655, >>15349662, >>15349959 1 Blank Page on the back? 16 page document produced today, right on schedule, almost like there is a plan! - Republicans Oversight
>>15349658, >>15349662, >>15349693, >>15349713, >>15349745, >>15349756, >>15349833, >>15349846, >>15349870, >>15349873, >>15349932,DECLASS COVID Dump and Discussion- Project Veritas, Washington Post, You Tube, Various
>>15349667 Senate Bill Would Force States To Pair Voter ID With Vaccine Passports - Zerohedge,
>>15349674, >>15349678, >>15349764, >>15349776, >>15349784, >>15349832, >>15349851, >>15349876, >>15349902, >>15349924, >>15349919, >>15349911, >>15349916, >>15350044, >>15350071, >>15350088,WATCH LIVE | Fauci, Walensky testify at Senate hearing on omicron variant
>>15349689, >>15349704, >>15349800, >>15350010, >>15350018 Old News Digz - Diplomat Magazine, Video
>>15349703, >>15349834, >>15349864 Qlock Talk - Images
>>15349706 Pompeo: We cannot allow citizens of foreign countries, who are not American citizens, to vote in American elections. - M.Pompeo, Fox News, Video
>>15349754 Kevin McCarthy: Chamber of Commerce 'Left' Republican Party 'A Long Time Ago,' Not Welcome Back ~ Kevin McCarthy WILL NOT be Speaker of the House no matter HOW MUCH free press the Mercers give him - Breitbart
>>15349763 Grassley: @ChuckGrassley Do u believe bipartisanship belongs in the US Senate where senators from all 50 states hv a voice on behalf of the ppl who elected them?? Democrats are hoping to blow bipartisanship up this wk Dems want to violate the Senate rules 2 change the rules - C.Grassley, Twitter
>>15349839, >>15349841 #19415\1 and #19415\2
>>15349867, >>15349948, >>15350061, >>15350064 PF Reports
>>15349877 "The Justice Department is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism, the department's top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday as he described an "elevated" threat from violent extremists in the United States." - US News
>>15349879 USArmy Retweeted: Defense Suicide Prevention Office @DSPO_BeThere: Your mission to protect this country is clear. What about protecting your mental well-being? - USArmy, DSPO, Twitter
>>15349884 DJTJr: "Lock him up! - DJTjr, Twitter
>>15349958, >>15349969 Arrested DEA Informant Who Financed Haiti Assassination Plot Says US APPROVED - You Tube
>>15349959 New Docs show Dr. Fauci may have concealed #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab - Republicans Oversight, GOPOversight, Twitter
#15350008 at 2022-01-11 15:57:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
>>15349959 New Docs show Dr. Fauci may have concealed #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab
#15349959 at 2022-01-11 15:51:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
We've released never before seen emails showing Dr. Fauci may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory.
@RepJamesComer & @Jim_Jordan want Fauci under oath. Time for answers. 1/2
To read excerpts of emails released today, click here. 2/2
Fauci might actually be fucked this time.
#15349839 at 2022-01-11 15:35:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
>>15348830 (OP)
>>15348836, >>15349033 Dough, Update
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition Part One
>>15348855, >>15348858, >>15348883, >>15348911, >>15348943, >>15348956, >>15348985, >>15349002 Checkmate! Ghislaine & Prince Andrew - GCHQ, The Sun, Twitter, Images
>>15348869 Court won't block entire election 'investigation' subpoena, Wisconsin Judge Rejects Blocking Subpoena in GOP-Led Investigation of 2020 Election - TRIB Live, MSN
>>15348885, >>15348887, >>15348895, >>15348908, >>15348920, >>15348933, >>15348936, >>15349015, >>15349223, >>15349229, >>15349464 COVID Related Spread? CURES? - E Online, The Gateway Pundit, CBS, RT, Various
>>15348894 Turkish international footballer Ahmet Calik, 27, dies in a horror car crash after losing control and tumbling off-road while driving to arrange his wedding on a day off from Konyaspor training - Daily Mail
>>15348912 @DeptofDefense An aerial display. An @usairforce F-16 Fighting Falcon displays the American flag while preparing to be refueled. - USAF, DOD, Twitter, Image
>>15348920, >>15348928, >>15349007, >>15349025, >>15349030, >>15349065, >>15349071, >>15349076, >>15349077, >>15349078, >>15349080, >>15349082, >>15349083, >>15349103, >>15349120, >>15349238, >>15349360, >>15349244, >>15349254, >>15349317, >>15349326, >>15349331, >>15349346, >>15349363, >>15349371, >>15349382, >>15349390, >>15349415 , >>15349451, >>15349478, >>15349621, NEW:US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at wuhan Institute of Virology & Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci- Redstate, Project Veritas, You Tube
>>15348970 General Flynn: @RealGenFlynn Why Lie? - M.Flynn, Getter
>>15348977 The REAL Insurrection - RUMBLE
>>15348978 UK government is getting ripped apart by the UK media and public this morning after 'Partygate'. Watching Sky News, they're not holding back which is good to see. It certainly has a 'systematic destruction of the old guard' feeling to it.. - Daily Mail
>>15348979, >>15349006, >>15349019, >>15349032 Oh my Look what's trending #1 on google search.. 'grocery stores empty shelves' number one search on Google right now -, FOX5DC, Images
>>15348986, >>15349017 Texas Scientists Roll Out Patent-Free COVID-19 Vaccine, Protein-Based Corbevax Has No MRNA ~ Texas scientists rolled out a new COVID-19 vaccine, saying it's patent-free and can be produced by any manufacturer in any country. The vaccine, called Corbevax, was developed by the Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine. - OANN
>>15349008 From Flynns Telegram... Any Huntsville diggers about? - Dig Request
>>15349011 Kenya Power Says Nationwide Outage Caused By Collapse of One Its Towers - All Africa
>>15349021, >>15349022 #19414\1 & #19414\2
#15349689 at 2022-01-11 15:11:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
And the Wind Cries Jeffrey: Biohacking Humans with DNA, Nanotechnology, IoT and 5G
Could it be that the "vaccines" they want to push on us, using the corona pandemic as a pretext, are connected to some kind of a deranged transhumanistic scenario? Apparently, Jeffrey Epstein had a maniacal goal to seed the entire human race with his DNA. If I read between the lines correctly, the fulfilment of this "deed" would take injecting his genetic code into the DNA of every human.
However, spreading his genetic footprint on the whole of humanity by impregnating a bunch of rape victims or prostitutes, as was indicated by his loose talk, did not seem realistic.
It is well known that he used to hang out with prominent scientists from Harvard, MIT, etc. So, why did he so lavishly fund synthetic biology and genetic engineering?
Jeffrey Epstein and biotech research
Epstein not only donated his own funds, but also served as "an intermediary (with) other wealthy donors, soliciting millions of dollars in donations from individuals and organizations, including the technologist and philanthropist Bill Gates and the investor Leon Black." By and large, the beneficiaries of his largesse had a deeper fund-raising relationshipwith him than they were willing to admit, and did their best to conceal the extents of their contacts.
Numerous Harvard geneticists, including George Church, have accepted Epstein donations. He has since then, like many others, issued an apology. However, knowing what we know today, we should not take either their judgement or motives as valid. We should also make note of the fact that the same George Church appeared as a member of the anti-corona genetics team.
In another example, a Harvard scientist named Charles Lieber took "generous" donations from Epstein. The same Charles Lieber was arrested for the undisclosed wuhan - Harvard connection, i.e. for setting up a secret biotech lab in China, allegedly to bypass the US regulations on biowarfare research.
More at: https://diplomatmagazine.eu/2020/06/07/and-the-wind-cries-jeffrey-biohacking-humans-with-dna-nanotechnology-iot-and-5g/
#15349662 at 2022-01-11 15:05:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
BREAKING: GOP House Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails showing Dr. Fauci may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory. https://t.co/gDSBii6bBP
#15349636 at 2022-01-11 14:57:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19416: Military Intervention in America Next? Edition
#19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
>>15345679 President Trump on 2020 election: 'The numbers are conclusive, and the fraudulent irregular votes are massive'
>>15345696, >>15345741, >>15345752 International Criminal Court filing on December 6 against Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code
>>15345704 Fauci Spent Your Tax Dollars Studying Transgender Monkeys
>>15345711, >>15345729 Its beginning to look a lot like genocide (Cap X2)
>>15345739, >>15345746, >>15345757, >>15345765, >>15345850 Kazakhstan and Federal RePORTER
>>15345750 Feds Blew $100 Billion on Extra Hospital Beds, Got FEWER Hospital Beds
>>15345787, >>15346102, >>15346142 Fed Vice Chair Clarida to step down early following scrutiny over his trades during pandemic
>>15345785, >>15345810 What message works psychologically in order to get a population to participate in an untested medical experiment? OTHERS list
>>15345828 Moderna CEO Calls For 4th Booster After Stock Tumble
>>15345846 California Governor Newsom Wants Health Coverage For All Illegal Aliens
>>15345884 FAKE NEWS John Catsimatidis supermarket CEO warns of meat, egg shortages as Omicron disrupts supply chain
>>15345925 List of Communist Jewish attackers over Russia. Russia that their Jewish brothers & sisters control
>>15345969, >>15346007 I'm asking we collectively stop paying an OPTIONAL TAX
>>15346012 Looking for a job? Project Veritas
>>15346030 SAM088 Up out of San Antonio (Lockland AFB) Mapping Q088
>>15346031 Clockfag today is 11.3 on the clock
>>15346042, >>15346195 US surgeons have successfully implanted a heart from a genetically modified pig in a human patient
>>15346095 PROTOCOL No. 17, pg. 41 WE SHALL DESTROY THE CLERGY, Ever notice the "Usual Suspects always have the same target?
>>15346125 Recent Podcast Shows Bob Saget Telling Fan: "I went to the pharmacy the other day and I got my booster shot" [VIDEO]
>>15346132 Temporary Empty Shelves Are Not a Supply Chain Crisis, It Is Important to Understand the Difference
>>15346134, >>15346222 The Expose
>>15346152, >>15346158, >>15346173 CDC Finally Admits 75 Percent of COVID Deaths Happen in Patients "With at least Four or More Comorbidities"
>>15346168, >>15346269 Brandon Brown Signs 8 Figure Deal With Let's Go Brandon Coin, DESPITE NASCAR BAN
>>15346206 Iowa Is Defying Biden's OSHA Vaccine Mandate, Regardless of What SCOTUS Decides | Townhall
>>15346225 Group of Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote
>>15346244 Corrupt Delaware Governor signs mask mandate for indoor public settings
>>15346253 Omicron, which is a head cold that confers SARSCOV2 immunity to all variants,
>>15346259 Former Los Angeles City Attorney's Official in Charge of Civil Litigation Agrees to Plead Guilty to Extortion Charge
>>15346280 Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Luc Montagnier: Omicron Makes Biden's Vaccine Mandates Obsolete
>>15346220, >>15346295, >>15346273, >>15346295, >>15346319, >>15346321, >>15346324, >>15346338, >>15346369, >>15346361, >>15346421 Fullhouse, Panda, Epstein island temple blue and white stripes photo, Seth Rich
>>15346305 Google, Gates, Soros Fund Pro-Vax Catholics
>>15346330 wuhan Lab Job Applications Open Only To Candidates 'Supporting' Communist Party, 'Willing To Serve Socialist' Goals.
>>15346333 I love you guys. This place has not changed at all. This is the most stubborn bunch of mf'ers on the internet.
>>15346413 Perlmutter will be the 26th Democrat to call it quits, Another one gone
>>15346422 Virginia Governor Declares 30-Day State of Emergency
>>15346401 Project Veritas dropping Fauci bomb 8pm tonight
>>15346488 #19411
#15349588 at 2022-01-11 14:46:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
Oversight Committee Republicans
? 16m
We've released never before seen emails showing Dr. Fauci may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory.
@RepJamesComer & @Jim_Jordan want Fauci under oath. Time for answers.
#15349573 at 2022-01-11 14:43:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
Where is the isolation of this virus? Has patient zero ever been identified? Where is the proof that the origin is wuhan? The frankenstein is evil but it is going to be real hard to prove this to a normie.
#15349557 at 2022-01-11 14:41:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
You mean besides him approving the funding for the work they were doing in wuhan?
#15349244 at 2022-01-11 13:28:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
Department of Defense confirms:
Virus created at wuhan Institute of Virology with funding from EcoHealth Alliance.
Details have been CONCEALED since the pandemic began.
Masks and mRNA vaccines don't work.
Early treatment protocols (therapeutics like HCQ, Ivermectin) are CURES.
Twitter banned Project Veritas = OVER THE TARGET.
#15349126 at 2022-01-11 12:57:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
Yea in late 2019 they started noticing the virus around wuhan…
but that article is from january 2019 & where it mentioned Coronavirus has nothing to do with sickness but has everything to do with shutdowns & it speaks about Kobe & how he thinks the birth rate needs to be increased…
i know im not being a nigger noticing this
#15349082 at 2022-01-11 12:40:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
.."The proposal is considered to potentially involve [gain-of-function] research because they propose to synthesize spike glycoproteins which bind to human cell receptors and insert them into SARSr-CoV backbones to assess whether they can cause SARS-like disease," DARPA wrote, adding, "The proposal hardly addresses or discusses ethical, legal, and social issues."
DARPA further warned, "It is clear that the proposed DEFUSE project led by Peter Daszak could have put local communities at risk."
DARPA spokesman Jared Adams neither confirmed nor disputed the authenticity of the documents released by DRASTIC. However, he did say that his agency has never funded research associated with EcoHealth Alliance or the wuhan Institute of Virology.
#15349077 at 2022-01-11 12:39:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
The Pentagon's research and development arm rejected a multimillion-dollar proposal by EcoHealth Alliance's Peter Daszak in 2018 over concerns the experiments involved gain-of-function research and "could have put local communities at risk."
Daszak, a longtime collaborator with China's wuhan Institute of Virology, has dismissed as conspiracy theories the possibility that COVID-19 was created through gain-of-function research. But the online sleuth group DRASTIC released documents from EcoHealth Alliance's "DEFUSE Project" last month, revealing a March 2018 proposal to Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) seeking $14.2 million for research to make bat viruses more dangerous.
"Our goal is to analyze, predict, then 'DEFUSE' the spillover potential of novel bat-origin high-risk SARSr-COVs in Southeast Asia," read Daszak's proposal. "This will safeguard the U.S. warfighter."
The proposal called for inserting spike proteins that could bind to human cells into "SARSr-CoV backbones" and said, "We will introduce appropriate human-specific cleavage sites and evaluate growth potential in Vero cells and human airway epithelial cells cultures."
DARPA rejected the proposal, saying it potentially involved the controversial gain-of-function research, which entails manipulating viruses to make them more transmissible and was restricted by the U.S. government at the time.
#15349068 at 2022-01-11 12:38:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
>>15348830 (OP)
>>15348836, >>15349033 Dough, Update
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
>>15348855, >>15348858, >>15348883, >>15348911, >>15348943, >>15348956, >>15348985, >>15349002 Checkmate! Ghislaine & Prince Andrew - GCHQ, The Sun, Twitter, Images
>>15348869 Court won't block entire election 'investigation' subpoena, Wisconsin Judge Rejects Blocking Subpoena in GOP-Led Investigation of 2020 Election - TRIB Live, MSN
>>15348885, >>15348887, >>15348895, >>15348908, >>15348920, >>15348933, >>15348936, >>15349015 COVID Related Spread? CURES? - E Online, The Gateway Pundit, CBS, RT, Various
>>15348894 Turkish international footballer Ahmet Calik, 27, dies in a horror car crash after losing control and tumbling off-road while driving to arrange his wedding on a day off from Konyaspor training - Daily Mail
>>15348912 @DeptofDefense An aerial display. An @usairforce F-16 Fighting Falcon displays the American flag while preparing to be refueled. - USAF, DOD, Twitter, Image
>>15348920, >>15348928, >>15349007, >>15349025, >>15349030, >>15349065,NEW: US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at wuhan Institute of Virology & Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci(doubled this one, pretty big I dunno…) - Redstate, Project Veritas, You Tube
>>15348970 General Flynn: @RealGenFlynn Why Lie? - M.Flynn, Getter
>>15348977 The REAL Insurrection - RUMBLE
>>15348978 UK government is getting ripped apart by the UK media and public this morning after 'Partygate'. Watching Sky News, they're not holding back which is good to see. It certainly has a 'systematic destruction of the old guard' feeling to it.. - Daily Mail
>>15348979, >>15349006, >>15349019, >>15349032 Oh my Look what's trending #1 on google search.. 'grocery stores empty shelves' number one search on Google right now -, FOX5DC, Images
>>15348986, >>15349017 Texas Scientists Roll Out Patent-Free COVID-19 Vaccine, Protein-Based Corbevax Has No MRNA ~ Texas scientists rolled out a new COVID-19 vaccine, saying it's patent-free and can be produced by any manufacturer in any country. The vaccine, called Corbevax, was developed by the Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine. - OANN
>>15349008 From Flynns Telegram... Any Huntsville diggers about? - Dig Request
>>15349011 Kenya Power Says Nationwide Outage Caused By Collapse of One Its Towers - All Africa
>>15349021, >>15349022 #19414\1 & #19414\2
>>15349028 PF Reports
>>15349060 protesting at Toronto Police HQ ~ blasting the music in doors - You Tube
Anon will try to keep track of the bake.
YUGE Media Blackout on Current Events right now it appears.
Turkey… Erdogone?
#15349023 at 2022-01-11 12:16:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
>>15348830 (OP)
>>15348836 Dough
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
>>15348855, >>15348858, >>15348883, >>15348911, >>15348943, >>15348956, >>15348985, >>15349002 Checkmate! Ghislaine & Prince Andrew - GCHQ, The Sun, Twitter, Images
>>15348869 Court won't block entire election 'investigation' subpoena, Wisconsin Judge Rejects Blocking Subpoena in GOP-Led Investigation of 2020 Election - TRIB Live, MSN
>>15348885, >>15348887, >>15348895, >>15348908, >>15348920, >>15348933, >>15348936, >>15349015 COVID Related Spread? CURES? - E Online, The Gateway Pundit, CBS, RT, Various
>>15348894 Turkish international footballer Ahmet Calik, 27, dies in a horror car crash after losing control and tumbling off-road while driving to arrange his wedding on a day off from Konyaspor training - Daily Mail
>>15348912 @DeptofDefense An aerial display. An @usairforce F-16 Fighting Falcon displays the American flag while preparing to be refueled. - USAF, DOD, Twitter, Image
>>15348920, >>15348928, >>15349007,NEW: US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at wuhan Institute of Virology & Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci(doubled this one, pretty big I dunno…) - Redstate, Project Veritas, You Tube
>>15348970 General Flynn: @RealGenFlynn Why Lie? - M.Flynn, Getter
>>15348977 The REAL Insurrection - RUMBLE
>>15348978 UK government is getting ripped apart by the UK media and public this morning after 'Partygate'. Watching Sky News, they're not holding back which is good to see. It certainly has a 'systematic destruction of the old guard' feeling to it.. - Daily Mail
>>15348979, >>15349006
Oh my Look what's trending #1 on google search.. 'grocery stores empty shelves' number one search on Google right now - Image
>>15348986 Texas Scientists Roll Out Patent-Free COVID-19 Vaccine, Protein-Based Corbevax Has No MRNA ~ Texas scientists rolled out a new COVID-19 vaccine, saying it's patent-free and can be produced by any manufacturer in any country. The vaccine, called Corbevax, was developed by the Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine. - OANN
>>15349008 From Flynns Telegram... Any Huntsville diggers about? - Dig Request
>>15349011 Kenya Power Says Nationwide Outage Caused By Collapse of One Its Towers - All Africa
#15348920 at 2022-01-11 11:22:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
NEW: US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at wuhan Institute of Virology
#15348833 at 2022-01-11 10:13:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19415: Erection Fraud, Epstein~Ghislaine &Kazakhstan Now VeritasMil.exe? Edition
#19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
>>15345679 President Trump on 2020 election: 'The numbers are conclusive, and the fraudulent irregular votes are massive'
>>15345696, >>15345741, >>15345752 International Criminal Court filing on December 6 against Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code
>>15345704 Fauci Spent Your Tax Dollars Studying Transgender Monkeys
>>15345711, >>15345729 Its beginning to look a lot like genocide (Cap X2)
>>15345739, >>15345746, >>15345757, >>15345765, >>15345850 Kazakhstan and Federal RePORTER
>>15345750 Feds Blew $100 Billion on Extra Hospital Beds, Got FEWER Hospital Beds
>>15345787, >>15346102, >>15346142 Fed Vice Chair Clarida to step down early following scrutiny over his trades during pandemic
>>15345785, >>15345810 What message works psychologically in order to get a population to participate in an untested medical experiment? OTHERS list
>>15345828 Moderna CEO Calls For 4th Booster After Stock Tumble
>>15345846 California Governor Newsom Wants Health Coverage For All Illegal Aliens
>>15345884 FAKE NEWS John Catsimatidis supermarket CEO warns of meat, egg shortages as Omicron disrupts supply chain
>>15345925 List of Communist Jewish attackers over Russia. Russia that their Jewish brothers & sisters control
>>15345969, >>15346007 I'm asking we collectively stop paying an OPTIONAL TAX
>>15346012 Looking for a job? Project Veritas
>>15346030 SAM088 Up out of San Antonio (Lockland AFB) Mapping Q088
>>15346031 Clockfag today is 11.3 on the clock
>>15346042, >>15346195 US surgeons have successfully implanted a heart from a genetically modified pig in a human patient
>>15346095 PROTOCOL No. 17, pg. 41 WE SHALL DESTROY THE CLERGY, Ever notice the "Usual Suspects always have the same target?
>>15346125 Recent Podcast Shows Bob Saget Telling Fan: "I went to the pharmacy the other day and I got my booster shot" [VIDEO]
>>15346132 Temporary Empty Shelves Are Not a Supply Chain Crisis, It Is Important to Understand the Difference
>>15346134, >>15346222 The Expose
>>15346152, >>15346158, >>15346173 CDC Finally Admits 75 Percent of COVID Deaths Happen in Patients "With at least Four or More Comorbidities"
>>15346168, >>15346269 Brandon Brown Signs 8 Figure Deal With Let's Go Brandon Coin, DESPITE NASCAR BAN
>>15346206 Iowa Is Defying Biden's OSHA Vaccine Mandate, Regardless of What SCOTUS Decides | Townhall
>>15346225 Group of Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote
>>15346244 Corrupt Delaware Governor signs mask mandate for indoor public settings
>>15346253 Omicron, which is a head cold that confers SARSCOV2 immunity to all variants,
>>15346259 Former Los Angeles City Attorney's Official in Charge of Civil Litigation Agrees to Plead Guilty to Extortion Charge
>>15346280 Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Luc Montagnier: Omicron Makes Biden's Vaccine Mandates Obsolete
>>15346220, >>15346295, >>15346273, >>15346295, >>15346319, >>15346321, >>15346324, >>15346338, >>15346369, >>15346361, >>15346421 Fullhouse, Panda, Epstein island temple blue and white stripes photo, Seth Rich
>>15346305 Google, Gates, Soros Fund Pro-Vax Catholics
>>15346330 wuhan Lab Job Applications Open Only To Candidates 'Supporting' Communist Party, 'Willing To Serve Socialist' Goals.
>>15346333 I love you guys. This place has not changed at all. This is the most stubborn bunch of mf'ers on the internet.
>>15346413 Perlmutter will be the 26th Democrat to call it quits, Another one gone
>>15346422 Virginia Governor Declares 30-Day State of Emergency
>>15346401 Project Veritas dropping Fauci bomb 8pm tonight
>>15346488 #19411
#15348040 at 2022-01-11 04:51:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19414: Project Veritas Exposes FAUCI: Military Gain Of Function BOOM Edition
#19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
>>15345679 President Trump on 2020 election: 'The numbers are conclusive, and the fraudulent irregular votes are massive'
>>15345696, >>15345741, >>15345752 International Criminal Court filing on December 6 against Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code
>>15345704 Fauci Spent Your Tax Dollars Studying Transgender Monkeys
>>15345711, >>15345729 Its beginning to look a lot like genocide (Cap X2)
>>15345739, >>15345746, >>15345757, >>15345765, >>15345850 Kazakhstan and Federal RePORTER
>>15345750 Feds Blew $100 Billion on Extra Hospital Beds, Got FEWER Hospital Beds
>>15345787, >>15346102, >>15346142 Fed Vice Chair Clarida to step down early following scrutiny over his trades during pandemic
>>15345785, >>15345810 What message works psychologically in order to get a population to participate in an untested medical experiment? OTHERS list
>>15345828 Moderna CEO Calls For 4th Booster After Stock Tumble
>>15345846 California Governor Newsom Wants Health Coverage For All Illegal Aliens
>>15345884 FAKE NEWS John Catsimatidis supermarket CEO warns of meat, egg shortages as Omicron disrupts supply chain
>>15345925 List of Communist Jewish attackers over Russia. Russia that their Jewish brothers & sisters control
>>15345969, >>15346007 I'm asking we collectively stop paying an OPTIONAL TAX
>>15346012 Looking for a job? Project Veritas
>>15346030 SAM088 Up out of San Antonio (Lockland AFB) Mapping Q088
>>15346031 Clockfag today is 11.3 on the clock
>>15346042, >>15346195 US surgeons have successfully implanted a heart from a genetically modified pig in a human patient
>>15346095 PROTOCOL No. 17, pg. 41 WE SHALL DESTROY THE CLERGY, Ever notice the "Usual Suspects always have the same target?
>>15346125 Recent Podcast Shows Bob Saget Telling Fan: "I went to the pharmacy the other day and I got my booster shot" [VIDEO]
>>15346132 Temporary Empty Shelves Are Not a Supply Chain Crisis, It Is Important to Understand the Difference
>>15346134, >>15346222 The Expose
>>15346152, >>15346158, >>15346173 CDC Finally Admits 75 Percent of COVID Deaths Happen in Patients "With at least Four or More Comorbidities"
>>15346168, >>15346269 Brandon Brown Signs 8 Figure Deal With Let's Go Brandon Coin, DESPITE NASCAR BAN
>>15346206 Iowa Is Defying Biden's OSHA Vaccine Mandate, Regardless of What SCOTUS Decides | Townhall
>>15346225 Group of Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote
>>15346244 Corrupt Delaware Governor signs mask mandate for indoor public settings
>>15346253 Omicron, which is a head cold that confers SARSCOV2 immunity to all variants,
>>15346259 Former Los Angeles City Attorney's Official in Charge of Civil Litigation Agrees to Plead Guilty to Extortion Charge
>>15346280 Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Luc Montagnier: Omicron Makes Biden's Vaccine Mandates Obsolete
>>15346220, >>15346295, >>15346273, >>15346295, >>15346319, >>15346321, >>15346324, >>15346338, >>15346369, >>15346361, >>15346421 Fullhouse, Panda, Epstein island temple blue and white stripes photo, Seth Rich
>>15346305 Google, Gates, Soros Fund Pro-Vax Catholics
>>15346330 wuhan Lab Job Applications Open Only To Candidates 'Supporting' Communist Party, 'Willing To Serve Socialist' Goals.
>>15346333 I love you guys. This place has not changed at all. This is the most stubborn bunch of mf'ers on the internet.
>>15346413 Perlmutter will be the 26th Democrat to call it quits, Another one gone
>>15346422 Virginia Governor Declares 30-Day State of Emergency
>>15346401 Project Veritas dropping Fauci bomb 8pm tonight
>>15346488 #19411
#15347737 at 2022-01-11 03:55:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19413: It's beginning to look a lot like Genocide… Edition
#15347431 at 2022-01-11 03:04:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19413: It's beginning to look a lot like Genocide… Edition
Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci
- Military documents state that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the gain of function research moratorium.
- The main report regarding the EcoHealth Alliance proposal leaked on the internet a couple of months ago, it has remained unverified until now. Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.
- "The proposal does not mention or assess potential risks of Gain of Function (GoF) research," a direct quote from the DARPA rejection letter.
- Project Veritas reached out to DARPA for comment regarding the hidden documents and spoke with the Chief of Communications, Jared Adams, who said, "It doesn't sound normal to me," when asked about the way the documents were buried.
[WASHINGTON, D.C. - Jan. 10, 2022] Project Veritas has obtained startling never-before-seen documents regarding the origins of COVID-19, gain of function research, vaccines, potential treatments which have been suppressed, and the government's effort to conceal all of this.
The documents in question stem from a report at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA, which were hidden in a top secret shared drive.
DARPA is an agency under the U.S. Department of Defense in charge of facilitating research in technology with potential military applications.
Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.
The report states that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the basis gain of function research moratorium.
According to the documents, NIAID, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, went ahead with the research in wuhan, China and at several sites across the U.S.
Dr. Fauci has repeatedly maintained, under oath, that the NIH and NAIAD have not been involved in gain of function research with the EcoHealth Alliance program. But according to the documents obtained by Project Veritas which outline why EcoHealth Alliance's proposal was rejected, DARPA certainly classified the research as gain of function.
"The proposal does not mention or assess potential risks of Gain of Function (GoF) research," a direct quote from the DARPA rejection letter.
Major Murphy's report goes on to detail great concern over the COVID-19 gain of function program, the concealment of documents, the suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the mRNA vaccines.
Project Veritas reached out to DARPA for comment regarding the hidden documents and spoke with the Chief of Communications, Jared Adams, who said, "It doesn't sound normal to me," when asked about the way the documents were shrouded in secrecy. "If something resides in a classified setting, then it should be appropriately marked," Adams said. "I'm not at all familiar with unmarked documents that reside in a classified space, no."
In a video breaking this story published on Monday night, Project Veritas CEO, James O'Keefe, asked a foundational question to DARPA:
"Who at DARPA made the decision to bury the original report? They could have raised red flags to the Pentagon, the White House, or Congress, which may have prevented this entire pandemic that has led to the deaths of 5.4 million people worldwide and caused much pain and suffering to many millions more."
#15347309 at 2022-01-11 02:45:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19413: It's beginning to look a lot like Genocide… Edition
#19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
>>15345679 President Trump on 2020 election: 'The numbers are conclusive, and the fraudulent irregular votes are massive'
>>15345696, >>15345741, >>15345752 International Criminal Court filing on December 6 against Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code
>>15345704 Fauci Spent Your Tax Dollars Studying Transgender Monkeys
>>15345711, >>15345729 Its beginning to look a lot like genocide (Cap X2)
>>15345739, >>15345746, >>15345757, >>15345765, >>15345850 Kazakhstan and Federal RePORTER
>>15345750 Feds Blew $100 Billion on Extra Hospital Beds, Got FEWER Hospital Beds
>>15345787, >>15346102, >>15346142 Fed Vice Chair Clarida to step down early following scrutiny over his trades during pandemic
>>15345785, >>15345810 What message works psychologically in order to get a population to participate in an untested medical experiment? OTHERS list
>>15345828 Moderna CEO Calls For 4th Booster After Stock Tumble
>>15345846 California Governor Newsom Wants Health Coverage For All Illegal Aliens
>>15345884 FAKE NEWS John Catsimatidis supermarket CEO warns of meat, egg shortages as Omicron disrupts supply chain
>>15345925 List of Communist Jewish attackers over Russia. Russia that their Jewish brothers & sisters control
>>15345969, >>15346007 I'm asking we collectively stop paying an OPTIONAL TAX
>>15346012 Looking for a job? Project Veritas
>>15346030 SAM088 Up out of San Antonio (Lockland AFB) Mapping Q088
>>15346031 Clockfag today is 11.3 on the clock
>>15346042, >>15346195 US surgeons have successfully implanted a heart from a genetically modified pig in a human patient
>>15346095 PROTOCOL No. 17, pg. 41 WE SHALL DESTROY THE CLERGY, Ever notice the "Usual Suspects always have the same target?
>>15346125 Recent Podcast Shows Bob Saget Telling Fan: "I went to the pharmacy the other day and I got my booster shot" [VIDEO]
>>15346132 Temporary Empty Shelves Are Not a Supply Chain Crisis, It Is Important to Understand the Difference
>>15346134, >>15346222 The Expose
>>15346152, >>15346158, >>15346173 CDC Finally Admits 75 Percent of COVID Deaths Happen in Patients "With at least Four or More Comorbidities"
>>15346168, >>15346269 Brandon Brown Signs 8 Figure Deal With Let's Go Brandon Coin, DESPITE NASCAR BAN
>>15346206 Iowa Is Defying Biden's OSHA Vaccine Mandate, Regardless of What SCOTUS Decides | Townhall
>>15346225 Group of Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote
>>15346244 Corrupt Delaware Governor signs mask mandate for indoor public settings
>>15346253 Omicron, which is a head cold that confers SARSCOV2 immunity to all variants,
>>15346259 Former Los Angeles City Attorney's Official in Charge of Civil Litigation Agrees to Plead Guilty to Extortion Charge
>>15346280 Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Luc Montagnier: Omicron Makes Biden's Vaccine Mandates Obsolete
>>15346220, >>15346295, >>15346273, >>15346295, >>15346319, >>15346321, >>15346324, >>15346338, >>15346369, >>15346361, >>15346421 Fullhouse, Panda, Epstein island temple blue and white stripes photo, Seth Rich
>>15346305 Google, Gates, Soros Fund Pro-Vax Catholics
>>15346330 wuhan Lab Job Applications Open Only To Candidates 'Supporting' Communist Party, 'Willing To Serve Socialist' Goals.
>>15346333 I love you guys. This place has not changed at all. This is the most stubborn bunch of mf'ers on the internet.
>>15346413 Perlmutter will be the 26th Democrat to call it quits, Another one gone
>>15346422 Virginia Governor Declares 30-Day State of Emergency
>>15346401 Project Veritas dropping Fauci bomb 8pm tonight
>>15346488 #19411
#15347231 at 2022-01-11 02:37:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19412: Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote Editi
Get it while you can
Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci
Jan 10, 2022
Project Veritas
1.42M subscribers
- Military documents state that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018 seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the gain of function research moratorium.
- The main report regarding the EcoHealth Alliance proposal leaked on the internet a couple of months ago, it has remained unverified until now. Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.
- "The proposal does not mention or assess potential risks of Gain of Function (GoF) research," a direct quote from the DARPA rejection letter.
- Project Veritas reached out to DARPA for comment regarding the hidden documents and spoke with the Chief of Communications, Jared Adams, who said, "It doesn't sound normal to me," when asked about the way the documents were buried.
[WASHINGTON, D.C. - Jan. 10, 2022] Project Veritas has obtained startling never-before-seen documents regarding the origins of COVID-19, gain of function research, vaccines, potential treatments which have been suppressed, and the government's effort to conceal all of this.
The documents in question stem from a report at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA, which were hidden in a top secret shared drive.
DARPA is an agency under the U.S. Department of Defense in charge of facilitating research in technology with potential military applications.
Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.
The report states that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the basis gain of function research moratorium.
According to the documents, NIAID, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, went ahead with the research in wuhan, China and at several sites across the U.S.
Dr. Fauci has repeatedly maintained, under oath, that the NIH and NAIAD have not been involved in gain of function research with the EcoHealth Alliance program. But according to the documents obtained by Project Veritas which outline why EcoHealth Alliance's proposal was rejected, DARPA certainly classified the research as gain of function.
"The proposal does not mention or assess potential risks of Gain of Function (GoF) research," a direct quote from the DARPA rejection letter.
Major Murphy's report goes on to detail great concern over the COVID-19 gain of function program, the concealment of documents, the suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the mRNA vaccines.
Project Veritas reached out to DARPA for comment regarding the hidden documents and spoke with the Chief of Communications, Jared Adams, who said, "It doesn't sound normal to me," when asked about the way the documents were shrouded in secrecy. "If something resides in a classified setting, then it should be appropriately marked," Adams said. "I'm not at all familiar with unmarked documents that reside in a classified space, no."
In a video breaking this story published on Monday night, Project Veritas CEO, James O'Keefe, asked a foundational question to DARPA:
"Who at DARPA made the decision to bury the original report? They could have raised red flags to the Pentagon, the White House, or Congress, which may have prevented this entire pandemic that has led to the deaths of 5.4 million people worldwide and caused much pain and suffering to many millions more."
Dr. Anthony Fauci has not yet responded to a request for comment on this story.
#15346921 at 2022-01-11 01:47:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19412: Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote Editi
The day before the piece was to air, an exasperated Tapper called me to say that ABC's corporate officials ordered him to pull the story. The network's pharmaceutical advertisers were threatening to cancel their advertising.
"Corporate told us to shut it down," Tapper fumed. Tapper told me that it was the first time in his career that ABC officials had ordered him to kill a story.
ABC had advertised the Simpsonwood expos?, and its sudden cancellation disappointed an army of vaccine safety advocates and parents of injured children who deluged the network with a maelstrom of angry emails.
In response, ABC changed tack and publicly promised to air the piece. Instead, following a one-week delay, the network duplicitously aired a hastily assembled puff piece promoting vaccines and assuring listeners that mercury-laden vaccines were safe.
The new "bait and switch" segment precisely followed Pharma's talking points. "I'm putting my faith in the Institute of Medicine," ABC's obsequious medical editor, Dr. Tim Johnson, declared in closing. Two pharmaceutical advertisements bracketed the story.
After that piece aired, I called Jake to complain. He neither answered nor returned my calls.
During the 16 intervening years, Pharma has returned Mr. Tapper's favor by aggressively promoting his career. Pfizer shamelessly sponsors Tapper's CNN news show, announcing its ownership of the space - and Mr. Tapper's indentured servitude - before each episode with the loaded phrase: "Brought to you by Pfizer."
Under the apparent terms of that sponsorship, CNN and Tapper provide Pfizer a platform to market its products and allow the drug company - a serial felon - to dictate content on CNN.
This arrangement has transformed CNN's The Lead with Jake Tapper into a propaganda vehicle for Pharma and effectively reduced Mr. Tapper to the role of a drug rep - shamelessly promoting fear porn, confusion, and germophobia, and ushering his audience toward high-yield patent pharmaceuticals.
Tapper's main thrust during the pandemic has been to promote levels of public terror sufficient to indemnify all the official lies against critical thinking.
All that Pharma money naturally requires that Mr. Tapper kowtow to Dr. Fauci, and the CNN host's slavishness has helped make Tapper's show the go-to pulpit for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director.
It's a safe place for Dr. Fauci to hit all Jake's reliable softballs out of the park.
"The bootlicking competition at CNN is pretty nauseating," observed investigative journalist Celia Farber who has chronicled Dr. Fauci's mismanagement at NIAID for more than 25 years. "It's ruinous for both democracy and for public health."
Another journalist has compared Tapper's mortifying on-air servility toward Dr. Fauci to the adulation of a loyal and obedient canine. "It's like a dog watching a chess match," says former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson. "So much intensity and so little understanding."
Tapper has gone two years without asking Dr. Fauci a single tough question. He has covered up Fauci's involvement with wuhan, suppressed news of vaccine injuries, gaslighted the injured, and defended every official orthodoxy on masks, lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines, remdesivir, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
He has never asked about the public health, mental health, and economic costs of lockdown, about the disproportionate burdens of Dr. Fauci's policies on minorities, the working class and the global poor.
He has never asked Dr. Fauci to explain why countries and states that refused Dr. Fauci's prescription have consistently experienced dramatically better health outcomes. For example, why are U.S. death rates 1,000x the death rates of African countries like Nigeria and Indian states that widely use hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin? Mr. Tapper simply never allows contrary views on his show.
#15346498 at 2022-01-11 00:44:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19412: Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote Editi
#19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
>>15345679 President Trump on 2020 election: 'The numbers are conclusive, and the fraudulent irregular votes are massive'
>>15345696, >>15345741, >>15345752 International Criminal Court filing on December 6 against Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code
>>15345704 Fauci Spent Your Tax Dollars Studying Transgender Monkeys
>>15345711, >>15345729 Its beginning to look a lot like genocide (Cap X2)
>>15345739, >>15345746, >>15345757, >>15345765, >>15345850 Kazakhstan and Federal RePORTER
>>15345750 Feds Blew $100 Billion on Extra Hospital Beds, Got FEWER Hospital Beds
>>15345787, >>15346102, >>15346142 Fed Vice Chair Clarida to step down early following scrutiny over his trades during pandemic
>>15345785, >>15345810 What message works psychologically in order to get a population to participate in an untested medical experiment? OTHERS list
>>15345828 Moderna CEO Calls For 4th Booster After Stock Tumble
>>15345846 California Governor Newsom Wants Health Coverage For All Illegal Aliens
>>15345884 FAKE NEWS John Catsimatidis supermarket CEO warns of meat, egg shortages as Omicron disrupts supply chain
>>15345925 List of Communist Jewish attackers over Russia. Russia that their Jewish brothers & sisters control
>>15345969, >>15346007 I'm asking we collectively stop paying an OPTIONAL TAX
>>15346012 Looking for a job? Project Veritas
>>15346030 SAM088 Up out of San Antonio (Lockland AFB) Mapping Q088
>>15346031 Clockfag today is 11.3 on the clock
>>15346042, >>15346195 US surgeons have successfully implanted a heart from a genetically modified pig in a human patient
>>15346095 PROTOCOL No. 17, pg. 41 WE SHALL DESTROY THE CLERGY, Ever notice the "Usual Suspects always have the same target?
>>15346125 Recent Podcast Shows Bob Saget Telling Fan: "I went to the pharmacy the other day and I got my booster shot" [VIDEO]
>>15346132 Temporary Empty Shelves Are Not a Supply Chain Crisis, It Is Important to Understand the Difference
>>15346134, >>15346222 The Expose
>>15346152, >>15346158, >>15346173 CDC Finally Admits 75 Percent of COVID Deaths Happen in Patients "With at least Four or More Comorbidities"
>>15346168, >>15346269 Brandon Brown Signs 8 Figure Deal With Let's Go Brandon Coin, DESPITE NASCAR BAN
>>15346206 Iowa Is Defying Biden's OSHA Vaccine Mandate, Regardless of What SCOTUS Decides | Townhall
>>15346225 Group of Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote
>>15346244 Corrupt Delaware Governor signs mask mandate for indoor public settings
>>15346253 Omicron, which is a head cold that confers SARSCOV2 immunity to all variants,
>>15346259 Former Los Angeles City Attorney's Official in Charge of Civil Litigation Agrees to Plead Guilty to Extortion Charge
>>15346280 Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Luc Montagnier: Omicron Makes Biden's Vaccine Mandates Obsolete
>>15346220, >>15346295, >>15346273, >>15346295, >>15346319, >>15346321, >>15346324, >>15346338, >>15346369, >>15346361, >>15346421 Fullhouse, Panda, Epstein island temple blue and white stripes photo, Seth Rich
>>15346305 Google, Gates, Soros Fund Pro-Vax Catholics
>>15346330 wuhan Lab Job Applications Open Only To Candidates 'Supporting' Communist Party, 'Willing To Serve Socialist' Goals.
>>15346333 I love you guys. This place has not changed at all. This is the most stubborn bunch of mf'ers on the internet.
>>15346413 Perlmutter will be the 26th Democrat to call it quits, Another one gone
>>15346422 Virginia Governor Declares 30-Day State of Emergency
>>15346401 Project Veritas dropping Fauci bomb 8pm tonight
>>15346488 #19411
#15346488 at 2022-01-11 00:43:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
#19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
>>15345679 President Trump on 2020 election: 'The numbers are conclusive, and the fraudulent irregular votes are massive'
>>15345696, >>15345741, >>15345752 International Criminal Court filing on December 6 against Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code
>>15345704 Fauci Spent Your Tax Dollars Studying Transgender Monkeys
>>15345711, >>15345729 Its beginning to look a lot like genocide (Cap X2)
>>15345739, >>15345746, >>15345757, >>15345765, >>15345850 Kazakhstan and Federal RePORTER
>>15345750 Feds Blew $100 Billion on Extra Hospital Beds, Got FEWER Hospital Beds
>>15345787, >>15346102, >>15346142 Fed Vice Chair Clarida to step down early following scrutiny over his trades during pandemic
>>15345785, >>15345810 What message works psychologically in order to get a population to participate in an untested medical experiment? OTHERS list
>>15345828 Moderna CEO Calls For 4th Booster After Stock Tumble
>>15345846 California Governor Newsom Wants Health Coverage For All Illegal Aliens
>>15345884 FAKE NEWS John Catsimatidis supermarket CEO warns of meat, egg shortages as Omicron disrupts supply chain
>>15345925 List of Communist Jewish attackers over Russia. Russia that their Jewish brothers & sisters control
>>15345969, >>15346007 I'm asking we collectively stop paying an OPTIONAL TAX
>>15346012 Looking for a job? Project Veritas
>>15346030 SAM088 Up out of San Antonio (Lockland AFB) Mapping Q088
>>15346031 Clockfag today is 11.3 on the clock
>>15346042, >>15346195 US surgeons have successfully implanted a heart from a genetically modified pig in a human patient
>>15346095 PROTOCOL No. 17, pg. 41 WE SHALL DESTROY THE CLERGY, Ever notice the "Usual Suspects always have the same target?
>>15346125 Recent Podcast Shows Bob Saget Telling Fan: "I went to the pharmacy the other day and I got my booster shot" [VIDEO]
>>15346132 Temporary Empty Shelves Are Not a Supply Chain Crisis, It Is Important to Understand the Difference
>>15346134, >>15346222 The Expose
>>15346152, >>15346158, >>15346173 CDC Finally Admits 75 Percent of COVID Deaths Happen in Patients "With at least Four or More Comorbidities"
>>15346168, >>15346269 Brandon Brown Signs 8 Figure Deal With Let's Go Brandon Coin, DESPITE NASCAR BAN
>>15346206 Iowa Is Defying Biden's OSHA Vaccine Mandate, Regardless of What SCOTUS Decides | Townhall
>>15346225 Group of Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote
>>15346244 Corrupt Delaware Governor signs mask mandate for indoor public settings
>>15346253 Omicron, which is a head cold that confers SARSCOV2 immunity to all variants,
>>15346259 Former Los Angeles City Attorney's Official in Charge of Civil Litigation Agrees to Plead Guilty to Extortion Charge
>>15346280 Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Luc Montagnier: Omicron Makes Biden's Vaccine Mandates Obsolete
>>15346220, >>15346295, >>15346273, >>15346295, >>15346319, >>15346321, >>15346324, >>15346338, >>15346369, >>15346361, >>15346421 Fullhouse, Panda, Epstein island temple blue and white stripes photo, Seth Rich
>>15346305 Google, Gates, Soros Fund Pro-Vax Catholics
>>15346330 wuhan Lab Job Applications Open Only To Candidates 'Supporting' Communist Party, 'Willing To Serve Socialist' Goals.
>>15346333 I love you guys. This place has not changed at all. This is the most stubborn bunch of mf'ers on the internet.
>>15346413 Perlmutter will be the 26th Democrat to call it quits, Another one gone
>>15346422 Virginia Governor Declares 30-Day State of Emergency
>>15346401 Project Veritas dropping Fauci bomb 8pm tonight
#15346419 at 2022-01-11 00:31:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
#19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
>>15345679 President Trump on 2020 election: 'The numbers are conclusive, and the fraudulent irregular votes are massive'
>>15345696, >>15345741, >>15345752 International Criminal Court filing on December 6 against Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code
>>15345704 Fauci Spent Your Tax Dollars Studying Transgender Monkeys
>>15345711, >>15345729 Its beginning to look a lot like genocide (Cap X2)
>>15345739, >>15345746, >>15345757, >>15345765, >>15345850 Kazakhstan and Federal RePORTER
>>15345750 Feds Blew $100 Billion on Extra Hospital Beds, Got FEWER Hospital Beds
>>15345787, >>15346102, >>15346142 Fed Vice Chair Clarida to step down early following scrutiny over his trades during pandemic
>>15345785, >>15345810 What message works psychologically in order to get a population to participate in an untested medical experiment? OTHERS list
>>15345828 Moderna CEO Calls For 4th Booster After Stock Tumble
>>15345846 California Governor Newsom Wants Health Coverage For All Illegal Aliens
>>15345884 FAKE NEWS John Catsimatidis supermarket CEO warns of meat, egg shortages as Omicron disrupts supply chain
>>15345925 List of Communist Jewish attackers over Russia. Russia that their Jewish brothers & sisters control
>>15345969, >>15346007 I'm asking we collectively stop paying an OPTIONAL TAX
>>15346012 Looking for a job? Project Veritas
>>15346030 SAM088 Up out of San Antonio (Lockland AFB) Mapping Q088
>>15346031 Clockfag today is 11.3 on the clock
>>15346042, >>15346195 US surgeons have successfully implanted a heart from a genetically modified pig in a human patient
>>15346095 PROTOCOL No. 17, pg. 41 WE SHALL DESTROY THE CLERGY, Ever notice the "Usual Suspects always have the same target?
>>15346125 Recent Podcast Shows Bob Saget Telling Fan: "I went to the pharmacy the other day and I got my booster shot" [VIDEO]
>>15346132 Temporary Empty Shelves Are Not a Supply Chain Crisis, It Is Important to Understand the Difference
>>15346134, >>15346222 The Expose
>>15346152, >>15346158, >>15346173 CDC Finally Admits 75 Percent of COVID Deaths Happen in Patients "With at least Four or More Comorbidities"
>>15346168, >>15346269 Brandon Brown Signs 8 Figure Deal With Let's Go Brandon Coin, DESPITE NASCAR BAN
>>15346206 Iowa Is Defying Biden's OSHA Vaccine Mandate, Regardless of What SCOTUS Decides | Townhall
>>15346225 Group of Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote
>>15346244 Corrupt Delaware Governor signs mask mandate for indoor public settings
>>15346253 Omicron, which is a head cold that confers SARSCOV2 immunity to all variants,
>>15346259 Former Los Angeles City Attorney's Official in Charge of Civil Litigation Agrees to Plead Guilty to Extortion Charge
>>15346280 Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Luc Montagnier: Omicron Makes Biden's Vaccine Mandates Obsolete
>>15346220, >>15346295, >>15346273, >>15346295, >>15346319, >>15346321, >>15346324, >>15346338, >>15346361 Fullhouse, Panda, Epstein island temple blue and white stripes photo
>>15346305 Google, Gates, Soros Fund Pro-Vax Catholics
>>15346330 wuhan Lab Job Applications Open Only To Candidates 'Supporting' Communist Party, 'Willing To Serve Socialist' Goals.
>>15346333 I love you guys. This place has not changed at all. This is the most stubborn bunch of mf'ers on the internet.
#15346412 at 2022-01-11 00:30:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
#19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
>>15345679 President Trump on 2020 election: 'The numbers are conclusive, and the fraudulent irregular votes are massive'
>>15345696, >>15345741, >>15345752 International Criminal Court filing on December 6 against Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code
>>15345704 Fauci Spent Your Tax Dollars Studying Transgender Monkeys
>>15345711, >>15345729 Its beginning to look a lot like genocide (Cap X2)
>>15345739, >>15345746, >>15345757, >>15345765, >>15345850 Kazakhstan and Federal RePORTER
>>15345750 Feds Blew $100 Billion on Extra Hospital Beds, Got FEWER Hospital Beds
>>15345787, >>15346102, >>15346142 Fed Vice Chair Clarida to step down early following scrutiny over his trades during pandemic
>>15345785, >>15345810 What message works psychologically in order to get a population to participate in an untested medical experiment? OTHERS list
>>15345828 Moderna CEO Calls For 4th Booster After Stock Tumble
>>15345846 California Governor Newsom Wants Health Coverage For All Illegal Aliens
>>15345884 FAKE NEWS John Catsimatidis supermarket CEO warns of meat, egg shortages as Omicron disrupts supply chain
>>15345925 List of Communist Jewish attackers over Russia. Russia that their Jewish brothers & sisters control
>>15345969, >>15346007 I'm asking we collectively stop paying an OPTIONAL TAX
>>15346012 Looking for a job? Project Veritas
>>15346030 SAM088 Up out of San Antonio (Lockland AFB) Mapping Q088
>>15346031 Clockfag today is 11.3 on the clock
>>15346042, >>15346195 US surgeons have successfully implanted a heart from a genetically modified pig in a human patient
>>15346095 PROTOCOL No. 17, pg. 41 WE SHALL DESTROY THE CLERGY, Ever notice the "Usual Suspects always have the same target?
>>15346125 Recent Podcast Shows Bob Saget Telling Fan: "I went to the pharmacy the other day and I got my booster shot" [VIDEO]
>>15346132 Temporary Empty Shelves Are Not a Supply Chain Crisis, It Is Important to Understand the Difference
>>15346134, >>15346222 The Expose
>>15346152, >>15346158, >>15346173 CDC Finally Admits 75 Percent of COVID Deaths Happen in Patients "With at least Four or More Comorbidities"
>>15346168, >>15346269 Brandon Brown Signs 8 Figure Deal With Let's Go Brandon Coin, DESPITE NASCAR BAN
>>15346206 Iowa Is Defying Biden's OSHA Vaccine Mandate, Regardless of What SCOTUS Decides | Townhall
>>15346225 Group of Crow Wing County residents seek new audit of already certified vote
>>15346244 Corrupt Delaware Governor signs mask mandate for indoor public settings
>>15346253 Omicron, which is a head cold that confers SARSCOV2 immunity to all variants,
>>15346259 Former Los Angeles City Attorney's Official in Charge of Civil Litigation Agrees to Plead Guilty to Extortion Charge
>>15346280 Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Luc Montagnier: Omicron Makes Biden's Vaccine Mandates Obsolete
>>15346220, >>15346295, >>15346273, >>15346295, >>15346319, >>15346321 Fullhouse, Panda, Epstein island temple blue and white stripes photo
>>15346305 Google, Gates, Soros Fund Pro-Vax Catholics
>>15346330 wuhan Lab Job Applications Open Only To Candidates 'Supporting' Communist Party, 'Willing To Serve Socialist' Goals.
>>15346333 I love you guys. This place has not changed at all. This is the most stubborn bunch of mf'ers on the internet.
>>15346324, >>15346338,>>15346361
#15346399 at 2022-01-11 00:29:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
>>15346305 Google, Gates, Soros Fund Pro-Vax Catholics
>>15346324 >>15346338, >>15346330
>>15346361 wuhan Lab Job Applications Open Only To Candidates 'Supporting' Communist Party, 'Willing To Serve Socialist' Goals.
>>15346333 I love you guys. This place has not changed at all. This is the most stubborn bunch of mf'ers on the internet.
#15346398 at 2022-01-11 00:29:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
>>15346324 >>15346338>>15346330
>>15346361 wuhan Lab Job Applications Open Only To Candidates 'Supporting' Communist Party, 'Willing To Serve Socialist' Goals.
>>15346333 I love you guys. This place has not changed at all. This is the most stubborn bunch of mf'ers on the internet.
#15346330 at 2022-01-11 00:16:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19411: Numbers Conclusive: Fraudulent Irregular Votes Are Massive Edition
wuhan Lab Job Applications Open Only To Candidates 'Supporting' Communist Party, 'Willing To Serve Socialist' Goals.
A new application to work at the wuhan Institute of Virology reveals that candidates must "support the leadership of the Communist Party of China" and be "willing to serve the socialist modernization" in addition to passing a political review.
The application, which devotes a section to how active-duty members of China's military can apply for "targeted training," follows the National Institutes of Health confirming Anthony Fauci funded gain-of-function research at the lab.
The wuhan Institute of Virology's exclusion of non-Chinese Communist Party supporting candidates is evidenced in an October post on its Chinese-language website: "Enrollment Guide for Doctoral Candidates of wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2022."
The second requirement listed as one of six "application conditions and requirements" details the political qualifications of prospective wuhan Institute of Virology doctoral students. They must "support the leadership" of the Chinese Communist Part, have "the correct political orientation" and "be willing to serve the socialist modernization":
"Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, have the correct political orientation, love the motherland, be willing to serve the socialist modernization, abide by disciplines and laws, and have good conduct."
The webpage also includes five attachments containing the components of an application to work at the wuhan Institute of Virology, which includes a "Political Review Form."
The document, which evaluates a candidate's loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party by asking a series of political questions, is "stamped with the official seal of the party committee of the candidate's unit, the party branch of the college or department or the official seal of the archives department" upon completion.
#15344954 at 2022-01-10 20:19:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19410: !!!! FREEDOM !!!!! Edition
Vaccination is ready! I assume.
Cloward Pivin Get'm while they are still scared from the wuhan flu
#15344606 at 2022-01-10 19:20:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19409: ALL RINOS GOT TO GO Edition
Recall the Dinosaur that made the black man gasp and say bitch?
Sure looked like a Saiga, an antelope found in Kazakhstan.
Interesting because about 350,000 Saiga all died mysteriously at the same time, and the cult has been been generating explanation for that happening ever since.
Did they have Saiga at the wuhan lab too.
Strange looking animals. Were they working on a species selective pathogen?
In one of the worst mammal die-offs in recent history, as many as 211,000 saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) perished earlier this year in Central Asia. It's a devastating blow to the already dwindling population. But what caused the deaths?
#15344067 at 2022-01-10 17:44:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19408:Vax Don't Work.. Media Broken... Courts Corrupt.... Teaparty Time Edition
Sars-cov-2 was manufactured in a lab in wuhan by using gain-of-function technology on a virus found in bats.
It doesn't 'need' to be 'isolated' for us to know it exists.
#15340123 at 2022-01-10 00:16:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19404: Anons LEARN TO BAKE Please EDITION
Q Research General #19399: Everything and the Kitchen Sink Edition
>>15336154 Vince Foster, Banca Della Svizzera Italiana in Chiasso, Switzerland and PROMIS...?
>>15336172, >>15336234 Anon perspective on comms Roman Polanski
>>15336187 Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to join Corman gubernatorial campaign
>>15336188 #MaximumMaxwell Madness: After Verdicts Now 3d Juror Lie ID-ed By Team Maxwell...
>>15336202 Papi Trumpo 17 Oranges
>>15336211 Dr. Vernon Coleman on the MRNA Vaccine
>>15336273 The Biden Economic Miracle?
>>15336381 For the Keks Clip
>>15336522, >>15336579, >>15336834 Oranges, multiple meanings exist
>>15336815 WHU Alumni Karim Masimov Re-appointed Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
>>15336852 Anon's Mohamed Al-Amin mini bun
>>15336154 The Strange Death of Vincent Foster
>>15336183 Video: What is going on in Kazakhstan
>>15336187, >>15336208 Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to join Corman Pennsylvania gubernatorial campaign
>>15336210 WE WILL WIN!!!
>>15336246 Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials?
>>15336833, >>15336855 Kazakhstan has arrested their former head of intelligence for treason
>>15336348 Turkmenistan president wants 'Gates of Hell' inferno extinguished
>>15336350 planefagging AF2
>>15336361, >>15336372, >>15336373, >>15336375, >>15336384, >>15336397, >>15336402, >>15336450, >>15336459, >>15336469, >>15336509, >>15336518, >>15336560, >>15336565, >>15336566, >>15336681 Odd Chinese earthquake video footage
>>15336522 Task Force Orange: Multiple meanings exist.
>>15336783 Anti-corruption panel probes China's biggest insurance tycoon Wang Bin for 'serious violations'
>>15336815 wuhan University (WHU) Alumni Karim Masimov Re-appointed Prime Minister of Kazakhstan (2016)
>>15338867 #19399 posted in #19402
#15339442 at 2022-01-09 22:30:49 (UTC+1)
Just a theory of mine
Iranians were in wuhan shopping for revenge against salami's droning death and they opened the vial themselves in wuhan then went home spread among the regime leaders and the world.
#15339354 at 2022-01-09 22:12:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19400: Nineteen Thousand Four Hundred Bread Ebake Edition
>>15336909 Combo Vaxx Coming
>>15336927, >>15337439 DoD Night Operations Spray
>>15336937 Orange Comms
>>15336945 Certificate issues with 8kun.top
>>15336965 Mastriano announces run for PA Gov
>>15336986, >>15336989, >>15336990 Email that's circulating among senior citizens
>>15337093 Harry Reid twatters from Hussein and Bidan
>>15337045 CNN Jan 6 Coverage Bombed in the Ratings
>>15337135 Fake News manipulating Joe Rogan coloring
>>15337169 Omicron in kids leading to a new but familiar illness: croup
>>15337244, >>15335690, >>15335700, >>15335706, >>15335710, >>15335713, >>15335718, >>15335719, >>15335724 The Harry Reid Collection
>>15337261 US Army talking Double Eagle
>>15337264 Moar NY fuckery
>>15337294 Federal agencies prepare to act against unvaccinated employees
>>15337314 Caroline Wren and frens want audit of $$ raised/spent by GOP
>>15337456 California went from mandating vaccines to forcing COVID-positive health care employees to work
>>15337497 Melania Trump Launches NFT Collection, Selling NFT at Auction
>>15337517 Democrat Senator Jon Ossoff looks to BAN lawmakers and their families from trading stocks
>>15337525 Kamel's new comms director donated to Rand Paul
>>15337540 CDC Director Refutes Justice Sotomayor's Statement That "Over 100K Children" Are Hospitalized
>>15337549 Cheneys showing up on the house floorsuggest the ruling class feels their power slipping away
>>15337582 The mysterious death of Democratic National Committee worker Seth Rich and the FBI's battle to keep documents about it secret
>>15337607 TRUMP: Sorry, Democrats: Civil War isn't likely-even if you're trying to provoke one
>>15338833 #19400 posted in #19402
Q Research General #19399: Everything and the Kitchen Sink Edition
>>15336154 Vince Foster, Banca Della Svizzera Italiana in Chiasso, Switzerland and PROMIS...?
>>15336172, >>15336234 Anon perspective on comms Roman Polanski
>>15336187 Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to join Corman gubernatorial campaign
>>15336188 #MaximumMaxwell Madness: After Verdicts Now 3d Juror Lie ID-ed By Team Maxwell...
>>15336202 Papi Trumpo 17 Oranges
>>15336211 Dr. Vernon Coleman on the MRNA Vaccine
>>15336273 The Biden Economic Miracle?
>>15336381 For the Keks Clip
>>15336522, >>15336579, >>15336834 Oranges, multiple meanings exist
>>15336815 WHU Alumni Karim Masimov Re-appointed Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
>>15336852 Anon's Mohamed Al-Amin mini bun
>>15336154 The Strange Death of Vincent Foster
>>15336183 Video: What is going on in Kazakhstan
>>15336187, >>15336208 Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to join Corman Pennsylvania gubernatorial campaign
>>15336210 WE WILL WIN!!!
>>15336246 Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials?
>>15336833, >>15336855 Kazakhstan has arrested their former head of intelligence for treason
>>15336348 Turkmenistan president wants 'Gates of Hell' inferno extinguished
>>15336350 planefagging AF2
>>15336361, >>15336372, >>15336373, >>15336375, >>15336384, >>15336397, >>15336402, >>15336450, >>15336459, >>15336469, >>15336509, >>15336518, >>15336560, >>15336565, >>15336566, >>15336681 Odd Chinese earthquake video footage
>>15336522 Task Force Orange: Multiple meanings exist.
>>15336783 Anti-corruption panel probes China's biggest insurance tycoon Wang Bin for 'serious violations'
>>15336815 wuhan University (WHU) Alumni Karim Masimov Re-appointed Prime Minister of Kazakhstan (2016)
>>15338867 #19399 posted in #19402
#15338867 at 2022-01-09 20:52:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19402: EBAKE You Have to Show Them EDITION
>>15338811 & >>15338578
Q Research General #19399: Everything and the Kitchen Sink Edition
>>15336154 Vince Foster, Banca Della Svizzera Italiana in Chiasso, Switzerland and PROMIS...?
>>15336172, >>15336234 Anon perspective on comms Roman Polanski
>>15336187 Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to join Corman gubernatorial campaign
>>15336188 #MaximumMaxwell Madness: After Verdicts Now 3d Juror Lie ID-ed By Team Maxwell...
>>15336202 Papi Trumpo 17 Oranges
>>15336211 Dr. Vernon Coleman on the MRNA Vaccine
>>15336273 The Biden Economic Miracle?
>>15336381 For the Keks Clip
>>15336522, >>15336579, >>15336834 Oranges, multiple meanings exist
>>15336815 WHU Alumni Karim Masimov Re-appointed Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
>>15336852 Anon's Mohamed Al-Amin mini bun
>>15336154 The Strange Death of Vincent Foster
>>15336183 Video: What is going on in Kazakhstan
>>15336187, >>15336208 Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to join Corman Pennsylvania gubernatorial campaign
>>15336210 WE WILL WIN!!!
>>15336246 Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials?
>>15336833, >>15336855 Kazakhstan has arrested their former head of intelligence for treason
>>15336348 Turkmenistan president wants 'Gates of Hell' inferno extinguished
>>15336350 planefagging AF2
>>15336361, >>15336372, >>15336373, >>15336375, >>15336384, >>15336397, >>15336402, >>15336450, >>15336459, >>15336469, >>15336509, >>15336518, >>15336560, >>15336565, >>15336566, >>15336681 Odd Chinese earthquake video footage
>>15336522 Task Force Orange: Multiple meanings exist.
>>15336783 Anti-corruption panel probes China's biggest insurance tycoon Wang Bin for 'serious violations'
>>15336815 wuhan University (WHU) Alumni Karim Masimov Re-appointed Prime Minister of Kazakhstan (2016)
>>15338578 #19399 posted in #19402 | >>15338811 #19399 posted in #19402
#15338811 at 2022-01-09 20:39:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19402: EBAKE You Have to Show Them EDITION
notables scrape
>>15336154 The Strange Death of Vincent Foster
>>15336183 Video: What is going on in Kazakhstan
>>15336187, >>15336208 Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway to join Corman Pennsylvania gubernatorial campaign
>>15336210 WE WILL WIN!!!
>>15336246 Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials?
>>15336833, >>15336855 Kazakhstan has arrested their former head of intelligence for treason
>>15336348 Turkmenistan president wants 'Gates of Hell' inferno extinguished
>>15336350 planefagging AF2
>>15336361, >>15336372, >>15336373, >>15336375, >>15336384, >>15336397, >>15336402, >>15336450, >>15336459, >>15336469, >>15336509, >>15336518, >>15336560, >>15336565, >>15336566, >>15336681 Odd Chinese earthquake video footage
>>15336522 Task Force Orange: Multiple meanings exist.
>>15336783 Anti-corruption panel probes China's biggest insurance tycoon Wang Bin for 'serious violations'
>>15336815 wuhan University (WHU) Alumni Karim Masimov Re-appointed Prime Minister of Kazakhstan (2016)
#15338742 at 2022-01-09 20:26:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19402: EBAKE You Have to Show Them EDITION
if it's fusing, then that's deliberate lab actions
wuhan at it again…
#15336815 at 2022-01-09 10:14:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19399: Everything and the Kitchen Sink Edition
Kinda interdasting also that
"WHU Alumni Karim Masimov Re-appointed Prime Minister of Kazakhstan
Author?Qianying Zhou Date?2016-04-04
Recently, Karim Masimov, one of wuhan University (WHU)'s most distinguished alumnus, was re-appointed the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan. It was his third time to be appointed as the Prime Minister. President Xiaohong Li extended his timely congratulations to Mr. Masimov. In the congratulatory letter, President Li highly appreciated Mr. Masimov's contribution to the mutual cooperation between WHU and universities in Kazakhstan. Furthermore, he invited Mr. Masimov to revisit WHU in the future."
#15336768 at 2022-01-09 09:32:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19399: Everything and the Kitchen Sink Edition
New variant or just another wuhan Virus (out of 1500) released in the USA by CCP's Military trolls in our Universities, Colleges, or have infiltrated every facet of our lives, like McCarthy warned us of.
When are these treasonous bastards going to be tried for treason???
Remember Fraudci & Obama used our tax payer money to fund bio weapons production with the communist china's military bioweapons lab in wuhan, china and another 1500 other viruses and pathogens are stored there.
And remember the failed vaccine profit making SARS virus also came from there.
#15335190 at 2022-01-09 02:11:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19397
Canadian military officer calls for a probe into a ground zero 'Covid' outbreak at wuhan games two months before world was alerted
#15334903 at 2022-01-09 01:11:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19397
>>15334603 lb/pb
>immune system goes into such a hyperactive state
That's ADE, Anon. Antibody-dependent enhancement:
New study finds billions of vaccinated people are at real risk of suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement
"The study is entitled, Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination and explains that while the current injections may provide some level of immunity against the alleged original covid virus, they present an unfortunate side effect - The acceleration of "infection-enhancing antibodies" which overreact to Delta variant infections.
What the paper is describing is classic antibody-dependent enhancement, meaning a hyperinflammatory reaction can kill the person as their "primed" immune system overreacts to new infections."
#15334713 at 2022-01-09 00:32:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19397
I almost laughed.
Then I remembered we do have Patriots up north.
#15334487 at 2022-01-08 23:36:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19396: Dank EBake
October 2019
Produced and released on wuhan
Locked it down
Shipped the Infected People around the world
#15334466 at 2022-01-08 23:33:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19396: Dank EBake
#15333793 at 2022-01-08 21:24:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19396: Dank EBake
#19389: Baker Fakes a Deep Flake, leaf's New Baker HIGH and Dry Edition
>>15328393, >>15328401, >>15328465 Last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment
>>15328408 ICYMI: Donald J. Trump One-on-One with Christina Bobb (January 6)
>>15328428, >>15328432, >>15328446, >>15328482, >>15328531, >>15328583 Who is Mark Ryden?
>>15328438, >>15328440 ICYMI: "Voters need to start turning the page on Biden's disastrous presidency"
>>15328443 Anon notes on NG units being activated
>>15328444 For The KEKS - Stores/Supply
>>15328447 ICYMI: "Jason Aldean, Wife Brittany Aldean Ring in New Year with 'the G.O.A.T.' Donald Trump: 'This Man Is Unbelievable'"
>>15328448 2020 IMF and Kazakhstan to Establish Regional Capacity Development Center
>>15328463 #OTD in 1991, the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II program was canceled.
>>15328475 Move Over Farmers, The Fully Autonomous, Self-Driving Tractor Has Officially Arrived
>>15328490, >>15328554, >>15328804, >>15328883 Video shows Antifa thugs handing out weapons to comrades inside the Capitol Building
>>15328568 Russian forces now effectively occupying Kazakhstan, opposition figure claims
>>15328622 Anon notices POTUS mentions "Ten Cents" A LOT during rallies and interviews (Dig)
>>15328648 'Virginia told me she'd slept with Andrew in London'
>>15328680 US Pilot Says His Colleagues Are "Dropping Like Flies With Crushing Chest Pain" Post-Covid-19 Vaccination
>>15328701 Pfizer's Link to the wuhan Lab.
>>15328723 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report
>>15328791 Anon Spots 1/2chan Sept. 2019 warnings about virus and vaccines
>>15328808, >>15328825 Former Kazakhstan uranium czar blames imprisonment on sale of Clinton-linked Canadian company to Russians
>>15328856 Farmers hope to cash in on $130b global market for traditional Chinese medicine with long-term study
>>15328982 Far-right extremists shift online strategies
>>15328991 White House, Western Media Shift Gears as Kazakhstan's Tokayev Gets 'Russian-Backed Strongman' Label
>>15329031 Digital yuan given green light by Chinese tech giant
>>15330500 #19389
#15333560 at 2022-01-08 20:29:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19395: MSM Narrative Meltdown, What Will They Cook Up Next?? Hunter? Edition
When are these treasonous bastards going to be tried for treason???
Remember Fraudci & Obama used our tax payer money to fund bio weapons production with the communist china's military bioweapons lab in wuhan, china and another 1500 other viruses and pathogens are stored there.
And remember the failed vaccine profit making SARS virus also came from there.
#15332972 at 2022-01-08 18:26:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19395: MSM Narrative Meltdown, What Will They Cook Up Next?? Hunter? Edition
#19389: Baker Fakes a Deep Flake, leaf's New Baker HIGH and Dry Edition
>>15328393, >>15328401, >>15328465 Last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment
>>15328408 ICYMI: Donald J. Trump One-on-One with Christina Bobb (January 6)
>>15328428, >>15328432, >>15328446, >>15328482, >>15328531, >>15328583 Who is Mark Ryden?
>>15328438, >>15328440 ICYMI: "Voters need to start turning the page on Biden's disastrous presidency"
>>15328443 Anon notes on NG units being activated
>>15328444 For The KEKS - Stores/Supply
>>15328447 ICYMI: "Jason Aldean, Wife Brittany Aldean Ring in New Year with 'the G.O.A.T.' Donald Trump: 'This Man Is Unbelievable'"
>>15328448 2020 IMF and Kazakhstan to Establish Regional Capacity Development Center
>>15328463 #OTD in 1991, the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II program was canceled.
>>15328475 Move Over Farmers, The Fully Autonomous, Self-Driving Tractor Has Officially Arrived
>>15328490, >>15328554, >>15328804, >>15328883 Video shows Antifa thugs handing out weapons to comrades inside the Capitol Building
>>15328568 Russian forces now effectively occupying Kazakhstan, opposition figure claims
>>15328622 Anon notices POTUS mentions "Ten Cents" A LOT during rallies and interviews (Dig)
>>15328648 'Virginia told me she'd slept with Andrew in London'
>>15328680 US Pilot Says His Colleagues Are "Dropping Like Flies With Crushing Chest Pain" Post-Covid-19 Vaccination
>>15328701 Pfizer's Link to the wuhan Lab.
>>15328723 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report
>>15328791 Anon Spots 1/2chan Sept. 2019 warnings about virus and vaccines
>>15328808, >>15328825 Former Kazakhstan uranium czar blames imprisonment on sale of Clinton-linked Canadian company to Russians
>>15328856 Farmers hope to cash in on $130b global market for traditional Chinese medicine with long-term study
>>15328982 Far-right extremists shift online strategies
>>15328991 White House, Western Media Shift Gears as Kazakhstan's Tokayev Gets 'Russian-Backed Strongman' Label
>>15329031 Digital yuan given green light by Chinese tech giant
>>15330500 #19389
Previously Collected
>>15327510 #19387, >>15328819 #19388
>>15325169 #19384, >>15325988 #19385, >>15326748 #19386
>>15322914 #19381, >>15323676 #19382, >>15325019 #19383
>>15321312 #19379, >>15322904 #19380, >>15322914 #19381
>>15319006 #19376, >>15319821 #19377, >>15320533 #19378
>>15316640 #19373/2, >>15317399 #19374, >>15318219 #19375
>>15315362 #19371, >>15315925 #19372, >>15316641 #19373
>>15312866 #19368, >>15313624 #19369, >>15315541 #19370
>>15310532 #19365, >>15312467 #19366, >>15312036 #19367
>>15308265 #19362, >>15309012 #19363, >>15309757 #19364
>>15305713 #19359, >>15306788 #19360, >>15307426 #19361
>>15303470 #19356, >>15304275 #19357, >>15305059 #19358
>>15302810 #19353, >>15301958 #19354, >>15302758 #19355
>>15298719 #19350, >>15299577 #19351, >>15300316 #19352
>>15296800 #19347, >>15297195 #19348, >>15297967 #19349
>>15294847 #19345, >>15295638 #19346, >>15296808 #19347
>>15292693 #19342, >>15294293 #19343, >>15294103 #19344
>>15291511 #19340, >>15291511 #19341, >>15291731 #19341
>>15288610 #19337, >>15290607 #19338, >>15290778 #19339
>>15286046 #19334, >>15286995 #19335, >>15287691 #19336
>>15283816 #19331, >>15284637 #19332, >>15285391 #19333
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10
#15332169 at 2022-01-08 15:50:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19394: Time To Step It Up Edition
#19389: Baker Fakes a Deep Flake, leaf's New Baker HIGH and Dry Edition
>>15328393, >>15328401, >>15328465 Last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment
>>15328408 ICYMI: Donald J. Trump One-on-One with Christina Bobb (January 6)
>>15328428, >>15328432, >>15328446, >>15328482, >>15328531, >>15328583 Who is Mark Ryden?
>>15328438, >>15328440 ICYMI: "Voters need to start turning the page on Biden's disastrous presidency"
>>15328443 Anon notes on NG units being activated
>>15328444 For The KEKS - Stores/Supply
>>15328447 ICYMI: "Jason Aldean, Wife Brittany Aldean Ring in New Year with 'the G.O.A.T.' Donald Trump: 'This Man Is Unbelievable'"
>>15328448 2020 IMF and Kazakhstan to Establish Regional Capacity Development Center
>>15328463 #OTD in 1991, the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II program was canceled.
>>15328475 Move Over Farmers, The Fully Autonomous, Self-Driving Tractor Has Officially Arrived
>>15328490, >>15328554, >>15328804, >>15328883 Video shows Antifa thugs handing out weapons to comrades inside the Capitol Building
>>15328568 Russian forces now effectively occupying Kazakhstan, opposition figure claims
>>15328622 Anon notices POTUS mentions "Ten Cents" A LOT during rallies and interviews (Dig)
>>15328648 'Virginia told me she'd slept with Andrew in London'
>>15328680 US Pilot Says His Colleagues Are "Dropping Like Flies With Crushing Chest Pain" Post-Covid-19 Vaccination
>>15328701 Pfizer's Link to the wuhan Lab.
>>15328723 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report
>>15328791 Anon Spots 1/2chan Sept. 2019 warnings about virus and vaccines
>>15328808, >>15328825 Former Kazakhstan uranium czar blames imprisonment on sale of Clinton-linked Canadian company to Russians
>>15328856 Farmers hope to cash in on $130b global market for traditional Chinese medicine with long-term study
>>15328982 Far-right extremists shift online strategies
>>15328991 White House, Western Media Shift Gears as Kazakhstan's Tokayev Gets 'Russian-Backed Strongman' Label
>>15329031 Digital yuan given green light by Chinese tech giant
>>15330500 #19389
Previously Collected
>>15327510 #19387, >>15328819 #19388
>>15325169 #19384, >>15325988 #19385, >>15326748 #19386
>>15322914 #19381, >>15323676 #19382, >>15325019 #19383
>>15321312 #19379, >>15322904 #19380, >>15322914 #19381
>>15319006 #19376, >>15319821 #19377, >>15320533 #19378
>>15316640 #19373/2, >>15317399 #19374, >>15318219 #19375
>>15315362 #19371, >>15315925 #19372, >>15316641 #19373
>>15312866 #19368, >>15313624 #19369, >>15315541 #19370
>>15310532 #19365, >>15312467 #19366, >>15312036 #19367
>>15308265 #19362, >>15309012 #19363, >>15309757 #19364
>>15305713 #19359, >>15306788 #19360, >>15307426 #19361
>>15303470 #19356, >>15304275 #19357, >>15305059 #19358
>>15302810 #19353, >>15301958 #19354, >>15302758 #19355
>>15298719 #19350, >>15299577 #19351, >>15300316 #19352
>>15296800 #19347, >>15297195 #19348, >>15297967 #19349
>>15294847 #19345, >>15295638 #19346, >>15296808 #19347
>>15292693 #19342, >>15294293 #19343, >>15294103 #19344
>>15291511 #19340, >>15291511 #19341, >>15291731 #19341
>>15288610 #19337, >>15290607 #19338, >>15290778 #19339
>>15286046 #19334, >>15286995 #19335, >>15287691 #19336
>>15283816 #19331, >>15284637 #19332, >>15285391 #19333
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10
#15331386 at 2022-01-08 11:47:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19393: Slow Saturday Rise WEast of The Kazakh Revolution Edition
#19389: Baker Fakes a Deep Flake, leaf's New Baker HIGH and Dry Edition
>>15328393, >>15328401, >>15328465 Last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment
>>15328408 ICYMI: Donald J. Trump One-on-One with Christina Bobb (January 6)
>>15328428, >>15328432, >>15328446, >>15328482, >>15328531, >>15328583 Who is Mark Ryden?
>>15328438, >>15328440 ICYMI: "Voters need to start turning the page on Biden's disastrous presidency"
>>15328443 Anon notes on NG units being activated
>>15328444 For The KEKS - Stores/Supply
>>15328447 ICYMI: "Jason Aldean, Wife Brittany Aldean Ring in New Year with 'the G.O.A.T.' Donald Trump: 'This Man Is Unbelievable'"
>>15328448 2020 IMF and Kazakhstan to Establish Regional Capacity Development Center
>>15328463 #OTD in 1991, the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II program was canceled.
>>15328475 Move Over Farmers, The Fully Autonomous, Self-Driving Tractor Has Officially Arrived
>>15328490, >>15328554, >>15328804, >>15328883 Video shows Antifa thugs handing out weapons to comrades inside the Capitol Building
>>15328568 Russian forces now effectively occupying Kazakhstan, opposition figure claims
>>15328622 Anon notices POTUS mentions "Ten Cents" A LOT during rallies and interviews (Dig)
>>15328648 'Virginia told me she'd slept with Andrew in London'
>>15328680 US Pilot Says His Colleagues Are "Dropping Like Flies With Crushing Chest Pain" Post-Covid-19 Vaccination
>>15328701 Pfizer's Link to the wuhan Lab.
>>15328723 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report
>>15328791 Anon Spots 1/2chan Sept. 2019 warnings about virus and vaccines
>>15328808, >>15328825 Former Kazakhstan uranium czar blames imprisonment on sale of Clinton-linked Canadian company to Russians
>>15328856 Farmers hope to cash in on $130b global market for traditional Chinese medicine with long-term study
>>15328982 Far-right extremists shift online strategies
>>15328991 White House, Western Media Shift Gears as Kazakhstan's Tokayev Gets 'Russian-Backed Strongman' Label
>>15329031 Digital yuan given green light by Chinese tech giant
>>15330500 #19389
#15330602 at 2022-01-08 05:59:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19392: The World's Great Awakening Edition
#19391: Patriots Standing Together WW Edition
#19390: Military Stands Alongside Protestors in Kazakhstan -Setting The.. Edition
#19389: Baker Fakes a Deep Flake, leaf's New Baker HIGH and Dry Edition
>>15328393, >>15328401, >>15328465 Last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment
>>15328408 ICYMI: Donald J. Trump One-on-One with Christina Bobb (January 6)
>>15328428, >>15328432, >>15328446, >>15328482, >>15328531, >>15328583 Who is Mark Ryden?
>>15328438, >>15328440 ICYMI: "Voters need to start turning the page on Biden's disastrous presidency"
>>15328443 Anon notes on NG units being activated
>>15328444 For The KEKS - Stores/Supply
>>15328447 ICYMI: "Jason Aldean, Wife Brittany Aldean Ring in New Year with 'the G.O.A.T.' Donald Trump: 'This Man Is Unbelievable'"
>>15328448 2020 IMF and Kazakhstan to Establish Regional Capacity Development Center
>>15328463 #OTD in 1991, the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II program was canceled.
>>15328475 Move Over Farmers, The Fully Autonomous, Self-Driving Tractor Has Officially Arrived
>>15328490, >>15328554, >>15328804, >>15328883 Video shows Antifa thugs handing out weapons to comrades inside the Capitol Building
>>15328568 Russian forces now effectively occupying Kazakhstan, opposition figure claims
>>15328622 Anon notices POTUS mentions "Ten Cents" A LOT during rallies and interviews (Dig)
>>15328648 'Virginia told me she'd slept with Andrew in London'
>>15328680 US Pilot Says His Colleagues Are "Dropping Like Flies With Crushing Chest Pain" Post-Covid-19 Vaccination
>>15328701 Pfizer's Link to the wuhan Lab.
>>15328723 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report
>>15328791 Anon Spots 1/2chan Sept. 2019 warnings about virus and vaccines
>>15328808, >>15328825 Former Kazakhstan uranium czar blames imprisonment on sale of Clinton-linked Canadian company to Russians
>>15328856 Farmers hope to cash in on $130b global market for traditional Chinese medicine with long-term study
>>15328982 Far-right extremists shift online strategies
>>15328991 White House, Western Media Shift Gears as Kazakhstan's Tokayev Gets 'Russian-Backed Strongman' Label
>>15329031 Digital yuan given green light by Chinese tech giant
>>15330500 #19389
#15330500 at 2022-01-08 05:30:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19391: Patriots Standing Together WW Edition
one moar time
#19389: Baker Fakes a Deep Flake, leaf's New Baker HIGH and Dry Edition
>>15328393, >>15328401, >>15328465 Last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment
>>15328408 ICYMI: Donald J. Trump One-on-One with Christina Bobb (January 6)
>>15328428, >>15328432, >>15328446, >>15328482, >>15328531, >>15328583 Who is Mark Ryden?
>>15328438, >>15328440 ICYMI: "Voters need to start turning the page on Biden's disastrous presidency"
>>15328443 Anon notes on NG units being activated
>>15328444 For The KEKS - Stores/Supply
>>15328447 ICYMI: "Jason Aldean, Wife Brittany Aldean Ring in New Year with 'the G.O.A.T.' Donald Trump: 'This Man Is Unbelievable'"
>>15328448 2020 IMF and Kazakhstan to Establish Regional Capacity Development Center
>>15328463 #OTD in 1991, the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II program was canceled.
>>15328475 Move Over Farmers, The Fully Autonomous, Self-Driving Tractor Has Officially Arrived
>>15328490, >>15328554, >>15328804, >>15328883 Video shows Antifa thugs handing out weapons to comrades inside the Capitol Building
>>15328568 Russian forces now effectively occupying Kazakhstan, opposition figure claims
>>15328622 Anon notices POTUS mentions "Ten Cents" A LOT during rallies and interviews (Dig)
>>15328648 'Virginia told me she'd slept with Andrew in London'
>>15328680 US Pilot Says His Colleagues Are "Dropping Like Flies With Crushing Chest Pain" Post-Covid-19 Vaccination
>>15328701 Pfizer's Link to the wuhan Lab.
>>15328723 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report
>>15328791 Anon Spots 1/2chan Sept. 2019 warnings about virus and vaccines
>>15328808, >>15328825 Former Kazakhstan uranium czar blames imprisonment on sale of Clinton-linked Canadian company to Russians
>>15328856 Farmers hope to cash in on $130b global market for traditional Chinese medicine with long-term study
>>15328982 Far-right extremists shift online strategies
>>15328991 White House, Western Media Shift Gears as Kazakhstan's Tokayev Gets 'Russian-Backed Strongman' Label
>>15329031 Digital yuan given green light by Chinese tech giant
#15330498 at 2022-01-08 05:29:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19391: Patriots Standing Together WW Edition
>>15329846 (TYB)
#19389: Baker Fakes a Deep Flake, leaf's New Baker HIGH and Dry Edition
>>15328393, >>15328401, >>15328465 Last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment
>>15328408 ICYMI: Donald J. Trump One-on-One with Christina Bobb (January 6)
>>15328428, >>15328432, >>15328446, >>15328482, >>15328531, >>15328583 Who is Mark Ryden?
>>15328438, >>15328440 ICYMI: "Voters need to start turning the page on Biden's disastrous presidency"
>>15328443 Anon notes on NG units being activated
>>15328444 For The KEKS - Stores/Supply
>>15328447 ICYMI: "Jason Aldean, Wife Brittany Aldean Ring in New Year with 'the G.O.A.T.' Donald Trump: 'This Man Is Unbelievable'"
>>15328448 2020 IMF and Kazakhstan to Establish Regional Capacity Development Center
>>15328463 #OTD in 1991, the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II program was canceled.
>>15328475 Move Over Farmers, The Fully Autonomous, Self-Driving Tractor Has Officially Arrived
>>15328490, >>15328554, >>15328804, >>15328883 Video shows Antifa thugs handing out weapons to comrades inside the Capitol Building
>>15328568 Russian forces now effectively occupying Kazakhstan, opposition figure claims
>>15328622Anon notices POTUS mentions "Ten Cents" A LOT during rallies and interviews (Dig)
>>15328648 'Virginia told me she'd slept with Andrew in London'
>>15328680 US Pilot Says His Colleagues Are "Dropping Like Flies With Crushing Chest Pain" Post-Covid-19 Vaccination
>>15328701 Pfizer's Link to the wuhan Lab.
>>15328723 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report
>>15328791 Anon Spots 1/2chan Sept. 2019 warnings about virus and vaccines
>>15328808, >>15328825 Former Kazakhstan uranium czar blames imprisonment on sale of Clinton-linked Canadian company to Russians
>>15328856 Farmers hope to cash in on $130b global market for traditional Chinese medicine with long-term study
>>15328982 Far-right extremists shift online strategies
>>15328991 White House, Western Media Shift Gears as Kazakhstan's Tokayev Gets 'Russian-Backed Strongman' Label
>>15329031 Digital yuan given green light by Chinese tech giant
#15328701 at 2022-01-07 23:04:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19389: Baker Fakes a Deep Flake, leaf's New Baker HIGH and Dry Edition
Pfizer's Link to the wuhan Lab.
The Big Pharma giant and the wuhan Institute of Virology meet.
Professor Guo Peixuan - a recipient of Pfizer's Distinguished Faculty Award - lectured at the wuhan Institute of Virology: the Chinese Communist Party-run lab believed by many to be the epicenter of COVID-19.
Guo, an Ohio State University Professor, visited the lab on October 24th, 2016 to deliver a lecture entitled the "Discovery of a Third Type of Biomotor."
The unearthed lecture follows the American pharmaceutical giant drastically increasing its lobbying efforts amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, appearing to be responsible for nationwide COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
The National Pulse can reveal a link between Pfizer and the wuhan Institute of Virology, adding to the company's existing conflicts of interest with mainstream media and big technology platforms. The Chinese lab's manipulation of "killer" coronaviruses capable of "direct human infection" has led many intelligence and public health officials to believe it spawned COVID-19 with funds from Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
"At the report meeting, Professor Guo Peixuan mainly introduced his research work on two aspects of the phi29 DNA assembly motor and the RNA nanotechnology derived from it," summarized the wuhan Institute of Virology's website in reference to Guo's 2016 visit.
The event synopsis explains how Guo's lecture to wuhan researchers focused primarily on RNA technology:
"Professor Guo introduced a series of application work around the phi29 molecular motor, such as the establishment of high-efficiency drug screening ideas, single-molecule sensing technology and a new generation of DNA sequencing technology. In addition, Professor Guo also focused on a series of pioneering work in RNA nanotechnology."
"Professor Guo's wonderful report triggered a heated discussion among teachers and students present, and the scene was lively. Finally, Director Chen Xinwen presented the "Ge Hong Forum" commemorative medal to Professor Guo on behalf of the Institute of Virology," noted the lab.
#15320069 at 2022-01-06 16:49:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19378: Pelosi #january6th Insurrection 1 Year Delta Edition
Israel created trans sexual surgery by experimenting on humans. Israel created big pharma to keep people sick and afraid. Israel has been working with other corrupt Arab nations in false flag mass murders to trigger foreign aid for both Israel and the Arab nations. Israel sent Jeffery Epstein and GMax to America to capture and enslave the US Congress, the US Courts and many high ranking Federal Employees, including the President of the United States (Biden, Clinton, Obama, Bush). Israel worked with the Chinese CCP in the fake wuhan virus to bilk TRILLIONS of $ by Israeli owned Big Pharma (vaccines/masks).
Israel is not and was never our friend.
#15317687 at 2022-01-06 04:13:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19375: Pray For Those In Harm's Way Edition
All this because MAGGOT FAUCI and Gates created COVID from Bats in wuhan Military Biowarfare Lab. Deserves no mercy.
#15317477 at 2022-01-06 03:39:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19375: Pray For Those In Harm's Way Edition
#19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance? Edition
>>15313687 Left Launches Effort to Win Midterms by Disqualifying Republicans for 'Insurrection'- breitbart
>>15313698 Canada agrees to 'historic reparations' for 200,000 indigenous children - rt.com
>>15313706 Horowitz: Manhattan DA to downgrade armed robbery to misdemeanor amid growing crime wave - the blaze
>>15313708 pipe bomb j6 - greg price twat
>>15313718 BUSTED: National Geographic Published Book Falsely Claiming Kyle Rittenhouse Killed Two Black Men - nationalfile
>>15313731 NBC Tells Parents to Double Mask Their Kids, Use N95 So 'Not A Lot of Air' Gets In - nationfile
>>15313738 Mayo Clinic Terminates 700 Unvaccinated Employees at Locations Nationwide - breitbart
>>15313746 REPORT: Mexican Army Loses 30% of Weapons Purchased from U.S. - breitbart
>>15313751 Joe Rogan and Transexual complain that GAB is full of 'Nazis' and Russians.- bitchute
>>15313763 Rally Against Lockdowns Sees 100,000 Germans Protest, Ruling Party Demands Clampdown - breitbart
>>15313773 Reiner Fuellmich - New Findings are enough to Dismantle the Entire (COVID JAB) Industry -bitchute video
>>15313787 Chris Wray Lied: Secret Service Admits They Knew 13 'Counter-Protest' Groups Were Organizing to Attend Washington DC Jan. 6 Protests - yourdestinationnow.com
>>15313806 Supreme Court: All nine justices got COVID-19 booster - washington times
>>15313816 pope bun
>>15313858 CNN : 'Let's Go Brandon' Dad Deserves to Have Life RUINED - en-volve.com
>>15313930, >>15313915, Jerusalem advances thousands of new homes in Jewish areas of East Jerusalem -timesofisrael plus other news from Israel
>>15313891, >>15313929, >>15313917, >>15313902, >>15313910, >>15313942, Samples From Early wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, 1 of 2 Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab
>>15313947 China Abuses US Diplomats - judicialwatch
>>15313961 Biden Withholds Annual Report on Deportations - freebeacon (doh wonder why)
>>15313968 Treasury Department slaps sanctions on Bosnian leader, citing 'destabilizing corrupt activities' - justthenews
>>15314016, United States Congressional Black Caucus visits Ark of Return - anon dig
>>15314067 Jan 6 2021 Save America Rally Transcript - rev.com
>>15314084, >>15314087, >>15314090, >>15314093, anon dig image caps on the standard hotel pts 1 to pt4
>>15314127 Scientific Studies prove the Covid-19 Vaccines damage the Immune System, and suggest it may be permanent - dailyexpose.uk
>>15314160, >>15314147, Gettr Global Communications Director, Ebony Bowden, Anti-Trump / Pro-Obama Past Revealed- dailyveracity.com, plus other gettr news
>>15314187 Swedbank ex-CEO Indicted for Financial Crimes - occrp.org
>>15314194 The World Ahead - Economist 2022 - theecomonist
>>15314212 Leaked Biden Plan Would House Violent Men In Women's Prison Cells - thefederalist
>>15314220 Soviet Canada: Doctor Locked in Psych Ward Who Exposed Stillbirth Explosion in 'Vaccinated' Moms -rairfoundation
>>15314245 New: My interview in the Mirror today on the 1000th day of Julian's incarceration in Belmarsh high security prison. - stellamoris twat
>>15314254 Snatched from the street and dragged away to her death - dailymail
>>15314280 Youtube Rapper Among Mass Madrid Arrests of Vice ring That Abused Underage Girls in Spain - 37 Arrested - the olivepress.es
>>15314294 MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Isolation After Fully Vaccinated Husband Tests Positive for COVID-19 - gwp
>>15314338 What is HUMA? huma.com
>>15314347 Biden Orders Parents Not To Allow Kids Near The Unvaxxed - zerohedge
>>15314356 Kazakh President Requests Troops From Russia & Allies To Quell Unrest - zerohedge
>>15314360, >>15314291, The Mysterious Death Of Michel [Sacha] Trudeau, Brother of Canadian Prime Minister - capforcanada.com
>>15314376 Amazon's Gender Recognition System Identifies Michelle Obama As A Man - revolver (kek)
>>15314386 Jan. 6 attack posed loyalty test for Indiana Rep. Greg Pence - apnews.com
>>15313914, >>15313895, notables collect by anon or baker
>>15315541 #19370
#15316693 at 2022-01-06 01:43:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19374: Ghislaine Mistrial? "Turncoats" in Congress? But Wait, There's..Edition
#19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance?
>>15313687 Left Launches Effort to Win Midterms by Disqualifying Republicans for 'Insurrection'- breitbart
>>15313698 Canada agrees to 'historic reparations' for 200,000 indigenous children - rt.com
>>15313706 Horowitz: Manhattan DA to downgrade armed robbery to misdemeanor amid growing crime wave - the blaze
>>15313708 pipe bomb j6 - greg price twat
>>15313718 BUSTED: National Geographic Published Book Falsely Claiming Kyle Rittenhouse Killed Two Black Men - nationalfile
>>15313731 NBC Tells Parents to Double Mask Their Kids, Use N95 So 'Not A Lot of Air' Gets In - nationfile
>>15313738 Mayo Clinic Terminates 700 Unvaccinated Employees at Locations Nationwide - breitbart
>>15313746 REPORT: Mexican Army Loses 30% of Weapons Purchased from U.S. - breitbart
>>15313751 Joe Rogan and Transexual complain that GAB is full of 'Nazis' and Russians.- bitchute
>>15313763 Rally Against Lockdowns Sees 100,000 Germans Protest, Ruling Party Demands Clampdown - breitbart
>>15313773 Reiner Fuellmich - New Findings are enough to Dismantle the Entire (COVID JAB) Industry -bitchute video
>>15313787 Chris Wray Lied: Secret Service Admits They Knew 13 'Counter-Protest' Groups Were Organizing to Attend Washington DC Jan. 6 Protests - yourdestinationnow.com
>>15313806 Supreme Court: All nine justices got COVID-19 booster - washington times
>>15313816 pope bun
>>15313858 CNN : 'Let's Go Brandon' Dad Deserves to Have Life RUINED - en-volve.com
>>15313930, >>15313915, Jerusalem advances thousands of new homes in Jewish areas of East Jerusalem -timesofisrael plus other news from Israel
>>15313891, >>15313929, >>15313917, >>15313902, >>15313910, >>15313942 Samples From Early wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, 1 of 2 Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab
>>15313947 China Abuses US Diplomats - judicialwatch
>>15313961 Biden Withholds Annual Report on Deportations - freebeacon (doh wonder why)
>>15313968 Treasury Department slaps sanctions on Bosnian leader, citing 'destabilizing corrupt activities' - justthenews
>>15314016, United States Congressional Black Caucus visits Ark of Return - anon dig
>>15314067 Jan 6 2021 Save America Rally Transcript - rev.com
>>15314084, >>15314087, >>15314090, >>15314093, anon dig image caps on the standard hotel pts 1 to pt4
>>15314127 Scientific Studies prove the Covid-19 Vaccines damage the Immune System, and suggest it may be permanent - dailyexpose.uk
>>15314160, >>15314147, Gettr Global Communications Director, Ebony Bowden, Anti-Trump / Pro-Obama Past Revealed- dailyveracity.com, plus other gettr news
>>15314187 Swedbank ex-CEO Indicted for Financial Crimes - occrp.org
>>15314194 The World Ahead - Economist 2022 - theecomonist
>>15314212 Leaked Biden Plan Would House Violent Men In Women's Prison Cells - thefederalist
>>15314220 Soviet Canada: Doctor Locked in Psych Ward Who Exposed Stillbirth Explosion in 'Vaccinated' Moms -rairfoundation
>>15314245 New: My interview in the Mirror today on the 1000th day of Julian's incarceration in Belmarsh high security prison. - stellamoris twat
>>15314254 Snatched from the street and dragged away to her death - dailymail
>>15314280 Youtube Rapper Among Mass Madrid Arrests of Vice ring That Abused Underage Girls in Spain - 37 Arrested - the olivepress.es
>>15314294 MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Isolation After Fully Vaccinated Husband Tests Positive for COVID-19 - gwp
>>15314338 What is HUMA? huma.com
>>15314347 Biden Orders Parents Not To Allow Kids Near The Unvaxxed - zerohedge
>>15314356 Kazakh President Requests Troops From Russia & Allies To Quell Unrest - zerohedge
>>15314360, >>15314291, The Mysterious Death Of Michel [Sacha] Trudeau, Brother of Canadian Prime Minister - capforcanada.com
>>15314376 Amazon's Gender Recognition System Identifies Michelle Obama As A Man - revolver (kek)
>>15314386 Jan. 6 attack posed loyalty test for Indiana Rep. Greg Pence - apnews.com
>>15313914, >>15313895, notables collect by anon or baker
>>15315541 #19370
#15316267 at 2022-01-06 00:36:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19373: Lost In An Ocean Of Information? Choose Your Positions Edition
wuhan Virus
Health 'Experts' Finally Admit Masks Control People, Not Viruses
By: Kylee Zempel
January 05, 2022
#15315946 at 2022-01-05 23:45:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19373: Lost In An Ocean Of Information? Choose Your Positions Edition
#19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance?
>>15313687 Left Launches Effort to Win Midterms by Disqualifying Republicans for 'Insurrection'- breitbart
>>15313698 Canada agrees to 'historic reparations' for 200,000 indigenous children - rt.com
>>15313706 Horowitz: Manhattan DA to downgrade armed robbery to misdemeanor amid growing crime wave - the blaze
>>15313708 pipe bomb j6 - greg price twat
>>15313718 BUSTED: National Geographic Published Book Falsely Claiming Kyle Rittenhouse Killed Two Black Men - nationalfile
>>15313731 NBC Tells Parents to Double Mask Their Kids, Use N95 So 'Not A Lot of Air' Gets In - nationfile
>>15313738 Mayo Clinic Terminates 700 Unvaccinated Employees at Locations Nationwide - breitbart
>>15313746 REPORT: Mexican Army Loses 30% of Weapons Purchased from U.S. - breitbart
>>15313751 Joe Rogan and Transexual complain that GAB is full of 'Nazis' and Russians.- bitchute
>>15313763 Rally Against Lockdowns Sees 100,000 Germans Protest, Ruling Party Demands Clampdown - breitbart
>>15313773 Reiner Fuellmich - New Findings are enough to Dismantle the Entire (COVID JAB) Industry -bitchute video
>>15313787 Chris Wray Lied: Secret Service Admits They Knew 13 'Counter-Protest' Groups Were Organizing to Attend Washington DC Jan. 6 Protests - yourdestinationnow.com
>>15313806 Supreme Court: All nine justices got COVID-19 booster - washington times
>>15313816 pope bun
>>15313858 CNN : 'Let's Go Brandon' Dad Deserves to Have Life RUINED - en-volve.com
>>15313930, >>15313915, Jerusalem advances thousands of new homes in Jewish areas of East Jerusalem -timesofisrael plus other news from Israel
>>15313891, >>15313929, >>15313917, >>15313902, >>15313910, >>15313942 Samples From Early wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, 1 of 2 Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab
>>15313947 China Abuses US Diplomats - judicialwatch
>>15313961 Biden Withholds Annual Report on Deportations - freebeacon (doh wonder why)
>>15313968 Treasury Department slaps sanctions on Bosnian leader, citing 'destabilizing corrupt activities' - justthenews
>>15314016, United States Congressional Black Caucus visits Ark of Return - anon dig
>>15314067 Jan 6 2021 Save America Rally Transcript - rev.com
>>15314084, >>15314087, >>15314090, >>15314093, anon dig image caps on the standard hotel pts 1 to pt4
>>15314127 Scientific Studies prove the Covid-19 Vaccines damage the Immune System, and suggest it may be permanent - dailyexpose.uk
>>15314160, >>15314147, Gettr Global Communications Director, Ebony Bowden, Anti-Trump / Pro-Obama Past Revealed- dailyveracity.com, plus other gettr news
>>15314187 Swedbank ex-CEO Indicted for Financial Crimes - occrp.org
>>15314194 The World Ahead - Economist 2022 - theecomonist
>>15314212 Leaked Biden Plan Would House Violent Men In Women's Prison Cells - thefederalist
>>15314220 Soviet Canada: Doctor Locked in Psych Ward Who Exposed Stillbirth Explosion in 'Vaccinated' Moms -rairfoundation
>>15314245 New: My interview in the Mirror today on the 1000th day of Julian's incarceration in Belmarsh high security prison. - stellamoris twat
>>15314254 Snatched from the street and dragged away to her death - dailymail
>>15314280 Youtube Rapper Among Mass Madrid Arrests of Vice ring That Abused Underage Girls in Spain - 37 Arrested - the olivepress.es
>>15314294 MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Isolation After Fully Vaccinated Husband Tests Positive for COVID-19 - gwp
>>15314338 What is HUMA? huma.com
>>15314347 Biden Orders Parents Not To Allow Kids Near The Unvaxxed - zerohedge
>>15314356 Kazakh President Requests Troops From Russia & Allies To Quell Unrest - zerohedge
>>15314360, >>15314291, The Mysterious Death Of Michel [Sacha] Trudeau, Brother of Canadian Prime Minister - capforcanada.com
>>15314376 Amazon's Gender Recognition System Identifies Michelle Obama As A Man - revolver (kek)
>>15314386 Jan. 6 attack posed loyalty test for Indiana Rep. Greg Pence - apnews.com
>>15313914, >>15313895, notables collect by anon or baker
>>15315541 #19370
#15315634 at 2022-01-05 22:58:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19372: Are You Awake Yet? Edition
Q Research General #19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance?
>>15313687 Left Launches Effort to Win Midterms by Disqualifying Republicans for 'Insurrection'- breitbart
>>15313698 Canada agrees to 'historic reparations' for 200,000 indigenous children - rt.com
>>15313706 Horowitz: Manhattan DA to downgrade armed robbery to misdemeanor amid growing crime wave - the blaze
>>15313708 pipe bomb j6 - greg price twat
>>15313718 BUSTED: National Geographic Published Book Falsely Claiming Kyle Rittenhouse Killed Two Black Men - nationalfile
>>15313731 NBC Tells Parents to Double Mask Their Kids, Use N95 So 'Not A Lot of Air' Gets In - nationfile
>>15313738 Mayo Clinic Terminates 700 Unvaccinated Employees at Locations Nationwide - breitbart
>>15313746 REPORT: Mexican Army Loses 30% of Weapons Purchased from U.S. - breitbart
>>15313751 Joe Rogan and Transexual complain that GAB is full of 'Nazis' and Russians.- bitchute
>>15313763 Rally Against Lockdowns Sees 100,000 Germans Protest, Ruling Party Demands Clampdown - breitbart
>>15313773 Reiner Fuellmich - New Findings are enough to Dismantle the Entire (COVID JAB) Industry -bitchute video
>>15313787 Chris Wray Lied: Secret Service Admits They Knew 13 'Counter-Protest' Groups Were Organizing to Attend Washington DC Jan. 6 Protests - yourdestinationnow.com
>>15313806 Supreme Court: All nine justices got COVID-19 booster - washington times
>>15313816 pope bun
>>15313858 CNN : 'Let's Go Brandon' Dad Deserves to Have Life RUINED - en-volve.com
>>15313930, >>15313915, Jerusalem advances thousands of new homes in Jewish areas of East Jerusalem -timesofisrael plus other news from Israel
>>15313891, >>15313929, >>15313917, >>15313902, >>15313910, >>15313942 Samples From Early wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, 1 of 2 Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab
>>15313947 China Abuses US Diplomats - judicialwatch
>>15313961 Biden Withholds Annual Report on Deportations - freebeacon (doh wonder why)
>>15313968 Treasury Department slaps sanctions on Bosnian leader, citing 'destabilizing corrupt activities' - justthenews
>>15314016, United States Congressional Black Caucus visits Ark of Return - anon dig
>>15314067 Jan 6 2021 Save America Rally Transcript - rev.com
>>15314084, >>15314087, >>15314090, >>15314093, anon dig image caps on the standard hotel pts 1 to pt4
>>15314127 Scientific Studies prove the Covid-19 Vaccines damage the Immune System, and suggest it may be permanent - dailyexpose.uk
>>15314160, >>15314147, Gettr Global Communications Director, Ebony Bowden, Anti-Trump / Pro-Obama Past Revealed- dailyveracity.com, plus other gettr news
>>15314187 Swedbank ex-CEO Indicted for Financial Crimes - occrp.org
>>15314194 The World Ahead - Economist 2022 - theecomonist
>>15314212 Leaked Biden Plan Would House Violent Men In Women's Prison Cells - thefederalist
>>15314220 Soviet Canada: Doctor Locked in Psych Ward Who Exposed Stillbirth Explosion in 'Vaccinated' Moms -rairfoundation
>>15314245 New: My interview in the Mirror today on the 1000th day of Julian's incarceration in Belmarsh high security prison. - stellamoris twat
>>15314254 Snatched from the street and dragged away to her death - dailymail
>>15314280 Youtube Rapper Among Mass Madrid Arrests of Vice ring That Abused Underage Girls in Spain - 37 Arrested - the olivepress.es
>>15314294 MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Isolation After Fully Vaccinated Husband Tests Positive for COVID-19 - gwp
>>15314338 What is HUMA? huma.com
>>15314347 Biden Orders Parents Not To Allow Kids Near The Unvaxxed - zerohedge
>>15314356 Kazakh President Requests Troops From Russia & Allies To Quell Unrest - zerohedge
>>15314360, >>15314291, The Mysterious Death Of Michel [Sacha] Trudeau, Brother of Canadian Prime Minister - capforcanada.com
>>15314376 Amazon's Gender Recognition System Identifies Michelle Obama As A Man - revolver (kek)
>>15314386 Jan. 6 attack posed loyalty test for Indiana Rep. Greg Pence - apnews.com
>>15313914, >>15313895, notables collect by anon or baker
>>15315541 #19370
#15315541 at 2022-01-05 22:45:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19372: Are You Awake Yet? Edition
Q Research General #19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance?
Q Research General #19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance?
>>15313687 Left Launches Effort to Win Midterms by Disqualifying Republicans for 'Insurrection'- breitbart
>>15313698 Canada agrees to 'historic reparations' for 200,000 indigenous children - rt.com
>>15313706 Horowitz: Manhattan DA to downgrade armed robbery to misdemeanor amid growing crime wave - the blaze
>>15313708 pipe bomb j6 - greg price twat
>>15313718 BUSTED: National Geographic Published Book Falsely Claiming Kyle Rittenhouse Killed Two Black Men - nationalfile
>>15313731 NBC Tells Parents to Double Mask Their Kids, Use N95 So 'Not A Lot of Air' Gets In - nationfile
>>15313738 Mayo Clinic Terminates 700 Unvaccinated Employees at Locations Nationwide - breitbart
>>15313746 REPORT: Mexican Army Loses 30% of Weapons Purchased from U.S. - breitbart
>>15313751 Joe Rogan and Transexual complain that GAB is full of 'Nazis' and Russians.- bitchute
>>15313763 Rally Against Lockdowns Sees 100,000 Germans Protest, Ruling Party Demands Clampdown - breitbart
>>15313773 Reiner Fuellmich - New Findings are enough to Dismantle the Entire (COVID JAB) Industry -bitchute video
>>15313787 Chris Wray Lied: Secret Service Admits They Knew 13 'Counter-Protest' Groups Were Organizing to Attend Washington DC Jan. 6 Protests - yourdestinationnow.com
>>15313806 Supreme Court: All nine justices got COVID-19 booster - washington times
>>15313816 pope bun
>>15313858CNN : 'Let's Go Brandon' Dad Deserves to Have Life RUINED - en-volve.com
>>15313930, >>15313915, Jerusalem advances thousands of new homes in Jewish areas of East Jerusalem -timesofisrael plus other news from Israel
>>15313891, >>15313929, >>15313917, >>15313902, >>15313910, >>15313942,
Samples From Early wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, 1 of 2 Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab
>>15313947 China Abuses US Diplomats - judicialwatch
>>15313961 Biden Withholds Annual Report on Deportations - freebeacon (doh wonder why)
>>15313968 Treasury Department slaps sanctions on Bosnian leader, citing 'destabilizing corrupt activities' - justthenews
>>15314016, United States Congressional Black Caucus visits Ark of Return - anon dig
>>15314067 Jan 6 2021 Save America Rally Transcript - rev.com
>>15314084, >>15314087, >>15314090, >>15314093, anon dig image caps on the standard hotel pts 1 to pt4
>>15314127 Scientific Studies prove the Covid-19 Vaccines damage the Immune System, and suggest it may be permanent - dailyexpose.uk
>>15314160, >>15314147, Gettr Global Communications Director, Ebony Bowden, Anti-Trump / Pro-Obama Past Revealed- dailyveracity.com, plus other gettr news
>>15314187 Swedbank ex-CEO Indicted for Financial Crimes - occrp.org
>>15314194 The World Ahead - Economist 2022 - theecomonist
>>15314212 Leaked Biden Plan Would House Violent Men In Women's Prison Cells - thefederalist
>>15314220 Soviet Canada: Doctor Locked in Psych Ward Who Exposed Stillbirth Explosion in 'Vaccinated' Moms -rairfoundation
>>15314245 New: My interview in the Mirror today on the 1000th day of Julian's incarceration in Belmarsh high security prison. - stellamoris twat
>>15314254 Snatched from the street and dragged away to her death - dailymail
>>15314280 Youtube Rapper Among Mass Madrid Arrests of Vice ring That Abused Underage Girls in Spain - 37 Arrested - the olivepress.es
>>15314294 MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Isolation After Fully Vaccinated Husband Tests Positive for COVID-19 - gwp
>>15314338 What is HUMA? huma.com
>>15314347 Biden Orders Parents Not To Allow Kids Near The Unvaxxed - zerohedge
>>15314356 Kazakh President Requests Troops From Russia & Allies To Quell Unrest - zerohedge
>>15314360, >>15314291, The Mysterious Death Of Michel [Sacha] Trudeau, Brother of Canadian Prime Minister - capforcanada.com
>>15314376 Amazon's Gender Recognition System Identifies Michelle Obama As A Man - revolver (kek)
>>15314386 Jan. 6 attack posed loyalty test for Indiana Rep. Greg Pence - apnews.com
>>15313914, >>15313895, notables collect by anon or baker
full notables collected from 19370, plus other anons notables linked
#15315344 at 2022-01-05 22:16:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19372: Are You Awake Yet? Edition
Gee, I remember when the reports of a mysterious outbreak in wuhan included video of people COLLAPSING in the street…
Falling down dead.
Seemed pretty scary.
Now, we lock down again over some cases of runny nose and a slight cough.
Really? ….REALLY???
#15313929 at 2022-01-05 18:25:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance? Edition
Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, funded the WIV for dangerous gain-of-function research that makes viruses more lethal and transmissible. Dr. Fauci supports the theory that the virus that causes COVID-19 developed naturally in the wild. Dr. Robert Redfield, former head of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) finds no evidence for that theory and told reporters he was "very rapidly sidelined, threatened because somehow I believed as a virologist that this virus may have come from the laboratory."
Before his recent discovery of genetically altered material, Dr. Quay co-authored, "The Science Suggests a wuhan Lab Leak," noting that the COVID-19 pathogen has a genetic footprint never observed in a natural coronavirus. "In gain-of-function research, a microbiologist can increase the lethality of a coronavirus enormously by splicing a special sequence into its genome at a prime location," Dr. Quay and co-author Richard Muller explain. "Doing this leaves no trace of manipulation. But it alters the virus spike protein, rendering it easier for the virus to inject genetic material into the victim cell." The result of similar experiments "has always been supercharged viruses."
Dr. Quay earned his MD and Ph.D. at the University of Michigan, served as a postdoctoral fellow in the chemistry department at MIT with Nobel Laureate H. Gobind Khorana, and spent almost a decade on the faculty of Stanford University. Dr. Quay is also the author of the manuscript, "A Bayesian analysis concludes beyond a reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 is not a natural zoonosis but instead is laboratory derived."
Anthony Fauci earned a medical degree in 1966 but his bio shows no advanced degrees in molecular biology or biochemistry. Dr. Fauci has reversed himself on many aspects of the pandemic and recently claimed that those who criticize him are "actually criticizing science." But the most compelling reason to favor the lab leak hypothesis is firmly based in science. In particular, consider the genetic fingerprint of CoV-2, the novel coronavirus responsible for the disease Covid-19.
In gain-of-function research, a microbiologist can increase the lethality of a coronavirus enormously by splicing a special sequence into its genome at a prime location. Doing this leaves no trace of manipulation. But it alters the virus spike protein, rendering it easier for the virus to inject genetic material into the victim cell. Since 1992 there have been at least 11 separate experiments adding a special sequence to the same location. The end result has always been supercharged viruses.
#15313917 at 2022-01-05 18:24:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance? Edition
However, court documents later revealed that the former researcher stole the vials on his last day of work in January because "he did not want to start his research over from the beginning when he entered into his next fellowship," with the National Institutes of Health at the Biodefense Research Laboratory in Maryland.
In another incident implying a global collusion, Alexander Kagansky, a Russian scientist working on the virus, was twice stabbed and thrown off the window of his 14th floor flat. In Pennsylvania, Professor Bing Liu of the University of Pittsburgh was on the verge of a breakthrough in a scientific understanding of the new coronavirus but was shot dead.
Then a World Health Organization (WHO) driver carrying coronavirus samples was shot dead in Myanmar. The WHO vehicle was carrying coronavirus samples when it came under attack. The WHO confirmed that the driver, Pyae Sone Win Maung, died of his injuries from the attack. Reuters reported that the vehicle had come under gunfire. Then there is the mysterious co-incidental death of all four African heads of state who spoke out against the COVID lockdowns and experimental vaccines. Very strange for so many people to be dying who opposed or perhaps had evidence against the mainstream narrative.
Furthermore, leaked emails showing a statement in The Lancet authored by 27 prominent public health scientists, condemning "conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin," was organized by employees of EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit group that receives millions of dollars of US taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses at the wuhan Institute of Virology. This an obvious conflicts of interest. Peter Daszak is the President of EcoHealth Alliance, who left a paper trail of personally providing $600,000 to the wuhan Laboratory.
Samples from early wuhan COVID-19 patients show the presence of genetically modified Henipah virus," reports Omid Ghoreishi of The Epoch Times. That was the finding of Dr. Steven Quay, a Seattle-based physician and scientist, and former faculty member at the Stanford University School of Medicine. In COVID-19 samples uploaded by scientists at the wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) shortly after China informed the World Health Organization about the outbreak, Dr. Quay found "genetic manipulation of the Nipah virus which is more lethal than Ebola." Joe Wang Ph.D., who headed a vaccine program for SARS in Canada, was able to replicate Dr. Quay's findings.
The Henipah virus was part of a load of deadly pathogens transferred from Canada's National Microbiology Lab (NML) to the WIV by Dr. Xiangguo Qiu. The Chinese national headed the special pathogens program at the NML, and in recent years made multiple trips to the WIV and other agencies involved in China's biological weapons development. In 2019, Dr. Qiu and her husband Keding Cheng were removed from the NML and subsequently fired. At this writing, their whereabouts are unknown. Canada public health services is refusing to release information on the pair.
#15313914 at 2022-01-05 18:23:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance? Edition
Notes report through last collected
>>15313683 Anon on the The Pitfalls of Hypostatization
>>15313687 Left Launches Effort to Win Midterms by Disqualifying Republicans for 'Insurrection'
>>15313692 Sentencing hearing underway now.
>>15313698 Canada agrees to 'historic reparations' for 200,000 indigenous children
>>15313718 BUSTED: National Geographic Published Book Falsely Claiming Kyle Rittenhouse Killed Two Black Men
>>15313731 NBC Tells Parents to Double Mask Their Kids, Use N95 So 'Not A Lot of Air' Gets In
>>15313738 Mayo Clinic Terminates 700 Unvaccinated Employees at Locations Nationwide
>>15313742 Reminder - "The Unselect Committee of Radical Left Democrats, and two failed Republicans, has just dropped a large portion of their request for my records and documents
>>15313746 REPORT: Mexican Army Loses 30% of Weapons Purchased from U.S.
>>15313763 Rally Against Lockdowns Sees 100,000 Germans Protest, Ruling Party Demands Clampdown
>>15313787 Chris Wray Lied: Secret Service Admits They Knew 13 'Counter-Protest' Groups Were Organizing to Attend Washington DC Jan. 6 Protests
>>15313805, >>15313812 John Stockwell explaining the role of CIA and Propaganda
>>15313806 Supreme Court: All nine justices got COVID-19 booster
>>15313817 Ted Cruz on Jan. 6
>>15313819 'Who's the jackass that said that?' Weatherman pummels governor on live TV
>>15313833 Bill Clinton hobnobs with friends in the East
>>15313858 CNN : 'Let's Go Brandon' Dad Deserves to Have Life RUINED>>15313891 Samples From Early wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, 1 of 2 Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab
#15313910 at 2022-01-05 18:22:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance? Edition
Unsurprisingly, the earliest samples from early wuhan COVID-19 patients show the presence of genetically modified Henipah virus, one of the two types of viruses sent to China from the Canadian laboratory. The Public Health Agency of Canada is still refusing to disclose information on this groups disappearance and sudden dismissal.
They have not updated information on this group, despite the discovery of modified Henipah Strains in wuhan Covid-19 patient samples, fueling suspicion of who was in this group. Dr. Qiu and her husband had ties to high ranking members of Chinese military officials, and the information on this group must be damning for Canadian authorities.
The former director Plummer also had a habit of getting biological material he was working on "stolen." A report from 2009, from the Winnepeg Free Press, details that a theft of 22 vials of biological material was "confirmed by scientific director Dr. Frank Plummer." He allegedly alerted authorities to the missing material on the same day that a former vaccine researcher was arrested by the FBI after U.S. Customs discovered the vials, stuffed in a glove in the trunk of his car at the Manitoba-North Dakota border crossing. More than a week after this theft came to light, the authorities claimed that nobody from the lab reported this incident.
Plummer claimed that his researcher declared he had not taken anything, and understood that he was not allowed to remove materials from this lab. This full containment level 4 biolab also claimed to not conduct searches of staff, and does not routinely take inventory of the thousands of vials containing non-infectious biological substances. They are claiming you can walk out of this building containing Ebola strains without intense monitoring, it almost sounds as easy as stealing sandwiches out of grocery stores.
#15313902 at 2022-01-05 18:21:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance? Edition
Continued ^^
Director Plummer acquired this unique SARS coronavirus sample from a Saudi patient at Canada's NML in Winnipeg from Ron Fouchier, a leading virologist at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands. He was sent the virus by an Egyptian virologist, Dr. Ali Mohamed Zaki, who isolated and identified this unknown type of coronavirus from the patient's lungs.
Fouchier sequenced the virus from that sample which arrived at Canada's NML on May 4, 2013. Dr. Plummer was the director until 2014, and had knowledge of this unique coronavirus. The lab replicated and stocked the virus, and then used it to assess diagnostic tests in Canada. They also began working on the virus to see which animal species could be infected with this new mutation.
Ron Fouchier was infamous for his gain of function research on the H5N1 bird flu virus, bioengineering the virus to effectively spread in mammals. Fouchier's extensive involvement with Sars-Cov-1 and Dr. Frank Plummer has also somehow flown completely under the radar, avoiding any official investigations.
An undisclosed number of virologists were escorted from the NML on July 5th of 2019. Their tracks were covered up by Canadian Intelligence, and the legacy news that started surviving on $600 million subsidiaries from Justin Trudeau's parliament in the same year. These virologists disappeared from view throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. They were a key part of the Covid-19 development program at the wuhan Institute of Virology, and are being shielded from investigations.
#15313891 at 2022-01-05 18:19:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19370: Where's the 1/6 Comms @ Nance? Edition
Samples From Early wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, 1 of 2 Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab
There is a clear connection between Canada's BSL4 National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, and the wuhan Institute of Virology for the creation of Covid-19. Buried deep in this story is Dr. Frank Plummer, the former director of Canada's NML. Dr. Plummer received a unique mutation of the coronavirus, during his time as the director, and received $8.3 million in research funding from the Gates Foundation. Plummer conveniently died from heart failure in Kenya, shortly after the Covid-19 pandemic began, on February 4 of 2020.
The pandemic started immediately after the Gates Foundation simulation of a coronavirus outbreak, 'Event 201', preceeded by the 2017 SPARS Pandemic Scenario training exercise by John Hopkins, both abour a novel coronavirus pandemic. 2017 was also when Anthony Fauci authorized gain of function research to create advanced pathogens. There is overwhelming evidence of a global collusion of a planned pandemic.
#15309124 at 2022-01-04 22:21:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19364: ]2022[ Covid is Over Ride the waves, Frens 4444 Edition
So I received my Ivermectin in the mail today from ReliableRX Pharmacy but I do not know the dosage to take if I get the wuhan Flu. Any medfags out there for advise? I went to the frontlinedoctors.org site and the site cannot be reached. I got 30 pills 12mg each. Do you take it as a preventative or just if you get it?
#15304489 at 2022-01-04 01:57:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19358: Fauci: Had collaboration with some Chinese Commu... uh Scientists Edition
GOP filled with corrupt Republican politicians who are no better than Democrats... and they're all run by Big Pharma
Most conservative discussions about the problems of our day seem to center around how the Democrats are destroying everything with their far-left policies. Truth be told, many (if not most) Republicans are no better.
The GOP is filled, it turns out, with corrupt, spineless Republican politicians who govern (if you can even call it that) based on an ethos of greed and corruption. Many of them are Big Pharma hacks who craft policies that benefit the drug industry at the expense of public health, and enrich the already rich at the expense of the poor.
Neither party works for the We the People, sadly, save for perhaps a small handful of exceptions within their ranks. The rest are bought-and-paid-for traitors who have betrayed their constituents by aligning themselves with special interests.
Back in August 2020, it was reported that the world's largest drug makers and their trade groups had cut checks to some 356 lawmakers ahead of that year's election. This figure represents more than two-thirds of the entire sitting Congress.
The most active PAC was none other than Pfizer, the CEO of which says that anyone who refuses to take his company's wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines" is a "criminal."
Mitch McConnell takes in more cash from the pharmaceutical industry than any other politician
The worst political offender by far is Mitch McConnell, a powerful Republican who is arguably the most corrupt member of Congress next to, perhaps, Nancy Pelosi.
McConnell has raked in some $30 million in campaign bribes from Big Pharma - and this is just the documented bribes that he actually reports. This would explain why McConnell and the Republican Party as a whole loves the pills (and hates nature).
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"Of course, like all political organizations of all stripes, to one degree or another, the ranks of the elected GOP officeholders have been populated by grifting cowards since its inception - such is the nature of the politician," reports The Daily Bell.
"The best among the elected GOP pussyfoot around the totalitarian ambitions of the biomedical corporate state. The worst among the elected GOP are complicit in the largest-scale medical crime against humanity in history."
#15302447 at 2022-01-03 19:59:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19355: US Army with the Comms Today Edition
most anons know it was a patented bio weapon funded by the usa and released in wuhan
The rest is the propaganda.
watch this video anon did of dr david martin, no matter what you think of him, he has the reciepts.
the rest of the video is filler, only 2 minutes long
#15296570 at 2022-01-02 19:46:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19348: This anon is not a baker, EBAKE Edition
notes on key dates in DEVOLVED vid
DEVOLVED | Vol 1 - A Fortified Election | Based on Devolution by Patel Patriot
- by Dauntless Dialogue
Dec 29, 2021, 32 min video
Pretty good intro but with a least one factual error, see below
Documented KEY DATES
[Introduction to the idea of devolution]
May 11 2017
Pres Advisory commission on electoral integrity established - plays an advisory role
Sept 12 2018
Executive Order 13848
Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election
Nov 19 2018 (Wikipedia says Nov 16 2018)
created CISA - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
meant to protect the Nation's critical infrastructure from physical and cyber threats
Dec 20, 2019
"the following month" NO - it was 13 mos later
Space Force created
Feb 17, 2020
Tom Cotton brings up wuhan lab as possible source of CV-19
now we know it's true - May 1 2020, Trump said he'd seen evidence
Mar 18, 2020
Newsweek publishes an article on Continuity of Govt Plan in context of Covid pandemic
Octagon, Freejack, Zodiac - very secret plans for continuity of gov't
Claims that Trump ordered military in Feb to review these plans
Date not given
CBS asked Trump whether he's seen evidence it was China that was the source of the virus.
He said yes.
[Rest of vid discusses key role of CV-19 pandemic as launching pad for stealing of election and the ongoing role it plays in pushing global totalitarianism]
#15295763 at 2022-01-02 16:56:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19347: Dinner Reservations for 22? Edition
wuhan lab retrievers
#15295658 at 2022-01-02 16:25:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19347: Dinner Reservations for 22? Edition
Q Research General #19343: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions Edition
>>15292563 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses. - journals.asm.org
>>15292567 ESPN Facing a $400 Million Hit as Games Get Canceled - nationfile.org
>>15292570 New smear tactic against PDJT - fake fundraising site - pjmedia.com
>>15292618 Dr. Peter McCullough says suppression of COVID treatments to cause fear, death - rumble video
>>15292620 anon prayers notable extreme powers
>>15292643 THE PRES & THE PEDOS Bill Clinton should face probe over Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein ties after private jet flights, says lawyers -the sun (murdoch uk rag)
>>15292711 CURRENT DOUGH
>>15292693 #19342:
>>15292726 Bannon said today #WarRoomPandemic is gonna spend some more time in 2022 focused on decoding the US monetary policy. - election wizard telegram
>>15292738, >>15292773, >>15292928, >>15292930, >>15292958, >>15292977, >>15293297 storm near Huntland TN has a debris ball now + STORMWATCH - davisnolan twat
>>15292839 My secret plan to end the vaccine madness - Don't tell anyone, OK? Just between us. Stevekirsh
>>15292848 #19343 @280
>>15292899, >>15292901 TEXAS - Jasper County Little Coach, Adam Isaacks (pic related), Charged With Indecency With A Child; Possibly A Dozen Victims; Jasper County Sheriff's Office Sat On Charges
>>15292912 Distractions on the Qlock
>>15292938 New Bombshell Study Reveals HOW Covid "Vaccines" Are Killing People - VAERS data shows the Covid "vaccines" kill people.
>>15292943 Float in Rose Parade Comes from 2022 AIDS Healthcare Foundation Entitled, "Vaccine Our World."
>>15292946, >>15292961 Information Operation Host L Todd Wood speaks with former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne on what is coming in January, 2022 in the fight against tyranny.
>>15293011 Family Life Protection Act Goes Into Effect in NH, Abortions Now Banned After 24 Weeks - The Gateway Pundit
>>15293018, >>15293022 Can Pepcid treat COVID-19? - Cen.acs.org
>>15293039 Only The Beginning - TRUMP
>>15293083 Israel carries out airstrikes in Gaza in response to rockets off Tel Aviv coast - Times Of Israel
>>15293100 Supreme Court Tackles Federal Vaccine Mandates; Vaccine-Injured Pilot Suffers Mid-Flight Blackout - Breaking Headlines
>>15293140 Anomolies Painting a Picture? - NY Post, CNN, Others
>>15293170 American colleges shift to remote learning despite taking millions from the in coronavirus relief funding - Fox Business
>>15293174 Trump-appointed FDIC chairman resigns after warning of 'hostile takeover' of agency by Democrats - Just The News
>>15293214 US court rejects Prince Andrew's attempt to halt sex assault lawsuit - The Times Of Israel
>>15293269 Eric Adams' first act as NYC mayor: signing two executive orders, one continuing Bill de Blasio's state of emergency, the other continuing de Blasio's vaccine mandate for restaurants and other indoor venues. - NY Post
>>15293282 On Palestinian TV, young girl calls to liberate the land from Jews - The Times Of Israel
>>15294293 #19343
#15294860 at 2022-01-02 11:42:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19346: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions4 Edition
Q Research General #19343: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions Edition
>>15292563 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses. - journals.asm.org
>>15292567 ESPN Facing a $400 Million Hit as Games Get Canceled - nationfile.org
>>15292570 New smear tactic against PDJT - fake fundraising site - pjmedia.com
>>15292618 Dr. Peter McCullough says suppression of COVID treatments to cause fear, death - rumble video
>>15292620 anon prayers notable extreme powers
>>15292643 THE PRES & THE PEDOS Bill Clinton should face probe over Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein ties after private jet flights, says lawyers -the sun (murdoch uk rag)
>>15292711 CURRENT DOUGH
>>15292693 #19342:
>>15292726 Bannon said today #WarRoomPandemic is gonna spend some more time in 2022 focused on decoding the US monetary policy. - election wizard telegram
>>15292738, >>15292773, >>15292928, >>15292930, >>15292958, >>15292977, >>15293297 storm near Huntland TN has a debris ball now + STORMWATCH - davisnolan twat
>>15292839 My secret plan to end the vaccine madness - Don't tell anyone, OK? Just between us. Stevekirsh
>>15292848 #19343 @280
>>15292899, >>15292901 TEXAS - Jasper County Little Coach, Adam Isaacks (pic related), Charged With Indecency With A Child; Possibly A Dozen Victims; Jasper County Sheriff's Office Sat On Charges
>>15292912 Distractions on the Qlock
>>15292938 New Bombshell Study Reveals HOW Covid "Vaccines" Are Killing People - VAERS data shows the Covid "vaccines" kill people.
>>15292943 Float in Rose Parade Comes from 2022 AIDS Healthcare Foundation Entitled, "Vaccine Our World."
>>15292946, >>15292961 Information Operation Host L Todd Wood speaks with former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne on what is coming in January, 2022 in the fight against tyranny.
>>15293011 Family Life Protection Act Goes Into Effect in NH, Abortions Now Banned After 24 Weeks - The Gateway Pundit
>>15293018, >>15293022 Can Pepcid treat COVID-19? - Cen.acs.org
>>15293039 Only The Beginning - TRUMP
>>15293083 Israel carries out airstrikes in Gaza in response to rockets off Tel Aviv coast - Times Of Israel
>>15293100 Supreme Court Tackles Federal Vaccine Mandates; Vaccine-Injured Pilot Suffers Mid-Flight Blackout - Breaking Headlines
>>15293140 Anomolies Painting a Picture? - NY Post, CNN, Others
>>15293170 American colleges shift to remote learning despite taking millions from the in coronavirus relief funding - Fox Business
>>15293174 Trump-appointed FDIC chairman resigns after warning of 'hostile takeover' of agency by Democrats - Just The News
>>15293214 US court rejects Prince Andrew's attempt to halt sex assault lawsuit - The Times Of Israel
>>15293269 Eric Adams' first act as NYC mayor: signing two executive orders, one continuing Bill de Blasio's state of emergency, the other continuing de Blasio's vaccine mandate for restaurants and other indoor venues. - NY Post
>>15293282 On Palestinian TV, young girl calls to liberate the land from Jews - The Times Of Israel
>>15294293 #19343
#15294293 at 2022-01-02 06:34:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19345: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions3 Edition
Notables Are NOT Endorsements
Q Research General #19343: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions Edition
>>15292563 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses. - journals.asm.org
>>15292567 ESPN Facing a $400 Million Hit as Games Get Canceled - nationfile.org
>>15292570 New smear tactic against PDJT - fake fundraising site - pjmedia.com
>>15292618 Dr. Peter McCullough says suppression of COVID treatments to cause fear, death - rumble video
>>15292620 anon prayers notable extreme powers
>>15292643 THE PRES & THE PEDOS Bill Clinton should face probe over Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein ties after private jet flights, says lawyers -the sun (murdoch uk rag)
>>15292711 CURRENT DOUGH
>>15292693 #19342:
>>15292726 Bannon said today #WarRoomPandemic is gonna spend some more time in 2022 focused on decoding the US monetary policy. - election wizard telegram
>>15292738, >>15292773, >>15292928, >>15292930, >>15292958, >>15292977, >>15293297 storm near Huntland TN has a debris ball now + STORMWATCH - davisnolan twat
>>15292839 My secret plan to end the vaccine madness - Don't tell anyone, OK? Just between us. Stevekirsh
>>15292848 #19343 @280
>>15292899, >>15292901 TEXAS - Jasper County Little Coach, Adam Isaacks (pic related), Charged With Indecency With A Child; Possibly A Dozen Victims; Jasper County Sheriff's Office Sat On Charges
>>15292912 Distractions on the Qlock
>>15292938 New Bombshell Study Reveals HOW Covid "Vaccines" Are Killing People - VAERS data shows the Covid "vaccines" kill people.
>>15292943 Float in Rose Parade Comes from 2022 AIDS Healthcare Foundation Entitled, "Vaccine Our World."
>>15292946, >>15292961 Information Operation Host L Todd Wood speaks with former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne on what is coming in January, 2022 in the fight against tyranny.
>>15293011 Family Life Protection Act Goes Into Effect in NH, Abortions Now Banned After 24 Weeks - The Gateway Pundit
>>15293018, >>15293022 Can Pepcid treat COVID-19? - Cen.acs.org
>>15293039 Only The Beginning - TRUMP
>>15293083 Israel carries out airstrikes in Gaza in response to rockets off Tel Aviv coast - Times Of Israel
>>15293100 Supreme Court Tackles Federal Vaccine Mandates; Vaccine-Injured Pilot Suffers Mid-Flight Blackout - Breaking Headlines
>>15293140 Anomolies Painting a Picture? - NY Post, CNN, Others
>>15293170 American colleges shift to remote learning despite taking millions from the in coronavirus relief funding - Fox Business
>>15293174 Trump-appointed FDIC chairman resigns after warning of 'hostile takeover' of agency by Democrats - Just The News
>>15293214 US court rejects Prince Andrew's attempt to halt sex assault lawsuit - The Times Of Israel
>>15293269 Eric Adams' first act as NYC mayor: signing two executive orders, one continuing Bill de Blasio's state of emergency, the other continuing de Blasio's vaccine mandate for restaurants and other indoor venues. - NY Post
>>15293282 On Palestinian TV, young girl calls to liberate the land from Jews - The Times Of Israel
#15294094 at 2022-01-02 05:25:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19345: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions3 Edition
Q Research General #19344: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions2 Edition
Q Research General #19344: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions2 Edition
#19344 TBC
Q Research General #19343: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions Edition
>>15292563 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses. - journals.asm.org
>>15292567 ESPN Facing a $400 Million Hit as Games Get Canceled - nationfile.org
>>15292570 New smear tactic against PDJT - fake fundraising site - pjmedia.com
>>15292618 Dr. Peter McCullough says suppression of COVID treatments to cause fear, death - rumble video
>>15292620 anon prayers notable extreme powers
>>15292643 THE PRES & THE PEDOS Bill Clinton should face probe over Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein ties after private jet flights, says lawyers -the sun (murdoch uk rag)
>>15292711 CURRENT DOUGH
>>15292693 #19342:
>>15292726 Bannon said today #WarRoomPandemic is gonna spend some more time in 2022 focused on decoding the US monetary policy. - election wizard telegram
>>15292738 storm near Huntland TN has a debris ball now - davisnolan twat
>>15292848 #19343 @280
Q Research General #19342: 2022 Year of the Bread Edition
>>15291885 Judge states there is an active cover up. Implicates Facebook. 2022 just getting started! - george papa twat
>>15291893 1000 homes destroyed in Colorado. 5k people homeless now. - anon highlight, media silent, nothing from the talking heads either
>>15291943 tic tock bans judicial watch tom fitton - poso twat
>>15291962 One Q post with Steve Jobs - Q reminders
>>15292002, Dr Malone interview for the normies twat
>>15292004 Nearly 400K Anchor Babies Born in 2021, Outpacing U.S. Births in 49 States - breitbart
>>15292028 The Australian government has admitted there have been at least 79,000 COVID-19 vaccine side effects and is now offering compensation to those seriously injured - telegram
>>15292049 President of Finland telegraph's in his New Year speech that a Russian invasion of Ukraine will requireFinland to join NATO. - mollymckew twat
>>15292065 QAnon acolytes in Dallas are now drinking toxic chemical - thedailybeast (yawn)
>>15292096 BIS's Carstens Urges Central Banks to Normalize Rates - youtube (eyes on the head of the B.I.S fat fucker (memes are requested). banksters next.
>>15292113 Covid jab 50% of all deaths of all vaccines combined - john basham twat
>>15292147 #19342
>>15292178, >>15292189, Jimmy Dore: Alex Jones Has Been More Right Than Rachel Maddow - rumble video
>>15292194 Thought The Pandemic Was BAD?! This Is What's NEXT! - russel brand youtube (not as big as rogan, but up there)
>>15292210, >>15292212, Dr. Robert Malone Full Interview with Joe Rogan - alt links bitchute and odysee
>>15292228 WATCH: Thousands in Isreal take to streets to march against Covid mandates - election wizard twat
>>15292242 Pentagon Approves New Courtroom at Guant?namo Bay - newsmax
>>15292252 University loses 77TB of research data due to backup error - bleeping computor.com (what could go wrong)
>>15292270 Baron and Baroness Phillipi deRothschildin a joint venture with Robert Mondavi, begin the construction of a pyramid in Napa Valley, California, where the leader/founder of the Church Of Satan, Ashkenazi, Anton LaVey, was based.- nuvomagazine.com
>>15292296 Trudeau Implies Black Canadians "Racist, Misogynistic" - Questions Whether Unvaxx'd Should Be "Tolerated"- zerohege , kek
>>15292308 Beaches Closed After 7 Million Gallons of Sewage Spill in Los Angeles County - nty
>>15292412 and a bake shall be provided for anons. - notable team working is coming back
>>15292481, >>15291909, >>15291962, >>15291967 Steve Jobs dies and leaves his wife everything, this is what they took from us: John Barlow Q2305
>>15292693 #19342
#15293260 at 2022-01-02 02:29:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19344: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions2 Edition
Q Research General #19343: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions Edition
>>15292563 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses. - journals.asm.org
>>15292567 ESPN Facing a $400 Million Hit as Games Get Canceled - nationfile.org
>>15292570 New smear tactic against PDJT - fake fundraising site - pjmedia.com
>>15292618 Dr. Peter McCullough says suppression of COVID treatments to cause fear, death - rumble video
>>15292620 anon prayers notable extreme powers
>>15292643 THE PRES & THE PEDOS Bill Clinton should face probe over Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein ties after private jet flights, says lawyers -the sun (murdoch uk rag)
>>15292711 CURRENT DOUGH
>>15292693 #19342:
>>15292726 Bannon said today #WarRoomPandemic is gonna spend some more time in 2022 focused on decoding the US monetary policy. - election wizard telegram
>>15292738 storm near Huntland TN has a debris ball now - davisnolan twat
>>15292848 #19343 @280
Q Research General #19342: 2022 Year of the Bread Edition
>>15291885 Judge states there is an active cover up. Implicates Facebook. 2022 just getting started! - george papa twat
>>15291893 1000 homes destroyed in Colorado. 5k people homeless now. - anon highlight, media silent, nothing from the talking heads either
>>15291943 tic tock bans judicial watch tom fitton - poso twat
>>15291962 One Q post with Steve Jobs - Q reminders
>>15292002, Dr Malone interview for the normies twat
>>15292004 Nearly 400K Anchor Babies Born in 2021, Outpacing U.S. Births in 49 States - breitbart
>>15292028 The Australian government has admitted there have been at least 79,000 COVID-19 vaccine side effects and is now offering compensation to those seriously injured - telegram
>>15292049 President of Finland telegraph's in his New Year speech that a Russian invasion of Ukraine will requireFinland to join NATO. - mollymckew twat
>>15292065 QAnon acolytes in Dallas are now drinking toxic chemical - thedailybeast (yawn)
>>15292096 BIS's Carstens Urges Central Banks to Normalize Rates - youtube (eyes on the head of the B.I.S fat fucker (memes are requested). banksters next.
>>15292113 Covid jab 50% of all deaths of all vaccines combined - john basham twat
>>15292147 #19342
>>15292178, >>15292189, Jimmy Dore: Alex Jones Has Been More Right Than Rachel Maddow - rumble video
>>15292194 Thought The Pandemic Was BAD?! This Is What's NEXT! - russel brand youtube (not as big as rogan, but up there)
>>15292210, >>15292212, Dr. Robert Malone Full Interview with Joe Rogan - alt links bitchute and odysee
>>15292228 WATCH: Thousands in Isreal take to streets to march against Covid mandates - election wizard twat
>>15292242 Pentagon Approves New Courtroom at Guant?namo Bay - newsmax
>>15292252 University loses 77TB of research data due to backup error - bleeping computor.com (what could go wrong)
>>15292270 Baron and Baroness Phillipi deRothschildin a joint venture with Robert Mondavi, begin the construction of a pyramid in Napa Valley, California, where the leader/founder of the Church Of Satan, Ashkenazi, Anton LaVey, was based.- nuvomagazine.com
>>15292296 Trudeau Implies Black Canadians "Racist, Misogynistic" - Questions Whether Unvaxx'd Should Be "Tolerated"- zerohege , kek
>>15292308 Beaches Closed After 7 Million Gallons of Sewage Spill in Los Angeles County - nty
>>15292412 and a bake shall be provided for anons. - notable team working is coming back
>>15292481, >>15291909, >>15291962, >>15291967 Steve Jobs dies and leaves his wife everything, this is what they took from us: John Barlow Q2305
>>15292693 #19342
#15293250 at 2022-01-02 02:27:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19343: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions Edition
Q Research General #19343: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions Edition
>>15292563 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses. - journals.asm.org
>>15292567 ESPN Facing a $400 Million Hit as Games Get Canceled - nationfile.org
>>15292570 New smear tactic against PDJT - fake fundraising site - pjmedia.com
>>15292618 Dr. Peter McCullough says suppression of COVID treatments to cause fear, death - rumble video
>>15292620 anon prayers notable extreme powers
>>15292643 THE PRES & THE PEDOS Bill Clinton should face probe over Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein ties after private jet flights, says lawyers -the sun (murdoch uk rag)
>>15292711 CURRENT DOUGH
>>15292693 #19342:
>>15292726 Bannon said today #WarRoomPandemic is gonna spend some more time in 2022 focused on decoding the US monetary policy. - election wizard telegram
>>15292738 storm near Huntland TN has a debris ball now - davisnolan twat
>>15292848 #19343
#15292848 at 2022-01-02 01:07:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19343: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions Edition
Q Research General #19343: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions Edition
>>15292563 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses. - journals.asm.org
>>15292567 ESPN Facing a $400 Million Hit as Games Get Canceled - nationfile.org
>>15292570 New smear tactic against PDJT - fake fundraising site - pjmedia.com
>>15292618 Dr. Peter McCullough says suppression of COVID treatments to cause fear, death - rumble video
>>15292620 anon prayers notable extreme powers
>>15292643 THE PRES & THE PEDOS Bill Clinton should face probe over Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein ties after private jet flights, says lawyers -the sun (murdoch uk rag)
>>15292711 CURRENT DOUGH
>>15292693 #19342:
>>15292726 Bannon said today #WarRoomPandemic is gonna spend some more time in 2022 focused on decoding the US monetary policy. - election wizard telegram
>>15292738 storm near Huntland TN has a debris ball now - davisnolan twat
notables up to 280 - baker please pick up notables, anon has done his 4 hour volunteer stint for tonights, always a honour, even the fighting with shills and distractors
#15292563 at 2022-01-02 00:09:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19343: Table For 22'? Ghislaine Maxwell, Election Fraud, & Resolutions Edition
Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses.
Researchers from the COVID-19-linked wuhan Institute of Virology and disgraced researcher Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance have carried out new research on "recombinant" coronaviruses in rodents, a recently published paper reveals. The paper lists the Chinese regime as well as Joe Biden's International Development department as funders and supporters of the dangerous work.
The October document - "A Novel Potentially Recombinant Rodent Coronavirus with a Polybasic Cleavage Site in the Spike Protein" - describes how researchers sampled rodents and shrews collected from the wild for coronavirus prevalence. In the years preceding COVID-19, the wuhan Institute of Virology carried out similar expeditions to gather data on bats.
Using the samples collected, researchers from the wuhan lab in collaboration with the American non-profit EcoHealth Alliance discovered "killer" viruses that they bragged were capable of "direct human infection."
The new paper, which counts researchers from seven Chinese state-run scientific institutions including one person affiliated with the wuhan Institute of Virology's Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, is authored by three EcoHealth Alliance Researchers including President Peter Daszak. The National Pulse has previously revealed Daszak's extensive relationship with the Chinese Communist Party, prompting his removal from the Lancet's COVID-19 commission due to conflicts of interest.
"In this study, we tested nearly 300 rodents collected from urban and rural sites in southern China," the paper summarizes its methodology which yielded the following results:
Here, we sampled 297 rodents and shrews, representing eight species, from three municipalities of southern China. We report coronavirus prevalences of 23.3% and 0.7% in Guangzhou and Guilin, respectively, with samples from urban areas having significantly higher coronavirus prevalences than those from rural areas. We obtained three coronavirus genome sequences from Rattus norvegicus, including a Betacoronavirus (rat coronavirus [RCoV] GCCDC3), an Alphacoronavirus (RCoV-GCCDC5), and a novel Betacoronavirus (RCoV-GCCDC4). Recombination analysis suggests that there was a potential recombination event involving RCoV-GCCDC4, murine hepatitis virus (MHV), and Longquan Rl rat coronavirus (LRLV).
"Recombination analysis suggests that there was a potential recombination event involving RCoV-GCCDC4, murine hepatitis virus (MHV), and Longquan Rl rat coronavirus (LRLV). Furthermore, we uncovered a polybasic cleavage site, RARR, in the spike (S) protein of RCoV-GCCDC4, which is dominant in RCoV," the paper adds.
Among the paper's financial supporters are several Chinese Communist Party-run scientific bodies, including those with ties to the regime's military. President Joe Biden's U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) also funded the field animal sampling portion of the study.
A Novel Potentially Recombinant Rodent Coronavirus with a Polybasic Cleavage Site in the Spike Protein
#15292152 at 2022-01-01 22:52:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19342: 2022 Year of the Bread Edition
Chlorine dioxide has many applications as an oxidizer or disinfectant. Chlorine dioxide can be used for air disinfection and was the principal agent used in the decontamination of buildings in the United States after the 2001 anthrax attacks.
https://www.epa.gov/opp00001/factsheets/chemicals/chlorinedioxidefactsheet.htm (Oops Looks Like the EPA Cucks SHUT IT DOWN…)
I know because I set up the X-Ray Scanning of the Federal Mail system after this Jewish fuckery…
For water purification during camping, chlorine dioxide generating tablets disinfect more pathogens than household bleach, but at a higher cost per volume.
–CDC (COVID DEATH CULT): https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/travel/backcountry_water_treatment.html
Same shit they were spraying all over China right after the "wuhan Outbreak".
Literally cures Cancer.
But why are you here? If it is so dangerous, then let nature take it's course…
But no… you are here for other reasons…
#15290665 at 2022-01-01 17:03:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19340: FIRST NEW YEAR EBAKE 2022 Edition
Dr. Robert Malone: "This is the Largest Experiment Performed on Human Beings in the History of the World."
ThinkCivics Newswire
Pioneering mRNA scientist Dr. Robert Malone explains the intensely corrupt workings of the government regulatory bodies that have mismanaged the pandemic, discusses the problems with the vaccine program and delves into potentially explosive and game-changing revelations about the shady origins of the Covid-19 pandemic in wuhan, China.
Who is Dr. Robert Malone? While working at the Salk Institute in 1988, Dr. Malone discovered important findings about in-vivo and in-vitro RNA transfection. He continued his work on the technology a year later at the biopharma start-up Vical where he conducted additional experiments. According to his bio, "The mRNA, constructs, reagents were developed at the Salk institute and Vical by Dr. Malone." His research has also included important work on DNA vaccines. In addition to his fundamental work developing mRNA and DNA vaccine technology, Malone is also a medical doctor. According to his bio, Dr. Malone "received his medical training at Northwestern University (MD) and Harvard University (Clinical Research Post Graduate) medical school, and in Pathology at UC Davis."
Few people are as qualified to comment on the course of the COVID pandemic and the mass vaccination campaign as Dr. Malone. In this important interview he shares his unique and deep insights on matters of critical national and international importance.
#15290186 at 2022-01-01 14:51:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19340: FIRST NEW YEAR EBAKE 2022 Edition
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou?
>>15286300, >>15286291, Q comms on rt.com twat helicopter
>>15286315 biden twat on betty white (not bothered, no one cares)
>>15286340 136 House Reps and 47 Senators file brief to Supreme Court urging them to REJECT Biden's Mandates - republic (smell the panic)
>>15286382 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses.-thenationalpulse
>>15286431, >>15286442, Nanotech self assembles to create synthetic tissue - think of all the facelifts
>>15286449, >>15286363, Red bull Q proof
>>15286470 Police officers forced out of Queensland cafe during COVID-19 checks - news.com (this)
>>15286484 Joe Hildebrand: National cabinet lies are coming home to roost with Omicron - news.com
>>15286501 NRL legend 'Frank The Tank' on life support following complications from COVID - nine.com
>>15286622 Top 10 healthcare breaches in the U.S. exposed data of 19 million - bleeping computer
>>15286680 Happy New Year to everyone. from general flynn (dig for comms)
>>15286644 President Donald J. Trump: read for comms
>>15286812 Judges to unseal Epstein papers ahead of Prince Andrew's case - smh.au (boring) there is law
>>15286882 friend and family of jizzstain started a twatter page claiming her innocence? (anon know what to do) make it go private
>>15286885, >>15286895, >>15286905, >>15286907, >>15286912, >>15286917, >>15286923, Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone discuss how people with natural COVID immunity are at a higher risk of adverse events from the vaccine. (eyes on) twat and mp4 clips
>>15286869 . Comms from US NAVY!
>>15286971 Tony Blair to be knighted by the Queen with the highest possible ranking: Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the oldest and most senior British Order of Chivalry. twat, queenie is guilty
>>15286995 #19335
#15289754 at 2022-01-01 12:14:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19339: In a Panic - D.C. Jail Cuts 1/6 Prisoners' Communications Edition
1. The #FreeBritney 'conspiracy theorists' were vindicated
2. The U.S. government takes UFOs seriously
3. The wuhan lab leak theory earned the backing of one U.S. government department
4. Hunter Biden's laptop is not 'disinformation'
5. Vaccine microchips are a real thing
#15289407 at 2022-01-01 08:41:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19339: In a Panic - D.C. Jail Cuts 1/6 Prisoners' Communications Edition
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou?
>>15286300, >>15286291, Q comms on rt.com twat helicopter
>>15286315 biden twat on betty white (not bothered, no one cares)
>>15286340 136 House Reps and 47 Senators file brief to Supreme Court urging them to REJECT Biden's Mandates - republic (smell the panic)
>>15286382 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses.-thenationalpulse
>>15286431, >>15286442, Nanotech self assembles to create synthetic tissue - think of all the facelifts
>>15286449, >>15286363, Red bull Q proof
>>15286470 Police officers forced out of Queensland cafe during COVID-19 checks - news.com (this)
>>15286484 Joe Hildebrand: National cabinet lies are coming home to roost with Omicron - news.com
>>15286501 NRL legend 'Frank The Tank' on life support following complications from COVID - nine.com
>>15286622 Top 10 healthcare breaches in the U.S. exposed data of 19 million - bleeping computer
>>15286680 Happy New Year to everyone. from general flynn (dig for comms)
>>15286644 President Donald J. Trump: read for comms
>>15286812 Judges to unseal Epstein papers ahead of Prince Andrew's case - smh.au (boring) there is law
>>15286882 friend and family of jizzstain started a twatter page claiming her innocence? (anon know what to do) make it go private
>>15286885, >>15286895, >>15286905, >>15286907, >>15286912, >>15286917, >>15286923, Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone discuss how people with natural COVID immunity are at a higher risk of adverse events from the vaccine. (eyes on) twat and mp4 clips
>>15286869 . Comms from US NAVY!
>>15286971 Tony Blair to be knighted by the Queen with the highest possible ranking: Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the oldest and most senior British Order of Chivalry. twat, queenie is guilty
>>15286995 #19335
#15288626 at 2022-01-01 04:53:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19338: Il Donaldo Fiesta Feliz Ano Nueva EST! Edition
Q Research General #19336: Happy New Year GMT Ebake Edition
>>15287049 #19335
>>15287088, >>15287136, happy new year from uk
>>15287102 Watch out, here comes Flurona - Israel mixture of flu and the rona
>>15287131 world fireworks - youtube
>>15287153 Anons should NOT let catalogue problems derail the work. baker to bakers notice
>>15287195 us army twat
>>15287204, >>15287217, >>15287230, >>15287242, Still More about Robert S. Langer and bill gates - anon dig
>>15287158, >>15287244, anon on patrick byrne (do not disagree, he comped like bannon).
>>15287275 China Launches Mineral Hunting Satellite To Maintain Rare Earth Monopoly - zerohedge twat
>>15287359 Tennessee Planned Parenthood Building Completely Destroyed in Fire - gwp
>>15287363 Colorado governor cuts 100 years off sentence for truck driver in fatal crash - the hill
>>15287373 Host parasite communications-Messages from helminths (parasites) for the immune system, Parasite communication and cell-cell interactions - ncbi
>>15287390 US, South Korea 'Effectively' Agree on Draft Declaration to End Korean War - antiwar.com
>>15287421 The Fall Of The Mainstream Media And The Biggest Lies They Told In 2021 - alt.market.us
>>15287572, >>15287504, >>15287648, happy new years
>>15287691 #19336
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou?
>>15286300, >>15286291, Q comms on rt.com twat helicopter
>>15286315 biden twat on betty white (not bothered, no one cares)
>>15286340 136 House Reps and 47 Senators file brief to Supreme Court urging them to REJECT Biden's Mandates - republic (smell the panic)
>>15286382 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses.-thenationalpulse
>>15286431, >>15286442, Nanotech self assembles to create synthetic tissue - think of all the facelifts
>>15286449, >>15286363, Red bull Q proof
>>15286470 Police officers forced out of Queensland cafe during COVID-19 checks - news.com (this)
>>15286484 Joe Hildebrand: National cabinet lies are coming home to roost with Omicron - news.com
>>15286501 NRL legend 'Frank The Tank' on life support following complications from COVID - nine.com
>>15286622 Top 10 healthcare breaches in the U.S. exposed data of 19 million - bleeping computer
>>15286680 Happy New Year to everyone. from general flynn (dig for comms)
>>15286644 President Donald J. Trump: read for comms
>>15286812 Judges to unseal Epstein papers ahead of Prince Andrew's case - smh.au (boring) there is law
>>15286882 friend and family of jizzstain started a twatter page claiming her innocence? (anon know what to do) make it go private
>>15286885, >>15286895, >>15286905, >>15286907, >>15286912, >>15286917, >>15286923, Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone discuss how people with natural COVID immunity are at a higher risk of adverse events from the vaccine. (eyes on) twat and mp4 clips
>>15286869 . Comms from US NAVY!
>>15286971 Tony Blair to be knighted by the Queen with the highest possible ranking: Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the oldest and most senior British Order of Chivalry. twat, queenie is guilty
>>15286995 #19335
#15287049 at 2021-12-31 23:55:19 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19336: Happy New Year GMT Ebake Edition
>>15286995 #19335
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou?
>>15286300, >>15286291, Q comms on rt.com twat helicopter
>>15286315 biden twat on betty white (not bothered, no one cares)
>>15286340 136 House Reps and 47 Senators file brief to Supreme Court urging them to REJECT Biden's Mandates - republic (smell the panic)
>>15286382 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses.-thenationalpulse
>>15286431, >>15286442, Nanotech self assembles to create synthetic tissue - think of all the facelifts
>>15286449, >>15286363, Red bull Q proof
>>15286470 Police officers forced out of Queensland cafe during COVID-19 checks - news.com (this)
>>15286484 Joe Hildebrand: National cabinet lies are coming home to roost with Omicron - news.com
>>15286501 NRL legend 'Frank The Tank' on life support following complications from COVID - nine.com
>>15286622 Top 10 healthcare breaches in the U.S. exposed data of 19 million - bleeping computer
>>15286680 Happy New Year to everyone. from general flynn (dig for comms)
>>15286644 President Donald J. Trump: read for comms
>>15286812 Judges to unseal Epstein papers ahead of Prince Andrew's case - smh.au (boring) there is law
>>15286882 friend and family of jizzstain started a twatter page claiming her innocence? (anon know what to do) make it go private
>>15286885, >>15286895, >>15286905, >>15286907, >>15286912, >>15286917, >>15286923, Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone discuss how people with natural COVID immunity are at a higher risk of adverse events from the vaccine. (eyes on) twat and mp4 clips
>>15286869 . Comms from US NAVY!
>>15286971 Tony Blair to be knighted by the Queen with the highest possible ranking: Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the oldest and most senior British Order of Chivalry. twat, queenie is guilty
will need to talk about last baker not leaving a link near the bottom of the last bread, catelogue is borked
#15287013 at 2021-12-31 23:49:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19336: Happy New Year GMT Ebake Edition
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou?
>>15286300, >>15286291, Q comms on rt.com twat helicopter
>>15286315 biden twat on betty white (not bothered, no one cares)
>>15286340 136 House Reps and 47 Senators file brief to Supreme Court urging them to REJECT Biden's Mandates - republic (smell the panic)
>>15286382 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses.-thenationalpulse
>>15286431, >>15286442, Nanotech self assembles to create synthetic tissue - think of all the facelifts
>>15286449, >>15286363, Red bull Q proof
>>15286470 Police officers forced out of Queensland cafe during COVID-19 checks - news.com (this)
>>15286484 Joe Hildebrand: National cabinet lies are coming home to roost with Omicron - news.com
>>15286501 NRL legend 'Frank The Tank' on life support following complications from COVID - nine.com
>>15286622 Top 10 healthcare breaches in the U.S. exposed data of 19 million - bleeping computer
>>15286680 Happy New Year to everyone. from general flynn (dig for comms)
>>15286644 President Donald J. Trump: read for comms
>>15286812 Judges to unseal Epstein papers ahead of Prince Andrew's case - smh.au (boring) there is law
>>15286882 friend and family of jizzstain started a twatter page claiming her innocence? (anon know what to do) make it go private
>>15286885, >>15286895, >>15286905, >>15286907, >>15286912, >>15286917, >>15286923, Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone discuss how people with natural COVID immunity are at a higher risk of adverse events from the vaccine. (eyes on) twat and mp4 clips
>>15286869 . Comms from US NAVY!
>>15286971 Tony Blair to be knighted by the Queen with the highest possible ranking: Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the oldest and most senior British Order of Chivalry. twat, queenie is guilty
#15286995 at 2021-12-31 23:33:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou? Edition
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou?
>>15286300, >>15286291, Q comms on rt.com twat helicopter
>>15286315 biden twat on betty white (not bothered, no one cares)
>>15286340 136 House Reps and 47 Senators file brief to Supreme Court urging them to REJECT Biden's Mandates - republic (smell the panic)
>>15286382 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses.-thenationalpulse
>>15286431, >>15286442, Nanotech self assembles to create synthetic tissue - think of all the facelifts
>>15286449, >>15286363, Red bull Q proof
>>15286470 Police officers forced out of Queensland cafe during COVID-19 checks - news.com (this)
>>15286484 Joe Hildebrand: National cabinet lies are coming home to roost with Omicron - news.com
>>15286501 NRL legend 'Frank The Tank' on life support following complications from COVID - nine.com
>>15286622 Top 10 healthcare breaches in the U.S. exposed data of 19 million - bleeping computer
>>15286680 Happy New Year to everyone. from general flynn (dig for comms)
>>15286644 President Donald J. Trump: read for comms
>>15286812 Judges to unseal Epstein papers ahead of Prince Andrew's case - smh.au (boring) there is law
>>15286882 friend and family of jizzstain started a twatter page claiming her innocence? (anon know what to do) make it go private
>>15286885, >>15286895, >>15286905, >>15286907, >>15286912, >>15286917, >>15286923, Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone discuss how people with natural COVID immunity are at a higher risk of adverse events from the vaccine. (eyes on) twat and mp4 clips
>>15286869 . Comms from US NAVY!
>>15286971 Tony Blair to be knighted by the Queen with the highest possible ranking: Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the oldest and most senior British Order of Chivalry. twat, queenie is guilty
last notables,see you up next bread when bakers links a new bread
#15286959 at 2021-12-31 23:25:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou? Edition
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou?
>>15286300, >>15286291, Q comms on rt.com twat helicopter
>>15286315 biden twat on betty white (not bothered, no one cares)
>>15286340 136 House Reps and 47 Senators file brief to Supreme Court urging them to REJECT Biden's Mandates - republic (smell the panic)
>>15286382 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses.-thenationalpulse
>>15286431, >>15286442, Nanotech self assembles to create synthetic tissue - think of all the facelifts
>>15286449, >>15286363, Red bull Q proof
>>15286470 Police officers forced out of Queensland cafe during COVID-19 checks - news.com (this)
>>15286484 Joe Hildebrand: National cabinet lies are coming home to roost with Omicron - news.com
>>15286501 NRL legend 'Frank The Tank' on life support following complications from COVID - nine.com
>>15286622 Top 10 healthcare breaches in the U.S. exposed data of 19 million - bleeping computer
>>15286680 Happy New Year to everyone. from general flynn (dig for comms)
>>15286644 President Donald J. Trump: read for comms
>>15286812 Judges to unseal Epstein papers ahead of Prince Andrew's case - smh.au (boring) there is law
>>15286882 friend and family of jizzstain started a twatter page claiming her innocence? (anon know what to do) make it go private
>>15286885, >>15286895, >>15286905, >>15286907, >>15286912, >>15286917, >>15286923, Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone discuss how people with natural COVID immunity are at a higher risk of adverse events from the vaccine. (eyes on) twat and mp4 clips
>>15286945 anon bun clips and titles of clips on joe rogan and dr r malone
notes at 700 call em if missed, last call o7
#15286933 at 2021-12-31 23:18:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou? Edition
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou?
>>15286300, >>15286291, Q comms on rt.com twat helicopter
>>15286315 biden twat on betty white (not bothered, no one cares)
>>15286340 136 House Reps and 47 Senators file brief to Supreme Court urging them to REJECT Biden's Mandates - republic (smell the panic)
>>15286382 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses.-thenationalpulse
>>15286431, >>15286442, Nanotech self assembles to create synthetic tissue - think of all the facelifts
>>15286449, >>15286363, Red bull Q proof
>>15286470 Police officers forced out of Queensland cafe during COVID-19 checks - news.com (this)
>>15286484 Joe Hildebrand: National cabinet lies are coming home to roost with Omicron - news.com
>>15286501 NRL legend 'Frank The Tank' on life support following complications from COVID - nine.com
>>15286622 Top 10 healthcare breaches in the U.S. exposed data of 19 million - bleeping computer
>>15286680 Happy New Year to everyone. from general flynn (dig for comms)
>>15286644 President Donald J. Trump: read for comms
>>15286812 Judges to unseal Epstein papers ahead of Prince Andrew's case - smh.au (boring) there is law
>>15286882 friend and family of jizzstain started a twatter page claiming her innocence? (anon know what to do) make it go private
>>15286885, >>15286895, >>15286905, >>15286907, >>15286912, >>15286917, >>15286923, Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone discuss how people with natural COVID immunity are at a higher risk of adverse events from the vaccine. (eyes on) twat and mp4 clips
#15286879 at 2021-12-31 23:06:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou? Edition
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou?
>>15286300, >>15286291, Q comms on rt.com twat helicopter
>>15286315 biden twat on betty white (not bothered, no one cares)
>>15286340 136 House Reps and 47 Senators file brief to Supreme Court urging them to REJECT Biden's Mandates - republic (smell the panic)
>>15286382 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses.-thenationalpulse
>>15286431, >>15286442, Nanotech self assembles to create synthetic tissue - think of all the facelifts
>>15286449, >>15286363, Red bull Q proof
>>15286470 Police officers forced out of Queensland cafe during COVID-19 checks - news.com (this)
>>15286484 Joe Hildebrand: National cabinet lies are coming home to roost with Omicron - news.com
>>15286501 NRL legend 'Frank The Tank' on life support following complications from COVID - nine.com
>>15286622 Top 10 healthcare breaches in the U.S. exposed data of 19 million - bleeping computer
>>15286680 Happy New Year to everyone. from general flynn (dig for comms)
>>15286644 President Donald J. Trump: read for comms
>>15286812 Judges to unseal Epstein papers ahead of Prince Andrew's case - smh.au (boring) there is law
notes up to 640 call them out if anything missed
notables up to
#15286777 at 2021-12-31 22:48:33 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou? Edition
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou?
>>15286300, >>15286291, Q comms on rt.com twat helicopter
>>15286315 biden twat on betty white (not bothered, no one cares)
>>15286340 136 House Reps and 47 Senators file brief to Supreme Court urging them to REJECT Biden's Mandates - republic (smell the panic)
>>15286382 Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses.-thenationalpulse
>>15286431, >>15286442, Nanotech self assembles to create synthetic tissue - think of all the facelifts
>>15286449, >>15286363, Red bull Q proof
>>15286470 Police officers forced out of Queensland cafe during COVID-19 checks - news.com (this)
>>15286484 Joe Hildebrand: National cabinet lies are coming home to roost with Omicron - news.com
>>15286501 NRL legend 'Frank The Tank' on life support following complications from COVID - nine.com
>>15286622 Top 10 healthcare breaches in the U.S. exposed data of 19 million - bleeping computer
>>15286680 Happy New Year to everyone. from general flynn (dig for comms)
>>15286644 President Donald J. Trump: read for comms
notables up to 510, no notables called so picked most interesting, would help for anons to put a title on their posts so bakers can make it notable, if you agree, it goes in
#15286382 at 2021-12-31 21:36:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19335: New Year, New Variant; Ghislaine Where Art Thou? Edition
Biden and China Are Partners in a New wuhan Lab, EcoHealth Hunt for 'Recombinant' Rodent Coronaviruses.
"Researchers from the COVID-19-linked wuhan Institute of Virology and disgraced researcher Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance have carried out new research on "recombinant" coronaviruses in rodents, a recently published paper reveals. The paper lists the Chinese regime as well as Joe Biden's International Development department as funders and supporters of the dangerous work.
The October document - "A Novel Potentially Recombinant Rodent Coronavirus with a Polybasic Cleavage Site in the Spike Protein" - describes how researchers sampled rodents and shrews collected from the wild for coronavirus prevalence. In the years preceding COVID-19, the wuhan Institute of Virology carried out similar expeditions to gather data on bats.
Using the samples collected, researchers from the wuhan lab in collaboration with the American non-profit EcoHealth Alliance discovered "killer" viruses that they bragged were capable of "direct human infection."
The new paper, which counts researchers from seven Chinese state-run scientific institutions including one person affiliated with the wuhan Institute of Virology's Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Biosafety, is authored by three EcoHealth Alliance Researchers including President Peter Daszak. The National Pulse has previously revealed Daszak's extensive relationship with the Chinese Communist Party, prompting his removal from the Lancet's COVID-19 commission due to conflicts of interest.
"In this study, we tested nearly 300 rodents collected from urban and rural sites in southern China," the paper summarizes its methodology which yielded the following results:
Here, we sampled 297 rodents and shrews, representing eight species, from three municipalities of southern China. We report coronavirus prevalences of 23.3% and 0.7% in Guangzhou and Guilin, respectively, with samples from urban areas having significantly higher coronavirus prevalences than those from rural areas. We obtained three coronavirus genome sequences from Rattus norvegicus, including a Betacoronavirus (rat coronavirus [RCoV] GCCDC3), an Alphacoronavirus (RCoV-GCCDC5), and a novel Betacoronavirus (RCoV-GCCDC4). Recombination analysis suggests that there was a potential recombination event involving RCoV-GCCDC4, murine hepatitis virus (MHV), and Longquan Rl rat coronavirus (LRLV).
" Recombination analysis suggests that there was a potential recombination event involving RCoV-GCCDC4, murine hepatitis virus (MHV), and Longquan Rl rat coronavirus (LRLV). Furthermore, we uncovered a polybasic cleavage site, RARR, in the spike (S) protein of RCoV-GCCDC4, which is dominant in RCoV," the paper adds.
Among the paper's financial supporters are several Chinese Communist Party-run scientific bodies, including those with ties to the regime's military. President Joe Biden's U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) also funded the field animal sampling portion of the study."
#15285487 at 2021-12-31 18:30:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19334: COVID Vaccination Resolutions This Year Anyone? Edition
REVELATION: Only the "vaccinated" died during the 1918 Spanish Flu
"It turns out that one of the most well-known pandemics from recent history was actually caused by the "vaccines" that were supposedly introduced to stop it - much like how the wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines" of today are spreading more covid."
"Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA, explains that mass vaccination during the Spanish Flu is what actually caused people to die. In fact, the only people who ended up dying during the ordeal were those who got jabbed."
"In her book Vaccination Condemned, Dr. Eleanor McBean, Ph.D., N.D., explains how she is an "unvaccinated survivor" of the 1918 Spanish Flu. She continues to urge people to revisit the historical event with a new lens, which she helps readers to do in her book."
"McBean actually wrote a second book called Vaccination ... The Silent Killer that expounds upon the revelations contained in her first book. The evidence she provides points to the vaccines, and not the flu itself (if there ever even was one...) as the true culprit that resulted in tens of millions of deaths."
"McBean's coverage of the 1918 'Spanish Flu,' as a reporter and an unvaccinated survivor, requires that the historical basis of the event needs to be revisited, not as a 'conspiracy theory' but with evidence that will 'set your hair on fire,'" writes Dr. Martingano."
"McBean provides evidence that not only were the historical events of the 1918 'Spanish Flu' compromised, but also those of the Polio and Swine Flu epidemics."
#15285171 at 2021-12-31 17:27:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19333: Stay Focused on The Fantastic Times To Come; Happy New Year's Eve Edition
Bless you and your family. Get well.
Anon has wondered from early on because of many rumours in December 2019 that global governments were aware that 6 to eight (or more) modified viruses had escaped from the wuhan lab, ranging from highly contagious to deadly. Their foreknowledge might explain the strange lockstep movement of most governments all over the world.
They didn't know where they would emerge and maybe we r on the point of thanking God that the most contagious one made its way thru Africa without notice as highly contagious viruses r less likely to kill their hosts, making them endemic and not particularly deadly.
Maybe the most deadly were in wuhan and Italy where we first saw the shocking videos of people dropping dead and then died out quickly because of instability/burnout.
The Africa one just moved through Africa without disturbance until it hit South Africa and hit our MSM news. Its long, but not too deadly journey now supersedes the other escaped viruses and gives our natural immunity the means to deal with it.
If anon could have a wish for 2022 it would be that this could be true
#15284756 at 2021-12-31 16:11:47 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19333: Stay Focused on The Fantastic Times To Come; Happy New Year's Eve Edition
No sauce because this is pure speculation…
What if:
The same people who planned the release of COVID19 now see how Joe Xiden is botching his administration's response to the pandemic (big duh, based on his botched handling of H1N1 during the Obummer years). Xiden tries to mandate vaccine use, which predictably bombs on Constitutional grounds. Joe's favorables tank even further.
They engineer the Omicron variant to be more contagious, but exhibit less severe symptoms in order to force herd immunity on the world population at large (especially the unvaxxed).
They release the variant in Africa in order to disguise the true origin of the variant (wuhan, of course!). Once Omicron surpasses all the other variants and effective herd immunity is reached, they hope Xiden's numbers will recover enough to give him the political cover to preside over the implementation of their actual agenda.
#15282837 at 2021-12-31 04:51:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19330: The Greatest Awakening Yet WW Edition
Cia Agent Michael Callahan was introduced to CIA Operative Robert Malone by a CIA named Galloway in 2009 during the outbreak of bird flu in China.
Shouldn't we be trying DARPA's Man in wuhan doing Gain of Function behind Trump's back rather than a 1000 Talents OCONUS LURE target?
#15282484 at 2021-12-31 03:22:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19330: The Greatest Awakening Yet WW Edition
Pretty cute just watched No Time Left to Die 007…
#15280606 at 2021-12-30 22:01:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19327: Caged Bird Edition
In 1992, Fauci's NIAID provided funding for the Incarnation Children's Center (ICC) in New York as an outpatient clinic for HIV-positive children. The city's Administration for Children's Services (ACS) offered up children under its care, nearly all of them African American, for secretive drug experimentation. As the BBC's 2004 Guinea Pig Kids, documented, drugs forced on the children powerful drugs such as AZT, Didanosene and Nevirapene.
As biochemist Dr. David Rasnick explained, the children were going to be miserable and one nurse discovered that some 80 of the children died. The medical establishment attacked the documentary but a 2009 New York Times report showed that children were enrolled without proper consent and many were subjected to medication trials not reviewed by an advisory panel.
In 2014, Valerie Leiter and Sarah Herman of Simmons College found similarities between Fauci's NIAID-back drug trials and the government's Tuskegee syphilis study. Since most of the children in the New York trials were black, the authors branded the case a "modern Tuskegee." If nurse, bioethicist and mother of three Christine Grady objected to these experiments on unwilling human subjects, nothing has been made public.
In 2012, the NIH named Christine Grady chief of the Department of Bioethics of the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center… Since NIH ethics guide NIAID, Grady's ethical decisions inform her husband's research and development decisions.
After his wife became NIH bioethics boss, Fauci decided to fund dangerous gain-of-function research at the wuhan Institute of Virology. No word from Grady about the ethics of making viruses more lethal and more transmissible, at an institute controlled by a Communist dictatorship and not accountable to Americans.
Fauci repeatedly lied about funding that research, butno word from Gradyon the ethics of that deception. In early 2020, Fauci opposed President Trump's ban on travel from China. Fauci recommended the destructive lockdowns that caused untold suffering and loss.No word from Gradyabout the ethics involved in those decisions.
As Elle reported last June, Christine Grady "identifies, researches, and writes about ethical issues concerning COVID-19 vaccines, resource allocation, and the safety of healthcare workers during the pandemic."No word from the NIH bioethics bossabout the safety of all those millions of human subjects in the general population.
Back in the 1990s, around the time that Grady's book on AIDS appeared, Kary Mullis charged that Dr. Anthony Fauci "doesn't understand electron microscopy and he doesn't understand medicine. He should not be in a position like he's in." But he was, and is.
Dr. Fauci has reversed himself many times but the NIAID boss now claims "I represent science."No word from Gradyabout that open declaration of megalomania. By all indications,Christine Grady's husband can say or do just about anything,and the NIH bioethics boss has no problem with it. What could possibly go wrong?
#15277239 at 2021-12-30 06:15:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19323: The Guilty Will Pay Edition
Have you been following CodeMonkey???
Mission Impossible (1966) TV series
S01e10 "The Carriers"
This show about undercover spies engaging in elaborate theatrical productions
And often using masks to fool the enemy was a favorite of mine.
In one episode they infiltrate an east european country and find a plot to unleash a deadly plague
Is this the playbook for wuhan?
Listen to what the main character has to say about it…
I don't think they'll infect the carriers until just before they are ready to ship them out.
If they did they might die before they had a chance to circulate the plague in the United States
We've got to destroy those cultures without them ever knowing it.
They must never know why their plan didn't work
And then at 25:25 (aka 5 by 5 colon 5 by 5)
A shot of the cover of a Russian book "? ?????"
Which happens to be a translation of the title
Of the Clausewitz classic work "On War"
Strangely enough Wikipedia claims that this says something different.
Could it be that WhiteHats infiltrated wuhan and destroyed the real COVID19 virus without the CCP ever knowing it?
That would explain why the Great Reset crowd had to resort to such elaborate absurdist theater
They had lost the real plague that they intended to unleash!!!
So they made do with the version released in 2016 to test the ACE2 spike protein
Even though that version did not have the deadly payload they wanted.
#15276915 at 2021-12-30 04:47:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19323: The Guilty Will Pay Edition
TruckerAnon reporting.
Get this, training new driver. Fully vaxed, has mask on all the time. Within two days of training catches wuhan flu. I'm unvaxed and doing fine.
That's where we are. Kek!
#15274857 at 2021-12-29 23:22:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19320: Let’s Dig, Meme and Pray! Edition
One of the first actions of the Biden administration was to shut down President Trump's State Department investigation into the wuhan lab.
In August 2021, Biden said, regarding the origins of the China virus that, "The world deserves answers, and I will not rest until we get them." Biden also said, "we all must better understand how COVID-19 came to be in order to prevent further pandemics."
But a year into Biden's presidency, Biden has FAILED to get the truth about the wuhan lab and he has failed to hold China accountable.
When Biden was asked two weeks ago why he has not done more to get to the bottom of the CCP's role in the origins of the coronavirus, Biden just smirked and walked away.
"Biden smirks when Post asks about pushing China for transparency after 800K COVID deaths" - New York Post, December 15, 2021
The Biden administration has continually refused to hold China accountable for its role in the deadly spread of the coronavirus, opposing President Trump's demand that China pay trillions of dollars for the damage it has caused.
President Trump led the greatest mobilization of American society since World War II, quickly and decisively taking every problem head-on to save millions of American lives.
Took swift and early action to impose a life-saving travel bans.
Launched Project Airbridge, which led to the distribution of over a billion pieces of essential medical equipment at time of crisis, including:
5 million N-95 respirators, 2.5 million face shields, 945 million gloves, 2.5 million thermometers, 127 million surgical masks, 1.4 million coveralls, 66 million gowns, and 109,000 stethoscopes.
President Trump mobilized America's manufacturing muscle-including Ford and General Motors-to produce vast quantities of personal protective equipment, and an unprecedented number of ventilators.
Between January 2020 and January 2021, the number of ventilators in the national stockpile increased by 705%. Just as he promised, not a single American who needed a ventilator was denied a ventilator.
President Trump rebuilt America's strategic national stockpile, which by January 2021 had 18x more N95 masks, 10x more surgical masks, gowns, and gloves, and 3x more face shields than it had in January 2020. By contrast, the Obama-Biden administration left the national stockpile bare.
To help reopen schools, President Trump provided over 100 million cloth masks for distribution to schools as well as 800,000 BinaxNOW tests to HBCUs.
The Trump administration built the world's leading testing system, completing over 250 million tests in 2020.
The administration's testing efforts created capacity for over 1.3 billion tests by June 2021.
The administration protected our nation's nursing home residents by shipping over 97 million pieces of PPE, over 15,000 antigen testing machines and 5.35 million rapid tests, as well as sending federal strike teams to 96 nursing homes across the country.
The Trump administration invested $14 billion in vaccine development and manufacturing, and launched some of the largest vaccine trials in American history.
Through Operation Warp Speed, President Trump harnessed the power of the federal government and scientific community to develop safe and effective COVID vaccines in just 9 months, the fastest in history.
The Trump administration ramped up vaccine production to historic levels and secured enough vaccine doses for all eligible Americans by June 2021.
President Trump prioritized vaccine doses to the most vulnerable Americans. As a result, 7 million people in over 70,000 long term care facilities rapidly received lifesaving vaccines.
President Trump also expertly managed the economy's safe and strategic reopening-SAVING the U.S. economy, rescuing millions of jobs, getting children safely back to school, and launching the fastest economic recovery on record.
#15273943 at 2021-12-29 20:50:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19319: GHISLAINE [32] YEARS! 211229 Marked
The Reckoning Has Begun
For US Scientists, Contractors and Others Who Helped The CCP Military Do Gain-of-Function Research on Coronaviruses at the wuhan Institute of Virology
Brian Cates
Dec 23
#15272378 at 2021-12-29 15:35:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19317: Boom Express Edition
23 December 2021
Broadly neutralizing antibodies overcome SARS-CoV-2 Omicron antigenic shift
Elisabetta Cameroni , John E. Bowen , ... Davide Corti Show authors
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This manuscript has been peer reviewed and accepted for publication in Nature and is provided in this format here as a response to the exceptional public-health crisis. This accepted manuscript will continue through the processes of copy editing and formatting to publication of a finalized version of record on nature.com. Please note there may be errors present in this version, which may affect the content, and all legal disclaimers apply.
The recently emerged SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant encodes 37 amino acid substitutions in the spike (S) protein, 15 of which are in the receptor-binding domain (RBD), thereby raising concerns about the effectiveness of available vaccines and antibody therapeutics. Here, we show that the Omicron RBD binds to human ACE2 with enhanced affinity, relative to the wuhan-Hu-1 RBD, and binds to mouse ACE2. Marked reductions of plasma neutralizing activity were observed against Omicron compared to the ancestral pseudovirus for convalescent and vaccinated individuals, but this loss was less pronounced after a third vaccine dose. Most receptor-binding motif (RBM)-directed monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) lost in vitro neutralizing activity against Omicron, with only 3 out of 29 mAbs retaining unaltered potency, including the ACE2-mimicking S2K146 mAb1. Furthermore, a fraction of broadly neutralizing sarbecovirus mAbs neutralized Omicron through recognition of antigenic sites outside the RBM, including sotrovimab2, S2X2593 and S2H974. The magnitude of Omicron-mediated immune evasion marks a major SARS-CoV-2 antigenic shift. Broadly neutralizing mAbs recognizing RBD epitopes conserved among SARS-CoV-2 variants and other sarbecoviruses may prove key to controlling the ongoing pandemic and future zoonotic spillovers.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-03825-4
#15272348 at 2021-12-29 15:27:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19317: Boom Express Edition
Instead of yelling ACHOO when you sneeze, yell wuhan.
#15272213 at 2021-12-29 14:49:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19317: Boom Express Edition
From The Epoch Times:
'Hard to Buy Groceries': Strict COVID-19 Lockdown Leaves a Chinese City Devastated
With COVID-hit Xi'an city tightly locked down, residents said they are facing the basic challenge of getting food.
More than 13 million residents in Xi'an, the provincial capital of northwestern Shaanxi Province, entered their sixth day of home confinement on Dec. 28.
Initially, one family member was allowed to to the home to buy necessities every two days, but restrictions soon stepped up. Starting from Dec. 27, residents were barred from leaving their neighborhoods unless permitted to for COVID-19 testing.
Read More
Editorial: Giving the Right Name to the Virus Causing a Worldwide Pandemic
A resident in the city's Yanta district shared about their difficulties buying groceries and other necessities to Chinese-language news outlet NTD, a sister media of The Epoch Times.
"Now, the prices of vegetables have risen a lot ... but the problem is you still can't buy any for even double the price," said the woman who goes by the surname Wang.
Wang said vegetables are hard to deliver as all the roads in Yanta district have been closed.
Xi'an has banned private vehicles from the roads since Monday. The public security bureau has told residents that breaking the rules could result in 10 days detention and a fine of 500 yuan ($80).
Officials said in a Monday notice that shopping could resume for people in less risky areas once test results come back negative, but did not say exactly when the suspension would be lifted. The city started a new round of mass testing on Monday.
"It feels like a long time," a 22-year-old resident surnamed Jin told Reuters.
"The fact that I haven't yet been told when I can shop again makes me a bit anxious," he said after running out of fresh greens and unable to make online orders online without waiting for nearly a week before delivery.
China's Twitter-like Weibo has been flooded with people complaining about problems getting food.
"I can't remember how many days I have lived on instant noodles ... now, there are no instant noodles left," wrote a user.
"Residents in Xi'an have no food ... please help."
"I'm really too hungry to sleep," a user wrote at midnight. "I followed the authorities' advice not to stock up on food at the beginning of the lockdown ... now, my housing compound won't let me out, and there is no delivery service."
The hashtag, "Hard to buy groceries in Xi'an" garnered more than 160 million views on Weibo as of Tuesday evening. "[I] feel Xi'an is not hit by the pandemic, but by famine," a user joked. "All that's in the news is food," said another.
Local government-backed media said on Tuesday night that government workers are busy delivering food. Local authorities claimed on Monday that supplies have been stable as they tightened up travel restrictions.
Despite the sweeping measures the Xi'an government has taken, daily infections continue to rise. Xi'an city officially reported 175 new cases on Tuesday, pushing the total infected number to 810 since Dec. 9.
Given the Chinese regime is known to grossly underreport its virus numbers, the official figure is not likely to reflect the true total. But the figure represents the highest reported daily count across China since the outbreak first emerged in wuhan city.
Cases linked to Xi'an have been detected in five other regions, including China's capital Beijing. Local authorities are under pressur to contain its latest COVID-19 outbreak driven by the spread of the Delta variant as Beijing is set to hold the Winter Olympics in six weeks, which the regime has pledged will be a "COVID-safe" Games.
#15267816 at 2021-12-28 18:49:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19311: DAY 2 ITT We Wait for #MaxwellTrial Verdict Edition
Disgraced Fauci-Funded Researcher Peter Daszak Reemerges to Insist 'No Cover-Up' From Chinese Communist Party.
Following his recusal from the Lancet's COVID-19 commission, EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak - a researcher whose "longtime collaboration" with the wuhan Institute of Virology was funded by Anthony Fauci - reemerged in the mainstream media claiming the Chinese Communist Party never covered up data related to the virus.
Despite his removal from the medical journal's commission focusing on COVID-19's origins due to an extensive conflict of interest with the Chinese Communist Party-controlled wuhan lab, first reported by The National Pulse, Daszak joined a BBC program, "COVID Origins: The Science."
"Was information hidden," the presenter asks Daszak.
Before asserting "there is no cover-up," he explains:
Not from me. I mean, we.... Not from the public, actually. I mean, you hear this thing so often that you begin to sort of believe it.
The claim follows nearly 20,000 bat coronavirus samples getting erased from the wuhan Institute of Virology in late 2019 and the lab continuing to do so throughout the pandemic. The National Pulse has also documented how the lab deleted mentions of its manipulation of bat coronaviruses to become more lethal, its partnership with the U.S. National Institutes of Health, names of military researchers working at the lab, and articles documenting its financial and personnel ties o the Chinese Communist Party from its website.
The lab has also erased reports of its researchers getting bitten by wild bats.
Daszak, who also served on the World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 origins investigation team, also revealed that the delegation never visited the farms believed to be the source of the animal carrying the virus crucial to the "wet market theory":
We knew we weren't going to go out and do testing of animals. You know, you've got a month in China, two weeks on the ground. You know, you're in lockdown for two weeks. We knew we weren't going to be able to travel to the wildlife farms and sample animals and get them tested.
The BBC program also describes the type of controversial research - "gain-of-function" - likely conducted by EcoHealth Alliance and the wuhan Institute of Virology despite Fauci's repeated insistence otherwise:
#15267686 at 2021-12-28 18:22:17 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19311: DAY 2 ITT We Wait for #MaxwellTrial Verdict Edition
Mission Impossible (1966) TV series
S01e10 "The Carriers"
This show about undercover spies engaging in elaborate theatrical productions
And often using masks to fool the enemy was a favorite of mine.
In one episode they infiltrate an east european country and find a plot to unleash a deadly plague
Is this the playbook for wuhan?
Listen to what the main character has to say about it…
I don't think they'll infect the carriers until just before they are ready to ship them out.
If they did they might die before they had a chance to circulate the plague in the United States
We've got to destroy those cultures without them ever knowing it.
They must never know why their plan didn't work
And then at 25:25 (aka 5 by 5 colon 5 by 5)
A shot of the cover of a Russian book "? ?????"
Which happens to be a translation of the title
Of the Clausewitz classic work "On War"
Strangely enough Wikipedia claims that this says something different.
Could it be that WhiteHats infiltrated wuhan and destroyed the real COVID19 virus without the CCP ever knowing it?
That would explain why the Great Reset crowd had to resort to such elaborate absurdist theater
They had lost the real plague that they intended to unleash!!!
So they made do with the version released in 2016 to test the ACE2 spike protein
Even though that version did not have the deadly payload they wanted.
#15266125 at 2021-12-28 08:17:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19309: The Panic In The Air Tonight Edition
Yes, I have many articles saved on the Countries Fauci is involved with " Gain of Function " and pic of Obama in the wuhan lab with Fauci & Melinda Gates. So yes, Obama gave his stamp of approval.
>FAUCI has never stopped GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH & has now used it to help suposidly DEPOPULATION the world with the VAXXX. Because they knew COVID wouldn't do the trick.
#15266071 at 2021-12-28 07:32:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19309: The Panic In The Air Tonight Edition
Faucci and Bill Gates have their finger prints all over wuhan Military Biowarfare Lab in China…. they are working with the CCP military to kill Americans.
#15265512 at 2021-12-28 03:06:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19309: The Panic In The Air Tonight Edition
Oracle Supercomputer: COVID-19 'Highly Adapted' for Human (Not Bat or Pangolin) Infection.
The stunning revelations from a new book shed more light on the man-made origins of COVID-19.
Simulations conducted by Oracle supercomputing revealed COVID-19 to be "highly adapted" for human infection, discrediting the claim of the virus counting natural origins through a spillover event from wildlife to humans.
As revealed in Sharri Markson's What Really Happened In wuhan, Flinders University Professor and Research Director at Vaxine Dr. Nikolai Petrovsky used an Oracle supercomputer's "in silico modeling" approach to identify COVID-19's original host.
Proponents of the "natural origins" theory - including many Chinese Communist Party-compromised scientists - have attached significance to the virus's host being a bat, arguing the animal transferred COVID-19 to a person at a wet market.
Petrovsky's findings, which appear to identify humans as the original host of COVID-19, undercut the theory that the virus was transferred from animal to human but rather originated in humans independent of an animal.
To do so, Petrovsky's team analyzed different ACE2 receptors, which allow coronaviruses to enter cells and reproduce, and spike proteins, which allow the virus to actually latch onto a human's airway cells with the supercomputer.
"We were trying to find which species of lock the Covid-19 key was best designed to unlock. You can try and fit the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein structure shape into all of the ACE2 structures from different animals to see which one fits best, just like solving a jigsaw," Petrovsky explained.
The group uploaded ACE2 genetic sequences from a variety of potential animal hosts including bats, mice, and civets and was able to run simulations by March 2020. As What Really Happened In wuhan notes:
Very quickly, he had a result - and it was a result that caused him a great deal of angst. "Strangely, humans came out at the very top of the list." Petrovsky pauses. "That was not what we were expecting, as the animal host from which the virus had been transmitted should have been at the top of the list. This presented a puzzle as the data suggested the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein had uniquely evolved to bind and infect cells expressing human ACE2. Normally with a new pandemic virus, whatever species that virus originally came from would be the best fit and the virus would initially only half fit the human lock but then mutate over time to try and become a better fit. A virus should not be able to evolve to be a perfect fit for a lock it has never seen, and yet this is what the data was telling us. The virus spike protein looked like it couldn't have been better designed to fit the human ACE2. Go figure."
#15262009 at 2021-12-27 14:02:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19303: New Year, New Perspective On Shit E-Bake Edition
wuhan Lab Hosts Conference On How To Avoid Lab Leaks.
#15261981 at 2021-12-27 13:55:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19305: Optics on #MaxwellTrial Edition
>>15259692 Chechen leader Kadyrov: Putin to prevent Western military bases' deployment in Ukraine
>>15259716 Clockfags on the Clock + Graphic Ds Exposed for all to see Edition
>>15259774 LizHarrington retweets Gorka Remember what a real President looks like?
>>15260483 A call to dig - Dole related - Bush and Obama and the United Fruit Company in the Honduran Coup. (Holder too)
>>15260490, >>15260502, >>15260505 The multitargeted drug ivermectin: from an antiparasitic agent to a repositioned cancer drug
>>15260496, >>15260504 Remember the RBG death announcement / Clock + Graphic RBG Edition
>>15260550 Trump Knew '100 Percent' He Was 'Fighting for the Little Guy
>>15260643 Candace Owens Reconciles President Trump Vaccine Position by Saying "He's Old" and "Doesn't Use the Internet"
>>15260655, >>15260702 Omicron is spreading faster than any virus in history: Bill Gates
>>15260660 Children with disabilities offered 'do not resuscitate' orders amid pandemic
>>15260701 Iran threatens nuclear explosion in Israel's Dimona facility
>>15260807 PM Modi announces Covid-19 vaccination for children aged 15-18 from Jan 3
>>15260866, >>15260870 Anons see a little more in the Jill Christmas Tree pics + Q1817
>>15261002 Doctors will be forced to go for mass resignation if demands not met. (India)
>>15261099 33 out of 34 Omicron patients at Delhi hospital were fully vaccinated
>>15259585 Syrian Army Uncovers Anti-Aircraft Missiles Left Behind By ISIS In Deir Ezzor City
>>15259594, >>15259647 Help US raise OUR spirits & Prayer Bun
>>15259595 Former CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan: Joe Biden Let 600,000 Migrants Illegally Enter Without Testing or Vaccine Mandate
>>15259603, >>15259642 Whitmer kidnapping plot suspects seek dismissal of charges, say FBI invented conspiracy
>>15259646 New Jersey Is First State to Pay Out MILLIONS Over Nursing Home COVID Deaths - Will NY, MI, PA and CA Follow?
>>15259687 More evidence that 1/6 was an FBI OP: MEET RAY EPPS PART 2 (video)
>>15259703, >>15259841 The Dirty Truth: It's beginning to look like genocide (video)
>>15259732, >>15259736, >>15259780 New Zealand government approves euthanasia for Covid patients
>>15259750 Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines
>>15259758 British troops ready to evacuate from Ukraine in event of Russian invasion
>>15259770 Health expert says COVID cases should no longer be 'major metric' of pandemic, urges shift to hospitalizations, deaths
>>15259791 NY Times Editor, 49, Dies One Day After Moderna Booster Shot.
>>15259796 SHOCK As 4th Football Player Dies This Week - Algerian Sofiane Loukar Dead After Suffering Heart Attack
>>15259798 wuhan Lab Hosts Conference On How To Avoid Lab Leaks. (keks)
>>15259809 Anon musing on Hawaii and 11.4
>>15259812 Putin blames West for tensions, demands security guarantees
>>15259848 Ted Cruz twt thread recommended
>>15259867 Nano-razors video
>>15259869 David Icke video on deep state agenda and capitol protests
>>15259888 Time to Wake Up video
>>15259921 Ty for this board and ty for all the warriors
>>15259960 US sees signs Russia plans Ukraine invasion in early 2022
>>15260044, >>15260065 Trump Salute and Departure from D.C.
>>15260010, >>15260043, >>15260078 Light Overcomes Darkness
>>15260134 Trump Interview Candace Owens Full (15mb)
>>15260178 Obsidian mirror used by Queen Elizabeth I's famed political advisor and occultist John Dee to 'speak' with angels has Aztec origin.
>>15260234 Jim Jordan: Biden Administration 'Has Done Everything Wrong'
>>15260240 The Time is Now movie
>>15260259 Protests over post-vaccination deaths spread across South Korea
>>15260296, >>15260325 Anons believes to have spotted a hidden regarding smuggling…
>>15260329 Anon: Omicron is the cure for Covid
>>15260379 The mechanisms of action of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2-an extensive review
>>15260424 Counter to Fox News previous…Russia withdraws troops from regions near Ukraine
>>15260778 Anons #19302 Scrape
>>15261799 #19302
#15261799 at 2021-12-27 12:47:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19303: New Year, New Perspective On Shit E-Bake Edition
#19302 FINAL
>>15259692 Chechen leader Kadyrov: Putin to prevent Western military bases' deployment in Ukraine
>>15259716 Clockfags on the Clock + Graphic Ds Exposed for all to see Edition
>>15259774 LizHarrington retweets Gorka Remember what a real President looks like?
>>15260483 A call to dig - Dole related - Bush and Obama and the United Fruit Company in the Honduran Coup. (Holder too)
>>15260490, >>15260502, >>15260505 The multitargeted drug ivermectin: from an antiparasitic agent to a repositioned cancer drug
>>15260496, >>15260504 Remember the RBG death announcement / Clock + Graphic RBG Edition
>>15260550 Trump Knew '100 Percent' He Was 'Fighting for the Little Guy
>>15260643 Candace Owens Reconciles President Trump Vaccine Position by Saying "He's Old" and "Doesn't Use the Internet"
>>15260655, >>15260702 Omicron is spreading faster than any virus in history: Bill Gates
>>15260660 Children with disabilities offered 'do not resuscitate' orders amid pandemic
>>15260701 Iran threatens nuclear explosion in Israel's Dimona facility
>>15260807 PM Modi announces Covid-19 vaccination for children aged 15-18 from Jan 3
>>15260866, >>15260870 Anons see a little more in the Jill Christmas Tree pics + Q1817
>>15261002 Doctors will be forced to go for mass resignation if demands not met. (India)
>>15261099 33 out of 34 Omicron patients at Delhi hospital were fully vaccinated
>>15259585 Syrian Army Uncovers Anti-Aircraft Missiles Left Behind By ISIS In Deir Ezzor City
>>15259594, >>15259647 Help US raise OUR spirits & Prayer Bun
>>15259595 Former CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan: Joe Biden Let 600,000 Migrants Illegally Enter Without Testing or Vaccine Mandate
>>15259603, >>15259642 Whitmer kidnapping plot suspects seek dismissal of charges, say FBI invented conspiracy
>>15259646 New Jersey Is First State to Pay Out MILLIONS Over Nursing Home COVID Deaths - Will NY, MI, PA and CA Follow?
>>15259687 More evidence that 1/6 was an FBI OP: MEET RAY EPPS PART 2 (video)
>>15259703, >>15259841 The Dirty Truth: It's beginning to look like genocide (video)
>>15259732, >>15259736, >>15259780 New Zealand government approves euthanasia for Covid patients
>>15259750 Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines
>>15259758 British troops ready to evacuate from Ukraine in event of Russian invasion
>>15259770 Health expert says COVID cases should no longer be 'major metric' of pandemic, urges shift to hospitalizations, deaths
>>15259791 NY Times Editor, 49, Dies One Day After Moderna Booster Shot.
>>15259796 SHOCK As 4th Football Player Dies This Week - Algerian Sofiane Loukar Dead After Suffering Heart Attack
>>15259798 wuhan Lab Hosts Conference On How To Avoid Lab Leaks. (keks)
>>15259809 Anon musing on Hawaii and 11.4
>>15259812 Putin blames West for tensions, demands security guarantees
>>15259848 Ted Cruz twt thread recommended
>>15259867 Nano-razors video
>>15259869 David Icke video on deep state agenda and capitol protests
>>15259888 Time to Wake Up video
>>15259921 Ty for this board and ty for all the warriors
>>15259960 US sees signs Russia plans Ukraine invasion in early 2022
>>15260044, >>15260065 Trump Salute and Departure from D.C.
>>15260010, >>15260043, >>15260078 Light Overcomes Darkness
>>15260134 Trump Interview Candace Owens Full (15mb)
>>15260178 Obsidian mirror used by Queen Elizabeth I's famed political advisor and occultist John Dee to 'speak' with angels has Aztec origin.
>>15260234 Jim Jordan: Biden Administration 'Has Done Everything Wrong'
>>15260240 The Time is Now movie
>>15260259 Protests over post-vaccination deaths spread across South Korea
>>15260296, >>15260325 Anons believes to have spotted a hidden regarding smuggling…
>>15260329 Anon: Omicron is the cure for Covid
>>15260379 The mechanisms of action of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2-an extensive review
>>15260424 Counter to Fox News previous…Russia withdraws troops from regions near Ukraine
>>15260778 Anons #19302 Scrape
#15261767 at 2021-12-27 12:37:09 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19303: New Year, New Perspective On Shit E-Bake Edition
19302The Omicron Dough is Rising TBC >>15259495
>>15259585 Syrian Army Uncovers Anti-Aircraft Missiles Left Behind By ISIS In Deir Ezzor City
>>15259594, >>15259647 Help US raise OUR spirits & Prayer Bun
>>15259595 Former CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan: Joe Biden Let 600,000 Migrants Illegally Enter Without Testing or Vaccine Mandate
>>15259603, >>15259642 Whitmer kidnapping plot suspects seek dismissal of charges, say FBI invented conspiracy
>>15259646 New Jersey Is First State to Pay Out MILLIONS Over Nursing Home COVID Deaths - Will NY, MI, PA and CA Follow?
>>15259687 More evidence that 1/6 was an FBI OP: MEET RAY EPPS PART 2 (video)
>>15259703, >>15259841 The Dirty Truth: It's beginning to look like genocide (video)
>>15259732, >>15259736, >>15259780 New Zealand government approves euthanasia for Covid patients
>>15259750 Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines
>>15259758 British troops ready to evacuate from Ukraine in event of Russian invasion
>>15259770 Health expert says COVID cases should no longer be 'major metric' of pandemic, urges shift to hospitalizations, deaths
>>15259791 NY Times Editor, 49, Dies One Day After Moderna Booster Shot.
>>15259796 SHOCK As 4th Football Player Dies This Week - Algerian Sofiane Loukar Dead After Suffering Heart Attack
>>15259798 wuhan Lab Hosts Conference On How To Avoid Lab Leaks. (keks)
>>15259809 Anon musing on Hawaii and 11.4
>>15259812 Putin blames West for tensions, demands security guarantees
>>15259848 Ted Cruz twt thread recommended
>>15259867 Nano-razors video
>>15259869 David Icke video on deep state agenda and capitol protests
>>15259888 Time to Wake Up video
>>15259921 Ty for this board and ty for all the warriors
>>15259960 US sees signs Russia plans Ukraine invasion in early 2022
>>15260044, >>15260065 Trump Salute and Departure from D.C.
>>15260010, >>15260043, >>15260078 Light Overcomes Darkness
>>15260134 Trump Interview Candace Owens Full (15mb)
>>15260178 Obsidian mirror used by Queen Elizabeth I's famed political advisor and occultist John Dee to 'speak' with angels has Aztec origin.
>>15260234 Jim Jordan: Biden Administration 'Has Done Everything Wrong'
>>15260240 The Time is Now movie
>>15260259 Protests over post-vaccination deaths spread across South Korea
>>15260296, >>15260325 Anons believes to have spotted a hidden regarding smuggling…
>>15260329 Anon: Omicron is the cure for Covid
>>15260379 The mechanisms of action of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2-an extensive review
>>15260424 Counter to Fox News previous…Russia withdraws troops from regions near Ukraine
>>15260778 Anons #19302 Scrape
>>15260876 #19302
#15259798 at 2021-12-27 01:15:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19302: The Omicron Dough is Rising Edition
wuhan Lab Hosts Conference On How To Avoid Lab Leaks.
The wuhan Institute of Virology - the laboratory believed to be the source of the COVID-19 pandemic - hosted an international conference advising scientists and research institutes on proper laboratory safety measures.
The event - the International Training Course on Biosafety Laboratory Management and Technology - comes amidst America's top health and intelligence publicly supporting the theory, however, that COVID-19 escaped from the wuhan Institute of Virology.
The lab's manipulation of "killer" bat coronaviruses, funded in part by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, created strains of SARS-like viruses that possessed the capacity for "direct human infection," The National Pulse has previously revealed.
Despite being at the center of COVID-19's origins, the wuhan Institute of Virology hosted a laboratory safety measure conference from December 16th to 17th.
The event featured several researchers from the Chinese Communist Party-controlled lab including Deputy Director-General Guan Wuxiang, Deputy Director Yuan Zhiming, and Professor Wei Hongping.
The laboratory's website also details the contents of the workshop, including having participants focus on "biosafety laboratory overview," "laboratory management system," and "animal experiment operating specifications and practices":
Courses cover biosafety and biosafety laboratory overview, biosafety laboratory management system, biosafety code of conduct for scientists, bioethics, cutting-edge biotechnology governance, bacterial (virus) species preservation, transportation and management, biorisk assessment, biosafety laboratory Personal protective equipment, biological safety operating specifications, animal experiment operating specifications and practices, etc.
#15258719 at 2021-12-26 21:21:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19301: Countdown to 2022 Begins Edition:
Mission Impossible (1966) TV series
S01e10 "The Carriers"
This show about undercover spies engaging in elaborate theatrical productions
And often using masks to fool the enemy was a favorite of mine.
In one episode they infiltrate an east european country and find a plot to unleash a deadly plague
Is this the playbook for wuhan?
Listen to what the main character has to say about it…
I don't think they'll infect the carriers until just before they are ready to ship them out.
If they did they might die before they had a chance to circulate the plague in the United States
We've got to destroy those cultures without them ever knowing it.
They must never know why their plan didn't work
And then at 25:25 (aka 5 by 5 colon 5 by 5)
A shot of the cover of a Russian book "? ?????"
Which happens to be a translation of the title
Of the Clausewitz classic work "On War"
Strangely enough Wikipedia claims that this says something different.
Could it be that WhiteHats infiltrated wuhan and destroyed the real COVID19 virus without the CCP ever knowing it?
That would explain why the Great Reset crowd had to resort to such elaborate absurdist theater
They had lost the real plague that they intended to unleash!!!
So they made do with the version released in 2016 to test the ACE2 spike protein
Even though that version did not have the deadly payload they wanted.
#15258510 at 2021-12-26 20:16:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19300: THIS IS 8KUN! Edition
Jewish Harvard Nanotech Professor Lieber Linked to CCP wuhan Institute Found Guilty
#15258103 at 2021-12-26 18:46:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19300: THIS IS 8KUN! Edition
>>15257048 lb
Anyone know if athletes (not all, of course, but if it's a "thing" with some, anyway…) enjoy using adrenochrome?
When the scamdemic first began, the fact that wuhan was also "coincidentally* a world-wide center of production of adrenochrome was being discussed…
I think there was also the thought expressed that the greatest of all "comorbidities" was if the patient was a user of adrenochrome.
And/or, if not adrenochrome exclusively, then any drug/substance that was produced using precursers manufactured in wuhan.
Just putting the thought back out there, again…
#15257619 at 2021-12-26 16:53:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19299: Boxing Day Edition
>Early videos from wuhan…people reacting to some sort of trigger causing seizure and death
That makes perfect sense. They suddenly fell forward as if being targeted with some kind of weapon/energy source.
#15257600 at 2021-12-26 16:47:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19299: Boxing Day Edition
Early videos from wuhan were either fake or people reacting to some sort of trigger causing seizure and death.
#15257584 at 2021-12-26 16:42:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19299: Boxing Day Edition
It is clear to this anon that the CCP colluded with American traitors, to create the hysteria. Exactly what they did for gain of function in wuhan remains to be seen. Was it all hype? Because the alleged killer virus has never been isolated in laboratory, and to this anon, that proves it does not even exist. Now we see Lieber convicted, and the nearly simultaneous news that he has a patent on using 5G in combination with a virus. Believe that was the real plan….set up the world for the kill by getting the vax into people, preparatory for the sudden mass kill off via 5G. SC about to rule on 5G suits. But if we look back to when it all began in wuhan, with an alleged outbreak, anon believes that many people were killed there via the very recently installed 5G network. They were testing out the system on Chinese, many of whom in wuhan were/are seen as troublesome by Beijing. Every crematorium in the area constantly going, putting out a cloud of smoke seen from space. IMO that has been the real plan all along. Kill many with fake vaxes, while setting up the rest for the mass kill off at the chosen moment.
Now should China pay? Yes. They should be stripped of all overseas possessions, and the CCP eradicated. All American traitors should hang.
Yes, Trump has much more information available than anons. Yes, IMO he is still CIC, with devolution in place. The only reason I can see for him to quadruple down on the vax at this time, with the vile left embracing it and calling for military and FEMA to administer shots, is to move more troops into place for game time, under cover of that. Because we all know that the satanists will not go quietly.
#15255328 at 2021-12-26 02:07:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19296: Biden Meme of the Year 2021: 'Fuck Joe Biden' Authorized by FJB Edition
>>15250607 lb
This is what the Harvard prof that was just convicted of hiding his Chinese connections worked on...with wuhan.
#15253885 at 2021-12-25 21:26:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19295: Fulton County State Farm Arena During 2020 Election Goes MIA Edition
"Omicron was clearly created in a lab
It's apparent at this point that there were no predecessor mutations released into the wild. It's origin comes from a early 2020 strain, then magically it appears in the wild in late 2021 with ZERO connection to any of the most common variants.
Take a look at the NYT's corona variant tracker. Most variants have 5-7 changes to the spike protein.
How many does Omicron have? 50+"
"Omicron is Not Normal
Everything suggests this variant was leaked from a laboratory engaged in gain-of-function research.
Omicron is not normal. No immediate progenitors are known; its closest relatives are viruses last seen in early- to mid-2020. The orthodox explanation for this awkward fact, is that it has spent the last 18 months lurking "in a geography with poor genomic surveillance ... or ... in a chronically infected individual." The simpler explanation is that it leaked from a laboratory.
As el gato malo and others have indicated, evidence is strong that Omicron circulates preferentially in the vaccinated. In all likelihood, it is the result of gain-of-function research, in which SARS-2 was passaged repeatedly through convalescent or vaccinated plasma, in the hopes of helping the virus evade acquired immunity. The purpose of this research would be to anticipate future immune-escape variants that vaccines might target.
Omicron carries a series of highly unlikely and suspicious mutations in its spike protein. It is hard to imagine that these mutations can have arisen via natural processes, because all but one of them are nonsynonymous - that is, they code for different amino acid sequences. Starkly mutated variants favoured by natural selection should have a great many meaningless synonymous mutations as well.
Omicron's ancestors may have spent a significant amount of time adapting to mouse cells, before re-entering human hosts. Omicron appears selected to replicate primarily in the bronchial tract. Deeper in the human lung, it functions far less efficiently than Delta or the first strains from wuhan. This is probably why it causes mostly mild illness, and it is reminiscent of techniques used to make live attenuated influenza vaccines safer for use in humans. Such vaccines are cold-adapted, that is, selected to circulate primarily in the cooler upper respiratory tract rather than in the warmer, more vulnerable lungs.
The balance of the evidence is that Omicron leaked from a lab engaged in SARS-2 vaccine research. There are many possibilities: It might represent a live, attenuated virus vaccine used informally among researchers, that mutated back to virulence and escaped; it might have been released accidentally; it could even be an attempt to develop a self-spreading vaccine to immunise animals or third world populations.
UPDATE: Igor Chudov points to his own similar analysis from 2 December."
#15253743 at 2021-12-25 20:46:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19294: Keeping The Lights Lit Christmas Edition
"Omicron was clearly created in a lab
It's apparent at this point that there were no predecessor mutations released into the wild. It's origin comes from a early 2020 strain, then magically it appears in the wild in late 2021 with ZERO connection to any of the most common variants.
Take a look at the NYT's corona variant tracker. Most variants have 5-7 changes to the spike protein.
How many does Omicron have? 50+"
"Omicron is Not Normal
Everything suggests this variant was leaked from a laboratory engaged in gain-of-function research.
Omicron is not normal. No immediate progenitors are known; its closest relatives are viruses last seen in early- to mid-2020. The orthodox explanation for this awkward fact, is that it has spent the last 18 months lurking "in a geography with poor genomic surveillance ... or ... in a chronically infected individual." The simpler explanation is that it leaked from a laboratory.
As el gato malo and others have indicated, evidence is strong that Omicron circulates preferentially in the vaccinated. In all likelihood, it is the result of gain-of-function research, in which SARS-2 was passaged repeatedly through convalescent or vaccinated plasma, in the hopes of helping the virus evade acquired immunity. The purpose of this research would be to anticipate future immune-escape variants that vaccines might target.
Omicron carries a series of highly unlikely and suspicious mutations in its spike protein. It is hard to imagine that these mutations can have arisen via natural processes, because all but one of them are nonsynonymous - that is, they code for different amino acid sequences. Starkly mutated variants favoured by natural selection should have a great many meaningless synonymous mutations as well.
Omicron's ancestors may have spent a significant amount of time adapting to mouse cells, before re-entering human hosts. Omicron appears selected to replicate primarily in the bronchial tract. Deeper in the human lung, it functions far less efficiently than Delta or the first strains from wuhan. This is probably why it causes mostly mild illness, and it is reminiscent of techniques used to make live attenuated influenza vaccines safer for use in humans. Such vaccines are cold-adapted, that is, selected to circulate primarily in the cooler upper respiratory tract rather than in the warmer, more vulnerable lungs.
The balance of the evidence is that Omicron leaked from a lab engaged in SARS-2 vaccine research. There are many possibilities: It might represent a live, attenuated virus vaccine used informally among researchers, that mutated back to virulence and escaped; it might have been released accidentally; it could even be an attempt to develop a self-spreading vaccine to immunise animals or third world populations.
UPDATE: Igor Chudov points to his own similar analysis from 2 December."
#15253433 at 2021-12-25 19:34:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19294: Keeping The Lights Lit Christmas Edition
Cyrus Parsa Discusses Behind The wuhan Bio-Weapon with Nicholas Veniamin
#15253109 at 2021-12-25 18:05:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19293: Keep Calm and Merry Christmas On Edition
Staff getting Omicron is great excuse for a holiday extension and developing immunity to Faucci's + wuhan pathogen.
#15251020 at 2021-12-25 04:28:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19291: Official White House Xmas Cry 2021 'Go Brandon' Endorsed by FJB Edition
>30 to 50 never before seen mutations to a dramatically far less pathogenic agent = white hat monkey wrench in the gears of the destroyers.
Omicron is Not Normal
Everything suggests this variant was leaked from a laboratory engaged in gain-of-function research.
Omicron is not normal. No immediate progenitors are known; its closest relatives are viruses last seen in early- to mid-2020. The orthodox explanation for this awkward fact, is that it has spent the last 18 months lurking "in a geography with poor genomic surveillance ... or ... in a chronically infected individual." The simpler explanation is that it leaked from a laboratory.
As el gato malo and others have indicated, evidence is strong that Omicron circulates preferentially in the vaccinated. In all likelihood, it is the result of gain-of-function research, in which SARS-2 was passaged repeatedly through convalescent or vaccinated plasma, in the hopes of helping the virus evade acquired immunity. The purpose of this research would be to anticipate future immune-escape variants that vaccines might target.
Omicron carries a series of highly unlikely and suspicious mutations in its spike protein. It is hard to imagine that these mutations can have arisen via natural processes, because all but one of them are nonsynonymous - that is, they code for different amino acid sequences. Starkly mutated variants favoured by natural selection should have a great many meaningless synonymous mutations as well.
Omicron's ancestors may have spent a significant amount of time adapting to mouse cells, before re-entering human hosts. Omicron appears selected to replicate primarily in the bronchial tract. Deeper in the human lung, it functions far less efficiently than Delta or the first strains from wuhan. This is probably why it causes mostly mild illness, and it is reminiscent of techniques used to make live attenuated influenza vaccines safer for use in humans. Such vaccines are cold-adapted, that is, selected to circulate primarily in the cooler upper respiratory tract rather than in the warmer, more vulnerable lungs.
The balance of the evidence is that Omicron leaked from a lab engaged in SARS-2 vaccine research. There are many possibilities: It might represent a live, attenuated virus vaccine used informally among researchers, that mutated back to virulence and escaped; it might have been released accidentally; it could even be an attempt to develop a self-spreading vaccine to immunise animals or third world populations.
UPDATE: Igor Chudov points to his own similar analysis from 2 December.
#15248430 at 2021-12-24 17:19:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19288: Twas The Day Before Christmas Edition
The Epoch Times, [24.12.21 12:16]
[Forwarded from China in Focus - NTD]
[ Video ]
A major Chinese city is just one step away from the highest level of #Lockdown. Thirteen million residents have to either stay at home or wait in line for mandatory virus tests. It resembles what happened in #wuhan two years ago.
🔶Watch the full episode👉https://youtu.be/mlldPrXBrjo
#15247967 at 2021-12-24 15:07:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19287: Nakatomi Protocol Edition
Harvard Professor Charles Lieber Found Guilty of Lying About China Ties
Harvard professor Charles M. Lieber was found guilty of lying to government authorities about his ties to China in federal court on Tuesday, concluding a stunning downfall for one of the country's top chemists.
A federal jury found Lieber guilty on all six felony charges, including two counts of making false statements and four related tax offenses. Federal prosecutors said Lieber, 62, chased money and Nobel hopes past the limits of the law by concealing his ties to China's Thousand Talents Program in misleading statements to investigators and falsely-reported tax returns.
Jurors deliberated for just shy of three hours before coming to a verdict Tuesday evening. Lieber showed little reaction as the decision was read in court.
Lieber's conviction marks a high-profile victory for the Department of Justice's China Initiative, which some critics have accused of targeting individuals of Chinese descent and straying from its original goals. The closely-watched Lieber case was brought as part of a crackdown on academic espionage at American universities.
Lieber was arrested on Harvard's campus in January 2020 on suspicion of lying to federal officials about his involvement in the TTP, a state-sponsored Chinese recruitment program that seeks to bring academic talent to the country. Prosecutors said that Lieber lied about his ties to the program in interviews with the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health, which funded his research with millions of dollars in grant money. The government also said the former Harvard Chemistry chair failed to report foreign bank accounts and income from the TTP to the Internal Revenue Service.
Prosecutors said during the six-day trial that Lieber knowingly lied and misled investigators and Harvard about his TTP affiliation. During the fourth day of the trial, jurors viewed video excerpts of a 2020 FBI interrogation of Lieber in which he told agents it "looks like I was very dishonest" in a separate interview with DOD investigators in 2018.
"I wasn't completely transparent by any stretch of the imagination," Lieber said in the interrogation, which was shown to jurors on Friday.
During the same interrogation, investigators presented Lieber with a contract he had signed with the TTP stipulating payments of $50,000 per month for his work with the wuhan Institute of Technology. He had previously said in the same interview that he did not take a salary from the Chinese university.
"That's pretty damning," Lieber told the FBI agents of the contract.
Assistant U.S. Attorney James M. Casey told jurors to "go back and listen to the defendant's interview" and repeatedly quoted Lieber's FBI interrogation as he delivered the government's closing argument on Tuesday.
Lieber's defense team argued that the chemist never intended to mislead investigators or conceal his China ties. They said the government lacked the evidence to prove Lieber made false statements.
"The people who the government will call as witnesses in this case didn't even write down the statements that Charlie is on trial for," Mark L. Mukasey, Lieber's lead defense attorney, said during opening statements last Wednesday.
In his closing argument, Mukasey criticized investigators for failing to interview Liqiang Mai, the researcher who communicated with Lieber about the TTP in emails presented by prosecutors during the trial. Mukasey also argued that Lieber's alleged contract with the program was "unsigned, mistake-laden" and not credible.
"The proof on every charge in this case is missing," Mukasey said in his closing argument on Tuesday. "Without these critical items of proof, without the evidence that's missing, the government cannot prove the charges in this case beyond a reasonable doubt."
Lieber's defense team sought to exclude the FBI interrogation from the trial, alleging that the agents misrepresented the purpose of their investigation and ignored his request for legal representation.
Lieber, who is currently battling late-stage lymphoma, will be sentenced at a later hearing. His conviction carries a maximum prison sentence of 26 years and up to $1.2 million in fines.
"There is now no question that Charles Lieber lied to federal investigators and to Harvard in an attempt to hide his participation in the Chinese Thousand Talents Program," Nathaniel R. Mendell, the acting United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, said in a statement Tuesday night. "He lied to the IRS about the money he was paid, and he concealed his Chinese bank account from the United States. The jury followed the evidence and the law to a just verdict."
Harvard spokesperson Jason A. Newton declined to comment on the verdict. Lieber has been on paid administrative leave from the University since being charged in January 2020.
#15245640 at 2021-12-24 01:54:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19284: Best EBake
>He was convicted of taking bribes from the Chinese government by selling US secrets from the wuhan University of Technology.
#15245623 at 2021-12-24 01:52:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19284: Best EBake
Charles Lieber, a renowned nanoscientist and the former chairman of Harvard University is a TRAITOR. He was convicted of taking bribes from the Chinese government by selling US secrets from the wuhan University of Technology. The world should know that when you hear Covid, think Charles Lieber.
#15244647 at 2021-12-23 22:44:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19283: My Comfy EBake
Lancet Editor Admits Peter Daszak Has 'Significant, Regrettable' Conflicts Of Interest.
After a year of National Pulse reporting, the Lancet medical journal finally admits the truth about Daszak.
The editor of the Lancet medical journal has admitted that Peter Daszak - a leading signatory of a letter published by the journal discrediting man-made origins of COVID-19 - had "significant" conflict of interests and did not declare them at the beginning of the pandemic.
The admission from Dr. Richard Horton came during a grilling from British Members of Parliament on the Science and Technology Select Committee. The stark revelation confirms a lot of early-National Pulse reportage on Daszak, the wuhan lab, and the interconnected nature of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
Horton's public acknowledgment of Daszak's conflicts of interest discredits the legitimacy of the critical 2020 statement which stifled debate about the true origins of COVID-19 in the mainstream media and scientific community. News outlets and legislators alike relied upon the comments to delegitimize the idea that novel coronavirus emerged from the Anthony Fauci-funded BSL-4 laboratory in wuhan.
In the declaration, Daszak as well as other "scientists" wrote:
We sign this statement in solidarity with all scientists and health professionals in China who continue to save lives and protect global health during the challenge of the COVID-19 outbreak. We are all in this together, with our Chinese counterparts in the forefront, against this new viral threat.
The rapid, open, and transparent sharing of data on this outbreak is now being threatened by rumours and misinformation around its origins. We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin. Scientists from multiple countries have published and analysed genomes of the causative agent, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and they overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife, as have so many other emerging pathogens.
#15243809 at 2021-12-23 19:50:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19282: FOXTROT Edition
Communist BFF: Elon Musk's Extensive History of Cozying Up to Red China
Over the past few years, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has made great efforts to impress the Chinese government, stating that the country is "the future" and that America is full of "complacency and entitlement." Breitbart News has collected the most notorious examples of Musk cozying up to the Communist party, which reached full steam in 2021.
Breitbart News has reported for some time on Tesla and Space CEO Elon Musk's attempts to gain a foothold in China which includes setting up Tesla factories in the country, praising the communist dictatorship as "the future," and celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.
In 2019, Musk appeared alongside Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai where they discussed the opening of Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory. At the event, Musk stated:
I spend a lot of my time on sustainable energy with tesla with you know electric cars and solar and batteries and that kind of thing and I'm really excited to be here in Shanghai for the Shanghai Gigafactory which is I think that Tesla china team has done an amazing job on. It is really mind-blowing like I'm just astounded by how good the job is and how much progress has been made and I think it's a good story for the world and to say like look how much progress you can make in China.
This is extremely impressive like my hat is off you know you guys rock so I've never seen anything but so fast in my life before. To be totally Frank I've seen some crazy things so you know I think it's like I really think China is the future.
In August 2020, Musk stated in an interview on the Daily Drive podcast by Automotive News that people in the United States are "entitled" and "complacent" while Chinese citizens are "smart" and "hard-working people." Breitbart News wrote at the time:
Jason Stein, the publisher of Automotive News who conducted the interview with Musk, asked him "How about China as an EV strategy leader in the world?" to which Musk replied: "China rocks in my opinion. The energy in China is great. People there - there's like a lot of smart, hard-working people. And they're really - they're not entitled, they're not complacent, whereas I see in the United States increasingly much more complacency and entitlement especially in places like the Bay Area, and L.A. and New York."
Chinese government officials helped Tesla secure loans worth approximately $1.6 billion last year to construct Tesla's Shanghai facility. Despite the Shanghai government helping Tesla to begin production again after the region was struck by a wuhan coronavirus outbreak, Musk claims that the Chinese government is not as helpful to Tesla as it is to domestic companies.
"They have been supportive. But it would be weird if they were more supportive to a non-Chinese company. They're not," said Musk. During the interview, Musk also compared the U.S., California, and New York to sports teams about to lose their winning status.
"When you've been winning for too long you sort of take things for granted," Musk stated. "The United States, and especially like California and New York, you've been winning for too long. When you've been winning too long you take things for granted. So, just like some pro sports team they win a championship you know a bunch of times in a row, they get complacent and they start losing."
#15242285 at 2021-12-23 14:58:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19278: Christmas Comet Edition
Charles Lieber, a renowned nanoscientist and the former chairman of Harvard University is a TRAITOR. He was convicted of taking bribes from the Chinese government by selling US secrets from the wuhan University of Technology. The world should know that when you hear Covid, think Charles Lieber.
We have more than we know
There is nothing the left fear more than losing their self righteousness or their so called moral superiority. I plan on posting the photos of those convicted everywhere I can. Perhaps judges will find the courage to overcome their fear of the left and do what is right. Anything posted has to be verified facts that cannot be debated.
#15239963 at 2021-12-23 00:44:54 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19277: Just EBake
A report from the Rockefeller Foundation called "Reset the Table" (sound familiar?) calls for a total centralization of the global food supply in order to solve the "hunger and nutrition crisis."
The wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic increased hunger in children by more than 500 percent, the report alleges. And the only way to solve it is for food to be communized and controlled entirely by a global central government.
Dr. Rajiv J. Shah, the foundation's president, admits in the opener that calls to globalize the world's food systems is "not new." Globalists have been pushing for it for many years, and only now, thanks to the Fauci Flu, is it finally within reach.
None of the aggressive measures proposed in the report would have been possible were it not for the widespread destruction of society and its supply chains caused by Chinese Virus lockdowns and other fascism.
#15238114 at 2021-12-22 18:29:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19275: Need Some #MaxwellTrial Updates Edition
Outgoing NIH Director Francis Collins Laments Not Doing More Research On 'Human Behavior'.
Outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins expressed regret his agency "under-invested in research in human behavior" while lamenting the choice of tens of millions of Americans to not receive a COVID-19 jab.
Collins's departure comes amidst intense scrutiny over the National Institutes of Health funding research on "killer" bat viruses with the wuhan Institute of Virology, believed by many to be the source of COVID-19.
Speaking with PBS NewsHour before departing the NIH, Collins appeared to regret not investing more in researching "human behavior":
Maybe we under-invested in research in human behavior. I never imagined a year ago that there would be 60 million people who refused/declined to get the vaccine because of misinformation & disinformation"
Collins, who led the NIH during the agency's controversy of funding live fetal organ harvesting, repeatedly invoked his Christian faith during the interview.
"I'm really fortunate to be someone who has both a scientific approach and a spiritual approach" asserted Collins.
"That means that the laboratory is also potentially a cathedral, because what we're doing is to learn how to be even more amazed at what we have been given as human beings surrounded by a beautiful world," he added.
Collins's resignation also follows The National Pulse linking the doctor to several Chinese Communist Party and Chinese military-linked research initiatives, which he has funded with U.S. taxpayer dollars. Collins is also the boss of Anthony Fauci, whose National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseased (NIAID) funded "gain of function" research - the manipulation of viruses to increase their virulence and lethality - with wuhan.
#15237595 at 2021-12-22 17:07:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19274: Dough Ready Edition
It's all a psyop fren, BV is the one posting the CP
All it takes pattern notice-memt to figure out
The DEEPDIGS board has a baker
>>191 this where we hanging to get away from that psycho OSS
>>204 A Harvard Professor who worked with the NIH and DOD was just federally convicted for covering up his financial ties to wuhan and the media is barely talking about it
https://8kun. top/deepdigs/res/186.html#top
#15236880 at 2021-12-22 15:37:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19274: Dough Ready Edition
A Harvard Professor who worked with the NIH and DOD was just federally convicted for covering up his financial ties to wuhan and the media is barely talking about it
#15234948 at 2021-12-22 03:31:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19272: Let the Bake Offs Commence Edition
Prominent Harvard Professor Found Guilty of Lying About China Ties
Nanoscientist Charles Lieber convicted on six counts related to payments from China
A jury on Tuesday found Harvard professor Charles Lieber guilty on six counts related to payments he received from a Chinese government talent program, delivering a win for the U.S. government.
The closely watched trial in federal court in Boston has emerged as a key test of a Justice Department initiative meant to combat Beijing's efforts to mine U.S. universities to catapult China to the forefront of scientific development.
Mr. Lieber, who holds joint appointments in Harvard University's chemistry and engineering departments and is a renowned expert in the field of nanoscience, was accused of lying to government investigators about his participation in the Chinese government's Thousand Talents program aimed at wooing foreign experts. He also was charged with failing to disclose cash payments from the program on his income tax returns and concealing the existence of a Chinese bank account.
The verdict, returned after less than three hours of deliberations, marks a stunning fall for Mr. Lieber, who came under scrutiny by federal investigators over an academic partnership with the wuhan University of Technology that dates back a decade. Prosecutors showed documentary evidence that Mr. Lieber had signed a Thousand Talents agreement with wuhan that paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars-some in cash and some deposited into a Chinese bank account.
#15234673 at 2021-12-22 02:21:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19270: Houston we are CLEAR for takeoff Edition
>wuhan University of Technology
#15234657 at 2021-12-22 02:18:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19270: Houston we are CLEAR for takeoff Edition
Harvard University Professor Dr. Charles Lieber was convicted today by a federal jury of lying about his affiliation with the wuhan University of Technology & his participation in the People's Republic of China's Thousand Talents Program.
#15234638 at 2021-12-22 02:14:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19270: Houston we are CLEAR for takeoff Edition
Play Video
December 21, 2021 TRUTH OVER NEWS
Lancet Pushed CCP-Driven Natural Origins Narrative, Shut Down Scientific Debate | Truth Over News
Truth Over News
When members of Dr. Anthony Fauci's group wanted to push the natural origin narrative early in the pandemic, they chose the renowned Lancet journal as their outlet.
EcoHealth's Peter Daszak penned the group's Lancet letter, which strongly condemned anyone promoting the wuhan lab leak theory.
The Lancet letter immediately became the media's main reference point for pushing the natural origin narrative.
What the Lancet failed to disclose was Daszak's many conflicts of interest, including the fact that Ecohealth was the conduit used by Fauci to provide funding for gain-of-function experiments at the wuhan Institute of Virology.
During testimony in the British parliament last week, Richard Horton, the editor-in-chief of the Lancet, tried to explain his dealings with Daszak and the reasoning behind the publication of the Lancet letter. It did not go well for him.
Welcome to Truth over News with Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke.
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#15233647 at 2021-12-21 23:09:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19270: E/Bake Trump news conference January 6th Edition
worlds leading nano tech scientist
#15231917 at 2021-12-21 18:20:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19268: What was the Cause of the Jan 6th Protest Edition
Fauci Calls on Fox News to Fire Jesse Watters For Telling People to "Ambush" Him with Questions About Funding Gain-of-Function at wuhan Lab
Dr. Fauci on Tuesday called on Fox News to fire host Jesse Watters for telling TPUSA attendees to "ambush" Fauci with questions about funding gain-of-function research at the wuhan lab.
Fauci lied under oath to Congress about funding chimeric virus research in wuhan.
Millions died worldwide after a man-made Coronavirus escaped the wuhan lab in late 2019.
Jesse Watters told TPUSA attendees to get in Fauci's face and confront him on his role that led to the Covid-19 pandemic.
"Now you go in for the kill shot. The kill shot? With an ambush? Deadly. Because he doesn't see it coming," Watters said Monday night.
Fauci said Watters should be fired on the spot.
"That's awful that he said that. And he's going to go, very likely, unaccountable," Fauci said on CNN. "I mean, whatever network he's on is not going to do anything for him. I mean, that's crazy. The guy should be fired on the spot."
"The only thing that I have ever done throughout these two years is to encourage people to practice good public health practices: to get vaccinated, to be careful in public settings, to wear a mask," Fauci said. "And for that, you have some guy out there saying that people should be giving me a kill shot to ambush me? I mean, what kind of craziness is there in society these days?"
#15231878 at 2021-12-21 18:10:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19268: What was the Cause of the Jan 6th Protest Edition
Belgium: Just Half of the Babies Born in 2020 Were To Belgian-Origin Mothers
According to data from the Belgian statistics agency Statbel, just half of the babies born in the country in 2020 were born to women of Belgian origin and Belgian nationality.
The statistical office stated that 23 per cent of the newborns in 2020 were born to a Belgian citizen mother born overseas and that another 25 per cent were born to those who had neither been born in Belgium nor had acquired Belgian nationality, leaving just 53 per cent of babies born to Belgian-origin women.
The fertility rate among Belgians is also reportedly significantly lower than foreign mothers, according to the Statbel figures, which place native Belgian women at a birthrate of 1.38 children per woman, while Belgian nationals of foreign origin stood at 1.54 children per woman, broadcaster RTBF reports.
The birthrate for foreign women born overseas and living in Belgium without Belgian nationality stands much higher at 2.05 children per woman, close to the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman.
The statistics are partially explained by the fact that migrant women are more represented in the 25-35 age demographic in Belgium, compared to native Belgians. Foreign women account for 16.5 per cent of all women of childbearing age but accounted for around a quarter of all births in 2020.
Belgium's demographics have seen rapid shifts in recent years, to the point that a report from January noted that around a third of the Belgian population now comes from foreign backgrounds.
Among the younger age brackets, such as those under 17, native Belgians make up just over half of the population, while native Belgians comprise 87.3 per cent of those aged over 65.
Last year, Stabel noted that prior to the wuhan coronavirus pandemic in 2019, Belgium's overall population growth had been driven almost entirely by immigration. Just eleven per cent of the population growth that year came from births.
Elsewhere in Europe, the pandemic year of 2020 has reduced the number of births to low levels, such as in Spain where the birthrate fell five per cent to just 1.19 children per woman, a rate not seen since the 1990s.
In Italy, the birthrate fell to an even lower rate with just 1.17 children born per woman with Italian citizenship, while the average birthrate among all residents was reported at just 1.24 children per woman.
#15230924 at 2021-12-21 15:08:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19267: Let the Clinton Investigation Commence Edition
>In a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court on December 6, an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III,
Peter Daszak, the zoologist, tied to the wuhan lab?
Wasn't Fauci experimenting on beagles, monkeys, and abandoned orphans?
Were they all working together on something?
#15230877 at 2021-12-21 15:01:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19267: Let the Clinton Investigation Commence Edition
As Dr Judy Wood always says, "know what it is you know. Well what I've discerned is as follows.
COVID 19 is a man made bio weapon.
It came out of a lab in wuhan.
The Virus has never been isolated because it's under copyright (don't confuse with patent)
Western governments and big pharma have their mucky prints all over it.
It has an extremely low mortality rate so death figures had to be massaged and pandemic sold as a casedemic.
The Jabs were created, patented, and ready to roll long before the scamdemic or Trumps operation Warpspeed.
Trump allowed gain of function research to resume under his watch.
The jab roll out has broken and bent every safety and health protocol in the book.
The jabs are not a vaccine as they do not provide immunity or prevent transmission.
There is no such thing as an a-symptomatic case, you have something or you don't.
The entire population is the controlled study group for the jab.
The jabs are maiming and killing people at a rate far higher than any other vaccine ever rolled out. True numbers unknown.
The scamdemic was used to steal the election via paper ballots.
The people behind this jab are shitting all over the Nuremberg code.
Science is now a political kosh which cannot be questioned or challenged by the public or even doctors or scientists that wish to peer review the real evidence and facts.
If I know all this then so does Trump at a bare fucking minimum.
Trump knows all this and so by choosing to give the scamdemic credence and the jabs credibility then he does so Knowingly.
Knowingly means complicit.
#15228539 at 2021-12-21 02:57:28 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19264: Unfortunately, the clock is ticking Edition
Per your citation it was NIH, not Trump
"here are eight criteria in the framework for guiding HHS funding decisions, which stipulate, for example, that the research has been evaluated by an independent expert review as scientifically sound, that the potential risks and benefits are justified, that there are no other equally effective but less risky options for answering the research question, and that the research team and facility have the capacity to do the work safety and securely and to respond rapidly if there are any accidents, protocol lapses, or security breaches."
Guess they didn't follow their own rules.
When did it move from Ft. Dietrich to wuhan?
When they lie so heavily it's hard to put much credence into whatever they claim.
#15228300 at 2021-12-21 02:15:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19264: Unfortunately, the clock is ticking Edition
#19261 Scrape
>>15225984 Trump warns crypto a 'very dangerous thing'
>>15226153 Pelosi's Majority Crumbles: Longtime New Jersey Democrat Albio Sires Will Not Seek Reelection
>>15226154, >>15226164 Earthquake M 6.2 - 38km W of Petrolia, CA
>>15226157 Pantene and Herbal Essence Recall (due to Benzene)
>>15226181 Murphy, a leader of House Dem centrists, won't seek reelection
>>15226213, >>15226275 Clock and Graphic JA SR Wiki Edition / Dark to Light Edition
>>15226387 Trudeau orders finance minister to go after charitable tax status of pro-life groups, churches
>>15226416 Faulkner Focus Jimmy Failla Hillary Clinton is the equivalent of a stray cat...
>>15226444 France's first lady plagued by rumors she was born 'male'
>>15226515 Snow White 7 Dwarves Graphic and Clock
>>15226605, >>15226616 Third Test Of The Air Force's Hypersonic Weapon Has Failed Like The Ones Before It
>>15226679 Follow the Pen Catherine Herridge Durham filing Tweet
>>15226722 Supreme Court Asks Biden Administration to Respond to Flurry of Challenges to OSHA Mandate
>>15225706 Special Counsel John Durham: The 2016 Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign and its employees are currently subject to "matters" before the Special Counsel. #OHSHIT #HABBENING
>>15225208 Honorary FBI AgentElfvisis relishing in the temperature variations in each of them
>>15225210 Globals, Bunkers, Optics, Info War, Follow List
>>15225212 Information Tools & Services, Other Research, Learn To bake.
>>15225213 GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S TRIAL HAS BEGUN!!! Links and Transcripts
>>15225215 Meme Ammo Request
>>15225219 Texas Builds Border Wall in Sector Where 47K Migrants were Apprehended Last Month
>>15225228 Maryland Governor Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Feels Fine
>>15225247 375 Dead, 56 Missing After Typhoon Slams Philippines
>>15225255 CPNN Closing Arguments Begin In Maxwell Case
>>15225266 WH Live
>>15225270 Anon Highlights - The rise of obesity
>>15225291 Lots of strange news today: (Well thats strange)
>>15225311 12/16/21 Melania Trump announces NFT blockchain platform.
>>15225343 Robert Kennedy Jr. on The War Room: US Intelligence Agencies and Military Were Involved With The wuhan Lab Research
>>15225349 Rep. Ramthun Lays Out Evidence of Undeniable Voter Fraud in Wisconsin 2020 Election - Calls for Forensic Audit in State
>>15225360, >>15225391 @TheRealCVN71 Is that Maverick on the TR? Yes, it is.
>>15225466 Pfizer is Buying a Cardiovascular Biopharma Company for $6.7Bn.
>>15225507 NEW - Trump: "You're playing right into their hands" when you doubt the #COVID19 vaccines.
>>15225514 D.C. radio station is paid millions by the CCP to broadcast Chinese propaganda
>>15225523 Trump Dismissed COVID-19 Booster Shots As a 'Money-Making Operation'
>>15225528 NY Bills includes IMPRISONING anyone gov considers a threat to public health w/o trial and ELIMINATES unvaccinated's access to health insurance
>>15225535 RSBN Americafest 2021
>>15225592 Biden Bans Investment In Chinese Tech Firms Hunter Profited From.
>>15225608 @Techno_Fog Steele source Igor Danchenko is now represented by lawyers who worked for the Hillary Campaign
>>15225619 Dan Scavino's Reindeer tweet.
>>15225639 Government Contractor Indicted for Bribing Public Official
>>15225712 Poll Position [Vaccinated?]
>>15225730 Graphic Content Warning: Crowd Gasps as Fed-Up Parents Read School's Pornographic Books Out Loud at Board Meeting #PEDOSCHOOLBOARD
>>15225835 Sheriff: 6 arrested in undercover online child predator investigation
>>15225841 We got Badges
>>15225847 Alleged cannibal believed eating victim's remains would 'cure his brain'
>>15225964 #19260
#15227988 at 2021-12-21 01:24:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19263: LET'S GO BRANDON Edition
The Chinese were sitting on their asses in the wuhan China Bioweapons Lab collecting medical welfare checks from Fauci, knowing they had till 2025 to finish the 'vaccine' bioweapon.
Trump politically drove a wedge in their organization and forced them to shit whatever concoction they had 6 years early. When people begin to understand they've been working on the vaccine 'bioweapon' since WELL BEFORE the AIDS pandemic, they begin to understand the massive genocide effort being built against humanity.
It's imho VERY SHORT SIGHTED to blame Trump for ANY OF THE VACCINE MESS. Hell, while the bio weapon was being developed by Fauci and Collins Trump was hosting 'The Apprentice'.
#15227526 at 2021-12-21 00:14:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19263: LET'S GO BRANDON Edition
>>15225706 Special Counsel John Durham: The 2016 Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign and its employees are currently subject to "matters" before the Special Counsel. #OHSHIT #HABBENING
>>15225208 Honorary FBI AgentElfvisis relishing in the temperature variations in each of them
>>15225210 Globals, Bunkers, Optics, Info War, Follow List
>>15225212 Information Tools & Services, Other Research, Learn To bake.
>>15225213 GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S TRIAL HAS BEGUN!!! Links and Transcripts
>>15225215 Meme Ammo Request
>>15225219 Texas Builds Border Wall in Sector Where 47K Migrants were Apprehended Last Month
>>15225228 Maryland Governor Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Feels Fine
>>15225247 375 Dead, 56 Missing After Typhoon Slams Philippines
>>15225255 CPNN Closing Arguments Begin In Maxwell Case
>>15225266 WH Live
>>15225270 Anon Highlights - The rise of obesity
>>15225291 Lots of strange news today: (Well thats strange)
>>15225311 12/16/21 Melania Trump announces NFT blockchain platform.
>>15225343 Robert Kennedy Jr. on The War Room: US Intelligence Agencies and Military Were Involved With The wuhan Lab Research
>>15225349 Rep. Ramthun Lays Out Evidence of Undeniable Voter Fraud in Wisconsin 2020 Election - Calls for Forensic Audit in State
>>15225360, >>15225391 @TheRealCVN71 Is that Maverick on the TR? Yes, it is.
>>15225466 Pfizer is Buying a Cardiovascular Biopharma Company for $6.7Bn.
>>15225507 NEW - Trump: "You're playing right into their hands" when you doubt the #COVID19 vaccines.
>>15225514 D.C. radio station is paid millions by the CCP to broadcast Chinese propaganda
>>15225523 Trump Dismissed COVID-19 Booster Shots As a 'Money-Making Operation'
>>15225528 NY Bills includes IMPRISONING anyone gov considers a threat to public health w/o trial and ELIMINATES unvaccinated's access to health insurance
>>15225535 RSBN Americafest 2021
>>15225592 Biden Bans Investment In Chinese Tech Firms Hunter Profited From.
>>15225608 @Techno_Fog Steele source Igor Danchenko is now represented by lawyers who worked for the Hillary Campaign
>>15225619 Dan Scavino's Reindeer tweet.
>>15225639 Government Contractor Indicted for Bribing Public Official
>>15225712 Poll Position [Vaccinated?]
>>15225730 Graphic Content Warning: Crowd Gasps as Fed-Up Parents Read School's Pornographic Books Out Loud at Board Meeting #PEDOSCHOOLBOARD
>>15225835 Sheriff: 6 arrested in undercover online child predator investigation
>>15225841 We got Badges
>>15225847 Alleged cannibal believed eating victim's remains would 'cure his brain'
>>15225964 #19260
#15227469 at 2021-12-21 00:09:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19262: Ebake Short Dough Protocol in Effect III Edition
>>15225343 pb
>Robert Kennedy Jr. on The War Room: US Intelligence Agencies and Military Were Involved With The wuhan Lab Research
so basically what george webb has been saying
#15227201 at 2021-12-20 23:29:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19262: Ebake Short Dough Protocol in Effect III Edition
June 23, 2021
LEAKED CABLE: Hillary Clinton Privately Warned France that wuhan P4 Lab May Lead to Bioweapon Research
In a leaked State Department cable from 2009, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that the wuhan Institute of Virology could lead to "biological weapons proliferation concern."
The cable, obtained via Wikileaks, was sent from the State Department in June 2009 to all embassies in member nations ahead of the Australia Group plenary session in Paris, September 21-25, 2009. The Australia Group is an international export control forum organized to prevent the spread of technologies and research that could be used in chemical and biological weapons. All Five Eyes nations are members of the group, including the EU, India, Japan, and South Korea. China is not a member of the group.
#15227069 at 2021-12-20 23:09:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19262: Ebake Short Dough Protocol in Effect III Edition
Oscar Cabrero, 26 year old.
Reminds of the people dropping in wuhan China? They claimed it was a virus, but it was a vax that went wrong
#15226757 at 2021-12-20 22:04:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19262: Ebake Short Dough Protocol in Effect III Edition
#19261 TBC >>15225959
>>15225706 Special Counsel John Durham: The 2016 Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign and its employees are currently subject to "matters" before the Special Counsel. #OHSHIT #HABBENING
>>15225208 Honorary FBI AgentElfvisis relishing in the temperature variations in each of them
>>15225210 Globals, Bunkers, Optics, Info War, Follow List
>>15225212 Information Tools & Services, Other Research, Learn To bake.
>>15225213 GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S TRIAL HAS BEGUN!!! Links and Transcripts
>>15225215 Meme Ammo Request
>>15225219 Texas Builds Border Wall in Sector Where 47K Migrants were Apprehended Last Month
>>15225228 Maryland Governor Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Feels Fine
>>15225247 375 Dead, 56 Missing After Typhoon Slams Philippines
>>15225255 CPNN Closing Arguments Begin In Maxwell Case
>>15225266 WH Live
>>15225270 Anon Highlights - The rise of obesity
>>15225291 Lots of strange news today: (Well thats strange)
>>15225311 12/16/21 Melania Trump announces NFT blockchain platform.
>>15225343 Robert Kennedy Jr. on The War Room: US Intelligence Agencies and Military Were Involved With The wuhan Lab Research
>>15225349 Rep. Ramthun Lays Out Evidence of Undeniable Voter Fraud in Wisconsin 2020 Election - Calls for Forensic Audit in State
>>15225360, >>15225391 @TheRealCVN71 Is that Maverick on the TR? Yes, it is.
>>15225466 Pfizer is Buying a Cardiovascular Biopharma Company for $6.7Bn.
>>15225507 NEW - Trump: "You're playing right into their hands" when you doubt the #COVID19 vaccines.
>>15225514 D.C. radio station is paid millions by the CCP to broadcast Chinese propaganda
>>15225523 Trump Dismissed COVID-19 Booster Shots As a 'Money-Making Operation'
>>15225528 NY Bills includes IMPRISONING anyone gov considers a threat to public health w/o trial and ELIMINATES unvaccinated's access to health insurance
>>15225535 RSBN Americafest 2021
>>15225592 Biden Bans Investment In Chinese Tech Firms Hunter Profited From.
>>15225608 @Techno_Fog Steele source Igor Danchenko is now represented by lawyers who worked for the Hillary Campaign
>>15225619 Dan Scavino's Reindeer tweet.
>>15225639 Government Contractor Indicted for Bribing Public Official
>>15225712 Poll Position [Vaccinated?]
>>15225730 Graphic Content Warning: Crowd Gasps as Fed-Up Parents Read School's Pornographic Books Out Loud at Board Meeting #PEDOSCHOOLBOARD
>>15225835 Sheriff: 6 arrested in undercover online child predator investigation
>>15225841 We got Badges
>>15225847 Alleged cannibal believed eating victim's remains would 'cure his brain'
>>15225964 #19260
#15226458 at 2021-12-20 21:09:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19261: Short Dough Protocol in Effect II Edition
How's the trial of Professor Lie going?
World's leading nano tech scientist secretly working in the wuhan lab.
Arrested right after COVID hit.
Not a coincidence.
Charles Lieber you are a faggot
#15226159 at 2021-12-20 20:16:44 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19261: Short Dough Protocol in Effect II Edition
Emails have from 2009 have surfaced that reveal Hillary Clinton knew about - and possibly covered up - the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party's wuhan Institute of Virology while she was in office as President Obama's secretary of state.
#15225964 at 2021-12-20 19:40:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19261: Short Dough Protocol in Effect II Edition
>>15225706 Special Counsel John Durham: The 2016 Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign and its employees are currently subject to "matters" before the Special Counsel. #OHSHIT #HABBENING
>>15225208 Honorary FBI AgentElfvisis relishing in the temperature variations in each of them
>>15225210 Globals, Bunkers, Optics, Info War, Follow List
>>15225212 Information Tools & Services, Other Research, Learn To bake.
>>15225213 GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S TRIAL HAS BEGUN!!! Links and Transcripts
>>15225215 Meme Ammo Request
>>15225219 Texas Builds Border Wall in Sector Where 47K Migrants were Apprehended Last Month
>>15225228 Maryland Governor Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Feels Fine
>>15225247 375 Dead, 56 Missing After Typhoon Slams Philippines
>>15225255 CPNN Closing Arguments Begin In Maxwell Case
>>15225266 WH Live
>>15225270 Anon Highlights - The rise of obesity
>>15225291 Lots of strange news today: (Well thats strange)
>>15225311 12/16/21 Melania Trump announces NFT blockchain platform.
>>15225343 Robert Kennedy Jr. on The War Room: US Intelligence Agencies and Military Were Involved With The wuhan Lab Research
>>15225349 Rep. Ramthun Lays Out Evidence of Undeniable Voter Fraud in Wisconsin 2020 Election - Calls for Forensic Audit in State
>>15225360, >>15225391 @TheRealCVN71 Is that Maverick on the TR? Yes, it is.
>>15225466 Pfizer is Buying a Cardiovascular Biopharma Company for $6.7Bn.
>>15225507 NEW - Trump: "You're playing right into their hands" when you doubt the #COVID19 vaccines.
>>15225514 D.C. radio station is paid millions by the CCP to broadcast Chinese propaganda
>>15225523 Trump Dismissed COVID-19 Booster Shots As a 'Money-Making Operation'
>>15225528 NY Bills includes IMPRISONING anyone gov considers a threat to public health w/o trial and ELIMINATES unvaccinated's access to health insurance
>>15225535 RSBN Americafest 2021
>>15225592 Biden Bans Investment In Chinese Tech Firms Hunter Profited From.
>>15225608 @Techno_Fog Steele source Igor Danchenko is now represented by lawyers who worked for the Hillary Campaign
>>15225619 Dan Scavino's Reindeer tweet.
>>15225639 Government Contractor Indicted for Bribing Public Official
>>15225712 Poll Position [Vaccinated?]
>>15225730 Graphic Content Warning: Crowd Gasps as Fed-Up Parents Read School's Pornographic Books Out Loud at Board Meeting #PEDOSCHOOLBOARD
>>15225835 Sheriff: 6 arrested in undercover online child predator investigation
>>15225841 We got Badges
>>15225847 Alleged cannibal believed eating victim's remains would 'cure his brain'
#15225955 at 2021-12-20 19:34:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19259: Short Dough Protocol in Affect Edition
>>15225706 Special Counsel John Durham: The 2016 Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign and its employees are currently subject to "matters" before the Special Counsel. #OHSHIT #HABBENING
>>15225208 Honorary FBI AgentElfvisis relishing in the temperature variations in each of them
>>15225210 Globals, Bunkers, Optics, Info War, Follow List
>>15225212 Information Tools & Services, Other Research, Learn To bake.
>>15225213 GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S TRIAL HAS BEGUN!!! Links and Transcripts
>>15225215 Meme Ammo Request
>>15225219 Texas Builds Border Wall in Sector Where 47K Migrants were Apprehended Last Month
>>15225228 Maryland Governor Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Feels Fine
>>15225247 375 Dead, 56 Missing After Typhoon Slams Philippines
>>15225255 CPNN Closing Arguments Begin In Maxwell Case
>>15225266 WH Live
>>15225270 Anon Highlights - The rise of obesity
>>15225291 Lots of strange news today: (Well thats strange)
>>15225311 12/16/21 Melania Trump announces NFT blockchain platform.
>>15225343 Robert Kennedy Jr. on The War Room: US Intelligence Agencies and Military Were Involved With The wuhan Lab Research
>>15225349 Rep. Ramthun Lays Out Evidence of Undeniable Voter Fraud in Wisconsin 2020 Election - Calls for Forensic Audit in State
>>15225360, >>15225391 @TheRealCVN71 Is that Maverick on the TR? Yes, it is.
>>15225466 Pfizer is Buying a Cardiovascular Biopharma Company for $6.7Bn.
>>15225507 NEW - Trump: "You're playing right into their hands" when you doubt the #COVID19 vaccines.
>>15225514 D.C. radio station is paid millions by the CCP to broadcast Chinese propaganda
>>15225523 Trump Dismissed COVID-19 Booster Shots As a 'Money-Making Operation'
>>15225528 NY Bills includes IMPRISONING anyone gov considers a threat to public health w/o trial and ELIMINATES unvaccinated's access to health insurance
>>15225535 RSBN Americafest 2021
>>15225592 Biden Bans Investment In Chinese Tech Firms Hunter Profited From.
>>15225608 @Techno_Fog Steele source Igor Danchenko is now represented by lawyers who worked for the Hillary Campaign
>>15225619 Dan Scavino's Reindeer tweet.
>>15225639 Government Contractor Indicted for Bribing Public Official
>>15225712 Poll Position [Vaccinated?]
>>15225730 Graphic Content Warning: Crowd Gasps as Fed-Up Parents Read School's Pornographic Books Out Loud at Board Meeting #PEDOSCHOOLBOARD
>>15225835 Sheriff: 6 arrested in undercover online child predator investigation
>>15225841 We got Badges
>>15225847 Alleged cannibal believed eating victim's remains would 'cure his brain'
#15225348 at 2021-12-20 18:09:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19259: Short Dough Protocol in Affect Edition
>Robert Kennedy Jr. on The War Room: US Intelligence Agencies and Military Were Involved With The wuhan Lab Research
#15225343 at 2021-12-20 18:08:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19259: Short Dough Protocol in Affect Edition
Robert Kennedy Jr. on The War Room: US Intelligence Agencies and Military Were Involved With The wuhan Lab Research
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is the author of the recent best-seller "The Real Anthony Fauci", a powerful expose on Dr. Tony Fauci's disturbing and disastrous tenure as the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) Director.
On Saturday Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joined Steve Bannon on The War Room for an hour-long interview.
During their discussion, Kennedy described what US intelligence and military involvement in the wuhan laboratory leak and bioresearch over the past two decades.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: They never talk about public health. They never talk about how to repurpose medication, how to quarantine the sick, how to get people to eat Vitamin D, and zinc and exercise and build their immune system. There's none of that discussion. It's all about how to use a pandemic as a pretense to obliterate democracy... The CIA through USAID was the biggest funder, even bigger than Tony Fauci, of gain of function studies in wuhan, the Pentagon was second, Tony Fauci was third... The Pentagon began funnelled the money through Tony Fauci to wuhan, $1.7 billion a year. Now it's $2.2 billion. They also gave Fauci a 68% raise attached to his bioweapons research. That's one of the reasons why he had to continue to do this gain of function research even when Obama told him to stop in 2014. He didn't... Ralph Baric with funding from Tony Fauci developed the system for hiding the evidence of engineering. If you were really interested in public health you would want to do the opposite of that... That's not what they were doing. They were weaponizing it so that it could not be traced back to when they dropped it on the world. Baric then with funding from Fauci then taught that technology which he called the "no-see-um" technology to Zheng-Li Shi, the Chinese scientist who was running that lab under the control of the Chinese communist party and the People's Liberation Army... Tony Fauci funded it.
#15224558 at 2021-12-20 15:42:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19258: New day dawns edition
COMING NEXT WEEK, More Lieber Trial
Charles Lieber can wear the mask.
Chairman of the Chemistry and Biological Chemistry departments at Harvard university, and the world's leaning expert in "function gain," the addition of artificial parts to living cells, is on trial in Cambridge Mass and the trial continues this coming week.
The professor was handcuffed in his university lab. Concurrently arrested were two Chinese nationals - one of whom was carrying biological samples back to wuhan, China where the professor had undeclared relationships with Chinese entities.
The best and almost the only comprehensive coverage of this important trial is by the Harvard Crimson, the undergrad newspaper.
#15222628 at 2021-12-20 03:20:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19256: Doge-free Edition
==Outgoing NIH director dismisses wuhan lab-leak theory as a 'distraction' on last day in office
New polls finds 72% of Americans believe COVID-19 originated in wuhan lab==
Outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins told Fox News on Sunday that he's "sorry" the wuhan lab-leak theory has become such a "huge distraction" for the country, despite there being "no evidence" to support it.
Collins joined "Fox News Sunday" on his last day in office after more than a decade in the agency's top position. The geneticist and physician tapped by President Barack Obama to lead the NIH in 2009 dodged questions about his efforts to discredit the lab-leak theory at the onset of the pandemic, maintaining the most plausible explanation is that the virus spread through animal-to-human transmission.
"I'm really sorry that the lab leak has become such a distraction for so many people because frankly, we still don't know," Collins told host Bret Baier.
"There is no evidence really to say. Most of the scientific community, myself included, think that is a possibility, but far more likely, this was a natural way in which a virus left a bat, maybe traveled through some other species and got to humans."
WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 20: Top infectious disease experts Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, on Capitol Hill.
#15222528 at 2021-12-20 03:07:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19256: Doge-free Edition
Outgoing NIH director dismisses wuhan lab-leak theory as a 'distraction' on last day in office
New polls finds 72% of Americans believe COVID-19 originated in wuhan lab
#15221051 at 2021-12-19 22:19:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19255: 2nd note taker bread,
Trump: China Must Pay for COVID Origins - 'They Have to Pay Reparations'
During an appearance on this week's "Sunday Morning Futures," President Donald Trump argued China should be held accountable for its role in the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The former president said China should pay reparations.
"I think the origins are so obvious," he said. "They came out of the wuhan lab. And I think if anybody thinks anything differently, they're just kidding themselves. So, you can ask - China has to pay. They have to do something. They have to pay reparations. And China doesn't have the money to pay those reparations. I believe that worldwide - I'm not just talking United States - worldwide, $60 trillion of damage, $60 trillion."
"China doesn't have $60 trillion," Trump continued. "But they have to do something to make up for what they've done. What they've done to the world is so horrible. It's been horrible, all over the world. And it doesn't stop."
#15220479 at 2021-12-19 20:06:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19254: Anons Preps the Hasty Bake Edition
Analyists now say through satellite photos that CCP first escaped in Sep 2019. It became public news in Dec 2019 / Jan 2020.
Q was silent as fuq about all of this even the Sep 2019 info which they should have known before others.
RK knows why : The Pentagon began funnelled the money through Tony Fauci to wuhan, $1.7 billion a year. Now it's $2.2 billion. They also gave Fauci a 68% raise attached to his bioweapons research.
#15220424 at 2021-12-19 19:52:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19254: Anons Preps the Hasty Bake Edition
I just remembered something. I believe viruses are the communication system between parasites. There is virtually no public knowledge regarding the interaction between viruses and parasites, even though there is public knowledge of the interaction that has been around for decades.
There is also evidence that viruses originate from parasites. Since both parasites and viruses have the same modus operandi and are taken out by anti-parasitical drugs / herbs it explains the connections even more. As well, when a virus spreads through the public it kills many people which is a negative for parasites, but what it does even more is weaken many many people so the parasites can further ingrain themselves in their hosts.
I believe that the parasites once infected by the viruses then use the information contained in the virus to make themselves stronger, but also can create new viruses. Which is necessary because eventually everyone's immune system would adapt and figure out how to kill the parasites. The virus is literally how parasites communicate information to each other and make themselves stronger. It's how the evil hive-mind communicates in the physical world.
Which also explains why covid was released in wuhan, but also parasites have been found in the vials, on the masks and swabs. It explains why they deep nasal swabbed and even anal swabbed people. Then once the system is established the only way out is that damned merck pill which makes the jew-parasites rich and further in control of the world.
#15219908 at 2021-12-19 18:16:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19254: Anons Preps the Hasty Bake Edition
Former Prime Minister of Slovakia Arrested on Live TV for Backing Covid Protest
Former Slovakian prime minister Robert Fico was arrested on live television this week after attempting to give a statement ahead of a planned protest that would defy the country's wuhan virus restrictions.
The arrest of the former Prime Minister of Slovakia, who leads the left-populist Direction - Slovak Social Democracy (SMER-SD) party, came on Thursday evening as he was making an attempt to give a statement to Slovakian television cameras.
Fico commented said of his arrest: "This is what democracy on the air looks like, ladies and gentlemen. So once again, we wanted to make a peaceful passage through Bratislava and look at this situation."
Addressing a police officer, Fico added: "Are you normal, man? How dare you talk to a Member of Parliament like that? What crime have I committed? What crime have I committed? Explain to me. You aim to stop this protest because this protest was to show how democracy is abused in Slovakia."
According to a report from the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, the protest had been announced on Tuesday and was to protest Slovakian president Zuzana Caputova and her objection to a referendum on a possible new national election.
Protests under Slovakia's wuhan virus restrictions, which state that no more than six people are allowed to gather in public, are effectively illegal, although Fico claimed the rally was not in breach of restrictions as protesters would be in their cars and not gathered on the street.
Fico has been an ardent critic of the Slovakian government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic and of the restrictions put in place in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus.
On Friday the news service Reuters reported that following his arrest Fico could face charges of incitement, but the matter was in the hands of local prosecutors and no charges had yet been filed.
Per capita, Slovakia has seen some of the most infections and deaths in Europe from the coronavirus, with nearly 800,000 confirmed cases and over 15,000 deaths.
#15219834 at 2021-12-19 18:02:41 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19254: Anons Preps the Hasty Bake Edition
Former Harvard Chemistry Chair Admits to Taking Tens of Thousands of Dollars From China
The former chair of Harvard University's chemistry department accused of hiding Chinese ties had admitted to taking tens of thousands of dollars from China, a video presented to the federal court on Dec. 17 shows.
The video, shot during federal investigators' interrogation of nanoscientist Charles Lieber, was played for jurors during the Friday court hearing, the fourth day of the trial on Lieber's alleged false statements about China funding.
The 62-year-old Harvard professor had maintained that he didn't take payments from a Chinese university except for compensation of his travel costs to China. But he shifted account quickly after Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents Robert Plumb and Kara Spice accosted him with copies of evidence, including a bilingual contract he signed with the wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in 2011.
"That's pretty damning," Lieber, dressed in a blue jacket, told the agents at the campus police station during a three-hour interrogation, which took place on the day of Lieber's arrest nearly two years ago. "Now that you bring it up, yes, I do remember," he said in the recording, local media reported.
The five-year agreement described Lieber as a "strategic scientist" at the Chinese school that entitled him to $50,000 per month with approximately $158,000 in living expenses. It also alluded to his future involvement with China's Thousand Talents Plan, a state-run program to solicit top scientific and specialized experts from around the world.
Later in the interview, FBI agents showed Lieber an email he wrote, asking the wuhan university to pay half of his salary in cash with the other half deposited into a Chinese bank account.
#15219666 at 2021-12-19 17:16:11 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19253: They're prepping the battlefield to arrest the NON-vaxxed! Edition
Korean Doctors find rainbow trout in vaccine?
That's a real gud story. Ano decided to look at Charles Lieber's research group at Harvard (and wuhan U) to see if the were putting, bats, gold fish, trout, or floaty toys in Covid 19 vaccine.
No. But they have been focused intently on machine mind interfaces that would allow centralized control of all human activities.
What were Lieber's chief interests in his research with China?
Here's a recent paper of which Lieber was lead author.
>…A central challenge in the field of electrophysiology is to achieve intracellular recording of the complex networks of electrogenic cells in tissues. The historical gold-standard of intracellular recording - patch clamp electrodes - do have limitations in terms of their invasiveness and difficulty to use in large-scale parallel recording. Recent advances in nanowire-based bioelectronics have demonstrated minimally invasive intracellular interfaces and highly-scalable parallel recording at the network level. Combined with in vivo recording platforms, these advances can enable investigations of dynamics in the brain and drive the development of new brain-machine interfaces.
>Today, research focused at the interface between the nervous system and electronics is not only leading to advances in fundamental neuroscience, but also unlocking the potential of implants capable of cellular-level therapeutic targeting. Ultimately, these personalized electronic therapies will provide new treatment modalities for neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric illness; powerful control of prosthetics for restorative function in degenerative diseases, trauma and amputation; and even augmentation of human cognition. Overall, we believe that emerging advances in tissue-like electronics will enable minimally invasive devices capable of establishing a stable long-term cellular neural interface and providing long-term treatment for chronic neurological condition…
> ..syringe-injectable mesh electronics, have shown substantial promise for chronic studies of neural circuitry in the brains of live animals. A central challenge for exploiting these highly flexible materials for in vivo studies has centered on the development of
efficient input/output (I/O) connections to an external interface with high yield, low bonding resistance, and long-term stability. Here we report a new paradigm applied to the challenging case of injectable mesh electronics that exploits the high flexibility of nanoscale thickness two-sided metal I/O pad
#15219198 at 2021-12-19 15:22:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19253: They're prepping the battlefield to arrest the NON-vaxxed! Edition
theCRIMSONHarvard's student paper is covering the Charles Lieber trial in Cambridge
>According to other documents presented by the government, Lieber received half of his payments in $100 bills during trips to wuhan. When presented with this evidence in the 2020 interrogation, he told FBI investigators he did not declare or pay taxes on the money.
>"If I brought it back, I didn't declare it, and that's illegal," Lieber told the FBI.
>Lieber said multiple times in the recording that he was unsure of the exact amount of money he brought to the United States from his trips to China, attributing errors in recollection to his "selective memory."
hah hah the Ministry of Intelligence paid him in CHN counterfeit cash too.
> According to other documents presented by the government, Lieber received half of his payments in $100 bills during trips to wuhan.
Mukasey then asked a series of questions seeking to establish that Spice was not aware of "the truth or falsehood" of the events in question and was just "reading documents."
"Well, I've read them too," Mukasey said. "We've both read works of fiction as well."
Judge Rya W. Zobel '53, a Jimmy Carter appointee who turns 90 on Saturday, instructed the jury to disregard the latter remark.
#15217121 at 2021-12-19 03:42:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19250: The Kitchen Is Empty Ghostrider - Carrier Break Approved Edition
He was literally funding the mother fuckers in wuhan.
#15216892 at 2021-12-19 03:11:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19250: The Kitchen Is Empty Ghostrider - Carrier Break Approved Edition
Almonds tingling???
what about this Wapo CIA drop?
-trolling Q theorists?
-trolling purebloods who fear nano-tech graphene oxide (nesting-russian-doll) build up in their brain?
-trolling the awake who recall POTUS 45 banning Huawei 5G cell tower tech to USA? …and taking the PLA princess CFO or CEO as a DIA prisoner?
-not saying the PLA were going to use a 5G broadcast hack to signal the graphene inside urban zone brains -either standover (don't go to work at your DoD or AI contractor company today) or outright disablement as pre-emptive war move?
Yes, the wuhan leak countered the anti-beijing tariff action that upset Obummer and Alaweed, yes it enabled the Nov 3rd selection of Biden, yes the Wall Street globalists regained power and rolled back MAGA US independent economy and got jobs back inside the borders, yes MAGA was great to snare sex trafficing and child traffic and money laundering via Soros and pink NGOs like WHO, but the Dr Evil level plan was to have Hillary win in 2016, have the 5G from Huawei and get everything in place for the 2025 full blown attack.
But then Trump and when they ping the enemy they charged at the torpedos before they are fully armed, they closed the range and cut the prep time for the Dr Evil plan.
….. Red October movie now showing.
…………………………………….but what I'm dying to know from declas docs is WTF was going on at the Las Vegas massacre Oct 1 2017?
#15216744 at 2021-12-19 02:43:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19250: The Kitchen Is Empty Ghostrider - Carrier Break Approved Edition
Projection at 2:48.
Originally aired in 2005, and posted to YT by SNL on Nov 13, 2018 (almost exact 1 year delta from wuhan outbreak):
"Oh Debbie, you make me forget that the coming Asian flu epidemic could take a billion lives."
#15215513 at 2021-12-18 22:39:29 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19248: Just the News Ebake Edition
PB below
>Kennedy on Warroom
>Calling out Event 201
>Dark Winter
>Anons should check it out
>all kinds of moabs
>Top Funders of wuhan Lab
>2. Pentagon
>3. Fauci
>let's just call it defensive research
Biden's DNI co hosted event 201
#15214171 at 2021-12-18 17:56:40 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19247: In the Pipe 5:5 Edition
UK Govt Proposes Two-Week 'Circuit Breaker' Lockdown Amid Omicron Doomsday Predictions
The British government is reportedly preparing plans for a two-week "circuit breaker" lockdown before the end of the year amid doomsday predictions from scientific advisors of up to 5,000 deaths per day from the Omicron variant of the Chinese coronavirus.
Leaked lockdown proposals would see England return to the restrictions imposed as the "Step 2" plan enacted after the winter shutdown last year. Under the plans, ministers are said to be considering reimposing a ban on indoor mixing, with exceptions carved out for workplaces, according to The Times of London.
While the plans would not reintroduce forced closures of pubs and restaurants, the hard-hit hospitality industry would once again be forced to limit service to outdoor seating. Families and friends would also be barred from meeting indoors, with gatherings limited to six people, outside.
The proposals stop short of introducing a blanket "stay at home" order and schools and shops are expected to remain free to stay open. Weddings and funerals will still be permitted to be held, but would be limited to 15 to 30 people.
Though the reintroduction of lockdown restrictions are expected to be imposed in the days following Christmas, the imposition of more measures before the winter holiday have reportedly not been ruled out.
The push for another lockdown in England comes amid increasingly dire predictions from the scientific establishment, with computer models from disgraced 'Professor Lockdown' Neil Ferguson predicting up to 5,000 daily deaths from the Omicron variant if the country remains relatively free.
Professor Fergusson - who resigned from his government advisory role after it was revealed that he violated his own lockdown diktats in order to meet with his married lover but was later rehired by the Boris Johnson government - was widely credited for the introduction of Communist China-inspired lockdowns throughout the Western world at the outset of the pandemic.
At the beginning of the crisis, the Imperial College epidemiologist predicted that 510,000 deaths in Britain during the first year of the pandemic if the government did not lock down the country. To date, Britain has seen approximately 147,000 deaths attributed to the wuhan virus.
The latest doomsday models have come under criticism after public health officials from South Africa - the believed origin of the Omicron variant - have reported that the strain of the virus has not resulted in a dramatic increase in deaths.
The government has already been forced to walk back warnings from Health Secretary Sajid Javid on Monday when he said that models estimate that there are currently 200,000 infections occurring every day. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said on Thursday that this claim was "no longer valid" as a result of people changing their behaviour in response to the new variant.
#15213891 at 2021-12-18 16:44:49 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19247: In the Pipe 5:5 Edition
>Kennedy on Warroom
all kinds of moabs
Top Funders of wuhan Lab
2. Pentagon
3. Fauci
let's just call it defensive research
#15211514 at 2021-12-18 03:41:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19244: We Are the POWER, There are more of US than [them] Edition
NEW EMAILS Show Dr. Fauci and Dr. Francis Scheming Against Top Doctor's Group that Challenged Their Failed and Deadly Policies
In October 2020 top international epidemiologists Dr. Martin Kulldorff from Harvard, Dr. Sunetra Gupta from Oxford and Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya from Stanford joined Laura Ingraham on The Ingraham Angle to announce their latest initiative to reopen society and resume life in the West for those who are not vulnerable to the coronavirus.
Dr. Kulldorff told Laura, "Most of my colleagues in infectious disease are in favor of risk-based strategy or an age-based strategy where we protect the elderly or other high-risk groups while the younger resume life more or less normally."
Dr. Kulldorff then announced that his group put out a declaration this morning called "The Great Barrington Declaration" urging the medical community to initiate a plan of action that included "focused protection."
Doctors Gupta and Bhattacharya echoed Dr. Kulldorff and explained how herd immunity should be the goal and could be accomplished in a relatively short amount of time where even the elderly and sickly would eventually be safe to come out of lockdown.
This "focused protection" plan went against Dr. Fauci's diabolical plan for the world.
And so Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins decided to initiate a propaganda attack against the hundreds of international doctors who signed on to the declaration.
And now there is proof.
Dr. Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins discussed a "quick and devastating take down" of the Barrington Declaration.
They even discussed in on email.
Fauci, who is behind the funding of the wuhan lab, was out scheming how to take down any doctors who threatened his power.
When will Fauci be fired and face justice?
#15211385 at 2021-12-18 03:17:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19243: CNN is a Pedophilic Den: Child Rapists Steve Brusk & Rick Saleeby Edition
NEW EMAILS Show Dr. Fauci and Dr. Francis Scheming Against Top Doctor's Group that Challenged Their Failed and Deadly Policies
In October 2020 top international epidemiologists Dr. Martin Kulldorff from Harvard, Dr. Sunetra Gupta from Oxford and Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya from Stanford joined Laura Ingraham on The Ingraham Angle to announce their latest initiative to reopen society and resume life in the West for those who are not vulnerable to the coronavirus.
Dr. Kulldorff told Laura, "Most of my colleagues in infectious disease are in favor of risk-based strategy or an age-based strategy where we protect the elderly or other high-risk groups while the younger resume life more or less normally."
Dr. Kulldorff then announced that his group put out a declaration this morning called "The Great Barrington Declaration" urging the medical community to initiate a plan of action that included "focused protection."
Doctors Gupta and Bhattacharya echoed Dr. Kulldorff and explained how herd immunity should be the goal and could be accomplished in a relatively short amount of time where even the elderly and sickly would eventually be safe to come out of lockdown.
This "focused protection" plan went against Dr. Fauci's diabolical plan for the world.
And so Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins decided to initiate a propaganda attack against the hundreds of international doctors who signed on to the declaration.
And now there is proof.
Dr. Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins discussed a "quick and devastating take down" of the Barrington Declaration.
They even discussed in on email.
Fauci, who is behind the funding of the wuhan lab, was out scheming how to take down any doctors who threatened his power.
When will Fauci be fired and face justice?
#15209857 at 2021-12-17 22:25:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19242: Dead as a Door Nail BOOM Edition
>>15205180 wuhan lab leak 'is now the most likely origin of Covid because Beijing tried to cover it up'
>>15205191 Health Tip Of The Day, Artemisinin
>>15205209 PEDO BUN 16 December 21
>>15205223 At age 95, Sidley's Newt Minow has no time for retirement
>>15205227 Meet Ghislaine: Daddy's Girl
>>15205278 Leaders of EU Countries Unanimously Vote for Prolonging Russia Sanctions
>>15205285 WH Confirms Biden Plans to Run for Reelection as Harris Reveals They Haven't 'Talked About It'
>>15205428, >>15205461 A couple qclocks
>>15205452 >>15205504 For those of you into the JQ, this breaks down everything in the matrix movies
>>15205454 Central Pa. teacher fired after making threats related to COVID-19 mandates: report
>>15205469, >>15205507, >>15205555 A wave of school shooting threats in the U.S. incoming FF WATCH
>>15205476 For 4th time, Republican senator blocks passage of Iron Dome funding bill
>>15205496 CANCERS, PART 1: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug
>>15205516 Nancy Pelosi Rejects Ban on Lawmakers, Spouses Trading Individual Stocks
>>15205527 The conspiracy theorists warned you. Pay attention
>>15205544, >>15205568 Premier Event! Ivermectin Is Organically Derived, CURES ALL NPC VIRUSES
>>15205557 This Rittenhouse thing is as dirty as faux and its MSM comrades are, meticulously documented from the get-go by Lin Wood and others
>>15205738 @Gipper_76 CS3 Anna Moralez prepares dough for desserts in Reagan's bakery. #WeAreReagan
>>15205760 Judge rejects Purdue Pharma's sweeping opioid settlement
>>15205777 What does the letter G in Freemasonry actually stand for?
>>15205784 [P]=PHARMA
>>15205821 Luna Ticks (((Parasites)))are MOST active during full moon periods. 24 hours incoming...ivermectin, Zinc, etc..
>>15205872 LA Times: Lizard people, deadly orgies and JFK: How QAnon hijacked Hollywood to spread conspiracies
>>15205366 Board owner upset they still can't slide the board with muh joos spam
>>15205530 According to the board owner, baking is now ((((Jewish))) Subversion)
>>15205566 Banned for calling a cunt a cunt, guess he nailed it!
>>15205626 What did they have to do to buy you? Pizza? Six Pack? A fresh crisp 20 dollar bill?
>>15205645, >>15205713, >>15205780 You are confirming for all the anons that you are a dick, you stoopid fuck!
>>15205672, >>15205773, >>15205804, >>15205816, >>15205779 Loli OSS BV Flapjack: A brief history in astroturfing
>>15205560, >>15205754 blame who you want, nothing can stop it
>>15205717 PS: Banning for political speech is less than Full American
>>15205937 #19236
Previously Collected
>>15205080 #19235,
>>15204133 #19232, >>15205333 #19233, >>15207549 #19234
>>15200962 #19229, >>15201223 #19230, >>15202030 #19231
>>15198062 #19226, >>15200950 #19227, >>15201050 #19228
>>15195841 #19223, >>15196655 #19224, >>15197298 #19225
>>15193332 #19220, >>15194448 #19221, >>15195111 #19222
>>15191012 #19217, >>15191799 #19218, >>15192565 #19219
>>15189519 #19214, >>15189859 #19215, >>15190181 #19216
>>15186284 #19211, >>15188036 #19212, >>15188108 #19213
>>15183946 #19208, >>15184733 #19209, >>15185979 #19210
>>15181414 #19205, >>15184142 #19206, >>15188027 #19207
>>15178907 #19202, >>15179827 #19203, >>15180744 #19204
>>15176642 #19199, >>15177717 #19200, >>15178181 #19201
>>15174205 #19196, >>15175003 #19197, >>15175862 #19198
>>15171844 #19193, >>15173581 #19194, >>15173634 #19195
>>15169546 #19190, >>15170350 #19191, >>15171096 #19192
>>15167764 #19187, >>15168033 #19188, >>15168786 #19189
>>15164836 #19184, >>15165597 #19185, >>15166370 #19186
>>15163155 #19181, >>15163095 #19182, >>15164047 #19183
>>15162404 #19178, >>15162410 #19179, >>15162504 #19180
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10
#15209386 at 2021-12-17 20:53:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19241: #MaxwellTrial all downhill from here Edition
Then Deep State shafted China by getting their implanted operative in the wuhan lab to "accidentally" release the virus.
China couldn't protest since they were in it at first,
and it would have forced them to reveal how they had weaponized the virus.
It was always Fauci/his bosses looking to make this weapon in another country,
the same bosses who have controlled China for several centuries.
#15209064 at 2021-12-17 19:30:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19241: #MaxwellTrial all downhill from here Edition
>>15205180 wuhan lab leak 'is now the most likely origin of Covid because Beijing tried to cover it up'
>>15205191 Health Tip Of The Day, Artemisinin
>>15205209 PEDO BUN 16 December 21
>>15205223 At age 95, Sidley's Newt Minow has no time for retirement
>>15205227 Meet Ghislaine: Daddy's Girl
>>15205278 Leaders of EU Countries Unanimously Vote for Prolonging Russia Sanctions
>>15205285 WH Confirms Biden Plans to Run for Reelection as Harris Reveals They Haven't 'Talked About It'
>>15205428, >>15205461 A couple qclocks
>>15205452 >>15205504 For those of you into the JQ, this breaks down everything in the matrix movies
>>15205454 Central Pa. teacher fired after making threats related to COVID-19 mandates: report
>>15205469, >>15205507, >>15205555 A wave of school shooting threats in the U.S. incoming FF WATCH
>>15205476 For 4th time, Republican senator blocks passage of Iron Dome funding bill
>>15205496 CANCERS, PART 1: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug
>>15205516 Nancy Pelosi Rejects Ban on Lawmakers, Spouses Trading Individual Stocks
>>15205527 The conspiracy theorists warned you. Pay attention
>>15205544, >>15205568 Premier Event! Ivermectin Is Organically Derived, CURES ALL NPC VIRUSES
>>15205557 This Rittenhouse thing is as dirty as faux and its MSM comrades are, meticulously documented from the get-go by Lin Wood and others
>>15205738 @Gipper_76 CS3 Anna Moralez prepares dough for desserts in Reagan's bakery. #WeAreReagan
>>15205760 Judge rejects Purdue Pharma's sweeping opioid settlement
>>15205777 What does the letter G in Freemasonry actually stand for?
>>15205784 [P]=PHARMA
>>15205821 Luna Ticks (((Parasites)))are MOST active during full moon periods. 24 hours incoming...ivermectin, Zinc, etc..
>>15205872 LA Times: Lizard people, deadly orgies and JFK: How QAnon hijacked Hollywood to spread conspiracies
>>15205366 Board owner upset they still can't slide the board with muh joos spam
>>15205530 According to the board owner, baking is now ((((Jewish))) Subversion)
>>15205566 Banned for calling a cunt a cunt, guess he nailed it!
>>15205626 What did they have to do to buy you? Pizza? Six Pack? A fresh crisp 20 dollar bill?
>>15205645, >>15205713, >>15205780 You are confirming for all the anons that you are a dick, you stoopid fuck!
>>15205672, >>15205773, >>15205804, >>15205816, >>15205779 Loli OSS BV Flapjack: A brief history in astroturfing
>>15205560, >>15205754 blame who you want, nothing can stop it
>>15205717 PS: Banning for political speech is less than Full American
>>15205937 #19236
#15208276 at 2021-12-17 16:51:12 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19240: Recall some RINOS while we waiting on Insane Ghislaine Edition
>>15205180 wuhan lab leak 'is now the most likely origin of Covid because Beijing tried to cover it up'
>>15205191 Health Tip Of The Day, Artemisinin
>>15205209 PEDO BUN 16 December 21
>>15205223 At age 95, Sidley's Newt Minow has no time for retirement
>>15205227 Meet Ghislaine: Daddy's Girl
>>15205278 Leaders of EU Countries Unanimously Vote for Prolonging Russia Sanctions
>>15205285 WH Confirms Biden Plans to Run for Reelection as Harris Reveals They Haven't 'Talked About It'
>>15205428, >>15205461 A couple qclocks
>>15205452 >>15205504 For those of you into the JQ, this breaks down everything in the matrix movies
>>15205454 Central Pa. teacher fired after making threats related to COVID-19 mandates: report
>>15205469, >>15205507, >>15205555 A wave of school shooting threats in the U.S. incoming FF WATCH
>>15205476 For 4th time, Republican senator blocks passage of Iron Dome funding bill
>>15205496 CANCERS, PART 1: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug
>>15205516 Nancy Pelosi Rejects Ban on Lawmakers, Spouses Trading Individual Stocks
>>15205527 The conspiracy theorists warned you. Pay attention
>>15205544, >>15205568 Premier Event! Ivermectin Is Organically Derived, CURES ALL NPC VIRUSES
>>15205557 This Rittenhouse thing is as dirty as faux and its MSM comrades are, meticulously documented from the get-go by Lin Wood and others
>>15205738 @Gipper_76 CS3 Anna Moralez prepares dough for desserts in Reagan's bakery. #WeAreReagan
>>15205760 Judge rejects Purdue Pharma's sweeping opioid settlement
>>15205777 What does the letter G in Freemasonry actually stand for?
>>15205784 [P]=PHARMA
>>15205821 Luna Ticks (((Parasites)))are MOST active during full moon periods. 24 hours incoming...ivermectin, Zinc, etc..
>>15205872 LA Times: Lizard people, deadly orgies and JFK: How QAnon hijacked Hollywood to spread conspiracies
>>15205366 Board owner upset they still can't slide the board with muh joos spam
>>15205530 According to the board owner, baking is now ((((Jewish))) Subversion)
>>15205566 Banned for calling a cunt a cunt, guess he nailed it!
>>15205626 What did they have to do to buy you? Pizza? Six Pack? A fresh crisp 20 dollar bill?
>>15205645, >>15205713, >>15205780 You are confirming for all the anons that you are a dick, you stoopid fuck!
>>15205672, >>15205773, >>15205804, >>15205816, >>15205779 Loli OSS BV Flapjack: A brief history in astroturfing
>>15205560, >>15205754 blame who you want, nothing can stop it
>>15205717 PS: Banning for political speech is less than Full American
>>15205937 #19236
#15207542 at 2021-12-17 14:21:03 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19239: Major Fuckery Edition
>>15205180 wuhan lab leak 'is now the most likely origin of Covid because Beijing tried to cover it up'
>>15205191 Health Tip Of The Day, Artemisinin
>>15205209 PEDO BUN 16 December 21
>>15205223 At age 95, Sidley's Newt Minow has no time for retirement
>>15205227 Meet Ghislaine: Daddy's Girl
>>15205278 Leaders of EU Countries Unanimously Vote for Prolonging Russia Sanctions
>>15205285 WH Confirms Biden Plans to Run for Reelection as Harris Reveals They Haven't 'Talked About It'
>>15205428, >>15205461 A couple qclocks
>>15205452 >>15205504 For those of you into the JQ, this breaks down everything in the matrix movies
>>15205454 Central Pa. teacher fired after making threats related to COVID-19 mandates: report
>>15205469, >>15205507, >>15205555 A wave of school shooting threats in the U.S. incoming FF WATCH
>>15205476 For 4th time, Republican senator blocks passage of Iron Dome funding bill
>>15205496 CANCERS, PART 1: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug
>>15205516 Nancy Pelosi Rejects Ban on Lawmakers, Spouses Trading Individual Stocks
>>15205527 The conspiracy theorists warned you. Pay attention
>>15205544, >>15205568 Premier Event! Ivermectin Is Organically Derived, CURES ALL NPC VIRUSES
>>15205557 This Rittenhouse thing is as dirty as faux and its MSM comrades are, meticulously documented from the get-go by Lin Wood and others
>>15205738 @Gipper_76 CS3 Anna Moralez prepares dough for desserts in Reagan's bakery. #WeAreReagan
>>15205760 Judge rejects Purdue Pharma's sweeping opioid settlement
>>15205777 What does the letter G in Freemasonry actually stand for?
>>15205784 [P]=PHARMA
>>15205821 Luna Ticks (((Parasites)))are MOST active during full moon periods. 24 hours incoming...ivermectin, Zinc, etc..
>>15205872 LA Times: Lizard people, deadly orgies and JFK: How QAnon hijacked Hollywood to spread conspiracies
>>15205366 Board owner upset they still can't slide the board with muh joos spam
>>15205530 According to the board owner, baking is now ((((Jewish))) Subversion)
>>15205566 Banned for calling a cunt a cunt, guess he nailed it!
>>15205626 What did they have to do to buy you? Pizza? Six Pack? A fresh crisp 20 dollar bill?
>>15205645, >>15205713, >>15205780 You are confirming for all the anons that you are a dick, you stoopid fuck!
>>15205672, >>15205773, >>15205804, >>15205816, >>15205779 Loli OSS BV Flapjack: A brief history in astroturfing
>>15205560, >>15205754 blame who you want, nothing can stop it
>>15205717 PS: Banning for political speech is less than Full American
>>15205937 #19236
#15206679 at 2021-12-17 06:43:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19238: Kiss My Fuzzy Doge Ass Edition
>>15205180 wuhan lab leak 'is now the most likely origin of Covid because Beijing tried to cover it up'
>>15205191 Health Tip Of The Day, Artemisinin
>>15205209 PEDO BUN 16 December 21
>>15205223 At age 95, Sidley's Newt Minow has no time for retirement
>>15205227 Meet Ghislaine: Daddy's Girl
>>15205278 Leaders of EU Countries Unanimously Vote for Prolonging Russia Sanctions
>>15205285 WH Confirms Biden Plans to Run for Reelection as Harris Reveals They Haven't 'Talked About It'
>>15205428, >>15205461 A couple qclocks
>>15205452 >>15205504 For those of you into the JQ, this breaks down everything in the matrix movies
>>15205454 Central Pa. teacher fired after making threats related to COVID-19 mandates: report
>>15205469, >>15205507, >>15205555 A wave of school shooting threats in the U.S. incoming FF WATCH
>>15205476 For 4th time, Republican senator blocks passage of Iron Dome funding bill
>>15205496 CANCERS, PART 1: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug
>>15205516 Nancy Pelosi Rejects Ban on Lawmakers, Spouses Trading Individual Stocks
>>15205527 The conspiracy theorists warned you. Pay attention
>>15205544, >>15205568 Premier Event! Ivermectin Is Organically Derived, CURES ALL NPC VIRUSES
>>15205557 This Rittenhouse thing is as dirty as faux and its MSM comrades are, meticulously documented from the get-go by Lin Wood and others
>>15205738 @Gipper_76 CS3 Anna Moralez prepares dough for desserts in Reagan's bakery. #WeAreReagan
>>15205760 Judge rejects Purdue Pharma's sweeping opioid settlement
>>15205777 What does the letter G in Freemasonry actually stand for?
>>15205784 [P]=PHARMA
>>15205821 Luna Ticks (((Parasites)))are MOST active during full moon periods. 24 hours incoming...ivermectin, Zinc, etc..
>>15205872 LA Times: Lizard people, deadly orgies and JFK: How QAnon hijacked Hollywood to spread conspiracies
>>15205366 Board owner upset they still can't slide the board with muh joos spam
>>15205530 According to the board owner, baking is now ((((Jewish))) Subversion)
>>15205566 Banned for calling a cunt a cunt, guess he nailed it!
>>15205626 What did they have to do to buy you? Pizza? Six Pack? A fresh crisp 20 dollar bill?
>>15205645, >>15205713, >>15205780 You are confirming for all the anons that you are a dick, you stoopid fuck!
>>15205672, >>15205773, >>15205804, >>15205816, >>15205779 Loli OSS BV Flapjack: A brief history in astroturfing
>>15205560, >>15205754 blame who you want, nothing can stop it
>>15205717 PS: Banning for political speech is less than Full American
>>15205937 #19236
#15205937 at 2021-12-17 03:14:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19237: Baking Until The Board Owner Deletes The Board Edition
>>15205180 wuhan lab leak 'is now the most likely origin of Covid because Beijing tried to cover it up'
>>15205191 Health Tip Of The Day, Artemisinin
>>15205209 PEDO BUN 16 December 21
>>15205223 At age 95, Sidley's Newt Minow has no time for retirement
>>15205227 Meet Ghislaine: Daddy's Girl
>>15205278 Leaders of EU Countries Unanimously Vote for Prolonging Russia Sanctions
>>15205285 WH Confirms Biden Plans to Run for Reelection as Harris Reveals They Haven't 'Talked About It'
>>15205428, >>15205461 A couple qclocks
>>15205452 >>15205504 For those of you into the JQ, this breaks down everything in the matrix movies
>>15205454 Central Pa. teacher fired after making threats related to COVID-19 mandates: report
>>15205469, >>15205507, >>15205555 A wave of school shooting threats in the U.S. incoming FF WATCH
>>15205476 For 4th time, Republican senator blocks passage of Iron Dome funding bill
>>15205496 CANCERS, PART 1: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug
>>15205516 Nancy Pelosi Rejects Ban on Lawmakers, Spouses Trading Individual Stocks
>>15205527 The conspiracy theorists warned you. Pay attention
>>15205544, >>15205568 Premier Event! Ivermectin Is Organically Derived, CURES ALL NPC VIRUSES
>>15205557 This Rittenhouse thing is as dirty as faux and its MSM comrades are, meticulously documented from the get-go by Lin Wood and others
>>15205738 @Gipper_76 CS3 Anna Moralez prepares dough for desserts in Reagan's bakery. #WeAreReagan
>>15205760 Judge rejects Purdue Pharma's sweeping opioid settlement
>>15205777 What does the letter G in Freemasonry actually stand for?
>>15205784 [P]=PHARMA
>>15205821 Luna Ticks (((Parasites)))are MOST active during full moon periods. 24 hours incoming...ivermectin, Zinc, etc..
>>15205872 LA Times: Lizard people, deadly orgies and JFK: How QAnon hijacked Hollywood to spread conspiracies
BV/BO salt bun
>>15205366 Board owner upset they still can't slide the board with muh joos spam
>>15205530 According to the board owner, baking is now ((((Jewish))) Subversion)
>>15205566 Banned for calling a cunt a cunt, guess he nailed it!
>>15205626 What did they have to do to buy you? Pizza? Six Pack? A fresh crisp 20 dollar bill?
>>15205640 ((((((((((((Schizophrenic Subversion))))))))))))))
>>15205645, >>15205713, >>15205780 You are confirming for all the anons that you are a dick, you stoopid fuck!
>>15205672, >>15205773, >>15205804, >>15205816, >>15205779 Loli OSS BV Flapjack: A brief history in astroturfing
>>15205560, >>15205754 blame who you want, nothing can stop it
>>15205717 PS: Banning for political speech is less than Full American
#15205727 at 2021-12-17 02:34:26 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19236: The Perfect Storm Edition
>>15205180 wuhan lab leak 'is now the most likely origin of Covid because Beijing tried to cover it up'
>>15205191 Health Tip Of The Day, Artemisinin
>>15205209 PEDO BUN 16 December 21
>>15205223 At age 95, Sidley's Newt Minow has no time for retirement
>>15205227 Meet Ghislaine: Daddy's Girl
>>15205278 Leaders of EU Countries Unanimously Vote for Prolonging Russia Sanctions
>>15205285 WH Confirms Biden Plans to Run for Reelection as Harris Reveals They Haven't 'Talked About It'
>>15205428, >>15205461 A couple qclocks
>>15205452 >>15205504 For those of you into the JQ, this breaks down everything in the matrix movies
>>15205454 Central Pa. teacher fired after making threats related to COVID-19 mandates: report
>>15205469, >>15205507, >>15205555 A wave of school shooting threats in the U.S. incoming FF WATCH
>>15205476 For 4th time, Republican senator blocks passage of Iron Dome funding bill
>>15205516 Nancy Pelosi Rejects Ban on Lawmakers, Spouses Trading Individual Stocks
>>15205544, >>15205568 Premier Event! Ivermectin Is Organically Derived, CURES ALL NPC VIRUSES
BV/BO salt bun
>>15205366 Board owner upset they still can't slide the board with muh joos spam
>>15205530 According to the board owner, baking is now ((((Jewish))) Subversion)
>>15205566 Banned for calling a cunt a cunt, guess he nailed it!
>>15205672 Loli OSS BV Flapjack, you people are a disease
#15205530 at 2021-12-17 02:07:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19236: The Perfect Storm Edition
>>15205180 wuhan lab leak 'is now the most likely origin of Covid because Beijing tried to cover it up'
>>15205191 Health Tip Of The Day, Artemisinin
>>15205209 PEDO BUN 16 December 21
>>15205223 At age 95, Sidley's Newt Minow has no time for retirement
>>15205227 Meet Ghislaine: Daddy's Girl
>>15205278 Leaders of EU Countries Unanimously Vote for Prolonging Russia Sanctions
>>15205285 WH Confirms Biden Plans to Run for Reelection as Harris Reveals They Haven't 'Talked About It'
>>15205366 Board owner upset he can't slide the board with muh joos spam
>>15205428, >>15205461 A couple qclocks
>>15205452 >>15205504 For those of you into the JQ, this breaks down everything in the matrix movies
>>15205454 Central Pa. teacher fired after making threats related to COVID-19 mandates: report
>>15205476 For 4th time, Republican senator blocks passage of Iron Dome funding bill
still scanning
#15205338 at 2021-12-17 01:36:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19236: The Perfect Storm Edition
> The wuhan lab leak is now the most likely origin of the coronavirus pandemic,
Right. As if the chans weren't all over this shit in the first days of this (not to dismiss Reddit, Voat, and other places of collaboration).
This truly is an exercise in patience. Not my will, but Thine be done.
#15205180 at 2021-12-17 01:06:06 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19236: The Perfect Storm Edition
wuhan lab leak 'is now the most likely origin of Covid because Beijing tried to cover it up' and it is 'reasonable to believe virus was engineered in China', Harvard scientist tells MPs
The wuhan lab leak is now the most likely origin of the coronavirus pandemic, MPs have been told
Harvard scientist Dr Alina Chan said it is 'reasonable' to believe that Covid was engineered by China
She also said that Beijing's cover-up of the initial outbreak made the lab-leak hypothesis likely
Tory peer Lord Ridley also told the Science Select Committee a lab leak is the most likely origin
#15200129 at 2021-12-16 03:21:58 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19229: EBake in the Night
wuhan, I got you all in check!
Wings up!
#15198976 at 2021-12-15 22:35:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19228: Comfy EBake
Back in July 2021, many scientists had the ill-founded view that the C-19 pandemic was dying out and entering an endemic state. Based on my understanding of the interplay between the virus and the immune system, I knew that this was not going to be the case and reacted immediately to this misinterpretation (https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/scientific-blog/a-last-word-of-caution-to-all-those-pretending-the-covid-19-pandemic-is-toning-down). Once again, many scientists find themselves with the belief that the emergence of the Omicron variant announces the end of the pandemic and the virus' transition into endemicity. Their prediction is largely based upon the initial observation that Omicron seems to be causing rather mild disease symptoms which they interpret as being indicative of a virus that-although more infectious-is now becoming less virulent and, therefore, increasingly featuring endemic behavior. I am afraid that once again, I don't agree-a pandemic can only be tamed by herd immunity. Given the high vaccine coverage rates in most industrialized countries, we have generated anything but herd immunity. I also have yet to hear any compelling evidence concerning significant mutations in the genes that determine SARS-CoV-2's virulence. Perhaps we should think twice before making statements that are not supported by immunological evidence.
This is what I believe is currently happening.
As Omicron appears largely resistant to neutralizing antibodies (Abs), it no longer strongly binds to vaccinal Abs (still directed at the spike protein [S] of the wuhan strain). More specifically, Omicron allows for the restoring of full functional capacity of relevant innate Abs. The latter are known to be very efficient in preventing or abrogating productive infection and, therefore, preventing (severe) disease in individuals endowed with an intact innate immune system (i.e., people in good health and without underlying diseases or immune suppression, including vaccine-mediated immune suppression). As vaccinal neutralizing Abs are highly specific, they are less likely to bind to the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of Omicron, which has undergone a multitude of mutations within this very domain. It is, therefore, reasonable to expect that the vaccine-mediated Abs will fail to outcompete relevant innate Abs in vaccinees and hence, increase the incidence of asymptomatic infections in this population. It is intriguing that the Israeli Ministry of Health interprets asymptomatic infection in vaccinees as proof of "full protection" despite the fact that Omicron is highly suspicious of bypassing neutralizing antibodies (1, 2). Asymptomatic disease is known to lead to a short duration of anti-S Ab titers (3, 4). However, due to the high level of infectivity of Omicron, re-exposure to the virus is highly likely to occur with a timeframe that is short enough to coincide with elevated anti-S Ab levels. Consequently, dominant circulation of Omicron would ultimately make vaccinees more frequently susceptible to disease, whereas fewer and fewer unvaccinated individuals would be susceptible to contracting C-19 disease as a result of innate immune training upon viral exposure. In conclusion, it seems highly unlikely that dominant circulation of Omicron will result in diminished incidence of disease and cause the pandemic to transition into an endemic state. In contrast to the situation in the pre-Omicron era, the incidence of disease is now likely to disproportionately increase in vaccinees. This may, once again, prompt public health authorities to follow the erroneous advice of the vaccine industry and key opinion leaders who will undoubtedly recommend to continue the mass vaccination program using updated vaccines that suit the S version of the Omicron variant. In a previous contribution, I'd already predicted the dire consequences such a decision would entail (https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/scientific-blog/mass-vaccination-will-push-sars-cov-2-spike-protein-beyond-omicron)-in brief, it will allow the virus to make a natural selection favoring hosts who preserved a fully functional innate immune defense.
https://www.voiceforscienceandsolidarity.org/scientific-blog/breakthrough-sars-cov-2-infections-are-a-pain …
#15198464 at 2021-12-15 20:42:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19227: Blues Brothers Baking Edition
MIT Doctor in UK House of Commons: "Not Safe for People Who Know the Origin of the Pandemic to Come Forward"
Speaking before the Science and Technology Select Committee of the British Parliament, Dr. Alina Chan, a specialist in gene therapy and cell engineering at MIT and Harvard, testified that the lab leak was now considered the most likely origin of the Covid pandemic, and that there is a possibility Covid-19 is an engineered virus.
"I think the lab origin is more likely than not", Dr. Chan said, according to the Daily Telegraph. She noted that "right now it's not safe for people who know about the origin of the pandemic to come forward. But we live in an era where there is so much information being stored that it will eventually come out."
"We have heard from many top virologists that a genetically engineered origin is reasonable and that includes virologists who made modifications to the first Sars virus. We know this virus has a unique feature, called the furin cleavage site, and without this feature there is no way this would be causing this pandemic," Chan said.
"A proposal was leaked showing that EcoHealth and the wuhan Institute of Virology were developing a pipeline for inserting novel furin cleavage sites. So, you find these scientists who said in early 2018 'I'm going to put horns on horses' and at the end of 2019 a unicorn turns up in wuhan city."
#15197906 at 2021-12-15 18:48:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19226: Baking Blues Slack KeyEdition
As trial of Harvard prof opens, Biden faces pressure to end Trump program to catch Chinese spies
Campaign to kill Justice Department's "China Initiative" intensifies despite Beijing's continuing espionage activities.
As a high-profile Harvard professor stands trial for hiding his ties to the Chinese government, the Biden administration is coming under intense pressure from a loose coalition of lawmakers, nonprofits, and academics to abandon the so-called China Initiative, a Justice Department effort to preserve America's technological edge by thwarting Chinese spies.
Launched by the Trump administration in 2018 and continued so far by its successor, the China Initiative is designed specifically to identify and prosecute those engaged in hacking, stealing trade secrets, and conducting economic espionage for the Chinese government on U.S. soil. The program has led to several arrests and convictions, including, for example:
Last month, a federal jury convicted Yanjun Xu, deputy division director of China's Sixth Bureau of the Jiangsu Province Ministry of State Security, for attempting to steal trade secrets and commit economic espionage.
In July, three officers in China's Ministry of State Security were charged with participating in a global computer intrusion campaign targeting infectious disease research.
In April, a PhD chemist and U.S. citizen from Michigan was convicted of wire fraud, economic espionage, conspiracy to commit trade secret theft, and possession of stolen trade secrets to help set up a new company in China.
Charles Lieber, a renowned nanotechnology professor who chaired Harvard's Chemistry Department, was arrested and charged nearly two years ago. Federal prosecutors allege he lied about his involvement in China's Thousand Talents Plan, a Chinese government initiative meant to recruit experts in science and technology, and about becoming a "strategic scientist" at wuhan University of Technology.
Lieber's trial, which began Tuesday, may help determine the fate of the China Initiative.
"It may have a real impact on the future of these cases being brought under the China Initiative," Derek Adams, a partner at the Potomac Law Group, told the Harvard Crimson. "If Lieber ends up being found not guilty on this one, then I think it's just going to increase the pressure of some folks in Congress to shut down the initiative entirely."
The Justice Department's push to shut down Chinese espionage activities seems to have deterred at least some potential spies. More than 1,000 researchers who had hidden their affiliation with the Chinese military fled the United States last summer, according to the department.
However, critics argue any successes are the exception to the rule and part of a witch hunt that's having a chilling effect on scientific research.
Activists are calling for the Biden administration to end the China Initiative, arguing it targets people of Asian descent with racial profiling. These critics also claim the program is mainly focused on innocent academic researchers and has largely yielded charges of fraud - such as lying about links to Chinese entities or accepting foreign money - as opposed to concrete espionage.
#15197294 at 2021-12-15 16:57:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19225: Morning Quick Bake Edition
new possible alternate national military command center was identified in
Northern Hubei Military District, wuhan Military Region (MR}, China.' This command center
may consist of six separate, but related, facilities. Its identification was based on the association of the General Staff Department (GSD) Counterpart near Xiangfan (32-03N 112-05E) 1 with these six installation,s and their association with each other.
2. (S/D) This report discusses six facilities, possibly making ur the GSD Counterpart,
within 75 nautical miles (nm) of Xiangfan (Figure I). Their location and construction indicate a prohable high-level function. These facilities consist of one extensive? underground administration complex, one heliport. and four communications sites. All of these facilities arc ~ituated on interconnecting underground telecommunications cables.~?-1
underground administration complex, one heliport. and four communications sites
GWU.edu = George Washington University
#15197112 at 2021-12-15 16:21:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19225: Morning Quick Bake Edition
wuhan Lab = CCP Military Complex
#15197054 at 2021-12-15 16:07:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19225: Morning Quick Bake Edition
wuhan is in China, not Israel, rabbi.
#15196959 at 2021-12-15 15:46:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19225: Morning Quick Bake Edition
Lab leak "now the most likely origin of Covid", UK MPs told. MIT and Harvard scientist: Risk that #COVID19 was an engineered virus.
Engineered virus, attack on humanity, bigger than Treason
#15195149 at 2021-12-15 03:34:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19223: Night Shift Edition
No one listened to POTUS for last 40 years when he spoke of the dangers of China
SCALP:COVID Investigator Funded By Chinese Communist Party Removed From WHO Team Following National Pulse Expos?.
Natalie WintersDecember 10, 2021
Marion Koopmans - who served on the World Health Organization's first COVID-19 origins investigation team - appears to have been removed from the body's new "effort" to trace the source of the virus following the National Pulse revealing her long-standing ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
Koopmans appears to have suffered a similar fate to fellow World Health Organization (WHO) Peter Daszak - an American researcher whose wuhan Institute of Virology collaborations were funded by Anthony Fauci.
In the initial October announcement of the WHO's newfound Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens (SAGO), Koopmans was listed as one of 28 members. SAGO's updated member list, however, fails to include Koopmans as a contributor to the effort to allegedly uncover the origins of COVID-19.
Dr. Hume Field, a Science & Policy Advisor to Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance, lamented what appears to be Koopmans's removal from the committee on Twitter.
The National Pulse previously unearthed Koopmans's role on a scientific advisory board of the Centers for Disease Control of Guangdong China.
"She has advised on the building of the laboratory capacity for emerging infectious disease detection in this region, and has ongoing research collaborations trying to unravel emergence and spread of viruses through the animal production chain in this region," notes a summary of her work with the state-run body.
MUST READ: Associated Press Reporter & Far-Left Activists Explode in Defense of Xi Jinping.
Koopmans has also authored scientific research papers and journal articles supported by Chinese Communist Party grants.
A July 2020 study - Exploring utility of genomic epidemiology to trace origins of highly pathogenic influenza A/H7N9 in Guangdong - was "supported by grants from National Key Research and Development Program of China [and] the National Key Research and Development Program of China."
Another 2017 study focusing on Zika virus was also funded and executed by the Guangdong provincial government, according to a summary:…..
#15194481 at 2021-12-15 01:08:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19222: Evening Ebake Edition
"It's not just my idea, no. It's completely laid out by the book by Dr. Pam Popper [and] another book recently published by Peter Breggen, "Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey." These books are basically non-fiction, [there are] a thousand citations in the Breggen book showing how it was coordinated and planned. Now Bobby Kennedy has his book out - "The Real Anthony Fauci" - I am the most mentioned physician in that book.
I can tell you that if you want to find the evidence that Moderna was working on the vaccine before the virus ever emanated out of the [wuhan] lab - If you want to find the collisions and the operations between The Gates Foundation, and GAVI, and CEPI, and Pfizer, and Moderna, and the vaccine manufacturers, and the wuhan lab, and the National Institutes of Health, and Ralph Baric, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and how this was all organized [the information is avilible]."
#15194452 at 2021-12-15 01:03:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19222: Evening Ebake Edition
"the CHINA virus"
Worth remembering:
wuhan Institute of Virology [geo location]?
[1st biosafety lvl 4 lab - 2015]
City/Province origin - hot zone [geo location]?
"Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a "Strategic Scientist" at [wuhan] University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China's Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017."
[rapid spread]
>End POTUS rally(s)?
>End POTUS econ gains?
>End POTUS unemployment gains?
>End POTUS [A, B, C, D, ......]?
[weaken prior to P_elec?]
>Delay US/China trade negotiations?
[China pref Biden[+VP] as P?]
>Shelter [Biden] public appearances?
>Shelter [Biden] debate(s)?
>Push new/revised P_2020 > vote by mail? [unsecure]
>Push [D] 'wish list' [unrelated] items CV Bill [voting amends]?
What is the mathematical probability this occurs [the 'time bomb' explodes] at the exact point in time that allows for maximum damage [above] prior to the P_elec?
Outside of standard deviation?
[Mueller failed]
[Impeachment failed]
>Why was it critically important impeachment be rushed in the House?
[MSM[D party]/Hollywood narrative(s) failed]
[D] party leading nominee established [super T] prior to lock-down [take-over]? [Sanders ELIM_Biden_FRONT]
Occam's razor simply states that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, the simplest one is most likely the correct one.
#15194446 at 2021-12-15 01:01:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19222: Evening Ebake Edition
Brunobarking channel BrunoBarks, [14.12.21 16:35]
[ Album ]
This is weird.
Recall that the Oscar winning PARASITE movie was released in October 2019, at the EXACT TIME that the CCP wuhan lab virus was released into the World Military Games, held in wuhan China. Researchers now say the pandemic STARTED IN OCTOBER 2019.
Now the actress that starred in the movie has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer at age 30.
Also, PARASITE medications, HCQ and ivermectin, have been withheld as potential treatments for wuhan Virus.
#15194428 at 2021-12-15 00:58:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19222: Evening Ebake Edition
Harvard Professor
Leading nanotechnology scientist
Secretly Working at the wuhan lab
Arrested right as COVID hit
This will be interesting
His nanochips in the vaccine?
#15194360 at 2021-12-15 00:46:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19222: Evening Ebake Edition
Pepe Deluxe, [14.12.21 10:02]
[Forwarded from Jordan Sather]
Remember Charles Leiber?
The Harvard chemistry professor arrested in JANUARY of 2020 (start of the Pandemic) because it was found that he was taking $50K per month from the CCP? He even took some trips to wuhan between 2012 and 2017.
His trial starts today.
Here's the DOJ indictment from Leiber's arrest. Highly suggest reading. Also notable is the arrest of Zaosong Zheng in this indictment. "It is alleged that on Dec. 9, 2019, Zheng stole 21 vials of biological research and attempted to smuggle them out of the United States aboard a flight destined for China."
#15194335 at 2021-12-15 00:42:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19222: Evening Ebake Edition
Harvard Professor Charged With Lying About China Ties Goes on Trial
BOSTON-A federal jury was selected on Tuesday in the trial of a Harvard University nanotechnology professor accused of lying to U.S. authorities about his ties to a China-run recruitment program and concealing funding he received from the Chinese regime.
The Boston jury will return on Wednesday to hear lawyers deliver opening statements in the trial of Charles Lieber, an ex-chair of Harvard's chemistry department charged in the highest-profile case to result from a U.S. crackdown on Chinese influence within universities.
Lieber, 62, has pleaded not guilty to six false statement and tax charges. His lawyer, Marc Mukasey, has said Lieber "didn't hide anything, and he didn't get paid as the government alleges."
Prosecutors charged Lieber in January 2020 as part of the U.S. Department of Justice's "China Initiative" it started during former President Donald Trump's administration to combat Chinese economic espionage and research theft.
Prosecutors said Lieber in 2011 became a "strategic scientist" at wuhan University of Technology and through it participated in a Chinese recruitment drive called the Thousand Talents Program.
U.S. authorities say China uses the program to entice foreign researchers to share their knowledge with China in exchange for perks including research funding.
As part of the program, the wuhan university gave Lieber more than $1.5 million to establish a Chinese lab and agreed to pay him $50,000 per month plus $150,000 in annual living expenses.
Prosecutors said Lieber lied to investigators about his involvement in the program and also misled Harvard, which in 2019 told the National Institutes of Health that he was not involved with it.
#15194180 at 2021-12-15 00:07:32 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19222: Evening Ebake Edition
Going Viral: Dr. Peter McCullough Joins Joe Rogan - Says Medical Elites "Purposely Suppressed Treatments" in Order to Force Mass Vaccinations
On Monday, Dr. Peter McCullough sat down for a lengthy discussion about Covid-19 on Joe Rogan's extremely popular podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience.
Just like he did last week when he appeared on Brett Weinstein's DarkHorse Podcast, McCullough took aim directly at the federal government and the medical elites for their massive role in the manufactured Covid-19 pandemic.
During the conversation with Rogan, the world-renowned cardiologist dropped yet another bombshell claim, which he says is thoroughly backed up by the evidence.
According to McCullough, the Covid-19 pandemic was premeditated by public health officials working in tandem with medical elites, and the evidence for this had been made clear well before the first reports of a Covid outbreak in late 2019.
In order to promote mass adoption of the experimental vaccine, McCullough says health officials purposefully suppressed treatments and refrained from compiling a treatment protocol to combat the virus, in hopes that people would be so afraid that they would just take the jab.
"It's not just my idea, no. It's completely laid out by the book by Dr. Pam Popper [and] another book recently published by Peter Breggen, "Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey." These books are basically non-fiction, [there are] a thousand citations in the Breggen book showing how it was coordinated and planned. Now Bobby Kennedy has his book out - "The Real Anthony Fauci" - I am the most mentioned physician in that book.
I can tell you that if you want to find the evidence that Moderna was working on the vaccine before the virus ever emanated out of the [wuhan] lab - If you want to find the collisions and the operations between The Gates Foundation, and GAVI, and CEPI, and Pfizer, and Moderna, and the vaccine manufacturers, and the wuhan lab, and the National Institutes of Health, and Ralph Baric, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and how this was all organized [the information is avilible].
In addition to citing several source texts that have compiled a timeline of the events that led to the Wu-flu outbreak, McCollough also spoke about a pandemic planning seminar that was held at Johns Hopkins University in 2017. The group of public health researchers looked at a 'hypothetical' virus outbreak that was named SPARS, which was also supposed to be a coronavirus that is related to SARS and MERS (just like Covid-19 is).
#15192842 at 2021-12-14 19:21:00 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19220: Pie Don't Work Unless You Let It Edition
> Where did the true origin of Covid come from?
First covid wave was from a flu vax
Tested in wuhan and distributed WW, except the rest of China
#15192132 at 2021-12-14 17:18:48 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19219: Make it SuperSize for $0.99 Edition
New Book Points to Global Coverup of Pandemic Origins
By Lorenzo Puertas December 14, 2021 Updated: December 14, 2021biggersmaller Print
Lab leak? Bioweapon? Wet market? Two years after a new coronavirus was first reported in wuhan, China, the world still knows very little about the origins of the virus, named SARS-CoV-2 scientifically. Where it came from, and how it first infected humans, are questions that have still not been answered conclusively.
"Viral," a new book from Harper Collins, examines the start of this pandemic, and why so much is still unknown. Scientist Alina Chan of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and Matt Ridley, a PhD zoologist and science writer, explore three possibilities, including an accidental release of the virus from the wuhan Institute of Virology.
The authors presented their findings in a recent virtual discussion with John Walters, president of the Hudson Institute, a Washington-based think tank.
What emerges is a damning indictment of global health and science institutions, and a story of two years of failure to properly investigate the virus origins.
Natural Origins?
One of the earliest theories promoted in the news media was that this virus emerged naturally from animals in the wuhan area. According to Chan, there just isn't much evidence to support this idea. "They've spent a year and a half searching for an animal source of this virus," said Chan, "and they have found nothing."
According to Chan, Chinese authorities spent months analyzing animal tissue, human blood samples, and tracking infections. Despite all that, "Chinese authorities have not found the original animal source," said Chan.
Instead of assuming some unproven natural origin, Chan says that scientists should be focused on what happened at the wuhan lab. Her research has uncovered documents "showing quite extensive coronavirus collection and manipulation at the wuhan Institute of Virology."
"I'd say that the burden is on the natural origin side," said Chan, "to somehow show that these activities [at the wuhan Institute], this collection of tens of thousands of high-risk pathogens from animals and humans... collecting into wuhan, these experiments where genetic modifications are made to these viruses-somehow all that did not lead to the emergence of SARS-CoV-2."
Missing wuhan Data
To emphasize the possible connection between the wuhan lab's activities and the outbreak of the virus, Chan makes a comical analogy: "Let's say that we found in a document from early 2018, where they [the wuhan lab] proposed putting a horn onto a horse. Then at the end of 2019, somehow a unicorn suddenly appears in that city."
Despite this logical inference, the evidence presented in "Viral" is mainly sourced from publicly available research papers, media reports, and funding documents-but none of it comes directly from the wuhan Institute of Virology. The reason: the wuhan lab took all its data offline on Sept. 12, 2019 - three months before the first infections were reported.
In December 2020, Shi Zhengli, the director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases of the wuhan Institute of Virology,, told the BBC that the wuhan lab database was taken off the internet because of many hacking attacks.
Co-author Ridley explained the significance of this hidden data: "There exists in wuhan a database of 22,000 samples, specimens, and [genetic] sequences. And that database went offline just before the start of the pandemic. It has never been brought back online. So we don't have any idea what's in it. It could tell us a lot about the viruses they were working on in that institution."
This deliberate suppression of scientific data, months before the pandemic began, is one of the strongest pieces of evidence suggesting involvement of the wuhan lab in the release of SARS-CoV-2, he said.
"It is quite extraordinary," said Ridley, "to develop a large [virus] database as part of an effort to prevent pandemics and then not release the data when a pandemic comes along."
The CCP Virus
This data suppression is not the first coverup of pandemic information by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It's part of a propaganda campaign that has been covered extensively in the pages of The Epoch Times.
In recognition of the CCP's behavior, including censorship and arrests of doctors who warned of the danger, the Epoch Times adopted "CCP virus" as its name for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. "This name," wrote the editorial board in early 2020, "holds the CCP accountable for its wanton disregard of human life and consequent spawning of a pandemic that has put untold numbers... at risk."
more here"
#15190199 at 2021-12-14 07:15:22 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19217: Graveyard Ghost Bake Edition
Posted in #19214
>>15186925, >>15186931 ANON CALL TO SHARE NOTABLES
>>15186298 Information Tools & Services
>>15186304, >>15186306, >>15186308, >>15186310 DAY 11 UNITED STATES V GHISLAINE MAXWELL - LINKS & TRANSCRIPTS
>>15186342 Democrat Governor Declares COVID-19 Emergency 'Over'
>>15186379 @Mike_Pence Happy Birthday @USNationalGuard! #Guard385
>>15186382 @realLizUSA Hearing on Pima County election fraud in Arizona just started. Watch here!
>>15186388 Russia vetoes UN resolution to recognize "climate change" as a threat to global security.
>>15186374 Partisan operatives supporting the election of Joe Biden were inside The State of Wisconsin election computer systems with real-time read-write file access before, during, & after the 2020 presidential election. #VoterFraud
>>15186423 Vaccine Causing Aids?
>>15186431 @seanhannity Hillary Says Americans Chanting 'Lock Her Up' Had 'No Idea What They Were Talking About'
>>15186460 RRN Parody George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 2
>>15186483 FDA asks judge to further delay releasing Pfizer jab data until at least 2096
>>15186501, >>15186528, >>15186683 @CBS_Herridge #January6 Take the time to read the DoD timeline @CBSNews
>>15186506 wuhan Lab Partner EcoHealth Alliance Joins New York's Pandemic Response Effort.
>>15186604, >>15186857 China/Taiwan Conflict? "Who owns the WH"
>>15186636 WATCH LIVE: Pima County, Arizona Election Integrity Hearing 12/13/21
>>15186643 80% of Omicron cases found in the fully vaccinated, a third of them had received a booster dose
>>15186671 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki
>>15186676 Anon suspects that WH's were directly speaking to the board lb
>>15186689 Ammo Request: (Meme/Articles/Vids/Graphics...)
>>15186691, >>15186693, >>15186695, >>15186697 Pins
>>15186692 Why Did The IRS Audit Donald Trump, But Not Joe Biden?
>>15186702 @USNavy Receiving the latest in unmanned technology Airplane departure Anchor
>>15186732 Dedicated Voter Fraud Thread
>>15186736 Anime cosplay led 12 year old girl to transgenderism
>>15186745, >>15186774 Biden has decided to blame his bad polling numbers on QAnon
>>15186747 "Stakeholder capitalists" are working to implement a new model of governance that includes what they call "civil society."
>>15186789 Brazilian City Cuts Hospitalizations and Mortality Rates in Half After Implementing Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID
>>15186792 Areas of Canada with high covid "vaccine" uptake see 28X increase in stillbirths
>>15186795 BC Doctor reviews 'shocking' stats from released Pfizer documents
>>15186813 @MELANIATRUMP The devastation in Kentucky is heartbreaking.
>>15186814 3D printing electronics on human hand
>>15186827 The Chinese Regime Is Committing 'At Least 3 Genocides': Former Senior State Department Official
>>15186833 Man drove half an hour with a grill and a truckload of food and parked right in the middle of #Mayfield, Kentucky.
>>15186844 Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: 'VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story'
>>15186866 Trump: "I thought Israeli's would do anyhting for peace, but I found that not to be true."
>>15186868 US Futuristic Guided Missile Destroyer that Cost $4 Billion and Was Commissioned in 2016 Is Already Covered in Rust
>>15186887 Georgia Asst AG Claims that SOS Raffensperger Is Not Responsible for Errors Exposed in Fulton County (Doesn't Challenge Multiple Errors Identified)
>>15186965 QmapFag with Day 11 reference.
>>15186983 Sen. Durbin held a hearing on Chicago-specific violence, then cut me off when my explanation was too Chicago-specific.
>>15186991 Renz Reveals DOD Document that tracks vaccinated people by their race
>>15187005 China offers humanitarian aid to US after tornado kills 100+
>>15188036 #19212 Posted in #19214
#15189425 at 2021-12-14 03:21:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19216: Watch The Resignations, Ride The Lightning Edition
Posted in #19214
>>15186925, >>15186931 ANON CALL TO SHARE NOTABLES
>>15186298 Information Tools & Services
>>15186304, >>15186306, >>15186308, >>15186310 DAY 11 UNITED STATES V GHISLAINE MAXWELL - LINKS & TRANSCRIPTS
>>15186342 Democrat Governor Declares COVID-19 Emergency 'Over'
>>15186379 @Mike_Pence Happy Birthday @USNationalGuard! #Guard385
>>15186382 @realLizUSA Hearing on Pima County election fraud in Arizona just started. Watch here!
>>15186388 Russia vetoes UN resolution to recognize "climate change" as a threat to global security.
>>15186374 Partisan operatives supporting the election of Joe Biden were inside The State of Wisconsin election computer systems with real-time read-write file access before, during, & after the 2020 presidential election. #VoterFraud
>>15186423 Vaccine Causing Aids?
>>15186431 @seanhannity Hillary Says Americans Chanting 'Lock Her Up' Had 'No Idea What They Were Talking About'
>>15186460 RRN Parody George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 2
>>15186483 FDA asks judge to further delay releasing Pfizer jab data until at least 2096
>>15186501, >>15186528, >>15186683 @CBS_Herridge #January6 Take the time to read the DoD timeline @CBSNews
>>15186506 wuhan Lab Partner EcoHealth Alliance Joins New York's Pandemic Response Effort.
>>15186604, >>15186857 China/Taiwan Conflict? "Who owns the WH"
>>15186636 WATCH LIVE: Pima County, Arizona Election Integrity Hearing 12/13/21
>>15186643 80% of Omicron cases found in the fully vaccinated, a third of them had received a booster dose
>>15186671 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki
>>15186676 Anon suspects that WH's were directly speaking to the board lb
>>15186689 Ammo Request: (Meme/Articles/Vids/Graphics...)
>>15186691, >>15186693, >>15186695, >>15186697 Pins
>>15186692 Why Did The IRS Audit Donald Trump, But Not Joe Biden?
>>15186702 @USNavy Receiving the latest in unmanned technology Airplane departure Anchor
>>15186732 Dedicated Voter Fraud Thread
>>15186736 Anime cosplay led 12 year old girl to transgenderism
>>15186745, >>15186774 Biden has decided to blame his bad polling numbers on QAnon
>>15186747 "Stakeholder capitalists" are working to implement a new model of governance that includes what they call "civil society."
>>15186789 Brazilian City Cuts Hospitalizations and Mortality Rates in Half After Implementing Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID
>>15186792 Areas of Canada with high covid "vaccine" uptake see 28X increase in stillbirths
>>15186795 BC Doctor reviews 'shocking' stats from released Pfizer documents
>>15186813 @MELANIATRUMP The devastation in Kentucky is heartbreaking.
>>15186814 3D printing electronics on human hand
>>15186827 The Chinese Regime Is Committing 'At Least 3 Genocides': Former Senior State Department Official
>>15186833 Man drove half an hour with a grill and a truckload of food and parked right in the middle of #Mayfield, Kentucky.
>>15186844 Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: 'VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story'
>>15186866 Trump: "I thought Israeli's would do anyhting for peace, but I found that not to be true."
>>15186868 US Futuristic Guided Missile Destroyer that Cost $4 Billion and Was Commissioned in 2016 Is Already Covered in Rust
>>15186887 Georgia Asst AG Claims that SOS Raffensperger Is Not Responsible for Errors Exposed in Fulton County (Doesn't Challenge Multiple Errors Identified)
>>15186965 QmapFag with Day 11 reference.
>>15186983 Sen. Durbin held a hearing on Chicago-specific violence, then cut me off when my explanation was too Chicago-specific.
>>15186991 Renz Reveals DOD Document that tracks vaccinated people by their race
>>15187005 China offers humanitarian aid to US after tornado kills 100+
>>15188036 #19212 Posted in #19214
#15188682 at 2021-12-14 01:00:35 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19215: EBake Cozy Frens
Posted in #19214
>>15186925, >>15186931 ANON CALL TO SHARE NOTABLES
>>15186298 Information Tools & Services
>>15186304, >>15186306, >>15186308, >>15186310 DAY 11 UNITED STATES V GHISLAINE MAXWELL - LINKS & TRANSCRIPTS
>>15186342 Democrat Governor Declares COVID-19 Emergency 'Over'
>>15186379 @Mike_Pence Happy Birthday @USNationalGuard! #Guard385
>>15186382 @realLizUSA Hearing on Pima County election fraud in Arizona just started. Watch here!
>>15186388 Russia vetoes UN resolution to recognize "climate change" as a threat to global security.
>>15186374 Partisan operatives supporting the election of Joe Biden were inside The State of Wisconsin election computer systems with real-time read-write file access before, during, & after the 2020 presidential election. #VoterFraud
>>15186423 Vaccine Causing Aids?
>>15186431 @seanhannity Hillary Says Americans Chanting 'Lock Her Up' Had 'No Idea What They Were Talking About'
>>15186460 RRN Parody George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 2
>>15186483 FDA asks judge to further delay releasing Pfizer jab data until at least 2096
>>15186501, >>15186528, >>15186683 @CBS_Herridge #January6 Take the time to read the DoD timeline @CBSNews
>>15186506 wuhan Lab Partner EcoHealth Alliance Joins New York's Pandemic Response Effort.
>>15186604, >>15186857 China/Taiwan Conflict? "Who owns the WH"
>>15186636 WATCH LIVE: Pima County, Arizona Election Integrity Hearing 12/13/21
>>15186643 80% of Omicron cases found in the fully vaccinated, a third of them had received a booster dose
>>15186671 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki
>>15186676 Anon suspects that WH's were directly speaking to the board lb
>>15186689 Ammo Request: (Meme/Articles/Vids/Graphics...)
>>15186691, >>15186693, >>15186695, >>15186697 Pins
>>15186692 Why Did The IRS Audit Donald Trump, But Not Joe Biden?
>>15186702 @USNavy Receiving the latest in unmanned technology Airplane departure Anchor
>>15186732 Dedicated Voter Fraud Thread
>>15186736 Anime cosplay led 12 year old girl to transgenderism
>>15186745, >>15186774 Biden has decided to blame his bad polling numbers on QAnon
>>15186747 "Stakeholder capitalists" are working to implement a new model of governance that includes what they call "civil society."
>>15186789 Brazilian City Cuts Hospitalizations and Mortality Rates in Half After Implementing Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID
>>15186792 Areas of Canada with high covid "vaccine" uptake see 28X increase in stillbirths
>>15186795 BC Doctor reviews 'shocking' stats from released Pfizer documents
>>15186813 @MELANIATRUMP The devastation in Kentucky is heartbreaking.
>>15186814 3D printing electronics on human hand
>>15186827 The Chinese Regime Is Committing 'At Least 3 Genocides': Former Senior State Department Official
>>15186833 Man drove half an hour with a grill and a truckload of food and parked right in the middle of #Mayfield, Kentucky.
>>15186844 Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: 'VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story'
>>15186866 Trump: "I thought Israeli's would do anyhting for peace, but I found that not to be true."
>>15186868 US Futuristic Guided Missile Destroyer that Cost $4 Billion and Was Commissioned in 2016 Is Already Covered in Rust
>>15186887 Georgia Asst AG Claims that SOS Raffensperger Is Not Responsible for Errors Exposed in Fulton County (Doesn't Challenge Multiple Errors Identified)
>>15186965 QmapFag with Day 11 reference.
>>15186983 Sen. Durbin held a hearing on Chicago-specific violence, then cut me off when my explanation was too Chicago-specific.
>>15186991 Renz Reveals DOD Document that tracks vaccinated people by their race
>>15187005 China offers humanitarian aid to US after tornado kills 100+
>>15188036 #19212 Posted in #19214
#15188036 at 2021-12-13 22:42:51 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19214 New baker ebake Edition
Posted in #19214
>>15186925, >>15186931 ANON CALL TO SHARE NOTABLES
>>15186298 Information Tools & Services
>>15186304, >>15186306, >>15186308, >>15186310 DAY 11 UNITED STATES V GHISLAINE MAXWELL - LINKS & TRANSCRIPTS
>>15186342 Democrat Governor Declares COVID-19 Emergency 'Over'
>>15186379 @Mike_Pence Happy Birthday @USNationalGuard! #Guard385
>>15186382 @realLizUSA Hearing on Pima County election fraud in Arizona just started. Watch here!
>>15186388 Russia vetoes UN resolution to recognize "climate change" as a threat to global security.
>>15186374 Partisan operatives supporting the election of Joe Biden were inside The State of Wisconsin election computer systems with real-time read-write file access before, during, & after the 2020 presidential election. #VoterFraud
>>15186423 Vaccine Causing Aids?
>>15186431 @seanhannity Hillary Says Americans Chanting 'Lock Her Up' Had 'No Idea What They Were Talking About'
>>15186460 RRN Parody George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 2
>>15186483 FDA asks judge to further delay releasing Pfizer jab data until at least 2096
>>15186501, >>15186528, >>15186683 @CBS_Herridge #January6 Take the time to read the DoD timeline @CBSNews
>>15186506 wuhan Lab Partner EcoHealth Alliance Joins New York's Pandemic Response Effort.
>>15186604, >>15186857 China/Taiwan Conflict? "Who owns the WH"
>>15186636 WATCH LIVE: Pima County, Arizona Election Integrity Hearing 12/13/21
>>15186643 80% of Omicron cases found in the fully vaccinated, a third of them had received a booster dose
>>15186671 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki
>>15186676 Anon suspects that WH's were directly speaking to the board lb
>>15186689 Ammo Request: (Meme/Articles/Vids/Graphics...)
>>15186691, >>15186693, >>15186695, >>15186697 Pins
>>15186692 Why Did The IRS Audit Donald Trump, But Not Joe Biden?
>>15186702 @USNavy Receiving the latest in unmanned technology Airplane departure Anchor
>>15186732 Dedicated Voter Fraud Thread
>>15186736 Anime cosplay led 12 year old girl to transgenderism
>>15186745, >>15186774 Biden has decided to blame his bad polling numbers on QAnon
>>15186747 "Stakeholder capitalists" are working to implement a new model of governance that includes what they call "civil society."
>>15186789 Brazilian City Cuts Hospitalizations and Mortality Rates in Half After Implementing Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID
>>15186792 Areas of Canada with high covid "vaccine" uptake see 28X increase in stillbirths
>>15186795 BC Doctor reviews 'shocking' stats from released Pfizer documents
>>15186813 @MELANIATRUMP The devastation in Kentucky is heartbreaking.
>>15186814 3D printing electronics on human hand
>>15186827 The Chinese Regime Is Committing 'At Least 3 Genocides': Former Senior State Department Official
>>15186833 Man drove half an hour with a grill and a truckload of food and parked right in the middle of #Mayfield, Kentucky.
>>15186844 Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: 'VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story'
>>15186866 Trump: "I thought Israeli's would do anyhting for peace, but I found that not to be true."
>>15186868 US Futuristic Guided Missile Destroyer that Cost $4 Billion and Was Commissioned in 2016 Is Already Covered in Rust
>>15186887 Georgia Asst AG Claims that SOS Raffensperger Is Not Responsible for Errors Exposed in Fulton County (Doesn't Challenge Multiple Errors Identified)
>>15186965 QmapFag with Day 11 reference.
>>15186983 Sen. Durbin held a hearing on Chicago-specific violence, then cut me off when my explanation was too Chicago-specific.
>>15186991 Renz Reveals DOD Document that tracks vaccinated people by their race
>>15187005 China offers humanitarian aid to US after tornado kills 100+
#15187900 at 2021-12-13 22:04:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19214 New baker ebake Edition
TBC #19313
>>15186925, >>15186931 ANON CALL TO SHARE NOTABLES
>>15186298 Information Tools & Services
>>15186304, >>15186306, >>15186308, >>15186310 DAY 11 UNITED STATES V GHISLAINE MAXWELL - LINKS & TRANSCRIPTS
>>15186342 Democrat Governor Declares COVID-19 Emergency 'Over'
>>15186379 @Mike_Pence Happy Birthday @USNationalGuard! #Guard385
>>15186382 @realLizUSA Hearing on Pima County election fraud in Arizona just started. Watch here!
>>15186388 Russia vetoes UN resolution to recognize "climate change" as a threat to global security.
>>15186374 Partisan operatives supporting the election of Joe Biden were inside The State of Wisconsin election computer systems with real-time read-write file access before, during, & after the 2020 presidential election. #VoterFraud
>>15186423 Vaccine Causing Aids?
>>15186431 @seanhannity Hillary Says Americans Chanting 'Lock Her Up' Had 'No Idea What They Were Talking About'
>>15186460 RRN Parody George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 2
>>15186483 FDA asks judge to further delay releasing Pfizer jab data until at least 2096
>>15186501, >>15186528, >>15186683 @CBS_Herridge #January6 Take the time to read the DoD timeline @CBSNews
>>15186506 wuhan Lab Partner EcoHealth Alliance Joins New York's Pandemic Response Effort.
>>15186604, >>15186857 China/Taiwan Conflict? "Who owns the WH"
>>15186636 WATCH LIVE: Pima County, Arizona Election Integrity Hearing 12/13/21
>>15186643 80% of Omicron cases found in the fully vaccinated, a third of them had received a booster dose
>>15186671 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki
>>15186676 Anon suspects that WH's were directly speaking to the board lb
>>15186689 Ammo Request: (Meme/Articles/Vids/Graphics...)
>>15186691, >>15186693, >>15186695, >>15186697 Pins
>>15186692 Why Did The IRS Audit Donald Trump, But Not Joe Biden?
>>15186702 @USNavy Receiving the latest in unmanned technology Airplane departure Anchor
>>15186732 Dedicated Voter Fraud Thread
>>15186736 Anime cosplay led 12 year old girl to transgenderism
>>15186745, >>15186774 Biden has decided to blame his bad polling numbers on QAnon
>>15186747 "Stakeholder capitalists" are working to implement a new model of governance that includes what they call "civil society."
>>15186789 Brazilian City Cuts Hospitalizations and Mortality Rates in Half After Implementing Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID
>>15186792 Areas of Canada with high covid "vaccine" uptake see 28X increase in stillbirths
>>15186795 BC Doctor reviews 'shocking' stats from released Pfizer documents
>>15186813 @MELANIATRUMP The devastation in Kentucky is heartbreaking.
>>15186814 3D printing electronics on human hand
>>15186827 The Chinese Regime Is Committing 'At Least 3 Genocides': Former Senior State Department Official
>>15186833 Man drove half an hour with a grill and a truckload of food and parked right in the middle of #Mayfield, Kentucky.
>>15186844 Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: 'VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story'
>>15186866 Trump: "I thought Israeli's would do anyhting for peace, but I found that not to be true."
>>15186868 US Futuristic Guided Missile Destroyer that Cost $4 Billion and Was Commissioned in 2016 Is Already Covered in Rust
>>15186887 Georgia Asst AG Claims that SOS Raffensperger Is Not Responsible for Errors Exposed in Fulton County (Doesn't Challenge Multiple Errors Identified)
>>15186965 QmapFag with Day 11 reference.
>>15186983 Sen. Durbin held a hearing on Chicago-specific violence, then cut me off when my explanation was too Chicago-specific.
>>15186991 Renz Reveals DOD Document that tracks vaccinated people by their race
>>15187005 China offers humanitarian aid to US after tornado kills 100+
#15187118 at 2021-12-13 18:56:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19212: Day 11 Ghislaine Trial Edition
>>15186925, >>15186931 ANON CALL TO SHARE NOTABLES
>>15186298 Information Tools & Services
>>15186304, >>15186306, >>15186308, >>15186310 DAY 11 UNITED STATES V GHISLAINE MAXWELL - LINKS & TRANSCRIPTS
>>15186342 Democrat Governor Declares COVID-19 Emergency 'Over'
>>15186379 @Mike_Pence Happy Birthday @USNationalGuard! #Guard385
>>15186382 @realLizUSA Hearing on Pima County election fraud in Arizona just started. Watch here!
>>15186388 Russia vetoes UN resolution to recognize "climate change" as a threat to global security.
>>15186374 Partisan operatives supporting the election of Joe Biden were inside The State of Wisconsin election computer systems with real-time read-write file access before, during, & after the 2020 presidential election. #VoterFraud
>>15186423 Vaccine Causing Aids?
>>15186431 @seanhannity Hillary Says Americans Chanting 'Lock Her Up' Had 'No Idea What They Were Talking About'
>>15186460 RRN Parody George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 2
>>15186483 FDA asks judge to further delay releasing Pfizer jab data until at least 2096
>>15186501, >>15186528, >>15186683 @CBS_Herridge #January6 Take the time to read the DoD timeline @CBSNews
>>15186506 wuhan Lab Partner EcoHealth Alliance Joins New York's Pandemic Response Effort.
>>15186604, >>15186857 China/Taiwan Conflict? "Who owns the WH"
>>15186636 WATCH LIVE: Pima County, Arizona Election Integrity Hearing 12/13/21
>>15186643 80% of Omicron cases found in the fully vaccinated, a third of them had received a booster dose
>>15186671 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki
>>15186676 Anon suspects that WH's were directly speaking to the board lb
>>15186689 Ammo Request: (Meme/Articles/Vids/Graphics...)
>>15186691, >>15186693, >>15186695, >>15186697 Pins
>>15186692 Why Did The IRS Audit Donald Trump, But Not Joe Biden?
>>15186702 @USNavy Receiving the latest in unmanned technology Airplane departure Anchor
>>15186732 Dedicated Voter Fraud Thread
>>15186736 Anime cosplay led 12 year old girl to transgenderism
>>15186745, >>15186774 Biden has decided to blame his bad polling numbers on QAnon
>>15186747 "Stakeholder capitalists" are working to implement a new model of governance that includes what they call "civil society."
>>15186789 Brazilian City Cuts Hospitalizations and Mortality Rates in Half After Implementing Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID
>>15186792 Areas of Canada with high covid "vaccine" uptake see 28X increase in stillbirths
>>15186795 BC Doctor reviews 'shocking' stats from released Pfizer documents
>>15186813 @MELANIATRUMP The devastation in Kentucky is heartbreaking.
>>15186814 3D printing electronics on human hand
>>15186827 The Chinese Regime Is Committing 'At Least 3 Genocides': Former Senior State Department Official
>>15186833 Man drove half an hour with a grill and a truckload of food and parked right in the middle of #Mayfield, Kentucky.
>>15186844 Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: 'VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story'
>>15186866 Trump: "I thought Israeli's would do anyhting for peace, but I found that not to be true."
>>15186868 US Futuristic Guided Missile Destroyer that Cost $4 Billion and Was Commissioned in 2016 Is Already Covered in Rust
>>15186887 Georgia Asst AG Claims that SOS Raffensperger Is Not Responsible for Errors Exposed in Fulton County (Doesn't Challenge Multiple Errors Identified)
>>15186965 QmapFag with Day 11 reference.
>>15186983 Sen. Durbin held a hearing on Chicago-specific violence, then cut me off when my explanation was too Chicago-specific.
>>15186991 Renz Reveals DOD Document that tracks vaccinated people by their race
>>15187005 China offers humanitarian aid to US after tornado kills 100+
Q Research General #19213: Day 11 Ghislaine Trial II Edition
#15187081 at 2021-12-13 18:50:01 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19213: Day 11 Ghislaine Trial II Edition
>>15186925, >>15186931 ANON CALL TO SHARE NOTABLES
>>15186298 Information Tools & Services
>>15186304, >>15186306, >>15186308, >>15186310 DAY 11 UNITED STATES V GHISLAINE MAXWELL - LINKS & TRANSCRIPTS
>>15186342 Democrat Governor Declares COVID-19 Emergency 'Over'
>>15186379 @Mike_Pence Happy Birthday @USNationalGuard! #Guard385
>>15186382 @realLizUSA Hearing on Pima County election fraud in Arizona just started. Watch here!
>>15186388 Russia vetoes UN resolution to recognize "climate change" as a threat to global security.
>>15186374 Partisan operatives supporting the election of Joe Biden were inside The State of Wisconsin election computer systems with real-time read-write file access before, during, & after the 2020 presidential election. #VoterFraud
>>15186423 Vaccine Causing Aids?
>>15186431 @seanhannity Hillary Says Americans Chanting 'Lock Her Up' Had 'No Idea What They Were Talking About'
>>15186460 RRN Parody George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 2
>>15186483 FDA asks judge to further delay releasing Pfizer jab data until at least 2096
>>15186501, >>15186528, >>15186683 @CBS_Herridge #January6 Take the time to read the DoD timeline @CBSNews
>>15186506 wuhan Lab Partner EcoHealth Alliance Joins New York's Pandemic Response Effort.
>>15186604, >>15186857 China/Taiwan Conflict? "Who owns the WH"
>>15186636 WATCH LIVE: Pima County, Arizona Election Integrity Hearing 12/13/21
>>15186643 80% of Omicron cases found in the fully vaccinated, a third of them had received a booster dose
>>15186671 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki
>>15186676 Anon suspects that WH's were directly speaking to the board lb
>>15186689 Ammo Request: (Meme/Articles/Vids/Graphics...)
>>15186691, >>15186693, >>15186695, >>15186697 Pins
>>15186692 Why Did The IRS Audit Donald Trump, But Not Joe Biden?
>>15186702 @USNavy Receiving the latest in unmanned technology Airplane departure Anchor
>>15186732 Dedicated Voter Fraud Thread
>>15186736 Anime cosplay led 12 year old girl to transgenderism
>>15186745, >>15186774 Biden has decided to blame his bad polling numbers on QAnon
>>15186747 "Stakeholder capitalists" are working to implement a new model of governance that includes what they call "civil society."
>>15186789 Brazilian City Cuts Hospitalizations and Mortality Rates in Half After Implementing Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID
>>15186792 Areas of Canada with high covid "vaccine" uptake see 28X increase in stillbirths
>>15186795 BC Doctor reviews 'shocking' stats from released Pfizer documents
>>15186813 @MELANIATRUMP The devastation in Kentucky is heartbreaking.
>>15186814 3D printing electronics on human hand
>>15186827 The Chinese Regime Is Committing 'At Least 3 Genocides': Former Senior State Department Official
>>15186833 Man drove half an hour with a grill and a truckload of food and parked right in the middle of #Mayfield, Kentucky.
>>15186844 Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: 'VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story'
>>15186866 Trump: "I thought Israeli's would do anyhting for peace, but I found that not to be true."
>>15186868 US Futuristic Guided Missile Destroyer that Cost $4 Billion and Was Commissioned in 2016 Is Already Covered in Rust
>>15186887 Georgia Asst AG Claims that SOS Raffensperger Is Not Responsible for Errors Exposed in Fulton County (Doesn't Challenge Multiple Errors Identified)
>>15186965 QmapFag with Day 11 reference.
>>15186983 Sen. Durbin held a hearing on Chicago-specific violence, then cut me off when my explanation was too Chicago-specific.
>>15186991 Renz Reveals DOD Document that tracks vaccinated people by their race
>>15187005 China offers humanitarian aid to US after tornado kills 100+
#15186925 at 2021-12-13 18:14:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19212: Day 11 Ghislaine Trial Edition
>>15186298 Information Tools & Services
>>15186304, >>15186306, >>15186308, >>15186310 DAY 11 UNITED STATES V GHISLAINE MAXWELL - LINKS & TRANSCRIPTS
>>15186342 Democrat Governor Declares COVID-19 Emergency 'Over'
>>15186379 @Mike_Pence Happy Birthday @USNationalGuard! #Guard385
>>15186382 @realLizUSA Hearing on Pima County election fraud in Arizona just started. Watch here!
>>15186388 Russia vetoes UN resolution to recognize "climate change" as a threat to global security.
>>15186374 Partisan operatives supporting the election of Joe Biden were inside The State of Wisconsin election computer systems with real-time read-write file access before, during, & after the 2020 presidential election. #VoterFraud
>>15186423 Vaccine Causing Aids?
>>15186431 @seanhannity Hillary Says Americans Chanting 'Lock Her Up' Had 'No Idea What They Were Talking About'
>>15186460 RRN Parody George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 2
>>15186483 FDA asks judge to further delay releasing Pfizer jab data until at least 2096
>>15186501, >>15186528, >>15186683 @CBS_Herridge #January6 Take the time to read the DoD timeline @CBSNews
>>15186506 wuhan Lab Partner EcoHealth Alliance Joins New York's Pandemic Response Effort.
>>15186604, >>15186857 China/Taiwan Conflict? "Who owns the WH"
>>15186636 WATCH LIVE: Pima County, Arizona Election Integrity Hearing 12/13/21
>>15186643 80% of Omicron cases found in the fully vaccinated, a third of them had received a booster dose
>>15186671 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki
>>15186676 Anon suspects that WH's were directly speaking to the board lb
>>15186689 Ammo Request: (Meme/Articles/Vids/Graphics...)
>>15186691, >>15186693, >>15186695, >>15186697 Pins
>>15186692 Why Did The IRS Audit Donald Trump, But Not Joe Biden?
>>15186702 @USNavy Receiving the latest in unmanned technology Airplane departure Anchor
>>15186732 Dedicated Voter Fraud Thread
>>15186736 Anime cosplay led 12 year old girl to transgenderism
>>15186745, >>15186774 Biden has decided to blame his bad polling numbers on QAnon
>>15186747 "Stakeholder capitalists" are working to implement a new model of governance that includes what they call "civil society."
>>15186789 Brazilian City Cuts Hospitalizations and Mortality Rates in Half After Implementing Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID
>>15186792 Areas of Canada with high covid "vaccine" uptake see 28X increase in stillbirths
>>15186795 BC Doctor reviews 'shocking' stats from released Pfizer documents
>>15186813 @MELANIATRUMP The devastation in Kentucky is heartbreaking.
>>15186814 3D printing electronics on human hand
>>15186827 The Chinese Regime Is Committing 'At Least 3 Genocides': Former Senior State Department Official
>>15186833 Man drove half an hour with a grill and a truckload of food and parked right in the middle of #Mayfield, Kentucky.
>>15186844 Data Scientist Tells RFK, Jr.: 'VAERS Is Telling a Very Frightening Story'
>>15186866 Trump: "I thought Israeli's would do anyhting for peace, but I found that not to be true."
>>15186868 US Futuristic Guided Missile Destroyer that Cost $4 Billion and Was Commissioned in 2016 Is Already Covered in Rust
>>15186887 Georgia Asst AG Claims that SOS Raffensperger Is Not Responsible for Errors Exposed in Fulton County (Doesn't Challenge Multiple Errors Identified)
screen caps are the easiest
#15186792 at 2021-12-13 17:47:14 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19212: Day 11 Ghislaine Trial Edition
Areas of Canada with high covid "vaccine" uptake see 28X increase in stillbirths
A new wave of stillbirths is spreading across Canada, and the culprit is wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccination."
According to Dr. Daniel Nagase, stillbirth cases in Canada are exploding, specifically in those who got "fully vaccinated" in accordance with government mandates.
In the roughly four-minute video, Nagase makes it clear that this phenomenon is occurring exclusively in vaccinated mothers.
In Waterloo, for example, the stillbirth rate is currently 25 times higher than normal, but again only among fully vaccinated moms. This data came from a provincial prosecutor (similar to a state attorney general) who received it from a nurse who works at the local hospital.
#15186628 at 2021-12-13 17:14:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19212: Day 11 Ghislaine Trial Edition
>wtf ny
Fauci-Funded wuhan Institute of Virology Partner EcoHealth Alliance Joins New York's Pandemic Response Effort.
#15186506 at 2021-12-13 16:48:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19212: Day 11 Ghislaine Trial Edition
wuhan Lab Partner EcoHealth Alliance Joins New York's Pandemic Response Effort.
EcoHealth Alliance - Peter Daszak's controversial group with a long history of collaborating with the wuhan Institute of Virology - is advising New York on pandemic preparedness and health "equity" as part of the city's new Pandemic Response Institute.
#15185978 at 2021-12-13 14:57:39 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19211: Ebake up on the Wake up Edition
Known to cut a little rug
Down at a place called the bug
With a girl named wuhan flu
#15185543 at 2021-12-13 12:45:38 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19210: Make it Great Again Edition
Wtf is a variant? An omicron? wuhan Lab?
None of this means anything except the world has just learned how the Pharma/Medical industry create fear and panic to justify the selling and ingestion of drugs and remedies for their made up schemes!
Where's Nancy and Shifty these days?
Loudmouths aren't so loud anymore!
#15185523 at 2021-12-13 12:38:43 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19211: Ebake up on the Wake up Edition
>>15181474, >>15181487, >>15181494, >>15181532, >>15181548, >>15181551, >>15181634 Chris Wallace mini bun
>>15181525 Repost Bohemian Grove Wikileaks Bohemian Grove List
>>15181586, >>15181761 THEY'RE SCARED: Fulton County Commissioner Robb Pitts Tells Auditors: 'Stay the Hell Out of Fulton County"
>>15181615 Jussie Smollett's Subway Tuna Sandwich Was The Key To His Conviction
>>15181623, >>15181987 Jake Sullivan's Wife Pressured to Recuse Herself from Durham Probe While Working for DOJ
>>15181631 What Really Happened in wuhan: Donald Trump Sharri Markson
>>15181650 "It's Lies Built on Top of Lies... All of These Tyrannical Measures are Nonsensical... We're Not in a Pandemic Emergency Anymore" - Dr. Naomi Wolf Destroys the Fauci Elites on Steve Bannon's War Room
>>15181764 Dr. Fauci: Americans Will "Just Have to Deal with" Yearly Booster Shots if They Become Necessary (VIDEO)
>>15181784 Pennsylvania Democrats Scared of Ongoing 2020 Election Audit in State - Crooked AG Is Freaking Out
>>15181790 With 1.7 Million Illegal Border Crossings This Past Fiscal Year - Where Did These People Go and Who Paid For It?
>>15181797 Vaccine mandates for workers met with mass protests in Australia
>>15181813 Four States Calling In National Guard To Alleviate Healthcare Staffing Crisis
>>15181820 Bishop stripped of powers after marrying satanic erotica writer
>>15181823 Peter Navarro Won't Comply With Dem COVID Subcommittee Subpoena
>>15181829 California Is Hiding $300 Billion A Year In Spending From The Public, Claims It's For The People's Own Good
>>15181837 BioNTech CEO replies to claims he refused vaccination
>>15181850 US threatening 6-figure fines for contributing to 'banned' sites, journalist tells RT
>>15181858 Privacy regulators investigate Scottish ministers' sex census for kids
>>15181866 Over 300 arrested on Gulf Coast, including 92 alleged gang members
>>15181890 Bill de Blasio: Without 'Tough' Vaccine Mandates, Shutdowns Could Be Back
>>15181894 https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/12/12/bill-de-blasio-without-tough-vaccine-mandates-shutdowns-could-be-back/
>>15181909 EU Members Agree to Import Nearly 40,000 Afghan Migrants, Over Half to Germany
>>15181937 New Zealand: Pfizer "Confidential Document" Concedes that There Is a Large Increase in Types of Adverse Event Reaction to Its Vaccine
>>15181957 OTF - The "Independent" Internet Freedom Organization that Makes All Your Favorite Privacy Apps - Is Staffed Full of Spies
>>15181998 The Senate Judiciary Committee approved bipartisan legislation designed to make U.S. court documents free to the general public.
>>15182021 PM warns of lockdown if immediate steps not taken to curb Omicron
>>15182031 Large share of federal COVID relief for safe school reopening diverted to non-pandemic uses: report
>>15182087 Gavin Newsom: Hey, Let's Do With Guns What Texas Did With Abortion
>>15182108 Stephen Miller Lays Out First Article of Impeachment Against Joe Biden and His Lawless Regime
>>15182124 Why Did Pfizer Refuse to Distribute the Vaccine in Countries Which Didn't Grant Indemnity?
>>15184142 #19206 posted in #19209
Previously Collected
>>15181414 #19205,
>>15178907 #19202, >>15179827 #19203, >>15180744 #19204
>>15176642 #19199, >>15177717 #19200, >>15178181 #19201
>>15174205 #19196, >>15175003 #19197, >>15175862 #19198
>>15171844 #19193, >>15173581 #19194, >>15173634 #19195
>>15169546 #19190, >>15170350 #19191, >>15171096 #19192
>>15167764 #19187, >>15168033 #19188, >>15168786 #19189
>>15164836 #19184, >>15165597 #19185, >>15166370 #19186
>>15163155 #19181, >>15163095 #19182, >>15164047 #19183
>>15162404 #19178, >>15162410 #19179, >>15162504 #19180
>>15158381 #19175, >>15158631 #19176, >>15162034 #19177
>>15155507 #19172, >>15156257 #19173, >>15157033 #19174
>>15153222 #19169, >>15154192 #19170, >>15154715 #19171
>>15150858 #19166, >>15151617 #19167, >>15152459 #19168
>>15148521 #19163, >>15149313 #19164, >>15150071 #19165
>>15146150 #19160, >>15146944 #19161, >>15148156 #19162
>>15144006 #19157, >>15144589 #19158, >>15145299 #19159
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10
#15185519 at 2021-12-13 12:38:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19210: Make it Great Again Edition
Wtf is a variant? An omicron? wuhan Lab?
None of this means anything except the world has just learned how the Pharma/Medical industry create fear and panic to justify the selling and ingestion of drugs and remedies for their made up schemes!
Where's Nancy and Shifty these days?
Loudmouths aren't so loud anymore!
#15185448 at 2021-12-13 12:03:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19210: Make it Great Again Edition
What is duh Kunnection?
#15184752 at 2021-12-13 04:45:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19210: Make it Great Again Edition
>>15181474, >>15181487, >>15181494, >>15181532, >>15181548, >>15181551, >>15181634 Chris Wallace mini bun
>>15181525 Repost Bohemian Grove Wikileaks Bohemian Grove List
>>15181586, >>15181761 THEY'RE SCARED: Fulton County Commissioner Robb Pitts Tells Auditors: 'Stay the Hell Out of Fulton County"
>>15181615 Jussie Smollett's Subway Tuna Sandwich Was The Key To His Conviction
>>15181623, >>15181987 Jake Sullivan's Wife Pressured to Recuse Herself from Durham Probe While Working for DOJ
>>15181631 What Really Happened in wuhan: Donald Trump Sharri Markson
>>15181650 "It's Lies Built on Top of Lies... All of These Tyrannical Measures are Nonsensical... We're Not in a Pandemic Emergency Anymore" - Dr. Naomi Wolf Destroys the Fauci Elites on Steve Bannon's War Room
>>15181764 Dr. Fauci: Americans Will "Just Have to Deal with" Yearly Booster Shots if They Become Necessary (VIDEO)
>>15181784 Pennsylvania Democrats Scared of Ongoing 2020 Election Audit in State - Crooked AG Is Freaking Out
>>15181790 With 1.7 Million Illegal Border Crossings This Past Fiscal Year - Where Did These People Go and Who Paid For It?
>>15181797 Vaccine mandates for workers met with mass protests in Australia
>>15181813 Four States Calling In National Guard To Alleviate Healthcare Staffing Crisis
>>15181820 Bishop stripped of powers after marrying satanic erotica writer
>>15181823 Peter Navarro Won't Comply With Dem COVID Subcommittee Subpoena
>>15181829 California Is Hiding $300 Billion A Year In Spending From The Public, Claims It's For The People's Own Good
>>15181837 BioNTech CEO replies to claims he refused vaccination
>>15181850 US threatening 6-figure fines for contributing to 'banned' sites, journalist tells RT
>>15181858 Privacy regulators investigate Scottish ministers' sex census for kids
>>15181866 Over 300 arrested on Gulf Coast, including 92 alleged gang members
>>15181890 Bill de Blasio: Without 'Tough' Vaccine Mandates, Shutdowns Could Be Back
>>15181894 https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/12/12/bill-de-blasio-without-tough-vaccine-mandates-shutdowns-could-be-back/
>>15181909 EU Members Agree to Import Nearly 40,000 Afghan Migrants, Over Half to Germany
>>15181937 New Zealand: Pfizer "Confidential Document" Concedes that There Is a Large Increase in Types of Adverse Event Reaction to Its Vaccine
>>15181957 OTF - The "Independent" Internet Freedom Organization that Makes All Your Favorite Privacy Apps - Is Staffed Full of Spies
>>15181998 The Senate Judiciary Committee approved bipartisan legislation designed to make U.S. court documents free to the general public.
>>15182021 PM warns of lockdown if immediate steps not taken to curb Omicron
>>15182031 Large share of federal COVID relief for safe school reopening diverted to non-pandemic uses: report
>>15182087 Gavin Newsom: Hey, Let's Do With Guns What Texas Did With Abortion
>>15182108 Stephen Miller Lays Out First Article of Impeachment Against Joe Biden and His Lawless Regime
>>15182124 Why Did Pfizer Refuse to Distribute the Vaccine in Countries Which Didn't Grant Indemnity?
>>15184142 #19206 posted in #19209
Previously Collected
>>15181414 #19205,
>>15178907 #19202, >>15179827 #19203, >>15180744 #19204
>>15176642 #19199, >>15177717 #19200, >>15178181 #19201
>>15174205 #19196, >>15175003 #19197, >>15175862 #19198
>>15171844 #19193, >>15173581 #19194, >>15173634 #19195
>>15169546 #19190, >>15170350 #19191, >>15171096 #19192
>>15167764 #19187, >>15168033 #19188, >>15168786 #19189
>>15164836 #19184, >>15165597 #19185, >>15166370 #19186
>>15163155 #19181, >>15163095 #19182, >>15164047 #19183
>>15162404 #19178, >>15162410 #19179, >>15162504 #19180
>>15158381 #19175, >>15158631 #19176, >>15162034 #19177
>>15155507 #19172, >>15156257 #19173, >>15157033 #19174
>>15153222 #19169, >>15154192 #19170, >>15154715 #19171
>>15150858 #19166, >>15151617 #19167, >>15152459 #19168
>>15148521 #19163, >>15149313 #19164, >>15150071 #19165
>>15146150 #19160, >>15146944 #19161, >>15148156 #19162
>>15144006 #19157, >>15144589 #19158, >>15145299 #19159
Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/
>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10
#15184355 at 2021-12-13 02:49:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19209: Ready, Set, MEME! Edition
>>15181634 Chris Wallace mockingbird
>>15181525 wikileaks redig assange mia
>>15181586, >>15181761 no Fulton County audit for you says robb (glen) coco
>>15181615 Jussie tuna ftw
>>15181631 What Really Happened in wuhan: Donald Trump Sharri Markson
>>15181650 "We're Not in a Pandemic Emergency Anymore" - Dr. Naomi Wolf Destroys the Fauci Elites on Steve Bannon's War Room
>>15181764 Dr. Fauci - is he not in jail yet
>>15181784 Pennsylvania Dem panic
>>15181790 This Last Fiscal Year 1.7 Million Illegal Border Crossings
>>15181797 Vaccine mandates mass protests in Australia
>>15181813 Four States NatGuard taking over lost jobs
>>15181823 Dem COVID Subcommittee investigating themselves
>>15181829 California Is Hiding $300 Billion (this time)
>>15181837 BioNTech CEO wont puff on their poison
>>15181850 US censoring internet sites
>>15181858 Privacy regulators investigate Scottish ministers' sex census for kids
>>15181866 Gulf Coast: 300+ arrested including 92 alleged gang members
>>15181890 Bill de Blasio jail?
>>15181894 breitbart de blasio provaccines
>>15181909 EU wants 40,000 more invaders
>>15181937 New Zealand: Pfizer knowingly
>>15181957 OTF =spies
>>15181998 The Senate Judiciary Committee - congress who
>>15182021 PM threatens
>>15182031 uncle rico
>>15182087 Gavin Newsom - jail
>>15182124 "Why Did Pfizer Refuse to Distribute" their poison
#15184142 at 2021-12-13 02:08:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19209: Ready, Set, MEME! Edition
#19206 Scrape
>>15181474, >>15181487, >>15181494, >>15181532, >>15181548, >>15181551, >>15181634 Chris Wallace mini bun
>>15181525 Repost Bohemian Grove Wikileaks Bohemian Grove List
>>15181586, >>15181761 THEY'RE SCARED: Fulton County Commissioner Robb Pitts Tells Auditors: 'Stay the Hell Out of Fulton County"
>>15181615 Jussie Smollett's Subway Tuna Sandwich Was The Key To His Conviction
>>15181623, >>15181987 Jake Sullivan's Wife Pressured to Recuse Herself from Durham Probe While Working for DOJ
>>15181631 What Really Happened in wuhan: Donald Trump Sharri Markson
>>15181650 "It's Lies Built on Top of Lies... All of These Tyrannical Measures are Nonsensical... We're Not in a Pandemic Emergency Anymore" - Dr. Naomi Wolf Destroys the Fauci Elites on Steve Bannon's War Room
>>15181764 Dr. Fauci: Americans Will "Just Have to Deal with" Yearly Booster Shots if They Become Necessary (VIDEO)
>>15181784 Pennsylvania Democrats Scared of Ongoing 2020 Election Audit in State - Crooked AG Is Freaking Out
>>15181790 With 1.7 Million Illegal Border Crossings This Past Fiscal Year - Where Did These People Go and Who Paid For It?
>>15181797 Vaccine mandates for workers met with mass protests in Australia
>>15181813 Four States Calling In National Guard To Alleviate Healthcare Staffing Crisis
>>15181820 Bishop stripped of powers after marrying satanic erotica writer
>>15181823 Peter Navarro Won't Comply With Dem COVID Subcommittee Subpoena
>>15181829 California Is Hiding $300 Billion A Year In Spending From The Public, Claims It's For The People's Own Good
>>15181837 BioNTech CEO replies to claims he refused vaccination
>>15181850 US threatening 6-figure fines for contributing to 'banned' sites, journalist tells RT
>>15181858 Privacy regulators investigate Scottish ministers' sex census for kids
>>15181866 Over 300 arrested on Gulf Coast, including 92 alleged gang members
>>15181890 Bill de Blasio: Without 'Tough' Vaccine Mandates, Shutdowns Could Be Back
>>15181894 https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/12/12/bill-de-blasio-without-tough-vaccine-mandates-shutdowns-could-be-back/
>>15181909 EU Members Agree to Import Nearly 40,000 Afghan Migrants, Over Half to Germany
>>15181937 New Zealand: Pfizer "Confidential Document" Concedes that There Is a Large Increase in Types of Adverse Event Reaction to Its Vaccine
>>15181957 OTF - The "Independent" Internet Freedom Organization that Makes All Your Favorite Privacy Apps - Is Staffed Full of Spies
>>15181998 The Senate Judiciary Committee approved bipartisan legislation designed to make U.S. court documents free to the general public.
>>15182021 PM warns of lockdown if immediate steps not taken to curb Omicron
>>15182031 Large share of federal COVID relief for safe school reopening diverted to non-pandemic uses: report
>>15182087 Gavin Newsom: Hey, Let's Do With Guns What Texas Did With Abortion
>>15182108 Stephen Miller Lays Out First Article of Impeachment Against Joe Biden and His Lawless Regime
>>15182124 Why Did Pfizer Refuse to Distribute the Vaccine in Countries Which Didn't Grant Indemnity?
#15183261 at 2021-12-12 23:03:21 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19208: Ebork Edition
China Creates "Humanized Pigs" To Be Used In COVID Research
In the years before COVID, the most visible testament to how far Beijing was willing to push its scientists past the bounds of what the international community deemed "acceptable" was its gene-editing prowess. A few years ago, one Chinese scientist shocked the world, and even wound up imprisoned in his home country for making the CCP look bad, when he unveiled the world's first gene-edited human babies. The twin girls had their genetic material altered in utero to make them immune to their father's HIV infection.
We're surprised that doesn't come up more during discussions about Beijing's rogue scientific endeavors - discussions that have become all the more common since COVID first burst out of wuhan two years ago.
Nobody knows where those gene-edited girls are now (the Chinese government won't say), but Beijing has apparently found a new project for its best gene scientists: the country's largest research institution has reportedly developed mutant "humanoid pigs" that are susceptible to the human strain of the coronavirus using the world's premier gene editing technology.
Once developed, the pigs will be used as test subjects as scientists test new remedies being developed to fight COVID. Though on this the Global Times, one of Beijing's many state-controlled newspapers, didn't go into much detail.
A study published in August showed the researchers at the Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences explained how the scientists used CRISPR, a gene-editing tool, to remove the genetic protections that allow the pigs to reduce the human virus. The project clearly has the full backing of the CCP: the CAS research institution is the world's largest organization of its kind and a formal arm of the Chinese government.
Why pigs? The Global Times, a mouthpiece for the Chinese government, actually has a pretty cogent explanation.
The existing cell lines and animal models on guinea pigs and some primates used for simulation of COVID-19 infection cannot capture the key characteristics of human physiology and therefore limit the accuracy of test on efficacy of vaccines and drugs.
We suppose they're as good a host as any farm animal. They might even kill two birds with one stone if the unused pigs can then be eaten during the next outbreak of Pig Ebola.
#15181631 at 2021-12-12 16:52:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19206: Like A Freight Train Edition
What Really Happened in wuhan: Donald Trump
The Australian
Dec 13, 2021
Sharri Markson has a frank and freewheeling conversation with the former US president in his first Australian sit-down interview on China's "gross incompetence" and the mysteries still unsolved.
"There were body bags outside of the lab. And people were saying there are a lot of people lying down on the streets of wuhan and there were body bags ... you're going to have to figure that out and you probably will be able to do it, knowing you."
Go to theaustralian.com.au/wuhan for more on What Really Happened In wuhan.
#15176877 at 2021-12-11 18:04:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19200: Quad State Tornado Edition
Fears New Austrian Law Could Be Used to Imprison Unvaccinated for Up to a Year
A member of the populist Austrian Freedom Party (FP?) has expressed concern that amendments to a law on administrative enforcement could be used to imprison unvaccinated people for as long as a year.
Susanne F?rst of the FP? fears that an amendment to the Administrative Enforcement Act could be used to enforce the proposed mandatory coronavirus vaccination policy against the unvaccinated.
The new amendment would raise fines from ?726 (?617/$818) to ?2,000 (?1,701/$2,255) and would also increase prison time for refuseniks from just four weeks to up to a year in prison.
Those jailed may also be ordered to pay for their own imprisonment under the new amendment, which states: "If detention is carried out by the courts, the associated costs shall be recovered by the courts from the obligated party in accordance with the provisions existing for the recovery of the costs of enforcing judicial penalties."
While the amendment makes no specific mention of the wuhan virus or the mandatory vaccine policy, Ms F?rst expressed concern that it would be used on those who do not take the vaccine and said such a policy should be ruled out.
Constitutional Minister Caroline Edtstadler, meanwhile, stated that there was a political consensus on the issue and that while the government desired to persuade people to take the vaccine, the possibility of punishment must exist to preserve the credibility of the legal system.
Despite Ms F?rst's protest, the motion to amend the Administrative Enforcement Act was passed by all parties except the FP?, who voted against it.
Since Austria announced it would be ordering citizens to take coronavirus vaccines last month, there have been varying reports on how much violators would be fined or how long they could be imprisoned, with media reporting penalties of up to ?7,200 (?6,136/$8,142) were possible.
A poll released last week revealed that 55 per cent of Austrians support the vaccine mandate policy, while 40 per cent were opposed.
#15174583 at 2021-12-11 05:33:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19197: Anons Own the Night Edition
How many nursing home deaths are being blames on the wuhan flu? How many deaths are being blamed on a weather event? Sounds like a cover up
#15172427 at 2021-12-10 22:00:18 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19194: Kekistani in The Kitchen, Shills Still Bitchin' Edition
Fauci is like The Godfather for scientific publications and for bestowing grant money to scientists around America, and even in wuhan. If he doesn't want something published in the literature he probably makes it clear to the chief editors for key journals. If they fail to listen to "Tony" he cuts their throats.
#15171424 at 2021-12-10 18:53:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19193: Day 10 Ghislaine Trial II Edition
New Research Finds That Covid Vaccine-Resistant Mutations Strongly Correlate with Vaccination Rates
A study published on Tuesday demonstrated that vaccine-breakthrough or antibody-resistant mutations provide a new mechanism of viral evolution. The study was conducted by three researchers from the Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University: Rui Wang, Jiahui Chen and Professor Dr. Guo-Wei Wei.
"By tracking the evolutionary trajectories of vaD-resistant mutations in more than 2.2 million SARS-CoV-2 genomes, we reveal that the occurrence and frequency of vax-resistant mutations correlate strongly with the vaccination rates in Europe and America," the study's authors wrote.
"We anticipate ... vaccine-breakthrough or antibody-resistant mutations, like those in Omicron, will become a dominating mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 evolution when most of the world's population is either vaccinated or infected."
The study makes specific reference to a vaccine-resistant mutation in the spike protein receptor-binding domain. It found that the mutations reduced infectivity but can disrupt existing antibodies that neutralise the virus.
Link to study: Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 Evolution Revealing Vaccine-Resistant Mutations in Europe and America, Rui Wang, Jiahui Chen, and Guo-Wei Wei, 7 December 2021
The New Study Confirms Previous Research About the Delta Variant
In September, Natural News reported: "New research out of Japan suggests that the dreaded "Delta variant" may soon become completely "resistant" to wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines."
"Experts found that the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant is already "poised to acquire complete resistance" to all existing jabs for the Chinese Virus. Truth be told, the jabs are responsible for spreading the Delta variant in the first place.
"A number of experts have raised concerns that Covid-19 jabs and the mass vaccination program could worsen the pandemic by triggering the development of new variants, via a concept known as antigenic, or immune, escape.
"Another study found that the injections are, in fact, driving the continued spread of Chinese Germs, keeping the plandemic alive and well when it otherwise would have been long over by now.
"Antibody-dependent enhancement ("ADE") is taking place inside the bodies of the 'fully vaccinated,' causing them to become walking mutators and spike protein factories that put everyone around them at risk of infection."
Dr. Richard Fleming explains this phenomenon further on his website: "If [] your immunity is dependent upon being vaccinated to a specific version (variant) of the spike protein, then the T-cell and B-cell (antibody) response will recognize that version (variant) of SARS-CoV-2. That version (variant) of the virus will undoubtedly be successfully attacked, while the other versions (e.g., the Delta variant), most likely will not. These other variants will survive to infect you and others as you share the infection."
Another, Smaller Study, Measuring T-Cell Memory
One of our readers posted, as a comment, highlights of a study they had recently read. We have taken the liberty to share our reader's comment below.
Start of reader's comment.
Here's a very small study from St. Judes that measures the CD8 T-cell (not just antibodies, but the longer-term T-cell memory) immunity for Spike, RBD, and Nucleocapsid.
Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 Evolution Revealing Vaccine-Resistant Mutations in Europe and America
#15171254 at 2021-12-10 18:17:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19193: Day 10 Ghislaine Trial II Edition
COVID Investigator Funded By Chinese Communist Party Removed From WHO Team Following National Pulse Expos?.
Marion Koopmans - who served on the World Health Organization's first COVID-19 origins investigation team - appears to have been removed from the body's new "effort" to trace the source of the virus following the National Pulse revealing her long-standing ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
Koopmans appears to have suffered a similar fate to fellow World Health Organization (WHO) Peter Daszak - an American researcher whose wuhan Institute of Virology collaborations were funded by Anthony Fauci.
In the initial October announcement of the WHO's newfound Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens (SAGO), Koopmans was listed as one of 28 members. SAGO's updated member list, however, fails to include Koopmans as a contributor to the effort to allegedly uncover the origins of COVID-19.
Dr. Hume Field, a Science & Policy Advisor to Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance, lamented what appears to be Koopmans's removal from the committee on Twitter.
#15170891 at 2021-12-10 17:08:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19192: Day 10 Ghislaine Trial Edition
I was ketching a bug down at a place called the rug with a girl named wuhan Flu.
#15163800 at 2021-12-09 14:49:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19183: E-Bake Evergrande Default Edition
Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli Ran Coronavirus Research in wuhan After US Project Was Shut Down by DHS in 2014 for Being Too Risky - PRIOR LEAK KILLED RESEARCHER
#15159811 at 2021-12-08 21:15:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19178: Ebake Edition
>Bayer and BioNTech Join Forces to Develop Innovative New mRNA Vaccines and Therapeutics for Animal Health Applications
>News provided by
>BioNTech AG
>May 10, 2016, 05:18 ET
NIH admits US funded gain-of-function in wuhan - despite Fauci's denials
By Emily Crane
October 21, 2021 1:43pm Updated
Fauci's NIAID reportedly funded research that infected, euthanized dogs
By Emily Crane
August 12, 2021 4:28pm Updated
#15155272 at 2021-12-08 02:30:59 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19171: Federal Nationwide Injunction ALL Biden Vaccine mandates Halted Edition
Judicial Watch: New Fauci Agency COVID Records Reveal Information about NIH Research into the Coronavirus
Judicial Watch announced today that it received 221 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which include a grant application for research involving the coronavirus that was submitted in 2018. The grant application appears to describe "gain of function" research involving RNA extractions from bats, experiments on viruses, attempts to develop a chimeric virus and efforts to genetically manipulate the full-length bat SARSr-CoV WIV1 strain molecular clone.
The documents were obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for records of communications, contracts and agreements with the wuhan Institute of Virology. The lawsuit specifically requests records about National Institute of Health (NIH) grants that benefitted the wuhan Institute of Virology.
On January 27, 2020, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) official David Morens emailed Chief of Staff Greg Folkers in a heavily redacted thread, writing:
[S]ome background on our support of the Ecohealth group (Peter Daszak et al), which has for years been among the biggest players in coronavirus work, also in collaboration with Ralph Baric, Ian Lipkin and others. [Redacted].
NIAID has been funding Peter's group for coronavirus work in China for the past 5 years through [grant] R011R01A|110964: "Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence." That's now been renewed, with a specific focus to identify cohorts of people highly exposed to bats in China, and work out if they're getting sick from CoVs.... Collaborators include wuhan Institute of Virology (currently working on the nCoV) and Ralph Baric. The results of the work to date
Discovered Swine Acute Diarrheal Syndrome Virus (SADS-CoV) killing >25,000 pigs in Guangdong Province (Published in Nature)
Found SARS-related CoVs that can bind to human cells (Published in Nature), and that cause SARS-like disease in humanized mouse models.
Also, prior to the above R01, Peter's folks worked under an R01 with Eun-Park as Program Officer on viral discovery in bats, and originally identified SARS-CoV as having a likely origin in bats (published in Science).
Folkers forwards the message to Anthony Fauci and others.
In a "Notice of Award" dated July 13, 2020, the NIH increased the amount of NIH money going to Peter Daszak's firm, EcoHealth Alliance, by $369,819 with a project period that runs from June 1, 2014, through June 30, 2025, for Daszak's project "Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence."
EcoHealth was to receive $637,980 in each of the years 2019 through 2024 under the grant.
#15152944 at 2021-12-07 18:55:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19169: Day 7 Ghislaine Trial II Edition
All y'all need to read this:
NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information
Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G
Beverly Rubik and Robert R. Brown
Published online: September 29, 2021
Background and Aim:
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) public health policy has focused on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus and its effects on human health while environmental factors have been largely ignored. In considering the epidemiological triad (agent-host-environment) applicable to all disease, we investigated a possible environmental factor in the COVID-19 pandemic: ambient radiofrequency radiation from wireless communication systems including microwaves and millimeter waves. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic, surfaced in wuhan, China shortly after the implementation of city-wide (fifth generation [5G] of wireless communications radiation [WCR]), and rapidly spread globally, initially demonstrating a statistical correlation to international communities with recently established 5G networks. In this study, we examined the peer-reviewed scientific literature on the detrimental bioeffects of WCR and identified several mechanisms by which WCR may have contributed to the COVID-19 pandemic as a toxic environmental cofactor. By crossing boundaries between the disciplines of biophysics and pathophysiology, we present evidence that WCR may: (1) cause morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that can contribute to hypercoagulation; (2) impair microcirculation and reduce erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplify immune system dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increase cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals resulting in vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increase intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsen heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders.
Relevance for Patients:
In short, WCR has become a ubiquitous environmental stressor that we propose may have contributed to adverse health outcomes of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and increased the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we recommend that all people, particularly those suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, reduce their exposure to WCR as much as reasonably achievable until further research better clarifies the systemic health effects associated with chronic WCR exposure.
#15152001 at 2021-12-07 16:12:36 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19168: Day 7 Ghislaine Trial Edition
Sissy faggots like yourself don't belong here. Of course Covid exists! Faucci created in his wuhan Lab! He then let it out, purposely. He even said so in 2019!
Just watch this!
#15149651 at 2021-12-07 04:00:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19165: PANIC Peter Strzok's Wife SEC: Investigates Trump’s Media Company Edition
-COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human
blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.
-Current treatment protocols (e.g. invasive ventilation) are actively harmful to patients,
accelerating oxidative stress and causing severe VILI (ventilator-induced lung injuries). The
continued use of ventilators in the absence of any proven medical beneft constitutes mass
-Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and
potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater.
-Various non-vaccine interventions have been suppressed by both the media and the
medical establishment in favor of vaccines and expensive patented drugs.
-The authorities have denied the usefulness of natural immunity against COVID-19, despite
the fact that natural immunity confers protection against all of the virus's proteins, and not
just one.
-Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on,
SARS-CoV- 2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent
enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them
infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the
evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal.
-There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and
Moderna to the wuhan Institute of Virology.
-COVID-19 vaccine researchers are directly linked to scientists involved in brain-computer
interface ("neural lace") tech, one of whom was indicted for taking grant money from China.
-Independent researchers have discovered mysterious nanoparticles inside the vaccines
that are not supposed to be present.
-The entire pandemic is being used as an excuse for a vast political and economic
transformation of Western society that will enrich the already rich and turn the rest of us into
serfs and untouchables.
#15146867 at 2021-12-06 19:32:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19161: Day 1 Ghislaine Trial On Hold II Edition
Re: Trump SPAC DWAC Truth Social.
"I wonder what they will find out about it being run by the CEO of China Yunhong Holdings Ltd. which has an address in……….
What 6D chess is Trump playing here?
#15146059 at 2021-12-06 16:50:13 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19160: Day 1 Ghislaine Trial On Hold Edition
At the onset of the pandemic, the head of the Fauci-funded Galveston Lab - which happens to be where wuhan scientists had been trained - emailed the wuhan lab about his concerns that Covid emerged from their lab.
New from @themarketswork and myself.
#15144765 at 2021-12-06 11:06:46 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19159: "You can shove your vaccine mandates up your ARSE" song Edition
Getting answers From China on its 'Disappeared Dissidents;' Is China in Economic Crisis?
Citizen journalist Zhang Zhan has been jailed since May 2020 after filming and reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic from wuhan. Chinese human-rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, who has long defended activists and the civil rights of religious minorities, has been "disappeared" since 2017.
What point of leverage could the world use to compel the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to free or "undisappear" such people? What might compel the CCP to let international tennis star Peng Shuai speak freely about her recent accusations of sexual assault involved a high level retired CCP official?
Pulling off a successful Winter Olympics is a crucial component in ensuring the endurance and prominence of the CCP, and in Xi Jinping's aspirations for re-election next year. However, increasing global scrutiny of the CCP's exploitation of women and broader human rights violations could be a spanner in the works for the party's 2022 Olympic ambitions.
What are the signs that a faltering Chinese economy that could also disrupt the success of this rapidly approaching global event?
#15143162 at 2021-12-06 01:55:42 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19157: Early Nightshift Edition
Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G
J Clin Transl Res. 2021 Oct 26; 7(5): 666-681.
Published online 2021 Sep 29.
PMCID: PMC8580522
PMID: 34778597
Background and Aim:
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) public health policy has focused on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus and its effects on human health while environmental factors have been largely ignored. In considering the epidemiological triad (agent-host-environment) applicable to all disease, we investigated a possible environmental factor in the COVID-19 pandemic: ambient radiofrequency radiation from wireless communication systems including microwaves and millimeter waves. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic, surfaced in wuhan, China shortly after the implementation of city-wide (fifth generation [5G] of wireless communications radiation [WCR]), and rapidly spread globally, initially demonstrating a statistical correlation to international communities with recently established 5G networks. In this study, we examined the peer-reviewed scientific literature on the detrimental bioeffects of WCR and identified several mechanisms by which WCR may have contributed to the COVID-19 pandemic as a toxic environmental cofactor. By crossing boundaries between the disciplines of biophysics and pathophysiology, we present evidence that WCR may: (1) cause morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that can contribute to hypercoagulation; (2) impair microcirculation and reduce erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplify immune system dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increase cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals resulting in vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increase intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsen heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders.
Relevance for Patients:
In short, WCR has become a ubiquitous environmental stressor that we propose may have contributed to adverse health outcomes of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 and increased the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we recommend that all people, particularly those suffering from SARS-CoV-2 infection, reduce their exposure to WCR as much as reasonably achievable until further research better clarifies the systemic health effects associated with chronic WCR exposure.
#15142850 at 2021-12-06 01:00:10 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19156: Better Late Than Never Edition
>Anon asked last bread about vaccine injury and what could be done. I found this..
I also found this
Ozone treatments REVERSE blood cell clotting, lumping caused by covid vaccines - striking visual evidence
One of the biggest problems observed so far with regard to wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines" is the fact that they cause severe blood clotting and "lumping" in some people. The good news is that there is a way to fight this cardiovascular damage using ozone therapy.
Dr. Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D., published an article recently at the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service (OMNS) explaining how ozone treatments are able to "cancel the spike protein" introduced by the jabs. The visual evidence he presents - see below - is truly stunning:
As you will see in the top image, the patient's blood cells are all clotted together due to having been poisoned by Fauci Flu shots. The second image, comparatively, shows those same blood cells adjusted back to their normal state following treatment. Both images are of blood cells analyzed from a 62-year-old woman who got injected.
Now, take a look at the following two images of blood cells from another patient. In this case, a young man received a wuhan Flu jab and 15 days later developed what is shown in the first image: serious blood clotting even more disturbing than the images above. After receiving ozone therapy, his blood cells normalized to become what is depicted in the second image:
"Under conditions of inflammation and systemically increased oxidative stress, RBCs (red blood cells) can aggregate to varying degrees, sometimes sticking together like stacks of coins with branching of the stacks seen when the stickiness is maximal," Levy writes.
"This is known as the rouleaux formation of the RBCs. When this rouleaux formation is pronounced, increased blood viscosity (thickness) is seen, and there is increased resistance to the normal, unimpeded flow of blood, especially in the microcirculation."
Protect your health with high-dose vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide nebulization, ivermectin and more
Recognizing that Chinese Virus injections are loaded with spike proteins that cause this, getting jabbed is hardly the "safe and effective" approach to preventing infection that the government and media claim it is.
Worse yet, these spike proteins are capable of replicating and spreading themselves, which makes them a worsening threat over time. High-dose vitamin C, a favorite of orthomolecular medicine, is one intervention that can help fight these spike proteins. Ozone therapy is another.
"... this toxicity also allows it to be effectively targeted by high enough doses of the ultimate antitoxin, vitamin C, as discussed above," Levy writes.
"And even the continued production of spike protein can be neutralized by a daily multi-gram dosing of vitamin C, which is an excellent way to support optimal long-term health, anyway."
Ozonated saline and/or ozone autohemotherapy infusions are another "excellent" way to combat spike proteins, Levy says.
#15142471 at 2021-12-05 23:52:34 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19156: Better Late Than Never Edition
The Chairman of two departments at Harvard University Charles Lieber, PhD was handcuffed in his Harvard lab in connection with two CHN nationals, that Charles Lieber PhD is going on trial this month, and anons will be watching.
>Former Harvard Chemistry and Chemical Biology department chairman Charles M. Lieber PhD will head to trial this December to fight six felony charges brought against him by federal prosecutors.
Charles Lieber PhD, is the world's acknowledged preeminent researcher in the field of synthetic biology/nanotech.
The art of adding new component parts and capabilities to cells is called "function gain."
Lieber's connection to the wuhan University where covid 19 is alleged to have been born + his arrested with two Chinese to appear to be spooks, one of whom was carrying biological samples – circumstance have led many to concluded Lieber is a dirt bag with a doctorate. .
>Last month, Lieber filed a motion to suppress statements he made during a January 2020 interrogation at Harvard University Police Department headquarters following his arrest. Lieber alleged that federal agents "ignored the invocation of his right to an attorney by proceeding with the questioning after he requested an attorney."
IF Charles Lieber PhD had watched more TV he would have known better that to try to smooth dawg cops without an attorney.
One episode of Law and Order would have clued him…Check this:
>U.S. District Judge Rya W. Zobel, however, sided with the government, ruling that Lieber saying "I guess I think probably I should have ah, an attorney" was not "sufficiently unambiguous to constitute an invocation of his right to counsel."
"Not sufficiently unambiguous," anons. One episode of Law and Order (PP) and Lieber would have known; slam the desk and say, "Won't say a fucking thing until I see my handler. I mean lawyer"
Law and Order PP is not currently airing. (PP is Pedovore Patrol)
Charles Lieber is a BFD in biology, sauce:
>In March, 41 professors at American universities - including seven Nobel laureates - penned a letter arguing against the federal government's prosecution of Lieber.
Not enough drama?
>Lieber has also been battling an advanced form of lymphoma, and his attorneys have pushed for an expedient trial for the opportunity to clear his name.
The world's greatest expert in function gain, a plausible suspected mega criminal, and traitorous, treasonous evil dirtbag doc, may leave the jurisdiction at anytime.
He will then face a judgment where no facts are disputed. Good luck to all players at the Mercy Throne.
>The final pretrial conference in the case is scheduled for Dec. 8, with a jury trial beginning Dec. 14.
He is stuck with his own legal bills. For a plausible traitor those will be substantial.
>Separate from his criminal trial, Lieber continues to pursue a civil suit against Harvard, alleging the University broke its contract by refusing to reimburse his criminal defense fees.
Hah hah, they're dirtbags too
>University officials have previously argued that Lieber's conduct - which they say led Harvard to submit false statements to the government - falls within exclusions in the indemnification policy.
Excellent reporting by the still honest student journos at the Harvard Crimson. Stay with it,Crimsonanons are watching!
CORRECTION: November 2, 2021
A previous version of this article misstated the nature of Lieber's illness. In fact, he has an advanced form of lymphoma.
#15142333 at 2021-12-05 23:11:15 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19156: Better Late Than Never Edition
>>15138197 (PB)
This notable is 'false. Lieber was never "charged with treason," in fact the charges against him are pretty wimpy, and anons have speculated more serious charges - like treason - might be forthcoming.
Patrick Byrne also so speculated and the wishful speculation was reported as fact by the Daily Planet which joins the long list of careless low effort paytriot sources.
Writing clickbait headlines is a tried and true marketing deception, and if we don't want that in our future, we must not do it now.
Our current actions help shape our future outcomes.
>Tax offenses for failing to report income he received from wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in wuhan, China.
> indicted by a federal grand jury on two counts of making false statements and will be arraigned in federal court in Boston at a later date. Lieber was arrested on Jan. 28, 2020, and charged by criminal complaint.
#15142144 at 2021-12-05 22:23:23 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19155: Milley Heard it Loud & Clear Edition
NIH Director Collins: 'Possible' Omicron Will Not Be Last Emerging Variant of Pandemic
The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Francis Collins said Sunday on "Meet the Press" that it was "certainly possible" that the Omicron variant will not be the last COVID-19 variant of the pandemic.
Anchor Chuck Todd said, "It seems that a lot of scientists seem to be surprised how much this virus has mutated or how fast this virus is mutating. So I guess we're to your sense of where we are headed? Look, I know we need to be vaccinated more around the world, but realistically we should we expect essentially a new dominant variant in every six months? We got Delta before that. I mean, are we in that kind of pattern here?"
Collins responded, "It's certainly possible that this is not the last emerging variant that will attract a lot of attention and a lot of concern. This one does have the largest number of mutations that we've seen so far. Omicron with about 50 mutations compared to the original wuhan virus. It looks as if they probably arose in an immunocompromised individual - this is a hypothesis, but it seems plausible - who wasn't able to completely fight of the virus. So it remained in the system may be for months in that person until they finally got over it. And that is, of course, a perfect situation for the virus to be able to pick up additional mutations along the way. To the extent that that's going to keep happening, if we don't have adequate immune protection across the globe - yeah, we're probably going to see something. We'll have to use some of the other letters in the Greek alphabet."
#15140726 at 2021-12-05 17:25:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19154: Bake To The Future Edition
ANOTHER FALSE FLAG? A Group No One Has Ever Heard Of Marches In DC...Left Calls Them "Right-Wingers"...Conservatives Ask If They're Another False Flag?
100 Percent Fed Up - Poll numbers for "81 million votes" getters, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, are in the toilet.
Kamala's inner circle has abandoned her faster than rats jumping from a sinking ship.
Americans no longer trust our intelligence agencies, especially after the January 6th incident where people like former Oath Keepers AZ Chapter President Ray Epps, who spent two days calling on Trump supporters to join him at the Capitol instead of at the Elipse, briefly appeared on the FBI's Most Wanted list only to disappear once a sufficient number of primarily Trump-supporting Americans were arrested for their role in an armless "insurrection."
Americans who were paid a king's ransom to stay home during the wuhan pandemic refuse to go back to work, small businesses collapse, China and Russia are on the march, fuel and food prices skyrocket, and the number of Democrat lawmakers who've announced their retirement before the 2022 election stands at an astounding 19, as of today. And with an Omicron variant doctor in South Africa that Democrats and Dr. Evil were hoping to pump up to crisis levels turning out to be a variant with "very, very mild symptoms"...the Deep State needs something has to happen to distract the American public.
So, tonight, a group of masked men, who no one has ever heard of, headed to Washington DC. They marched to the Lincoln Memorial and then almost as quickly as they came, they marched back to the UHaul trucks that brought them to the event.
The Left immediately made up stories about the group and their ties to "right-wing" extremists and "white supremacy."
The only problem is...no one on the right has ever heard of these guys. Conservatives, however, seem to think they have a pretty good idea about where this new group came from.
Disclose TV reported on the group. Ryan Hunsader responded with a hilarious GIF.
#15138084 at 2021-12-05 03:33:52 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19151: Watching & Waiting & Winning With Words Edition
Imagine if the nanochips in the vax can be activated, they could decimate our national defense in a matter of minutes.
All the soldiers being forced to take the vax.
The Trojan horse 2.0
Pearl Harbor 2.0
Harvard professor Charles Lieber (worlds leading nano tech scientist) arrested after working at the wuhan lab.
#15133664 at 2021-12-04 14:32:27 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19145: The ship beneath you is not a toy and sailing is not a game Edition
Thank You Col. Allan West for bringing up the therapeutics in combating the china engineered, CDC/NIAID/Fauci funded wuhan China Virus.
All this fucking clamor over the vaccine. VACCINE!!! VACCINE!!! GET THE VACCINE!!!!! DO YOUR PART!!! WE CAN DO THIS, TOGETHER!!!! VACCINE!!!! VACCINE!!! GET IT!!!! GET IT!!!!! Mind numbing, repetitive propaganda, over and over and over. kek Ain't working.
Thank you Col. West.
#15130753 at 2021-12-04 00:47:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19141: Smoke on the horizon
>Where there is smoke there is ...
maybe notable…..with sauce
where is obama? NIH? wuhan?
is he overseeing the development of chinese viurs?
#15128882 at 2021-12-03 18:41:30 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19139: Ghislaine Trial Eyes On @innerCityPress Day 5 II Edition
#15128853 at 2021-12-03 18:35:57 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19139: Ghislaine Trial Eyes On @innerCityPress Day 5 II Edition
>Fauci refers to the original virus as the "wuhan strain"
#15128840 at 2021-12-03 18:34:04 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19139: Ghislaine Trial Eyes On @innerCityPress Day 5 II Edition
WATCH: Dr. Fauci refers to the original virus as the "wuhan strain"
#15128694 at 2021-12-03 18:06:50 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19139: Ghislaine Trial Eyes On @innerCityPress Day 5 II Edition
Lawrence Sellin: Evidence Indicates COVID-19 is a Designed Bioweapon with a Toxic Structure that MAY BE REPLICATED IN VACCINES
Evidence indicating COVID-19 is a designed bioweapon with a toxic structure that may be replicated in vaccines
A previous Gateway Pundit article identified two "smoking guns" supporting the conclusion that COVID-19 was created in a laboratory.
First, a de facto scientific recipe for the laboratory creation of COVID-19 was described in the 2018 research grant application to the U.S. Department of Defense's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) submitted by scientists who directly collaborated with the "bat woman" Zheng-Li Shi of the wuhan Institute of Virology.
The research proposal explicitly states that bat coronaviruses, collected in southern China by the wuhan Institute of Virology, would be isolated and genetically sequenced, particularly the spike proteins, which are the binding elements initiating infection.
It was further proposed that spike proteins demonstrating "high risk" for human infection would be artificially combined with other bat coronavirus "backbones," creating entirely new and potentially dangerous coronaviruses.
The second smoking gun in the DARPA grant application was the artificial insertion of furin polybasic cleavage sites, short sequences of amino acids e.g. proline-arginine-arginine-alanine or PRRA, long-known to increase infectivity and lethality of coronaviruses.
#15127596 at 2021-12-03 15:06:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19137: Every Last Secret. Big news soon. Watch the Resignations. Edition
71adf1 JUDE
>Virus manufactured in wuhan bioweapons lab
As befits a kike, you lie when you open your mouth!
#15127417 at 2021-12-03 14:34:24 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19137: Every Last Secret. Big news soon. Watch the Resignations. Edition
Nice try China.
Virus manufactured in wuhan bioweapons lab
#15126962 at 2021-12-03 12:20:20 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19137: Every Last Secret. Big news soon. Watch the Resignations. Edition
>>15123335 Drop #133 Epstein island
>>15123580 Maxwell full court transcripts
>>15123293 Day 4 Maxwell trial: Epstein Photos With Pope and Fidel Raised Along With Dildos By Palm Beach House Manager
>>15123445 Jeffrey Epstein's former housekeeper claims Ghislaine Maxwell was 'lady of the house'
>>15123088 EU chief Ursula Van Der Leyen calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code
>>15123095 Steve Bannon appears to be using his criminal case to go after the committee that went after him
>>15123149 It Was The Gun That Killed Her, Not Me Baldwin
>>15123167 Top kek which of you faggots did this? QR codes (0:26)
>>15123175 Hey Aussie Gov - busy week
>>15123181, >>15123248, >>15123279, >>15123294 U.S. Naval Institute @NavalInstitute Today is #NationalMuttDay. It is unclear if this pup on the hospital ship USS Comfort in 1918
>>15123194 Cult Agent 007.2 "Ben Santer" with University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit Scientific Fraud Fabrication Unit
>>15123193, >>15123273 "We have a group of people that are destroying our Country and, perhaps, knowingly destroying our Country." - Donald Trump, Fox & Friends 12/02/2021
>>15123269, >>15123333, >>15123444, >>15123353, >>15123356, >>15123367, >>15123368, >>15123390, >>15123401, >>15123403, >>15123415, >>15123423, >>15123431, >>15123438, >>15123480, >>15123715, >>15123464, >>15123478, >>15123480, >>15123495, >>15123516, >>15123527, >>15123660 New York Times Complains That Cat Videos Are Being Used To Spread "Misinformation"
>>15123283, >>15123378, >>15123328 Pelosi Suffers Extreme 54-Second Cognitive Failure on Live TV (Cap 0:53)
>>15123287, >>15123332, >>15123376, >>15123443, >>15123504 U.S. Marines @USMC #Marines with the @11thmeu practice riot control drills on the flight deck of the @USNavy's USS Pearl Harbor, Nov. 29.
>>15123290 Cuomo Faces Federal Investigation Over Sexual Harassment Claims
>>15123320 Fifteen states are threatening to pull a combined $600 billion from banks
>>15123626 Panamanian Intermediary Pleads Guilty for His Role in an International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme
>>15123633 Former CEO Of Real Estate Private Equity Investment Firm Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For $58 Million Securities Fraud
>>15123642 Federal Jury Convicts Pharmacy Owner Of Conspiracy, Mail Fraud, And Misbranding For Role In Multi-Million Dollar Telemedicine Pharmacy Fraud Scheme
>>15123654 11 Defendants Indicted for Trafficking Cocaine in Northeastern Oklahoma
>>15123370 John Eastman's Lawyers Just Destroyed the Jan 6 Committee and Its 'Subpoenas'.
>>15123395 Chicago Public Schools announced new rules, removing gendered bathrooms (1:23)
>>15123410, >>15123470, >>15123540 17 bold Wreaths National Christmas Tree Lighting
>>15123565 DEVELOPING: House Passes Stopgap Bill in 221-212 Vote to Avert Government Shutdown - Bill Heads to Senate
>>15123520 Hundreds of Google employees push back on Covid-19 vaccine mandate
>>15123602 Brisbane man jailed and seven children rescued following international investigation into child abuse
>>15123662 Watch Falcon 9 launch 48 Starlink satellites and two BlackSky spacecraft to orbit
>>15123668 Meet Vineeta Agarwala, adjunct clinical professor and wife of new Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal
>>15123692 PEDO BUN 2 December 21
>>15123693 PF Report "JET2" registered one Sweden out of Stockholm
>>15123714 QClock December 2, 2021 [187] As The World Turns
>>15123647 Time-lapse I made of the genomic epidemiology of SARS-COV-2 since the first wuhan strain
>>15123740, >>15123772 Heading into the Storm....
>>15123751, >>15123767, >>15123777 Just heard Trump is upping his security detail
>>15123774 NYPD's top cop Dermot Shea and second in command file for retirement
>>15123815 #19132
#15126185 at 2021-12-03 06:12:53 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19136: Targeted EXECUTION, Perhaps [Knowingly] Edition
>>15123335 Drop #133 Epstein island
>>15123580 Maxwell full court transcripts
>>15123293 Day 4 Maxwell trial: Epstein Photos With Pope and Fidel Raised Along With Dildos By Palm Beach House Manager
>>15123445 Jeffrey Epstein's former housekeeper claims Ghislaine Maxwell was 'lady of the house'
>>15123088 EU chief Ursula Van Der Leyen calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code
>>15123095 Steve Bannon appears to be using his criminal case to go after the committee that went after him
>>15123149 It Was The Gun That Killed Her, Not Me Baldwin
>>15123167 Top kek which of you faggots did this? QR codes (0:26)
>>15123175 Hey Aussie Gov - busy week
>>15123181, >>15123248, >>15123279, >>15123294 U.S. Naval Institute @NavalInstitute Today is #NationalMuttDay. It is unclear if this pup on the hospital ship USS Comfort in 1918
>>15123194 Cult Agent 007.2 "Ben Santer" with University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit Scientific Fraud Fabrication Unit
>>15123193, >>15123273 "We have a group of people that are destroying our Country and, perhaps, knowingly destroying our Country." - Donald Trump, Fox & Friends 12/02/2021
>>15123269, >>15123333, >>15123444, >>15123353, >>15123356, >>15123367, >>15123368, >>15123390, >>15123401, >>15123403, >>15123415, >>15123423, >>15123431, >>15123438, >>15123480, >>15123715, >>15123464, >>15123478, >>15123480, >>15123495, >>15123516, >>15123527, >>15123660 New York Times Complains That Cat Videos Are Being Used To Spread "Misinformation"
>>15123283, >>15123378, >>15123328 Pelosi Suffers Extreme 54-Second Cognitive Failure on Live TV (Cap 0:53)
>>15123287, >>15123332, >>15123376, >>15123443, >>15123504 U.S. Marines @USMC #Marines with the @11thmeu practice riot control drills on the flight deck of the @USNavy's USS Pearl Harbor, Nov. 29.
>>15123290 Cuomo Faces Federal Investigation Over Sexual Harassment Claims
>>15123320 Fifteen states are threatening to pull a combined $600 billion from banks
>>15123626 Panamanian Intermediary Pleads Guilty for His Role in an International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme
>>15123633 Former CEO Of Real Estate Private Equity Investment Firm Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For $58 Million Securities Fraud
>>15123642 Federal Jury Convicts Pharmacy Owner Of Conspiracy, Mail Fraud, And Misbranding For Role In Multi-Million Dollar Telemedicine Pharmacy Fraud Scheme
>>15123654 11 Defendants Indicted for Trafficking Cocaine in Northeastern Oklahoma
>>15123370 John Eastman's Lawyers Just Destroyed the Jan 6 Committee and Its 'Subpoenas'.
>>15123395 Chicago Public Schools announced new rules, removing gendered bathrooms (1:23)
>>15123410, >>15123470, >>15123540 17 bold Wreaths National Christmas Tree Lighting
>>15123565 DEVELOPING: House Passes Stopgap Bill in 221-212 Vote to Avert Government Shutdown - Bill Heads to Senate
>>15123520 Hundreds of Google employees push back on Covid-19 vaccine mandate
>>15123602 Brisbane man jailed and seven children rescued following international investigation into child abuse
>>15123662 Watch Falcon 9 launch 48 Starlink satellites and two BlackSky spacecraft to orbit
>>15123668 Meet Vineeta Agarwala, adjunct clinical professor and wife of new Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal
>>15123692 PEDO BUN 2 December 21
>>15123693 PF Report "JET2" registered one Sweden out of Stockholm
>>15123714 QClock December 2, 2021 [187] As The World Turns
>>15123647 Time-lapse I made of the genomic epidemiology of SARS-COV-2 since the first wuhan strain
>>15123740, >>15123772 Heading into the Storm....
>>15123751, >>15123767, >>15123777 Just heard Trump is upping his security detail
>>15123774 NYPD's top cop Dermot Shea and second in command file for retirement
>>15123815 #19132
#15125453 at 2021-12-03 03:29:31 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19135: Fuckerberg VR Chat With Klaus Schwab in the Metaverse Edition
>>15123335 Drop #133 Epstein island
>>15123580 Maxwell full court transcripts
>>15123293 Day 4 Maxwell trial: Epstein Photos With Pope and Fidel Raised Along With Dildos By Palm Beach House Manager
>>15123445 Jeffrey Epstein's former housekeeper claims Ghislaine Maxwell was 'lady of the house'
>>15123088 EU chief Ursula Van Der Leyen calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code
>>15123095 Steve Bannon appears to be using his criminal case to go after the committee that went after him
>>15123149 It Was The Gun That Killed Her, Not Me Baldwin
>>15123167 Top kek which of you faggots did this? QR codes (0:26)
>>15123175 Hey Aussie Gov - busy week
>>15123181, >>15123248, >>15123279, >>15123294 U.S. Naval Institute @NavalInstitute Today is #NationalMuttDay. It is unclear if this pup on the hospital ship USS Comfort in 1918
>>15123194 Cult Agent 007.2 "Ben Santer" with University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit Scientific Fraud Fabrication Unit
>>15123193, >>15123273 "We have a group of people that are destroying our Country and, perhaps, knowingly destroying our Country." - Donald Trump, Fox & Friends 12/02/2021
>>15123269, >>15123333, >>15123444, >>15123353, >>15123356, >>15123367, >>15123368, >>15123390, >>15123401, >>15123403, >>15123415, >>15123423, >>15123431, >>15123438, >>15123480, >>15123715, >>15123464, >>15123478, >>15123480, >>15123495, >>15123516, >>15123527, >>15123660 New York Times Complains That Cat Videos Are Being Used To Spread "Misinformation"
>>15123283, >>15123378, >>15123328 Pelosi Suffers Extreme 54-Second Cognitive Failure on Live TV (Cap 0:53)
>>15123287, >>15123332, >>15123376, >>15123443, >>15123504 U.S. Marines @USMC #Marines with the @11thmeu practice riot control drills on the flight deck of the @USNavy's USS Pearl Harbor, Nov. 29.
>>15123290 Cuomo Faces Federal Investigation Over Sexual Harassment Claims
>>15123320 Fifteen states are threatening to pull a combined $600 billion from banks
>>15123626 Panamanian Intermediary Pleads Guilty for His Role in an International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme
>>15123633 Former CEO Of Real Estate Private Equity Investment Firm Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For $58 Million Securities Fraud
>>15123642 Federal Jury Convicts Pharmacy Owner Of Conspiracy, Mail Fraud, And Misbranding For Role In Multi-Million Dollar Telemedicine Pharmacy Fraud Scheme
>>15123654 11 Defendants Indicted for Trafficking Cocaine in Northeastern Oklahoma
>>15123370 John Eastman's Lawyers Just Destroyed the Jan 6 Committee and Its 'Subpoenas'.
>>15123395 Chicago Public Schools announced new rules, removing gendered bathrooms (1:23)
>>15123410, >>15123470, >>15123540 17 bold Wreaths National Christmas Tree Lighting
>>15123565 DEVELOPING: House Passes Stopgap Bill in 221-212 Vote to Avert Government Shutdown - Bill Heads to Senate
>>15123520 Hundreds of Google employees push back on Covid-19 vaccine mandate
>>15123602 Brisbane man jailed and seven children rescued following international investigation into child abuse
>>15123662 Watch Falcon 9 launch 48 Starlink satellites and two BlackSky spacecraft to orbit
>>15123668 Meet Vineeta Agarwala, adjunct clinical professor and wife of new Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal
>>15123692 PEDO BUN 2 December 21
>>15123693 PF Report "JET2" registered one Sweden out of Stockholm
>>15123714 QClock December 2, 2021 [187] As The World Turns
>>15123647 Time-lapse I made of the genomic epidemiology of SARS-COV-2 since the first wuhan strain
>>15123740, >>15123772 Heading into the Storm....
>>15123751, >>15123767, >>15123777 Just heard Trump is upping his security detail
>>15123774 NYPD's top cop Dermot Shea and second in command file for retirement
>>15123815 #19132
#15125194 at 2021-12-03 02:48:45 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1913: Stop Injecting the World and Arrest Every Drug Companies CEO Edition
Kayleigh McEnany, former White House Press Secretary to President Trump, exposes the media's contempt for the Trump administration in her new book, "For Such a Time as This: My Faith Journey Through the White House and Beyond."
Months after Joe Biden assuming the oval office, McEnany said there has been "vindication" from all of the slander, rumors, and blatant lies that the mainstream media perpetrated about the 45th president and his staff.
"As it turns out, the press was wrong, and Trump was right," writes McEnany.
Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany holds up a New York Post newspaper during a news conference in the James Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 17 June 2020.
Hammering away at the press' unethical conduct, McEnany praises Trump for being "correct" in his suspicion that Covid-19 originated from the wuhan Institute of Virology.
At the time, liberal news outlets condemned Trump for even raising the question, but new evidence has risen supporting the claim. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., cross examined Dr. Fauci in July to see if Fauci's research agency funded gain-of-function practices at the wuhan Virology Laboratory. Under oath in a congressional hearing, Fauci denied that he had ever funded gain-of function research at the wuhan lab.
However, a letter published by the National Institute of Health revealed that money from a grant was sub-awarded to the wuhan lab for the purposes of studying the relationship between spike proteins from bat coronaviruses and the human ACE2 receptor.
Despite the mountainous amount of validation, little to no consequences have followed, leaving McEnany displeased with the lack of "accountability." Journalists haven't lost their credentials and major news outlets have issued few corrections or apologies for misleading their viewers. Remaining mute, the press is "ignoring its own lies," says McEnany. Detailing how the press reports on Republicans, the Florida native waxed eloquently on how left-wing reporters do nothing but name-call conservatives.
Kayleigh McEnany's tenure as White House press secretary in the Trump administration began April 2020 and concluded in January 2021.
#15124580 at 2021-12-03 01:18:05 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #1913: Stop Injecting the World and Arrest Every Drug Companies CEO Edition
>>15123335 Drop #133 Epstein island
>>15123580 Maxwell full court transcripts
>>15123293 Day 4 Maxwell trial: Epstein Photos With Pope and Fidel Raised Along With Dildos By Palm Beach House Manager
>>15123445 Jeffrey Epstein's former housekeeper claims Ghislaine Maxwell was 'lady of the house'
>>15123088 EU chief Ursula Van Der Leyen calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code
>>15123095 Steve Bannon appears to be using his criminal case to go after the committee that went after him
>>15123149 It Was The Gun That Killed Her, Not Me Baldwin
>>15123167 Top kek which of you faggots did this? QR codes (0:26)
>>15123175 Hey Aussie Gov - busy week
>>15123181, >>15123248, >>15123279, >>15123294 U.S. Naval Institute @NavalInstitute Today is #NationalMuttDay. It is unclear if this pup on the hospital ship USS Comfort in 1918
>>15123194 Cult Agent 007.2 "Ben Santer" with University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit Scientific Fraud Fabrication Unit
>>15123193, >>15123273 "We have a group of people that are destroying our Country and, perhaps, knowingly destroying our Country." - Donald Trump, Fox & Friends 12/02/2021
>>15123269, >>15123333, >>15123444, >>15123353, >>15123356, >>15123367, >>15123368, >>15123390, >>15123401, >>15123403, >>15123415, >>15123423, >>15123431, >>15123438, >>15123480, >>15123715, >>15123464, >>15123478, >>15123480, >>15123495, >>15123516, >>15123527, >>15123660 New York Times Complains That Cat Videos Are Being Used To Spread "Misinformation"
>>15123283, >>15123378, >>15123328 Pelosi Suffers Extreme 54-Second Cognitive Failure on Live TV (Cap 0:53)
>>15123287, >>15123332, >>15123376, >>15123443, >>15123504 U.S. Marines @USMC #Marines with the @11thmeu practice riot control drills on the flight deck of the @USNavy's USS Pearl Harbor, Nov. 29.
>>15123290 Cuomo Faces Federal Investigation Over Sexual Harassment Claims
>>15123320 Fifteen states are threatening to pull a combined $600 billion from banks
>>15123626 Panamanian Intermediary Pleads Guilty for His Role in an International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme
>>15123633 Former CEO Of Real Estate Private Equity Investment Firm Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For $58 Million Securities Fraud
>>15123642 Federal Jury Convicts Pharmacy Owner Of Conspiracy, Mail Fraud, And Misbranding For Role In Multi-Million Dollar Telemedicine Pharmacy Fraud Scheme
>>15123654 11 Defendants Indicted for Trafficking Cocaine in Northeastern Oklahoma
>>15123370 John Eastman's Lawyers Just Destroyed the Jan 6 Committee and Its 'Subpoenas'.
>>15123395 Chicago Public Schools announced new rules, removing gendered bathrooms (1:23)
>>15123410, >>15123470, >>15123540 17 bold Wreaths National Christmas Tree Lighting
>>15123565 DEVELOPING: House Passes Stopgap Bill in 221-212 Vote to Avert Government Shutdown - Bill Heads to Senate
>>15123520 Hundreds of Google employees push back on Covid-19 vaccine mandate
>>15123602 Brisbane man jailed and seven children rescued following international investigation into child abuse
>>15123662 Watch Falcon 9 launch 48 Starlink satellites and two BlackSky spacecraft to orbit
>>15123668 Meet Vineeta Agarwala, adjunct clinical professor and wife of new Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal
>>15123692 PEDO BUN 2 December 21
>>15123693 PF Report "JET2" registered one Sweden out of Stockholm
>>15123714 QClock December 2, 2021 [187] As The World Turns
>>15123647 Time-lapse I made of the genomic epidemiology of SARS-COV-2 since the first wuhan strain
>>15123740, >>15123772 Heading into the Storm....
>>15123751, >>15123767, >>15123777 Just heard Trump is upping his security detail
>>15123774 NYPD's top cop Dermot Shea and second in command file for retirement
>>15123815 #19132
#15124262 at 2021-12-03 00:34:02 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19133: John Eastman’s Lawyers Destroy the J6 Commies & ‘Subpoenas’ Edition
Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [02.12.21 17:57]
[Forwarded from Chief Nerd]
[ Video ]
Time-lapse I made of the genomic epidemiology of SARS-COV-2 since the first wuhan strain
Notice that Omicron makes a sudden appearance inconsistent with the other variants, and contains the largest number of mutations
Source: https://nextstrain.org/ncov/gisaid/global
#15123841 at 2021-12-02 23:52:16 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19133: John Eastman’s Lawyers Destroy the J6 Commies & ‘Subpoenas’ Edition
>>15123335 Drop #133 Epstein island
>>15123580 Maxwell full court transcripts
>>15123293 Day 4 Maxwell trial: Epstein Photos With Pope and Fidel Raised Along With Dildos By Palm Beach House Manager
>>15123445 Jeffrey Epstein's former housekeeper claims Ghislaine Maxwell was 'lady of the house'
>>15123088 EU chief Ursula Van Der Leyen calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code
>>15123095 Steve Bannon appears to be using his criminal case to go after the committee that went after him
>>15123149 It Was The Gun That Killed Her, Not Me Baldwin
>>15123167 Top kek which of you faggots did this? QR codes (0:26)
>>15123175 Hey Aussie Gov - busy week
>>15123181, >>15123248, >>15123279, >>15123294 U.S. Naval Institute @NavalInstitute Today is #NationalMuttDay. It is unclear if this pup on the hospital ship USS Comfort in 1918
>>15123194 Cult Agent 007.2 "Ben Santer" with University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit Scientific Fraud Fabrication Unit
>>15123193, >>15123273 "We have a group of people that are destroying our Country and, perhaps, knowingly destroying our Country." - Donald Trump, Fox & Friends 12/02/2021
>>15123269, >>15123333, >>15123444, >>15123353, >>15123356, >>15123367, >>15123368, >>15123390, >>15123401, >>15123403, >>15123415, >>15123423, >>15123431, >>15123438, >>15123480, >>15123715, >>15123464, >>15123478, >>15123480, >>15123495, >>15123516, >>15123527, >>15123660 New York Times Complains That Cat Videos Are Being Used To Spread "Misinformation"
>>15123283, >>15123378, >>15123328 Pelosi Suffers Extreme 54-Second Cognitive Failure on Live TV (Cap 0:53)
>>15123287, >>15123332, >>15123376, >>15123443, >>15123504 U.S. Marines @USMC #Marines with the @11thmeu practice riot control drills on the flight deck of the @USNavy's USS Pearl Harbor, Nov. 29.
>>15123290 Cuomo Faces Federal Investigation Over Sexual Harassment Claims
>>15123320 Fifteen states are threatening to pull a combined $600 billion from banks
>>15123626 Panamanian Intermediary Pleads Guilty for His Role in an International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme
>>15123633 Former CEO Of Real Estate Private Equity Investment Firm Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For $58 Million Securities Fraud
>>15123642 Federal Jury Convicts Pharmacy Owner Of Conspiracy, Mail Fraud, And Misbranding For Role In Multi-Million Dollar Telemedicine Pharmacy Fraud Scheme
>>15123654 11 Defendants Indicted for Trafficking Cocaine in Northeastern Oklahoma
>>15123370 John Eastman's Lawyers Just Destroyed the Jan 6 Committee and Its 'Subpoenas'.
>>15123395 Chicago Public Schools announced new rules, removing gendered bathrooms (1:23)
>>15123410, >>15123470, >>15123540 17 bold Wreaths National Christmas Tree Lighting
>>15123565 DEVELOPING: House Passes Stopgap Bill in 221-212 Vote to Avert Government Shutdown - Bill Heads to Senate
>>15123520 Hundreds of Google employees push back on Covid-19 vaccine mandate
>>15123602 Brisbane man jailed and seven children rescued following international investigation into child abuse
>>15123662 Watch Falcon 9 launch 48 Starlink satellites and two BlackSky spacecraft to orbit
>>15123668 Meet Vineeta Agarwala, adjunct clinical professor and wife of new Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal
>>15123692 PEDO BUN 2 December 21
>>15123693 PF Report "JET2" registered one Sweden out of Stockholm
>>15123714 QClock December 2, 2021 [187] As The World Turns
>>15123647 Time-lapse I made of the genomic epidemiology of SARS-COV-2 since the first wuhan strain
>>15123740, >>15123772 Heading into the Storm....
>>15123751, >>15123767, >>15123777 Just heard Trump is upping his security detail
>>15123774 NYPD's top cop Dermot Shea and second in command file for retirement
>>15123815 #19132
#15123815 at 2021-12-02 23:50:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19132: Happenings On The Radar Edition
>>15123335 Drop #133 Epstein island
>>15123580 Maxwell full court transcripts
>>15123293 Day 4 Maxwell trial: Epstein Photos With Pope and Fidel Raised Along With Dildos By Palm Beach House Manager
>>15123445 Jeffrey Epstein's former housekeeper claims Ghislaine Maxwell was 'lady of the house'
>>15123088 EU chief Ursula Van Der Leyen calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code
>>15123095 Steve Bannon appears to be using his criminal case to go after the committee that went after him
>>15123149 It Was The Gun That Killed Her, Not Me Baldwin
>>15123167 Top kek which of you faggots did this? QR codes (0:26)
>>15123175 Hey Aussie Gov - busy week
>>15123181, >>15123248, >>15123279, >>15123294 U.S. Naval Institute @NavalInstitute Today is #NationalMuttDay. It is unclear if this pup on the hospital ship USS Comfort in 1918
>>15123194 Cult Agent 007.2 "Ben Santer" with University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit Scientific Fraud Fabrication Unit
>>15123193, >>15123273 "We have a group of people that are destroying our Country and, perhaps, knowingly destroying our Country." - Donald Trump, Fox & Friends 12/02/2021
>>15123269, >>15123333, >>15123444, >>15123353, >>15123356, >>15123367, >>15123368, >>15123390, >>15123401, >>15123403, >>15123415, >>15123423, >>15123431, >>15123438, >>15123480, >>15123715, >>15123464, >>15123478, >>15123480, >>15123495, >>15123516, >>15123527, >>15123660 New York Times Complains That Cat Videos Are Being Used To Spread "Misinformation"
>>15123283, >>15123378, >>15123328 Pelosi Suffers Extreme 54-Second Cognitive Failure on Live TV (Cap 0:53)
>>15123287, >>15123332, >>15123376, >>15123443, >>15123504 U.S. Marines @USMC #Marines with the @11thmeu practice riot control drills on the flight deck of the @USNavy's USS Pearl Harbor, Nov. 29.
>>15123290 Cuomo Faces Federal Investigation Over Sexual Harassment Claims
>>15123320 Fifteen states are threatening to pull a combined $600 billion from banks
>>15123626 Panamanian Intermediary Pleads Guilty for His Role in an International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme
>>15123633 Former CEO Of Real Estate Private Equity Investment Firm Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For $58 Million Securities Fraud
>>15123642 Federal Jury Convicts Pharmacy Owner Of Conspiracy, Mail Fraud, And Misbranding For Role In Multi-Million Dollar Telemedicine Pharmacy Fraud Scheme
>>15123654 11 Defendants Indicted for Trafficking Cocaine in Northeastern Oklahoma
>>15123370 John Eastman's Lawyers Just Destroyed the Jan 6 Committee and Its 'Subpoenas'.
>>15123395 Chicago Public Schools announced new rules, removing gendered bathrooms (1:23)
>>15123410, >>15123470, >>15123540 17 bold Wreaths National Christmas Tree Lighting
>>15123565 DEVELOPING: House Passes Stopgap Bill in 221-212 Vote to Avert Government Shutdown - Bill Heads to Senate
>>15123520 Hundreds of Google employees push back on Covid-19 vaccine mandate
>>15123602 Brisbane man jailed and seven children rescued following international investigation into child abuse
>>15123662 Watch Falcon 9 launch 48 Starlink satellites and two BlackSky spacecraft to orbit
>>15123668 Meet Vineeta Agarwala, adjunct clinical professor and wife of new Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal
>>15123692 PEDO BUN 2 December 21
>>15123693 PF Report "JET2" registered one Sweden out of Stockholm
>>15123714 QClock December 2, 2021 [187] As The World Turns
>>15123647 Time-lapse I made of the genomic epidemiology of SARS-COV-2 since the first wuhan strain
>>15123740, >>15123772 Heading into the Storm....
>>15123751, >>15123767, >>15123777 Just heard Trump is upping his security detail
>>15123774 NYPD's top cop Dermot Shea and second in command file for retirement
#15123647 at 2021-12-02 23:21:55 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #19132: Happenings On The Radar Edition
Time-lapse I made of the genomic epidemiology of SARS-COV-2 since the first wuhan strain
Notice that Omicron makes a sudden appearance inconsistent with the other variants, and contains the largest number of mutations
Source: https://nextstrain.org/ncov/gisaid/global
8kun Midnight Riders Posts (588)
8chan/8kun QRB Posts (598)
endchan qanonresearch Posts (63)
endchan qrbunker Posts (183)
Q-Posts ANSWERS (14)
- Question: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-we-were-lied-to-about-coronavirus-and-the-mass-lockdowns-heres-the-proof "We were all played. Corrupt politicians scared us into giving up control over the most basic questions in our lives. At the same time, they gave more power to their obedient followers, like Antifa, while keeping the rest of us trapped at home and censored online." virus OR ELECTION? virus OR EXCUSE TO PUSH VOTE-BY-MAIL?
Answer: FOX: Tucker Carlson: We were lied to about coronavirus and the mass lockdowns. Here's the proof by Tucker Carlson 6-11-20 https://archive.fo/lWkXQ ...we do think it's worth four minutes taking a pause to assess whether or not they were in fact lying to us about the coronavirus and our response to it. And the short answer is this: Yes, they were definitely lying. As a matter of public health, we can say conclusively the lockdowns were not necessary. In fact, we can prove that. And here's the most powerful evidence: States that never locked down at all -- states where people were allowed to live like Americans and not cower indoors alone -- in the end turned out no worse than states that had mandatory quarantines. The state you probably live in. The states that locked down at first but were quick to reopen have not seen explosions of coronavirus cases. All of this is the opposite of what they said would happen with great confidence. The media predicted mass death at places like Lake of the Ozarks and Ocean City, Md. -- places where the middle class dares to vacation. But those deaths never happened. In the end, the wuhan coronavirus turned out to be a dangerous disease, but a manageable disease, like so many others. Far more dangerous were the lockdowns themselves. For example, in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, panicked and incompetent governors forced nursing homes to accept infected coronavirus patients, and as a result, many thousands died, and they died needlessly.[...] So, one minute they were mass murderers for going outside. Now, they're Sam Adams. They're patriots. They're American heroes. If all of this seems like a pretty abrupt pivot, fret not. Rioting is not a health risk as long as it helps the Democratic Party's prospects in the November election. Rioting will not spread the coronavirus. Sounds implausible, but we can be certain of that, because last week, hundreds of self-described public health officials signed a letter saying so. They announced that the Black Lives Matter riots are a vital contribution to public health. In effect, they're an essential medical procedure. But that doesn't mean you get to go outside. You don't. Thanks to coronavirus, you do not have the right to resume your life, and if you complain about that, it's "white nationalism." That was their professional conclusion.
Extra Answer:
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.breitbart.com/health/2020/05/27/italy-96-of-coronavirus-fatalities-had-other-chronic-illnesses/ The more you know…
Answer: BREITBART: Italy: 96% of Coronavirus Fatalities Had Other Chronic Illnesses by THOMAS D. WILLIAMS, PH.D.27 May 2020 https://archive.fo/vwtrf ROME — The overwhelming majority of deaths with coronavirus in Italy have occurred in the presence of two or more serious chronic illnesses, according to a report from the country’s national health authority (ISS). Italian health authorities announced in a recent report that only 4.1 percent of fatalities testing positive for wuhan coronavirus happened in the absence of serious comorbidities, while the average age of the deceased was over 80 years. The average number of comorbidities among all Italian deaths with the coronavirus was 3.1, ISS revealed. Just 15 percent of fatalities occurred with the presence of just one other serious pathology, while 21.4 percent died with two other pathologies, and 59.6 percent with three or more pathologies. The most common comorbidities were arterial hypertension (in 68.3 percent of cases), type-2 diabetes (30.1 percent of cases), ischemic heart disease (in 28.2 percent), atrial fibrillation (22.5 percent), chronic renal failure (20.4 percent).
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/tZNB2SNT
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/may/21/australian-researchers-see-virus-design-manipulati/
Answer: WASHINGTON TIMES: Australian researchers see virus design manipulation By Bill Gertz - The Washington Times - Thursday, May 21, 2020 A forthcoming Australian scientific study concludes that the coronavirus causing the global pandemic contains unique properties suggesting it was manipulated in a Chinese laboratory and was not the result of a natural occurrence. Five scientists who conducted the study discovered an unusual ability of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as the pathogen behind COVID-19 is called, to easily infect humans. The scientists said there is no sign so far that the virus can be found in other animals, including bats or the exotic wildlife sold for fresh meat at a market in the Chinese city of wuhan, where the virus was first identified and where China maintains a major laboratory studying such viruses.
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/0zKryHk3
Open Answer:
- Question: https://qcostarica.com/hydroxychloroquine-the-drug-costa-rica-uses-successfully-to-fight-covid-19/ "Hydroxychloroquine was used in Shanghai as the first line of treatment." USA lockdown v China lockdown [non wuhan][days]? MSM [D]s 'vested interest' in censoring and attacking anything re: HCQ? Why? [SCREENSHOT OF Q post >>9091582 5-9-20 Lockdown in China vs in US]
Answer: filename: 00db16b1e4fc01beb688a4b51cd1d095c5d4d015141ca35007d679435d2a9d7a.jpg Q COSTA RICA: Hydroxychloroquine: The Drug Costa Rica Uses Successfully To Fight Covid-19 By Rico19 April 2020 https://archive.fo/mewIo Used in the world for decades in the treatment of malaria, a month ago, the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) decided to apply hydroxychloroquine to patients infected with the new coronavirus until a vaccine is available. The medical director of the Caja, Mario Ruiz, as the director of Pharmacoepidemiology, Marjorie Obando Elizondo, the director of the Children’s Hospital, Olga Arguedas and the minister of Health, Daniel Salas, confirmed the use of the drug and the success in mitigating and containing the progression of the virus and also in reducing the number of patients who must be hospitalized in intensive care units. “In Costa Rica we have been applying hydroxychloroquine since we had a meeting by teleconference with personnel in China who attended the emergency in the cities of Shanghai and wuhan,†explained Ruiz. That videoconference, offered by the Chinese Embassy in Costa Rica, ​​took place on the night of March 18. It included, among others, the director-general and the director of epidemiology of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (briefly as China CDC). “We decided to ask for help from those who have gone through this. The experts from Shanghai and wuhan gave us recommendations for patient management. We were told that it is key that a mild or moderate patient does not become severe. They explained that they used hydroxychloroquine for this, but never azithromycin (an antibiotic for respiratory infections) due to the associated cardiac complications,†Ruiz said. CHINA GAVE COSTA RICA ADVICE ON USING HCQ, BEFORE DERIDING POTUS FOR USING HCQ - THEY KNOW IT WORKS
Extra Answer: original image: https://media.8kun.top/file_store/00db16b1e4fc01beb688a4b51cd1d095c5d4d015141ca35007d679435d2a9d7a.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/vcw2CJjm SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/wtMwhgtw COSTA RICA IS NOT THE ONLY COUNTRY USING HCQ: UK bulk buys hydroxychloroquine as potential Covid-19 treatment https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/19/uk-to-test-hydroxychloroqine-as-coronavirus-treatment Coronavirus Australia live news: Hydroxychloroquine trial prepared for health workers https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-05-20/coronavirus-live-news-covid-19-latest-hydroxychloroquine/12265004 SYRIA - Factories in Syria Ramp Up Production of Hydroxychloroquine Amid Soaring Demand https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/05/11/853681098/factories-in-syria-ramp-up-production-of-hydroxychloroquine-amid-soaring-demand
Open Answer:
- Question: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-05/china-is-trying-to-patent-gilead-s-experimental-coronavirus-drug https://www.gatesfoundation.org/Media-Center/Press-Releases/2010/12/Global-Health-Leaders-Launch-Decade-of-Vaccines-Collaboration https://gcgh.grandchallenges.org/about/scientific-board
Answer: BLOOMBERG: China Wants to Patent Gilead’s Experimental Coronavirus Drug Bloomberg News February 5, 2020, 5:00 AM UTC Updated on February 5, 2020, 11:47 AM UTC https://archive.fo/2JswN wuhan’s virology institute has applied for remdesivir’s patent Gilead said human trials on the drug have begun in China GATES FOUNDATION: Global Health Leaders Launch Decade of Vaccines Collaboration | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Vaccine Action Plan to guide discovery, development and delivery of lifesaving vaccines NEW YORK -- The World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced a collaboration to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan. The collaboration follows the January 2010 call by Bill and Melinda Gates for the next ten years to be the Decade of Vaccines. The Global Vaccine Action Plan will enable greater coordination across all stakeholder groups – national governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations -- and will identify critical policy, resource, and other gaps that must be addressed to realize the life-saving potential of vaccines. The structure of the Decade of Vaccines Collaboration includes a Leadership Council to provide oversight for the planning effort, a Steering Committee that holds the primary responsibility for developing the action plan, an International Advisory Committee to assist the Leadership Council in evaluating the action plan, and a Secretariat for administrative support. The Leadership Council: Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health GCGH: SCIENTIFIC BOARD (part of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) https://archive.fo/b5AK4 Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Member, Scientific Board Director National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases National Institutes of Health United States
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/4mt38Ggx
Open Answer: 194 studies found on hcq+covid http://ClinicalTrials.gov
- Question: https://twitter.com/MariaBartiromo/status/1262065546775932930 Public v [matters of NAT SEC]
Answer: MariaBartiromo tweet: https://archive.vn/T0fiJ Trump: We have a lot of information on wuhan lab and it’s not good http://ow.ly/YpLF30qGQUN @SundayFutures @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump Trump: We have a lot of information on wuhan lab and it’s not good President Trump sits down with ‘Sunday Morning Futures’ anchor Maria Bartiromo to discuss the role the wuhan lab played in the coronavirus pandemic. video.foxnews.com 10:00 AM - 17 May 2020
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/mtjHKtgg/14d7b0a9
Open Answer:
- Question: Origin Country of COVID-19: China Origin City of COVID-19: wuhan How long was wuhan on lockdown: 76 days How long was the remainder of China on lockdown: CNY extend Jan 24 - Feb 9 (avg): 16 days https://www.china-briefing.com/news/china-extends-lunar-new-year-holiday-february-2-shanghai-february-9-contain-coronavirus-outbreak/📠How long has the US been on lockdown? No spread of COVID-19 outside of wuhan? How is it possible the source Country of the virus (minus wuhan) was on lockdown for only 16 days? How long has the US been on lockdown? Forecasted lockdown CA, NY, OR, MI, ……? Reconcile. Logical thinking.
Answer: CHINA BRIEFING: China’s Extended Lunar New Year Holiday Schedule February 10, 2020 https://web.archive.org/web/20200509090357/https://www.china-briefing.com/news/china-extends-lunar-new-year-holiday-february-2-shanghai-february-9-contain-coronavirus-outbreak/ On January 30, Jiangxi Province and Shandong Province announced non-essential enterprises will be closed till February 9. On January 29, Hubei Province announced that enterprises in the province will be closed till February 13. On January 29, Anhui Province announced the delay in resumption of work for non-essential enterprises to February 9. On January 28, Chongqing also announced that non-essential enterprises in the administrative area will remain closed till February 9. On January 29, the provinces of Jiangsu and Yunnan announced that non-essential enterprises must delay work to February 9 (see here for official announcement) for Jiangsu and here for Yunnan). On January 28, Guangdong Province announced that it will delay resumption of work and school to after February 9 and February 17-24, respectively. (See official announcement here.) On January 27, Zhejiang Province announced it is delaying return to work and school to February 9. (See official announcement here.) On January 27, Shanghai announced that all enterprises will remain closed till February 9. (See official notification from the Shanghai municipal government here.) https://web.archive.org/web/20200509090357/https://www.china-briefing.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/China-Coronavirus-Factory-Re-openings-by-Province.jpg
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/R34NXv6v THE SPRUNG TRAP POTUS declared a NATIONAL EMERGENCY after ALL 50 states had declared a state of emergency. He HAD to wait for ALL states to declare a state of emergency, and when they did, he set the trap. Remember the drop that reads, "Those who scream the loudest"? POTUS asked the civilian population to self quarantine for 15 days at first. Soon as he did that and the 15 days passed who was it still screaming to keep lock-downs in place….mainly NYC and other democrat governors, after all, THEY were the ones screaming the loudest, so he played along…more or less give them more rope to hang themselves with. POTUS mentioned in one of his pressers that he was leaving it up to the governors to decide because each location was different and could be handled differently. In short, he let the governors do what they thought, (and I say thought because there were some that did do what was right and fair), what was right according to their own mind. Thing is, those governors didn't count on the people to stand up when they pushed to far. Trap sprung! NOW POTUS knows which governors to trust, and which ones to round up. Anybody noticing how governors are starting to be a main topic of the media? Especially the ones that went for the strictest lock-downs, and how some are being ordered to explain the plan for lock-downs now. State attorney general challenges governor over lockdown orders https://www.foxnews.com/media/kentucky-attorney-general-says-democratic-govs-arbitrary-travel-ban-is-unconstitutional Governor to close all beaches due to coronavirus: memo https://www.foxnews.com/us/gavin-newsom-to-close-all-california-becahes-state-parks-memo Judicial Watch Sues California to Stop Governor Newsom’s Initiative to Provide $75 Million in Cash Benefits to Illegal Aliens https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-releases/jw-sues-newsom-aliens/ Coronavirus lockdown: New York, New Jersey residents losing patience with governors' reluctance to give firm dates for reopening https://www.foxnews.com/us/coronavirus-lockdowns-new-york-new-jersey-losing-patience Now add this into the mix, from Pompeo and his meeting with the governors start at 3:20 and hear what Pompeo told those governors concerning the list that China has of them, all 50 of them, and how they have them catagorized. You'll be shocked. Secretary Pompeo's Remarks to the NGA - https://youtu.be/g1BbswU3i10
Open Answer:
- Question: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16115318/ https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30251-8/fulltext When the protein sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding site was analyzed, an interesting result was found. While SARS-CoV-2 is overall more similar to bat coronaviruses, the receptor binding site was more similar to SARS-CoV. https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30262-2?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867420302622%3Fshowall%3Dtrue Both SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV use the same host cell receptor. It also found that, for both viruses, the viral proteins used for host cell entry bind to the receptor with the same tightness (affinity). Knowledge is power.
Answer: PUBMED: Virol J . 2005 Aug 22;2:69. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69. Chloroquine Is a Potent Inhibitor of SARS Coronavirus Infection and Spread Martin J Vincent 1, Eric Bergeron, Suzanne Benjannet, Bobbie R Erickson, Pierre E Rollin, Thomas G Ksiazek, Nabil G Seidah, Stuart T Nichol Affiliations expand PMID: 16115318 PMCID: PMC1232869 DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69 Abstract Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy is currently available. https://archive.fo/dmhwp THE LANCET: VOLUME 395, ISSUE 10224, P565-574, FEBRUARY 22, 2020 Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding Prof Roujian Lu, MSc *• Xiang Zhao, MD *• Juan Li, PhD *• Peihua Niu, PhD *• Bo Yang, MSc *• Honglong Wu, MSc *• et al. Published:January 30, 2020•DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30251-8 Summary Background In late December, 2019, patients presenting with viral pneumonia due to an unidentified microbial agent were reported in wuhan, China. A novel coronavirus was subsequently identified as the causative pathogen, provisionally named 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). As of Jan 26, 2020, more than 2000 cases of 2019-nCoV infection have been confirmed, most of which involved people living in or visiting wuhan, and human-to-human transmission has been confirmed. https://archive.fo/CKpNB CELL.COM: VOLUME 181, ISSUE 2, P281-292.E6, APRIL 16, 2020 Structure, Function, and Antigenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein Alexandra C. Walls 5 • Young-Jun Park 5 • M. Alejandra Tortorici • Abigail Wall • Andrew T. McGuire • David Veesler 6 Open Access•Published:March 09, 2020•DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.02.058• PlumX Metrics Highlights • SARS-CoV-2 uses ACE2 to enter target cells • SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV bind with similar affinities to ACE2 • Structures of SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein in two conformations • SARS-CoV polyclonal antibodies inhibit SARS-CoV-2 spike-mediated entry into cells Summary The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in >90,000 infections and >3,000 deaths. Coronavirus spike (S) glycoproteins promote entry into cells and are the main target of antibodies. We show that SARS-CoV-2 S uses ACE2 to enter cells and that the receptor-binding domains of SARS-CoV-2 S and SARS-CoV S bind with similar affinities to human ACE2, correlating with the efficient spread of SARS-CoV-2 among humans. We found that the SARS-CoV-2 S glycoprotein harbors a furin cleavage site at the boundary between the S1/S2 subunits, which is processed during biogenesis and sets this virus apart from SARS-CoV and SARS-related CoVs. We determined cryo-EM structures of the SARS-CoV-2 S ectodomain trimer, providing a blueprint for the design of vaccines and inhibitors of viral entry. Finally, we demonstrate that SARS-CoV S murine polyclonal antibodies potently inhibited SARS-CoV-2 S mediated entry into cells, indicating that cross-neutralizing antibodies targeting conserved S epitopes can be elicited upon vaccination. https://archive.fo/pVKAV
Extra Answer: Patents by Inventor Anthony S. Fauci Anthony S. Fauci has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). https://patents.justia.com/inventor/anthony-s-fauci Use of antagonists of the interaction between HIV GP120 and ?4?7 integrin Patent number: 9896509 USE OF ANTAGONISTS OF THE INTERACTION BETWEEN HIV GP120 AND A4B7 INTEGRIN Publication number: 20160333097 USE OF ANTAGONISTS OF THE INTERACTION BETWEEN HIV GP120 AND A4B7 INTEGRIN Publication number: 20160075786 IMMUNOCONJUGATES COMPRISING CD4 AND IMMUNOGLOBIN MOLECULES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HIV INFECTION Publication number: 20090285815 Fusion protein including of CD4 Patent number: 7368114 HIV related peptides Patent number: 6911527 Efficient inhibition of hiv-1 viral entry through a novel fusion protein including of cd4 Publication number: 20040265306 Immunologic enhancement with intermittent interleukin-2 therapy Patent number: 5696079 Immunologic enhancement with intermittent interleukin-2 therapy Patent number: 6190656 Immunologic enhancement with intermittent interleukin-2 therapy Patent number: 6548055 Here is Fauci's latest patent. Use of antagonists of the interaction between HIV GP120 and ?4?7 integrin Patent number: 9896509 Abstract: Methods are provided for the treatment of a HIV infection. The methods can include administering to a subject with an HIV infection a therapeutically effective amount of an agent that interferes with the interaction of gp120 and ?4 integrin, such as a ?4?1 or ?4?7 integrin antagonist, thereby treating the HIV infection. In several examples, the ?4 integrin antagonist is a monoclonal antibody that specifically binds to a ?4, ?1 or ?7 integrin subunit or a cyclic hexapeptide with the amino acid sequence of CWLDVC. Methods are also provided to reduce HIV replication or infection. The methods include contacting a cell with an effective amount of an agent that interferes with the interaction of gp120 and ?4 integrin, such as a ?4?1 or ?4?7 integrin antagonist. Moreover, methods are provided for determining if an agent is useful to treat HIV. Type: Grant Filed: August 3, 2016 Date of Patent: February 20, 2018 Assignee: The United States of America, as Represented by the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services Inventors: James Arthos, Diana Goode, Claudia Cicala, Anthony S. Fauci SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/zb2dBhj2
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- Question: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/03/congressman-nancy-pelosi-blocking-investigation-chinese-coronavirus-origins/ Why would Pelosi [D] block origination-source [roll-out] investigation of COVID-19 in [China]? Prevent public exposure of truth? Ask yourself, why? [D]_People's_Republic_of_China
Answer: BREITBART: Exclusive– Congressman: Nancy Pelosi Blocking Investigation into Chinese Coronavirus Origins, Tax Money to wuhan Lab by MATTHEW BOYLE3 May 2020Washington, DC https://archive.fo/sHzvU Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) told Breitbart News this weekend that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would rather investigate President Donald Trump again than focus on the actual origins of the Chinese coronavirus and U.S. tax dollars that went to the wuhan Institute of Virology from which intelligence officials increasingly believe the virus leaked. Appearing on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, Reschenthaler discussed his efforts to investigate tax dollars that flowed through a New York firm to the wuhan lab. He said that Pelosi and House Democrats are not interested in holding the Chinese Communist Party accountable and, instead, want to focus their oversight efforts on politically harming President Trump again just like they tried and failed with the partisan impeachment last year and earlier this year.
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/bSsxxszF
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- Question: https://twitter.com/mitchellvii/status/1256669174094585856 2020 Presidential Election
Answer: mitchellvii tweet: https://archive.fo/yUxiE I TRIED TO TELL THEM BUT THEY WOULDNT LISTEN - There It Is: CDC Equates Coronavirus Hospitalizations to Seasonal Flu and Finally Admits It's MUCH LESS Dangerous for Children https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/cdc-equates-coronavirus-hospitalizations-seasonal-flu-finally-admits-much-less-dangerous-children/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostBottomSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons … via @gatewaypundit There It Is: CDC Equates Coronavirus Hospitalizations to Seasonal Flu and Finally Admits It's MUCH... In late February, nearly a month after Presient Trump banned travel from China to the United States in January, the CDC terrorized Americans by claiming the wuhan... thegatewaypundit.com 12:37 PM - 2 May 2020
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/F7hPvBzT
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- Question: https://twitter.com/johnrobertsFox/status/1256576858923073539📠What National/Global impact immediately occurs re: [intel assessment] the virus was [intentionally] released [in coordination w/ [CLAS 1-99]? How do you prevent a war? MATTERS OF NATIONAL SECURITY? Think timing. Who benefits the most? Common denominator: Do you believe Biden would admit to sexual assault simply by asking him? No? So why do it [ask]? Do you believe intel community would admit [DECLAS] foreign adversary intentionally released COVID-19? No? So why do it [ask]? [Jan 15] [D] Impeachment Articles transfer to Senate? https://thehill.com/homenews/house/478404-house-votes-to-send-impeachment-articles-to-senate📠[Jan 15] First COVID-19 U.S. case? https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/06/doctor-who-treated-first-us-coronavirus-patient-says-covid-19-has-been-circulating-unchecked-for-weeks.html
Answer: johnrobertsFox tweet: https://archive.fo/sUqIx A Senior Intelligence Source tells me there is agreement among most of the 17 Intelligence agencies that COVID-19 originated in the wuhan lab. The source stressed that the release is believed to be a MISTAKE, and was not intentional. 6:30 AM - 2 May 2020 CNBC: Doctor who treated first US coronavirus patient says COVID-19 has been ‘circulating unchecked’ for weeks PUBLISHED FRI, MAR 6 2020•11:04 AM EST|UPDATED FRI, MAR 6 2020•12:10 PM EST Berkeley Lovelace Jr. @BERKELEYJR William Feuer @WILLFOIA https://archive.fo/EQqr4 Dr. Amy Compton-Phillips recalled the day the first U.S. patient infected with COVID-19, a 35-year-old man from Snohomish County in Washington state, had taken a “turn for the worse.†“He was day nine in his course and he actually started going downhill, started getting worse,†said Compton-Phillips, chief clinical officer of Providence St. Joseph Health, where the patient was treated. At first, the patient only had common cold-like symptoms, Compton-Phillips said. But very quickly he began to have shortness of breath and a cough, she said. His X-ray also showed viral pneumonia. He needed supplemental oxygen and had to be put on an experimental antiviral treatment. The patient has recovered and has been released from the hospital. Since the patient landed at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Jan. 15 from the outbreak’s epicenter in wuhan, China, the virus has spread to at least 75 other people in Washington state, killing 14 in the U.S. so far — 13 in Washington and one in California, according to Johns Hopkins University.
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/yDsCwjCK
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- Question: https://twitter.com/johnrobertsFox/status/1255972553950220288 Think SIGINT Think CIA Think Double agents China thought they eliminated all in-country assets. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/20/world/asia/china-cia-spies-espionage.html Some things are better left untold [cov]. Public truths of some events force wars. WWIII prevent. Hello, Feinstein.
Answer: JohnRoberts tweet: https://archive.vn/BnzFD .@realDonaldTrump says he has seen intelligence that gives him a high degree of confidence that the coronavirus originated from the wuhan Institute of Virology - though he would not go into detail “I can’t say†2:29 PM - 30 Apr 2020 NY TIMES: Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations By Mark Mazzetti, Adam Goldman, Michael S. Schmidt and Matt Apuzzo May 20, 2017 https://archive.vn/pamBF WASHINGTON — The Chinese government systematically dismantled C.I.A. spying operations in the country starting in 2010, killing or imprisoning more than a dozen sources over two years and crippling intelligence gathering there for years afterward. Current and former American officials described the intelligence breach as one of the worst in decades. It set off a scramble in Washington’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies to contain the fallout, but investigators were bitterly divided over the cause. Some were convinced that a mole within the C.I.A. had betrayed the United States. Others believed that the Chinese had hacked the covert system the C.I.A. used to communicate with its foreign sources. Years later, that debate remains unresolved. FEINSTEIN = SENATOR DIANE FEINSTEIN (whose longtime driver was a CHINESE SPY)
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/mtpjns1G
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- Question: https://www.foxnews.com/world/state-department-cables-coronavirus-origin-chinese-lab-bats Some leaks destroy the MSM narrative. WHO BENEFITS THE MOST? https://twitter.com/TomFitton/status/1250133778623803393 [PARTIAL SCREENSHOT OF Q POST >>8537514 3-23-20 wuhan Institute of Virology [geo location]?]
Answer: filename: ET1TH9wXkAAsxY2.jpg FOX NEWS: State Department leaked cables renew theories on origin of coronavirus By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News https://archive.fo/aDFx8 TomFitton tweet: https://archive.fo/JH8r4 State Dept FOIA office is also shut down due to #coronavirus. We were told to wait indefinitely now on all our requests for Spygate abuses of @RealDonaldTrump and Biden scandal docs! So Biden, conveniently, will be protected from any Ukraine-Burisma disclosures!Tom Fitton added, 0:53 Tom Fitton Verified account  @TomFitton FBI Deep State uses #coronavirus as excuse to shut down FOIA and gov't transparency! 11:48 AM - 14 Apr 2020
Extra Answer: original image: https://media.8kun.top/file_store/18ea68868fa76278cd77ec8f8463b222538f8d30b3ce8e71423a308333c87888.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/3yBLGLNc SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/jwSM4zJd
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- Question: “the CHINA virus†Worth remembering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeVrMniBjSc wuhan Institute of Virology [geo location]? [1st biosafety lvl 4 lab – 2015] City/Province origin – hot zone [geo location]? https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university-professor-and-two-chinese-nationals-charged-three-separate-china-related “Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist†at [wuhan] University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.†[rapid spread] https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-closing-of-21-million-cell-phone-accounts-in-china-may-suggest-a-high-ccp-virus-death-toll_3281291.html >End POTUS rally(s)? >End POTUS econ gains? >End POTUS unemployment gains? >End POTUS [A, B, C, D, ……]? [weaken prior to P_elec?] >Delay US/China trade negotiations? [China pref Biden[+VP] as P?] >Shelter [Biden] public appearances? >Shelter [Biden] debate(s)? >Push new/revised P_2020 > vote by mail? [unsecure] https://twitter.com/TomFitton/status/1242071506445885441 >Push [D] ‘wish list’ [unrelated] items CV Bill [voting amends]? https://twitter.com/SenTomCotton/status/1242169734763819011 What is the mathematical probability this occurs [the ‘time bomb’ explodes] at the exact point in time that allows for maximum damage [above] prior to the P_elec? Outside of standard deviation? WHO BENEFITS THE MOST? [Mueller failed] [Impeachment failed] >Why was it critically important impeachment be rushed in the House? [MSM[D party]/Hollywood narrative(s) failed] [THE COUP FAILED] [D] party leading nominee established [super T] prior to lock-down [take-over]? [Sanders ELIM_Biden_FRONT] Occam's razor simply states that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, the simplest one is most likely the correct one. [PAPER FROM CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS OCT 2007 - "Severe Acute REspiratory Syndrome Coronavirus as an Emerging and Reemerging Infection"
Answer: filename: 2007_C_.JPG ARCHIVES Youtube - VP JUSTICE DEPT: Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, January 28, 2020 https://archive.fo/gdGxZ EPOCH TIMES: NOT RESPONDING TO ARCHIVES, WILL TRY AGAIN LATER -SA TomFitton tweet: https://archive.fo/E4UUg WARNING: Leftists using pretext of #CoronavirusOutbreak to push unsecure, "vote by mail" free for all, no voter id anywhere for 2020 elections. #HowtoStealAnElectionTom Fitton added, @TomFitton Voter fraud is a key civil rights issue. Who stands for voters who have their votes stolen? How many stolen votes is too many? @JudicialWatch stepping up. @CPAC 5:51 AM - 23 Mar 2020 SenTomCotton tweet: https://archive.fo/voeJF Families and businesses need help now to survive the China virus pandemic. But @SpeakerPelosi walked away from negotiations to write her own bill, full of absurd provisions completely unrelated to the crisis at hand. Here’s what Speaker Pelosi is demanding while Americans suffer: 12:21 PM - 23 Mar 2020 (FIRST IN A THREAD OF TWEETS - PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE THING ON THE ARCHIVE PAGE-SA]
Extra Answer: SCREENSHOT: https://postimg.cc/7bDC2LhT original image: https://media.8kun.top/file_store/de565ac37f14e66132e854f850065f1c9b6362c7db52f61ae3b5a94efec34493.jpg direct link: https://postimg.cc/SJnm206M
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